Category Archives: Cats

Hazelhurst or Hazlehurst? 31st August

The Boat to Leek Winding Hole

Conkers getting ready

A cuppa in bed, then we were on our way, making sure we’d not be in the way for any boats. The chestnut trees are just starting to turn, conkers spikily hanging on the branches are getting ready for school kids to collect in the coming weeks.

Mick walking up the locks

We worked up the two locks to bring us back up to near the Flint Mill, soon pulling up on the visitor moorings for breakfast, bacon butties and Tilly was given an hours shore leave.

Hazlehust Lock cottage

A lovely day, sunshine and bright blue skies. The wind picked up a touch, surprising me before one of the Hazlehurst Locks, Oleanna’s bow being pushed right over whilst I was sheltered. The lock cottage looked lovely as we rose up the last of the flight, the owner having just returned home with two large containers of red diesel, presumably they have a generator. Now to the left, a tight turn to head onwards to Leek.

For the last few days we’ve been a little bit puzzled. Hazlehurst is written on both the sign post at the junction and on the aqueduct.

Ordnance Survey have it spelt Hazelhurst, there is a village and wood marked.

Then Google can’t make their minds up between the two spellings, adding in a typo to a third! Sorry for poor screenshot.

Historic England have Hazlehurst Aqueduct.

Canalplan Hazelhurst Aqueduct.

IWA Hazelhurst Aqueduct.

Waterway Routes chooses Hazlehurst Aqueduct but follows it in brackets with Hazelhurst

NB Ripple thinks it’s Hazelhurst.

Debby from Chuffed noticed this too the other day. So which should it be?

The other day I changed the spelling on the blog three times and I decided to stick with Hazlehurst as that is what is on the aqueduct and junction sign.

Under the trees to Leek

Oleanna followed the way along past moored boats, crossing Hazlehurst Aqueduct, along the embankment and then along the contour that clings to the hillside all the way to Leek. This was originally built as a feeder for the canal in1801, water coming from the newly constructed Rudyard Reservoir.

By the time we reached Bridge 6 I remembered how slow our progress along the Leek arm had been 7 years ago as we just about ground to a halt. The hour it should take us was likely to be a while longer.

NB Beatrice the trip boat from the Flint Mill came past, luckily not on a slow bit. At one bend Oleanna simply didn’t respond to where Mick was moving the tiller, she just kept going straight on towards the far bank. It took a while to get her back on course.

A hire boat came past, warning us that there was also a day boat up ahead. A distance onwards is a mooring that was quite attractive, great views down into the valley, a bench, a possible mooring for a barbecue. Sadly we needed some shopping so had to continue.

Leek Tunnel, the mended bit

Where the canal widens out just before Leek Tunnel cows were drinking, the other attractive mooring was already taken. The tunnel light was switched on, the way ahead checked and into the tunnel we went. No need to duck here, plenty of height.

At Bridge 9 we came across the day boat, moored just after the bridge, right in the winding hole. Mick was fairly sure we’d have enough room to turn, the ladies on board were having lunch and were very nice, oblivious that their mooring was making it a little bit hard to turn, well there isn’t an actual no mooring sign.

That’s where they are

We then reversed down past one moored boat to as far as we could. A cuppa, some shore leave for Tilly, then it was time to go shopping.

Walking pole in hand, my knee not really my friend after standing on the gunnel yesterday, and the Brompton as sherpa we set off to walk to Morrisons. It’s around about a mile, the first stretch along the canal, then it joins industrial units, some with building work going on. Not the most romantic of walks! A good stock up to keep us going for a few days.

Combination locked

This evening I defrosted the oatcakes I’d made the other day. A light sprinkling of cheddar and then a good spoonful of left over chilli. They were very tasty, I can highly recommend the combination. Mick wondered when we’d be leaving Staffordshire and stop having oatcakes, that will be part way through Harecastle Tunnel. I may have a go at making some batter from scratch, when we’re in Cheshire!

A sticker not painted cat

5 locks, 5.3 miles, 1 left, 1 tunnel, 1 embankment, 2 outsides, 1 toilet, or 1 Tardis, 1 wind, 1 reverse, 1 mile, 3 boxes of wine, 1 very slow section, 6 oatcakes! 2 spellings.

Hand Over Feet. 27th August

Below Engine Lock 4 to Bridge 30

A hire boat headed for the lock. One came from the lock, would it now be set for us?


No! The boat had only come from the mooring just in front of us, oh well, at least it was Mick who had to wind wind and wind the low geared paddles on the bottom gates to empty the lock! This was to be our 600th lock this year, that spread sheet I started in March helping with calculations! Once up I walked ahead with the key of power, no walking stick today, hooray!! Those exercises must be doing some good.


We’d been watched coming up the lock by a Grandma and Grandson, he’d helped push the top gate open. They reached the lift bridge at the same time as me, the little lad asked if he could push the button. Of course he could. One push doesn’t do it though, you have to keep pushing until it’s right up. He helped with closing it too a little extra help from me at the end as I think it was getting boring for the last few feet.

There’s a feline artist around here

Despite there being a footpath over the next lift bridge shown on the OS map it was left open. On we pootled to the bottom of Stockton Brook Locks all full to the top.

Hopefully soon to have a new life

Stockton Brook pumping Station with it’s red brick sits proud yet wounded just back from the canal. It began operating in 1884, providing clean drinking water to the area, pumping water to several reservoirs. In 2004 it was taken on some 20 years after being decommissioned and now the aim is to open it up as a community facility, art gallery, cafe, conference and meetings. If you happen to be in the area on 27th 28th September they are having an open weekend, shame we won’t be here. More details here.

