Category Archives: Churches

Hoods Up For Nine. 1st October

Tescos Stalybridge to Uppermill visitor moorings.

Having had yesterday off, we needed to catch up no matter the weather today. Last nights weather forecast had been for the occasional light shower. Well the rain was lighter than yesterday, but it hung around so could hardly be considered occasional! We pushed off shortly after 9am with our hoods up.

Heading to 7W

Lock 7W another lock that was rebuilt during the restoration of the canal at the millennium. Only one top paddle worked so it took quite a while to fill. Todays locks as yesterday were all gentle. Only a slight nudge to the stern and hardly any pull towards the top gate. But today there were obvious bywashes coming in below most locks, a nudge off course that needed compensating for, thankfully the B team managed without too many bumps.


When the canal was restored a pylon was in the way, so the channel had to avoid it’s legs. A narrowing was needed and you now pass directly underneath it, an obligatory photo.

Maybe on Sunday we should have done our shopping, then carried on to the service block above 8W. We did this on our first trip up the HNC, I think one other boat was moored there. There is a long line of bollards and you should not moor on a water point, but we’d pulled back leaving room at the lock landing and room at the tap. So far we’ve only seen the Community boat moving and one boat moored up away from a home mooring.

Heading into the lock

There was something about the water point here, I couldn’t quite remember. The key of power didn’t open the box. I spied a hole at the top, just the size of a handcuff key. I tried it, then Mick tried it, putting down the claw hammer he’d brought to prize the door open. Several turns of the handcuff key did the trick and we could top up on water.

So pretty

This is our third time up the HNC, I don’t think we’ve ever managed to do the next stretch in sunshine, it’s always been wet. The first time we’d enlisted Kath and Sean to assist us up to the summit pound as I was bandaged up and one handed at the time. It rained and rained most of the day. Then in 2021 I remember us being bundled up and getting soggy whilst waiting for news on where I’d be painting the set for Chippy’s panto Rapunzel. Today we’d be soggy again, but avoiding yesterday had been a good thing.

Scouts Tunnel with cyclist

Through Dave Scouts Tunnel, our tunnel light assisting a chap on a bike with trailer who had got stuck where the towpath had got narrower. We suggested he get himself a front light.

Ducks paddling about in the garden

We passed soggy gardens. The water gradually getting more and more peat coloured. Church spires stabbed themselves into the grey cloud that seemed to be getting lower, but then we were getting higher with every lock.


Below Roaches Lock we pulled in. Well we tried to pull in several times! Here the bank used to be all over the place, now it looks neat and there are mooring bollards. However the depth leaves something to be desired! This should have been our mooring last night, we’d made it for lunchtime. With the bow just about in we tied up for some food and a sit down, it didn’t matter that the stern was only just close enough for us to tie a rope, we wouldn’t be long even though Tilly was making eyes at the friendly cover.

Lock walls tied back

Onwards. The bywashes seeming to get stronger, yet a few pounds seeming to get shallower. Several planters filled with herbs and strawberries, some chicory was spotted in one all for use of people passing by.

Weed hatch master class

After one slow pound we paused before exiting the next lock to check the weed hatch. A full demonstration was given by Mick. Since the cover was adapted a few years ago it has become a little harder to lift out as it now requires both hands to lift it to access the prop. So A steadying head on the outer lid of the access is needed, this explains why Mick’s cap is as filthy as it is! He selected one of our two prop mates, the thinner one and started to delve the depths. Only the smallest amount of weed was found on the prop. Conclusion the pound being shallow was the problem.

A boat!!!

Three years ago this section of the canal was filled with sunshine, wonderful views through the trees stopped us in our tracks. Today we just carried on, the merk surrounding us. A third boat was moored up by the little marina by the handy Tescos after Frenches Bridge 80, still only 1 moving boat seen.

Once up Wade Lock 21W Mick requested the boat hook. the top gate was clogged with tree detritus. He lifted as much as he could so the gate would open enough for us to pass through, then Oleanna had to glide through the remainder, plenty of branches and leaves.

Time to moor up. Easier said than done. There are 2 day moorings on the offside, one boat already there, but a tree overhangs the rest of the mooring. Then a length of bollards on the off side. We pulled in before a boat, the bow came in but the stern simply wouldn’t get close enough. We moved up to try between two boats, managing to get close enough to manage to reach the bank. That would do us, we caught up with where we should be. A long day for us nowadays, but the kind we used to do frequently.

I’m 9 now!

Sorry Tilly. The mooring was a no go despite it looking fantastic. Trains pretty close and on the other side a car park and busy road. Two years ago today we managed to moor on one of the Cliveden Islands a special treat for Tilly’s seventh birthday. Sadly today wouldn’t be so good. Instead her birthday treats included some Webbox sticks and the Secret Passageway being opened up for her to explore with ease. It also stopped me from getting wound up because she was trying to dig her way behind the sofa to access it. You should see what’s down here! It’s brilliant. I don’t know how I managed to get her so easily when it’s normally impossible! That’s because it’s your birthday Tilly. Magic things happen on birthdays!

15 locks, 5.3 miles, 2 days in 1, 1 pylon, 2 jaunty moorings, 1 birthday wish come true, 1 secret passageway, 9 YEARS OLD!

Where we travelled in September

An Explosive Night. 7th September

Croxton Aqueduct to Forge Brook Aqueduct

A couple of days ago a new notice had come through from C&RT, Saltersford Lock on the Weaver was now open. Then yesterday a notice regarding Hunts Lock also on the river suggested things were progressing well, an update would be issued on the 11th. It was now worth continuing with our plan to descend the boat lift, fingers crossed the work at Hunts lock does the job.

Tilly got some shore leave in amongst the dog walkers, the field alongside the mooring here was being used by a chap on his bike cycling round it with his two woofers running along behind. He did several laps whilst his little boy trailed behind only managing one.

LOTS of food!

There were things in the fridge that needed eating up, especially the white pudding we’d bought in Leek, so we had a leisurely morning, no need for lunch today!

With my knitting out the back we pootled onwards, quite a few boats heading our way, Bramble Cuttings was empty, was it last night? There were two boats moored opposite which suggested it had been occupied.

