Category Archives: Moorings

Boaters Meat. 28th August

Cracks Hill to Houdini’s Field

Shortly after mooring up yesterday I got the result of my Antibody test, it came through as a text and an email. ‘No antibodies were found in your blood sample. This means it’s unlikely you’ve had COVID-19 in the last 6 months.’ The result I had hoped for. My result was added to the Zoe Covid app, it doesn’t look like it gets added to the NHS app though.

Hello Panda!

A bit after 7pm we heard a boat approaching, this one was the one we’d been expecting and the mooring in front of us was about to be filled. NB Panda was joining us for the weekend with Lizzie on board.

This morning Mick headed off back into Crick on the bike to pick up a few supplies. A new Sainsburys delivery has been booked, here’s hoping we can get a suitable mooring on Monday so that we won’t have to cancel this one too. He was back for the weekly Geraghty Zoom. This weeks subjects included Supermarket Sweep on a Brompton, Family photos, Boccia rampers and egg banjos.

Bailed high

Earlier this year we’d planned to be around Crick for the boat show. More a social affair for us along with having a nosy at new boats and the latest boaty things that we can’t afford. We’ve been to the show five times and because we moored Lillian there in her early days we know quite a few people. But as covid cases increased we changed our minds, wanting to avoid the crowds, yet we still wanted to catch up with friends. So a tentative plan to have a boaters meet was put into action for this weekend.

A bit of a leak waiting to get mended

The planned meeting place was at Houdini’s Field (named after our first second mate who had never seen so much grass) just under two hours cruise from Cracks Hill. Both boats pushed off managing to get a boat in between us, but he was right on our fender so Mick let him pass at the first straight.


Trying to peek through the friendly cover as we approached Yelvertoft Marina. Was there some yellow? Could Lillian still be there? Was that just a bow flash? Then a yellow swans neck came into view. She’s still there, looking as jolly as she always did. We waved.

A touch long

The willow tree just before Yelvertoft Wharf is almost touching the water, good job we’d just spotted a boat coming towards the bridge before it vanished behind the greenery! The summit pound is pretty as ever, the red berries starting to show themselves in the hedgerows, fields golden, trees lush and green.

Nearly there

A lady in a canoe came towards us talking on the phone, she was on a reckie to see if there was anywhere better to moor up ahead.

This boat just kept following us!

We were near our destination, would there be enough room for two more boats?

NB Kamili

Bridge 27 came into view, followed by the red cabin side of NB Kamili. Andy and Irene were busy doing jobs. Panda tucked in in front of them and we carried on a short distance away to find a space for us, right by the gap in the hedge into Houdini’s field. Only one boat missing from the meeting, sadly Noel and Carolyn wouldn’t be able to join us this time.

Brilliant I like it here

Tilly followed us up to have a chat, she chatted away in the friendly cover too!

Just some sliding doors and a green line to add

I spent the afternoon making a model for #unit21. Mick sat out in a chair, he’d been expecting to spend the day listening to cricket, but that had long finished. Lizzie worked on filling bits of Panda whilst Irene battled with bathroom sealant! She may have to go for some counselling once she’s finished!

Andy, Irene, lots of food, 2 Sainsburys bags, Mick and Lizzie

At 6pm we all congregated by Kamili and Panda. The bbq was lit and all our various edible bits and bobs were laid out on the handy bench. Blimey what a spread! Pork loins, steak, sausages, veg kebabs and a treat pudding of bananas and chocolate. We were very surprised that no one else had ever had one before!

Being outside we could enjoy each others company while feeling at ease, no worries of covid, no worries of asthma brought on by Tilly and being at one end of the moorings we shouldn’t disturb anyone else.

We had prosecco, Lizzie turned the food, Tilly brought a friend to play and was quickly grounded, Irene was an expert plate holder for the cooked food all wrapped in foil to keep warm. What a wonderful feast and lovely to spend an evening with everyone even if it was a touch cold and VERY dark by the time we decided to call it a night.

0 locks, 4.3 miles, 5 siblings, 1 hello yellow, 2 boat flotilla, 3rd boat waiting for us, 1 boat missed, 7 hours shore leave, 0.75 of a model made, 1 test won, 5 boaters, 1 cat, 1 mouse! 1 lovely evening, 2 dark to carry on.

Star Jumps, WD And Thespians. 26th August

The hedge Flecknoe Road Bridge to the view before Norton Junction

Quite a good view from the kitchen sink

Last night we’d had this stretch of armoc to ourselves, but just around the corner there were seven boats nose to tail, we preferred the view we’d had. As we made our way towards Braunston Turn we kept our eyes open for any gaps in the hedge to the north of the canal so that we could drop a pin on our map to remember it, only one and not much of a gap.

How many glasses in one of these?

As we cruised along I tried to drink several glasses of water. A few weeks ago I got an invite from the Zoe covid app to do an antibody blood test, this would show if I’ve had Covid without knowing. I’d arranged for a test kit to be sent to Scarborough and then have been waiting for a suitable time to do the test. On the instruction video it suggests drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water the day before, so yesterday I spent a lot of time filling up the yellow water tank! Today 2 to 3 glasses had to be drunk at least half an hour before doing the test, I also needed to be near to an NHS Priority Post box, Braunston.

Braunston Turn

At Braunston Turn we turned right following a hire boat who quite quickly pulled in. Would Braunston be full of boats or would we be fine finding a space? There was so much space available we easily slotted in at Butchers Bridge our preferred mooring.

All laid out

Now to do the test. I laid everything out and had to discourage Tilly from watching too closely. Then I had to get my blood pumping by doing some exercise before submerging my left hand in a bowl of warm water for a couple of minutes. Far more complicated than sticking a cotton bud up your nose!

Star jumps are a little bit hard to do inside a boat, but I decided to stay indoors rather than amuse those having their bacon butties at the Gongoozlers Rest. Then self inflicted pain! A lancet pushed hard into a finger tip, followed by massaging my hand and finger to fill a little bottle up to a line. One thing they should add to the instructions is that if you have long finger nails then most of your blood will collect on your nail, a trim before hand would have worked better. With my sample done, labelled and packed up we set off to the Post Office.

Is that? Could it be?

As we crossed Butchers Bridge we glanced up towards the bottom lock, was that boat NB Winding Down? It was green, the sign writing wasn’t visible. We walked down to have a look, yep it was, but would we know the people on board?

Hello WD!

