Maybe one glass of wine too much last night, but thankfully a lie in was all that was needed. A morning of pottering whilst Tilly had an explore then it was time to put on some smartish clothes and head to the pub, our first such outing since seeing the Margees back in early March.
Why won’t the radio work?
Today we were meeting up with my cousins from my Mum’s side of the family. I’d last seen Julie at my Dad’s funeral eight years ago and last seen John at my brothers wedding fifteen years ago! Julie and I have been in touch over the last few years and it was way past time to meet up. My Aunty Audrey is 92 and now lives in a care home in Farsley, my cousins both live nearby.
Micks first pint since lockdown
We met in the car park of The Owl where Julie had booked a table. We followed the one way system in and were told to choose a table, there was only one other group in the whole pub. This was most probably due to them not having signed up for the Eat Out To Help Out discount.
Our John, Our Julie and My Mick
There was lots to catch up with, both Julie and John are now retired. John has two daughters and Julie a son, all adults when in my mind they are still young kids. We reminisced about our Grandparents whilst we ate and drank. Mick having his first hand pulled pint, an Ossett Blonde.
Steak and chips, my onion rings were donated to Julie
I refrained from having a starter and saved myself for steak and chips, the chips being the best we’ve had in a long time.
Aunty Audreys
After we’d eaten Mick and I climbed into the back of Johns car and we headed to Calverley to Aunty Audreys old house. They had sold this a couple of years ago to a friend of Julies who has done a lot of work on it, Julie was desperate to show it to us.
I can only just remember visiting a couple of times when I was young and I remembered more about the people than the actual house. A new extension out the back, modern tiled floors, breakfast bar and remote controlled electric fire all new additions to the house Audrey and David bought when it was brand new at the end of the 50’s, John was born in the house.
After a lovely few hours with them they gave us a lift back to the canal. Virtual hugs all round and promises to stay in touch better, which I think is happening with the help of social media anyway.
Pompom (my Grandad), Aunty Audrey, Lillian (my Mum) and Granny
Tilly was given a second pass for two hours. However we changed our minds and decided that when she came home we’d move through Owl Swing Bridge and moor nearer to Rodley saving ourselves about twenty minutes in the morning, it was going to be an early enough start anyway.
Aunty Audrey’s house just over the hill
Then it rained, heavy rain, Tilly being Tilly stayed out! Oh well the alarm would have to be set for extra early. Then she came home, it stopped raining. Doors shut, trip computer on a change back into boating clothes and we were off.
We moved through the swing bridge and only just fitted into a gap one boat away from the next bridge, Oleanna kissing fenders both at bow and stern. The towpath was busy and it was getting on for cat curfew so the doors remained shut. As we settled down for the rest of the day, Oleanna dipped. We couldn’t be moored so close to other boats for their movement to affect ours surely. Then a pair of mustard trousered legs swayed past the galley window, maybe they’d swayed on to our stern by accident!
The alarm was set this morning, a cuppa in bed then we were up and dressed rolling back the covers. Clare the Lock Keeper came to check how long we were, 58ft 6″, apparently we look longer. We would go down the flight first with NB Barley, followed by NB Tobias , if another narrowboat arrived they would join them. Then bringing up the rear would be a late arrival last night Hotel Boat Lady Teal who had snuck in to moor at the bins.
So we were pushing off at 8am and entered the top lock of the staircase at 8.05. The lady from NB Barley was going to help along with two Lock Keepers. I could have hopped off to help, but then there would have been too many people, so I stayed onboard to enjoy the trip down.
Bingley Five Rise is the steepest flight of locks in the UK, climbing just over 18m in 98m, so a gradient of about 1:5. Each of the five chambers opens into the next one, therefore making it a staircase. Going down hill you take a locks worth of water with you into the next chamber, then the next until you reach the pound below. Going uphill takes a lot more water as each chamber above the bottom one needs to be filled before it can be emptied into the one below raising a boat up the hill.
The structure is Grade 1 and opened in 1774. The first boat to use the flight took 28 minutes, not sure whether that was up or down though. Today we made our progress steadily down the hill. Once we got so far down Clare headed back to the top to start bringing NB Tobias down, leaving us with the other full time Lock Keeper, didn’t catch his name.
Gongoozlers of the feathered variety seemed to be allowed, but they were the only ones as we made our way down.
The occasional nudge as we started to descend a chamber kept us away from the side and we were warned that as the water level dropped in the last chamber the gates above would leak like billyoh. They certainly did. Both Mick and the chap on NB Barley had already closed the stern doors to keep their legs dry. Oleanna’s stern certainly got a good rinse when we backed up for the gates to be opened in front of us.
Pulling away from the bottom
A look back over our shoulders for The shot, sadly not with Oleanna in it, maybe I should have helped at the locks and then dashed down to take the photo! Oh well! Oleanna descended the five in 40 minutes, she has now bagged her sixth Wonder of the Waterways. Only one left to do to have the full seven, The Anderton Boat Lift, that will have to wait for a while.
The top of the three rise
We led the way to wait above the three rise another staircase. Here because of rights of way people can gongoozle. Below there were a couple of boats waiting, NB Elvira and WB nemoNoo the third hire boat from bearBoating.
NemoNoo coming up
Clare arrived along with NB Tobias and a volunteer, they set about working nemoNoo up the three rise. Time to chat with people and I decided to lend a helping hand this time.