NB Huffler back on the main land

As we came past the flashes, we passed bows with NB Huffler. They had crossed the Ribble Link with our friend Chris (The Pink Hat Man) on NB Elektra quite a few weeks ago, then they were caught by the breach on the Lancaster Canal and the broken sea lock on the link. Not a good situation to be in. A few days ago they were lifted out and transported by lorry to Lymm where they were put back in to be able to cruise back to their home mooring for winter.

We then hoped we’d get to see another boat NB Halsall the coal boat, they were due to leave Park Farm Marina today heading for the Anderton Boat Lift. But there was no sign of them, we expected they were a long way ahead of us. However later on in the day we got news that they were actually behind us, maybe they’d catch up with us before Anderton.

Waiting patiently for two to come through

As we reached The Broken Cross Pub we could see a boat coming through the bridge, Mick pulled us over to the side where we trod water opposite the moored boats. A second boat came into view, we waited. As the chap came past he made a comment about the reeds that were encroaching from the offside, ‘if they weren’t there it would be a lot easier! Just what do we pay our licence fees for?!’ Well if that bunch of reeds was removed the only difference would have been that we’d have been able to wait for him to come through the bridge 60ft closer to it. So no difference to us really.

Approaching Tata

Coming through by the Tata Chemical works, cranes were busy on the site of the new power station that is being built. Right by the canal was a new structure which looked like a futuristic Swiss cottage on stilts wearing a very large roller on it’s roof. As we cruised past we could see several very large fans underneath , around 6m across, maybe this is a new version of a cooling tower? More info on the sustainable power station can be found here.

We finally pulled in, half an hours cruise from the Anderton Boat Lift, a little distance away from another boat giving Tilly some extra towpath. Across the fields bells could be heard, most probably from Great Budworth, someone was getting married maybe. However this was soon overtaken by a new large structure being erected on the nearest farm, steel work being hit into submission and then bolted together. This noise continued until dark.

That is when we got the sound of fireworks. Maybe it was the wedding, distant music could also be heard. If it was coming from the wedding the couple must have had a very big budget! Then after maybe 15 minutes we got fireworks again. These went on for quite sometime with a big finale. Another gap, then more. What was going on? Was there a firework convention going on?

It turns out that tonight in several locations across the country there were big firework festivals/competitions. Manufacturers showing off. The one we could hear was most probably coming from Arley Hall, there was also one in Blackpool and one at Catton Hall near Swarkstone at the other end of the T&M, 50 odd miles away. Shame we couldn’t see any of them!

0 locks, 7.5 miles, 3.75 hours shore leave, 3 hours of fireworks, 15 minutes dinging, 5 hours steel fabrication, 1 sock up to the gusset, 1 more pair sponsored.

The Staffordshire Pretzel. 28th August

Bridge 30 to Top side Cheddleton Visitor Moorings

What a pretty wooden canoe

Cows slurluping at 5am across the way woke Tilly and myself, Mick totally oblivious as he was making his own noises! It took us a while to get back to sleep, but we managed it.

Hazelhurst Junction

A load of washing was put on then we moved up to the services. Here we joined two more boats. The far one was the boat that had followed us up the staircase a couple of days ago. When had they gone past? They were facing towards Stoke too!? Have to say we’d been surprised not to have seen them yesterday. They are very early risers, 6am, so had passed whilst we were well asleep. They’d also been to the end of both arms of the Caldon! No stopping them. I asked where they moored on the Oxford, the bottom of Claydon before Cropredy, Yes I knew where they meant, we’ll wave next time we go past. They’ve certainly been going for it, our map suggests there and back with both arms is a 21 hour cruise from Etruria, I suspect they’ll be off the canal before the end of the day.

To Froghall please

With water topped up, the alpine strawberry plants tidied up, their babies added to the hedgerow, we moved on towards Hazlehurst Junction. Here the canal splits into two. The right turn stays on the level and sweeps round over Hazlehurst Aqueduct and on to Leek. Straight on drops down three locks goes under the aqueduct and onwards towards Froghall where the canal used to meet up with the Uttoxeter Canal. We decided to go straight on, down the locks.

In the top lock

We’d brought with us a reed island, Mick hauled it out of the lock and deposited it over the lock bridge out of the way before lifting paddles. Just after the third lock there is Bridge 37, this had to be rebuilt a few years ago, closing the Froghall Arm for quite sometime. It does look new, some weathering required for it to sink into the landscape.

Landscape is what we’d have today, it’s nice to be back in the hills.

We wound our way down under the aqueduct, here we’d had two kingfishers sat on branches waiting for us to pass the last time we were here, no such luck today. The moorings at the pub were full, a large Hare sat behind a garden shed. Residential moorings ask for you to slow down, we’d no choice as Oleanna’s depth slowed us to just about a stop in one bridge hole.

Through plenty of wood, Rowan a common sight with it’s red berries. The moorings before the flint mill were just about empty. We pulled up as soon as we could a view to our portside to wake up to between the trees, that would do nicely. Tilly was warned not to eat her own body weight and let out for an hour whilst we had lunch.

Debby from NB Bonjour had mentioned about there being Pre-Raphaelite windows in St Edwards Church, we could just see the tower from our mooring, anywhere to the south of the canal would mean a steep hill to climb, but it couldn’t be that far! Surely!

Up towards the busy road

With walking stick in hand we set off down past the flint mill both water wheels turning, crossed the canal and started to walk uphill. The first turn on the right gave us a steeper hill to climb, a very steady pace required.

The chancel roof

St Edwards dates back to the 13th C, some walling possibly back to the 12th C. The church has had several restorations, one in Elizabethan times but the biggest was in 1863/4 when Sir Gilbert G Scott made major changes.

The chancel roof was repainted in the 1950s, symbols depicting local connections to the church. The book, for paper. The knot, the Staffordshire knot (not a pretzel!). The boat, for the canal. The plant, Madder from which dye is produced a favourite dark red used by William Morris. Morris spent three years in Leek learning about dyes.

What a stunning window

At first glance around the church the one window that stands out from all the others is of three angels drawn by Burne Jones. The colours which were chosen by Morris sing out. It’s a lovely window.

William and his wife

Then closer inspection, the majority of the other windows are of a similar time. One depicts a couple facing each other. The chap is reported to be a portrait of William Morris stood opposite his wife. She is bare footed, he has red socks, but he also must have been a messy eater as he needed a very large napkin tucked into his collar!