Mick called out to the occupants, ‘Hello, do we know you? We used to have a share in Winding Down’. Well we did know them, Paul and Aileen , some of the original syndicate members. Our paths crossed several times in Waitrose at Sandbach on hand over days. A lovely catch up with them and news of other members we knew, the last AGM on zoom and most importantly that NB Winding Down will be moving further north for next years cruising season, so we’ll have to keep our eyes open near Stone in future.


Up the hill we climbed to the Post Office first popping my sample into the post box, then across the road to the butchers.

Bangers! but none for me 🙁

Well, since first noticing a sign saying they do gluten free sausages a few years ago, we’ve asked every time we’ve come in and only once have we had any. Quite a disappointment! Maybe the church spire no longer means Bangers! Yes I could buy some of their normal sausages for Mick, but what would I have!?! We bought bacon, a pork pie, some pork, eggs and some strawberries. Have to say their fruit and veg looked better than it used to, maybe they have a bigger turn over after the lockdowns when I suspect the locals shopped with them more. A few more bits from the shop across the way and we were done.

Braunston Bottom

After lunch we pushed off to climb the locks. A lady waved to Mick from the bridge after opening the bottom gate, she thought he was her husband! With no boat following and two boats coming down the next lock we headed up on our own.

In the pound below The Admiral Nelson people sat out side their boat, turns out they were waiting for a boat to share with. Marvellous!

The Admiral Nelson

Nick Wolfe stood at the stern of Aldgate, he turned to me and said ‘Hire Boat!’ One was pulling into the lock landing below the lock, doing their best to get out of our way whilst being berated for mooring up. Oh blimey! Poor holiday makers! The poor ladies at the bow had steam coming out of their ears as they tried to pull their boat out of the way. They assumed I’d have the same reaction and angrily said they weren’t staying. As we worked the two boats up the lock I could still hear ‘You can’t moor there!’ from below. No wonder some people think boaters are down right rude, I think they already knew what was being rammed down their throats!

New locking partners NB Celtic Girl

Calmly we worked our way up the remaining locks. Three generations of one family out on a friends boat for the day. The lady said they lived on a boat for ten years in the 70’s, it must have been so different then. Then she said that her husband was an actor, so they used to go where the work was. Obviously that started a whole different conversation.

New brick work finished

Meanwhile Mick at the stern was chatting away, acting had been mentioned and the chap said ‘Oleanna’ sounded familiar. The world got smaller over the next couple of locks. Graham Padden had been working at The New Vic in Stoke in 1998 when the Stephen Joseph Theatre visited with their 10 x 10 season. 10 new plays with a company of 10 actors. Comic Potential, Perfect Pitch and Love Songs For Shopkeepers were the main house shows with seven more in the studio, I designed eight out of the ten. He then mentioned that he’d been in Shadowlands with Janie Dee in the West End. His wife and son were also actors. They’d all toured into Chipping Norton too!

Braunston Top

At the top of the locks we led the way to the tunnel. Life jackets and torch at the stern. We soon saw a light coming towards us, this was followed by another three in quite quick succession. Thankfully no-one else entered the tunnel so we got to the kink on our own.

Braunston Tunnel

3:30pm. Would we get to the Watford flight in time to go up the locks before they closed? We’d get there, but if anyone was waiting then we’d not get up the locks today. We carried on up to Norton Junction where there was space for a couple of boats with the lovely view. It would have been rude not to moor up, so we tied the outside up and let Tilly out. She was given a strict time to be home. She obliged.

That bow looks familiar

A little while later the bow of a very new Cowpar appeared at the bridge ahead of us. This was the new Finesse boat that had been shown at Crick Boat Show last weekend. Excuse the looks on their faces as it is a 70ft boat turning at a junction with a bridge hole to contend with. A very nice looking boat with electric drive, there’s a boat test by Adam about it in last months Canal Boat magazine.

NB Grà

6 locks, 6.98 miles, 1 right, 3 glasses, 1 prick, 500 whatevers, 10 turns, 2 syndicate members, 1 share for sale, 0 bangers, 6 rashers bacon, 3 pork loin steaks, 0.5kg beef mince, 1 small pork pie, 1 punnet strawberries, 3 actors on a boat, 1 tunnel, 2 mysterons, 4 passing boats, 1 prime view mooring, 1 bruised finger.

If They Go Straight On, We’ll Go Left. 25th August

The hedge to another bit of hedge near Flecknoe Road Bridge 102

A mooring with a view

Most people had moved off before us this morning, one boat just beating us to pushing off heading in the same direction, no worries we were guaranteed to be in a queue today. If we weren’t on a schedule I suspect we’d have just moved up to claim one of the spots with a view for the day, oh well.

HS2 has had a huge mound of earth on the south bank of the canal for years now. Today we could see where the route of the line will be as fresh soil has been laid out just after bridge 128, on the north bank there is a wooden fence which we suspect marks the route across the gentle valley.

Three years ago I did quite a lot of research into the route and what was going to happen in the area, The workers encampment has moved to the south side of the canal and the route now only crosses the cut once, it’s route having been nudged over a touch.

In a couple of places saplings have been planted and a swath of wild flowers sit below one of the mounds of earth.

Surely not HS 2 earth works

In one field away from the canal we could see what looked like wheelbarrows. Surely they are not going to build HS2 with a fleet of wheelbarrows! The top layer of soil has been removed and zooming in I wondered if this is an archaeological dig, there are several buried villages along the canal.

We wrapped our way around the hills, the obligatory photos taken. A couple of chaps were enjoying glamping, an added horse box being used as a kitchen. The narrowboat still sits in the field cut off from the cut, not listing as badly as it was a few years ago.


The last bend of the summit pound and then we pulled up at the top of Marston Doles. A chap filling with water made sure we knew that his boat would be in front of us once a boat had come up the top lock. We helped boats up and down the lady from the waiting shareboat reminded me of Derek from Alan Ayckbourns Roleplay, Derek has a long monologue regarding his and Dee’s (his wife) drive from Doncaster to their daughters flat in docklands, with minute details of diversions, hold ups and turns. Instead of riga mortice setting in I just had a grin remembering Bob Austin’s wonderful performance.

Turning into the top lock

We took our turn down the two Marston Doles locks, then pootled along the pound to the top of the Napton flight. Some boats were coming up, but not enough to meet at every lock, the trend seemed to be more downhill. Some people we were meeting were heading back to base after being out for a week or three taking their time before returning to their houses.