This is only our second time down the rises, we’ve been up them three times. Barry Whitelock retired in 2017 from being a Lock Keeper here, we’ve come across him several times, a man of few words, but he certainly knew his locks. Talking to Clare today I asked how many Lock Keepers there were now. Four years ago there were four, this year due to the pandemic there are only two of them, plus volunteers. Some of the volunteers are wary of the public right now so on certain days crew from the boats are not allowed to help with the locks. On these days she misses the conversations and meeting new and interesting people.
Only two more to go
Yesterday she was the only Lock Keeper on duty with a volunteer which meant only a few boats could go through the flight, others had to wait for today or next weekend. Clare and the other chap are doing their very best to stay safe as if one of them gets Covid-19 then both of them will have to self isolate as they work closely together, this could mean that the five and three rise would have to shut until it could be manned again. Also only having two Lock Keepers means that the other jobs that used to happen on the flight, painting, trimming the grass edges to keep the place looking tip top, just don’t get done as they are too busy with boats.
These trees look good, can we stop here!
We felt in safe hands today and as we came out of the bottom chamber waved a big thank you back to Clare and the volunteer. NB Barley headed off whilst we pulled in, cleared the prop of weed and settled down to a late breakfast.
By the time we’d finished Lady Teal had come past and all the boats waiting to go up had gone. The next mile took us past old mills, one where you can rent space for £1 a foot, but most have been converted into flats and offices. Weed lurked below the surface just waiting to gather enough of itself around Oleanna’s prop to become a problem.
As we arrived at Dowley Gap, a staircase of two locks, Lady Teal was just pulling away from the bottom. Here there are no Lock Keepers, but no matter which direction you are going in you need the top lock full and the bottom one empty. The top chamber has new gates, but one gate paddle was filled with weed, so it filled up for us slowly.
Butch with his trike on the bow
Downerty Down we went, the bottom gates closed behind us. A boat in a hurry was pushing its way across the aqueduct. We soon realised we knew the boat and it was Butch at the helm. Lady Nelson is one of those boats that stands out, having a trike sitting on the bow. We waved and said hello as he pushed onwards, if we’d been on Lillian he may have recognised us too, he smiled and nodded back though, suspect he was keen to get to Bingley for this afternoons passage up.
The mooring we’d hoped for was occupied when we arrived above Hirst Lock. Lady Teal had beaten us to it, we did our best to find deep enough water and pulled in behind.
What are you doing?!
Tilly had been patient all morning so was very keen to head off into the tantalising trees. A chat with the crew on Lady Teal and we found out they’d only stopped for lunch and would soon be on their way again. We loitered so as soon as they had finished we could pull up. A quick shout for Tilly brought her running as we pulled the ropes, she isn’t keen on us moving the outside whilst she’s in it, but at least she got to see us pull the boat 60ft and thankfully she didn’t jump on the cat walk for a ride.
It smells nice round here
I took a walk across Hirst Swing Bridge, spotting a family friends bakery by the cricket field. Sadly they don’t sell from the bakery, the smell was wonderful.
I then followed the road up and walked through Saltaire. The neat houses all in rows with their blue name plaques. The end houses more ornate built for those of higher standing in the mills. I continued up to Victoria Road to see if any shops were open, only a few today and most of the main buildings looked closed. But with the bright blue sky it had been worth the walk around the World Heritage Site, more info can be found here. And here is a link to our visit back in 2014.
Is he sucking his thumb?
Back at Oleanna, once Tilly had returned for her dingding, I applied a touch of fertan to the port side grab rail where I hadn’t finished touching up the paint work last year. Hopefully now the towpath is on the right side for a while I’ll get a bit further with it whilst the weather is fine, if it stays fine!
10 locks, 3 staircases, 2.22 miles, 2 swing bridges, 5 gongoozlers, 6th waterways wonder, 1 trike, 1 bakery, 1 lion, 1 plan coming together another sorted.
Greenberfield Bottom Lock to Keld Well Bend, the Curly Wurlys.
A damp day sadly but we hadn’t planned to go far and it was all on the flat. We pushed off just gone 10 with our post breakfast cuppas in insulated mugs, meaning we’d get going sooner.
Green and very pleasant
The farmers were still out turning the grass and raking it up ready for collection. NB Whistle Down The Wind showed off its steam chimney and water gushed into the canal on a bend, obviously being pumped from somewhere.
After a couple of miles we reached East Marton and the Double Arched Bridge. This is where we moored on our second night whilst on our first hire boat together, not quite managing to reach a mooring where we could walk across the fields to Thornton-in-Craven to a friends house for a meal. A lift had to be provided and we were glad of it after 12 locks and 5 swing bridges that day.
Double Arched Bridge
The Cross Keys pub at East Marton also has memories for me. This is where my best friends Grandad, Grandpa Lee used to bring us to celebrate his birthdays. A long table would be laid out for his 15 to 20 guests for Sunday lunch all ending with Grandpa Lee telling us a shaggy dog story and nearly always getting the punch line wrong having to be corrected by his grandchildren who’d heard it numerous times before. I always give a wave to him as we pass.
The Cross Keys pub up on the hill
We pulled in at the water point just a little further on to top up the tank. I had a walk back to take some more photos of the bridge. I’m considering turning my illustration/painting skills to capturing scenes from our canal journeys to add to my Etsy shop which could do with a bit of a boost. Hopefully if popular this would give us a touch of pocket money whilst income from theatre is none existent.
