Category Archives: Grand Union Aylesbury Arm

The Guano Effect. 20th July

Broughton Lock 14 to Halls Agricultural Bridge 129, Grand Union

Last night as the hatch was waterside we’d left it open with the mesh infill in it, to keep Tilly in but let some cooling air in hopefully. I’d also lifted the lid on one of the bow lockers with the hope that this would encourage cool air through the pipe which is part of the low level ventilation on Oleanna, this would come round the water tank and then in through the mesh on the treads. In the early hours I could feel a slight draft, but I’m not sure if this was coming from the port hole above our heads, the side hatch or from the treads. It was very pleasant no mater where it came from.

After breakfast Mick made a phone call, another mooring found for our medical trip to Scarborough, this was guaranteed and 2/3rds the price we’d been quoted yesterday. Tilly doesn’t need many facilities when she’s left in charge so long as she doesn’t surf the internet all day and night she won’t even need to be hooked up. With two of us heading to Scarborough a hire car would be cheaper than train fares, Mick set about sorting that out too, a van being £60 cheaper than a car, we’ll see what we end up with.

It’s frothy man!

Time to move onwards and upwards. It was a couple of miles to reach the next lock, slow going even though the prop had been checked before moving off. Mick worked the locks and I took Oleanna through them. My pain killers seem to be doing a good job as I’m only getting the occasional twinge, I was however glad of a sit down between locks.

Red Admiral

The number of dragonflies today was less than there had been in the sunshine yesterday. They still made their presence known with their clicking darting flight, many seemed to be laying eggs, maybe. Butterflies flitted about too, one taking a break on a lock gate, glad it moved off before the lock filled as the water tends to flow over the top.

There’s an ex-hire boat that we’d seen on our way down. The rail round the stern a good vantage point for a cormorant. It sat there as we passed right along side before it decided to move. We wondered how long this boat had been sat there. The stern deck splashed white with guano, eergh!

At the boat yard Carp is for sale £6k +vat and I spotted that the wooden boat high up on the bank had unusual windows. I wonder of they originally opened?

Just waiting to catch someone out

Above Puttenham Bottom Lock there is a large white tarpaulin draped over the bank, obviously helping to keep the water in the canal. What ever was holding it in place on the bottom is no longer doing the job so great care was taken to avoid catching it with the prop, Oleanna glided past.

Wilstone Lock

As we approached Wilstone Lock 9 a Lock Keeper appeared round the bridge then went up to the lock to open it for us. He was there clearing reeds and bits and bobs from the lock with a keb and chatted away to Mick as Oleanna rose. We pulled in for lunch where we’d moored a few nights ago, Tilly allowed an hours exploration, well we hoped it would only be an hour.

Thankfully Tilly’s time keeping is good 30 minutes later she returned and we could carry on up the locks. The lock keeper must have started at Bridge 2 and been working his way down as all the locks had a bottom paddle raised on them. The road bridge was now open and all the scaffolding is removed.

Mick closing Black Jacks Lock behind us

A boat had some interesting planters hanging from their grabrail and we passed through Black Jacks Lock without incident again. Now for the staircase, upperty up back to the Grand Union.

Bridge 1 and the staircase

The Lock Keeper and a lady who walked by had both made sure we knew we’d not be able to go anywhere if we turned right, the way we’d come the other day, as the Marsworth Flight was closed due to a lock gate coming apart. We turned left and found ourselves an Oleanna sized gap to pull into. Another hours shore leave for Tilly, another two outsides days.

A little bit ahead on my socks and not really wanting to weave ends in I decided to select yarn for pair 30, just so I’d have something to do in front of the TV tonight. The next pair I’d been given instructions of Any Colour, well I decided to change this a touch to Every Colour! The next pair will be what is known as a scrappy pair, helping to use up odds and ends of all sorts of yarn. I’ve selected around thirty small balls of yarn and it will be a lucky dip as I knit them up.

Lucky dip time

13 locks, 4.8 miles, 2 outsides, 2 hours, 1 hour taken, 1 hour on account, 1 left, 0 right, 1 guitar playing neighbour, 1 Paul Weller, pair 30 cast on, 6 colours, 54 miles to Braunston.

Ronnie, Tinkerbell And The Queen. 19th July

Aylesbury Basin to above Broughton Lock 14

A big pill after breakfast, hopefully the effect of it would kick in by the time I’d written the blog as there was someone I wanted to say hello to.