What a lovely church, thank you Debby for mentioning it. My knee was going to have to walk down the hill, so as along as we found a fairly level path to the shops I’d not have to do too much more downhill. A footpath was found which connected the older part of Cheddleton to the newer busier Leek Road. A pint of milk and a loaf of bread, Bargain Booze managed to have both and tucked in the fridge were a pile of freshly made oatcakes. At £1.45 for 6 they make the ones you make yourself very expensive.

Oatcakes, kept in the chiller

Back on board I made up the Oatcake mix we’d bought at Great Haywood, leaving it to rest for half an hour, so the yeast had time to do it’s stuff. I cooked up the last of our Oxford sausages and sliced them, some mushrooms were cooked and cheese grated. Four oat cakes were cooked, kept warm, then the filling was added to each in turn, cooked in the frying pan to melt the cheese. Two each, very yummy. The remainder of the batter was then cooked up, each cake left to cool before being popped in the freezer for another time.

Where we’re headed we may not have internet for a couple of days. Where we’re going has a low tunnel, we’re going to see if Oleanna can get through it! Tune in next time to see if we succeeded. If we never post again, it’s because we’re stuck in Froghall Tunnel!

3 locks, 2.8 miles, 1 straight on, 1 speedy cruising boat, 1 pretty wooden canoe, 1 late night boat, 1 church, 1 steep hill, there and back, 3 angels, 0 pretzels, 5 oatcakes, 6 for another time, 0 oxford sausages left, 2 bricks purchased, 1 Mrs Tilly stamp of approval.

‘A’ Team Refresher. 10th August

Ansty Visitor Moorings to Cat Junkie Mooring, Coventry Canal

No shore leave before breakfast, just exercises. No matter how much she practices she still can’t get her leg behind her head! Rubbish!! We were soon setting off a bit of dampness in the air.

I had a look for information on Ansty yesterday, Wikipedia. ‘Ansty has been cited as “the most boater-hostile village on the canals” because of the huge number of “no mooring” signs.’ Very true. Other information found was that before 1066 the main landowner was Lady Godiva and St James Church dates back to the 13th Century but in 1856 Sir George Gilbert Scott rebuilt quite a lot of the building. It’s a shame I wasn’t in the mood for walking the 1.3 miles there.

These are around every fifteen feet along the embankment

We tried to pull in at the water point just through the bridge. Quite a strong wind pushed the bow right over the canal and Mick found it hard to get the stern in. Oleanna was doing a Suez! I had a rope coiled all ready to throw round a bollard at the bow, but I was too far away to guarantee hitting the bollard and my rope wouldn’t have been long enough to get back to me. A boat approached, they slowed right down, no option with the canal blocked. A chap walked past from the moorings, he told us the canal was filled with rocks where we were trying to get in. We gave up as a bad job and quite quickly got ourselves facing the right way again, reopening the navigation.

Didn’t there used to be a field with Showmans caravans in it, or interesting trucks? I only caught the glimpse of one truck behind the trees. Then a decorated archway, a marquee giving shelter to tables laid out most probably for a wedding. Just round the bend the car and VW camper van graveyard is extreamly overgrown, just rusting roofs visible amongst the tall grasses.


Pylons fill the sky all buzzingly heading for the big electrical substation (for want of a better name for it). Then round the last bend to Hawksbury Junction. Here we pulled in for water and remembered that we should have pumped out the yellow water when the towpath was on the port side! A volunteer helped boats through the lock, more heading onto the North Oxford than the Coventry Canal.

The A team were going to get a touch of a refresher at the lock, so I was glad that the volunteer seemed to be on their lunch break. A paddle needed lifting before the gate would open. Pain killer aided pushing of beams, hands loosing their windlass callouses and Mick at the helm for his first narrow lock since Isis Lock in Oxford. We made it through without difficulty, well the lock is only 10 inches deep!

Lots of room to moor once we’d turned right, we had a pause for lunch. A lady pulled in as we were pushing off again, she’d been on the Ashby ‘it’s low up there!’ The Ashby is at the same height as this stretch of the Coventry, but it is quite a shallow canal.

We pootled along. Spot the difference since last time at Charity Dock. Don’t remember Richard Carpenter and his partner or the pink rodeo pair with the merry-go-round horse. Was the queen there last time? At the end of the run the cruisers seemed a little bit more organised, maybe the dry dock was in use and they’d been shuffled round to gain access.

Across Marston Junction, the Ashby not in our cruising plans this year. A glance at our Waterway Routes map showed us just how much canal used to stretch off to the west. The Coventry Communication Canal, Arbury Canals, Seeswood Canal amongst others. Frank do you remember these as well as the arm south of Bedworth?


Should we stop sooner than planned, good tree cover for a stretch, we carried on, there was somewhere better for Tilly further ahead. The new building we saw going up a couple of years ago has huge windows and a roof garden and it looks like they’ve added access to the next bridge across the canal, looking after their workforces well being.

Through Nuneaton, busy with moving boats. Someone had hired a day boat for their 60th, much raucous laughter and singing from it as it returned to base, a balloon trail left behind it. Sweetcorn was growing in the allotments alongside the canal. We don’t remember seeing signs for the local green spaces before. We also don’t remember scraping the bottom so much!

Nearly every bridge hole needed gliding through. We caught the bottom whilst being a few feet out from the towpath, I could hear drawers inside Oleanna opening. Two boats came past, both with high revs giving them only slow propulsion forwards, turning the canal a very dark brown. The level was low.

Level’s down

Soon new hirers came towards us, Springwood Haven is now an ABC hire base. We pushed on just past the marina, some moorings we have stopped at before already occupied, but up ahead with trees on both sides was the Cat Junkie Mooring. We pulled in, adjusted our position for the optimum amount of shade, thankfully avoiding a big ants nest. This will do us whilst the temperature rises.

Tilly was quickly out exploring. Trees, friendly cover, a good dusty path to roll on, perfect. So perfect she stayed out half an hour after cat curfew! It didn’t matter too much as having the doors open was handy whilst I did some cooking.


A quinoa quiche base was baked ready for use tomorrow, new style chicken curry sat on the stove top bubbling away and to make use of the mass of blackberries Mick keeps picking I baked a Blackberry and Lemon Drizzle Cake. The recipe suggested icing it, but I refrained as there was way enough sugar in it already. We had a try of it for pudding this evening, very tasty it was. Click on the photo for the recipe.

