Category Archives: Trent and Mersey Canal

UB40 For Breakfast. 20th September

Limekiln Lock 42 to the Dane Aqueduct, Macclesfield Canal

Today had a touch of a musical theme to it.

UB40 with There’s a fish in mi bed what am I gonna do?

This morning a notice came through from C&RT, the locks at both ends of the Macclesfield Summit were to reopen this morning at 9am the level on the summit pound having been restored. Volunteer Ken had been right yesterday, in that it wouldn’t be long before they opened up again. Cruising Plan A31 could now be put into action. Just a shame that by early afternoon we’d had another notice from C&RT saying that due to vandalism and pounds being drained the Huddersfield Narrow was closed between locks 4E and 6E. We hope this will have been sorted by the time we get there.

Last uphill lock on the T&M

We pushed off a little after 11am, there was just one more of the Cheshire locks to ascend. I decided to work the lock and let Mick bring Oleanna up. Then it was the 90 degree right hand turn at the junction.

Last time we came along here, we still had covid restrictions, a group of friends sat outside on their balcony bundled up in coats. Today as we turned towards the Macclesfield Canal autumn arrived. Wind and the fluttering of leaves from the trees, we’ll soon be commenting on leaf porridge/soup.

The boat yard just before you turn to go over the Trent and Mersey has gone, the buildings look quite dilapidated and no boats are moored outside. Looking down across to where we’d come from, no-one had taken up our mooring yet. A giant weed island was tethered to the offside bank by rope, just where we were to pass an oncoming boat.

ABBA with Thank you for the burping the wind you’re giving

Walking all the way round

A Heritage Hire boat was just going up Hall Green Lock, all 1ft 3″ of it. With double gates at the top the chap walked round to the other end of the lock to open both gates and then when closing them he did the same. A very long way round when you can just walk over the stern of your boat to close the other gate, but that’s one of those things you pick up. They had difficulty moving off, would we?

Now on the Macc

I reset the lock, the woofers in the lock cottage woofed away as I clicked the paddles up. Should we stop for water here, no we’d do that in Congleton instead.

The first Macc bridge

Hall Green Bridge 92 is the first with the Macclesfield shaping. The bottom of the arch curves inwards towards the water and the sides of the bridge curve outwards to meet the ground. Lovely, just annoying that someone has moored their boat right in front of it!

Click the photo for details

Teapot Hall is for sale, and Rosie the boat that used to moor close by is nestled on a mooring a touch further away. I wonder if the tea pots are part of the sale? The first time we ever came this way we had another boat right up our stern, they soon asked to over take us hire boaters. We didn’t catch up the Heritage boat ahead, they were returning to base anyhow and I suspect our progress through bridge holes would be slower than theirs.

Tilly railings came into view, so did Ramsdell Hall. There was space for one more boat at the 2 day mooring, but we’d not travelled far enough yet to stop for the day or lunch. We carried on another mile or so before pulling over for a quick lunch, our stern not wanting to meet with the bank. Will this be the way of the Macc?

Beatles with Being for the benefit of Billy Tights

Onwards slowly. We always forget how slow the Macc is for us. Coasting through bridges is often quicker than under power. The big white wall of Congleton came into view, only two boats moored up. Over the aqueduct.

Do you ever feel like the odd one out?

Now we had boats coming towards us, just as the bridges increased in number. These must be boats that had come from the locks this morning. I think by the time we’d moored up I’d counted ten.

The first and second roving bridges of the Macc. The first has a little grace with one path curving round. The second tries but has two corners to it’s shape, a touch too blunt. Maybe these were the first roving bridges on the Macc and they got better and better the closer they got to Macclesfield and then excelled themselves at Marple.

Too many corners

We refrained from topping up with water on the long straight and continued onwards under bridge after bridge after bridge.

Straight on forever

We passed boats on moorings with views, we passed boats with reputations made this summer, we passed the mooring we’d stopped at for a trip to York Hospital in 2020 which was cancelled at the last minute. We were checked out by cows. The Cloud hill now in view, dark moody clouds surrounding it.


Did we dare carry on to the aqueduct, or should we stop before, there might be lots of boats wanting to go up the locks after they’d been closed for a few days. We chanced it and found plenty of room to pull into. The sun even came out and so did Tilly for an hours shore leave. Washed bedding hung on the whirligig making the most of what was left of the days warmth, then the stove was lit and we got cosy inside whilst wind blustered around us.

2 locks, 10.4 miles, 2 canals, 1 right, 1 island, 1 shallow canal, 1 hour shore leave, 0.3 of a sock knitted, 1 happy cat, 1 stove lit, 1 blustery night.

A Boating Fix. 19th September

Rode Heath to above Limekiln Lock 42

The aim was to set off at 10am this morning. Bridget and Storm were going to see if they could park their van up near Red Bull, if they could then they’d walk back down the locks to meet us, we got a message to say they’d succeeded. We pushed off in the slightly chilly morning.

ZZ Top just about to push out and Bridget waiting for us

As we approached the bottom of the Lawton Locks we could see we’d caught up with the ZZ Top boat, they were American, husband, wife and brother. One of them had walked up to set the locks ahead and our crew sat on the lock beams awaiting our arrival, both bottom locks open and awaiting a boat.

With three crew we were up the first lock quicker, Mick, Storm and Bridget lifted paddles for the other boat on the paired lock. Next a single lock, we moved on first leading the way and lifting a paddle to empty the lock behind us.

Storm ready to close gates

With locks already empty ahead and three experienced crew we were sailing up the locks. It’s lovely to have extra hands to help, but even better when you just know they know what they are doing and should anything go wrong they will react in a necessary way. One person could happily walk on ahead to open gates.

Halls Lock 49

By Halls Lock the sun had burnt through any morning mist that had lingered, it was going to be another wonderful day on the cut.

Crew ideally positioned

At Church Bottom and Top Lock a chap appeared with a windlass wanting to come down, we left the bottom lock with it’s gate open for him. But then there was no sign of him and his boat. ZZ Top could be seen approaching, Bridget walked down to let them know what was happening, just as the chap rounded the bend towards the top lock.

ZZ Top coming up behind

Everyone hopped on board to cruise up to the next line of locks. I could move Oleanna straight from one lock to the next with such efficient crew. Only one downhill boat was passed and that was just below Red Bull Lock.