Behind we had a Carefree Cruising shareboat, ahead Derek and her husband, although they soon pulled in to check the weedhatch and most probably have lunch. The following boat caught us up at one point but then the boat ahead of us lifted a couple of paddles for us helping to fill the locks ahead speeding up our descent.

The views from the flight are always great and the buffalos were in view today. The new coping stones on lock 9 still have a way to go before they blend in, but are far better than the concrete ones at lock 10.

We paused between locks 8 and 9 to have a late lunch. Two volunteers walked up the flight, one chap stopped to say hello, a reader of the blog. Thank you, sorry we didn’t get your name.

Going down

One last lock, we waited for a boat coming up. They were returning to base, the chap wanting to get home, the two ladies not so keen, wanting to take their time. If they reached the top of Marston Doles before they closed for the day he would insist on getting over the summit so as to descend the Claydon flight in the morning. How could they manage to take 2.5 hours to climb Napton? I suggested they may come across some numpties on the flight who would slow them down.

Numpties at the next lock

A boat came out of the lock ahead of them, the crew closed the gates, then a lady from the following boat started to fill the lock all whilst the chap who was wanting to get home shouted at them for stealing his lock. Another paddle was lifted before the mistake was realised. If this happened at every lock the ladies wishes might come true!

Napton Windmill

Below the locks we aimed to pass Napton Junction before finding a mooring, just about where we should get to today. A boat at the end of the visitor moorings pulled out and carried on at tickover. The journey around Napton Hill is always longer than you think it is going to be, but today it would take us even longer!

Going slowly

‘If they go straight on, we’ll go left at the junction’ a thought we both have whilst driving over the Wolds to Scarborough. ‘And we’ll still get to Braunston before them!’ Blimey they were Soooo slow, we even considered stopping at the bridge where every car hoots their horn!

One boat at home

Napton hire base had only one boat in, plenty must have headed towards Warwick or Braunston this last week. Slowly we followed, going into neutral every now and again.

Quick straight on before they change their minds

At the junction we waited to see what they’d do. Thank goodness they turned right, into Wigrams Marina! We were free once again.

We waved towards Herbie’s new home at Ventnor and tried to catch a glimpse of the campsite and holiday cottage that Dave (Scouts) has suggested as a possible location next summer for a party. Think we’ll have to come back and have a proper look if allowed.

Harvest in full flow

Once the proximity of roads eased we started looking for somewhere to moor. The second stretch had nobody moored on it possibly because the towpath is narrow, but we’d been having complaints from inside for a while so we pulled in and let Tilly out. An hour and a half somehow got extended to nearly 8pm! It was only the threat of no Dreamies for the next week that worked in the end. Tilly does not know how to tell the time!!!

This evening we have watched Act 2 of Home, I’m Darling. An enjoyable play, I suspect better if sat in the theatre watching it, although I wouldn’t have wanted to be the lady sat behind the high backed armchair!

9 locks, 10.92 miles, 4 share boats, 1 Ayckbourn character, 2 paddles lifted, 2 reluctant lock wheelers, 2 too keen lock wheelers, 1 slow boat to Wigrams, 1 straight on, 8 glasses of water, 2 many wee breaks, 2.5 hours! 1 cat avoiding capture, 2 minutes to 0 Dreamies for a week, 1 cat who can tell the time when it counts, obviously!

Changes, 23rd August

Kings Sutton to Slat Mill Lock

A little damp to start the day required coats to be worn, but by the end of the afternoon we were back down to one layer as the sun showed its face. Maybe autumn is arriving. The other day I crunched my way over some cobnuts that had fallen from a tree, most mornings we have blackberries added to our cereal bowls picked whilst Mick waits for a lock to be set. Crab apples fill the hedgerows, there must be something other than jelly you can make from them? Dark Elderberries droop from high up and sloes are plumpening up. Then today I spotted a plum tree alongside a lock, sadly the fruit still too hard to pick, maybe in a weeks time it will be just perfect. Oh the bounties of autumn. When will we be lighting the stove again?

Grant’s Lock cottage

At Grant’s Lock some first time hirers were just about to make their way down, they’d been having a taster holiday with their two kids. The first day it had rained and they’d wondered what they’d let themselves in for, then the sun had come out and the damp day became a distant memory.

No roof

Waiting for the lock to fill I had chance to have a look round the lock cottage, staying outside for safety. Over the last few years it has gradually been vandalised and at some time in the last year it has been gutted by fire. The windows frames now just frame the destruction a fire can do.

The staircase was burnt away, not much left of the ceilings, the floor beams charred into nothing. The heat of the fire easily melted the gutters, the fridge door relaxed into a new shape and the door into the lean is just charcoal. Such a sad sad sight. It will either be pulled down, fall down (as there is little holding it up anymore) or someone may come along with a large wodge of cash to try to rescue it.

21 miles a day

As we pulled away three canoeists came towards us at speed. Little flags on their boats showed that they are raising funds for the Elysium Memorial in remembrance of service men and women who have taken their own lives. They are canoeing from Preston Brook Marina to Putney Bridge on the Thames 280 miles at about 21 miles a day.

Little boxes

The new estate on the outskirts of Banbury is still being built, little of any architectural merit going up.

The foundry that once used to add to the aroma of Banbury looks to have gone. No piles of clinker and moulds alongside the canal anymore. We wondered if the site will be turned into more canalside residential properties.

Boats were here there and everywhere. We paused to let others go through narrow stretches and then pulled in behind a boat on the water point below Banbury Lock to wait our turn. A quick check above the lock, the water point up there was also in use, so we stayed put. A request from Paul at Waterway Routes to do a few checks whilst we were in Banbury, the toilets here have been closed for ages, but are now reopened and he also wanted to know the position of the new footbridge, which is slightly different to the old one that was demolished a couple of years ago.

We filled up with water then ascended the lock, plenty of people around to watch us work and plenty of people wanting to cross over the top gates as always. The lift bridge with it’s hydraulic mechanism was a breeze. Then we were into the building site.

We’d arrived at the builders lunch break so there was no noise from what I think will be a cinema on the north east bank. Far more noise was being made with saws, hammers, drills just by Tooleys were volunteers were working on Fellows Morton and Clayton boat Kilsby, once the work is completed the boat will offer educational trips, story telling and theatre to the community. Historic Narrowboat Hardy sits a short distance away still waiting to be restored, at least she’s afloat.