1 lock, 10.9 miles, 1 right, 1 straight on, 1 full water tank, 1 low canal, 1 cake, 1 curry, 1 quiche in the making, 1.5 hours shore leave, 2 taken! 1 Mrs Tilly’s stamp of approval.

Backpackers? 31st July

Stoke Bruerne to Weedon Bec Church Moorings

The alarm again, but not quite so early. We’d not be getting the sunrise views of yesterday. Dressed and cuppas made, waterproofs, life jackets and the big torch out the back. Hopefully we’d both have drunk our tea before our mugs would get topped up in Blisworth Tunnel.

Blisworth Tunnel at 7am

As we entered we both exclaimed that we couldn’t see the other end. Blisworth may be 1.7 miles long but it is straight. I think it was just our eyes getting accustomed to the lack of light as within 50 meters the pin prick of light could be seen. The advantage of going into the tunnel at early o’clock is that we were unlikely to meet anyone coming the other way, we had the tunnel to ourselves.

Big torch at the stern showing the concrete central section of the tunnel

The torrent of water that cascades from one of the air shafts wasn’t as bad as we remembered it and avoidance tactics were taken so we missed the worst of it. Other drips gave the roof a good wetting. Our big torch at the stern not only helps you to see at the helm it also means you get to see details on the brickwork and concrete sections. Why are some of the deposits orange and others creamy white?

Straight on to Braunston

Out the other side. A lack of boats moored before the bridge. Where have lots of boats gone? Past the wonderful old mill and northwards. Straight on at Gayton Junction, we’re heading northwards. Boat names and decorations to keep us amused.

At Bugbrook we waved across the pub garden to Unusual where our friend Lizzie works, a new building with actual windows gives some views towards the canal. In the tree lined cutting the Raymond and Nutfield crew were eating their breakfast, soon to cast off and follow us.

40 bags of coal piled up very neatly on someone’s mooring. Coal bought at this time of year comes with discounts so if you have a permanent mooring it’s worth it.

Round another bend the service mooring at Rugby Boats was available. We pulled in to top up on diesel £1.09 domestic today. I stepped off to look at the boats on brokerage, skipping across the posters for their names. NB Quaintrelle! We’d wondered what had happened to Mike and Aileen. Years ago when we were all new to boating we’d shared the Long Buckby flight then our paths crossed several more times before they headed off to explore the French waterways. Their last posts had them with two feline crew and having finished cruising the waters across the channel. Two years ago we’d seen Quaintrelle moored at Weedon. All the best to the new owners you’ve a boat that’s been places and we hope Mike and Aileen are well and have happy future plans.

Very neat potential heat

Not far now to our planned mooring for the day. There was space on Weedon Bec embankment. The moorings on the offside by the church would soon have the benefit of shade, so we pulled in there. The bank is extreamly low only about four inches higher than the water in the canal so quite a big step for my knees. Today I’ve developed a side step so that I can step around the cratch board to be able to tie the bow line, something I’ve been avoiding for the last couple of weeks. But once back on the boat today I wouldn’t be hopping on and off, I’d be staying put.

Finishing breakfast before setting off

Tilly was given a couple of hours and we sat down for a very late breakfast. Tilly did get longer, I just wanted her to come in for a drink every now and again as it was so hot. After a while Mick headed off to check on suitable parking places nearby. He found Tilly checking out the cemetery and suggested it was time she came back to the boat rather than follow him! Blimey all the way back up this outside, its very steep, so inconsiderate on a hot day!

Plenty of boats came past, our mooring lines had quite a bit of play in them, time for a spring line, but also we needed better fenders as Oleanna bumped and scraped along a submerged shelf. First the buoys were tried, they had nothing to stop them from rising up onto the bank. Then the tyres, these certainly held us out, but also wanted to pop up over the bank edge as it was so shallow. Mick had an idea, the mud weight we’d been given a few years ago might just be the thing. He tied a rope to the mud weight and then tied the tyre to the weight. The mud weight was lowered into the canal and the tyre fender sat at the right height. Brilliant, no more grinding on the submerged shelf.

Tyre fender with mud weight

Being on the off side meant we expected little footfall. A couple walked past part way through the afternoon, both with backpacks. We thought they were heading for the boat behind us. Normally there would have followed noises of boat doors being opened, but their conversation just drifted away as if they’d carried on walking past the boat. Mick saw no evidence of anyone on the boat during the remainder of the day. So either the couple were very quiet at opening doors and sat with no lights on or they had gone elsewhere. Were they Weedon Bec’s version of the Wheelie Shoppers of Nantwich?

Mick headed off to pick up a hire car, Daventry’s Enterprise has just recently moved to Weedon. I took the opportunity of having the boat to myself to do my exercises in front of the tv. From start to finish it took me 40 minutes. When my brother had knee problems recently he was only given four exercises to do, they took him ten minutes. I’m meant to do mine twice a day! Hopefully as I get better at them they will take less time.

Just checking things out

With the car picked up, Mick dug out our recent purchase of a trolley, time to take the contents from our separating toilet back to the compost bins at the house. Three trips to the car, three times up and down the embankment, he certainly got his exercise today. On his final return trip he heard quite a lot of buzzing around his head. Then a sting! He returned straight to the boat. Good job he’s not got that much hair as I could see the sting in his scalp.

Before pulling it out with tweezers I checked what to do on line. It suggested scraping the sting out with something blunt, pulling it might release more poison. I scraped and scraped, there couldn’t be any poison left in it, it didn’t want to come out, so the tweezers were needed. A clean with soap and water, followed by a small bag of frozen peas applied for ten minutes, off for ten, then back on again. An anti-histamine was also taken, it hurt, but thankfully his head didn’t swell up. Time for a more relaxed evening, listening to the very good bell ringing practice from our nearest neighbours at St Peter’s and St Paul’s Church.

0 locks, 10.7 miles, 1 straight on, 91.96 litres, 1 ideal mooring, 1 annoying shelf, 1 25kg mud weighted fender, 2 backpackers, 2 + 2 + 1 + 2 hours shore leave, 1 tidy cemetery, 10 Dreamies, 3 buckets, 1 sting, 1 chicken and potato salad a bit meh! 8 bells, 1 Mrs Tilly stamp of approval.

