Category Archives: Medical

Lillian. 23rd August

Ingestre Bridge 78 to Lower Burston Bridge 85

On holidays as a child my Mum was in charge of the weather. If there was a dodgy forecast she would sort it to be much better, sun would be conjured up instead of rain, a light cooling breeze instead of gale force winds. Today we had a storm named after my Mum. Now either she’s lost her touch or the Met Office gave the storm the wrong name!

Last night we had rain, quite a lot of it. This morning the winds followed. Our mooring seemed to be quite sheltered, the hedge keeping us out of the worst effects of the fresh air. Across the other side of the canal was a different matter the trees swaying, bending over with the gusts. Narrowboats and such winds do not mix. Other boaters didn’t seem to agree as we were passed by quite a few. We however decided to give Tilly a few hours shore leave.

Those socks are far too big for you Tilly!

When we thought things were improving I checked Windy a handy app for wind, the gusts were still pretty strong into the afternoon. So much for catching up with ourselves today! We decided to give Tilly some more shore leave and wait until after lunch before pushing off.

The wind had certainly eased by the time we pushed off, we made our way to Weston Lock. With my knee seeming to be improving I wanted to see if I could work the locks today. Weston was just about empty when we arrived, a wind of a paddle and it was soon ready. Everything was manageable, just the pushing of the top gate a little bit hard.

A caged lock beam

On the South Oxford and the GU lock beams requiring attention have been sawn off and a new red wood box extension added to help them last that bit longer. Here on the T&M this Meccano solution seems to be the way. Angle irons on each corner are held tightly around the beam with threaded bars, reminiscent of medical cages put round shattered legs.

Pristine hedges

We now pootled along towards Sandon Lock, past the pretty manicured gardens of Weston. At the length of moorings just before the railway and A51 get cosy with the canal a boat was wanting to pull out to wind. They waited for us to pass, then would have to wait for another boat too.

New decking, but no Dante!

Up ahead on the slight bend I looked to see how Dante was doing. A boat was missing from it’s mooring, Dante and the other dogs normally on top of a boat were all missing. Maybe finally they had succumbed to the wet weather of an outdoor life, maybe they’d been sold off to the cuddly toy slave trade, maybe they were drying out in a shed?

At Sandon Lock, I chose to work the lock again. A family riding bikes crossed over the bridge, then came back to watch Oleanna rise up in the lock. It was good to be back on the bank winding the windlass, pushing gates. Sadly my knee reminded me that my problem has not gone away, it’s just masked by painkillers and slightly eased by exercises.

Salt Bridge

We had a choice of were to moor, the first possibility looked good with views across the fields and was empty. We pulled in and let Tilly out. The sun was out and the wind dropping, maybe a barbeque? Then the skies became dark, maybe we’d eat indoors instead.

As I was preparing things to go into the oven a boat suddenly went into reverse alongside us. Electric boats sneak up on you and it was only their decision to stop that made me look up from what I was doing. NB Electric Dragon was seen earlier this year in Birmingham, Karen met previously last year as she was training guide leaders on NB Tuptonia. Karen was originally going to pull in leaving a big gap, but on seeing it was us a smaller gap would be good.

A nice mooring coming up with plenty of sky

After we’d all had food we convened on board Electric Dragon, chance to chat, get to know each other and hear tales of their boat build, Hawne Basin, and their recent troubles with their generator which had been fixed this morning. A lovely evening with good company, Tilly was a little upset that she’d not been allowed to join us, Well I always like a good nosy around other boats! Dragon looked nice and new too!

2 locks, 4.3 miles, 1 blowy morning, 2 hours cruised not 3, 2 hours shore leave, 1 aching knee, 1 painting finished, 1 silent dragon, 1 very pleasant evening with new friends, 1 Mrs Tilly stamp of approval.

Audibly Slowing. 19th August

Bridge 67, T&M

Busy in York

Mick was up, breakfasted and on his way to the station for a 9 something or other train, the first of three trains that would have him arrive in York three or so hours later. The first train was delayed so he didn’t arrive in York till around 1:30, good job he didn’t have an appointment. Todays trip was for a blood test after a change of medication. Since we’ve discovered that we can walk into York Hospital for certain things and the results still arrive with our GPs in Scarborough, we are saving both time and money on the trains.

Bear photo

Mick walked to the hospital. The moorings at the bottom of the Museum Gardens were pretty packed, narrowboats breasted up. A green bear sits in front of the Art Gallery and is a photo opportunity. Once at the hospital he took a number and waited his turn, only a fifteen minute wait and he could be on his way back.

I only came in to get rid of my cobwebby head

Meanwhile back on Oleanna. After my exercises Tilly was allowed shore leave. 8 hours 30 minutes! No sight or sound of her for the first 90 minutes, today this outside was better than yesterday.

