Category Archives: Huddersfield Broad Canal

Green Flags And Pins. 18th October

Above Cooper Bridge Lock 1 to above Fall Ing Lock 28, Wakefield

Mick headed off to check the river level before breakfast. Amber! He then walked up to check the flood gate. Still closed. But there was certainly hope we’d be able to get moving again today. Messages were sent on to Paul who was already on his way to Leeds. If we had to abort cruising today he’d divert and walk from Rotherham to Sheffield to check his map data.

Both Mick and I had had the same thought. With an extra crew member today should we try to get to Wakefield in one go. The forecast for Sunday is appalling and river levels likely to go back up and it would be good to try to get off the river sections before hand. This would mean two longer days than normal, but nothing we haven’t done before.

Let’s try again

Mick made a phone call to CRT to check to see when they thought the flood gates might open. Sarah was very helpful and said she’d ring round and call back. This she did within a few minutes. Flood gates were being opened and once they had been the notice on the website would be updated. Info passed on to Paul. A while later Mick checked the website and sure enough it said all flood gates were open on the Calder and Hebble. Time to go!

Through the flood gate at Cooper Bridge

Just as we were about to push off Paul could be seen up at the lock, a wave to confirm we were on our way. He’d checked that the gate ahead was open, well one side of it was. Once down and through the lock he took our Hebble spike and walked ahead, the road being a more direct route to Cooper Bridge Lock 16 on the Calder and Hebble. In hindsight Mick should have headed a touch further upstream to wind before heading for the one open flood gate. It ended up taking a while to turn sufficiently to get through.

I wonder where the Cill is?

The lock cottage by the lock looks a touch naked without the trees, I suspect the owners like the improved natural light though. The geese are still about, bickering amongst themselves and occasionally turning round to hiss in Pauls direction.

Paul about to climb the ladder to open the gates

Down back onto the river we headed to Battyeford Flood Gate which takes the navigation off to the right above the next weir. Ahh! The gates were both closed here, obvious that they were unlocked, but no way for us just to head through. Thankfully there was a ladder where Paul could be deposited to climb up and open the gates to let us through. If you were a single hander this would have been next to impossible to sort, nowhere to tie your boat other than to the ladder and no means of keeping the gates open when returning for your boat. We managed to get through and pick Paul back up from a ladder again, the gates wanting to close behind us. A note was sent to CRT as we felt this was a hazard. Sarah soon replied, we were basically being a bit too quick for their staff to get everything open and chained open.

Autumn ahead

Now the mile long stretch to Ledgard Flood Lock. Waterway Routes doesn’t only show services and different types of mooring, but also access points onto the towpath, whether the towpath is suitable for cycling or not. As we headed downstream Paul referred to his map, flags and pins turned to green if the information was correct, he had other markers too for possible locations for new bridges. Paul aims to personally check everywhere on the waterways every three years, either by boat, foot or by bike. He’s happy for people to spot things and inform him of changes too, lengths of stay at mooring sites, access points, changes to names on bridges or locks. We help to keep the maps up to date as we travel, in fact Paul quite often requests we check the location of a new bridge or the state of a towpath upgrade. This year we’ve confirmed what is at the new services at Marple amongst other things. Today we were off duty as the main man was with us and he’s far more fastidious than we are.

Approaching Ledgard Flood Lock we could see that the gates were closed and the lock would need to be worked. You have to have a Hebble Spike to work the lock, Paul climbed off the bow with it in hand and went about setting the gates and paddles to fill it ready for us as Mick pulled us backwards away from the weir to wait. The lock is pretty big and took a while to fill and then empty. We left it how it had been found, bottom gates chained open top gates closed.


A pause to fill with water at Mirfield Services, then we were on our way again, no stopping for lunch today otherwise we’d run out of daylight. As Paul and I set Shepley Lock we were being watched by a very large sheep! Wonder how that came about, don’t remember it from earlier in the year.

A bailey bridge will be added to the maps

The next flood gates were open and once we were down the next lock there was time to make a brew and lunch to have on the go. We came across one of the charity boats having just pulled out from Thornhill Double Locks.

Thornhill Double Locks

Easy working these with two people. Once down Oleanna pulled into the side whilst Paul walked up the Dewsbury arm to check map data there too. We’ve still not been up there on Oleanna and going by boat would have taken us that bit longer than by foot, so we’ll save that for another time.

That smells good

I made use of being moored up to put together a pot of Staffordshire Lobby, my first go. Slow cooking beef, potatoes, parsnip, carrots, beef stock, beer (gf) all popped in a casserole. I’d been aiming to cook this on top of the stove, but as it was quite warm today it wasn’t lit, instead it went in the top oven Gas mark 1 and a bit. After an hour it was turned down to 0.75, it still had a few more hours to cook giving off it’s rather nice aroma.

From blue skies at Ledgard

At the Figure of Three Locks we met a hire boat coming up, they’d been stuck in Wakefield when the river had gone into flood and had just broken a windlass on one of the paddle gears. Hopefully their holiday hadn’t put them off completely.

to ominous skies at Broad Cut

Approaching Broad Cut Top Lock ahead we had blue skies behind and catching us up quite a bit of cloud. The towpath continues down to Broad Cut Low Lock, here the navigation re-joins the river and to reach the towpath you’d have to cross the river. Paul’s maps plot out the route you’d need to take which involves walking through a railway bridge. Next time we’re moored here we’ll go and have a look.