A Breakdown In Communications. 29th May

Above Days Lock to Wallingford

Not the best nights sleep. Yesterdays heavy rain made for a twitchy night. Had we been wise to moor here on pins? How high would the river come up in response to the rain? Were our ropes loose enough for fluctuating levels? How would the flow be when we came to move? Should we move? Sooner rather than later?

A lovely morning view

We both checked the internet for the levels. Overnight the river had come up by 6 inches. Would we now be stuck by red boards? The EA website gets updated at 11am each day so we wouldn’t know from there for quite some time. Mick took a walk along the bank towards the lock, wet grass soaking his trousers and shoes. The lock was normal and on self service. Time to make a move and go whizzing off down stream.

Looking back to Days Lock

Untying was planned, the bow rope last to stop us from drifting backwards and with Mick already onboard he’d be able to keep us steady into the flow. However the bow rope was quite slack, Oleanna had risen with the water and was now closer to the bank and this morning the wind was holding her into it. We followed our plan anyway, me trying to push the bow out against the wind, extra umph needed from a bow thruster to get the bow into the flow and Oleanna winding to head downstream.

Blue skies and fluffy clouds

A couple of boats had already been seen on the move and we followed a small cruiser in to the lock cut, they’d been moored on the weir stream overnight. I checked with their skipper if they’d be okay sharing with us which they were. They would head out first and I’d close up behind us. This of course wasn’t needed in the end as a boat was heading upstream and then a Lockie who was gardening appeared from nowhere and did the honours for us, the cruiser pulled in at the service mooring, we carried on.

Blue skies with fluffy clouds, that’s more like it! More boat houses I could live in. The fab big house on the bend near Shillingford still looks wonderful. Maybe one day we should walk the Thames Path which goes right outside the other side of the building so we can see the front door. If we lived there we’d give some ornamental tall grasses a trim to improve the view of the river.

Above Benson Lock there were plenty of moored hire boats, the recent yellow and red boards keeping them off the river, we’ve seen only a couple of Le Boats out and about. The cafe looked to be popular, maybe it would be a suitable place for a rendez vous, but our only choice of mooring nearby was on the weir side of the lock island, there’s a ferry that runs back and forth. However the moorings looked quite full and it would have meant winding to reverse into the weir cut, with the river running fast we didn’t fancy that.


Time to fill the lock, descend and then cross over the weir exit! Earlier this year a boat had lost it’s mooring and been swept towards the weir, only the bridge over it stopping the vessel from plunging over the top. Today the water crashed over the weir, where the navigation meets this there are green marker buoys to help keep you away from the build up of silt. We’d heard that these marker buoys had moved in the floods, so didn’t mark the channel well. They certainly looked to be further over towards the bank and the trees than we remembered, if you kept to the right side of them you’d almost certainly end up entangled in branches. After picking me up, Mick set off, cranking Oleanna up, the aim to pass through the green markers. It turned into a bit of a chicane but we made it through without touching the bottom or the trees, but very close to the buoys.

A space on the low bank

Not far now, we made note of possible moorings under the trees as we approached Wallingford, plenty of room should we need it. On the east bank there was a space, just not quite big enough for us, a few git gaps behind, we called out but no one heard us. The west bank was just about empty. We headed down stream through the bridge and then winded, no chance of running out of room to make the turn here. Upstream we headed, another call out to a narrowboat to see if they could move up, big thumbs up from inside and out they came to pull back six foot so we could moor. Thank you.

Earlier there had been a phone call, but not enough signal to hear anything. Mick had sent a message saying we were heading to Wallingford, he received a message saying a cuppa was being enjoyed at the cafe at Benson. Serious communication problems, Mick went off to try to find signal, Wallingford being added to our list of bad signal. Up on the bridge he got through to a French answerphone just as a car with two familiar faces came past slowing to say ‘Hello!’

Mick, Siobhan, Patrick and Pip

Siobhan and Patrick are friends of Micks from long long ago, they now live in Newcastle, Australia. Most years they come over to the UK to visit family and we do our best to meet up. They arrived earlier this week, had a few nights in London before driving down to stay with a friend in Benson, our cruising plans had just nicely managed to fit with their tour of the UK. Big hugs all round then a venue for lunch was found. We all got in the car and headed off to The Red Lion in Brightwell-cum-Sotwell a very pretty place.

A picturesque pub

Ham egg and chips, a burger, fish and chip and a vegetable tart were all enjoyed, better food and a quieter lunch than we’d had on Monday. Lots to catch up on, news of grandchildren, 70th birthdays, travel plans.

After a cuppa and more chats back at Oleanna it was time for them to head off and meet up with their friend in Benson. So lovely to see them both and Yes we do need to try to put a plan together to do a visit to Newcastle!

Brand new signs

As we’d returned to the boat there was a chap taking down the Town Council signs regarding mooring fees. New signs were going up, still the same fee but the moorings were now going to be overseen by District Enforcement. The chap chatted away, the moorings would be policed three times a week and anyone pulling up even just for the day (free) would need to register on line to moor there otherwise they’d be charged the penalty £100. Later in the day we wondered how we’d manage to register as our internet signal was seriously poor, at times there was nothing at all! This may be a problem.

We’ve only been able to moor in Wallingford by the bridge once before and we couldn’t remember if we’d looked round or not. Looking back on Lillian’s blog posts I suspect we didn’t as I had a migraine the day we arrived. So we headed out to have a bit of a walk around.

St Peter’s

In the early 12th Century Wallingford had many rights and liberties exceeding those of London and it is one of only four towns that were mentioned in the Magna Carta. The very recognisable spire of St Peter’s can be seen by all from the river, it is now a redundant Anglican church. Grade 2 listed it was built between 1763 and 1767, the spire added by Sir Robert Taylor ten years later. A local lawyer, Sir William Blackstone ( who’s books were widely used by the makers of the American constitution) paid for the clock face to be visible from his house. The church was deemed redundant in 1971.

There are plenty of antique shops, one of which Siobhan had remembered from when she worked in the area. We had a good look round at all the things no-one really needs. The shop went on and on forever!