An improving situation

Each pound between the locks was a little low, next to no water running down the bywashes. At the third lock the pound above looked very low. As Oleanna rose up this of course made the situation worse. Then we could see water rushing down the bywash, someone must have been coming down the top lock, the next lock was also full. We decided to wait for the boat to arrive and hope that with their lock emptying the pound would be high enough for us to get over the cill. We swapped roles, Mick helped me onto the bank, a very big step up and I walked up to the next lock.

Swapping in a low pound was a Mick job

I explained the situation and if Mick didn’t come out of the lock then we’d need to let more water down to get him over the cill. The helm explained they were quite a heavy boat due to their batteries, an electric boat. Thankfully there was enough water and the two boats managed to pass in the pound without grounding out. I walked ahead expecting the next lock to be empty, but it was just about full. Were we following a boat or had the electric boat taken forever to reach the lock giving it time to refill?

It was nice to be out in the open rather than at the bottom of a slimy lock even if it was raining. Pushing lock beams is done trying to keep as straight as possible, trying to avoid twisting my knee, but it is still not something I want to be doing every day.

Pretty cottage, but what about the neighbours?

The Lock Cottage is for sale. Whilst looking for details on the pump house I came across an article regarding the nearby golf course. The locals are not happy with a planned extension and new licence, commenting on it being like a ‘nightclub’ with ‘noise, vomit and litter’. Maybe this is why the house is for sale!


We pootled onwards. The old swing bridge with it’s central pivot point and one way sign still sits in the middle of the canal, maybe on our return we’ll stop and have a look at the information board on the offside.

Thankfully no ice today

Ahead is Stoke an Trent Boat Club down a little arm, the navigation heads off to the right. The first time we came round this bend was on NB Winding Down and we hit a frozen canal, only being able to keep going straight until we hit the bank. Should we stop here with views out across the fields opposite? We carried on to be close to Kidd’s Bridge, a farm behind the hedge made it no too suitable for Tilly and trees on the offside hemmed it in. In the end we pulled in just after where bridge 30 used to cross the canal. The end of the moorings before the services. This would do us for today and we were in the general area we’d said we’d be mooring today.

A late lunch. Sounds of bow thrusters, reversing, was someone having difficulty mooring? Then a bow came past, NB Bonjour had just had a dog overboard moment, Jess had spotted something in a field that required further investigation, on the off side!

Debby and Dave heading back to the T&M

Debby and Dave pulled in. Chats on the towpath were followed by a cuppa on Oleanna. Time to hand over Pair 32 of my sockathon socks. Thank you Debby for sponsoring a pair and how good it was to be able to hand them over.

The very pretty Jess

This is the first time we’ve actually managed to coincide with time to chat. I think last time was at Lapworth about 7 years ago. We chatted boats, toilets, where we’d been and Dave and I played knee pain snap. Lovely to have been able to coincide, hope your knee news is helpful Dave and see you again somewhere sometime.

Tilly had a good afternoon, returning a little before cat curfew and not interested in Dreamies! I should have realised something was wrong then. Eating her own body weight whilst self catering hadn’t gone down too well! Thankfully the episode didn’t last too long this time.

A butty trailer

I had a go at using up the chips from last night in a kind of frittata. Courgette, sweetcorn, and some feta were added along with egg and some yoghurt that needed using up. A tasty concoction, which turned out a touch more like a hash than a frittata as I didn’t want to put my pan in the oven to finish it off and flipping it over with a pate wasn’t going to happen either, so a fish slice did it in sections. If we ever end up with ten portions of chips again, I’ll give it another go.

Chip experimentation

6 locks, including our 600th this year! 3.1 miles, 2 lift bridges, 1 open, 1 very low pound, 1 heavy boat, 1 way sign, 2 bloggers meet, 32nd pair socks, 1 overly full Tilly, 1 soggy Jess, 2 matching knees, 1 Mrs Tilly stamp of approval.

Handbrake Turn. 26th August

Brook House Winding Hole to below Engine Lock 4, Caldon Canal

No morning shore leave much to the disgust of Tilly, we wanted to actually manage to cover some ground today. At Trentham Lock a hire boat was just arriving, the lock in their favour. Mick helped them down, one lady had obviously been boating before, the other very little. Up we rose, the long pound in towards Stoke to cover.


There had been a couple of boats pass us this morning early on heading for Stoke so the likelihood of locks being set in our favour was slim. Over the baby River Trent, past the shooting range and associated boats. Shufflebottoms. The masses of buddleia now past it’s best but still giving off an aroma, it must have been quite over powering a few weeks ago.

Coming up the concrete lock

The number of vehicles at Stoke Bottom Lock numbered 9 today, someone must be a mechanic at the house. Some of the graffitti along the canal varies from old amusing painting to really you need to practice more, but preferably at home! Nothing new worth taking photos of, just some red hands on a bridge below a lock.

Approaching Cockshute’s Lock

It was blustery, Mick mostly walked on ahead reaching the next lock to re set it. As we left Twyford Lock a boat came towards us, if we timed it well there would be a boat coming down Summit Lock as we ascended Johnson’s Lock. However the crew from the descending boat had done as we would, set the lock ahead of them, well Oleanna would have been in Summit Lock before we set it.