The building here used to be C&RT offices, but there are new owners now. Despite the big blue sign boasting all the services here, there is now a padlock on the toilet and shower door, these services now lost to boaters. A long time ago there used to be washing machines and driers here too. At least there is still water, rubbish, elsan and a pump out.

Here a gang of C&RT volunteers were packing up for the day, they tend to trim the towpath and keep things looking neat and tidy along this stretch, they do a very good job. As Oleanna rose in Red Bull Lock one of the volunteers came to chat. It was obvious we wouldn’t be needing an extra pair of hands. He asked Bridget which way we were going, he wanted to make sure we knew about the current stoppage at Bosley Locks, the summit pound of the Macclesfield currently closed after a sluice malfunctioned dropping the level.

Red Bull in sight

As Oleanna rose I got chance to chat to Ken, the volunteer. He normally works the Bosley flight but as it’s closed he’d come to join the work party here, then see if he could be of assistance to anyone. Our chosen route to Yorkshire is via the Macc, we’re hoping that the levels improve before we get there. Ken thought they might reopen the locks later today, it shouldn’t be too long anyway. We still have a back up plan should anything ahead of us go wrong, well that was until we later in the day heard that the lock beam at Colwick Lock on the Trent and Mersey had failed and the navigation was now closed!

One more lock to rise up before we stopped for the day. Once moored up, I checked Google Earth, the trees looked safe for Tilly, out she went SHOUTING her head off with excitement. Lunch was had onboard Oleanna with cruising flapjack for pudding. The it was time for Bridget and Storm to head off to their baby sitting duties.

Pip, Mick , Bridget and Storm

What a lovely couple of days it’s been with them. Have they got the boating bug again? I don’t think they ever lost it, at least we’ve given them a fix to keep them going for a while longer.

A load of washing was hung out to dry, then once Tilly returned Mick and I headed off to Tescos for a stock up. Yes Lidl is closer, but they don’t have much in the way of gluten free things for me which needed replenishing. Back on board the stove was lit, I made a giant cauliflower cheese with extras, enough left over for one which was popped in the freezer for later.

Bye bye, see you soon

11 locks, speedily ascended, 2.6 miles, 4 smiling crew, 0 mellow, 1 splattery poo, 1 lovely day to be boating, 4 hours shore leave curtailed to 2, 2 more awarded later, 2 boxes wine, 1 fully laden bike, 1 boat back where it left 2 weeks ago.

Z Z Middle. 18th September

Rookery Railway Bridges to Rode Heath

The hire boat was the first to go past, we took our time, Tilly was even allowed an hours shore leave whilst we did our morning routine. Much to my surprise when I called for her she responded pretty quickly and came running back to the boat. Well it was still too early for friends to be out to play.

Lots of windlasses needed today

As we moved up to Wheelock I gave the inside a sweep through and a bit of a tidy. The sander, drill etc I’d pulled out the other day could be put somewhere else to free up the dinette as we’d be needing more sitting space today. The services were empty when we arrived, time to top up on water and dispose of rubbish. As we were finishing a boat came from the locks, they pulled right over into the offside, it felt like they were wanting to pull in at the water point and were waiting for us. Well they weren’t, the person at the tiller had helm dyslexia, they managed to get past us, but went totally skew wiff at the bridge behind us blocking the way for the little NB Titanic 2 who was following us.

Wheelock Bottom Lock

Now to start our ascent of the Cheshire Locks for the second time this year, the sun was out, what a lovely day, not too hot, perfect.

At the second lock up the bottom gates wouldn’t close fully. We suspected a pipe fender on the cill. Mick waggled the gate to encourage it to close, but there was still a four inch gap. Would water pressure help? Paddles were wound up gently to start with, the level rose, the gate stayed where it had been. A touch more paddle and Oleanna shot forward no matter how much reverse I gave her! More waggling of the gate, it closed a touch more.

That cottage again

Up we came, the pound seemed a touch low. We made to exit, a boat already waiting to come down. Something wasn’t quite right we were having difficulty getting over the cill. With the bottom gates leaking we reversed back into the lock, Mick took a run up this time, thankfully it worked and we were on our way again.

No way you’d be opening those gates

Mick worked the locks and I followed with Oleanna. Not too many boats coming down. Locks 64 and 63 have one of the paired locks well and truly closed at the moment, to help with water management, due to leaky paddles?! The pounds between locks did seem a touch low.

Above Lock 62 I could see lots of smoke, someone was moored up. It turned out to be NB Tixall, a steam powered narrowboat. The two chaps sat on the bank waiting for her to get up enough steam to move. Sat behind them, on the other end of the lock landing was a Heritage Hire boat, the crew looked like ZZ top with big white fluffy beards. They were enjoying their sandwiches and the view from the winding hole.

Tixall and ZZ Top

Mick walked up to the next pair. He then appeared back down the steps and stood directly under the bridge in full shade. I could see he was waggling his arms. I could tell he’d never been taught how to find his light on stage. I eventually made out that there was a boat coming down the off side lock, the towpath side must have been out of action. ZZ Top were also gesticulating at me, but I was trying to decipher Micks shady signs.

I held back, one of the chaps from Tixall came to apologise for being on the lock landing, he’d had a medical emergency yesterday smashing his face on the boat. Suspect he’s got some more bruising to come out. A cuppa was making things better and once they’d got up steam they’d be on their way again.

Above Lock 61 we pulled in, a late lunch needed by now. We made sure to pull up past both lock landing and winding hole. Messages now came through from further up the locks, our crew were on their way down, walking from Rode Heath to meet us.

Plenty of crew

Bridget and Storm are old friends. I used to work with Bridget at Hull Truck where we discovered we both had an interest in narrowboating. They had a boat built, NB Blackbird and took a year off to explore the network. When we bought NB Lillyanne we cruised with them on and off, then seven years ago we spent much of the summer with them on the Lancaster Canal. In fact today it is seven years since we crossed back to Tarleton from the Lanky. We’ve been trying to meet up this year and so far have missed them by a week. But this weekend they have baby sitting duties with their grandkids in Wales, so our position was perfect to meet up, give them a boating fix helping with the locks.

