Category Archives: Blogging Boats

Talking Of Palins. 8th June

Burrow’s Bridge 85 to Coxbank Visitor Moorings

On the move just before 10am another chilly start but the potential to be a lovely day. As we pootled along the rest of the pound towards the bottom of Audlem I gave the inside of Oleanna a bit of a tidy up. My work things tend to get sprawled out over a few days of work, they needed to be confined back in their boxes. With this done I was back up top shortly before we arrived at the bottom of the locks.

Sorry not the best photo

The bottom lock was just being emptied as two figures both holding windlasses walked beneath the bridge. A wave from us received a wave back, perfect timing all round.

Today we were being joined by two very experienced boaters, Carol and George. The Palins owned and lived on NB Rock ‘n Roll for seven years, then they upgraded to WB Still Rockin’ both built to their spec. WB Still Rockin’ was sold two and a half years ago when they decided to retire from the waterways, buying a house close to Audlem, so they could still get a regular canal fix. It would have been very rude not to get in touch with them.

Passing a water point at Audlem

I have only briefly met them both in passing, but Mick spent a couple of days in their company when the Thames was on red boards in October 2019 at Goring. Both boats eventually got to their destinations that year, battling up and downstream.

Up to the Shropie Fly

The original plan had been to climb the first few locks, fill with water and then head for an early lunch at the Shopie Fly. But with such efficient crew we were very quickly up the first three locks and breasting up against a hire boat to await the water point.

It didn’t take long for the hire boat to fill, the chaps had headed into the pub to get a half of Landlord each. So we helped the lady pull the hire boat out from the inside so that we’d be able to reach the tap easier. The elder of the chaps was on two walking sticks and was a bit concerned at getting back on board the boat, the crew had managed to help him on board so far but the bank was that bit lower, making the step up too high for the man to be confident.

We held the boat steady then someone came up with the idea of standing on the gunnel to dip the side of the boat lower. This almost worked, some rockin’ was required along with good timing and the chap was soon back on board safely.

That bywash can get fiercer than that

Our tank took that bit longer to fill, but we were soon heading up to the next lock behind another boat. Plenty of boats to help up and down. The one in front of us had obviously never been up Audlem before. Their approach was very candid, the lady hopping off the gunnel as the chap slowed the boat right down for her to do so as the bywash thundered down pushing them hard against the bank. Planks have been positioned so that boats don’t get totally stuck and not be able to pull out towards the lock. The lady pushed the bow out all the time her boat getting further away from the bank. All I could think was that if she fell in right now I hoped she’d be behind the plank. Thankfully she didn’t fall in and all was well in the end.

Here Oleanna comes

Next up was Mick who gave Oleanna some wellie, a couple of bumps heading in, but no chance of getting pinned to the bank, just a big burst of reverse to bring Oleanna to a stop before meeting with the top of the lock.

Very experienced crew, Carol and George

As it was still quite early we decided to carry on up the flight, boats were coming down and it was worth making use of empty lock chambers. George or I would walk up to the next lock to open gates (if they hadn’t been left by a downhill boat) and Carol would open a paddle at the top to start the fill. We were a well oiled machine working up the locks, a bit slow at opening the gates at times because we were too busy chatting.

Walking ahead you get a good view back down the flight

We were soon up the main flight of locks and decided to leave the last two for tomorrow.

Carol and George invited us back to their house for a late lunch, their car was parked just by the last bridge. So much to Tilly’s disgust we headed off for the afternoon for more chatting. Having read each others blogs for years we already felt like we knew each other. Then there was news of other bloggers, who don’t post so much anymore. There was so much to talk about my camera didn’t come out again.

Nearly at the top

Their house has all that they need. Plenty of garden with fields stretching out behind and a hut where we sat to have lunch. Views and the equivalent of the stern deck with pram cover of WB Still Rockin’.

Last lock of the day

George gave us a lift back to Oleanna late afternoon and Tilly was allowed ninety minutes of shore leave, meaning we could leave all the doors and hatches open to get a nice breeze through the boat.

Hmm, today’s outside went that way!

What a lovely day. Thank you for your lock wheeling and your hospitality, if there’s any chance of the recipe for the sticky pork Carol, that was yum.

13 locks, 3.9 miles, 2 extra windlasses, 1 full water tank, 1 immaculate bin compound, 1 lovely house, 1 lovely day.

Paddles Up! 6th June

Croxton Flash to Morris Bridge 15, Middlewich Branch

What A Lark

A discussion was being had about todays aimed for mooring as a boat came past. As the stern came level with the hatch I noticed ‘Lark’. Was that NB What A Lark? We’ve never met Lisa and David and today they were rounding the bend at the flash before I managed to get my head out of the hatch. Hello!

No need to stop at Middlewich tip this morning, the need was more for jumpers, blimey it was cold, we almost brought out our coats too.

There was activity at Big Lock a boat just starting to go up, I walked up to help with the gates. It was their first lock in 18 months and their dogs first ever lock. He was so excited to see his owner as she stood by the open gate he tried to get off but his lead prevented this, just assisted it to slip off the side of the boat.

Our turn next, I made sure no-one appeared behind us that we could share the broad lock with. A new sign (?) points its way towards a Roman Fort, Middlewich was where five Roman roads met and was important due to the local salt. The Big Lock pub was popular, bacon butties and coffees norishing the gongoozlers sat outside.

We pulled up just past the park, collected shopping bags together and headed off to Morrisons. Lidl is closer but wouldn’t have various things such as the type of yoghurt I prefer. It turned out that this Morrisons didn’t either but had the next best. Hopefully we stocked up on enough fresh produce to keep us going for a while. Cruising around four hours a day, working and essential boat chores is taking up most of hours at the moment.

Middlewich Bottom Lock

After lunch we pushed off and headed to the bottom of the Middlewich locks, three narrow chambers raise the canal 31ft 9″ around a tight bend. A single hander was just in front of us, he’d been waiting for a boat to come down or for the volunteers to show their faces. A boat was coming down, exiting the middle lock and waiting for the bottom lock to fill. The single hander chatted away to the lady as I walked up, the pound between the locks getting lower all the time, those bottom gates must leak quite a bit. Well they did mainly because one of the bottom paddles was up by six inches. It took quite a bit of force to get it closed, the lock now filled up.