New bridge

We pulled in right underneath the new footbridge, not yet open as it currently leads into a building site. Time for a bit of top up shopping. Mick headed over the canal to get foody things whilst I headed into Castle Quays to the post office. I sent off samples of black canvas for #unit21 and the art work for the cloths in Rapunzel so that they can be printed.

Lock 29 lots of yummy things

Lock 29 at first looks like it is a new bar facing onto the canal, maybe where you’d eat whilst staying at the new Premier Inn next door. But inside there is lots of space, lots of tables and lots of stalls selling food and drink of all kinds. Fudge, Greek food, fresh bread, smoothies, all sorts.

In the shade of Banbury

After lunch on board and a quick return visit to Holland and Barrett we pushed onwards. Looking back, at what might become a wind tunnel. The new buildings are not as encroaching as we thought they’d be. I wonder how noisy the moorings will be at night once the building works are completed. The lack of afternoon sunshine for solar will put many off mooring here, but the proximity to the new Lidl is a bonus.

The overgrown hippo by Malc and Dinks

Malc Weblin passed away in June this year at the age of 85. As you passed his and Dink’s cottage there would always be a smile and a big wave from him. Today two people sat in the conservatory, I’m assuming one was Dink, her companion gave us a wave. As nice as it was it wasn’t quite the same.

Waiting our turn, a long way back

At Hardwick Lock we were second in line, we helped with the boats ahead and then rose up ourselves.

The two cats painted into the little windows at Bourton Lock are still keeping guard, although someone has added a touch of green writing to the front wall!

Bends on the Oxford Canal tend to bring surprises. Todays surprise was going to be possibly the most surprising we’ve ever had!

Sure enough round the bend came a narrowboat, just as it came into the view so did something over head!

Blimey that was low

Very low over our heads swooped the grey undercarriage of an RAF Hercules. It was huge!! No warning, it just appeared over the top of the trees and carried on almost skimming the hillside. Thankfully both boats managed to keep on course.

Now should we catch up to where we should be? Or should we stop at the award winning mooring below Slat Mill Lock. We decided on the latter, by now the afternoon was fading, if we carried on it would be way past Tilly’s dingding so there would be no shore leave for her. Several boats were already moored up but we managed to slot in.

That’s a lot of people on a narrowboat

Tilly had a couple of hours whilst I cooked us a quinoa crust chicken, bacon and leek quiche. Mick tried to get the TV onto the SJT website so that we could watch the production of Home, I’m Darling that Vicky our ledger had been in. But sadly the internet signal wasn’t good enough or something wasn’t quite right for us to watch the play. Hopefully tomorrow things will be better.

4 locks, 6.47 miles, 1 lift bridge, 1 new bridge, 1 missing bridge, 1 burnt out cottage, 1 bath tub, 1 range, 16 yellow tiles, 240 glucosamine and chondroitin complex, 1 new Lidl, 1 low flyer, 1 award winning mooring, 0 night at the theatre.

Pairs. 21st August

Muddy Slipper to Somerton Meadows

Rain, that’s what was forecast and what we woke up to. In no rush to get wet and it being a Saturday we logged into the Geraghty Zoom. Subjects today, the Scottish Tooth Fairy and the Sylvanian Family. By the time we’d caught up on each others news the rain was waining, Tilly had come home and a pair had come past us, the motor boat and butty had been moored in Oxford when we’d left. This meant we didn’t rush to push off as there was likely to be a wait for us at most locks today.

Shoe evolution

Yesterday at one of the locks my feet had had difficulty gripping onto the brickwork whilst pushing a gate open. I wear slip resistant shoes but my current pair have been worn for more than a year. A check of the sole confirmed that the grippy soles had been worn down, time for a new pair. Handily we’d ordered new shoes last winter so they just needed digging out from under the dinette.

The three stages of boat trainers

Time to move shoes up the evolutionary scale. New bright shoes, boat shoes, need to be quickly broken down so as not to upstage everything around you. Next pair up the scale, comfy stretched to fit where it matters most, toned down through use, these now move on to become painty shoes. The old painty shoes, I believe they moved up the scale maybe on the last panto I painted, or during lockdown 1. The toes have been re-stuck to the soles a couple of times, they have served me well, but now the next step up the scale is into the next C&RT bin.

Both of us had been fooled into thinking it was autumn again, the winter waterproof trousers came out, but at the first lock these were found to have been a big mistake, I replaced mine with shorts!

Dashwood’s Lock some months ago had a gate beam failure. A temporary beam has been constructed and a notice tagged to the gate says to exert minimum force in moving it. Coming down the lock was a day boat, it was their first time on a boat and one of them was suggesting that they use the boat to push the bottom gate open! Well this of course would not work as they would be pushing the gate very much closed. We chatted and I told them to wait for the water to settle below the gate before pushing the beam, then things would be easy.

Butt joints and threaded bar

I pushed the bottom gate open, blimey that beam flexes, so much so you think it will break even with the smallest amount of force! I can understand the construction of the temporary beam, but if they’d turned it through 90 degrees there would have been considerably less flex in the wood and adding a few diagonals into the mix would also help. It worked even though it felt like I might be catapulted across the adjoining field!

Blue cabin paint

Coming out of the lock the top gate pushed back into its recess it’s beam overhung the water. With only half an inch between Oleanna’s cabin side and the big foot square metal end, I pulled it away from possible scraping distance. The end of the beam has obviously come very close to quite a few blue boats before.

Round a few over grown bends a boat we thought we recognised came into view. A large grey cratch cover over the welldeck, plum red cabin sides that have seen far better days and the name still on the side, NB Sola Gratia. This used to be Tim, Tracey and Guide Dog Oakley’s boat. Tim and Tracey along with Ozzie and Guide Dog Loki have now moved onto the new NB Sola Gratia and trade as The Doggie Boat.

Stick um up!

Next Lower Heyford where a couple had just finished filling from the reeeeaaallly slow tap still at gun point from the rabbit on the off side.

Mill Lift Bridge

Another boat was just coming through Mill Lift Bridge, the chap with the key of power tried several times to remove his key, but it doesn’t get released until the bridge is down, he kindly stayed and let us through.

Could this be Allen?

Allen’s Lock, here we caught up with the pair, their motor just finishing rising, the butty pulled in to the lock landing as there were boats above waiting to come down.

With the next boat coming down the motor was reversed up to the top gates. When the lock was empty the chap then bow hauled the butty in, his wife stood at the stern helping to steer into the lock. All done very efficiently.