Purple dotted line showing how to reach the towpath

On reaching our last lock of the day Thornes Lock, another that you have to have a Hebble Spike for, the dark clouds caught us up, Mick headed inside to find our coats. Back on the river and on to Wakefield where we turned in through the flood lock and back onto the cut, pulling up a little damp at 17:35. We’d pushed off around 10:15 this morning and only paused a couple of times, over 7 hours, a long day for us. But we’d made it to our destination caught up with where we’d wanted to be today.

Hello Wakefield

Paul topped up on chocolate boat biscuits, packed his bag. A little bit more map data to check before catching a train back to the boat in Birmingham, the moorings we’d pulled onto. Earlier in the year they’d been 72 hr moorings, but new signs have them as 48 hrs. Suspect this will be one of the changes on next months updated maps.

Thank you Paul

Thank you so much Paul for giving us a hand the last two days and earlier in the year too. Your assistance today was very much appreciated and we were glad to be able to help you check the river.

A thick Staffordshire Lobby

The Staffordshire Lobby needed some buckwheat adding, a gf substitution for pearl barley. This however soaked up every last drop of moisture in the stew. Next time I’ll add it much much later and hope to still have a good amount of gravy. Despite this it was still very tasty, easy to make and most probably perfect to sit on top of the stove all day slowly cooking away. We’ve got half of it left over to enjoy in a few days time.

13 locks, 2 flood locks straight through, 1 flood lock worked, 2 flood gates open, 1 flood gate ajar, 12.7 miles, 1 giant sheep, 1 pot of lobby, 1 stretch checked, A team plus 1, 1 destination achieved, 1st Christmas wishes, 1 disappointed cat.

Freedom! 17th October

Opposite Sainsburys to above Cooper Bridge Lock 1, Huddersfield Broad Canal

Sunshine! Wonderful sunshine, just a shame we were still coughing. Last night it had rained, more so than it had during the day. We got ourselves ready to push off and awaited our plus 1.

The Locomotion Bridge

A couple walked up, warning us of a very leaky lock ahead for us on the broad canal. They’d ended up doing the lock backwards as they’d been afraid of the water sinking their boat. Quite new to boat life they had plenty to talk about. Paul arrived so we made our excuses and pushed off, we hoped to cover quite a few miles today to catch up on ourselves.

Hello waiting cars

Paul walked ahead to lift Locomotion Bridge. Key of power turned the barriers are manual, then a press of a button has the road lift up and above for us to pass under. Four cars held up and a few cars turned round.

Errr Mushy Peas!

Onwards to tackle the Broad locks. Today Paul and I would work the locks and leave Mick on board to negotiate the cill and getting round from behind the closed bottom gates. Above the top lock was a mass of duck weed, this would mean we’d need to open a second gate as just one was likely to not go fully into the recess due to the amount of weed in the way.

With Oleanna’s bow tucked in behind a bottom gate, stern over to the other side she fits down these locks quite well, care required when you first start to empty them to make sure the stern is clear of the cill. Paul and I would stay until Oleanna’s bow had crossed over from one side of the lock to the other to go through the open gate, then one of us would walk on ahead to start setting the next lock.


Gradually as we worked our way down the duck weed got less. Long pounds we’d catch a ride for, shorter ones my walking pole came in handy. A few locks were full already, one with two paddles left up. One wound down easily, the other was very awkward and wouldn’t budge. Paul tried. We opened the gate fully so should he have to force it and then step back he’d be landing on dry land rather than the canal. It shifted thankfully and we could carry on our way.

No lack of water today

The leaky lock we’d been warned about was leaking, closing the stern doors would help keep Mick’s legs dry and hopefully give the stern a bit of a rinse off at the same time. One of the locks was very Very full, constantly being topped up from above, water flowing over the top gates and then in turn over the bottom gates. Once empty it took Paul and I quite some umph to get the bottom gates open, but we got there in the end.

Mick had been using the bow thruster to get out from behind the gates, it hadn’t sounded too happy at one lock, that was because the fuse was about to blow. So he took the opportunity of the very full lock to head to the bow and change the fuse in the bow thruster locker. We still have a spare, just in case and will seek out another as soon as we can.

A fancy bridge to nowhere

No new notices had appeared in our inbox from CRT this morning regarding the Calder. But Mick checked on line the existing thread that seems to get updated, yet not sent out as an email.

17/10/2024 03:04 The following flood gates/locks are closed;

Ledgard Flood Lock, Anchor Pit, Cooper Bridge, Thornes Flood Gates, Wakefield Flood Lock, Longcut/Thornhill Flood Lock, Battye Flood Gates, Greenwood Flood Gates.

Ahh! This would hamper our plans for reaching Dewsbury today! River levels were checked and yes there had been a big spike overnight, just starting to come down. We hoped things were improving and might be good before we reached the end of the Broad.

Lock 6 is called Ridings Lock and the bridge at it’s tail is called Ridings Bridge 9. Paul has wondered why the elaborate bridge which currently leads nowhere was called Ridings. Maybe a three thing. Riding comes from a Norse word which means a third. Maybe with the bridge being 9 and the lock being 6 this was a possible reason. I wasn’t fully convinced so later had a look at old maps of the area.

The bridge headed to the Riddings

No sign of a posh house anywhere. Deighton up the hill was quite a working class area of Huddersfield. To the south of the canal was Fieldhouse Fire Clay Works. I then spotted between Deighton and the canal Riddings on the map. It looked to be fields, nothing more, maybe Riddings became Ridings at some point?