Numerous boats came past, about 1 in 10 audibly slowed as they approached Oleanna. I nearly opened up the hatch to congratulate the helm on NB Tranquillity at their speed. Another passing boat caught my eye, a Carefree Cruising boat. Yep it was NB Winding Down, our old shareboat with someone young at the helm.

I’m too busy to come in!

Ends were woven in on sock pair 33, photos taken and then an email sent to the sponsor of pair 32 to see if it would be possible to hand them over in the next couple of weeks.

Still missing the red

The afternoon was filled with drawing, inking and starting to paint the little project I started the other day. Still some more to do on it and one section I’m not convinced about that may require some attention.

Mick was back onboard around 7pm. The wind picking up around us. Today has definitely felt autumnal!

Tomorrow we’ll have a decision to make, which way to head northwards. This has been discussed a few times and we keep changing our minds. Carry on up the T&M, we came down it earlier in the year, or head up the Shroppie, we came down last year. Which ever way we go up, we’ll come back down the other way. Decisions decisions!

0 locks, 0 miles, 6 trains, 1 vile of blood, 15 minute wait, 23 fast boats, 3 slow boats, 8 out of 8.5 hours shore leave used, 1 sleepy cat, 1 blanket square finished, 1 evening off socks, 1 Mrs Tilly stamp of approval.

Sleeping With The Fishes. 13th August

Cat Junkie Mooring to Atherstone Visitor Moorings

Every morning, as we put the cross bed away, we are finding fish in our bed! Of the cat nip variety. Nobody knows how they are getting in under the duvet every day and no-one is claiming responsibility either!

I wonder how they get there?!

Before anything else this morning I needed to contact my doctors surgery. Unfortunately the pain killer I’ve been on for nearly a month has brought back an old problem, extra medication was prescribed last week to help with this, but it was a touch too late. I filled out the forms, had a phone call from a receptionist asking if I could go to the surgery this afternoon! I explained about being away from Scarborough for the summer, when asked when I’d be back, ‘Well I don’t know, it might be 8 weeks time or it might not be until the New Year’. But if I did need to see a doctor I could be there tomorrow. She went away to hand it back to the doctor.

Half an hour later another phone call from a Paramedic Practitioner who listened to everything. She was surprised that I hadn’t been given the extra medication to start with. Pain killer to be stopped, keep taking the new one for three months to settle things down and she prescribed some Ibuprofen Gel to be rubbed into my knee which should help with the pain. She nicely prescribed me two months worth of everything so I wouldn’t have to request them again, also saving on the prescription costs. All sorted within an hour! I made sure I thanked her for saving me a trip to Scarborough.

Levels are down

Our departure had obviously been delayed this morning. The sun was out and the Carefree Cruising crew next door were busy polishing out some scratches before returning to base.

Past the Rothern Base, plenty of boats in there. Past the Hartshill Yard with it’s lovely clock. The canals level obviously down as we passed spillways that were bone dry and the water a good six inches too low to flow over into them.

Mafting, Yorkshire for a touch too warm!

This family must have been mafting this morning on the outskirts of Atherstone. A neighbouring house for sale.

For Sale. I personally don’t get the GREY thing. Click photo for details

The Hat factory above the locks looks even more dilapidated, there was a fire here recently. Kay from Welford, as she cruises around the network selling her canal ware, posts interesting bits of history about the areas to her face book page. One of the latest was about the hat factory.

The Hat Factory

I recently passed by the old Britannia works at Atherstone. Each year it looks a little sadder as more windows are broken. For so many years this hat factory, and so many others in Atherstone, reflected the twists and turns in society, global events and local life.

Many of the hatmakers on the factory floor were young women – often still teenagers, working long hours in the factory. Legislation through the Victorian era and into the 20th Century offered some protection for these women, especially when the local government factory inspector turned up to check everything was legal.

In this account in the 1930s the factory owners were fined for the excessive hours the girls were working. 14 hour days, rather than the legal 12 hours. Interestingly the court was asked to take this as a first offence for Wilson and Stafford (the owners of the Britannia works), however a dig into the archives reveals a fine for a similar events in 1912, when Wilson and Stafford were fined over issues of excessive overtime and not displaying the legal requirements on the walls of the factory.

The excuse of the owners for the 14 hour oversight is, through 21st Century eyes, quite bizzare. Basically they claimed the introduction of new machines was so exciting to the young women no one wanted to stop working! Though interestingly the factory inspector notes that other factories in the town were sticking to the 12 hour working day.

Factory work was, for some women, a way to escape the drudgery of domestic service where young women went to work, and often live, in their employer’s home, taking on all domestic work and often child care. However, work in a factory was far from easy and long hours, often in noisy, dusty environments was hardly an easy way to earn a living, especially when the employer added another 2 hours onto an already long working day.

As we approached the top of the locks we could see three volunteers, then a forth, a boat sat in the lock with the top gate open. We trod water for quite sometime. Was the owner the person chatting to a volunteer, looking at a map on a phone? No it was the chap looking through the books and DVDs by the volunteers station. Eventually he’d chosen what he wanted and started to move out of the lock.