There’s Mick

I hovered, hovered some more. This was taking forever! I backed up, trying to find an area without too much wind avoiding being pushed over to the off side. Eventually the bottom gates of Johnson’s Lock opened.

The red hand gang

By now a very keen crew had arrived behind us, where had they come from!? One lady did as she was told, but a bit too quickly lifting a paddle before the ones at the other end of the lock had been closed or even Oleanna had exited the lock. Now into the deep Summit Lock. I’d not been looking forward to this one, but it wasn’t too bad, quite a pull to the top gate. The crew behind mob handed, the lady still trying to lift paddles before things were ready. They were hoping to be able to get through Harecastle Tunnel today. You can turn up before midday to go through, but in the afternoons you should have a booking, they didn’t, but were hoping they’d be able to tag onto the back of boats heading northwards.

Dragonfly at the junction of the T&M and Caldon Canals

Mick took over at the helm for the handbrake turn. Pulled into the services for a refill of water, the washing machine busy and yellow water to dispose of. The water tank would take some time to fill, so we had our lunch, just about coinciding with it being full.

Another boat arrived just as we were winding back in the hose. We’d hoped it being a Bank Holiday that Etruria Museum would have been open, but we’ve still never managed to coincide with it. Round to the bottom of the staircase locks the first locks on the Caldon Canal.

The bottom of the staircase

They were set for us, possibly the bottom chamber leaks, the top one not. As we started to work our way up the boat that had pulled in at the services arrived below, the lady came to help with gates and paddles. This boat is familiar, we’ve passed it several times, right now I can’t remember it’s name but it has a toad or frog with a long tongue on the cabin side. They apparently are from the Oxford Canal.

Waiting to go up

Round to Planet Lock also full, Oleanna got a little bit stuck on the bottom below the bridge, then made a noise familiar with passing over a supermarket trolley as she entered the lock. The boat behind was hot on our heels.

Hanley Park

Now through Hanley Park, looks nice enough, but not a place to moor overnight.

The the outskirts of Stoke. Potteries, bottle kilns, new housing estates, fencing that still has the same graffiti from when we last came this way. Low bridges, thankfully our pooh bucket on the roof fitted under the lowest!Twists and turns, a couple fishing at the bottom of their garden warned us of the next big turn. How much further should we go? Most areas we’d not let Tilly out anyway, so we carried onwards cat curfew getting closer, there’d be no shore leave today.

Interesting gardens

For some reason last time we were here I’d walked this stretch. This did have the advantage of remembering a sign about gluten free fish and chips at Milton! I looked on line, ‘Gluten free every day, all day!’ Their menu huge! We discussed whether we should have courgette fritters or one of each, the later won. But where should we moor up. The boat behind had caught us up, we pulled in to let them pass, the depth of the Caldon making our progress slower than theirs. We soon passed them moored up near bridge 18, we’d carry on further aiming for a more rural mooring.

Pair 35 yarn

Armco soon showed itself, we pulled in. Sorry Tilly, it’s too late. Mick cycled back to the chippy where everything was being cooked to order, a queue forming out the shop. A phoned in order would be at least half an hours wait. Only cod on the menu, but it was nice cod.

My gluten free batter crunchy rather than crispy, Micks a little bit greasy, but still good. We’d opted for a large portion of chips between the two of us and this was more than enough for four! The remainder have been popped in the fridge and maybe go in a frittata tomorrow. I’m glad I remembered the sign on the bridge as it is no longer there.

9 locks, 2 a staircase, 1 lift bridge, 1 handbrake turn, 2 held up, 1 full water tank, 1 empty wee tank, 1 load of pants and socks, 1 bucket of pooh just fitting under the low bridge, 2 of each, 1 mountain of chips, 2 boats hot on our tail, 0 shore leave, 1 miffed off cat, pair 35 cast on.

How Much Of A Half Would You Like? 21st August

Before Iron bridge 72A to after Iron Bridge 72A

Mick walked up towards Haywood Lock to see if there were any spaces available for us to move up. The internet coverage where we were moored was poor, therefore annoying! He’d checked on a map and we seemed to be sat in a little hole, further along the signal should improve.

A space behind one boat and another in front, but this was under a leaning oak tree. With gusts of wind this mooring wouldn’t be so good. We needed to act quickly before the first mooring was snatched up, so as I finished my exercises Mick pushed us off. Have to say doing lunges whilst Oleanna was moving was very wobbly! However I was ready to help moor up, as close as we could to the boat in front which just so happened to be NB Winding Down, our old shareboat.

Breakfasted, we got ourselves ready for a day out, just as a breasted up pair of Jules Fuels boats was pulling out, we decided to move up and not be that annoying boat a touch too close to a bridge hole. As we moved I spied people onboard Winding Down, we had to at least say hello. Just as well we did as it was Paul and Aileen Jordon one of the last few original syndicate members. We last bumped into them in Braunston a couple of years ago before WD moved base to Aston Marina.

Hello Winding Down

It was great to have a chat and reminisce, only one other original owner left, Roger. They had two of their grandchildren with them and more were expected shortly for a picnic before the youngsters were heading home.

On Essex Bridge

Time for us to have a day out!

The plaster of this ceiling was carved by the artist laying on his back and took 2 years. Hope he got paid well

Back in June 2015 we spent several days at Shugborough, then ran by Staffordshire County Council and the National Trust. We’d had a tour of the house at break neck speed back then, little could be remembered so we decided to visit again, dust off the cobwebs on our National Trust cards. In 2016 the management of the Hall was handed back to the National Trust, so today we could get in for free.