Riddings, according to the Yorkshire Historical Dictionary An assart; a piece of land cleared of shrubs and trees, found principally as an element in minor place-names from the twelfth century.

Catching a lift on the lower longer pounds

Onwards down the locks. Last time we were here the level in the pound between Locks 1 and 2 was quite low, today that didn’t look as if it would be a problem plenty of water coming round every bywash.

Cooper Bridge Lock 1

At Lock 1 the end of the Broad Canal, where it joins the Calder Hebble Navigation Oleanna pulled into the duck weed filled lock. A check of the river level board showed to be red. Paul walked up and over the bridge to see if the flood gate ahead might just be open. Sadly it was well and truly closed. There’d be no more progress today, not unless the levels dropped and the flood gate could be opened.

Flood gate closed

Time for lunch. Mick called CRT, if the flood gates reopened this afternoon, Paul would stay to help. After a lot of explaining and a phone call back we were told that the flood gate was more then likely to remain shut for the rest of the day. No point in Paul staying really. We’d confer later on this evening as to whether it would be worth him returning tomorrow. The stretch between Coopers Bridge and Wakefield is quite hard to check by foot or bike to keep the data for the Waterway Routes maps up to date, so Paul was hoping to hitch a ride with us.

What is this? Outside!!!

As we’d be staying put we pulled back away from the sea of duck weed. A low bank and some friendly cover. Rules recited, surprised She remembered them! The back doors opened and Tilly was set free for the first time since leaving Marsden and the first quality shore leave since we’d arrived at the top of Diggle. This was well and truly worth SHOUTING about! Three hours of Freedom AT LAST!!!

About an hour after we’d moored up, Oleanna started to move. The lock above was being emptied. A boat came into view, I popped my head out of the hatch to let them know the river was on red and the flood gates were closed ahead. A bit of conferring was done, they then reversed up behind us, joined by a boat they’d been sharing the locks with.

See ya!

During the evening the levels looked to still be coming down, a quick confer with Paul, we’d carry on as planned until we heard differently, hopefully we wouldn’t!

9 locks, 3.5 miles, 1 destination for yesterday almost reached, 1 lift bridge, 4 held up, 2 much water, 1 stubborn paddle, 1 sunny day, 1 river on red, 1 fizzing pylon, 3 hours freedom, 1 very LOUD cat, 1 chocolate boat biscuit each, 1 plan made, 12 fingers 4 paws crossed for tomorrow.

Lets Keep Warm Today. 16th October

Opposite Sainsburys, Huddersfield

It may have been the new cough medicine, it may have just been going to happen, but this morning I woke with a very gurglie chest. Both our colds are hanging on and morphing. Over breakfast we had a discussion, today we’d planned to do the Huddersfield Broad Canal and moor up at Coopers Bridge for the day.

Tilly can we sit by the stove too, please!

The Broad locks are quite short, one of them NB Lillyanne nearly didn’t get out of even with both bow and stern fenders lifted. Oleanna was built a foot shorter with this in mind, but she still needs to go on a diagonal and tuck in behind a lock gate to go down. Yes I could give the juggling round of Oleanna in the lock a go or we could revert to Team A. If we waited a day we could go one better, Team A + 1.

Maybe a day keeping warm and not exerting ourselves would also help with our colds. Decision made, we’d not be moving today. It was forecast to rain anyhow, better be indoors and stay dry.

Blues and yellows

The day was spent doing some paperwork for the house. Selecting the yarn for my next pair of socks and winding it into cakes ready to be knitted up.

Just needs a new plug!

A romantic walk up to the bins and around the block made us stretch our legs. A pause to use shore based facilities and Mick spotted a fridge. How generous of someone, giving away a 12 volt fridge rather than disposing of it at a tip!


We then sat down to watch Quartet (2012) staring so many wonderful actors. Maggie Smith, Michael Gambon, Billy Connolly, Tom Courtenay, Pauline Collins, Andrew Sacks, Sheridan Smith! Then all the musicians who acted as extras, directed by Dustin Hoffman. The film is set in a home for retired musicians and when Maggie Smith moves in there are a few hurdles to be sorted. Finances threaten to close the home, but it is hoped that the annual gala performance by the residents will help fill the coffers. Will the four opera singers be brought together to perform the quartet from Rigoletto? A lovely damp Sunday Wednesday afternoon film to knit in front of.

Here’s hoping things are improved all round tomorrow.

0 locks, 0 miles, 1 walk round the canal, 1 change of plan, 6 spoons of yucky honey, 0.5 of a sock knitted, 0 shore leave, 1 grey day.

It Isn’t Like Baunston! 15th October

Above Lock 3E to opposite Sainsburys, Huddersfield Broad Canal

Ready for the off at 9am. The chap on NB Wildflower was doing a few engine checks also ready to push off. As we were blocking the entrance to the lock, we’d go first and he’d follow a distance behind hoping to save himself some water for Lock 1E.

In Lock 3E

A group of students chatted to Mick as the lock emptied, they were left to close the gate behind us along with Mr NB Wildflower. Under the bridge to pick Mick up and then on to Lock 2E, this lock isn’t accessible from land so you need to be on your boat.

Approaching Lock 2E

From the bridge behind us we could see Mr Wildflower waiting for us to have filled the lock and gone into it, then descend. After Oleanna exited Mick walked back to the top end of the lock and lifted a paddle, so it could already be filling when NB Wildflower arrived.