Maybe a suitable photo
With the tank full we pushed onwards, not much further, with our fingers crossed. We hoped that we could find space at our favourite mooring on the curly wurlys.
Good TV signal round here
The canal sticks to it’s contour and winds round Langber TV mast, first it’s on that side then ahead then the other side, but soon you forget it is even there as the views open up around you.
We could see that there were boats. One along the last straight before the canal ties itself in knots. A cruiser on the end of the bend. A grey boat sat where we thought we’d like to be, we pulled just past it, maybe a touch too close to the bend. I walked round to see what space there might be on the other side. Two boats but a length just in front of them which seemed to be just a touch further from the bend than where we’d pulled up. We pulled round and moored up, hoping we were leaving enough space in front of the first boat so they still had a view from their cratch.
Just part of the view
When asked by people which is our favourite canal we say the Leeds Liverpool. When asked which is our favourite bit, we say the curly wurlys. Last time we came through we didn’t manage to climb the locks early enough in the day to reach here as it was dark.
Time to see what Tilly made of it. Well she had a good sniff around and then jumped on the wall. Yep not bad.NOt bad!!! She just wanted to get her head down and find friends.
Not bad
The afternoon stayed damp. My starter stayed flat. I’m running out of brown rice flour and am getting a touch disillusioned with it. I fed it one last time and decided to use the discard to make some crackers. A good amount of fresh rosemary and thyme went into the mix along with a scattering of sea salt. The result was really quite tasty and certainly crunchy. I may be making more of these!
I’d found a pack of gluten free pizza dough in the drawer the other day, so that was used instead of a sourdough base. It was okay, but lacked much taste and was only a vehicle for the ham, caramelised red onion and goats cheese topping.
We also finished watching the second half of Amadeus from the National Theatre. Salieri and Mozart were great performances. It was enjoyable but I really wished I’d been sat in the theatre as there were obviously things happening just out of shot that I’d like to have seen.
Three boats came past. Two hire boats who we thought had managed the bend well, so we looked away. Then a big bang followed by a 58ft 6inch scraping noise all the way along our rubbing strakes. The boat in front of us was a touch more peeved than we were, shouting out their hatch as the scraping noise continued for another 50 odd foot before the tiller was pushed over, as the hire boat ended up facing into the off side bank. They were being followed by another boat who had been managing to hold their course well until they had to slow down. Mick offered tiller advise which helped. They were both just heading to wind, but luckily they returned with out making contact.
Today there has been a flurry of emails regarding Chippy Panto. So far there is no news. The government have only given the entertainment industry aspirational dates for reopening to full houses. Under current guidance Chippy would only be able to have 40 to 75 in the audience, not enough to cover the cost of opening the building for the day and all the additional cleaning required between performances. Along with audience safety there is also the safety of the acting company and creative staff both on stage and off in such a building. It may be that all entrances have to be from SL and all exits SR and no audience participation! Not quite panto.
The doors currently remain firmly closed to help preserve the theatres future for years to come. The Governments rescue package still has no guidelines as to how it will be distributed and whether it could be used to guarantee the show. We all carry on waiting.
Houdini our original second mate
On a much lighter note, the title of todays blog. Six Years ago today we climbed into our Peugeot 207SW dropped keys off to our house with the rental agency in Scarborough and headed to Sowerby Bridge where NB Lillyanne (Lillian) our bright yellow boat had been waiting for us. Houdini our second mate did not know what was happening and found a shelf in the wardrobe very comforting for the first few days. So six years ago we set out for a year afloat and we’re still here, on our favourite mooring. Not a bad way to celebrate, well we’ll postpone the celebrations till tomorrow when hopefully the weather will have improved.
Our mooring here on the 3rd September 2014
0 locks, 3.78 miles, 1 double bridge, 1 full water tank, 1 wave, 1 damp day, 0 sourdough pizza, 1 boring doves pizza, 32 tasty crackers, 0 news about 0 news, 1 woofer stand off, 360 degree views, 6 years.
Happy Birthday to my Big Brother, my only brother. His birthday meant there were celebrations to be had onboard Oleanna too this morning. When I was a kid I would be given a present on Andrews birthday as he would get presents on mine due to it being Christmas Day. Today for my other birthday I was offered a cooked breakfast.
A touch of ketchup on the side
We’d fallen short on suitable things for a full spread, but managed quite well. I grated a touch too much potato for some hash browns and Mick cooked some mushrooms and scrambled egg. Due to the amount of potato, we had free form hash brown rather than cakes. Very nice.
That’s a lot of window for a small boat
Pushing off at about 11:30 we wanted to find somewhere with less tree coverage, today was set to be windy and at times very windy. We considered only moving a short distance, but in the end moved on to Higher Poynton.
A proper telephone
Passing Lyme View Marina we noted a big banner advertising their new launderette then waited to spot familiar boats. The blue Narrowcraft Boat is still on line along with the boat with a proper telephone (Post Office 746) under someone’s pram cover, wonder if it’s connected. We used to have a red one in our kitchen in the house, it would ring and occasionally get answered, but everyone on it was quite faint (wonder if an engineer could have fixed that!).