Wallingford Town Hall

A couple of things were needed from Waitrose then we walked by the Town Hall, held up with extra wooden pillars bedecked with plastic ferns. The open area beneath was used for market stalls and the chamber above was used for Borough Courts and Quarter Sessions. Around the end of the 13th Century the town fell on hard times and shrank, only reviving in the 17th and 18th centuries with the vast growth of London and trade on the Thames. During Victorian times Wallingford had 50 pubs whilst only having a population of around 2000. Down a side street where half timbered buildings have been painted haphazardly in green and yellow and we wondered what the department store had been on St Mary’s Street.

Where St Mary’s meets St Martins a row of four terraced houses sits prominently over looking the junction. They are Grade 2 listed and are quite fine, their gable windows on the top floor hidden behind a wall.

Maybe next time we’re here we’ll explore more, there is what looks like an interesting walk around the town Link. So there is more to Wallingford than Midsummer Murders.

2 locks, 5.8 miles, 1 wind, 6 inches higher, 6ft too short, 1 broken cleat, 2 Australian visitors, 1 perfect rendez vous, 0 phone signal, 3 pints, 1 glass wine, 1 unimpressed Tilly, £12 a night, but not tonight, 1 more lovely day with friends, 2 equalised batteries (they sorted them selves a few days ago).

Feline Approved. 26th May

Aristotle Bridge to St Barnabas, Jericho

Empty quiet mooring this morning

It may be Sunday, but there were things to do. We had a cuppa in bed and then rolled back the covers and pushed off before breakfast. Today our 2 days at Aristotle would be up so we decided to move on early. We were moored up opposite St Barnabas Church, the hoardings boasting about the redevelopment still, bacon butties just about consumed in time for the Geraghty zoom. Keeling over shrubs, planning permission, and no sign of that £26.4 million from last week, I think someone has spent it!


Before it got too late it was time to head out to do some shopping. Mick wheeled the Brompton his mission different to mine. Thank you Dave for warning us that the towpath along Sheepwash Channel is currently shut, and there being serious work going on at the train station. The rail bridge that crosses Botley Road is going to be expanded for more tracks. The road underneath is currently closed to traffic, buses turning at the station, but there is a footpath connecting both sides.

Rather serious works going on down there

At Osney Bridge, still single file traffic Mick and I parted ways. He was headed to Halfords for some engine oil and Currys to look to see if they had a rugid tablet, this had him heading straight on. I on the other hand crossed over the little bridge and walked down East Street towards Osney Lock.


The Thames here was on yellow stream decreasing boards, quite a bit of space to moor. One boat was familiar NB Mobius from St Pancras Cruising Club, it didn’t look like anyone was home and I needed to be somewhere before they closed. A cruiser pushed away from the moorings, winded and headed to the lock where two Lock Keepers worked them through, a pretty wooden boat waiting patiently for their turn below. The flow round to the weir was pretty strong, but we’ve seen it a LOT stronger here before, boats clinging on with their mooring lines straining to stay attached.

Yellow decreasing

I followed the footpath to Osney Mead, a Mum with her two kids walking at speed past me, ‘When we get to Meat Master you can cool down there Johnny’ if he stopped running and jumping all the time that might have also helped. My destination was the Fish Market, see what was on offer today. I had a little look around, some of the fillets being packed away already. 1 chose 2 giltheaded bream, these will either be barbequed of baked in the oven depending on weather in the next few days.


Then I headed to Meat Master to cool down myself. I didn’t need any of their humongous joints of meat or a ham, but had a good look round. Some gf sausages and smoked back bacon were purchased, far less than other people were piling up into their baskets.

Just a small amount of Prosciutto

Various things were needed to go with the fish so I called in at Waitrose, a slight detour, to get the necessary. A sign suggested a pedestrian and cycle route to Jericho was possible. I checked my map but couldn’t see where this route might cross the railway so played safe and continued back on the main route.

Back at Oleanna Mick had been successful with the oil, but not a new tablet. It’s looking like one will have to be ordered a delivery address to be thought about along with where to get our postal votes sent to.

Tasty smelling, very tasty!

Tilly checked out my purchases. Now that smells nice! Is that MY dingding? She approved and was disappointed that the brown paper package went straight into the freezer. Maybe She is saving it for a special occasion!?

The remainder of the afternoon was spent preparing things to bake, tidying up, answering messages on Whatsapp and Instagram, checking that Frank was still alive in Scarborough, sweeping through and washing the floors. Mick headed out to check on the parking situation locally, managing to avoid a serious downpour.

A roast chicken was enjoyed with all the usual accompaniments and pair 21 of my sockathon was cast off. I think it’s time to get out the red yarn next, I’m looking forward to seeing how this yarn knits up.

0 locks, 0.6 miles, 1 route through Oxford more blocked than it’s been blocked before, 2 bream, 10 litres oil, 16 sausages, 0.5kg bacon, 1 isthmus mooring, 1 roast chicken, 1 cleaner and tidier boat, 2 hour spaces found.

But Which Way! 1st May

Above Longford Lock to Penkridge 48hr mooring

Only half a mile to travel today as we needed to be in Penkridge for a couple of reasons. Pootleing in towards Penkridge Lock we were surprised at there only being one boat moored here. The mooring directly below the lock can be a bit bumpy when the paddles are lifted, but it’s handy for town.

Click photo for details

We passed another house for sale, only over 55s can purchase this one, a bit different from yesterdays house by the M6.

Not much foot space on the back today

With not much space available at the stern due to the bully boy battery I was glad to get off and get the lock ready for us. No-one on the water point! Are we really in Penkridge? Where is everyone?

Once up the lock we pulled in at the services. Set the water filling, emptied the yellow water, disposed of rubbish etc. A chap came along from the moorings with a wheelbarrow to empty his cassettes, he was very chatty. We chatted away and lifted the bully boy battery box off the stern of Oleanna. That was one task achieved, now to get the battery to a UPS access point in town. That wheelbarrow looked handy! But we didn’t ask as we had another solution in mind.

Ooo, I wonder?

By the time the water tank was full there was a boat waiting in the lock and another had just pulled up below. We were in Penkridge! A queue forming for the services, it’s just we were at the front of it for once. Mick pushed Oleanna off and over to the moorings opposite whilst I stayed to guard the battery, it may not be working and be exceptionally heavy but we still didn’t want anyone to struggle away with it. Once Oleanna was secure Mick came back and called for a taxi, £5 to the access point, I left to have an early lunch and get myself ready for an afternoon in Birmingham.