Two volunteers helped Oleanna down, sending Mick on to open the next lock. They then refilled the top lock to send some water down the next pound looking quite low. Down the second lock, a boat was ascending the third. I pulled over to hover towards the bank, stopping about 2ft out, grounded, this pound was low too. The uphill boat came past with a volunteer, I hoped their movement would help drag Oleanna off the bottom, but it didn’t.

Reverse, HARD reverse, nothing! Forwards, nothing. Mick came and pushed with a pole, first the stern then the bow. Some movement then a sudden stop. A chap came from a boat below, the two of them now pushing. Oleanna was sat on something, the bow would move but not the stern. Mick walked back to the lock above, the volunteer having left the top gate open, no downhill boat in sight. Mick closed it then lifted a bottom paddle. The wave from above along with the other chap pushing the stern got Oleanna off what lay beneath. Another volunteer walked past, ‘think we’d best let some water down’. Yep that would help!

Thank you Mr Man

Finally we were in the lock and descending again. Into the fourth lock, below a boat on the water point another boat facing uphill a fifth or was it now sixth volunteer by the fifth lock. Crew walked up, then walked back to their boats, finally someone thought to walk up to help with opening the bottom gates.

Such a pretty flight

Here I could pull into the side, the boat on the water point had gone down. Mick had peeked ahead as much as you can do under the road bridge and not seen anything coming. The person at the helm of the down hill boat hadn’t said anything so gates were closed, only for a chap to turn up two seconds later wanting to bring his boat up. Gates were opened again, boat brought in. I decided to tie up and wait. I’ve been refraining from doing this as much as possible, but now it would be wise to do so.

Chat chat chat chat chat!

Too much chatting with volunteers and not enough paddle operation going on. The lady at the helm didn’t give Mick the thumbs up to lift his paddle, then eventually she got through to her partner and got him to lift a paddle, she’d spotted that we were waiting, he was oblivious!

Oleanna waiting for her turn

I also don’t push the bow out at the moment, the bow thruster can do that job for me. This meant I got a disapproving look from the lady going up hill. Well I suppose I comment on people steering with their bow thrusters but that’s normally when they go into locks and they must have a fixed tiller and not be able to use it to steer. Today I used the thruster to get away from the bank without wincing with pain, my super dooper painkillers now starting to wear off.

Last lock behind us

Down the last lock of the day, two spaces on the moorings, we needed one so grabbed it quickly an uphill boat found another space. After lunch we walked into Atherstone. Time to find a shop that would sell me an 18th birthday card for my nephew Josh, whilst I spent time selecting Mick headed on further to pick up my new prescription. We then found a bench to sit on to write cards and popped them in the post.

Birthday card

The Co-op is now a Tescos, Aldi is still Aldi and opposite. We worked our way round Tescos stocking up for the next week. Only one check out was manned so we used a self service one which really was stupid. It couldn’t cope with things being put in the bagging area, I don’t know how many times we had to call someone over to help us! Mick did very badly at avoiding a Geraghty strop!

I’m getting bored of reading these, but just as well I did with the last pills!

Back on board Tilly was given a hour and a half. It’s not a very interesting outside this one! Well until she came in still with half an hour to go, the woofer from the boat behind was being taken inside, Tilly could have the rest of her shore leave. At 6pm, cat curfew she wasn’t back. Mad cat woman on the towpath. Half an hour later more calling and meowing. Another half hour later more shouting! I gave up. Mick took over and of course he took all the credit as Tilly appeared from just the other side of the hedge! Where’s my dingding!?! Not sorry for being late!

5 locks, 4 miles, 3 boats swapping, 7 maybe 8 volunteers, why don’t they have a volunteer at each lock, be easier to monitor levels and problems that way, just saying, 200g Fenbid, 56 more pills, 2 cards in the post, 3 bags shopping, 1 Geraghty strop, take cover! 1 stop out cat.

Post In A Boot. 8th August

Boughton Road Bridge to Barley Mow Moorings

An earlier train to Rugby today. I got to the station in very good time, I might even have been able to catch the train before the one I’d planned, but that was running very late and still hadn’t arrived by the time my train was wending it’s way in towards Birmingham.

HS2 coming into town

HS2 has sections of viaduct now visible from the train. Four structures sit high heading to pass the old Curzon Street Station building which currently sits surrounded by fencing with dumper trucks moving shades of brown stuff around it. The tram obliged and arrived a minute after I had and whisked me to Brindley Place.

Athletics on the big screen and billowing deck chairs. Boats were departing the moorings, 2 for Farmers Bridge and one heading off towards the Soho Loop. A couple untied their boat, bow hauled it away from Sheepcote Street Bridge. They moved a boats length then stopped two bollards between themselves and the next boat. I counted paces as I passed, 16! I almost made a comment that ‘My boat wouldn’t fit in that git gap’, but refrained as I know they’d have replied that there was plenty of space elsewhere, which there was, but come late afternoon there might not be for a late arriving boat.