Time to chat at the locks

We were soon on the move again. Some locks needed turning, others were in our favour. Mick and Storm walked on ahead setting and working the locks whilst Bridget and I had a very good catch up as we moved from lock to lock up the flight. The sun was out, good company to help with the locks, what a great afternoon.

and on board too

Today we pulled in at Rode Heath, in the middle of the Cheshire Locks, sadly too close to cat curfew time for Tilly to have any shore leave, Well it’s woofer land round here anyway! Bridget and Storm had come in their camper van, the pub kindly allowing them to stay overnight in their car park.

The pub

A table was booked at the pub, a 30% off main courses voucher was downloaded. A very lovely evening with them both over food and drinks.

That sounds interesting!

14 locks, 5.3 miles, 2 boats on lock landings and winding holes, 2 big fluffy beards, 2 boaty friends, 1 lovely day, 1 pie, 1 fish and chips, 1 scampi, 1 hunters chicken, 6 pints, 2 glasses of wine, 1 lovely catch up, 1 Mrs Tilly stamp for last nights mooring.

Dribbles. 17th September

Bramble Cuttings to Rookery Railway Bridge

Turning my phone on this morning I came across two messages, both about rendez vous. I was expecting one, but not the other. Location and planned route were passed on to one, and current location to the other. No time for a full cuppa in bed this morning, we were about to meet up with NB Cobweb. Last night they were moored only a mile away and Vicki was checking to see if we were still on the Weaver as they were heading that way.


Tilly was allowed some shore leave whilst I washed the Fertan off the grabrail and roof. Fertan does the job, but it can also leave a horrible streaky mess! The dew this morning had done it’s worst! Maybe some Bar Keepers Friend will help.

At last the boats and owners get to meet up

One of our neighbours moved off a short while before NB Cobweb arrived, perfect. Vicki and David have had NB Cobweb for a couple of years now, we passed the boat last year on the Leeds Liverpool, but no-one was on board. Vicki used to work front of house at the SJT in Scarborough, her daughter was also part of the youth group Rounders, she is now a very talented musician. Early last year there had been a comment made about the annoying Princess Ann’s swing bridge in Thorne on Facebook, I noticed a reply from Vicki who was moored in Thorne at the time, they were preparing to move aboard. Well we’ve been trying to meet up since and Vicki had sponsored a pair of socks, which I’ve been hanging onto in case our bows crossed.

Socks handed over

After about an hour of chatting it was time for both of us to move on. They hoped to be on the boat lift this afternoon and we hoped to be through Middlewich. Good to see you Vicki, enjoy the Weaver and yes we’ll meet up for a drink when we’re all back in Scarborough this winter.

Approaching Big Lock

It was nearly midday when we pushed off. Back towards Middlewich, two boats just entering Big Lock. I went up for a chat with Sabrina as the lock finished, at last we’ve met and not just given each other a wave as one of us has passed. Once we’d risen ourselves we pulled in as close to the little Tescos as we could, a few items required and it was time for lunch.

Lots of water coming down

As ever through Middlewich we timed our departure ten minutes late, the bottom lock of the three was over topping as a boat was coming down the lock above and we were in a queue with Baked Onboard the Pizza boat in front of us. At least we’d not been another five minutes later as there were now another two boats behind us.

Up she comes

No volunteers in sight, but the lady from the boat behind came up and helped. I worked the locks, wimping out of turning the corner. We helped the pizza boat up, then she helped us up the first lock. We swapped with another boat coming down at the corner, and then once we were up the three we lifted a paddle for the boat behind.

Reaching the junction

The junction wasn’t as busy as ten days ago and King’s Lock only needed a touch of emptying before we could go in. Our chosen route back to Yorkshire would be back up the Cheshire Locks.

Kings Lock in the sunshine

We soon found we were following a hire boat who were following a single hander, the going was a touch slow. At Lock 67 I went up to set it for us and chatted to the hire boat. They didn’t want to start up the Cheshire Locks today so were looking for a suitable mooring, I suggested where we’d be pulling in and a couple more places before Wheelock.


A young girl was busy asking Mick questions, she came to see how the lock worked, it was scary! But it was still way more interesting than watching her family fishing just above the lock. She also helped with the gates which was great.

Two different fonts and dribbly

One day, when I’ve retired from boating, I would like the job of repainting the numbers on lock beams. It feels as if each canal used to have a style of numbers, but as you can see on the lock at Middlewich that style has now become a dribbly mess. In comparison the faded number at lock 67 is just wonderful.

I love the faded one on the left

We pootled on back to the moorings after Rookery Railway Bridges, the hire boat had already pulled in there. Tilly was miffed as it was already after cat curfew time!

9 locks, 6.8 miles, 1 straight on, pair 33 handed over, 1 hour apart, 20 years ago, 0 volunteers, 0 free pizza for helping, 1 long day, 1 miffed cat.

The Spiders From Anderton. 16th September

Baron’s Quay to Bramble Cuttings, Trent and Mersey Canal

Fog! Who ordered FOG!!!

No choice, we needed to move today. Thankfully as we pootled down to the lift waiting mooring the skies started to clear, still grey but not cloud filled. Tied up half an hour before our booking we could see the caissons were on the move, the chap up top could be seen chatting to a boat that had just gone up, it took ages before we saw the hat of a boater moving towards the aqueduct towards the canal.

Boat Lift

A C&RT person walked round to see us. A few instructions to follow when we got into the lift, and they were ready for us. Round and into the caisson, stern rope tied up, engine off. Time to chat whilst two boats came in from above into the other caisson. Today was the lift operators first day going solo. Having just finished three years at University they were hunting for a job, had worked on the trip boat before and now was working part time on the lift. The occasional glance at a sheet of paper to make sure everything was being done in the right order.

I wonder if the spiders prefer the gate being up or down?

This morning the caisson we were in had had a slight problem. The gates that open to let boats in and out have shot bolts that hold them in place when they are open to boats, one set of them hadn’t been working properly.

They are a safety device, so should anything happen to the winches that move the gates the bolts will hold the gate in place. Anyone who’s ever worked back stage at the SJT will understand this problem very well, as the Round stage is a big lift and every now and again the shot bolts would need a good old hit with a hammer!

Once the two boats were in the other caisson, water drained out from the gap between the gates behind us, we were good to go. That slight judder and we were on our way up.