The Red Drawing Room

There were plenty of people about, lots for kids to do in the park. At the front door of the house we showed our cards and were let in to walk around the house at our own pace. As with most NT properties the house has been laid out with the story of it’s occupants, here it is the Anson brothers who travelled the world. Also as with many NT properties we didn’t get to find out much about the actual house. Plenty of information boards about the brothers, a huge map with interesting facts about their voyages and how they started off with 1900 crew, arriving back in England with just 188! But I’m interested in the house too, I’ll have to look it up.

Map of travels

Once we’d looked round the ground floor, walked through the red drawing room and the library with disguised door and taken note of how quickly Elizabeth and Betty had grown we then could climb the back staircase to look round the rooms upstairs where Lord Patrick Lichfield had lived and taken many a photograph. This is the part of the house we remembered most, the kitchen, the deep deep baths, the photographs. Here you’re not allowed to take any yourself.

One room which had been Patricks bedroom had photographs he’d taken. Another couple walked round ahead of us. She said ‘That looks like him. That looks like Sophia Loren’ He said, ‘No it won’t be’. I wondered who he’d think were in the royal family photographs when they came to them, and yes that was actually Mick Jagger!

The Library

Time for lunch, we hunted out the cafe. Chock-a-block, but we’d timed our arrival very well as just about everyone was finishing. Jacket potatoes were finished for the day but we could have potato wedges instead with a filling on top of our choice, a little bit of a strange combination. Sat next to us was a family, the teenage daughter had just gone to get them pudding. Three scones and a huge slab of carrot cake with a good layer of cream cheese frosting. She said how she’d not been able to decide on a scone or the cake, Mum offered to go halves with her, half a scone for half the cake. ‘How much of that half would you like?’ came back the answer from the daughter!

Not the same as a jacket potato

Back in 2015 there were carriages to look at. The house kitchens were in working order with a cook baking scones and ginger biscuits. Sadly today these areas are closed, I think the collections have been moved elsewhere as they belonged the Staffordshire County Museum. Such a shame, but at least we’d seen them last time.

Time for some chilled medication, we joined the queue and selected our flavours, Devilishly Chocolate and Rolo, basically the same ice cream but one with mini rolos and a swirl of caramel added. As the medication level had been topped up we walked round to the formal gardens at the back of the house. Past the Chinese House built in 1747, crossing the red bridge and onto the island to look at the Cat Monument. Why does that cat have a moustache?

Chocolate flavoured medication

The monument (c.1750) possibly commemorates a cat which travelled around the world with Admiral Anson on the ‘Centurion’. Or that it was built as a memorial to Kouli-Khan, a Persian cat kept by Thomas Anson. He also kept a heard of Corsican Goats which feature around the base of the monument.


We then returned to Oleanna, enough walking for today and time to let Tilly out. She wasn’t that enamoured with it this afternoon, even if we had a chatty parrot for a neighbour. Well you’d told me I wasn’t allowed to talk to it!

0 locks, 0 miles, 2 bridges crossed, 1 Georgian Mansion walked round, 1 formal garden, 2 years, 1 ceiling back to front, 35 Weetabix, 1,313,843 pieces of 8, 2 brothers, 0 carriages, 0 puppets, 2 far to go to the farm, 1 odd cat, that’s not me!

Insect Repellent Deodorant. 23rd July

Above Slapton Lock to near 115A Footbridge

Jumpers this morning, Brrr! Tilly had some shore leave whilst we had breakfast, we’re so going to get it in the neck the next morning we say no! She was off and self catering before we knew it!

As we rolled the covers up ready to push off a boat approached, were they wanting the water point? Yes but only a quick top up, five minutes at most. We slowly pushed off and followed the to the tap to wait our turn.

I chatted to the chap as they topped up their tank, should they wait for us? Our tank was nearly empty and a load of washing was on the go, so despite the good water pressure I suggested they go on ahead without us, we could be an hour. Gosh this chaps deodorant or after shave was a bit pungent. Is this a new thing? Nose curling aromas in hot weather, I’ve smelt similar over the last warm days from people passing on the towpath, their aroma almost visible in the air!

Crossing the gates

The tank took quite a while to fill as expected, then we were on our way again. Solo down the first two locks of the day, quite a few boats coming towards us but none to share with. Gosh that chaps deodorant had been strong, it was loitering in the air as we went along! I made a comment to Mick about it. ‘Ah no, there were loads of house flies on the pram cover so I gave it a spray of insect repellent, maybe that’s what you can smell.’ That would explain why the smell hadn’t gone away, sorry to the chap from the boat ahead, you didn’t smell, it was us!

Grove Church Lock. The converted church over the wall, an over grown gate into the garden and on top of a trimmed tree lay a squirrel sunning itself, almost blending into the bark. Both top gate beams have had the temporary mend treatment recently. The offcuts left by the lock and sawdust still evident. Gates are supposed to last around 25 years, the date on these gates 2000. I suspect there’s an awful lot of lock gates reaching the end of their natural life after all the works that went on around the millennium. Hopefully these temporary measures will help the gates to last that little bit longer.

Temporary measures

As we approached Grove Lock a boat was just pulling out of the marina above and another boat was coming up the lock. A yellow bag is over one of the ground paddles so it’s a slow filler at the moment.