Now through the tunnel under buildings. It goes from wide to quite narrow and plants disguise just how narrow it is, there was a big bump, closing both bathroom doors inside. By the next college building was the orange boat we’d been expecting, they were moored at a distance from the lock, apparently the chap on board hadn’t known about booking the Marsden flight or Lock 1E, he was hoping he’d be allowed to tag along behind us today. Then up by the lock was the blue boat from Strawberry Island. We pulled in behind them the level of the pound really quite high.

Hoping to be able to go through today

This pound is known to loose it’s water. They have tried various things over the years to sort it , but nothing has been too successful. So now the lock has stop planks above it, holding back the water. With boats having moored above 3E we brought water down with us so hopefully there’d be enough to pen us all through.

Stop planks in place

A little before 11am, several CRT chaps turned up. One dropped off a mound of ash, to ash up the stop planks once the boats had passed through. Then the paddle that had been keeping the gap between the stop planks and lock empty was closed and the level in the gap soon rose up. Then top stop plank was given a biff with a keb and up it rose. The wood of the planks naturally wanting to float. These were hauled out in turn and laid on the bank in order. One of them took a bit of persuading, but all in all it was an easy procedure.

As the lock filled we were told to move our boats away from the bank and hover in the middle of the channel, otherwise we’d end up getting stuck as the level dropped. The chap from the orange boat arrived and was given the go ahead to tag on the back, he rushed back to untie and wait inline.

Everyone waiting treading water

Paddles were wound, gates opened. First the blue boat, then NB Wildflower who had waited breasted up to us, Oleanna then the orange boat. Now CRT had the harder job of putting the stop planks back in and ashing them up so the level could recover before Thursday. Kevin had arrived by now, time to thank him for adding us to the list today.

Waiting for the lock to fill for us

One last look back over our shoulders to the Huddersfield Narrow. It’s been an eventful trip! One we’ll think of when ever there’s a low pound, but it is still a stunning canal, if only there were more moorings.

Goodbye HNC

Through to Aspley Basin. The service point was free, we pulled in and started to fill with water. NB Wildflower was back on it’s mooring in the basin, slotted in for the winter. The orange boat soon arrived wanting to top up with diesel and another short narrowboat pulled up behind us to empty cassettes.

As we filled with water and dealt with yellow water we chatted to the chaps on the short boat. They asked if we’d been through the tunnel and what it was like up the HNC. They had no idea that you had to book the tunnel. ‘I looked on the CRT website and all it said was come for a nice picnic etc, nothing about booking’. You can’t just turn up and go through Standedge as you would Braunston Tunnel. We warned them that you could only go through on certain days and the tunnel would be closing at the end of the month for winter. We directed the chap to the boat licencing section of the CRT website here he would find bookings. We also suggested they should book lock 1E and the Marsden flight.

These two chaps say they normally take their time, might take a month to get to the summit pound. I suspect they are not normally on a canal like the HNC which was built to get goods from A to B so there was no need for moorings to enjoy the scenery. They also said their outboard engine was coming off today, presumably for maintenance.

The penny suddenly dropped. Is your engine petrol? ‘Yes‘. Ah you won’t be allowed through the tunnel then, no petrol engines allowed! Worth checking, but it would save you working up the 42 locks not to be allowed through, then the 42 locks back down. I’m sure when you try to book there would be something that would flag up a petrol engine and stop the process. We left them thinking about what to do.

The moorings

A short distance on we pulled in. Oleanna preferring to be on a list no matter what we did! The fire was stocked up, lunch had and a shopping list written. We walked over the Locomotive Bridge and headed to stock up at Sainsburys. The shelves in the medicine isle were studied. We both still have our colds and very gurglie chests. I tried my best to avoid the Honey and Lemon cough syrup, I hate honey with a gut wrenching passion, but it looked like it was the only one that would help us.

A quiet afternoon snoozing in front of the fire and a roast chicken in the oven. Today I finished off this weeks pair of sockathon socks. I’m hoping to be able to keep up a good pace for the rest of the year as I now have a waiting list of an extra ten pairs from the Boat Women group on Facebook! Thank you everyone, I may have to extend my fundraising page.

3 locks, 0.8 miles, 4 boats down, 1 final wave to the HNC, 1 big shop, 4 boxes wine, 3rd bottle of cough medicine, 2 coughing boaters, 1 pulled muscle, 1 roast chicken, pair 42 finished, 20 more to go! Hello! what about me?!

Let’s Leave Underpants Bridge For Tomorrow. 26th March

Mirfield to above Kirklees Top Lock

Tilly has expanded her interest in the secret passage behind the sofa. She has discovered that she can just squeeeeeeze herself through the smallest gap between sofa, pouffe and bookshelf to get there. Once in there she can been heard discovering all the secret delights the passage hides from those of us who cannot squeeze in there. Then after about ten minutes the meows change tone and her claws come out attempting to escape. This is impossible! No it’s not, I just haven’t found the correct route out! So the sofa needs to be pulled out to aid escape. A touch boring for us humans to have to do this at least once a day, but my main concern is that she goes in there to explore whilst we’re busy moving the outside and gets STUCK! I have never got stuck, only temporarily delayed!

A heavy box to block the entrance

The alcohol free lager has a use at last!