By the time the single hander was heading into the lock volunteers were showing themselves and the antipodean crew from a hire boat behind us had walked up to gleam information before working their first lock (they’d had help at Big Lock). The bywash did it’s thing and refilled the pound between locks. When it was our turn another boat was coming down the middle lock, so there was a do-ci-do to do in the pound between, followed by a very shiny boat coming down from the top lock with fresh out of the box walkie talkies, quite a manoeuvre getting round the bend with an oncoming boat for a new person at the helm.


The walk along the towpath to the junction with the Wardle Canal is one I’ve done numerous times before, stooping low to get under the bridge. The single hander was just finishing going up, I closed up behind him and emptied the chamber, Mick holding Oleanna back until the initial wave had passed.

Maureen’s Lock Cottage hasn’t changed much since we last were here, just some children’s drawings in the window. This lock can be quite fierce so I took my time lifting the paddles, no volunteers to help here, have to say I like doing these locks on my own.

There was space along the moorings, but we wouldn’t be stopping just yet. On the off side a For Sale sign caught our eye. A wonderful garden with lots of lawn and borders even rhododendrons sat below a white bungalow, it even had a generous mooring.

A lovely garden

Looking at the details the bungalow would require quite a bit of modernisation, or replacing. The garden was so lovely and had obviously been someone’s labour of love. We both spent a while considering it, it would certainly make moving Tilly to the boat a far less stressful journey than the hour and a half by car. ‘Tilly it’s time to go cruising, time to get on your shelf’. We wondered whether having house and boat so close together where she would prefer to be if she had the choice. I think it might confuse her, the outside not moving most days. The only thing not in the houses favour was that it wasn’t in Scarborough by the sea. We’ll leave it for someone else to buy.

Worn steps up to Stanthorne Lock

Stanthorne Lock a boat was just coming down, negotiating getting past the single handers canoe. By the time I got up to the lock his boat was rising with the assistance of the lady from the downhill boat, they knew each other and there was much chatting going on. He was taking it slowly not want to damage his trailing canoe, so one paddle was raised half way. It was however taking a very long time.

A typical view long the Middlewich branch

A click noise of a pawl came from behind. We all turned, people about to shout to stop the lock from being emptied. However it was Mick who’d noticed boiling water below the lock, he’d come to close both bottom paddles! All sorted the boat rose without wasting anymore water.

One hire boat to help down, they were hoping to reach Harecastle Tunnel to go through tomorrow, all the Cheshire Locks to do. They planned on cruising til 7pm today, maybe they’d make it in time before the tunnel closed, but they were showing signs of too many locks in a day confusion.

Were the new shutters there last time?

We pootled along, past the mooring where we’ve been for two bonfire nights. The cottage with shutters. Hang on another For Sale sign at the stables! Chance to have a good nosy around rather than just peek in through the kitchen windows. £850,000 including an air source heat pump. It’s a nice property, but lacks a touch of character in the photos, the kitchen is by far the best room in my opinion.

The stables

Onwards a while longer passing NB Linnet, yesterday the chap was sat on his tug deck in shorts, today he most certainly had long trousers and a jumper on. Eventually we pulled in to a mooring we’ve not stayed at before, just before Yankee Candles. It was 5pm, a longer colder day than planned. Only an hours shore leave for Tilly today. Time for a Tuesday night roast chicken to warm us back up!

6 locks, 6.2 miles, 3 canals, 1 right, 3 paddles left up, 1 new old fort, 3 volunteers, 1 canoe, 0 work, 14 strawberries, 1 roast chicken.

Sharing. 30th March

Ten years ago today we stepped off our shareboat, NB Winding Down for the last time. Well Mick visited her again when showing prospective purchasers around. But the 30th March 2013 was the end of a three week cruise when we’d moved her from the then Carefree Cruising base at Elton Moss near Sandbach to a new base at Welton Haven on the Leicester Section.

We’d really enjoyed our near four years as shareboaters. Four weeks a year onboard the same boat (despite every owner bringing and leaving their own cling film!) had been made the most of.

A week iced in at Aqueduct Marina where we only got to move to top up with diesel and have a pump out.

A March trip when we had to buy ourselves sun hats and suncream and ventured down the Anderton Boat Lift onto the River Weaver. We hope to return this year to spend more time on the river.

The odd extra week came our way that other owners couldn’t use. Hmmm!

It was an affordable way to spend our holiday weeks from work afloat.

Ten years ago we didn’t know where to go for breakfast after packing the car to set off back home, we ended up on the bridge over the M1 at Leicester Forest East Services. Following three weeks of the tranquillity of the waterways the chair scraping noise from mid morning diners was SO loud it had us in stitches.

In the last ten years we sold our share, bought NB Lillyanne to keep us going until we had Oleanna built. The start of our original build wasn’t so good and we had to start all over again, but it was certainly worth it, as Oleanna is a far better boat than she would have been.

NB Winding Down we think is now based at Aston Marina outside Stone. Originally she was blue, then green and very recently she has returned to being blue again, just as we’d got used to spotting her in bright green. Maybe we’ll pass her this year and be able to say hello again.

Up in Scarborough it’s been a busy time. The back bedroom has been decorated. New curtains made for the living room and dining room on one side of the house. The sample of the front cloth for panto last year is now stretched on a frame and hung on a wall. The room may now have to be called the wave room as it also contains a set of photos of wave dodgers in the North Bay here in Scarborough.

Last week we had a day out to Bempton, hoping to see Puffins. Despite both of us having lived in Scarborough since the 1990’s neither of us had been. Sadly it was far too windy for the Puffins so we had to make do with thousands of Gannets instead.

The duvet that sprung holes last year now has a new cambric cover. My painting dungarees have had an upgrade, new elastic, a patch and new pockets for extra kneeling pads, which I’m hoping to make out of some giant mug yoga mat offcuts. They are now considerably more colourful and maybe a little bit in theme for this years Chippy Panto. Yes, I am returning for my fifth panto at Chippy. I can’t say any more about it at the moment as they haven’t announced anything yet. But it promises to be very colourful and toe tapping, it may have the audience dancing in the aisles!

The house is a very full house at the moment with two lodgers and tonight it will be opening night of Comedy of Errors at the SJT. We’re heading along to see the show and await to see what a lobster has to do with the Shakespearian comedy!

#unit21 played it’s last two shows at The Storyhouse in Chester last week. What a show! It was a shame to not be there for the final performance, but Chester is a long way from Scarborough. I’ll be meeting up with some of the Dark Horse actors in a few weeks time on a different project.