St Michael and All Angels

The station is a bit of a walk away, but nice to walk through town. The Co-op has moved, there are two now at opposite ends of town. I walked up through the church yard filled with graves and blossom. The 12:45 had me passing alongside the Wolverhampton flight, no boats in view. In to Birmingham New Street, I just needed to find my way out now! Easier said than done!! I thought of following directions on the bright sign post, but the direction of Brindley Place was blocked by red and blue lounges! I ended up walking out of the wrong exit and taking quite a while to get to somewhere familiar, thank goodness I had an hour to spare.

Is this just art or a useful sign post?

Not one boat on the Oozles Street loop and only five moored by Lego, loads of room. I walked the now regular route up onto Sheepcote Street to my dentist, a regular check overdue. After my emergency visits to a dentist in Leeds six weeks ago I’ve known I still had a problem. Colin started with his friendly chat asking about our travels, but I knew time was short and this wouldn’t just be a see you in six months visit.

5 xrays later, I had a choice to make, keep a tooth and spend money on it, or loose it. It’s one of my main chewers so at the moment I’ve opted to keep it, just could do with a set design fee to pay for the work! Three new appoitments in the diary, hopefully coinciding with us being in Birmingham or an easy train journey back. I suspect there will be more once the first stage of treatment is done.


It’s easy finding your way into New Street Station, I just wish it was simple coming out of it. I was soon back alongside the Wolverhampton 21, one boat spyed going down. Recent reports from NB Alchemy and NB Bonjour have been that the majority of the locks were empty as they came down the flight, which will be good for us when we go up.

Mick had moved a touch further on, not very far but away from where he felt we were on the end of the lock landing. I’d noticed he’d been on the move with messages coming from our Nebo link, even if it didn’t show an actual journey as he’d only moved 50 yards or so.

Loads of room in Birmingham

A catch up between ourselves. A chat about possible places for me to return to the dentist from and did we need to have a trip to Scarborough to fill up our compost bins. An email was sent to somewhere we’ve made deposits before to see if they still take them. After finishing off the chilli I’d made last night, we settled down to watch the next episode of Narrow Escapes. No need for the stove today as the temperature had risen. Infact we had the side hatch open until after 8pm listening to the moorers enjoying their first evening sitting out this year.

Here’s where we travelled in April

1 lock, 0.4 miles, 2 budges up along the way, 1 full water tank, 1 load washing, 1st in the queue, 1 empty yellow water tank, 1 bully boy on its way, 2 trains, 1 expensive tooth, 1 membership signed up to, 15% discount not to be missed, 7 more lemon biscuits, 1 broken down boat heading to Ireland? 1 miffed off cat.

Whilst Kathleen Blows Away. 6th April

Lock 46

After breakfast and writing the blog, on what feels like the smallest keyboard ever, we headed into town to do a bit of shopping, find a newspaper and have a look round.

They are rather fine

Two fine front doors stood out, one house for sale. You get quite a bit of house for your money in these parts. We’ve been spotting a lot of places named Royd recently. Old Royd Lock, Royd Street. Looking the name up it turns out that Royd is local dialect for ‘cleared land’ especially in a wood.

The centre of Littleborough has a mix of shops, not many unoccupied. Some smart clothes shops, a couple of butchers, a discount hardware shop and a knickers shop! Just who had the money for the fancy grave?

Who was so important to have such a grand grave

We got a newspaper, some thick cut bacon, a disappoinitng pork pie and a few bits and bobs fom Sainsburys before heading to the Co-op to see if their cat food was cheaper. It was, especially with a members card which we applied for whilst stood in the pet food isle.

As we headed towards the canal we spotted signs in the station window for a museum. Well that needed looking at, so we made our way up onto the platform where a chap asked if we knew there were no trains today. Yes, but we were looking for the museum. ‘Round the corner, there’s three chaps in there’.

No trains today

The main waiting room/old ticket office is now a museum for Littleborough Historical and Archaeologocal Society. We were welcomed in by a chap who immediatley mentioned about their flint collection and Roman coins. Flint is not found in the area, so was imported from other parts of the country. He also appologised that their main computer was broken so he wouldn’t be able to show us much from their archieve. This however didn’t stop him from chatting away to his hearts content.

As it says on the door

The chap chatted on for ages, he could have carried on for hours. Don’t get me wrong he was interesting, possibly being shown images and maps would have been even more interesting, but when someone wanted to show him a recent find that was almost certainly Roman we were quick in heading for the door. More a place for serious research on the local area than just a browse around.

Back at Oleanna we had lunch and enjoyed the last Hot Paw Bun of the year. These were the best I’ve made by far and Mick doesn’t see why they should just be for Easter!

Tilly came and went, then as the winds increased into the afternoon she was grounded. Kathleen was showing her force. Thankfully our mooring means Oleanna’s bow faces into the wind and with a few extra fenders out we are held into the side, so no bumping about.

Plans for the next few days were discussed. How long it will take us to get down into Manchester, which moorings to stop at, will the wind have died down sufficiently to make this all possible?

Tilly slept the afternoon away. The yellow water tank was emptied, Tilly’s pooh box refreshed and quite a bit of knitting done. I should just about finish pair 14 by the end of Sunday, Hooray!

Our evening meal was accompanied by growing winds and torrential rain. Really! Surely there can’t be anymore rain!!

0 locks, 0 miles, 1 windy walk, 1 puzzled baker, 9 rashers bacon, 1 pie, 1 paper, 0 knickers bought, 1 very knowledgable man, 0 wedding ring, 1 very blustery afternoon, 2 salmon steaks with red pepper sauce, 13.5 pairs of socks knitted so far.

First Manual Of The Year. 24th March

Birkwood Lock to Midland Junction Bridge 40

No lazing about in bed today, time to get moving. With more rain in the forecast we wanted to cover as many of the river sections as possible before the levels rise again. Having said that we weren’t about to do an 8 hour day. The sun was out, waterproof padded trousers were donned just in case and to start with they were handy to keep warm.

First Stanley Ferry. Outside the C&RT workshops lay newly cut oak destined for Lock 69 on the Rochdale, it’ll be interesting to see what state the current gates are in as we pass. Then a full set, top and bottom gates were having the water treatment, swelling the oak before they get fitted on site. I couldn’t see any marks to tell me which lock these were destined for.