We pootled up towards Ledgard Flood Lock, from the EA website the river levels this morning looked to have gone down. Passers by asked if the lock was open, well it would almost certainly have it’s gates closed, but it should be workable and most probably be in the amber. ‘Levels!’ said one chap.

Ledgard Flood Lock

Sure enough the level had gone down, there was twice as much amber showing this morning as there had been yesterday. Hebble paddles had been left up at both ends of the lock to help feed Shepley Lock when used, these needed to be left as found. Mick dropped me off, we made a plan, I plotted my route round the lock to take the shortest amount of time when closing up after us and hopefully covering the possibility that a gate may swing open, all so that I could get to Oleanna as quickly and as safely as possible. If we were new boaters we wouldn’t have even considered this.

Through the last closed flood lock, we hope!

All went well, the pull towards the weir wasn’t that great for Mick and Oleanna to cope with, the only problem was a chap who stopped to chat with Mick as he did his best to hold onto Oleanna at the short landing. There are times when you may just have to be rude in life and this so nearly was one of those moments.

Battyford Lock

Onwards to Battyford Lock, a big bruiser of a lock always waiting with it’s top gates ajar! Here the level was that bit higher only just in the amber. Battyford Flood Gate was open, next stretch of river to cross to Cooper Bridge Lock. This is one of my favourites, Hebble Spike required, worn stone step by the top gate and the lock cottage. Today the cottage looked less cosy, it’s normally surrounded by trees, these have either gone or had a serious hair cut. The other reason for liking the lock is the two geese who live here. A chap was in the field with them, petting them and chatting away, a very rare temperament for geese to have.

Cooper Bridge Lock

Cooper Bridge Flood Gate was also open, here we carried straight on up stream, leaving the Huddersfield canals behind us, heading for the Rochdale. Another river section crossed off the list.

Picturesque canal side house

Kirklees Bottom Lock is over looked by drivers heading between Huddersfield and the M62, I’ve sat in traffic on that road many a time, longingly looking at the lock beams. The two Kirklees Locks require a spike to go uphill, then there’s a stretch of moorings with rings. A handy lunch break location. We both looked at each other, if we carried on we’d be off the rivers in Brighouse, but that is where we’d end up mooring for the night and Tilly has been cooped up inside for a couple of days, exploring the passage! Should we risk stopping for the day?

Looking back to Wakefield on the left and Huddersfield on the right

The door was opened and after a quick sniff and clawing claim of the tree she shot straight up into the branches, we’d be staying put today and hope the forecast overnight wouldn’t be too wet.

Tilly’s tree

Mick had another look at the voltage sensitive relay. He got it to delay switching off by 999 seconds, however it didn’t turn itself back on when he restarted the engine. Still work in progress and I really don’t mind turning the Nebolink on and off anyway!

Lamb biryani this evening, just a shame I had a moment and thought I was using brown basmati rice, which turned out to be just brown rice which didn’t want to cook through in the oven! After an extra half hour on the hob, it was still a touch munchy. Oh well, there’s still plenty more lamb, I may give the recipe another go in a few days time, but with the correct rice this time!

4 locks, 3.6 miles,1 straight on, 4 inches of amber, 4 hours shore leave, 1 brilliant tree, 12 handy bottles, 3 river stretches ticked off, 1 left to go, M62 bridge left for tomorrow.

Happy 8th Baseplate Day! 14th February

Well today marks the 8th anniversary of Oleanna’s baseplate being laid in Tim Tylers workshop in Newcastle under Lyme. It was another year and a bit before we finally moved on board to cruise her down to Crick to meet with Lillian and fully move onboard.

Mick stood at the stern 58ft 6 inches away, 8 years ago

If you want to look back and see Oleanna’s build this is a post from our first visit. Her story starts much earlier so here’s a link to the first Oleanna blog post, 1948 blog posts ago!

Currently we are gradually getting ourselves ready to move back on board, the date still a little bit up in the air.

Sunday in the Park with Mick

Mick went down to check on Oleanna on Monday. A chat with the bully boy batteries went well, the newly oiled floor had cured so the back steps could go back in. I’ve been busy covering new and old dinette cushions and today we should receive new cartridges for our life jackets, which are currently still inflated in a closed room well away from cat claws.

The world of canals and rivers is keeping us on our toes as regards to stoppages at the moment. There is a silt build up on the River Trent which needs dredging between Beeston and Cranfleet locks. The coal boat had serious difficulty passing that way a week ago and was having to wait for levels to rise again before attempting to return to base. Since then the Trent has gone back into flood.

Can we start packing yet?

The Don Doors on the New Junction are having issues with their gearbox so are closed to the canal currently. Even if we got past them Vazon Sliding Bridge is closed to boat traffic until mid March whilst strengthening works are carried out to the north canal wall.

However we’d planned on crossing the Pennines. The Rochdale, Lock 67 is suffering from subsidence which will be worked on next week. Lock 65 is also showing similar signs and will be looked at next week to see what should be done.

Round 1

The Leeds Liverpool has a navigation restriction near Burnley, Embankment 39, so it is still navigable. Works at Wigan have been slowed by the weather so the closure there has been extended by a week so that concrete has more time to go off, the concrete has as yet to be laid. Problems near Foulridge Tunnel seem to have been sorted.

Round 2

Then the Huddersfield Narrow and Broad. There are bridge works and a lock closure on the Broad along with repairs to a wash wall which should be finished mid March. On the Narrow locks on the east side are closed until the end of February, then there is a closure in Stalybridge which should open mid March.