When originally built in 1875, the lift was operated with hydraulics, water from the River Weaver was used in it’s operation. The caisson going up would be drained just slightly to make it lighter than the other one. The heavier caisson would then sink pushing the water into the other side of the hydraulics and push the lighter caisson up. However the water being used was full of salt from the river and the pipes corroded. In 1882 one of the cast iron hydraulic cylinders burst whilst a boat was at canal level, the caisson descended rapidly, but thankfully water escaping the cylinder slowed the descent and the water filled dock at river level softened the impact!

Cogs right at the top

The hydraulics were replaced by winches above the caissons, extra structure was added to the lift to cope with the extra weight. The winches lifted and dropped the caissons powered by electricity. The conversion happened over two years , but the lift was only closed for 49 days, reopening fully in 1908.

The shiny pole is the hydraulic ram that pushes the caisson up

This worked for quite some time, but commercial boat traffic declined and rust set in. In 2000 major refurbishment was carried out, new hydraulics installed and this is how it works today. The caissons can be moved individually, we think that is what happened 13 years ago, but it is actually cheaper to use both caissons whether there are boats in them or not, the counterbalance meaning they use less electricity. To book your boat on the lift it costs £5. It takes three members of staff to work the lift and if it wasn’t for the trip boat the lift would loose hundreds of pounds a day.

Next year is the boat lifts 150th anniversary. After the summer season it will close again for some more restoration, closing it for 12 to 18 months.

As we reached the top, the lift slows down for the last foot or so. The operator at the top greeted us and gave us our instructions. Once the lift had come to a stop, the gap between gates was filled with water, then the gates open, we move onto the aqueduct. Gate close behind.

Then the gate onto the canal can open. A thumbs up from by the bridge meant the way ahead was clear. A turn right, the only way you can turn out from the lift and we were back on the T&M.


Rubbish needed disposing of so we pulled in behind a boat that had just started filling up with water. I said we were only there to use the bins, ‘They’re getting rid of them!’ came the response. Well this was correct and wrong at the same time. The bin compound as we talked was being dismantled, the biffa bins already gone. However the new skip is there and replacing the bins. Once the compound has been dismantled the skip will be positioned where the bins once were.

Compound being dismantled

We got chatting to the C&RT chap who was wielding a hammer and saw dismantling the bin compound. Recently there have been occasions when one bin was full and someone had put their rubbish bags by that bin, another two bins were empty. Other boaters arrived and just assumed the bins were full and left their rubbish on the floor too. This escalated until Biffa refused to empty the bin as they couldn’t get to it. There is also frequent use by non boaters as a lot of the local tips are now either closed or you are limited in your use. The pump out also gets misused, a new end to the sucky pipe costs in the region of £1000 every time. He said that the services here were ‘this close to being closed for good’ due to misuse.

More power station

Onwards, now on the flat, retracing ourselves along the long pound. At the power station progress was obvious from a week ten days ago. A fifth fan had been added to the sci-fi Swiss chalet structure. We counted the cranes, many different sizes, now 12 of them.

Hi Andy, Nichola and Jez

The sun was out, time to take off our precautionary waterproofs. Was that bow who we thought it was? Were those notes on the bow? A quick exchange of hellos with Andy on NB On A Fiddle, Nichola down below as we passed them.

All mine!

Time to hope for a space at Bramble Cuttings. At 2pm would there be space? Yes! we had the whole mooring to ourselves! A perfect shore leave location for Tilly. I stepped inside gave her the rules and opened the doors straight away, 4 hours! Yeh yeh!

A late lunch for us and self catering for Tilly. With the weather due to be fine for the next few days it was time to attend to a leaking mushroom vent and whilst I was at it scrape off all the rust along the port side grabrail and gunnel! Gosh there was plenty! I also spotted a couple more little bits where the grabrail had caught in Froghall Tunnel.

Mick got busy in the engine bay, an oil change. Tilly was just BUSY!

Down the hole!

Soon we got another neighbour who pulled up right at the far end, no woofer visible. Then an hour later a second boat came in to moor. Mick chatted to the chap and I miss heard thinking it was a boat we’d met a few days ago with a woofer, but there was no dog. Tilly could continue with her shore leave in safety much to the dislike of the squirrels.


Once the worst of the rust had been scraped off, a couple of patches on the cabin side too unfortunately, my knee was starting to complain. I’d really have liked to given things a go over with the attachment of doom, but that would take too long and it also felt wrong to do it at Bramble Cuttings. So instead everything got a coat of Fertan rust inhibitor. Hopefully that will stop things from getting worse before I can attack it again. As it was a lovely warm afternoon I dug out a spray bottle and filled it with water so I could keep the Fertan damp, helping it to do it’s job for longer.


Tilly had had a very good afternoon. Plenty of trees climbed and lots of pouncing. I’d had to rescue a few friends and then did my best to persuade Tilly to come in for her dingding. I could tell she was tired as she was doing that belligerent toddler thing of I’m not tired! Look I can do this and walk away from you. This tree hasn’t been climbed yet, so I’ll just do that first. She soon gave in, came inside, had a lick of her dingding and flaked out.

One lovely sunset too

0 locks, 1 boat lift, 9.3 miles, 1 right, 2 many patches of rust, 9.5 litres oil, 4 whole hours! 1 big pan on the roof, pair 37 yarn selected, 1 2 Mrs Tilly stamp of approval.

To Devil’s Garden. 10th September

Moorings above Saltersford Lock to Devils Garden

A wet morning and my back had a twinge, last thing I wanted to do was get down on the floor to do my exercises, they could wait for another day. One thing that couldn’t wait for another day was a cruising plan. A joint effort was required and a touch of maths.

Serious planning

We both opened up Canal Plan. We worked out when we need to be back in Yorkshire, a mooring has already been found for Oleanna. Then specific dates when we need to be elsewhere, the number of days when Oleanna won’t be moving, which stops require a train station, which a marina. The way Canal plan works is that if you add in some stationary days then the end date of your cruise gets added to. We didn’t bother with this, instead we deducted the number of days Oleanna would be stationary from the full trip and kept a tally on how this affected trip days. I understood my method, Mick just had to go along with it and see if it worked. Thankfully it did. Yes we could have adjusted the trip on Canal plan and added in the stationary days but that would then be a touch ridged.