People, lots of people
The long line of boats on the approach to Higher Poynton is still there. The length of towpath is popular with continuous cruisers as it is close to a road and is 14 days.
Connecting the hose
We pulled in under Brownhills Bridge where a water point sits opposite the winding hole. Blimey the towpath was busy, plenty of walkers about and the benches either side of the tap were filled with interested people. There was enough room for us to hop off and get the hose filling our tank whilst answering numerous questions.
Filling the tank
Mick headed off with rubbish whilst I did other jobs including putting a brush of Fertan on the mended gas locker hinge which after last nights rain had already started to turn orange!
So many people about. Many were stopping at The Trading Place for chilled medication or a coffee. The chap in the shop was busy on a project blocking the doorway so orders had to be requested and then passed out past the hazard tape.
Four boats sat in the short arm at Braidbar Boats. Two primed hulls sat very high, awaiting engines and most probably ballast. Then two highly shiny newly finished or almost complete boats, another two sat out of the arm on moorings across the way. We were surprised that four of these boats were semi-cruisers and more shockingly they all had chrome fittings!!! What will the owners do to fill their time now they no longer will need to polish the brass at frequent intervals?
Wonder which one would have been headed for Crick Show
Once the tank was full we pushed away continuing a bit further before pulling in to moor. NB Cleddau sat on her mooring, waiting for Sue and Ken to take her out on a cruise. Under Smiths Bridge we pulled in where the towpath growth seemed a touch shorter than elsewhere and before the huge pylon crossed the cut.
We’ve yet to meet Ken and Sue
We’ve been here before and this mooring required extra shore leave rules for Tilly. Four years ago Tilly had vanished at this mooring, out before breakfast and not seen until after dark. She had us walking round the whole area calling for her all day as the wind eradicated her scent. So it was just as well she didn’t seem too keen on all the walkers on the towpath today and didn’t venture too far from the boat until of course the walkers thinned out with the heavy rain!
But it’s raining!
A birthday phone call to London was made, all is good with the London Leckenbys. Andrew had opened his presents in the monring, then they’d been for a long walk, returning to cook a stuffed fillet of pork as the ice cream maker was churning some chocolate chip, vanilla and almond crunch medication. What a shame we couldn’t join them!
Before the woofer got swept away
How to spend the afternoon? What to watch? I suggested, tongue in cheek, Little House on the Prairie. Mick found the pilot film on Youtube. We managed quite a lot of their journey to the prairie, all the time concerned that their small woofer seemed to have to walk all the way behind the wagon, through winter and spring. We lost interest once the dog had been swept away by a river, a sulky daughter was making her father pay by walking the remainder of the way to their new life, head hung low making Michael Landon feel very guilty.
Next choice I wasn’t allowed, not surprising really, Some Mothers Do ‘Av ‘Em. But my third choice was possibly the best, Roobarb and Custard. We watched a whole episode of the 70’s wobbly cartoon.
A roast chicken then distracted us, maybe it was just as well!
0 locks, 2.35 miles, 1 tap, 1 full water tank, 1 monkey, 186 to 189, 2 semitrads, 0 brass, 1 cat with a fan club, 1 cat staying close to home, 1 soggy moggy, 2kg roast chicken, 2 cheeky boaters.
David Anthony Leckenby was born on the 25th April 1925 in Acomb, York. His Dad was Cecil an architect, known to my generation for his bushy eyebrows and ability to watch football on a very fuzzy TV.
Family photo around 1925
His Mum was Mildred, a house wife who passed away when I was about 18 months old, and there was Peter his elder brother, who grew up to be a telecoms engineer, living in Trinidad for a number of years.
I love hand tinted photos
David attended Archbishop Holgates School just outside the bar walls of York. The fine building now houses part of St John’s College.
Molly, Peter and David
During his school days he was interested in architecture and planes. His diaries from this time (the only ones we have) always mention the planes flying over. Maybe one of the Lancaster bombers that flew low over Acomb on the 1st of September 1943 was piloted by Mick’s Dad.
His plane sketches improved through his teenage years
Whenever an old plane flew over our house he would say what it was and then rush out to check he was correct, he inevitably was. I’m sure lots of people who grew up during WW2 could do the same.
Once he’d left school he commuted by train to Leeds where he attended Leeds School of Architecture. He used to tell tales of riding his bike carrying a drawing board as he peddled to and from stations. I was lucky enough to find his diaries from these days a few years ago when sorting through the family house. Sadly there are gaps in them and he certainly got a bit too obsessed with a young lady called Peggy!
Such a young fella
His college days were of course interrupted when he was called up, by October 1943 he was writing from the platoon hut in number 7 company lines at Maryhill Barracks, Glasgow.
David, Nancy, Peter, Molly, Cecil
Over the next year he moved around, June 1944 he was at the 175 class, 140 OCTURE, Ure Bank Camp in Ripon and by December 1944 he was posted to France, then Brugges. Sadly there are gaps in his diaries so I don’t know where he was for VE day. Maybe my brother remembers a tale or two that I don’t.
He never shoot his gun in combat, but was around Europe for the final push.
What a handsome chap
There are mentions of German mine fields and a tale of picking items up that could have been booby trapped, but luckily for him they weren’t.
Sat on the front row just off centre to the left
In September 1945 he waved farewell to the shores of England and set sail for India. Here with the Sappers he mended bridges, and I believe ended up being one of the last Brits in Hyderabad. Here he did shoot his gun when a snake came out of the overflow on his bath.