Round 3

So at the moment the Leeds Liverpool is looking the most promising, followed by the Huddersfield canals. Further south there has been a substantial landslip on the North Oxford near Brinklow. We’d planned on heading southwards this way, but we strongly suspect it will take a while for this to be sorted so will have to head southwards through Birmingham. Or do we wait for the Trent to be sorted and out of flood then high tail it south along the Leicester Section?

Who knows! We’ll wait and see what is open when we set off.

Thank you Beth

In Sockathon News I now have sponsors for 29 pairs of socks and have raised £655 for Dementia UK. Pair 7 will soon be finished. I now have a very large box of yarn donations sent in from all over, details of which are on the Yarn Donations page. There are still a few more people who have pledged yarn donations so they will be added as yarn arrives. I think I may be knitting for a few years to use it all up! If you fancy a pair here’s a link to my JustGiving page

  • Thank you Debby for becoming pair 30!
My friend Morag looking across the harbour

0 locks, 0 miles, 8 years old! 4 routes from the north closed, 1 bathroom delayed, 1 best mate visit, 2 lodgers, 1 fair weather cat, 2 opticians appointments, 2 doctors appointments, 1 vets appointment, 1 gathering, 1 leg of lamb, 2 boaters nearly ready.

It’s Him Again! 27th September

Staniland Marina

With Agnes’s arrival moving it gave Mick a dry window of opportunity to head off to do some shopping before the rain was due to arrive. The shopping list was just being put together when I noticed a bright blue boat had just come up Thorne Lock, NB That’s It on their last leg to get back to Strawberry Island in Doncaster.

They hovered for a while to give us an update on Les. She’d been kept in at the hospital, in a cast up to her hip. Apparently she’d misjudged her footing when stepping off the boat, not just a break but also a crush injury from the boat! As Jo said, stepping off a boat is something we all do every day and don’t really think about it. We’ll all be thinking about it from now on.

Time to say our farewells to Jo and Brian. It was nice to meet them earlier in the year, to share some locks, then to share the last leg of the Tidal Trent. I suspect our bows will cross again in the future.

A while later Clive came past walking Peg their dog. More news of Les, her ankle will need pinning, possibly more, so she’ll be kept in for a while. They are hoping they can stay with their son on land for some of Les’s recuperation. Plans were made for tomorrow to cruise up to Bramwith with Clive.

A 1:1 drawing had been requested by the set builders for some wiggly bits on panto. Two pieces of A4 paper were stuck together and wiggles drawn out. They’ll make a template from this, then use a router to cut them out.

Apparently these were bought as a joke, tasty joke

No sign of Agnes with her wind and rain in the early afternoon, she’d postponed her arrival now till late afternoon. Some extra memory for my laptop (thank you for the prompt from Dave Scouts) was wanting to be ordered to assist with my touching up of panto bits. But we needed an address to send it to. Fran in Sheffield was happy for us to use her address and hopefully it’ll mean we get to see her soon.

Just how many toys does one cat need in a bedroom?!

Yesterday I heard that my host in Chippy this year would now no longer have room for me, due to family circumstances her house would now be filled with Grandchildren. However she’d seen Suzanne my previous host and suggested I got in touch with her. Unfortunately Suzanne hasn’t managed to sell her house, fortunately for me it means I can stay with her again. Phew!

Late afternoon, Tilly was snoozing in the escape pod, I was pottering on the computer and Mick was being a domestic goddess with the hoover when I heard a boat go into reverse alongside Oleanna. I peeked out the window. Ah! It’s that man again!!

It’s that man again!

Paul the narrowboat mover, third or is it the fourth time this year? We’d heard that he might be doing a move along the Trent, but it depended on whether the boat would be ready to be picked up in time to catch us up, also on when Wigan reopens for another move. He reversed into the space behind us. Rapidly moored up, ran to chat with the boat he’d been travelling with then came for a chat.

They’d set off from Torksey this morning and had been expecting Agnes to slow them down, but she was only just starting to have an effect. This meant we could have quite a chat with him rather than just a quick Hello. His next destination is Huddersfield in a few days time.

I wouldn’t trust this bit

Tilly did a bit of tree inspecting whilst we chatted. Paul having pulled up under an oak tree. I’m not too sure about this branch, but the rest should be fine tonight! At around 5pm it started to rain time to stop gassing and head inside.

As the evening progressed the wind picked up, the plastic curtain on the dry dock flapping and clapping away . A sheet of rain could be heard approaching and making it’s way along Oleanna’s roof. Agnes has arrived!

0 locks, 0 miles, 0 Photoshop, 60cm of wiggles, 1 pack of OHP sheets, 0 fringing purchased, 1 long blog written, 9 hours, 1 update, 1 Paul again, 1 dust free boat.

An Inch Short. 16th March

Bramwith Junction

What a grey day! Even Tilly wasn’t impressed, preferring to spend much of the day asleep inside. With rain forecast for 1pm we had a choice of moving off this morning or staying put. The next proper mooring can be quite popular, this time of year especially so as there is parking, water and bins. An hours cruise to find out and if full it would be another hour back again, bringing us into the window of rain opportunity!


We decided to stay put, we like this mooring even on a grey day. A walk around the junction was on the cards and there was enough time before we’d get wet.

As we walked down to Bramwith Lock we could hear an engine, then see a flag between the trees, coming along the New Junction. It was Pax a kind of cross between a Dutch barge and a trawler that had been in Goole. They turned towards the lock where some friends had already opened the gates for them.