Three possible routes to try out and see if the dates would work.

Firstly the Huddersfield Narrow, the shortest cruise. Plenty of stations to choose from, if we got stuck by flooded rivers it would be the easiest to move the boat at short notice when levels came down. Marinas not so plentiful, but a slight adjustment to cruising hours made it work.

Second choice the Shroppie, the longest cruise. This would mean not doubling back on ourselves too much. Stations not so good, some buses would be needed. Cruising days on the Tidal Trent have some leeway and the tides look favourable to CRT working hours at the locks. Some adjustment required for a marina, but that would be manageable if they have room.

Third choice the T&M, in between the above cruises, retracing the way we’ve just come back to Fradley. The Tidal Trent on the same days as the Shroppie, better stations too.

The final choice is still to be made, but at least we could let friends know the two possible locations we’d be at for a rendez vous. About half an hours drive between them so at least they’d know where abouts to head in the first place.

We checked the radar. More rain due overhead. Two boats moved off, a while later they were replaced with another two. We were going to wait until after lunch, hoping the rain would subside. The two boats that had arrived headed off again in a lull in the showers.

Hello back there!

At 2pm we decided to make a move whether the weather was good or not. Waterproofs on we winded and headed down stream to Saltersford Locks. On arrival there was a boat moored on the lock waiting pontoon, where was the Lockie? We hovered for a while, then Mick rang the Lockie. The lock would be ready in about 15/20 minutes, the boat on the landing moved off and we could pull in to wait. Sure enough the lock took forever to fill, the Lockie set it filling and headed off for a while.

This is the only downstream lock we went through back in 2011, it holds 660,000 gallons of water and I think it was estimated back then that it could hold 27 Winding Downs. It sits alongside a smaller lock, but that hasn’t been used since the 70’s. We passed our ropes around bollards towards the back of the lock. The bow just by a set of disused centre gates. The lock was set emptying, this would take time too.

For sale with some period details!

Just below the lock was a water point we pulled in to fill up the tank. An end of terrace cottage, formerly a Lock Keepers cottage, is for sale. The pressure was pretty good so we were on our way again soon.

Pontoon Mooring?

We didn’t remember the journey to Dutton Locks from 13 years ago. Houses sit close by. Some leading up to Acton Bridge have pontoon moorings sticking out into the river, one of them for sale!

Acton Bridge

The moorings by Acton Bridge were full. We wanted to be further on anyway and the mooring certainly wouldn’t be cat friendly. Mick took the advice of the Lockie back at Saltersford and called ahead to the next lock, it would be set ready for us when we arrived.

Looking towards the weir

Above Dutton Locks the moorings were full. The sunk vessel we’d seen 13 years ago has degraded a lot! Maybe on our way back I’ll get a closer look, today we wanted to head on further. We pulled into the lock, the gates closed behind us and the water started to drain out through sluices in the side of the lock.


Now on totally new water to all of us. Back in March 2011 the locks had been on winter opening hours meaning they had to be booked, we only had limited time on the river anyway so hadn’t ventured further, today we could carry on.

Dutton Viaduct came into view, dark against the rain laden clouds, sun streaming through where it could. The river has views, next to no flood banks. Open views, then tree lined banks. We had our hopes on a mooring a mile or so further, a little m on our map meaning we’d need spikes.

Dutton Viaduct

As it came into view it had great potential and there was only one boat moored up, space for us. We winded and pulled in a short distance up stream with trees to our bow and stern, our own slot. We’d found the Devil’s Garden mooring, both of us had heard of it before, a favourite for many.

Ducks are forever hopeful

Tilly was allowed out and we all had a little explore, checking signs and fences avoiding stepping in the cowpats. Tilly stayed out and played for a while, but it was blustery, rainy and she was wanting dingding.

They’ve come out to play too!

Mick lit the stove, we’d be needing one for our jacket potatoes to accompany a pie each. Yarn was selected for the next pair of socks, pair 37 I think. Thank you to those who’ve sponsored a pair this week I’ve now only got to find two more sponsors to make 52 pairs for the year and I’ve beaten last years total too! It may be that as the nights start drawing in I may be able to knit a few more pairs, after all why stop at 52, I’ve still got a mountain of yarn to use.

2 locks, 5.8 miles, 2.2miles of new water, 30 minutes for one lock, 1 full water tank, 1 damp blowy day, 2 pies, 2 jackets, 0 cows, 37 in 4 shades of blue, 1 cosy boat, 1 lovely mooring.!1m17!1m12!1m3!1d7260.5534387613325!2d-2.6748082668054605!3d53.28409690096703!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m2!1m1!2zNTPCsDE2JzU3LjUiTiAywrAzOSc1My45Ilc!5e1!3m2!1sen!2suk!4v1726061794294!5m2!1sen!2suk

Soggy Seventh. 8th September

Forge Brook Aqueduct to opposite Northwich Quay Marina, River Weaver

The first boat to pass today

The alarm was set early, well you just don’t know when a coal boat might arrive. It turned out we could have had some more time tucked up in bed. Having a booking for the boat lift and we were going to be joined by our friend Lizzie for the day meant we’d be moving today no matter how hard it was raining!

The Geraghty zoom covered subjects such as Clare Baldwin, ping pong, the 70’s BBC drama Canal Children, Ballet Shoes and tuna. We kept an eye out in case NB Halsall arrived, but there was no sign of them. A message came through, it would be mid to late morning. Oh well, we’d got half a tank of diesel and a bag and a half of coal, hopefully we’d be okay.

A skip

Covers were rolled up, full waterproofs on we set off around 11am. At the Anderton Services we wanted to drop off some rubbish, but there were a couple of hire boats there. One lady offered to put our bags in the bins for us, which we accepted whilst hovering at the end of the services. Recently there have been several posts on social media with photos of mountains of rubbish around full bins here. Today the main bin area was cordoned off, instead there was a big skip, far more capacity for all those boats coming off the Bridgewater Canal where bins are almost none existent.