We keep in touch with the waterways. Our friend Chris on NB Elektra has a live bowcam so we can get a pootleing fix. He’s currently on the Shropie and it looks like it’s been raining this morning. We tend not to watch so many vlogs, but do pop by The Pirate Boat to catch up with Heidi every now and again. It’s nice to see a few bloggers are back out and about on the water too. NB Bonjour, NB Briar Rose, NB What A Lark, NB Hadar, NB Ali’s Dream to name a few. I’m getting quite home sick.

Our planned cruise now has slight alterations due to a family get together and work commitments for me. So we now have a firm date for when we’ll need to be back on board and heading towards the Pennines.

Saturday will see me taking up route on the sofa or my Mum’s nursing chair to knit. My Sockathon will start after breakfast on the 1st April. I need to average a pair of socks every three days, hopefully I’ll manage more, but we’ll see. Donations of yarn are starting to arrive. I’ve collected my sock yarn stash together along with needles and the patterns from last year. I just need to work out what gauge each yarn will knit up at, I’m hoping I can do this by comparing yarn using wraps per inch rather than knitting a swatch for each yarn. Fingers crossed, or should that be needles crossed! Any suggestions of things I can listen to or watch whilst knitting would be appreciated. We don’t have Netflix or anything you have to pay for.

I’ve promised myself a walk each day so that I keep moving, I can’t cease up, there are lots of locks to do soon. I will also be helping Tilly to make her Hot Paw Buns as Easter is getting close.

Fundraising so far? I’ve just about reached two thirds of my target! Thank you so much to those who’ve donated already. Still a way to go once I start knitting. If everyone who’s visited the blog this last week chipped in £1 I’d be sailing towards my target of being able to train up an Admiral Nurse with the skills and knowledge to support families affected by Dementia.

0 time to write lists, 2 skeins to make into cakes!

2022 Back To Exploring

Time for the annual round, a long post so sit back, put your feet up and enjoy.

The New Year kicked off with winter maintenance in the house. Having two hallways proved time consuming refreshing the woodwork and patching up the worst of the wallpaper. But this was broken up with weekly walks to see the sea. I resumed work on the development showing of #unit21 for Dark Horse and a Christmas present of a cheese making kit proved very tasty in creating my first ever Yorkshire Curd Cheese Cake from scratch. I plan on having a second go at this soon!

In February work progressed in Huddersfield towards opening night, the floor painted, final costume fittings and then the set and lighting added. All while Mick serviced our life jackets and Tilly grew more and more bored of life in the house.

Once the show was opened we had a trip down to London to catch up with the London Leckenbys for a belated Christmas, on our way back we visited Oleanna. When ever we could we visited Blue Water Marina to do jobs and have a pack up lunch. The stove was reblacked, walls washed down and cupboards sorted through.

Then at the end of February, Mick and I left Tilly in charge of the house, we packed enough clothes and food for a couple of days boating and headed to Thorne to move Oleanna through Thorne Lock before a winter stoppage began. Blimey it was chilly out there, but wonderful to be back afloat and moving Oleanna to Goole. Now we were all set to move back onboard and have a few weeks of pootling about in Yorkshire.

Back at the house we made it ready for the first of this years lodgers. Our boat Christmas tree was retired into the back garden where we hoped it would thrive, this of course was before we knew a drought was on it’s way! Tilly said goodbye to the dragon that lives up the chimney, left Seville and Valencia to look after the house before having to endure the car trip back to boat life.

After a few days sorting ourselves, including having one of Joan’s gluten free Chinese takeaways, we unplugged Oleanna and backed out from our mooring at Goole Marina (Boat House). We spent the next three weeks bobbing about between Pollington Lock, Doncaster and Goole. Maintenance jobs were ticked off the list.

Alistair did engine and weedhatch jobs, Frank joined us a couple of times to do carpentry jobs, our galley drawers no longer have a life of their own, the covers had a good scrub and a spray of Wet and Forget to help them keep clean.

In March I’d set myself a charity challenge, to knit as many pairs of socks in the month as I could. Nine pairs knitted for people in return for sponsorship, I also got a very generous donation of yarn from Lisa on NB Summer Wind.

Our plans had had to change as Thorne Lock still hadn’t closed, but was about to! Plans to visit York and West Yorkshire were abandoned, we’d bought ourselves a Gold Licence for the year so wanted to make the most of it. So on March 24th with all the jobs done we turned our backs on Goole and set off into the sunset to see where 2022 would take us, all three of us grinning from ear to ear.

We made our way to Keadby ready for our booked passage on the tidal River Trent, the fast route south. A phone call from a boating friend in need of support meant we’d be doing our best to make use of the spring tide to reach Cromwell in one go despite the weather forecast. We spent a couple of days doing what we could to help in Newark before we needed to be on the move again.

On upstream to The Trent and Mersey keeping up our cruising hours and Tilly hoping we’d stop with enough time for her to explore each day before cat curfew.

Up to Fradley then onto the Coventry Canal, we played leapfrog with NB Free Spirit for a couple of days.

Birmingham and Fazeley Canal, up the Curdworth Flight then a turn left onto a section of the Grand Union we’d not been on before at Star City. Up Garrison Locks, Typhoo Basin and then the Ashted Locks where we now have the measure of that Tunnel! A mooring space at the top of Farmers Bridge had our name on it. This was handy for a road trip to swap lodgers and for visits to the dentist. It also meant we were in shot when a group came to jump the top lock!

Fast forward to 6:15

Our route out of Bumingham saw us through Edgbaston Tunnel, down Lapworth followed by Hatton. A pause was needed for Tilly’s annual visit to a new vet, the one here the closest to the canal we’ve visited so far, also handy for The Cape of Good Hope!

At Napton we joined the Oxford Canal and headed for Braunston, pausing to stock up on goodies from the butcher. On the Grand Union we made our way up over the hill and started our descent down The Long Buckby flight back towards tidal waters.

On the 1st of May we turned left at Gayton Junction onto the Northampton Arm dropping down the flight to the River Nene. We’d only been this way once before and that was when we’d just bought Lillian (NB Lillyanne) back in 2014. We bought ourselves a second Abloy key, showed our Gold Licence to the chap at Northampton Marina and started our journey down stream, time to explore.

A decision was made to head down to Peterborough taking note of places we’d want to visit on our return journey. We worked our way through the guillotine locks, many button operated and others with the wheel of cardiovascular overload.