Stanley Ferry

Over the aqueduct, we’d called ahead yesterday to see if they had diesel. They normally do but their pump is being recalibrated on Friday and anyway they were closed today. This also meant we couldn’t stock up on coal. Through the swing bridge, holding up two ladies, a CRT fundraiser just setting up for the day.

Broadreach Flood Lock in operation

We managed to log on to the Geraghty Zoom on Mick’s phone as we went along the long straight towards Broadreach Flood Lock, although it took us quite some time to get the sound to work. Ahead the flood lock was closed so we waved our goodbyes to the sisters and got on with the task in hand, not that hard as the river was level with the cut, but both sets of gates needed to be operated and the sluices (even though I’d not opened them) closed before I could retrieve my key of power.

Back on the river I logged into zoom again, there was quarter of an hour before reaching Fall Ing Lock, so we listened in for a while before waving goodbye again. Subjects covered seemed to be about Scottish Islands and Ireland.

Fall Ing Lock, our first manual lock this year

Fall Ing Lock is big, deep and a stiff old lock, it would also be our first manual lock this year. Of course both top gates were open, Mick helped wind the hydraulic paddle gear to empty the lock and then I enlisted a Dad and son to help open and close the gate. Winding the top paddle gear I could tell it’s been months since I last did any of this!

I wonder if those jet washes would reach down to the boat?

A quick pause on the 72 hour moorings for Mick to pop to the garage for a couple of bags of coal. We have enough for a week, but wanted some more just in case. EcoCoal was bought, we’ve had it before, it created a LOT of ash, but at least we’ll stay warm.

A long sound of the horn brought us out onto the river again, heading upstream, behind us one of the old warehouse buildings looked like it was having a make over. Ahead Double Two looks to have let out space to an Escape Room. At one time I used to paint scenery for the John Godber Theatre Company in the workshop where shirts had once been sewn.

Thornes Lock, the first where you require a Hebble Spike. A few years ago we created an overlay on our Waterway Routes maps which showed which locks required a Hebble Spike. New phones etc meant we’d lost the useful information. Mick hunted through Canal World Forum to find the info he’d received back then, it’s now been added to our maps so we can be equipped at the correct locks.

A Hebble Spike paddle and spike laid on the beam

Both ends require a spike at Thornes Lock, well I certainly couldn’t get any windlass wound ground paddles to work. A group of cyclists arrived to cross the lock, one chap suggested starting to fill the lock with the other paddle as the one I was about to start with was VERY stiff. Well they were all very stiff! When they had come through earlier in the day there had been a lady trying to work the lock who had never heard of a spike and she managed to break her windlass on one of the ground paddles. I believe they managed to help her through.

Pine to left, hardwood to the right

Our spike is made of hardwood, I found splinters of a soft wood version below one of the mechanisms. Soft wood tends to splinter, hard wood tends to sink if dropped in!

The next flood lock was sat open for us, taking us back out onto the river again. At Broad Cut Low Lock we could see activity, a man in an orange jumper. I walked up to see what was happening and chatted away to the chap and lady who were ascending. He seemed ever so familiar. Mick joined the conversation as their boat slowly rose in the lock. When the chap mentioned they had a house in Wheldrake near York the penny dropped. This was Richard and Heather on NB Isabella, we’d shared the journey between Naburn and Selby back at the end of August in 2020 after we’d been stuck at Naburn when the Ouse was in flood. NB Isabella is their first narrowboat and Naburn was their first ever lock on her. Back then she was grey, today she’s red oxide. I’d been wondering if we’d ever come across them again, today was the day.

Once we were up the lock we pulled over for some lunch, left overs of Szechuan pork and courgette fritters, very nice, the pork seems to improve over a day or two. Heather and Richard had decided to stop for the day, there was only chance for a little bit more chat before I was needed at the next lock.

Hooray a locking partner!

An old Rose Hire Boat pulled out behind Oleanna from the moorings, we waited for her to join us in the lock, the lady very grateful to be able to share with us. She was the lady who’d met the cyclists this morning. Maybe she was now planning on sharing each lock with a different boat. She pulled in a distance ahead and tied her centre line to a fence post across the towpath! Maybe she’d also had a tipple or two at the pub at lunchtime.

We wanted to get that bit further on today despite being warned by the cyclists that we’d not want to be stopping anywhere between Horbury and Mirfield. Up on the hill in Horbury we spied the tower of St Peter’s and St Leonards Church, this is where John Carr the founder of my Dad’s architectural practice is buried. We visited back in 2019

Mick closing up as I set the next lock

We carried on to the Figure of Three Locks. There are only two locks, but their name almost certainly comes from the meanders in the River Calder along side. One of these meanders broke loose after Storm Ciara in February 2020 causing millions of pounds worth of damage to the locks. They were closed for 14 months whilst masses of work was undertaken. Currently the top lock ground paddles are slightly stuck open. Instructions on the notice regarding this were helpful, lift the two gate paddles and let the lock almost empty before opening the ground paddle (this is almost impossible to lift any earlier, but is required to fully empty the lock). Whilst I lifted paddles on the top lock, Mick closed up behind.

The figure of three in the river

A short distance further we came across the mooring we’d got our eye on. Handy bollards to tie to, but also a few motorbikes across the way, riding up and down muddy tracks, obviously a favourite place for youths on a fair Sunday afternoon. Hopefully they would have their fun and then leave us in peace, which is exactly what happened.

Sorry Tilly, this is as close to this outside as you are going to get.

A celebratory leg of lamb went in the oven with all the sides forming a very nice roast. We’ll now have lamb for several days. Yarn was selected for my next pair of socks, a far simpler pattern for these as the last three pairs has taken it’s toll a little, but that’s my own fault. I may not be able to show them at there best until much later in the year as several people will have to get together with their socks for them to make sence.

That’s blown!

7 locks, 9.3 miles, 1 bridge, 2 ladies held up, 1st manual lock of the year, 1 flood lock operated, 20kg of coal, 2 boaters from 2020, 1 lock shared, 2 or 3 tipples, pair 13 cast on, 1 leg of lamb, 3 more lamby meals this week, 2 late for shore leave, 1 disgruntled cat, 1 blown bow thruster fuse!