Presumably taken when in India
We are very lucky to have many of his wonderful sketches of India. Some architectural others of men with cows and landscapes.
Sadly his diaries stop whilst in India. So with the information to hand I don’t know quite when he left and headed home. I do know that he managed to jump ships and come home via Germany where he wanted to meet up with Peggy. She however had shacked up with a Canadian soldier (if he’d looked back at his diary he’d have seen it coming), Dad’s trip a heart breaking waste of effort.
Middle row just to the right of centre
Back home he returned to Leeds School of Architecture. His year was now a mixture of those who had been demobbed and those a few years younger. Stood in a queue one day he spotted a tall young lady, Lillian Heseltine!
Young love
They courted, Dad had to sell his prized motorbike to buy an engagement ring.
Was this the engagement ring?
Proposing on a trip to Rievaulx Abbey where his final project for college was based, they got married in Thornton, Bradford in 1952.
Mr and Mrs Leckenby
They lived in York, with Dad working in his fathers architectural practice where he became a partner.
He won awards for the Marine Biology building in Robin Hoods Bay.
Many buildings and shop fronts around York were designed by him, he also looked after churches around the city and built our family home in Fulford, which was just still visible from the River Ouse when we last passed.
Fenwicks Lane where I was born
He loved his walking. Climbing most of the Lake District peeks with Worthington.
Those little legs up all those peeks
Gliding was another love, but he was given an ultimatum by Mum to chose flying or his family. He wisely chose us. For his 80th birthday we bought him a trip up in a glider from Sutton Bank, the club house his design.
A touch different from his earlier flying days
He took up windsurfing instead and got his daughter hooked for a few years too.
Gravity did cause him problems though
If Mum and Dad could think of an excuse for a party, then the house would be filled with people. In fact I think the house was built with parties in mind!
You had no choice but to dance
Dad loved his dancing and his record collection, often seen kneeling on the floor with a head torch on so that he didn’t play the shadow of the next record.
When I was 18
When I was 40.5
Holidays in foreign parts, where food and the local wines were always sampled. Most holiday photos are of people sat around tables.
The beard was grown in 1976 when he became very ill and ended up in a plaster cast from the top of his head to his waist for most of the drought filled summer months. Gradually the white hair crept from his chin and took over his full head of hair.
My Dad was Father Christmas
He got to watch his Grandson Josh grow and became known as Daddy Daddy.
Proud Grandfather
The Leckenby boys
Lots and lots of happy memories.
David Anthony Leckenby 25th April 1925 to 18th September 2012
Lockdown Mooring 4 to Bridge 95 (pick up point) to not quite Lockdown Mooring 4
Sorry Tilly! We’ve a rendez vous.
Making our move
Today we had our first food delivery coming to the boat from Morrisons. We’ve not used them before so waited to see what happened with substitutes etc. Mick received an email listing things that weren’t available and what we would be getting instead.
After the last few weeks of sunny sunny weather I’d included a few things for a barbecue. Our mooring means we can hug the hedge and still have at least 7 meters between us and the boat for people to pass. But on the substitutes list they had swapped salmon steaks for some that are already cooked and some Halloumi was coming with added chilli (it might be nice on a barbecue!). As the weather has changed it won’t matter anyway. My choice of white wine was swapped for another, but so long as it’s not Riesling or Liebfraumilch it will be fine.
Down to one flag at the bubble mooring
So after breakfast we pushed off to cruise not quite a mile to the pick up point. We pulled in as close to the gate by the bridge as possible. Here is an ideal spot for a delivery, a layby and gate to reach the towpath, except the towpath is mostly concrete so it took quite a bit of effort to get spikes in. Now we could settle.
Our first delivery since lockdown
The delivery arrived seven minutes into our allotted slot. The chap was relieved to spot us so easily and quickly, he’d thought it would be tricky. He chatted away as he unloaded the crates at his van and then brought our shopping to us in plastic bags. Having the hatch to the towpath meant it was easy to see what was in each bag. So I verbally sorted things, those items that can sit in the cratch for a few days and those that would need to come in and be dealt with before being stowed.
Towpath sorting
The wine cellar has moved for a few days, but is now restocked and we now can all go to the toilet as we have a fresh supply of cat litter for both bucket and box. I hasten to add we had only been running low on stocks, and had not had to reuse it!
How did they get ordered!?
With it just starting to rain we decided to make a move and return to our mooring before it got worse. No winding hole until Nantwich ahead of us and a big sign on the wide stretch just behind us saying no winding we decided to reverse the third of a mile to Poole Hill Winding Hole to turn. Back to Hurleston to wind again in the heavier rain.
Lockdown Mooring 4 had been taken by someone, a familiar boat from a week or so ago. The 48hr mooring now had three boats on it, all nicely socially distanced, leaving enough room for us between them. We pulled into the first gap, gaining slightly different views from the windows.
In our old boating life we would automatically pull up and share a ring leaving no ‘git gaps’. But in this new world it’s better not to share rings if you can possibly help it, leaving a ‘good gap’ instead. However we had no choice today, both ends of Oleanna had to share rings with long outies.
Tilly was warned that should she think we were still the end boat she’d be getting on someone elses boat and they have a woofer! The rain put her off somewhat anyway. No amount of head nudges would make it dry up.