A lady from a boat behind wandered around her phone held high above her head to try to find signal, no chance, Allen’s Lock is a black spot for phone, internet and TV, we once made the mistake of mooring here.

See you at the next one

Just over half a mile on and we caught the pair up again at Heyford Common Lock. The usual exchange of how far you going today, another lock for them, we might go further. Well that was until the heavens opened! We quickly decided that if there was space at Somerton Meadow then we’d pull in and call it a day, thankfully there was plenty of space. A late lunch with a disappointed cat as the rain hammered down outside.

Noisy fun

During the afternoon not many boats came by. A group on paddle boards and canoes had dogs with them, they loitered just behind us being really rather noisy screaming in the rain with their dogs barking. I’m glad someone was having fun! Maybe we’re just turning into grumpy gits. They moved away after a while of both Tilly and Mick staring at them from under the pram cover.

Then the sound of an old working engine could be heard getting closer. A Russell Newbery, then the diamonds on the bow flash gave her away, it was Tyseley the Mikron boat.

Tyseley got stuck behind Southcote Lock on the Kennet and Avon on 29th July and had been waiting patiently for the lock to be mended. The shows have continued, set and cast moving from venue to venue by van without their accommodation on Tyseley close by.

Somerton Meadows

I think it was Thursday when they managed to get going again, Marianne at the tiller and crew joining as and when needed along the network. They have quite a distance to cover to catch up with the shows, so Tyseley is a flyboat for the next few days. No time to stop and chat, just a passing hello and good luck on their mission. It’s a real shame we’ve not managed to coincide with the shows this year, we’ve either been a bit too far ahead or just a day or so behind them, even then because of reduced capacity they have been sold out.

That’s a funny looking plane

I sent Marianne a message giving her a heads up regarding the pair in front, hopefully she would pass them today and be far enough ahead on her mission to not get delayed.

As the evening continued the sun came out briefly, Tilly headed off to explore, she knows here well and I cooked us a roast chicken. Potatoes, beetroot, onion, garlic from our veg box, the last of Frank’s beans and two miserly carrots that Sainsburys sent us. Sainsburys did however manage to give us a box of Lynda McCartney burgers and a box of Soleros that we didn’t order, not noticed until the driver was long gone. Think I’d have rather had bigger carrots though.

The mist kept rolling in leaving only shadows of trees

Mist rolled in across the fields and the evening became one of trying to plan October and November around stoppages, panto and another lodger in the house. It’s all getting a touch awkward.

3 locks, 4.82 miles, 1 bridge lufted, 1 new pair, 1 floating pair, 0 signal,1 very wet afternoon, 1 dripping Marianne on a mission, 2 blogging boats,1 roast chicken, 12 roasties, 1 mist creeping across the meadows.

A Spot Of Gardening. 20th August

Thrupp Canal Cruising Club to not quite Muddy Slipper

With the news of the Aire and Calder opening this morning I kind of wished we were up in Yorkshire to go through the breach site, reclaiming it for boats from the pile drivers and diggers. But we are miles away and will leave the reclaiming to others in Goole at Rawcliffe. Enjoy your cruise Lisa and Al and anyone else heading out this weekend. Will it be a mass exodus?

There she is again

It was time for us to get moving again, thank you Thrupp CCC for giving us a base for the last week whilst we’ve been busy with other things. Today it was back to boating!

There used to be a bridge there!

The bridge landings either side of Shipton Lift Bridge were filled with moored boats, this didn’t really matter as the bridge has been removed so no need to stop. We wondered how busy the canal was going to be after hearing stories of queues at locks further north.

I liked Thrupp outside!! Please don’t move it!

Shipton Weir Lock had a Black Prince hire boat just leaving and another boat was about to pull in and come down. We had chance to have a little chat with the crew who were heading out onto the Thames to Lechlade. Then it was our turn into the diamond shaped lock, designed this way to allow enough water to be sent down into the canal for the next lock whilst only a small drop in level was required to get off the river onto the canal.

Shipton Weir Lock

Last weekend we’d considered taking the London Leckenbys for a little pootle for a barbecue, here just out on the river had been a possible location. Reversing down towards the weir and mooring up would have given us a good amount of space to spread out. Today a small tent sat where our bbq would have been.

Having spent most of October and November on the Oxford for a couple of years everywhere is obviously so much greener than we’re used to, views are different, some gone with the amount of foliage. There are quite a lot of reeds that we don’t remember.

We rounded the bend to Barkers Lock and pulled in behind the Black Prince boat. Above the lock sat several other boats waiting to come down. In the lock was a C&RT work boat doing some gardening. Gardening isn’t really quite the right description for it. Two people were scrapping the chamber walls clearing it of growth, weeding on a big scale. I zoomed in with my camera and realised I knew one of the people in blue, Frankie an Instagram friend.

Frankie at the helm

They soon finished, pulling out of the lock leaving it free for the hire boat to go up. Frankie and I had chance to say a quick hello, maybe we’ll get more chance to chat if we come across each other further north. It was good to she her working on her much loved Oxford Canal, helping to maintain it.

Waiting our turn

There was chance to chat to hire boaters heading back to Oxford at the lock whilst we waited our turn, we were soon up and on our way again. The pub at Gibraltar looked pretty much as it did a couple of years back, building work seems to have halted during the pandemic.

Next came Pigeon’s Lock, no queue but a full lock. Whenever I talk to the Director for Panto he goes on and on about meeting his sister and her boat at Pigeons Lock, I think he really enjoyed those days. The big house at the end of the lane here was having a lot of building work done, this now is completed. The new roof looks very fine with it’s stone flags.

Jane’s Enchanted Tea Garden was set up to receive visitors this weekend, menus and sugar jars out on the tables. One day we’ll manage to time this part of the canal with it being open. Review here Apparently you need to book quite a long way in advance or follow their facebook page hoping that someone cancels as you are about to arrive.

Have gazebo, will cruise

The quarry moorings were pretty full, someone’s brought their own gazebo. Space for one at the end if you could get a mooring spike in.

Pulling out twigs

Northbrook Lock had another queue. Two C&RT chaps were fishing around by the bottom gate with a keb. Up to Banbury the locks on the Oxford Canal have a single bottom gate which means that should anything get stuck behind it it may not open sufficiently to get your boat through.

The first boat above had been waiting for over a couple of hours and seemed keen to get going again, I know we would have been. Their boat was brought into the lock all six fenders hanging down the side of their boat. One vague attempt was made to lift one of them, but it just fell back down waiting for a lock to grab it.