Tilly loved many of the moorings apart from those in Peterborough where crowds surrounded the boat and meant returning from shore leave was impossible for several hours.

In two weeks we reached the end of the river at the Dog in a Doublet Lock. Here the river becomes tidal, we’d save that trip for another time and turned back upstream to head for the Middle Level.

Here we wanted to explore all the drainage channels, but decided we’d do that on our return too. So we took the direct route and crossed the low lying waters in three days arriving at Salters Lode on Mick’s birthday. The levels out on the tidal stretch of the Great Ouse needing to be just right to get through the lock, turn and head upstream to Denver Sluice.

A lovely GOBA mooring was found on the River Wissey and eventually the sun came out for a birthday barbeque, we’d made it to the Great Ouse.

The remainder of May was spent exploring the River Wissey, Ely and The Little Ouse. Brandon Lock sits at the most easterly point on the connected navigable network for boats Oleanna’s size. Sadly a build up of silt stopped us from getting her bow into the lock, but we did get her as far east as was possible, ticking off the fourth point of the compass.

There was a trip to Hull Truck to meet old friends at a gala evening followed by a meet up with Micks family back in the Fens. At the end of the month we got to know Neil the seal at Ten Mile Bank moorings as he basked in the sun and took sunset dips in the river.

The Jubilee was seen in at Denver, we lit our guiding lights as a Lancaster Bomber flew overhead heading to see the Queen. The Relief Channel gave us a good mooring to be able to have a trip away to celebrate Dawn and Lee’s 50th Birthdays in Scarborough, we went as Wallace and Gromit and won an Oscar!

Another visit to Ely to see the Cathedral, Farmers market and meet up with Heather from NB Bleasdale, the first of many this summer. The River Lark was explored, the end of navigation reached with a handy mooring outside a pub.

We headed for the Cam, our paths crossing for the first time with Ken and Sue from NB Cleddau. Then onwards in to Cambridge where we visited colleges, ate chilled medication and had a day trip to Duxford so that Mick could sit in the pilots seat of a Trident 2, a seat his Dad had sat in on many a flight.

Oleanna squeezed along each of the three Lodes, Wicken, Burwell and Reach. Wicken Lode a magical place and a day visit to Anglesey Abbey with it’s wonderful gardens.

Then we headed onto the Old West a river with a very different feel than the Ely Ouse. A pause was needed when we reached Earith for us to have a tour of Heathers new to her boat GT. Once off the tidal water we were on a different Great Ouse again. Here St Ives, St Neots and Hemingford gave us sunsets, D shaped locks, huge meadows and wonderful towns and villages to explore.

As the temperatures started to rise I needed to do some work. Cruising happened in the mornings, my Panto script and sketches were done in the shade of what trees we could find. White sheets were bought and we hoped for a mooring with shade for the really hot days that were to come. Tilly took to lying on the floor and we took to wearing wet t-shirts to help us to keep cool. Thankfully the hot blast only lasted a couple of days then the temperature dropped and we could continue to head upstream.

July 21st we reached the navigable limit of the River Great Ouse, having to reverse some distance to be able to turn round and return to Bedford for the River Festival.

Here we met up with Ken and Sue, Jennie and Chris from NB Tentatrice and Heather again. Plenty of things to see, do and hear. The boat parades, raft races, vintage cars, all sorts kept us busy for the two days.

Now at the end of July we alternated the days between cruising and my work. More beautiful days cruising and more wonderful sunsets, one day off to visit Cambridge for some more chilled medication and to see the Hockney exhibition.

August saw more hot days. Trips to London to celebrate birthdays, panto meetings, catch up with best friends and travellers over from Australia.

On the 15th August we crossed back from Denver Sluice to the Middle Level having really enjoyed our three months on the Great Ouse. Now water levels were a worry along with having enough time to reach Oxford for me to go to work in October. We made the decision to come back and explore the Middle Level another year, maybe we’ll cross The Wash to get there!

By the end of August our progress up stream on the River Nene slowed to a halt. First one lock broke then another two ahead of us. We’d recently been accepted to join the Reflections Flotilla on the Thames to mark the Queens Jubilee in a few weeks time, now that time was ticking away.

When we did get moving again we had to make up our cruising hours. With the news of the passing of the Queen we didn’t know if the flotilla would still be going ahead, we carried on at pace waiting for news. Back up the River Nene, turning onto the Grand Union, working our way southwards. The news came through that the flotilla would go ahead, but now in remembrance of the Queen.

With a couple of days to spare we squeezed into the Eco-Moorings by Islington Tunnel. Two days of catching up with family and more friends over from Australia before we joined boats heading along the Regents Canal towards Limehouse Basin. An afternoon of activity saw numerous narrowboats festooned with white lights.

On the 24th of September the Thames barrier was closed and we all headed out of Limehouse Lock up stream to Chelsea where we clung onto buoys until the early evening when the flotilla started to muster.

Getting on for 150 boats all displaying white lights got into formation and headed down stream. Crowds stood on the illuminated bridges and Tower Bridge opened up in a royal salute as we passed underneath. What a truly amazing day.

Now we had to head towards Banbury, back round the Regents Canal as a leak in the engine bay needed testing on the calm waters of the canal rather than the tideway. By the time we reached Brentford we were confident with Oleanna’s engine again. On the Thames Tilly got a birthday present of a night on a Cliveden Island. Sadly we got an unexpected present on our arrival in Oxford, a second red line on a covid test! Panto painting couldn’t be put off so we made our way gradually up the Oxford Canal keeping our distance from people at locks and taking maximum doses of paracetamol.

A week of painting in Banbury before I moved to Chipping Norton to stack up the hours over the next four weeks getting the 50th anniversary panto ready. Rendez Vousing with Oleanna at weekends in Banbury and Coventry kept me sane. Mick had to single hand across the summit of the Oxford Canal to avoid the first of the winter stoppages.

All three of us were back onboard by mid November, covid free and vaccinated. We took things slowly now, time to rest up, meet friends, gather family and pootle towards Christmas. Our 20th Anniversary was celebrated with a Chinese takeaway at Alvecote Marina, a planned stop which ended up being extended due to plummeting temperatures. The canal froze, there’d be no moving the outside for Tilly!

Temperatures lifted dramatically and the ice just about vanished in a couple of days, we could now be on our way to Christmas. Alrewas was a good place to spend the festive days, a very good butchers and a village with lots of character and humour.