Today at the dentists I saw Tom the hygienist. It’s the third or fourth time I’ve seen him. On our first meeting his rocking from foot to foot and scrumishing his hands together whilst he talked slightly worried me, now he makes me think of a Hamster waiting for a fresh toilet roll or some nice sunflower seeds to come his way.


A peek from Liberty Place Footbridge before heading for the train. NB Waterway Routes was at home, the back doors open. I knew I’d be told off by Paul if I didn’t say hello, but it was just a touch too far to shout. Mick was slow to respond with a phone number and it was starting to rain. I waved even though I knew I’d not be seen and headed back to New Street Station before getting too wet.

It’s going to have an empty life as it was out of service!

After lunch and with Tilly home it was raining properly, but we really wanted to move. Up to the water point to fill up, dispose of yellow water and watch a chap walk across to the car park with one of those big chunky C&RT posts with mooring signs on it. He then popped it in the boot of his car. It did look like it had a rotten base and had fallen over, wonder where he took it?

Post into the boot

Not far to travel today, just another mileish to the Newbold moorings near the Barley Mow, plenty of room there. Tilly was given shore leave and we rang the pub to reserve a table. Maybe we needn’t have done so as there was no competition for seats, once Lizzie had arrived there were four punters in the pub. Maybe it was good that we had booked as they didn’t close their kitchen early.

Lizzie, Mick and Pip

A Barley Burger and two rump Steaks. Just as good as two years ago, the plates just as cold too! We had a lovely evening with Lizzie, more time to be able to chat than at her birthday party a few weeks ago. She’s promised to come out and see us somewhere as we head northwards.

And me! Happy International Cats Day!!

0 locks, 1.4 miles, 2 trains, 2 trams, 1 hamster, 0 Darth Vader, 1 wave, 1 huge loop missed, 1 slightly wobbly head, 2 pills, 3rd visit to Tescos,1 burger, 2 steaks, 6 onion rings, 1 boat free to carry on northwards, 1 boater enjoying walking again.

A Hive Of Activity. 7th August

Boughton Road Bridge

Up early and walking to the station, walking pole in hand for support. It was my turn for the dentist today and we’d decided instead of going into Bumingham we’d skirt round the city.

Who knew spark plugs were pink? I didn’t

I managed the 0.6 miles walk to the station reasonably well, it took longer than normal, but I was happy. Train then tram to Brindley Place. I had quite a bit of time on my hands, so instead of heading straight to the surgery I opted to see how busy the canals were.

Olympic watching in Brindley Place

A large screen was in Brindley Place showing the Olympics to rows of empty billowing deckchairs. Four five boats opposite Lego, others may have moved off this morning. Through Sheepcote Bridge looked a touch busier, but round Oozells street loop was empty.

Busy Bees

Ten volunteers were busy weeding and digging around the wooden bee sculpture, a hive of activity!

Then up to the dentists to sit and wait for my check up. I had a couple of things for Colin, they were checked over made note of, but no action required. Then he told me that he was moving to the West Country, family things, this would be my last appointment with him. Oh blimey, I’ve just got my trust back with dentists after a very long period of avoiding them at all costs, now I’m going to have to build up a relationship with someone else. I wish him well, family life seems to take over when you reach a certain age.

That octagonal building’s coming along

My hygiene appointment had been booked for Saturday, the nearest the could give me ten days ago, but a cancellation was available tomorrow morning. I checked I’d not be spending huge amounts on train fares and accepted it, this would give us two more days cruising rather than sitting around Rugby.

Bit hard when your dentist is leaving

Back to New Street. I’d actually managed to get in and out of the station this time without getting lost, quite important as I didn’t want to use too many steps. Ozzy still towers over the station, looked like a touch of theatrical oil might help with his mechanical knee.

Will I end up with one of these?

The train back was followed by trying to sus out the buses. But there was only one within half an hour that would leave me with a big walk back to the canal anyway, so I opted to take it steady and walked.

Whilst I was in Bumingham Mick had been busy. Our house insurance runs out soon. Having lodgers the last few years has slightly complicated our policy and each year there have been different things we have had to abide by. For the first few years one night out of sixty one of us had to sleep in the house. Then we were made aware last year that we couldn’t have three lodgers at a time. This only comes up occasionally, but would be handy if we could accommodate a third person as there are three bedrooms. Mick tried last year to resolve this and ended up getting a quote from a broker, an extra ÂŁ600! We opted to stay with just two. Today he found the right person to talk to at LV, the policy is ÂŁ200 more, but it includes plumbing and drain insurance which we have elsewhere for ÂŁ200!

More painkillers and another drug to counter act the side effects

He’d also been to Tescos to collect the click and collect order and a prescription of more pain killers for me. Just need a prescription for him and then we’ll be all drugged up and ready to go.