As the afternoon went on the sun made an appearance. The skies turned from dark grey to bright blue and Tilly ventured back out, returning damp at the edges.
I’ll stay here if it’s raining thank you
During the day I received a friend request on facebook along with a message. I’m glad the message came as the penny wouldn’t have dropped otherwise. Thirty seven years ago I occasionally trod the boards with a local amateur dramatic group, Rowntree Players. I appeared in three pantos, Puss in Boots, Babes in the Wood and Humpty Dumpty. The request had come from the chap who played Humpty Dumpty, I have to say he wasn’t very round. By the end of the day I’d managed to find a publicity photo with both Gary and myself. Lovely to hear from him.
Humpty Dumpty in 1983
We seem to have ended up with a lot of potatoes. We already had an almost new bag under the steps, we now have a very new bag in the cratch and tomorrow we are likely to get even more as we have a veg box delivery. So instead of sweet potato wedges tonight with our chilli we had normal potato wedges. These were a hit, not quite chips, but the next best thing for a while.
This evening we watched the first episode of the new Van Der Valk. We like crime dramas and he does have a really rather lovely boat, so it ticks lots of boxes. Wonder when we’ll be able to go to Amsterdam next?
0 locks, 1.75 miles, 0.33 in reverse, 2 winds, 3 flags to 1, 6 boxes wine, 10 litres litter, 1 disturbance, 4 occupied, 1 slightly confused cat, 7 amended poses, 1 big jump, 37 years, 1 humpty dumpty, 1 button band nearly knitted.
This mornings catch up with the Geraghty family involved quite a few sock shots. Kath had received a belated birthday present from us, two sachets of yeast, still within their use by date too. Yeast and flour are like gold dust. It was a very nice jolly catch up with tomato plants and unicorn wings. Good to see everyone.
A sock Zoom
We then turned our minds to getting our Saturday newspaper, Mick headed off up the towpath on his bike to the garage shop sadly returning with a slow puncture. Some time was spent compiling our first Morrisons delivery for next week. We’d secured the delivery quite a while ago with a few items, now we had to think about what we needed. Not knowing what we’ll be getting in our veg box doesn’t help, but I suspect we’ll get the usual things so we shopped accordingly. Hopefully we’ve covered everything, lets just hope things are still available next week. It being our first ever order with them we don’t know if they do substitutes or not.
A green and blue day
Today the towpath has been busy, the busiest we’ve seen it here. First the usual dog walkers, the Huskies, Dalmation, high vis man with his two, the chap who always takes a wide birth with his two dogs and Fudge. Then during the afternoon it turned into the M1, bicycles and walkers, almost a constant stream passing us. One chap stopping right outside our hatch to shout back to his friend, Mick closed the hatch to try to keep our distance, the chap was oblivious. If it was like that here would it be busier on the embankment in town, or are they all venturing further out now leaving the embankment peaceful at weekends.
Bridge 97
In amongst our Click and Collect delivery at the beginning of the week I’d added a few treat items. There was a recipe I’ve not made for a very long time, I’d been reminded of it when a certain aroma filled the boat the other evening.
A modification to the recipe was made by swapping the pastry for a quinoa Parmesan crust to dispose of any gluten. This takes a little bit of making but I can highly recommend it, it’s very tasty. Baked blind I then left it in the cooling oven to hopefully dry off touch more before filling it.
Quinoa and Parmesan crust
Next the filling. Camembert and smoked salmon with a normal egg and cream custard over the top. The other quiche I’ve taken to making in the last couple of years only has eggs over the filling and it quite often isn’t fully cooked when you think it should be. But today reverting to eggs and single cream worked an absolute treat.
Ready for the oven
If this photo doesn’t flush Duncan Lewis out nothing will!
Yum yum yummy!!
With homemade coleslaw to accompany a large slice each it was a very nice meal and there’s enough left over to do the same again in a couple of days, have to spread the cholesterol out in these days of lockdown.
Time to finish my cardigan
Today would have been Fatso, my Dad’s 95th birthday. We spent some of the evening finding the photographic tribute my brother and I had compiled for his funeral eight years ago. Plenty of photos to add to letters and his diary from when he headed out to India at the end of WW2. Plenty more photos, some of which I’ll share with you in another post sometime.
Happy Birthday Fatso
0 locks, 0 miles, 1 bike ride, 1 more puncture, 1 newspaper quarantined for tomorrow, 1 leg still resting, 3 sketch books, 10 day menu (subject to change), 8 hours shore leave, 1 starter not reaching potential, 1 smoked salmon and camembert quiche, 2 many calories, 1 big treat, 1 tear cardigan back on the needles, 95 candles, Happy Birthday Daddy Fatso!
Checking into our weekly Geraghty Zoom slightly late this morning we had to quickly join in with singing Happy Birthday to Tilly (Mick’s great niece) who was turning five today, we also got chance to wish Kath (Mick’s little sister) a belated Happy Birthday for yesterday. Everyone was in high spirits as we got to see all of Tilly’s unicorns in turn, our Tilly returned in time to wave a muddy paw to everyone too.
Treasure Island NT
Discussions on the latest two National Theatre productions were held. We’d not watched Jane Eyre which others had but we’d seenTreasure Island last night. A lot of money had been spent on that set. When I was at college 30 years ago my final project (only designed and never realised) was Sweeney Todd set on the Olivier Stage. A visiting Production Manager told me that the budgets for such a show at that time were around £100,000 and I’d spent all that on my set only! We all suspect that when the National Theatre reopens the budgets will be far smaller for some time.