Busy lock

We joined the other boat going down, having to shout over their smart speaker. Didn’t all the hanging basket brackets have narrowboats on them before? The lady suggested I exit first which I did, Oleanna wanting to veer right over in front of her boat, miles away from where I wanted to pick Mick up at the lock landing. Oh A*se! I made a right mess of it but managed to get myself back to pick Mick up and not barge right into the following boat.

Officially leaving the SARF!

We now looked for a mooring for the day, pulling in where the towpath has recently been cut. Ant nests avoided, including some yellow ones, can’t have them marching up our ropes for Tilly to roll around on!

Another two outsides day! This mornings had been pretty good, this afternoons was even better! So much better that after she’d found a rather large friend in the cut grass right by the cat walk she was brought in and grounded for the last hour of shore leave. We didn’t want a replay of the other day when she got herself too full! Such meanies, I’m going to find another boat to live on! Not all other boats do ‘Thank you for coming home’ Dreamies!

He he!

The start of a tidy, dust and clean was made as we’ll have some visitors in a few days and pacing myself is the way forward. As we sat down to eat our meal facebook reminded me of ten years ago. Ten years ago it was a very hot day, we’d handed keys to the house to an agent, packed the car with possessions and Houdini our cat and headed to Sowerby Bridge where we’d left NB Lillyanne after the Tour de France. Ten years ago today we moved on board fulltime to a life afloat. If things hadn’t gone pear shaped during the pandemic with the house we’d still be full timers. When people ask us if we live aboard now we pause and stumble a little bit before answering, ‘Well nearly!’ We are in our hearts. A glass or two of wine was allowed to celebrate our tenth anniversary.

Houdini our first second mate

3 locks, 3 miles, 1 full water tank, 1 deodorised pram cover! not man, 1 mess up, 1 magic pill not having quite the same effect, 2 more beams, 3 (at least) friends, 1 cat grounded, 2nd sock cast on, 10 years of life afloat, we were only going to do it for a year!

Free The Paddington One! 2nd July

Ballot Box Bridge to River Colne Aqueducts, Slough Arm, Grand Union Canal

The diesel tank hasn’t been filled since Pyrford Marina, the gauge showing quarter full. Mick doesn’t like the tank to be so low, in fact it may only have been so low once and that was when we picked her up from Finesse in Sheffield, just enough diesel put in her tank for test cruises. The question was, how accurate is the tank gauge? Did we need to seek out diesel today or could it wait for another day or two. The tank was dipped, 10 inches, plenty to keep us going.

Serious clearing up by Ealing volunteers

We made our way back to Bulls Bridge, the moorings by Tesco empty today, well apart from the sunken boat! We pulled in, had lunch, made a shopping list, moved the Larry banner to the cratch for it to be seen better and then went shopping.

A better position for Larry

With everything stowed it was time to get Mick away from chatting to a chap doing his best to avoid polishing his boat, leaving it to his wife. We winded at the junction and started to head northwards. In the last two years quite a lot has changed. Today numerous cranes sat to the east, the start of some buildings. Tower blocks that were going up are now full of people and the landscaping we saw being put in is now tall with plants.

Three miles or so on is Murderers Bridge (Colham Bridge) where in 2015 we said our final goodbye to our first second mate Houdini. Today Tilly was shouting on the top step Free the Paddington One! Tree filled outsides for boat cats!! Friendly cover for all!!! This election has really gone to her head!

Cowley Peachy Junction

At Cowley Peachy Junction we turned westwards onto the Slough Arm. We only cruised the first stretch back in 2015 when we couldn’t get further due to ice. I’m not sure where we moored for the night back then, today we tried pulling in just after the entrance into Packet Boat Marina, Mick managed to get off with a rope, but that was it, Oleanna wasn’t going to come in any more.

The moorings further along looked busy, we chanced it, hoping for a space. Several boats moored up, most looked like they were busy doing jobs. One space between boats might have been long enough, we carried on, a space at the end, better for Tilly. A chap chatted and helped with ropes. A fellow came over from his campsite on the offside for a cuppa. Akeem, I think that was his name, was very chatty, he was busy doing up a boat ready for sale, a coat of red oxide going on the exterior today.


When asked where we’d come from he said, ‘Oh you can’t moor in Paddington anymore!’ We explained that we’d paid and were quite grateful to know we had a mooring waiting for us. Through the years we’ve taken our chances in London like everyone else, reserved moorings when they were free, squeezed onto the Eco moorings when people have overstayed and paid to tie up in Paddington. I suspect we’d still visit London no matter what the mooring situation was, as we’ve both lived there and have friends and family we want to see. But now it’s reassuring to know we’ll have somewhere to tie up on arrival. Time will tell if there are now too many bookable moorings. Many visiting boaters won’t flock to London until they know the system is working, hearing tales of booked moorings being occupied on arrival doesn’t help the situation. London boaters choose to look when the moorings are empty. Yes they are not as full as they were when they were cheaper and the locations fewer. Only C&RT will know the true figures as they can see the bookings and get feed back from their mooring rangers.

A very vocal Tilly today

We settled in and Tilly was given a hours shore leave, at least it stopped her charging back and forth shouting about her rights and how once Larry was PM things would change, Salmon and real real chicken for dingding every day!

0 locks, 9.9 miles, 2 lefts, 1 wind, 2 boxes wine, 1 hour shore leave, 26.5 pairs knitted, 1 very political cat, 1 card returned, 1 knee improving, not much walking being done though.