Halsall arriving

We made our way to the lift waiting moorings, pulling in behind another boat also booked for the 12:15 passage. Lizzie arrived too, everyone starting to drip a bit from the amount of rain. Mick went to see if he needed to check in, there are cameras so they know when you’ve arrived. Just as he was walking back to the boat NB Halsall was pulling up next to us. Mick was informed by the lift staff that we’d not be able to fuel up if we wanted to go down the lift, there were other boats coming up and there simply wasn’t time. We explained to Rachel on Halsall maybe we’d be able to see them elsewhere in a week or so. Then a more amenable chap came and asked if we’d like to change our lift booking to the next slot, there was space. Brilliant, thank you! We could now top up on fuel and coal and maybe even have a warming cuppa before our descent.

Rachel brought Halsall close again, we tied up. Brolli in hand the diesel tank was filled to the top and three bags of Excell were popped onto Oleanna’s roof. We were their last customer, they pushed back to wind and head back the way they’d come. £1.06 delivered in the rain, you’ve got to love coal boats.

The soggy three

Tap on the roof, waterproofs back on, it was time to descend the lift.

This would be Oleanna and Tilly’s seventh and final wonder of the waterways. Mick and I had been down the lift on NB Winding Down back in March 2011! (our blogs were a bit different back then) Back then it was unseasonably warm, today it was seriously WET!

We followed NB Lyndsey Jane onto the aqueduct that leads to the boat lift. Under the gate that cuts the rest of the Trent and Mersey Canal off from the lift. This then closed behind us.

In front we waited for the two gates to lift that would connect the aqueduct to the lift caisson. Once cleared we could proceed into the caisson. Stern ropes attached to the side and tied off, engines off.

Gates closing behind us

The gates behind us came down. One gate seals off the aqueduct from the lift, the other seals the water into the caisson. Once these are closed the water in the gap between them is emptied out.

Hello over there!

We then had a bit of a wait for things to start to happen. Then slowly the caisson started to descend, a very slight shuddering could be felt as we lowered. A boat was ascending in the other caisson, passing halfway as you’d expect. Looking upwards it felt a lot further than the 50ft we’d travelled between canal and river.

Another wait for the gates out onto the river to lift. The chap on board NB Lyndsey Jane said we could go first, he’d rather wait for the mud to finish dripping off the bottom gates. We obliged, any mud would very soon get washed away by the rain.

A blast of our horn as we came out onto the river and turned left. We pulled onto the 24 hour mooring where there was a good amount of space. With the covers back up we quickly retired inside to attempt to dry out and have some food. The shower was filled with coats and life jackets on hangers, some drip drying required.


What to do with the rest of the day? We walked up to the visitor centre a good look at all the information about the lift, I’m going to save that for when we go back up. There was also a really good collection of vintage arcade games. Why I don’t know. We refrained from exchanging money for tokens to get them working, but just looked instead. One box was filled with puppets around a house where accidents were waiting to happen. I’m fairly sure this chap shouldn’t have been balancing on the banister rails like he was.

Soggy at Anderton

Back at Oleanna we decided to head on to Northwich. It was still raining, we were still wet, might as well carry on being wet for a while longer. The river is quite rural on the way to town. There are a lot more moorings than there were in 2011, a new pontoon was chocka block. We carried on hoping there’d be space for us somewhere. Thankfully between the two bridges opposite the new (to us) marina there was a space just big enough. Phew!

A dry off, mick lit the stove, we had a glass of wine whilst we decided what to do for food. The nearest place was Relish Tandoori , just behind the flats we were moored infront of. They do a Sunday Buffet which seemed to be popular, we opted to join in.


Poppadoms, followed by a selection of starters, then six or seven main courses, all help yourself. Fresh nana bread too. Everything was very nice, better than most take aways we’ve had over the last few years. Only criticism was it all could have been just a touch hotter, they needed better candles! For the three of us with a drink each it came to just over £50.

Here we waved Lizzie goodnight as she headed back to her hotel. What a totally soggy day, but a rather good one. Thank you Lizzie for joining us.

Oleanna has now travelled the seven wonders of the waterways.

Barton Swing Aqueduct. 22nd July 2017

Pontecysyllte Aqueduct.15th December 2017

Caen Hill Locks. 13th September 2019

Burnley Embankment. 19th July 2020

Bingley Five Rise Locks. 3rd August 2020

Standedge Tunnel. 8th October 2021

Anderton Boat Lift. 8th September 2024

* Jim Shead’s Seven Wonders of the Waterways I think were slightly different, if anyone can remember them please let me know as the website no longer exists.

0 locks, 2.8 miles, 1 left, 1 lift, 7th wonder of the waterways, 4 siblings, 1 on the metro, 82 litres diesel, 60kg Excell, 3 very wet boaters, 1 very bored cat, 4 moorings in a day, 6 dripping sleeves.

An Explosive Night. 7th September

Croxton Aqueduct to Forge Brook Aqueduct

A couple of days ago a new notice had come through from C&RT, Saltersford Lock on the Weaver was now open. Then yesterday a notice regarding Hunts Lock also on the river suggested things were progressing well, an update would be issued on the 11th. It was now worth continuing with our plan to descend the boat lift, fingers crossed the work at Hunts lock does the job.

Tilly got some shore leave in amongst the dog walkers, the field alongside the mooring here was being used by a chap on his bike cycling round it with his two woofers running along behind. He did several laps whilst his little boy trailed behind only managing one.

LOTS of food!

There were things in the fridge that needed eating up, especially the white pudding we’d bought in Leek, so we had a leisurely morning, no need for lunch today!

With my knitting out the back we pootled onwards, quite a few boats heading our way, Bramble Cuttings was empty, was it last night? There were two boats moored opposite which suggested it had been occupied.

NB Huffler back on the main land

As we came past the flashes, we passed bows with NB Huffler. They had crossed the Ribble Link with our friend Chris (The Pink Hat Man) on NB Elektra quite a few weeks ago, then they were caught by the breach on the Lancaster Canal and the broken sea lock on the link. Not a good situation to be in. A few days ago they were lifted out and transported by lorry to Lymm where they were put back in to be able to cruise back to their home mooring for winter.

We then hoped we’d get to see another boat NB Halsall the coal boat, they were due to leave Park Farm Marina today heading for the Anderton Boat Lift. But there was no sign of them, we expected they were a long way ahead of us. However later on in the day we got news that they were actually behind us, maybe they’d catch up with us before Anderton.