A grey day with showers. Mick decided to get a bike out and head to the garage for a newspaper as we’d missed out last weekend. He donned waterproofs as it was a touch wet and set off only to return a few minutes later once he’d noticed a puncture!
Bike at the ready
As he set to mending it the heavens opened, he sought refuge under the pram cover and continued mending the hole. The position must have been easy to find as no bowl of water was required. Then he was off down the towpath.
I continued with virtual poses for my illustrations. Then moved onto sizing them ready to be used as guides for my drawings. By the end of the day I was happy with how the second drawing was turning out with the addition of an oak tree into what would have been my set design. The opening drawing can wait as it should be quick to do with nobody in it.
Snowballs and angels
Mick returned with our Saturday newspaper and left it for tomorrow. As we sat and half listened to the news conference from Downing Street an aroma of Camembert wafted through the boat!? Strange as we don’t have soft smelly cheese on board at the moment!
First sketch
It reminded me of when I went on an exchange trip to Dijon in my early teens. My host family kept a very ripe Camembert in a cupboard in the kitchen, whenever the cupboard door was opened you fought to stay upright. The poor York lad who had ended up in the same house as me really couldn’t cope with it and Monsieur Boulot made the most of the situation.
At least the aroma on Oleanna meant one thing, neither of us had lost our sense of smell, a new symptom of Covid -19. But just where had this aroma come from?!!
0 locks, 0 miles, 2 toasted cheese scones, 2 birthdays, 10 hours shore leave, 9 pheasants, 6 more poses, 1 new neighbour, 1st sketch, 1 puncture, 1 wet day, 1 soggy cat, 1 oak tree, 0 yellow ribbons, 0 veg boxes available this month, 1 cheesy smell, 1 look to my left … Mick!!!
Easter when I was a kid was quite often spent in Buttermere in the Lake District. We would stay at The Bridge along with many others who had become regulars for the weekend. The first sign that the Leckenbys had arrived was our dog Worthington running through to the rear bar to claim prime position in front of the log fire. I strongly suspect my life began in that hotel Easter 1966.
1977 The Lake District
The adults would play Hare and Hounds, the hare leaving a paper trail across the fells for the hounds to track them down. I suspect my brother and I were left with mum in the bar with her G&T whilst my Dad, Buddy and others were scree running on the peaks.
One year we joined in with an Easter Egg hunt at a friends house in York. This was the first hunt I’d ever been on. It was very well organised, each of us with a little basket to collect our chocolate in, special eggs had our names iced on them. I came away with quite a collection I seem to remember.
Amazing what you can fashion with a toilet roll, pink ribbon and some micropore tape
Then there was the year Granny and Pompom came to stay with us and I made myself an Easter bonnet out of pink ribbon. I remember it well, better than that jumper!
Now onboard Oleanna, Easter usually brings with it the not so secret secret purchasing of Easter eggs. These are then normally hidden until our Sunday morning cuppa in bed when we produce them from their hiding holes, “Happy Easter!!!” Well that is how it’s been since we moved to living on a boat. This year however it was different.
Not with the veg
The not so secret secret purchase hadn’t been possible for normal eggs, due to lack of space in our shopping bags, restocking the wine cellar was far more important! But two small bags of Mini Eggs had been squeezed into our bags amongst the cabbage and carrots, so we wouldn’t do without.
Not under the back steps
The shopping on Thursday had been unpacked, disinfected or left for three days before being brought inside. Mini eggs were deemed to need disinfecting to be brought indoors. The new regime takes time and means that things don’t always end up being put where they normally would go. The last I saw of the packets of mini eggs was on the counter top as the Milton solution dried.
Not in the mug cupboard
Just where had they gone! We had a proper Easter Egg Hunt on our hands. Mick had a look in the obvious places that they could have gone. Nothing!! A girl look was needed!
Just where oh where had they gone?!
Oops! Panic bought chocolate
Drawers were opened up. The shopping bag drawer now filled with chocolate!
Even Tilly couldn’t find them
Not there.
I really must get round to tidying these
Nor there.
Still no
What about……..
The first place I should have looked, at least it was the last!
To walk off some of the chocolate we took our rubbish for a walk up the locks to the bin. The big containers have gone from the works enclosure at the top of the locks.
Easter can happen now
Then we decided to follow the route I’d taken yesterday, just cutting it short to avoid the boggy patch. As we approached Stoke Manor we noticed a black plastic bag on top of a post. Then we turned down the lane and got to Stoke Manor Farm. Here was another black bin bag, what were they covering?
There’s another walking person under the black bag
Public Footpath signs. Is this because someone is isolating and don’t want people traipsing through their farm yard? Is it fear? Well I have to say it made our mind up, we’d follow the footpath on our maps across their yard along the Public Right of Way.
Path to the bridge
We headed across the fields and took a different path to reach Bridge 99. The fields seemed to be just a touch greener today, maybe Mother Nature had been hard at work overnight.
0 locks, 0 miles, 1 Easter egg hunt necessity, 2 bags of eggs, 2 bin bags, 0 Easter epic, 2.4 miles walked, 1 roast chicken, 0.75″ too wide, 1 pulled out sock, 1 nosy neighbour, 1 worrying car.