Percy And Barry. 1st July

Paddington Basin to Ballot Box Bridge

Our next door neighbour

Our four nights in Paddington were up. I think I’d looked at us staying a touch longer but the pre-bookable moorings weren’t available in Paddington. There’s always more we could see and do, lots of people to catch up with, but we’d rather take our London fixes in small chunks.

Heading off to explore more waters

The small sailing boat, wrapped up it’s covers and headed off first, it was so short it had had no difficulty getting into the mooring next to us. A look around M&S before we left provided us with another sad gits meal for tonight. Then it was time to reverse out from our mooring, wind and head off. The moorings outside the station had emptied out and the length at Little Venice only had one boat on it. It felt as if people had been for the weekend and then left this morning, would those moorings be filled back up by the end of the day?

Leaving Paddington Basin

The service mooring was empty, time to top up on fresh water and deal with the yellow water, we already had the 25litre container to empty from when we arrived. Mick had checked the C&RT notices in case the elsan was out of order, a notice from quite sometime ago was still live, however everything was in working order. We did the necessary and then waited for the fresh water tank to fill. Another boat arrived laid out his hose to mark his place in the queue.

Barry Caffery

Then a chap came along a BBC Radio London mic in his hand, he quickly said he wasn’t recording but would we be willing to talk to him about the general election, they were doing a feature on Floating Voters today! Good job we don’t have a pump out toilet! We both agreed, making sure he knew we were visitors rather than London boaters. Barry chatted to us for a bit and then turned his mic on, asked us a bit about ourselves and then if we were excited for the General Election.

Hello David

Mick went first. Whilst he did his bit a bow came through the bridge behind us. It was obviously NB Albert Victor with David onboard, we did the Tideway cruise with David a few years ago, he was just on his way back to his mooring after the latest St Pancras Tideway cruise on Saturday. I managed to say hello, but not much else as I was aware that Mick was being recorded just behind me. Shame we didn’t get chance to chat.

Next it was my go. I tend not to talk politics on the blog, even though I suspect most of you know which colour we lean towards, Larry for PM! What were the important issues? I didn’t bother mentioning the obvious ones, NHS, Environment, etc, but the more personal ones, funding for the arts and waterways and just generally to have a government that cares about the people rather than lining their own pockets. We were also asked if we’d be staying up all night for the results. I suspect we’ll last for a while, then put our heads down to wake early hoping for a good result.

Heading outwards

I asked if I could have a photo of Barry Caffrey, he obliged, he could hardly not. Then he moved on to the chap waiting for the services, I think the fellow said no so Barry caught the eye of a lady walking along the towpath.

Our tank had finished filling without interrupting the interview. The chap waiting came to help push us out. His opinion on the interview, ‘Floating Voters! We can’t vote because we haven’t got an address. What’s the point in talking to us?’ Well, he was wrong. Everyone is entitled to vote even without an address, you have to declare yourself as homeless with an interest in a particular constituency. So at least one good thing will have come from the interview, that chap now knows he was entitled to vote, it won’t help him now, but in the future. For anyone wanting information on how to vote without an address here is a link to the Government website.

Onwards and outwards, past all the same sights we’ve seen before. The lack of weed still surprising us, also the lack of rubbish we normally encounter is greatly reduced, well apart from that from boaters doing work on their boats and just leaving it along the towpath! We tuned into BBC Radio London. The first interviewee Lyndsey, whom we’d just passed leaving Paddington, a continuous cruiser, with similar views to ours. She had been concerned with a recent pollution incident in London, cooking fat in the canal. Maybe this was why the canal seems to be cleaner than we’ve known it before as quite some effort was needed to clean up the fat.

We tuned back in for the next segment and were surprised to hear ourselves in full. A few moments of local radio fame!

Some of those recycled windows

Our aim today was to moor somewhere Tilly could go out. She’s been getting cabin fever and trying to squeeze herself between the gunnel and the top of the sofa to get into the secret passageway! This doesn’t work, but she keeps trying!

Much better

After Ballot Box Bridge there was still plenty of room, we pulled in quite a good distance away from where we reckoned our neighbours with four cats would still be moored. This will do nicely! No mesh on the fence either! See ya!

Hello Simon

Another boat came into view behind us, another familiar boat, Simon Judge on NB Scholar Gypsy. Simon organised the tideway cruise this weekend for 34 boats. He’s also done the tideway between Teddington and Limehouse three times in the last few days! Nice to be able to have a chat with him, but then a boat came into view behind so he was on his way again.

Originally Tilly was given three hours, but when she came home after two we decided that it was curfew time, the speed that the bikes and scooters go at along here is comparable to that of cars. So as rush hour started we closed the doors and access to the secret passageway was attempted again.

Here’s where we travelled in June

0 locks, 7.7 miles, 1 wind, 65ft reversed, 1 full water tank, 1 empty wee tank twice, 2 interviews, 2 passing boaters, 2 hours shore leave, 1 pink tablet, 1 knee rested for another day, 1 knitter in the top 15% of fundraisers last month.

It Must Be Election Time. 29th June

Paddington Basin

First things first. Time to vote. Signed, crossed and sealed, Mick walked to the nearest post box outside a Post Office and popped our votes in the post box.


Yesterday one of our items of post was a campaign t-towel for Tilly. This was hung in our window to show her allegiance to Larry. There was then a lot of Freedom for Cats in Paddington! shouted about the boat before she gave up and headed back to bed.