0 locks, 0 miles, 2nd visit to Tescos, 2 trains, 2 trams, 7000+ steps, 1 pole for support, ÂŁ6, 10 volunteers, ÂŁ600 insurance, 3 lodger possibility, 84 more pills, 1 tiresome towpath.

Fast Tracking Slowly. 2nd August

Weedon Bec

A very brief hello, nice to meet you with Darren this weeks lodger. It’s been a busy week for him and will continue to be as they open tonight, then have two shows tomorrow. Just hope he makes time to change his bed linen before meeting up with family on Sunday.

Our hydrangeas are a little bit odd

A few final things to do about the house, some weeding on the paths to the front doors. Bags packed, empty pooh buckets back in the car. Time to get on with other things. Around the corner we dropped a pair of sockathon socks off, the youngest toes to have some of my socks so far.

Then to Mick’s doctors for the appointment he should have had last week. A change in his prescription which will require a follow up blood test in two weeks. Hopefully that can be done as a day trip by train and he can do that at the hospital to save having a fixed appointment. Picking up his prescription meant a wait of a few minutes, time to buy a sandwich each.

My favourite rose

By now it was obvious we’d not be back at Weedon Bec in time to return the car today, a phone call and ÂŁ50 lighter we had the car for another day.

A day out would be nice

Leaving Scarborough was slow, we have to remind ourselves of summer traffic to and from the coast. Next stop, the tip to dispose of engine oil. Then Mick managed to keep going straight past the bottom of Staxton Hill, our more usual route back to Oleanna, and headed to York. Our satnav suggested serious congestion on the A64 so we opted for one of Mick’s old scenic routes from his telephone engineer times in York.

I refrained from buying holiday clothing at the hospital

The X-ray department was found at York Hospital, an hour waiting time suggested. Mick headed off to fill the car with petrol avoiding having to pay for parking. I was moved to a different waiting area where it seemed I was surrounded by people from Scarborough. Bronwyn called me over, three x-rays done of my left knee. She would cancel my appointment for five weeks time in Scarborough and I should hear about the results within two weeks. My waiting time and x-rays had taken 80 minutes, it had definitely been worth fast tracking myself. Maybe Mick could have his blood test done in York? A question to be asked of his GP.

A move from the Orange waiting area

Out of York through Fulford where I grew up. We paused at the Designer Outlet to stock up on my smelly tea from Whittards. Then back to the M1 and heading southwards, slow going at times. We bobbed into the small Tescos at Weedon for something to eat tonight and were back on the boat before 8pm.

Hello Fulford

A very productive trip.

0 locks, 0 miles, 1 rushing lodger, 1 pint of milk left this time! 2 more sandwiches, 1 new prescription, 3 x-rays, 80 minutes instead of five weeks, ÂŁ50 for an extra day, 4 packets of tea, 1/3rd off, 1 blood test, 1 warm bored cat.

Late To The Shade. 29th July

Linford Manor to north of Solomon’s Bridge 65

No point in watching you, you can’t even get your leg over your head!

As I started my exercises Tilly came to supervise. I’m not doing it correctly apparently, she doesn’t understand how I’m not as flexible as she is. She soon lost interest and preferred looking out of the window. As I carried on lifting my bad leg into the air a chap walked past the window, soon followed by a lady who stopped right in front of me. She bent down and said ‘Has Daddy left you behind?’ She stood up with a small dog in her arms, the dog the only one aware of me looking out at them.

After breakfast we went for a little bit of a walk. Last time we moored here I think the park was still being worked on so I wanted to see how the interconnected ponds looked now, reinstated to how they had been designed many moons ago.

Linford Alms Houses and pond

A circular pond tumbles down into a second one towards the canal, making a pretty picture with the Alms Houses behind.

We had a look at the information boards. Linforde is mentioned in the Doomsday Book and it’s thought there was first a settlement here in the C10th. In the C16th Richard Napier lived here, he was a renowned physician who based his treatments and their timings on astrological readings. I wanted to know what ‘pigeon slippers’ were, well they were just that slippers made from pigeons, one of Napiers treatments! More here on Richard Napiers treatments. In 1800 the canal cut right through the pastoral landscape of the manor which dated from the previous century. When the railway arrived the peace was shattered but both forms of transport aided the village to grow.

Sadly any further walking wasn’t possible for me so we headed back to the boat where locals were suggesting to the boat behind us that fishing and barbeques were not allowed on the manor land. No signs saying so, at least our barbeque last night had been on the concrete edging, so no scorch marks on the grass.

This has been a building site for at least ten years

We pushed off, the boat behind us moving into our space so they could stay longer and be out of the way of the community boat tomorrow morning. Pootling along we passed the house that is constantly being built, piling and some excavation alongside the canal and I think some stone work on the main building is new.

The Wolverton mural always requires a photo or two. Hot air balloons like the Olympic torch. There was a space on the moorings round the corner, we pulled in a few extra items of shopping required to keep us going. Mick head off with a shopping list and thankfully remembered to add a bag of onions to items that would make food preparation over the next few hot days more bearable.