Sat in front of Aylesbury Waterfront Theatre is Fletcher, Norman Stanley Fletcher, well Ronnie Baker in his costume from Porridge. He sits hands in his armpits looking up towards the theatre, as if he’s about to say something to Mr Barrowcliffe.

Looking up at the theatre

Ronnie first performed professionally in 1948 at the old County Theatre in Market Square Aylesbury, good on the person who gave him his first job.

Around the entrance to the theatre has been painted for Christmas. Peter Pan a good guess for their panto, but it’s actually The Further Adventures of Peter Pan. It’s a shame Tinkerbell looks a little bit chubby cheeked.

With walking pole at hand and the pain killer starting to kick in Mick and I had a wander around Waitrose looking for yellow labels and enough provisions to keep us going for a few days. This I simply wouldn’t have been able to do a couple of days ago.

Mick had topped us up with water whilst we had breakfast linking our hoses together from a tap by the gate to the pontoons. Some bins had been mentioned by another boater so Mick went off to find them, check they were official C&RT bins (they were), noted their location and disposed of our rubbish.

Open and waiting for us

As the temperature was set to rise to around 30C today we really didn’t want to be sitting in bright sunshine, Tilly for one would be complaining about it, ALL the time! We’d spotted somewhere on our way down that, if there was space for us, would be a nice shady mooring. It would have been nice to venture further afield in Aylesbury than we’d been before but that wasn’t to be this time.

We pushed off and slowly made our way back up the canal. Depth and weed slowing our progress. The first lock had both it’s bottom gates open waiting for us, plus a paddle up. I stayed at the helm and Mick did the honours with windlass and gates.

Willow for shade at the lock

Blimey it was getting hot, blue skies, we were thankful for the shady trees for some of the way. We passed a downhill boat that we remembered from a couple of days ago, hopefully they’d come from where we wanted to be. Another two locks uphill and we reached the line of moored boats. A fisherman sat in shade, then a couple of boats in dappled sunshine. A space, would the shade last the rest of the day? We pulled in, it certainly looked like we’d not be baking all afternoon.

A nice shady spot to moor

Tilly was given 4 hours shore leave, we sat down for lunch, she came and went for a while, then went for quite some time. Here had self catering potential.

Mick listened to the cricket and I filled out a request for a doctors appointment with my surgery in Scarborough. The things the practitioner had said to me yesterday were all put on the form, I needed to make a good case. I clicked the button to submit it. On recent form from the surgery I didn’t expect to hear back for a few days, however within 5 minutes my phone rang! The doctor wanted me to see a Physio (expected first line of action), could I make an appointment this afternoon? Blimey!!! I was being offered an appointment within 45 minutes of submitting my request! Obviously this was impossible. I was offered the next available appointment which I snapped up when it coincided with appointments that Mick has back in Scarborough.

A touch of towpath knitting

Now we just need to sort logistics. A phone call to one marina to see if we could leave Tilly in charge there. He was so ambiguous, could we call back next week, not sure if there was space, we decided we’d try elsewhere instead.

The shady towpath called us both outside for the rest of the afternoon. Tilly came and joined us. Sitting on the top of the pram cover a good spot when in shade. Climbing the big tree next to us also good, apart from when coming down and trying to use some dead ivy which gave way under her paws. A nice quiet afternoon of cricket and finishing off sock pair 29.

Queen of the boat

3 locks, 1.4 miles, 1 big pill, 0 co-codamol, 1 Ronnie, 1 Tinkerbell, 1 queen of the pram cover, 1 hot day in the shade.

A Butty In Wycombe. 18th July

Aylesbury Basin

A new boat sneaked in next to us last night. I’d heard what I thought might be an engine, but they were very quiet about mooring up. Still one space free.

As we had breakfast the sun rose above the buildings surrounding the basin, with temperatures set to actually go high today we hoped Oleanna wouldn’t get too hot. Tomorrow it’s meant to get hotter, we considered moving to the bank by the service block where trees might give us some shade, but that can wait for tomorrow if needs be.

Aylesbury Basin

Buses were checked and more importantly the location of bus stops, the nearer the better. Just behind the University building was a bus stop that would serve our needs with two buses heading to High Wycombe. The X9 came first and my £2 fare gave a tour of Stoke Mandeville, Prince’s Risborough, lots of thatched cottages, tall hollyhocks and the rolling Chiltern Hills.