A narrowboat arrived below the lock, pulling into the lock landing, as we walked past we had a chat with the chap. This was to be his first solo lock, the boat new to him, maybe only by a few days. We wished him luck and carried on to where a footpath heads off to the Don Doors.

The side you don’t get to see from the canal

Water was spilling over the edge of the aqueduct, more so than yesterday when we’d crossed it. I was amazed at how little space there is below the trough to the river flowing beneath. The sides of the trough have plenty of extra support to help it withstand sideways pressure when the river is in flood.

We climbed over the top to the other side, sadly no view along the New Junction as the guillotine gates were in the way. But it being so grey the pictures wouldn’t have been too appealing anyway.

Looking up the New Junction

Was that a Chiff Chaff? It was! A sign of spring.

I so love Blackthorn blossom

We crossed back over the Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation. The first Blackthorn blossom opening up hunting for the missing sunshine. Bees buzzed round. Was that a Woodpecker we could hear? Spring with all it’s new life.

A small boat in an expanse of water

The single hander came round from Bramwith Lock heading towards Long Sandall. He’d been helped up the lock so still had his first solo lock to come. We wished him well, his next obstacle being Barnby Dun Lift Bridge.

Pootling along

A looooonggg LOUD horn could be heard. Was that someone annoyed to be held up at the lift bridge?

Then another blast. Within a few minutes we could see where it had come from, Exol Pride! I so hope the single hander had been warned about the big blue boat, suspect the Looooonggg blast had been suggesting he got out of their way!

There she goes

We stood and watched as Exol came past, a slight change of engine note before the junction, was that for us or just an adjustment before crossing under the Don Doors? The canal took a good half hour before it returned to calm.

A little after 1pm it started to rain. With whistling wind accompanying it we were glad we’d decided not to move today. Instead I sat in front of the stove and knitted, nearly a whole sock today, just short by an inch or so. Mick pottered on the computer whilst Tilly inspected the insides of her eye lids.


Today we added another option to our escape routes southwards.

  1. Out of Keadby to Cromwell
  2. Head across the Pennines, most probably by the Huddersfield Canals.
  3. Head down the Ouse to Trent Falls and onto the Trent that way.
  4. Cancel a trip to York by boat to meet with family and get through Thorne Lock before it shuts. Have a day trip by train instead.

The jury is still out.

It’s time to add a recipe to the Baking section. Tonight we enjoyed the last slices of my Bakewell Tart.

Click on the photo to get to the recipe

0 locks, 0 miles, 1 walk, 3 waterways crossed, 1 solo boater, 1 Pax, 1 big blue boat, 4 signs of spring, 1 reluctant cat, 1 inch short of a sock.

Knocking The Drawer

Opposite the Concrete works to Sykehouse Junction, New Junction Canal

You could hear Franks brain already at work when Mick got up to make our morning cuppa. To give the freezer more ventilation should the drawer be raised? This would involve raising the whole dinette, trimming the cushions to fit, then they wouldn’t fit to make up the bed. A solution with far too many knock ons.

Why won’t it come out!

First thing though was to be able to get the freezer drawer out of the dinette. For a while it’s been sticking part way out, only just enough space to get the lid off and access the contents. Was this down to something underneath the drawer on the floor? We knew there was a problem with condensation in the drawer as the freezer isn’t particularly well insulated, so that might be causing the problem.

Give it an hammer!

In the past we’ve tried pulling the drawer out to access little catches on the sides which would release the drawer from the sliders, but we could never find the catches. They were possibly on the part that was no longer sliding far enough out to be visible. Frank brought his hammer out and started hitting one section of the sliders back in to the dinette. One slider was obviously having issues and the drawer had quite a bit of play on it.

Eventually the slider gave in releasing the drawer. It moved out just that bit more, then nearly all the way there, then out to it’s full extent! We haven’t had this happen for at least a couple of years!

Freezer out in the open air

Mick disconnected the freezer then it was lifted out of the drawer. Time for breakfast! A bowl of blueberry porridge all round to celebrate.

The sliders were unscrewed from the base of the dinette. There had been no little catch on them, just a lot of screws and you needed the drawer to be fully out to access them all. The troublesome slider was examined. It was bent out of shape. The problem was that the drawer once pulled out of the dinette had nothing to rest on, it was hanging in mid air held only by the sliders. The combined weight of the drawer, freezer and it’s contents had bent the slider, stopping it from working correctly.

New sliders 650mm long and heavy duty sliders were needed. Nothing was available locally, just online. If replaced something to support the overhanging drawer would be needed to stop the situation from recurring.

The outside workshop

For now we could slide the drawer in and out without the sliders. Frank took the drawer outside and cut redundant sections out of the sides whilst retaining it’s structure, hopefully this will enable more air to circulate. Holes were also drilled in the base of the drawer, these won’t help at the moment as the drawer will sit on the floor for a while, but once it is lifted up a touch then air should be able to flow underneath it better. Everything was given a rub of candle grease to help it run more freely.

The floor under the freezer is made up of quite a few sheets of wood, possibly three. This isn’t necessary and a section of at least one (dinette structure) could have sections removed giving more air circulation. Then Frank decided that we’d be better off if the drawer ran on wooden runners, the front edge of it would need some support when it gets pulled out. We may add gliss domes to the leading edge, these are frictionless. Frank hadn’t brought his router with him, the easiest way to cut out the floor, so the remainder of the job will be finished another time.