Onwards, we need to keep up our pace northwards. Over the Iron Trunk Aqueduct and towards Cosgrove Lock, here a boat waited for our arrival so that we could share. They’d had a worrying phone call this morning which meant they needed to move today, on a bit of mission we let them lead the way out of the lock as we were wanting to top up with water which would take some time.

Cows flicking their ears at the flies

With fresh water filled and yellow water disposed of we moved on. Todays mooring should have been Adam’s mooring with the view through the hedge, but that wouldn’t give us any shade. I remembered tall hedging just after Solomon’s Bridge but that was already filled with boats that were wonderfully cool. We pootled on trying a few places, but the bottom was too close to the top. We only had as far as the next bridge before the towpath changed sides and we’d have to moor on the sunny side of the canal. Another attempt got us quite close, this would have to do. I’d not be trying to get to shore so as long as Mick could manage, Tilly was guaranteed to be able to jump the gap, which she did without any calculations required.

Surely you could have tied it up better!

Two salmon steaks had been defrosted, no room for a barbeque today so I pan fried them with some red pepper and garlic, one of my favourites. Ends were woven in on the latest two pairs of socks before an early night as tomorrow we want to beat the heat up the Stoke Bruerne flight.

Apples reddening in the sunshine

1 lock, 5.6 miles, 1 bag potatoes, 2 red peppers, 1 bunch spring onions, 1 full water tank, 1 hot hot day, 2 hours of Tilly time, 2 hot for a stamp, 30 pairs of socks finished.

Appointments. 24th 25th July

115A Footbridge to Wyvern Shipping Hire Base

Not far to cruise today, over a mile but not much further. Yesterday we’d chosen our mooring well, not much further on boats were moored just about all the way into Leighton Buzzard. A hire boat came towards us, we slowed and pulled into a handy gap to let them come past. Then we pulled back out to carry on past all the moored boats. Mick had spotted a boat following us a distance away, next thing we knew they were right up our stern, they certainly weren’t going slowly past the moored boats. Another gap, we pulled in and let them pass. ‘Where’s the best place to moor for Leighton Buzzard?’ they asked. ‘Anywhere you can fit in’ was our answer, ‘there’s also some moorings just after the bridge and a shopping mooring by Tesco’. They shot off ahead, we carried on in our respectful way.

There was a space left outside Tescos, we didn’t need it as we had somewhere else planned for the next couple of nights. Up ahead the breasted up hire boats of Wyvern Shipping, their blue cabin sides with red grabrails stretched out ahead. We pulled in on their service mooring and went into the office to say hello.

Hire fleet

We were instructed to pull back just beyond the winding hole, normally a youth boat moors here, but we’d just passed it going out for a couple of nights so we could have their mooring. Mooring fee paid in cash we were given instructions of where we could park a van. What a nice mooring with a grassy area alongside and a handy tap. Tilly thought it looked good, but there’d be no shore leave here!

Toy selection time

Mick headed off to pick up the van, once we’d had lunch and overnight bags were packed we were on our way. Magic food bowl left out in case we were delayed on our return tomorrow.

Through Woburn

What a laborious drive to Scarborough! It took forever!! The satnav suggested we should head north on the A1 as there were problems on the M1, once we’d committed ourselves the radio suggested the M1 was now clear. Oh well! I checked the last order for collecting fish and chips in Scarborough, our eta 10 minutes too late.

Pizza instead

Some supplies were picked up before we headed to the house. Annie and Alyce already entertaining the audiences at the Stephen Joseph Theatre in Dracula. Pizzas with extra toppings and a bottle of wine. It’s funny being at the house when other people are living there, we don’t feel that we can sit in either living room so tend to stay in the kitchen so as not to intrude in their space. We were long in bed before anyone came home from work.

Thursday morning we both sneaked a shower and tidied the spare bedroom before having breakfast. Time for a quick catch up with Annie before we had to be on our way for appointments.

Mick dropped me off at my doctors an appointment with a Physio, Mick headed to the dentist. I always have difficulty in relaxing in such situations but today that was what was needed as the chap manipulated my leg and knee. He listened for grinding, twisted me, we even had what felt like a little dance. Maybe I shouldn’t have had a pain killer this morning as it had numbed much of what he was after. I answered questions, what did I do for work. I’m not sure he understood about narrowboating and working locks, but painting scenery was easier. I left my appointment having been referred for an xray and a long list of exercises to do twice a day, instructions emailed to me.

Mick picked me up and we headed back to the house, enough time to cut the grass. I had a rootle around through my work room. One item I’d need for my physio exercises was a foam roller. Some cardboard tube from a carpet and an off cut of foam from the giant mug I made a while back would do for that. Just needed to find a resistance band, the chemist didn’t do one, but Sports Direct did.