High Wycombe Bus Station

At High Wycombe bus station we waited for another bus, only one stop taking us to the hospital and the Urgent Treatment Centre. Form filled out, confirmation of which knee my problem was with. A ten minute wait and I was triaged and sent back to wait my turn. The waiting room not too busy, but there were people turning up who had appointments so we had no idea how long the wait might be.

Mick decided to head off to find us something other than crisps or chocolate for lunch whilst I sat and waited. Time to catch up on boating blogs, I also tried to hunt down a newish one I’d come across a few days ago, Narrowboat Umbrellas, I think. But I wasn’t successful. Mick returned after a visit to Tescos back near the bus station with a sandwich each. What a nice day out with lunch, chicken and bacon for me whilst the waiting room chairs got harder and more clammy as the time went on.

dzzzerp, dzzzerp, phwip, frrt, dzzerp

That chap needed seeing well before me, chest pains. Another with a nebulizer sat in a wheel chair. Our main entertainment the sound effects coming from a bottled drink machine. Was this the noise it actually made? Or was there a sound card inside to make it sound like a 1980s Dr Who robotic entity?

My name was called. A lovely practitioner sat me down, glanced at my knee. ‘You’ll need an MRI scan for that and we don’t do them here, I’m really sorry.‘ She gave my knee a little prod. After walking further today than the last few days my knee had obliged and swollen up. I needed to see my GP who would more than likely refer me first for physio and if that didn’t work then I’d be referred for an MRI followed by …. I explained that my GP was 210 miles away, hence me sitting in front of her today. She could give me pain killers to help get me walking again, but sadly that was all she could do.

High Wycombe known for it’s chair making looked lovely

My prescription was zapped off to a chemists in Aylesbury and we headed to find a bus stop for our return 2.5 hours after arriving. Thank goodness it hadn’t been as long as our wait in A&E a few months ago for Mick which was 8 hours! Unfortunately there was no returning bus for ages so we walked slowly back to the bus station. Mick checked in charity shops as we went for a walking stick, no luck. But then we passed a Blacks. £9 later I had a trekking stick which made walking a touch easier on my knee.

A quicker bus journey back to Aylesbury. Our entertainment for the journey was supplied by a lady who suddenly asked peoples opinions on an HS2 bridge we’d just gone under. She then claimed that she had been a journalist for ITV news and could have been a news reader. The person whom her questioning eyes had fallen on then claimed to be foreign and not able to speak English. Well the journalist could speak 7 languages and proceeded to say Bus in all seven of them. She decided that the person was Italian and sprouted forth words such as Bambino, ciao, bellissima, then something that I didn’t catch but she kindly translated for all to hear ‘That’s a block of Cheddar cheese’!

Back to Oleanna, thankfully she’d not got too hot during the day and one side was now in the shade so we could open windows and hatches to freshen her up.

Trekking Pole

Mick collected my prescription. Some strong Co-codamol and Naproxen which last longer than Ibuprofen. I’m not used to getting prescriptions and expected to have all instructions written on the labels. 60 Co-codamol! 28 of the other, I thought she’d only said to take those for 10 days, or had she? Two co-codamol were taken early evening. Blimey they were far stronger than the ones I’ve been taking for migraines! My knee stopped hurting as I walked, but I’ll try one tablet next time as I felt a little bit out of this world on two.

The best medication is served chilled

I tried filling in an on line request for a doctors appointment but had missed the daily deadline, that will now have to wait for tomorrow. Discussions on what to do. We could sit still in Aylesbury, it would be nice to look a bit further afield than we did ten years ago. Today we’d been past two National Trust properties. But unless I was about to be rendered pain free we wouldn’t be visiting such places. Tomorrow after some shopping we’ll seek out some shade and then continue back up to the Grand Union and continue northwards slowly.

0 locks, 0 miles, 3 buses, 1 trekkers pole, 2 sad sandwiches, 2.5 hours wait, 1 lovely lady, 88 pills! 1 extreamly bored cat, 0 doctors appointment, 1 pot of chilled medication for the freezer.

Beware Of Black Jack. 16th July

Tring Reservoirs to Wilstone Visitor Moorings, Aylesbury Arm

Tilly was allowed some shore leave whilst we had breakfast, we reckoned she’d not venture far as the grassy bank alongside Oleanna had plenty to keep her occupied. After an hour or so she came in for some Dreamies and the doors were closed behind her, time to make a move.