Waiting patiently for two to come through

As we reached The Broken Cross Pub we could see a boat coming through the bridge, Mick pulled us over to the side where we trod water opposite the moored boats. A second boat came into view, we waited. As the chap came past he made a comment about the reeds that were encroaching from the offside, ‘if they weren’t there it would be a lot easier! Just what do we pay our licence fees for?!’ Well if that bunch of reeds was removed the only difference would have been that we’d have been able to wait for him to come through the bridge 60ft closer to it. So no difference to us really.

Approaching Tata

Coming through by the Tata Chemical works, cranes were busy on the site of the new power station that is being built. Right by the canal was a new structure which looked like a futuristic Swiss cottage on stilts wearing a very large roller on it’s roof. As we cruised past we could see several very large fans underneath , around 6m across, maybe this is a new version of a cooling tower? More info on the sustainable power station can be found here.

We finally pulled in, half an hours cruise from the Anderton Boat Lift, a little distance away from another boat giving Tilly some extra towpath. Across the fields bells could be heard, most probably from Great Budworth, someone was getting married maybe. However this was soon overtaken by a new large structure being erected on the nearest farm, steel work being hit into submission and then bolted together. This noise continued until dark.

That is when we got the sound of fireworks. Maybe it was the wedding, distant music could also be heard. If it was coming from the wedding the couple must have had a very big budget! Then after maybe 15 minutes we got fireworks again. These went on for quite sometime with a big finale. Another gap, then more. What was going on? Was there a firework convention going on?

It turns out that tonight in several locations across the country there were big firework festivals/competitions. Manufacturers showing off. The one we could hear was most probably coming from Arley Hall, there was also one in Blackpool and one at Catton Hall near Swarkstone at the other end of the T&M, 50 odd miles away. Shame we couldn’t see any of them!

0 locks, 7.5 miles, 3.75 hours shore leave, 3 hours of fireworks, 15 minutes dinging, 5 hours steel fabrication, 1 sock up to the gusset, 1 more pair sponsored.

On A Friday! 6th September

Rookery Railway Bridges to Croxton Aqueduct

Some shore leave before we moved on today, with the rest of the locks through Middlewich to work through we didn’t want to be too late leaving and Tilly obliged by returning in good time.

Bee and clover

Such familiar water this stretch. by the railway bridges there used to be a winding hole just long enough for Carefree Cruising boats to wind in before returning to base by Elton Moss Bridge, but now you’d be lucky to be able to turn a 40fter there, so overgrown.

Nice Lock

Nice Lock 67 had a boat just leaving it, if there was going to be one lock I’d operate on the Cheshire Locks this would be the one. I hopped off with a windlass, Mick closed the top gate and I wound the paddles up at the bottom end. This was quite often the first lock we’d go through on NB Winding Down, hence it’s Nice name, but it also was likely to be the last lock too, then it got named Nasty Lock! But now it’s always Nice.

Knitting as we cruise

Down the Booth Lane Locks meeting a couple of boats heading up. The last of these boats had a hobbling lady walking the towpath, she should have caught a lift as they were only going to have to wait at the next lock for the boat ahead of them to go up.

Statics avoiding looking towards the canal

More new houses going up and some static caravans are also being plumbed in right beside the canal, no canal view though as very few of their windows faced the water.

Mick as blue as the sky

What a glorious day to be boating. Sun blue skies and not too hot. Should we have a mooring today where we could have a bbq what would we eat? There were some sausages or mince, both frozen. Maybe we should see what the new small Morrisons could provide for us.

King’s Lock

We pulled in close to the fish and chip shop, two houses along the way for sale. Well except it was quite hard to pull in. A new length of armco looked appealing, but either there was a sunken vessel there or a ledge, we tried further along, and again. Finally we made it close enough to the bank. The gate to the road leads just that straight onto the road, no pavement just a little gravellyness then the busy road. Morrisons was out of various items, but there were some burgers and a bag of mixed peppers. I checked the free from items. That bread looked nice, ah no wonder it was Rye Bread, first ingredient, Wheat! No wonder they had quite a lot of it!!

We’d originally not planned on stopping in Middlewich, but to carry on straight through, but now we were moored up we had lunch. With one boat just ahead of us when we pushed off again we waited to use King’s Lock. This boat was going onto the water point then up onto the Branch, we had another two possible water points to choose from.

winding a 70fter

Just as I was about to bring Oleanna out from the lock a 70ft hire boat arrived, were they turning up to Wardle Lock and the Branch, no just winding. With a boat on the water point and a CRT work boat the other side of the junction this limited their turning circle. Their wind taking ages, but they managed it in the end. We followed them down to the Middlewich three.

With the opportunity of there being volunteers at each lock I decided I’d like to work the locks as I’d only need to do half the work. However there was a long wait. Another hire boat was under tuition coming up the locks so we and the boat ahead had to wait. The volunteer wasn’t going to let anyone through the lock until the uphill boat had cleared, both boats could have gone down in that time.

I let Mick bring Oleanna round the bend towards the middle lock

The 7/8 chaps on the hire boat in front seemed to know what they were doing and were soon on their way. The volunteer I suspect was a touch deaf as I asked if I could fill the lock. ‘NO!’ He then gestured to wind a paddle up! We were soon on our way down, I checked that there were other volunteers at the locks, ‘Yes’ marvellous! That was until the other two volunteers walked up to the top lock and said the middle lock was filling. Even my walking pole didn’t suggest we’d need assistance, they then vanished into thin air. Oh well the first time I’d been looking forward to having assistance at the locks and it wasn’t going to happen.

Last of the narrow locks for a bit

I opened up the middle lock, the chaps from the boat ahead lifted a paddle to refill the bottom lock for us. I worked us down the middle lock then Mick and I swapped over for the bottom lock, I could do no more.

Yarn bombed posts

We pulled onto the next water point and toped up the tank, emptied the yellow water and then made ready to push onwards. Big Lock had just been emptied, but we were soon on our way down. We’d totally forgotten about Middlewich on an afternoon, especially on a Friday, we’d thought we’d be through by early afternoon, but that pause for lunch! Saturdays it’s shareboat central at the junction, Fridays seemed to be hire boats! Mental note for next time, avoid certain days, avoid afternoons and the volunteers will clock off as soon as either the chippy opens or after the last hire boat is through.