Vote for Larry

Last night the return from Hackney proved a touch painful for my knee. Yes we had to walk a distance, but not that far. Todays plan had been to head to Hampstead Theatre for brunch and have a look around Central School of Speech and Drama. To conserve my knee, brunch was moved to Paddington and a look around the college put off for another time. My college friend Kathy arrived and we found a table outside in the shade at The Union where we enjoyed a very nice brunch at a reasonable price and very good company.

Kathy, Mick, Pip

Kathy is a lecturer in Theatre Design at Central and spent some of our time together trying to convince me to join the Society of British Theatre Designers council. This would mean I’d have to join the society in the first place! I’d considered joining when my agent said she was retiring, therefore the commission I used to pay to her could go towards membership of such organisations. I’ll have a another think about it.

After a couple of hours it was time for her to head off to talk at the college open day, we returned to Oleanna for a quiet afternoon. Pair 26 of my Sockathon was cast off, I’m halfway through! £975 raised so far. The other day I had a sock shot sent from Liza Goddard showing off her Red Rye socks I’d knitted for her. Thank you Lil for your sponsorship, may your socks keep your toes cosy in many theatrical digs when you are on tour.

An exciting first day

It was also the first day of the Tour De France. Ten years ago we’d reached Hebden Bridge in NB Lillyanne for the opening stage of the tour. Today not so many people walked past Oleanna in Paddington as happened ten years ago and there was no big screen to watch the cyclists for longer than a few seconds zooming past the boat.

Not a big pudding!

Early evening we caught the tube to Kings Cross and walked up Pentonville Road to Mildreds. Here a quiet table tucked away had been requested by Nick and Kerry so they could bring Harry their whippet with them. Our table wasn’t quite as tucked away as hoped but the staff said we’d be better off where we were, sure enough they were good to their word, the other two thirds of the restaurant became packed out, our third just the five of us. Very nice food, I had a pineapple peanut curry with rice noodles followed by a plant based crème brule. Nick’s chocolate peanut butter fudge was what we’d jokingly expected, two cubes.

What a pretty crescent tucked away

A pint somewhere was now sought. A walk round to a nice quiet back street pub, sadly they’d a DJ in for the evening, so the pub was rejected. It did mean we got to see the wonderful Grade 2 Keystone Crescent.

Kerry and Nick

In the end we opted for a pint at The John Betjeman Arms at St Pancras Station. They had gluten free beer, they had an area where we could sit in the station, but that was closing in ten minutes! We made the most of it before moving inside for more beer and conversation. The last time all five of us were round a pub table in London it was the night of the 2017 General Election.

Nick and Harry

Another lovely day catching up with people.

0 locks, 0 miles, 1 college best mate, 1 oldest best mate, 1 cat campaign, 1 Harry, 1 problematical knee!

Bramble Birthday Bakewell. 28th June

Paddington Basin

Mick headed off this morning to get himself an Oyster card to which he’s added his senior railcard. When we were living full time on Oleanna our correspondence address was at my brothers, so he was able to have a Freedom Pass, but that has now expired, so whilst in London it’s worth being able to get some discount.

I busied myself with some baking. A batch of sweet pastry had been made yesterday, today it needed rolling out and blind baking. Then some bramble jam spread out with a bakewell topping added and baked until golden. My standard recipe but using dairy free butter, well Stork block margarine. The smell as the pastry cooked was different than from butter pastry, it whisked me back to my GCSE Home Economics and making pastry with margarine and lard.

Adding eggs to creamed marg and sugar

During the day the boats on the moorings changed a bit. One boat swapping with another and the boat on the hospital side left quite early to be replaced later in the day. Mick spotted a C&RT chap chatting to one of the other boats. We’d wondered if we might be able to move over to the hospital side as there’d be less footfall, but we decided against it. Apparently lots of people have suggested there should be electric hook ups on the pontoons here in Paddington, Mick also suggested that a water point would be a good addition. The chap said he’d put forward our suggestion and they were looking into electric hook ups.

BT Tower without all the aerials

The Bakewell Tart took some time to cool down, a box was found for it’s safe transportation across London to Hackney. We headed to catch one bus, but it was seriously delayed, so we ended up walking for ten minutes to catch the next bus, No 30 which would take us all the way to Hackney. Road works, delays, general Friday afternoon traffic meant the journey took us 2 hours.

Pip, Mick, Andrew, Gabrielle, Josh and Jac

Time to wish my brother a happy birthday. His present was a walking pole, he’s recently had problems with a knee and is soon to go on a walking holiday, so he’d requested a second pole. Drinks and nibbles with lots of conversation. We were joined for the evening by Gabrielle, the daughter of one of Jac’s best friends from Melbourne. Gabrielle now lives in London and has become an extra member of the London Leckenby family.

Finn enjoying our Ikea bag

Josh is now a free young man, having finished his A Levels a week ago. His music selection very very similar to mine at his age, in fact I don’t think I’ve heard so many Doors songs in years! Good taste.

Lots to drink, a big joint of crackling pork with salads and roasted new potatoes, followed by my Bakewell Tart with birthday candles. A very lovely evening.

We picked up items of post and then headed for a bus to catch the last Elizabeth line train back to Paddington. Maybe I should have borrowed Andrews walking pole to help with my knee problem!

Birthday Boy

0 locks, 0 miles, 1 bakewell, 1 bored cat, 2 buses, 1 lizzie line, 1 half pig, 2 many glasses of wine, 2 much food, 1 lovely evening.