At last on the move

The chap went to lower the paddle on the offside. It looked like he’d tripped and knocked it as it dropped on the relatively new gate. Yet he wasn’t bothered by this in the slightest, he was more interested in a very wet mouse that was sitting on the lock side. He pointed this out to his wife, who couldn’t hear him. Eventually he crossed back over the bottom gate, I started to open it when I realised he’d stopped on the wrong side of the gate to lower the paddle, not the safest of places to be! He tried time and time to tell his wife about the mouse, convinced it was a water vole, then finally walked down below the lock to get on his boat, still pointing out to his wife about the mouse! With no power engaged they drifted out of the lock, still trying to see the mouse. Mick and I by now were both saying ‘GET ON WITH IT and get OUT OF THE WAY!’ under our breath, I have no idea what those who’d been waiting for at least an hour behind him were saying under theirs!

There were two possible moorings we’d be aiming for today as where we needed to get to was right alongside the railway. A few extra hours would have us mooring at Somerton Meadow, but arriving late in the day would almost certainly mean there’d be no space left. Then at Muddy Slipper mooring someone was already tied to the armco, we reversed back a touch and pulled up a short distance behind, just enough depth for us.

They’re on Muddy Slipper!

A late lunch was followed by an hour or so working out how to deal with the cinema screen during the run of panto. I came up with a solution which I hope won’t be too much extra work and emailed it through to everyone. Fingers crossed they all think it’s a good idea, or come up with a better solution.

A slot

Then as this weekends stag do hire boats came past, ten on each boat, sailors hats and some fancy dress with sea shanties being sung at the top of their voices, clinking bottles of beer I turned my attention to #unit21 and the samples of black canvas I’d received. This was far far tamer than the outfit a groom was wearing as the last boat passed by.

4 locks, 2 with queues, 5.52 miles, 1 Frankie, 1 trimmed and scraped lock, 6 fenders down, 1 mouse not vole, 1 twonk head, 5 hours shore leave, 1 (maybe more) friend, 3 stag dos, 1 solution, 1 email lost, 4 green shades of felt, 2 slots, 1.83 wide black canvas, 5 weeks digs, 1 cauliflower cheese with extras.

Just As Long To Walk As Drive. 13th August

Jericho to Thrupp Cruising Club


Up early to beat the hire boats back into College Cruisers. Late yesterday afternoon NB Hannah May had arrived and arranged for a diesel top up this morning. Movement could be heard across the way at 8:20 so we made sure we were ready to push over once they had been filled up. We did a do-ci-do and took on 40 litres, at £1 a litre we didn’t fill the tank, just enough to keep us going until further up the Oxford.

Fish fish fish!

We pushed back over to the towpath just as the first of the holiday makers were arriving back. Next job was to pick up the things missing from our shopping trip yesterday. I headed off to Waitrose which was kind of on route to Aldens Fish Market.

I chose to walk along the Thames, the patched pipe under Osney Bridge not really doing it’s job as loads of water was pouring out into the Thames. Glad it’s not on our water meter! The temporary pipe over the bridge is quite colossal.

Mind your fingers!

At the fish market I was good, I had a look around dreaming of filling the freezer but only bought what I’d come for, a side of salmon. The lobsters would remain safe under their board for a while longer.

Back at Oleanna it was time to push off as we had a rendez vous to make. The moorings had filled up yesterday maybe people only come into Oxford for the weekend. We met a few boats as we headed out of town, either at locks or along narrow sections which necessitated us pulling in and hoping to not end up in the offside vegetation.

Contended snooze

The cruiser with the cats is still along the Agenda 21 moorings, only two felines on the roof today and no sign of the old chap.

Speed bumps have been added to the towpath on several stretches.

Sitting on the beam to hold it open

Now for the bridges. Bridge 234 still wants to be open as soon as you unlock it. I braced myself for Wolvercote Lift Bridge 233. Here the bridge quite often requires an extra pair of hands to get it lifted and out of the way and the bridge landing has an overhang which has scarred many a hire boats cabin side. Well today the problem simply wasn’t there.

The bridge lies in several parts on the offside under the A34. No bridge beams to struggle with pulling them down and then keep the bridge raised whilst your boat goes through. A couple of cyclists appeared on the offside a touch puzzled as to what they were going to do.

Drinkwaters Lift Bridge

A boat was coming down Dukes Lock so we swapped with them and rose up to meet the next lift bridge. Drinkwaters Lift Bridge 231 was about to close for major rebuilding work when last we passed. During the works the approach walls collapsed and had to be rebuilt. It is now operated by windlass from the towpath side. No longer a fight to unlock it with your key of power, just 30 turns to lift and 14 to drop it.

How did that get there?

Our usual stop on the way out of Oxford had a couple of boats moored up. A solitary sunflower stood high in the field alongside the lock. We swapped with a boat as we arrived and another came into view as we left, perfect timing all round.

New wood at Roundham Lock

Next Roundham Lock, where through the last few years the bottom gate beam has been shored up to last that bit longer a section of armco was the last bodge job we’d seen. But today there are new beams at both ends of the lock.


Approaching Thrupp we had to stop quickly as the bow of a boat suddenly came into view past a large bush on the off side. We pulled in, trying to avoid the worst effects of the overhanging brambles on the cabin sides.


The visitor moorings in the village were quite empty, we considered pulling in, but we carried on to the lift bridge. I did the honours, stopping a very new boat from coming through as Mick was in the bridge hole. They then did their best to negotiate the bridge themselves without loosing any paint. A touch more use of power may have assisted them, but give them a few more months and they’ll be a touch more bold with their manoeuvres.

Thrupp water point and Cruising Club

We pulled in at the water point and went to find the lady at Thrupp Canal Cruising Club. Whilst boats are out on summer cruises temporary moorings are available for a small fee, we’d booked one a couple of weeks ago. Sue (?) showed us to our mooring, ever so welcoming and anything they could help with we just had to ask. As soon as we were tied up Tilly was off out to explore, not returning for quite sometime!


Meanwhile on the other side of the River Cherwell, just over a kilometer as the crow flies, the London Leckenbys were pulling up at Willowbrook Farm campsite and setting up their tents for the weekend. Once they’d settled in they then drove round the 9km to join us and walked up to the boat with a rusk sack full of contraband, before returning the car to the site and walking the 1.8km on well marked paths back.