Bookings in the New Year had been made for passage on the tidal River Trent for us to reach Yorkshire, but this would not be. The Trent had risen before Christmas, Cranfleet Flood Gates were shut ahead of us, so no New Year at Hazelford Lock. Instead our alternator played up and we sought out a mooring to hook up to and see in 2023.

This year we’d been wanting to explore again. This year we cruised miles of new water, made new friends, got too hot, got iced in, got stuck, got to be in the first illuminated flotilla on the Thames for 300 years. What a great year it has been.

So our vital statistics for 2022 according to Canalplan are

Total distance is 1249 miles, 6½ furlong and 555 locks . There were 88 moveable bridges of which 29 are usually left open; 156 small aqueducts or underbridges and 18 tunnels,  a total of 7 miles 2 ¼ furlongs underground and 8 major aqueducts.

This was made up of 227 miles, 1 1/2 furlongs of narrow canals; 363 miles, 2 furlongs of broad canals; 85 miles, 5 furlongs of commercial waterways; 269 miles, 1 furlong of small rivers; 234 miles, 7 1/4 furlongs of large rivers; 69 miles, 6 furlongs of tidal rivers; 176 narrow locks; 232 broad locks; 54 large locks; 2 locks on major waterways.

731.7 engine hours

1156.1 litres diesel, 5 (although we’ve got 1 empty now) gas bottles (used for central heating as well as cooking), 28.5 litres oil, 3 oil filters, 1 fuel filter, 2 air filters, 1 water pump, 2 new belts, 690kg coal, 1 overnight guest twice, 6 packs Dreamies (not enough!), 56 friends, a record breaking 41 Mrs Tilly stamps of approval (4 in one day!), 15 pairs socks, 2 shows designed, 9 lodgers, 2 lots gluten free puff pastry, 9 supermarket deliveries, 30 boxes of wine delivered, 2 lost unicorns.

Thank you all for joining us on our journey. Wonder where we’ll get to in 2023?

Tissue Audit. 30th November

Old Newbold Loop to Ansty Waste Bridge 12 (removed)

Last Sunday as my cold started to wane, Mick was starting to show signs that I had passed it on to him. By this morning a tissue audit was required, we’d be needing more! Before he had breakfast the bike was pulled out from it’s slot and Mick cycled back to Newbold to the Co-op to stock up. By the end of the day tissue usage was in full flow as was his nose!

She’s happy to be moving again

As we had breakfast a number checker came past. Mick wondered when we’d last been spotted? Was it in Rugby, Coventry? Would the records show Oleanna had moved far enough in the last few weeks, or would the records just show her around Rugby? This years sightings would be interesting to see as we’ve spent so much time off C&RT waters.

Pushing away

Last week we had a reminder regarding our gold licence. These are only available from January to the end of December, but there was suggestion that we could trade our gold licence in for any unused months. We weren’t aware that you could do that. Mick filled out the forms for a months refund, mention of a £30 admin fee he thought wouldn’t affect us, but we should get a refund of around £20 once a standard licence for December had been processed, that would pay for our Christmas Ham. Next year we’ll be returning to a Canal and River Licence, we’re not sure where we’ll be cruising yet, but we’re unlikely to be on EA waters for long enough to warrant a Gold licence for a year or two.

Diesel £1.44 today at Armada

Time to move onwards, northwards. Quite often when we are on this stretch I am below making use of the flatness to do work, so the landscape isn’t too familiar to me. Cuttings, wide bends, the railway close by, bridges over the old course of the canal, trees and muddy towpaths. Having been in Chippy for so long I’ve missed the towpath transition from bone dry to muddy.

The autumn colours are falling, blasts of reverse required every now and again to clear the prop. We rounded the big bend passing the farm we often moor opposite where the towpath is very narrow.

There was space at All Oaks Wood, but we wanted to get further today even if it was a good place for Tilly.

Oxford Bridges

Approaching Stretton Stop Mick slowed Oleanna right down as we passed under the railway bridge so that I could step off and walk up to open the bridge for us. I wanted to see how light weight the new bridge was. Amongst the few boats moored before the bridge was one familiar one. NB Chuffed.

Hello Chuffed

Chuffed was sold a year or so ago, Debby, Dave and Meg now owners of NB Bonjour. No-one was on board. This is either where she moors now or she is sitting waiting her turn for a re-paint. Unless she keeps her two tone grey and red livery she’ll become less recognisable. I said hello as I walked past heading towards the bridge that was crossed by a couple of chaps who turned round and gave it a big shove to open it for us. They were happy for me to leave it open, their wobbly bendy pole at hand to pull the bridge back across. I still don’t know from first hand how easily the bridge now moves.

We must be invisible!

I hobbled back onto Oleanna, our slow pace having to reduce even more as a boat that had been on the water point decided to pull out right in front of us! Not even a full boats length in front, they couldn’t say they hadn’t seen us!

We followed behind them past the moored craft on both sides, their speed meaning that they pulled away, our speed meaning we got complimented for it by a moorer.

The new route of the Oxford Canal now avoids all the big loops that it once used to follow coming in towards Ansty. The leaking bridge (14) wasn’t leaking today. Up on the road there were cones, flashing lights, was the problem being sorted? We hope so.


Onwards now just that bit further, would the next mooring be available? Under the M69 round a bend, there was the length of armco we’d been hoping for. We were rather chilly by now, Tilly being the only one being able to enjoy the heat from the stove, it was time for us to swap over.

Our nearest neighbours

Two and a half hours, would I be able to use all the time? Blimey YES!! It went by so quickly despite the number of woofers that came past. She called for me at 4pm, I came running. Sadly the penny dropped that my time was up just as She put her hand around my middle to assist me in through the hatch. No matter how much I protested for the next few hours I would not be allowed to finish off what I’d started, here’s hoping it can wait for the morning.

0 locks, WE 8.18 miles, Pip’s Nebo 8.4 miles, Mick’s Nebo 7.2 miles (started late), MM 8.07 miles, 1 swing bridge swung, 1 box tissues, 1 wave to Chuffed, 1 aching leg, 1 chilly day, 1 extra layer not enough, 4 small spud in the stove, 1 Mrs Tilly stamp of approval.