Up to the theatre for a treat lunch at Eat Me! Well we’d missed out on fish and chips so we could have one of the best burgers about with a good view out of the curved window above the SJT canopy. As normal we bumped into people we knew, all getting ready for the afternoons matinee so only enough time to say hello.

Next appointment at Mick’s doctors. The van was positioned so I had another good view, this time over looking the south bay from the Esplanade. A Sikh family posed for numerous photos with the harbour and castle in the back ground, they were loving it. Mick was back very quickly, before his appointment. It had been cancelled! Rightly so as it wasn’t with anyone who could adjust his prescription, good job we’d been coming to Scarborough for other things too and a shame nobody had bothered to tell him! A new appointment was made for when we’re back next.

Our return was on the M1 which felt just as slow as our journey north. Tilly was pleased to see us and a touch surprised, she’d obviously not listened when I said we’d only be away for one BIG sleep.

A rather nice mooring

0 locks, 1.3 miles by boat, 435 miles by road, 1 physio, 1 dentist, 1 hygienist, 0 nurse, 0 doctor, 2 pizzas, 2 burgers, 0.25 of a sock, 1 more lodger shoe horned in, 1 referral, 2 returning hire boats, 1 very fat knee, 10 minute paw ball game.

Ronnie, Tinkerbell And The Queen. 19th July

Aylesbury Basin to above Broughton Lock 14

A big pill after breakfast, hopefully the effect of it would kick in by the time I’d written the blog as there was someone I wanted to say hello to.


Sat in front of Aylesbury Waterfront Theatre is Fletcher, Norman Stanley Fletcher, well Ronnie Baker in his costume from Porridge. He sits hands in his armpits looking up towards the theatre, as if he’s about to say something to Mr Barrowcliffe.

Looking up at the theatre

Ronnie first performed professionally in 1948 at the old County Theatre in Market Square Aylesbury, good on the person who gave him his first job.

Around the entrance to the theatre has been painted for Christmas. Peter Pan a good guess for their panto, but it’s actually The Further Adventures of Peter Pan. It’s a shame Tinkerbell looks a little bit chubby cheeked.

With walking pole at hand and the pain killer starting to kick in Mick and I had a wander around Waitrose looking for yellow labels and enough provisions to keep us going for a few days. This I simply wouldn’t have been able to do a couple of days ago.

Mick had topped us up with water whilst we had breakfast linking our hoses together from a tap by the gate to the pontoons. Some bins had been mentioned by another boater so Mick went off to find them, check they were official C&RT bins (they were), noted their location and disposed of our rubbish.

Open and waiting for us

As the temperature was set to rise to around 30C today we really didn’t want to be sitting in bright sunshine, Tilly for one would be complaining about it, ALL the time! We’d spotted somewhere on our way down that, if there was space for us, would be a nice shady mooring. It would have been nice to venture further afield in Aylesbury than we’d been before but that wasn’t to be this time.

We pushed off and slowly made our way back up the canal. Depth and weed slowing our progress. The first lock had both it’s bottom gates open waiting for us, plus a paddle up. I stayed at the helm and Mick did the honours with windlass and gates.

Willow for shade at the lock

Blimey it was getting hot, blue skies, we were thankful for the shady trees for some of the way. We passed a downhill boat that we remembered from a couple of days ago, hopefully they’d come from where we wanted to be. Another two locks uphill and we reached the line of moored boats. A fisherman sat in shade, then a couple of boats in dappled sunshine. A space, would the shade last the rest of the day? We pulled in, it certainly looked like we’d not be baking all afternoon.

A nice shady spot to moor

Tilly was given 4 hours shore leave, we sat down for lunch, she came and went for a while, then went for quite some time. Here had self catering potential.

Mick listened to the cricket and I filled out a request for a doctors appointment with my surgery in Scarborough. The things the practitioner had said to me yesterday were all put on the form, I needed to make a good case. I clicked the button to submit it. On recent form from the surgery I didn’t expect to hear back for a few days, however within 5 minutes my phone rang! The doctor wanted me to see a Physio (expected first line of action), could I make an appointment this afternoon? Blimey!!! I was being offered an appointment within 45 minutes of submitting my request! Obviously this was impossible. I was offered the next available appointment which I snapped up when it coincided with appointments that Mick has back in Scarborough.

A touch of towpath knitting

Now we just need to sort logistics. A phone call to one marina to see if we could leave Tilly in charge there. He was so ambiguous, could we call back next week, not sure if there was space, we decided we’d try elsewhere instead.

The shady towpath called us both outside for the rest of the afternoon. Tilly came and joined us. Sitting on the top of the pram cover a good spot when in shade. Climbing the big tree next to us also good, apart from when coming down and trying to use some dead ivy which gave way under her paws. A nice quiet afternoon of cricket and finishing off sock pair 29.

Queen of the boat

3 locks, 1.4 miles, 1 big pill, 0 co-codamol, 1 Ronnie, 1 Tinkerbell, 1 queen of the pram cover, 1 hot day in the shade.