Footpaths across the meadows

When we’d first come up with the idea of trying to find a campsite close to Oxford and the canal, Thrupp came up as a possibility. A newish eco campsite on a working farm that produces halal meat. Then about a week ago Jac noticed the not so fine print ‘Strictly No Alcohol Allowed On Site!’ Not quite the right place to have a relaxing beer in front of your tent, but you have to respect other cultures. So bottles of gin and wine were brought round to ours and we wouldn’t go to the campsite for a bbq, instead both evenings would be spent on Oleanna.


We’d considered going for a little pootle to find a suitable bit of towpath not too far away for the evening, returning before it got too dark, but just off the side of the TCCC moorings was an area with a bbq and picnic bench. This would do us.


Family were set with jobs of chopping. The other week they had made a tabbouleh not realising I wouldn’t be able to eat the buckwheat, today we made one using Quinoa which was very tasty. Veg and haloumi kebabs were skewered, a potato salad made up. The side of salmon required cutting in half to fit on the barbecue, a grating of ginger, pinch of sugar, soy sauce and lemon juice added then a good wrapping of foil.

Tucking in

Our usual barbecue stove was lit along with two disposable ones that had come from London. The salmon cooked quickly so was nudged to the sides for the veg kebabs to cook in the middle meaning the disposable bbq’s were only really just getting going when we’d just about finished eating!

The latest Thrupp yarn bomb

A lovely if a touch blowy evening sat outside. Cheese was enjoyed back onboard after we’d tidied up outside. Then the head torches were brought out to aid the walk back to the campsite, hopefully the London Leckenby’s weren’t too noisy on their return!

4 locks, 6.51 miles, 2 lift bridges, 1 bridge in bits, 40 litres, 1 side salmon, 1 mooring, 1 campsite, 0 alcohol, 1 happy cat, £646 saved, 1 family get together, 1 yummy meal, 2 beers, 2 G&T’s, 2 bottles wine, 5 head torches for 3, 1km, 9km, 1.8km, 1 Mrs Tilly stamp of approval.

Goodbye Old Father Thames. 11th August

Sandford Lock to College Cruisers, Oxford Canal

Only a few hours cruising left on the Thames and the last day of our licence, although I think we could have got an extra day because of the hold up at Boveney.

NB Snowy Owl

Today our trip would be a relaxed one unlike Mick’s two years ago. The river then was going up and down, not by much, but that much made a lot of difference to cruising. He first made his way up the pretty Iffley Lock stopping for a night or two near a rowing club.


He walked up to Osney Bridge where boats were starting to cling onto the moorings, then on to see what the turn into Sheepwash Channel was like. He did his homework and made his decision to go for it before the next band of rain had chance to rise the river any further. Thankfully it paid off and he made it to the safety of the Canal.

Iffley such a pretty lock

Today we pootled up the river with no fears of levels rising. The lavender at Iffley Lock looked wonderful as ever, a Lock Keeper arrived as we did and worked us up. A chalked sign announced that Osney Bridge would be closed between 10 and 12 today, but there was plenty of space on the East Street moorings where we could wait.


The rowing clubs looked all gleaming in the sunshine and the dreaming spires were all very well tucked up behind the leaves of the trees.

No spires in sight

We went round Folly Bridge to the right a trip boat preparing to show the sights to it’s passengers.

Folly Bridge

Osney Lock was on self service, our last on the Thames for this trip. The bow rope was all ready on the roof ready to be picked up with the boat hook. We’d just closed the gates behind us when a keeper arrived, he’d been to see how things were progressing at the bridge ahead. He reiterated that there was plenty of space on East Street for us to wait.

Where is everyone?

Space, blimey! Only three boats moored up along the whole stretch, we’ve never seen it look so empty. We pulled up almost to the far end to wait for the work boat to finish.

No space to get through

An EA work boat a while ago had collided with a water main that runs under the bridge. Today they were putting in a bypass pipe so that the original one could be mended without interruption to the supply. The work boat sat plum in the centre of the bridge, we had a cuppa and waited for midday.

House being clad in copper

Another two boats arrived behind us, the workmen would be another half hour, maybe an hour.

Waiting impatiently

Then a trip boat arrived, it hovered mid channel next to us waiting for the work boat to move, but move it did not, not until about 12:45. We were out, ropes untied and on our way.


I managed to get a photo of a hole in a pipe, but the proper hole was in a much bigger pipe a little further on, only a quick glance upwards and it looked like bits of wood had been strapped to the hole to stem it’s flow. I didn’t notice a bypass pipe, but then we were through the bridge very quickly.

Goodbye to the Thames

The right turn into Sheepwash was easy, not much flow to make it a worrying manoeuvre. We turned and waved goodbye to Old Father Thames and headed back towards C&RT waters.

All under wraps

Work is happening at the Swing Bridge to restore it, most of the structure encapsulated in white tarpaulin, so nothing to see.

A boat was pulled up on the pontoon below Isis Lock, waiting for the bridge to open. They kindly asked if we wanted the lock gate opening for us, but we actually wanted the pontoon so that we could fill with water from a handy tap alongside the permanent moorings on the canal. We swapped over and they headed out onto the river.

Just by Isis Lock

The water pressure was pretty good and by the time the next boat appeared our tank had just filled. They were wanting to do the same as us so were happy to wait for our hose to be stowed.

Back onto dinky waters

A narrow lock! And a pretty one. No heaving or having to bump the gates to get them moving, just a gentle little sigh to let you know it’s ready to move. I know that won’t be the case by the time we reach Somerton Deep Lock, but for now I’ll enjoy the ease of the locks.

We’ve heard the stories of so many boats on the Oxford Canal at the moment. Sadly the canal into Oxford seems to have a bit of a reputation, fortunately for us it meant we had the choice of moorings.

Final bit of model painted, a portrait

Having spent quite a bit of time here over two winters whilst I’ve been doing panto we know the advantages of where to moor. Nearer Isis Lock you are slightly sheltered from the noise of trains, but the outlook is of the hoardings for the development that may one day actually happen across the canal in Jericho. But this mooring now has a lot of over hanging branches, not so good for solar. Further along you get the view of College Cruisers and the house where the first murder in Inspector Morse happened. Here you get a lot of sunlight, but increased train noises. We chose sun and being nearer to the footbridge.

Tilly was quite happy to be back in this outside, she knows it very well, except someone’s changed it’s colour to green!