Big Lock

It was getting quite late, we’d thought of heading on to Bramble Cuttings, not that much further, but on a sunny Friday afternoon there was likely to be no room for us. So when we came across Croxton Aqueduct and the towpath widened out and there was plenty of space we pulled in. Tilly was given an hour whilst we got ourselves ready for a bbq. The burgers I’d bought were really quite fatty and sent big flames up from the coals, charring everything. I gave them a few minutes rest away from the fire before finishing them off which seemed to calm them down a touch. A lovely evening sat out none the less watching and eating as the sunset.

Just about ready to start cooking

9 locks, 5.9 miles, 1 straight on, 1 new edge too shallow, 1 nice lock, 1 knee still able to do the T&M hurdles, 3, 2, 1, 0 volunteers, 1 closed council tip, 4 fatty burgers, 4 pepper haloumi kebabs, 1 bowl coleslaw, 1 sunset.


Down In One. 5th September

Below Plant’s Lock 41 to before Rookery Railway Bridges 158A

Up early, breakfasted, exercised, covers rolled up and outside ready to push off before 9:12, which is when our extra crew arrived. Paul Balmer had kindly offered to help us down the Cheshire Locks today and had made his way up from Birmingham to join us. Once his ruck sack was stowed inside Oleanna we were on our way. Me at the helm, Mick and Paul walking ahead to work the locks.

Starting on down

We’ve done the Cheshire Locks many times before, our share boat was based in Sandbach for her first few years. From what we can remember we’ve never done them all in one day before. It also depends on where you consider the locks starting and ending. We’d already done the top lock yesterday, our aim was to get down the two locks at Wheelock before stopping for the day, there are still 5 more locks to Middlewich Junction, then three round the corner to Big Lock, we don’t count these last 9.

Bye Mick

Having two crew made things pretty quick, both working a lock then one walking ahead to set the next whilst the other stayed to close up behind. I just had to keep up with them both!


It was a grey dreary day, with a slight amount of wetness in the air every so often, but that didn’t put us off. Dropping down to Red Bull services we had Police Officers asking if we’d seen a chap in red shorts covered in tattoos, we couldn’t help. Mick dropped the rubbish off as we went past the bins. Only one other boat moored between the tunnel and the bottom of Townfield Lock 46, where were all the boats!?!

Hall’s Lock 49 a cruiser coming up one of the paired locks

The chaps hopped back on board to ride to Church Top Lock, Mick taking over the helm so I could sit down. Mick and I over the years have developed hand signs to convey information. Boat coming up, boat going down, walking, can I have a lift, I’m walking ahead is that okay? On several occasions Paul came to relay information to me, Mick had already beaten him with our signs. It didn’t matter as it was nice to have someone to talk to.

Looking back to Hall’s Lock

Whilst Oleanna and I dropped down inside each lock Mick and Paul chatted away up top, boats and trains most probably the main subjects covered. Gradually as we worked down hill the canal lost it’s bright orange hue from the tunnel, the only residue was left as small drips on Oleanna’s clean roof!

Crew ahead at the next lock waiting for a boat to come up.

At Hall’s Lock we met an up hill boat at the paired locks, both in use today. Then we passed a few more through the Lawton Locks, crew from other boats helping where needed.

Click photo for details

Everyone on board to cruise to Rode Heath where there were a few boats moored. Above the lock a house for sale. Normally this would be a stopping point for us, but it was still too early even for a lunch break.

The oven was heated up and just before the two Pierpoint Locks a tray of sausage rolls were popped in the oven. I’d guessed at cooking and cooling time, but the chaps were a touch too quick with the locks so we had to wait for them to cool down for a while before tucking in. What was in the Quality Street tin to follow? Apple flapjack of course, this years cruising fuel.

57 varieties

There was Paul’s list to go through, there’s always a list of questions and subjects to cover. We also had plenty of photos to look at too. Maybe if we’d have stopped ten minutes earlier we’d not have been second in line for Lock 57, but we were.

I remember them!

One boat coming up, another to go down, then two coming up sharing. Were these the two we came across earlier this year, in a similar area? Almost certainly. I had to call Mick back to help get Oleanna off the bottom, too many boats mooring in this pound and not enough carrying on up to let water down.

Sitting in the locks I got to see things from a different angle. The buffer plates in the T&M locks vary quite a bit, the most interesting ones most probably the oldest ones. Looking back, picking Mick up every now and again I spotted that quite a few sets of steps have had the stone treads turned upside down, the worn area now filled with mortar, but a new flat step on the top.


Earlier this year, possibly at Maddocks Lock 59 I took a photo of all the daffodils between the paired locks. Today the grass is filled with clover flowers, many past their best.

That red buoy upstaging everything!

At Clear Water Lock 63 we took our time exiting. Paul wanted some photos and the depth below the water measuring. A boat hook came in handy for measuring. The depth of water up to my chest, the first rung of the lock ladder at our cabin height!

I got to see a lot of backs today

The pound below the lock was a good 14 inches low and Oleanna took her time to cross over the bottom cill. A boat waited below. As Oleanna exited I’d need to turn her to miss the boat, the bow thruster came in handy as there was nowhere for the stern to go. I very nearly ran out of space as the chap on the waiting boat had stopped waiting, and was heading straight towards the lock, reducing my manoeuvring room all the time! He’d apparently asked Mick why I was taking so long, was there something around the prop? No there was only just enough water under my boat making her unresponsive. Maybe I should have just stopped and waited to see how far he was going to bring his boat. I could have had a go at him, but just said Hello instead, life’s too short to deal with an impatient Twonk head!

In the last lock of the day

Mick would climb back on board when ever there was a slightly longer gap between locks so I could have a sit down. Only two more locks to descend, down to Wheelock, then we’d be on the flat again for some distance. Onwards we cruised to just before Rookery Railway Bridges where there are mooring rings and some rather good friendly cover for Tilly.

Paul, Pip and Mick, the Cheshire crew

Another cuppa and some flapjack to keep Paul going before he headed off to walk to Sandbach Station. Thank you so much for your help today Paul and for your company.

25 locks, 7.9 miles, 9 sausage rolls, 12 pieces of flapjack, 2 many low pounds, 1 short ladder, 1 impatient twonk, 2 emergency safety pins, 5 hours 20 minutes, 1 hour shore leave, 1 big fish pie, not enough time to award a Mrs Tilly stamp.