The nearest building to us was the first to be built in the basin regeneration. At first it looks like a Costa, well it is, but if you walk just a little bit round the building you find that it is a whole lot more. The New Art Gallery Walsall with it’s four floors of artworks and activities.
Designed by Peter St John and Adam Caruso the building opened it’s doors in February 2000. Built from concrete with exposed joists, clad with pale terracotta tiles and blocks of stainless steel. Douglas Fir clads many walls inside and leather wraps itself around handrails, a reference to the leather trade of the area, all leads to a very warm welcoming building.
Garman Ryan Collection
It was built to house the Garman Ryan Collection which takes up the first and second floors in small rooms replicating a house. The feel of these rooms reminded me very much of my family home in York, designed and built by my Dad. Wood and large windows, exposed brick and render. I felt at home here. The other exhibition spaces tower above the viewer with much larger rooms in every direction.
Garman and Ryan both by Epstein
The Garman Ryan Collection was put together by Lady Kathleen Epstein (nee Garman), widow of sculptor Jacob Epstein, and her very close friend Sally Ryan a sculpture in her own right. After Epsteins death in 1959 the two ladies collected 365 works of art. Some by friends and family (Lucian Freud, Epstein, Theo Garman) others in the collection by renowned artists such as Constable, Degas, Picasso, Matisse and Monet, which all sit alongside artefacts from around the world. The collection, donated in 1973 to the Borough of Walsall, is laid out thematically in rooms.
Children, Trees, Occupations, each room a selection through art history.
Many of Epstein’s sculptures sit on wooden plinths and watch you as you peruse the art works, but I have to say I preferred Sally Ryan’s pieces, my favourite of a young lad Nathaniel with his head slightly bowed.
Men with Mice and Birds
Epstein’s Men with Mice and Birds had a somewhat comic feel to it.
Elaborate frames twice the size of a Renoir landscape was just as interesting as the painting.
Theo Garman
Thoedore Garman’s flower paintings reminded me somewhat of a certain boater, Kath from NB Herbie, and her watercolours and embroidery.
Guides were on hand to talk to you about the collection and the family connections that hung around the rooms. They were very enthusiastic and knowledgeable.
Epstein Archiev gallery
One room was being a touch noisy in the calm of the collection. This was Bob and Roberta Smith‘s Epstein Archive Gallery. Between 2009 and 2011 the two artists worked their way through the Epstein archive which had laid hidden away in the basement and they breathed new life into it. It holds papers of Epstein’s life, about his two wives and three children, two (Theo and Ester) who both died in their 20’s in 1954. Short films have been made about the stories uncovered in the archive which shout out across the gallery along with visual shouts of painted quotes. A fun room to spend sometime in ad I think Epstein was partial to jam.
On the top floor is an exhibition, Too Rich a Soil bringing three photographers together exploring cultural identity.
Top floor gallery
The other exhibition marks the twentieth anniversary of the gallery with a collection of works from the last two decades. Those that stood out were drawings by Andrew Tift who’s detailed drawings astound in their detail.
Andrew Tift
Jungle Queen II by Hew Locke, made from toys, feather marabou, all sorts.
A fluffy Queen
Then my particular favourite Hole in the Wall by Mark Power. This photograph of a Walsall urban landscape has texture, painting, human interest, nature, decay and a mural which blurs into the building it was painted on. The mural is now hidden behind a new building.
My favourite
Back at the boat for lunch I was looking out charity shops in the area. on the map I came across Hole in the Wall a haberdashery fabric shop. So on my way round town I made a beeline to see what they might have to offer.
What colour would you like?
Walking in through the door there were ribbons, yarn, buttons all sorts, then a room of dress fabrics. Nothing hugely exciting but I did find some fabric that might be useful in my costume for a Jay, as in the bird.
Perfect for a Jay costume
An arrow pointed upstairs to Upholstery fabric. A long corridor of a room where you coud select fabric and have made to measure curtains led to another room. Here plain upholstery fabric rolls stood by the walls along with about 30 different types of leatherette. Another doorway led through to a room filled with tassles and tie backs. Now hang on what was in the next room? Hundreds of rolls all in colour order!
I was asked if I needed any help. Maybe a chair to sit down, I hadn’t expected so much fabric in one place, it’s a long time since I’ve seen so much all in one building, or should I say buildings as it seems to me that they’ve knocked shops together and created a block of a shop.
The Garden set could most probably do with some of this fabric, but right now without having coloured my model up I’m not sure what I would want.
How much braid?
Linings and braid filled two more rooms and another lady asked if she could help. All she did was add to my astoundedness and point me in the direction of their bargain basement! Here the walls were lined with racks full of fabric. Piles four, five, six foot high filled the floor. Just what did I need? I walked round in a textile daze.
The lady upstairs gave me a card and their website address so that I could look on line. But it may well be worth a return visit when I know what I’m after. All this from going to the art gallery and looking at one photograph, I like it even more now.
One major fabric shop
0 locks, 0 miles, 1 art gallery, 0 time for the museum, 1 homely house, 1 giant fluffy queen, 1 dribbling tattoo, 1 jolly lift, 1 bored cat, 1 photograph, 1 block of textiles, 245673543 fabrics, 1 charity shop visited, 0 costumes as yet.