Last Boat Left. 22nd June

Brookwood Country Park to Batter and Bowler Bridge

Kath joined us again this morning and once we were untied the two of us stood in the bow and we crept past NB Olive. A slight twitch of a curtain, we were maybe a touch early leaving, but the pound had been quite shallow on our way up. We suspect the depth today was up after the Authority had lowered the pound to check on the troubled lock a few days ago.

We had a nosy at peoples gardens. The buttresses that hold the railway embankment. The long blue house boat, was it built here? was it too long to fit in the locks? The old Bantam, paint peeling off.

Approaching the top of the locks I could see the two boats that we’d been following yesterday, NB Rum a Gin and NB Four Some. We compared notes of the flight yesterday, chatted about the campaign cruise on the Thames last month and watched big sausage butties be passed out from the galley, they smelt good!

NB Rum A Gin also from Yorkshire

There was no sign of NB Olive at 9am, Mike the Lock Keeper gave them a call, they’d be with us at 9:30. Mick popped to the shops for a newspaper whilst we waited for the first two boats to go down the top lock. Olive arrived. Mum had waited at the top of the locks yesterday until 5pm, she’d seen Liquorice a few times, but every time she tried to entice her she just walked further away. There was a phone call from the chap in the dry dock, he’d keep an eye out for her and be around to open a gate for them later on.

Waiting for a lock to fill

Our turn at the locks. With three on the ground this meant we could send someone ahead to fill the lock once the boats in front had left. They also sent someone on ahead. We all leapfrogged our way down the locks, catching the boats ahead up and lending them a hand.

As we came down I suddenly thought would a cat trap help to get Liquorice back. I sent a message to Tilly’s number one fan Joa who fosters kittens for Cats Protection. She found the contact details for the local branch and gave some handy tips which I passed on to the Olive crew, Josh had been thinking something similar, maybe a tranquiliser dart!

Kath huffing and puffing opening a stiff paddle

At the last lock of the Brookwood flight we waved NB Olive and their crew goodbye, wishing them luck. They would be continuing on down to the River Wey today, we’d be having a pause in Woking. We pootled on past the mooring by the Beefeater and headed for the footbridge in the centre of town.

Last lock today, Mike ashing up behind

Sadly not a cat suitable mooring, much to Tilly’s dismay, the car park just behind the friendly cover wasn’t good on a busy Saturday. Lunch with Kath and then it was time for us to say our goodbyes to her too.

In the afternoon we wandered over to Jubilee Square where there was a celebration of 30 years of dance in Woking taking place. We had a walk around whilst waiting for things to kick off. Around the centre are several painted bronze sculptures. A couple of big thick set chaps stand watching people pass by. From behind they reminded me of Jack Brady the actor who sadly passed away a few weeks ago.

Woking Station isn’t anything to look at from outside. But I spied something on the walls at the far end. A mural depicting shops and the station in Edwardian times. Soldiers waiting for trains, ladies in the fabric shop, a suffragette campaigning on the steps. On the gentleman’s outfitters section the faces looked far too modern, they were 21st Century people surely. When we found a board about the mural, sure enough the outfitters still exists in town, under a different name, but the faces on the mural were those of the staff in recent times.

We headed back to the square the performance we were waiting for was about to start. We sat down and waited, and waited. Then a loud hailer from behind us brought with it Free Palestine protestors who congregated in the square. We didn’t have a problem with their protest, but wanted them to hurry up. What would have happened if the dance display had already been underway? Would they have carried on with their protest whilst the Belly Dancers danced and coloured ribbons were wrapped around the Maypole? After a good three quarters of an hour they dissipated.

Maypole dancing

Local dance groups showed off their latest choreography. Then the maypole was positioned in the middle of the square. At first kids were keen to join in, but there were just so many ribbons people began to loose interest before they’d even started to do any dancing. But the lady was pretty good at keeping them going once they’d started. I suspect if you had dancers all of the same sort of height it would help.

High Tea (with a twist)

Then eventually after waiting for a good hour and a half Levantes Dance Theatre started their performance of High Tea (with a twist). A couple of years ago I was approached by an old work colleague to see if I’d be interested in working on Levantes next show. I seem to remember the dates not being so good with panto that year. Of course I’d looked them up so was very aware that the show would include more than just dance. The thick base that their table and parasol stood on also suggested this.

Their costumes were strongly influenced by Frida Kahlo. They danced around the audience. The high tea laid out on the circular table, one dancer leading the other who had their eyes closed. A volunteer from the audience poured out drinks from the tea pot. A proposal with a ring hidden in a French Fancy. A wedding. A child being born. The parasol was removed and replaced with a big hoop, now the two of them span round doing acrobatics round the hoop. A very entertaining half hour that had been worth waiting for.

Quite tired from yesterday we decided not to visit the Lightbox, a Grayson Perry exhibition on there. Instead we returned to Oleanna for a lazy few hours recuperating and listening to Tilly complain about the lack of shore leave, I reminded her that one cat was getting a lot more shore leave than she’d bargained for!

5 locks, 3 miles, 4 boats in convoy, 1 extra crew member, 1 Saturday paper, 3 sausage butties, not ours, 3 boats heading onwards, 1 lovely Joa, 1 early lunch, 4 birthday cards, 1 protest, 8 belly dancers, 2 many ribbons, 1 fancy, 2 dancers, 1 lazy afternoon, 0 news, 1 noisy road.