Another review of Panto

Still 444, 21st November

Avon Aqueduct, to Avon Aqueduct

Another day with a cuppa in bed, just a shame this morning it was accompanied by a touch of a sore throat. Could this be the cold that nearly always followed the hard work of opening a Christmas show? Could this be a cold passed on from one of the panto actors? Could it be a reaction to having had both the flu and covid boosters? Or could it be I’ve managed to get covid again? I took a test later in the day and it was negative, however previous experience suggests you don’t necessarily test positive as soon as you feel poorly. The sore throat however feels less like P60 sandpaper, so I’m hoping it’s just a cold.

They are clean honest!

With the day due to be full of rain we decided to get up and get moving before breakfast. Just as the bed was slotted away an engine could be heard, I peeked out to see a garden bench passing by, NB Harnser. We just managed to get the side hatch open in time to be able to say Good Morning as Brian and Diana passed by and have a short conversation.

My panto first night flowers are surviving without feline intervention.

We couldn’t remember if we were on the mooring closest to Rugby Station or not, but this soon became obvious as we pushed of and pootled onwards towards Clifton Cruisers hire base. No more armco showed itself, just the angled stone side of the canal, which makes pulling in to moor awkward.


Just before the hire fleet sprawl across the canal there is a small arm which used to be part of the Oxford Canal before it was straightened. Now filled with permanent moorings we were able to wind.

Our destination would be a familiar one as it would be exactly the same space we’d just pulled away from, just as well as the rain was half an hour earlier than forecast.

Tilly was very reluctant to go out, understandably, but managed a few times bringing mud back into Oleanna! When will she learn to wipe her paws!!! Seems like she was using my clean dungarees to soak up the mud. No, I was just sitting on them so that you couldn’t wear them again!


After lunch we adjusted our position as the boat behind had fired up their generator and the fumes were making their way through our back door. Mick pulled us along about 50ft so the fumes could dissipate before entering Oleanna.

An afternoon of rain and not much more. Mick caught up with Chris from NB Elektra. For a while we’ve been trying to change the default colour of the font used on the blog to just black making it easier for people to read. At the moment when I write a post each paragraph has it’s font colour changed from Dark Grey to Black, not a huge difference, but important to many readers. This is time consuming.

My tech support getting tech support

Of course we could find a ‘Theme’ that has black as it’s default, but we like the theme we already have. Chris and Mick spent quite sometime trying to find where the default setting for the font colour was and how to change it. Mick was left with some ideas to follow up and try, but sadly as I type this the font is still in Dark Grey! Thank you Chris for your time.

0 locks, 0.46 miles there and 0.46 miles back, 1 wind, 1 blogger, 1 sore throat, 1 box of tissues on standby, 4 muddy paws, 1 cosy boat, 1 wet day, 1 intermittent noise from the engine bay, 444 not 000000!

Another review for Panto

Halfway Up The Thames. 4th October

Marlow Lock Cut to Temple Island Meadow, Remenham

We allowed ourselves a cuppa in bed with the papers this morning, hours still need to be cruised but not quite so many a day. By 10:30 we were ready to make a move the board at Marlow Lock being blue (Self Service) I prepared the bow rope on the cratch board for ease of picking up with the boat hook.

Marlow Lock

Gongoozlers awaited our arrival, one of them filming our every move! I pressed buttons, got the bow rope, secured the bow, closed gates, pressed buttons, adjusted rope, etc, then we were on our way again.

Bridge works

A big pontoon sat below Marlow Bridge, two chaps stood looking up at something.

Wonder how much for this place now?

The big houses and their gardens stretch off into the distance, a balustrade wall with an urn full of flowers every 16ft or so marks the edge of their estate. We’ve seen staff moving around these properties in golf buggies before!

Nearly but not quite halfway

Temple Lock marks almost the half way point between London and Oxford on the river. Here two chaps who looked like they were working on the gates pressed the buttons for us, a big sign besides them with a phone number should you have any problems with the lock 24/7.

So many coats of varnish o their boats.

A short distance on is Hurley Lock, blue signs lied to us as there were two Lock Keepers on duty. There was just enough time to have a peek over the fence into Peter Freebody and Co to look at the pretty boats. Oleanna was the fifth boat they’d had through the lock this morning, a quiet day.

Just over three and a half miles to the next lock. We were wanting to be moored up before the weather took hold today, should we stop at Medmenham? There was plenty of space but we really needed to be at least another hour on especially if the weather tomorrow is bad.

Boats settling in for winter

Passing the weir cut for Hambledon Lock we waved to where WB Still Rockin used to winter, wonder where she is now with her new owners?

The wind was starting to pick up by now and dropping me off to work the lock took a while to get the bow in so I could head of with the boat pole. A couple were just entering the lock from above on a Kris hire boat. Their skills suggested they’d done this before a few times. The lock took forever to empty, I suggested the lady get back on and I’d open the gates for them. But still it took forever, not helped by very few of the lights working on the extensive panel, of which you only need three buttons! Then at last the gates moved, they were set free and the lock was now ours.

Control Panel B

With no gate paddles obvious I suspected this to be a side filler. The bow rope was wrapped round the bollard several times, no lugs to hold it tight. I pressed the button to fill the lock and gently the water started to flow in. The bow rope was adjusted and as the flow of water increased Oleanna sat a distance out from the side of the lock, kept away by the filling water. Thankfully we could leave the top gates open as a cruiser appeared with perfect timing to go down.

It now started to rain. That rain that soaks you when you’re not looking! Our scheduled stop today was Temple Island the start of the boat racing in Henley. Waterway Routes suggested there were moorings beside the island, so we headed towards where there was a sign that confirmed this, however all along the bank were signs saying Private Mooring with names of boats on them. Winter moorings maybe, the signs didn’t look permanent.

Henley ahead!

Up ahead on the other bank were a few boats, a sign fixed to a tree suggested that maybe these were pay for moorings. We pulled in along the good edge, sign checked £12, but it would mean we wouldn’t have to battle onwards in the weather.


We were soon settled and the doors opened up for Tilly to explore. We knew she wouldn’t be too keen due to the manicured nature of the field and gardens.


After an initial explore she preferred to sit on the stern and watch the world go by, or walk along the catwalk keeping a close eye on the woofers. Inside I ticked off a few more jobs for panto and cut out another couple of stencils. A logo was drawn out, scanned and sent on to Jo the props maker, I quite like it and may see if I can get a t-shirt printed for first night.