The Goat Boat. Click the photo for details

Volunteers could be seen arriving to work the flight this morning, a single hander helped down through the lock behind us, but that’s as far as they ventured. As we got ready to push off I could see someone lifting paddles and setting the lock, maybe we’d have a locking partner for the last lock on the flight. As soon as we’d pushed off the lady walked along the towpath, she was obviously the advanced crew. When she caught us up at the bottom lock we were informed of there being two boats coming down, we were on our own.

Last of the Marsworth flight

Mick was wielding the windlass again today and I stayed at the helm. Trying to give my knee as much rest as possible whilst still moving.

Mick closing the bottom gate on the Marsworth flight

A left at Marsworth Junction, here we’d not be able to share as the Aylesbury Arm is narrow. We’ve not been down here since early 2015, so it was time Oleanna and Tilly ventured down the arm. The top two locks are a staircase, one locks bottom gates are the next locks top gates. Mick set them, top lock full, bottom empty, then we dropped down from one chamber to the other. No bridges over the bottom of the locks so a walk round required to cross over the top gates each time.

The next pound was high, it had just had two locks worth of water added to it from the staircase. The Aylesbury Arm doesn’t have bywashes, instead the locks fill themselves ahead of you. The top gate is lower then the bottom gates so excess water in the pound flows over the top and fills up the lock, we’d remembered this from last time. At lock 3 the water was at least a foot higher than the top gate, I kept Oleanna away from the incoming water so as not to get a wet stern.

Coming over the top

Black Jack’s lock 4. Pretty with it’s lock cottage alongside it but back in 2015 it left a scar on NB Lillyanne and has affected our cruising preparation ever since. During the winter stoppages at the end of 2014 this lock had been given brand new gates. The handrails on the top gate had been attached, the brackets with a nice design but the bottom part pointy. As we’d come up the lock a gust of wind pushed Lillian against the open gate and as Mick brought her out of the lock the pointy bracket chiselled it’s way along her gunnel and ripped the cratch cover. Ever since we have always avoided having the cratch cover down when cruising unless we know we’re entering a very leaky lock and the deflection of water is important.

Black Jacks Lock

Today the lock gate has had extra timber added to it, the chiseled point has been moved along too, keeping it well away from anyone’s paintwork or covers, the date plate now slightly green and slimey. Down we dropped, no problem.

There’s the offending chiselly bit

Well until I came to leave the lock, Oleanna wasn’t moving as she would normally, a blast of reverse to clear the prop. Only the next pound was filled with weed, so more wrapped it’s way round the prop. Progress was exceedingly slow, blasts of reverse not helping much, I seem to remember there being weed before. Oleanna limped into the next lock, Mick took off his jumper and lifted the weed hatch. My bad knee and lack of long arms means the weed hatch is a blue job, a handful of weed extricated we could carry on.

Red brick arched bridge

Showers came and went. How far should we go today? A couple on a walk stopped to watch, ‘It’s very narrow, will your boat fit?’ One of those questions like ‘Does your cat come back when you let her out?’ ‘No never, we have to get a new cat every day!’

Fenced off and scaffolding

A road bridge was being closed to traffic, blocks being moved into position by a fork lift, scaffolding holding the structure up over the canal. Not much further to reach Wilstone Footbridge and the moorings there. Would there be enough room for us, yes loads! Tilly was allowed out, not convinced at first but when the woofers gave her some time things improved, not worthy of a Mrs Tilly stamp but the best she’s likely to get for a few days.

Looking back up the Aylesbury

I filled out questions on NHS111 online regarding my knee. I was referred to my GP or an Urgent Treatment Centre. Our current location suggested Hemel Hempstead, further on High Wycombe. Obviously seeing my GP would be good, but distance and the likelihood of getting an appointment I could make not so easy. The jury is still out.

Today is Lizzie’s actual birthday and after a fraught morning with rain water she got round to opening some cards, ours being one of them. I can now show you what I was painting last week. Lizzie grew up along the Basingstoke Canal, teenage years spent driving a tug during the renovation of the canal. I’d had my spies trying to find out exactly where this had been. Fleet, Farnborough area. Sadly I didn’t have many photos worthy of painting in that area. So instead I chose one of the lock on the St John’s flight, Lock 8.

Lizzie’s Birthday Card

9 locks, 2 a staircase, 1.4 miles, 1 left, 0 rips in covers, 1 chisel bracket protected, 1 boat up the flight, 2 many woofers, 1 lost ball, 1 sock finished, 2nd one started, 1 birthday card, 8 Oxford sausages tonight with wedges.