A Butty In Wycombe. 18th July

Aylesbury Basin

A new boat sneaked in next to us last night. I’d heard what I thought might be an engine, but they were very quiet about mooring up. Still one space free.

As we had breakfast the sun rose above the buildings surrounding the basin, with temperatures set to actually go high today we hoped Oleanna wouldn’t get too hot. Tomorrow it’s meant to get hotter, we considered moving to the bank by the service block where trees might give us some shade, but that can wait for tomorrow if needs be.

Aylesbury Basin

Buses were checked and more importantly the location of bus stops, the nearer the better. Just behind the University building was a bus stop that would serve our needs with two buses heading to High Wycombe. The X9 came first and my ÂŁ2 fare gave a tour of Stoke Mandeville, Prince’s Risborough, lots of thatched cottages, tall hollyhocks and the rolling Chiltern Hills.

High Wycombe Bus Station

At High Wycombe bus station we waited for another bus, only one stop taking us to the hospital and the Urgent Treatment Centre. Form filled out, confirmation of which knee my problem was with. A ten minute wait and I was triaged and sent back to wait my turn. The waiting room not too busy, but there were people turning up who had appointments so we had no idea how long the wait might be.

Mick decided to head off to find us something other than crisps or chocolate for lunch whilst I sat and waited. Time to catch up on boating blogs, I also tried to hunt down a newish one I’d come across a few days ago, Narrowboat Umbrellas, I think. But I wasn’t successful. Mick returned after a visit to Tescos back near the bus station with a sandwich each. What a nice day out with lunch, chicken and bacon for me whilst the waiting room chairs got harder and more clammy as the time went on.

dzzzerp, dzzzerp, phwip, frrt, dzzerp

That chap needed seeing well before me, chest pains. Another with a nebulizer sat in a wheel chair. Our main entertainment the sound effects coming from a bottled drink machine. Was this the noise it actually made? Or was there a sound card inside to make it sound like a 1980s Dr Who robotic entity?

My name was called. A lovely practitioner sat me down, glanced at my knee. ‘You’ll need an MRI scan for that and we don’t do them here, I’m really sorry.‘ She gave my knee a little prod. After walking further today than the last few days my knee had obliged and swollen up. I needed to see my GP who would more than likely refer me first for physio and if that didn’t work then I’d be referred for an MRI followed by …. I explained that my GP was 210 miles away, hence me sitting in front of her today. She could give me pain killers to help get me walking again, but sadly that was all she could do.

High Wycombe known for it’s chair making looked lovely

My prescription was zapped off to a chemists in Aylesbury and we headed to find a bus stop for our return 2.5 hours after arriving. Thank goodness it hadn’t been as long as our wait in A&E a few months ago for Mick which was 8 hours! Unfortunately there was no returning bus for ages so we walked slowly back to the bus station. Mick checked in charity shops as we went for a walking stick, no luck. But then we passed a Blacks. ÂŁ9 later I had a trekking stick which made walking a touch easier on my knee.

A quicker bus journey back to Aylesbury. Our entertainment for the journey was supplied by a lady who suddenly asked peoples opinions on an HS2 bridge we’d just gone under. She then claimed that she had been a journalist for ITV news and could have been a news reader. The person whom her questioning eyes had fallen on then claimed to be foreign and not able to speak English. Well the journalist could speak 7 languages and proceeded to say Bus in all seven of them. She decided that the person was Italian and sprouted forth words such as Bambino, ciao, bellissima, then something that I didn’t catch but she kindly translated for all to hear ‘That’s a block of Cheddar cheese’!

Back to Oleanna, thankfully she’d not got too hot during the day and one side was now in the shade so we could open windows and hatches to freshen her up.

Trekking Pole

Mick collected my prescription. Some strong Co-codamol and Naproxen which last longer than Ibuprofen. I’m not used to getting prescriptions and expected to have all instructions written on the labels. 60 Co-codamol! 28 of the other, I thought she’d only said to take those for 10 days, or had she? Two co-codamol were taken early evening. Blimey they were far stronger than the ones I’ve been taking for migraines! My knee stopped hurting as I walked, but I’ll try one tablet next time as I felt a little bit out of this world on two.

The best medication is served chilled

I tried filling in an on line request for a doctors appointment but had missed the daily deadline, that will now have to wait for tomorrow. Discussions on what to do. We could sit still in Aylesbury, it would be nice to look a bit further afield than we did ten years ago. Today we’d been past two National Trust properties. But unless I was about to be rendered pain free we wouldn’t be visiting such places. Tomorrow after some shopping we’ll seek out some shade and then continue back up to the Grand Union and continue northwards slowly.

0 locks, 0 miles, 3 buses, 1 trekkers pole, 2 sad sandwiches, 2.5 hours wait, 1 lovely lady, 88 pills! 1 extreamly bored cat, 0 doctors appointment, 1 pot of chilled medication for the freezer.