Cutting out the cats with supervision

4 locks, 2 self service, 1 side filler, 7.5 miles, 1 blustery damp day, 1 sunny afternoon! £12, 1 tidy green mooring, 1 bored cat, 1 assistant, 2 stencils, 1 Petiti Pie, 1 stove lit, 2 cosy boaters and their cat.

A Tootle And A Wave. 2nd October

Cliveden Island to Marlow Lock Cut

One more day Pleeeease!

Sadly we could only stay one night on Tilly’s birthday island, we need to keep moving, admittedly not far today.

Sunday morning

But first there was time for Mick to rustle up a breakfast and for us to join the Geraghty zoom. The Basingstoke Canal, flights from Barra and the general state of the country were topics today.

We pushed away the island around 11am, passing our nearest neighbours soon afterwards. I wondered who might be staying in Spring Cottage at the moment (£2,750 a night) an extra £50 a night to include breakfast. Or at the cheaper NT run cottages £896 for three nights, no option of breakfast being included there.

You brought it with you, it’s now lighter, so much easier to take home!

We followed a big hire boat up to Cookham Lock where a volunteer saw both boats in and pressed the buttons for us. Mick had picked up a bag of rubbish on the island so we paused to drop it off at the bins above the lock. Why would you parcel up your rubbish and then hide it behind a tree on an island?! We topped up the water tank as a load of washing spun round in the machine and then carried onwards.

Bourne End can be so sunny, it almost feels like a resort as you glide along the wide water.

Sailing dinghy’s raced back and forth, the wind being in the perfect direction for their course today.

Click photo for details

Another house for sale, with a good length of mooring, only £2,750,000.

We paused at a familiar boat, bipped our horn, but only the wagging tail of a dog greeted us today. Next time we’ll make sure we send a message in advance.

Terraced garden

All the big houses climbing up the cliff and pretty boats moored below.

Round the big bend in the river, we spied space on the EA moorings below Marlow Lock and pulled in. We then nudged along in front of one of several boats with overstay notices on their windows. The route to walk up to the lock takes you round the houses a touch, but does give a great view across to Marlow.


Only a volunteer on duty as it was lunchtime. Mick ventured back later in the afternoon to check in with the Lockie and see if it was possible for us to stay for two nights instead of just the one. As it was out of season he gave us permission.

Tilly got busy, bringing a friend inside to the warmth! Luckily it turned out to be easy to catch, but when released in the hedgerow it scarpered so quickly it didn’t see which way it was going and ended up in the river. It did swim, so I’m hoping it found somewhere to climb out.

I put together some photos and words for the Panto programme. They wanted a two page spread about the set design process. Lots of photos and a sentence with each one, I suspect I’ve given them too much.

What a lovely mooring it is here, we’ve only stayed by the park above the lock before which is quite busy, just a shame there is constant nose from the road bridge!

1 lock, 5.16 miles, 1 bag of rubbish, 1 tank of water, 1 load washing drying on the whirligig, 2 nights okay, 4 hours shore leave, 0 island, 7 photos, 7 sentences.

Windy. 26th September

Paddington Basin

Having bought membership to the Imperial War Museum when we visited Duxford earlier in the year it would be silly not to make use of it. As we were now on Plan B we could make use of the bookings we’d already made. 10:30 the Churchill War Rooms and in the afternoon HMS Belfast.

An austere doorway into the underground world

The entrance to the War Rooms is located on Horse Guards Road opposite St James’s Park. Here a line stood waiting to be allowed entrance, we spotted a second empty line for members or those with a booking, we were both of those so stood at the front of the queue and waited to be let in.

Alarm system

Down the steps we went under the Treasury building. Handsets with commentary were handed out and we set forth to explore the underground world from which Churchill had run the British campaign in WW2.

Conditions above ground

Corridors painted cream stretched off, had they originally been white but had years of chain smoking turned cream? Fans were used to move air round, an early air conditioning unit may have helped, but it must have been horrible down there. Those who worked down here worked twelve hour shifts rarely seeing daylight, they were oblivious to what was going on above their heads. A sign in a corridor would inform them of the conditions ‘Fine and Warm’ today, but if it said ‘Windy’ London was having a ruff time of it.

The rooms were gradually expanded though the war, taking over more basement rooms. Wooden posts were added to reinforce them, steel girders and then a thick slab of concrete was used, one staircase was totally filled in for safety (it took 3 months to drill through it make a corridor for the museum), still it may not have been enough should the building have had a direct hit.

Map rooms with coloured telephones, conference rooms. Sleeping quarters for many were on the floor below in bunk beds. The higher up you got you’d have a room with a narrow single bed, higher up the pecking order you’d have a couple more inches of mattress and be given a section of rug for the floor of your room.

Three cookers

A kitchen for the cook to prepare Churchills three cooked meals a day, she may have had to move her preparation from one building to another to keep the man fed.

Charts of flying bombs, maps of where they landed. Many of the rooms were just left when their need was no more. When it was handed over to the Imperial War Museum in the 80’s inventories were done for each room. In a drawer in the map room was an envelope which contained three sugar lumps, a commanders secret stash.

Part way though the corridors you enter a vast room, where walls must have been removed to house the Churchill Museum. Here the history of Churchill is arranged starting with his war time speeches. If you stood over a small glass square in the floor you could hear one of his historic speeches. Very clever as the next speech was only a few feet away. I had been wondering why people had stopped in their tracks and were stood staring into thin air.

Churchills political history was laid out in modern museum form, how such places have changed in the last ten years. Interactive screens where you can paint one of his landscapes, animations totting up his war time air miles around the world (over 100,000) and a list of his favourite things.

A collection of his hats, a plum coloured velvet siren suit, his medals stretching out in one long cabinet. This is a man who when not a politician headed off to war stricken parts of the world.

Excuse the fuzzy photos everything is behind glass

His room is one of the last on display. A comfortable single bed, maps on the walls, telephones, ashtrays. He apparently only slept in this bed for three nights, but he did have kips every now and again, Nana Naps. During these a signal was put out and silence rang through the corridors of the basement until he was awake again, even the typewriters were silent.

A key for every door on a door

We stopped off part way at the cafe. A very poor selection of things I could eat, just flapjack bars from a jar. However it was interesting to see the coloured in large scale maps of London showing bomb damage.

Too right

Well worth a visit, we didn’t take it all in and if we are back in London within our years membership we may return to read the displays we edited out today. By the time we left it was far too late to take in HMS Belfast as well. That will have to be for another time.