Thank you so much Frank for your help and leaving us with some of the Bakewell Tart!

Just as Frank was setting off to head back to Scarborough, Lisa and Al arrived for a quick catch up. Their boat was a close neighbour when we moored at Viking last year, Al keeping an eye on Oleanna when the breach happened.

Ooo a yummy yarn donation

Lisa and I have quite a few other things in common, Scarborough and knitting. Lisa is an Indie Dyer and had seen I was busy with my sockathon, she’d come to make a donation. What a generous donation it was too! A bag of interesting bits and bobs, three 50 gram skeins and some baby yarn for my baby socks, far better than anything I could find in Boyes. Thank you so much Lisa for your wonderful donation! Link to Lisa’s Etsy yarn shop there’s some lovely yarn. Best keep my needles knitting!

1978 Austin Allegro for sale at Spicers soon

Two weeks into the challenge and the total amount that has been raised by knitters across the UK so far is £102,000. Brilliant!

Tilly had been making the most of the morning, dipping under the new fencing to head off and explore. It is thought that with the new Siemens factory close by, the rail track that runs along the side of the canal will be used to test the new Piccadilly Line tube trains, it may also be reinstated up into the docks. Today people were working on the track, sounded like they were cutting back vegetation. Tilly had been keeping an eye on them!

By the time we wanted to move Tilly had claimed most of the area including the VERY dusty road as her own.

With water supplies very low we pushed over to the water point to fill the tank. The bins here haven’t been emptied in the last couple of weeks, so we kept our recycling for another bin on another day. We then winded and headed out from Goole.

Goodbye blue Goole for now

Was this to be the last time in Goole for a while, well as there are few places to fill with diesel around the patch we aim to cover in the next few weeks, I suspect we will be back to top up.

As we pootled back along the same stretch of water we discussed our escape plan. At the moment the Huddersfield Narrow is looking like the most obvious route. The Trent still our preferred route. If everything were to fall into place, good weather, tides, amount of fresh, lack of wind, Keadby Lock opening hours it would be silly of us not to have a plan in place to go round Trent Falls again. So we shall work out two routes to cover all eventualities.

Hello Wendy and woofer

At Sykehouse Junction we turned left towards Doncaster and pulled in where we’d been a few days ago. We used outies just in case Exol Pride turned up. Sure enough just as the sun was setting it did, slowing to turn towards the New Junction and the Went Aqueduct.

Here she comes

Once they had just about crossed the aqueduct the engine was switched off, a generator kick started, this was where they would moor for the night. Suspect we’d get complaints if we blocked the navigation in such a comprehensive way.

Handy mooring for the night

0 locks, 6.01 miles, 1 left, 1 wind, 1 holey drawer that moves! 1 road claimed, 1 grey cat, 3 bags of yummy yarn, 1 full water tank, 1 very full bin, 1 clean pooh box, 2 outsides, 1 big blue boat, 2 plans to plan.

Deluded Lentil Baseballs. 12th March

Sykehouse Junction to Opposite the cement works Goole

Tilly was allowed shore leave whilst we joined the Geraghty zoom this morning. For the last four weeks Mick has been involved in something to do with hire cars, so hasn’t been present for at least three of those weeks, so it was nice to see people again and have a catch up.

Then it was time to push off, would Tilly return? Well, a short while after I called for her there was a meow at the back doors. Inside, 2 Dreamies, padded trousers on, trip computer set and we were off.

Reversing out from the junction

Across the way from where we’d moored was a line of buoys marking a relaxing bank, so we didn’t want to get close to it whilst winding. Instead Mick reversed Oleanna back to the junction, good job we’d got the weedhatch cover back in enabling better reversibility. At the junction we turned to face Goole and retraced our wake. Today was chilly and blustery stood on the stern. We discussed our options for escaping Goole, again. If there are enough boats interested then the Trent-Link group will put together an appeal to C&RT regarding Thorne Lock. For us a nudge of dates would be good, freeing up the Easter weekend I suspect would please local boaters.

Someone knows the grass is always greener.

Near Sugar Mill Ponds there has always been a dutch barge moored along the towpath. When we came past last week it wasn’t there, we wondered if it had moved moorings. Then it had returned. Today it had vanished again! Just where does it go to? Maybe for water, diesel? There was a choice of spaces opposite the cement works so we pulled in a touch further away from the boats with woofers. Here is the prefect place to bring a car alongside.


Across the way the moorings outside the Auction house were chocka block. We wonder if mooring is discouraged during the week when they are open, or is it that no-one will notice you mooring there when they are closed?

Hello Lisa!

A large pot of chilli was made in my cast iron casserole and popped on the stove to gradually cook for the rest of the afternoon, saving on gas.

Chilli gently bubbling away

With a visit from Frank on the cards we needed to stock up on a few things, especially potatoes to go with a roast. Mick headed to Tescos whilst I headed to Boyes for some glue and some baby yarn. Tescos supplied us with a new rectangular ceramic lasagne dish, not pyrex, but identical to the one we used to have. So now I can cook reasonable portion sizes again.

The title of the post? Our location on what3words, I found it amusing.

0 locks, 6.11 miles, 1 reverse, 0 dutch barge, 2 gaps, 0 shore leave, 1.5 kg potatoes, 2 types glue, 1 oven dish, 3 meals worth of chilli, 0.75 sock knitted, 1 bakewell tart started.