Quite a gravely beach

We walked down Horse Guards past the end of Downing Street to The Mall. Union Jacks flying the hole length to Buckingham Palace where the flag remains at half mast.

Buck House

Whilst we’d been underground we’d received email confirmation that our booking in Paddington Basin had been cancelled and the refund was to be processed. Mick tried giving them a call to explain that our change in circumstances had changed again and that we were using our booking after all. But as the call was not answered and went to answerphone he had to leave a message. At least we have informed them.

The No 6 bus took us from Trafalgar Square back to Edgeware Road where we perused M&S food hall for sad gits reductions. Back in Paddington we had one new neighbour NB Firecrest. Cheryl and Eric had been down to watch the flotilla on Saturday close to the Millennium Bridge. Thank you for the photos.

Hello! Do you remember me!?!

Food and a sit down with Tilly on my knee in front of the stove, a nice relaxing evening. Tomorrow we start to head west to pantoland.

0 locks, 0 miles, 2nd IWM site visited, 0 gf options, 2 cups of tea, 26 medals? 3 square meals a day, 0 time for HMS Belfast, 1 thing added to the next time list, 12 hour shifts, 1 evening in with Tilly.

If you fancy seeing more photos of the flotilla here are links to Scholar Gypsy’s blog

The last post has links to even more photos

Slugs! 13th September

Adam’s favourite mooring to above Stoke Hammond Lock

Today I had some work to do, a meeting with the Production Manager for panto via zoom. We could stay put until after my meeting or we could cruise whilst I was on line. The later option was chosen as for most of the day we’d be on the flat going round Milton Keynes, we just needed to get through Cosgrove Lock before 10:00.


We pushed off around 8:15 and cruised our way towards the lock. The hedges at Thurpp Wharf Marina are too high now to have a good nosy so we had to wait to pass the entrance to be able to wave to NB Briar Rose.

A unique paint job

Approaching Soloman Bridge we passed a few moored boats, one that we’ve seen before NB Home which has quite a paint job.

Are the houses close to the bridge new? With sand bags shoring up the bank.

As we rounded the bend towards the lock we could see a Black Prince boat heading the same way. They over shot the lock and it looked like they would be winding if they didn’t carry on too far. I hopped off at the narrows and Mick pulled Oleanna back to give them room, another boat was just coming into the lock, good job we’d left half an hour earlier than we’d originally planned.

Boats everywhere!

Everyone seemed to be waiting for everyone else. So I suggested the Black Prince boat got on with winding as the lock finished filling and Mick held back. The lock needed a bottom paddle closing and then everyone could be on their way.

The Great Ouse before it gets it’s greatness

Crossing over the Ouse Aqueduct we glanced downstream, towards Bedford and our time on the Great Ouse this summer.

A giant slug?!

As we approached Galleon Wharf we could see a strange thing on the bank by the warehouses. Was this a giant slug? All glistening and muddy brown. Two orange boats were in the water and then Mick spotted several dark floating things taking over about two thirds of the canal, no buoys marking them bobbing just at the surface. Were they sucking silt out from the canal bed into the giant slugs? We don’t remember seeing a notice about this, but then C&RT waters have been off our radar for a while. We tried asking a boater if he knew what was going on, it was very hard to hear his reply as mounds of aggregate were being moved around. But something about the warehouses being knocked down and two houses being built. A later hunt round on-line suggests that planning permission had been refused for a scheme of 14 new houses.

Time for me to head below and set up for my meeting. With working drawings at the ready I signed into zoom and Gemma and I worked our way through the model pieces I’d sent and drawings. Most things were self explanatory, but the rostra for the gangplank took some explaining as to how it sat, a bit like trying to brush your hair in a mirror for the very first time! Tomorrow Gemma heads to the builders to hopefully come back with a price for the build.

The big pond full of water again

I was back up on deck after we’d passed Great Linford. Today, when we didn’t want it, there was mooring space. The works around the pond and new footpaths haven’t quite been finished yet, but from Mick’s photos its starting to look smart again.

Every now and then there seemed to be new artworks along the banks of the canal. Had we seen the horse before? A very colourful bench with a waterside theme. Oriental inspired paintings of waterfowl under a bridge.

A small mouth full

A Heron stood at the bow of a boat watching the water be pulled along by our approach. It just dabbed it’s head into the water and came out with a fish, which it dually swallowed and we had chance to watch the fish wriggle down it’s neck!

One day Bedford will be that way

There’s a new pub at Campbell Wharf Marina , still having bits of work done to it. The marina certainly looks full. Three moorings are taken up by widebeams, between them we could just see where the Bedford and Milton Keynes Waterway will be one day. Back in July when we reached the head of navigation on the Great Ouse we were only 11 miles away as the crow flies. Instead we’ve cruised 198.71 miles or there abouts! The link through would have saved us nearly two months.

New mooring signs

It took four hours to skirt round Milton Keynes, from the Ouse Aqueduct to Fenny Stratford Lock. Lots of moored boats, new mooring signs limiting stays to 2 days during the summer months. We found these a touch odd as unless marked mooring times during winter change to 14 days, so why bother adding from April to September on these signs? One thing is for sure, C&RT are wanting boats to move around in Milton Keynes. For once we’d have had no difficulty mooring at Campbell Park, but of course we didn’t want to stop today.

Approaching Fenny Stratford we looked out for a figure sat in an arm chair by the window of the first house and waved. There is nearly always someone sat there who will wave back with a big smile on their face.

Fenny Stratford Lock

The bridge needed swinging at the lock and some water emptying out of it’s not so deep chamber. We’d now started our ascent towards Cowroast. We swapped over with a hire boat making sure they knew about the swing bridge, then carried onwards.

Stoke Hammond Lock

A confirmation notice of our appointment came through, we definitely have to keep up the pace south bound now. Three more miles and we were at the lovely Stoke Hammond Lock, the first of the proper uphill locks. Here red roses still in bloom surround the sign, wonderful.

What a .lovely rose

We pootled on almost at our destination for the day, pulling in to a vacant space half a mile on. Here Tilly could head off to explore and we could enjoy a very late lunch. Why oh why does Milton Keynes take soooooo long to cruise through?!

3 locks, 16.76 miles, 1 swing bridge, 1 bottle neck, 1 hour zoom, 11 miles or 198, 12 emails, 1 confirmation, 2.75 hours shore leave, 1 bright red rose, 2 boaters ready for bed early, 20 years of remembering Peter.