3 locks, 2 river, 1 narrow, 4.51 miles, 5o much space at East Street, 1 copper house, 1 hour wait, 1 right, 1 full water tank, 1 washing machine running again, 1 meeting confirmed, 1 get together postponed, 1 menu written, 1 shopping list, 1 Gothel portrait, 1 Dame painted, 1 model totally and utterly complete, 1 cat back in the Oxford outside.

Seven Meters. 10th August

Above Days Lock to above Sandford Lock

A lie in, waking to the sun streaming in through our bedroom porthole. Wonderful.


Sadly the clear blue sky didn’t last long, but at least today we wouldn’t get soaked.

We took our time in setting off, eating up some bacon was on the cards so this came accompanied by a few mushrooms and poached eggs, not a full breakfast so no photo today.

Good views from up there

The two miles to Clifton Lock has long back gardens coming down to the waters edge on one bank and meadow land on the other.

Along quite a stretch there were diggers with a constant procession of dumper trucks. There were too many for it to be a farmer improving drainage and every now and then we came across a culvert from the river. Is this land going to be built on? I’ve had a quick hunt around on line and it seems that there may be a development near to Little Wittenham, but without trawling through pages of stuff I’m unsure. I just hope the views from our mooring are not affected.

Clifton Hamden Bridge

Clifton Hamden Bridge is made of sturdy brick, when built it used to join Oxfordshire on the north bank to Berkshire on the southern, but in 1976 boundaries changed and Oxfordshire engulfed the south bank. The bridge replaced a ferry on the shallow reach of the river where it had been fordable to cattle and horses. But in 1826 on a ceremonial trip from Oxford to London, the Lord Mayor of London’s barge grounded in the shallows here. Weirs upstream had to be lifted to free the barge which was stuck for several hours. This led to the building of Clifton Lock in 1835 along with weirs which improved the depth, but this meant animals could no longer cross so the bridge was built in 1867 designed by Sir George Gilbert Scott.

Clifton Lock

The lock keeper saw us up Clifton Lock informing us about Whitchurch Lock and it’s broken collar, this was why there were so many Le Boats about, they’d all headed towards Oxford yesterday due to the closure. Looking at the lock gates you can see where recent flood levels have left their mark.

Now we were on the reach where Oleanna had engine troubles two years ago. The river was on yellow boards, stream decreasing. Oleanna was having to force her way upstream and her engine overheated, necessitating the need to lower the anchor shortly after the Appleford Railway Bridge. Link to the post. Today the flow is far less. Mick can now check the engine temperature without having to slide the rear hatch as he’s added a heat sensor to the engine. All seemed as it should be, I still opened the hatch to check the gauge, all good.

Pootling about

At Culham Lock we waited behind a hire boat to go up. The lock is 7′ 11” deep so takes a bit of filling, so we had a wait. Flapping of wings from across the canal from a pigeon who flapped it’s way not very well across the river dipping into the water and eventually landing on our gunnel. It wasn’t happy, maybe it’s wings had got a touch too wet. It made it’s way onto the lock landing and spent an age flapping it’s wings whilst crouching, maybe it was in pain. I considered trying to catch it but Oleanna wouldn’t be the best place for it under the beady eye of Tilly. It managed to fly back across the river into a tree. This is when we noticed what had caused the problem, a mink!

The pigeon managed to fly away, but it’s friend on another branch was very quickly grabbed by the mink, dragged down the trunk of the tree and taken out of sight, possibly into it’s burrow. It took no time at all. After about a minute or two the mink was back out looking for its next victim!

Up in the lock

The Lock Keeper squeezed us in behind the hire boat then brought in another narrowboat alongside. Ropes were adjusted on the hire boat in front, their ropes on the stern not really long enough for the job or depth of the lock. Extra turns round bollards and t-studs for the boat we were alongside, I think we had the best position for an easy ride up.

The queue above the lock was several deep, not enough lock layby for them all to tie to. Was this an early indicator of how busy Abingdon would be?

Once round the bend above the weir the other narrowboat overtook us, forging ahead to grab a space.

Picture postcard

Abingdon came into view, all picture postcard in the sunshine. We spotted only a couple of spaces we’d have tried to fit in, I suspect they wouldn’t be empty for long.

Abingdon Lock

We’d already been told at the previous lock that Richard the Abingdon Lock Keeper wouldn’t be there, he has been suffering from Long Covid for the last year. So I was all prepared to go and press buttons. However a voluntary volunteer (unofficial) was stood at the panel ready to help people through. He was very chatty and warned us of a sunken boat upstream and told tales of a widebeam taking 4 hours to fill their water tank from the tap above the lock.

Not far now

Down to a quarter of a tank we wanted a bit of water, a lady was just waiting for her tank to make the ‘boom I’m full’ noise so we waited, hose out claiming our position in the queue.

23ft long!

We were soon attached to the tap, not too much water going everywhere. Looking at the directions our hose would be too long (as would most hoses on narrowboats), but thankfully we still got water. The pressure here was similar to that at the bottom of Hillmorton. We decided we’d do half an hour and then let someone else have use of the tap, which meant we got to about half full.


A pause for lunch and then onwards to Sandford Lock. After a visit to Abingdon from RCR in 2019 Mick had realised that the overheating hadn’t been solved. He kept to the edges of the river where the flow was less, meaning he could keep Oleanna’s revs as low as possible. Today the bollards below the lock were in view, last time I’d been here they were just peeking above flood water. Today I had to use a ladder to assist getting off Oleanna. Up at the lock I’d been beaten to the buttons by a young chap who was only just tall enough to reach the buttons, his Mum and Dad were waiting for the lock below too.

All went well until he hadn’t seen that we’d been joined by another small cruiser, so he started to close the gates as it was coming through. Plenty of shouting meant he removed his finger from the button stopping the gate, phew!

A good spot for a bbq

An Oleanna sized hole was waiting for us above the lock, just where we wanted to be for the day. What NO trees! The friendly cover’s a bit sparse too. I remember last time when there were six cats who ganged up against me. I’ve been patient all day for you to finally tie up a good outside and this is what you catch! Can we go back to yesterdays outside? Pleeease!!

It’s pants here!

With the sun still being out and a grassy mooring we got the barbecue out. Tilly was allowed to stay out with us for a while even though it was after dingding. I’m sure she just stayed out because it’s normally against the rules, not because she wanted to as she didn’t venture far!

4 locks, 12.09 miles, 1 lie in, 2 poached eggs, 1 squeeze, 1 volunteer volunteer, 30 minutes of water, 18m not 7m, 1 sunken boat, 1 meeting arranged, 2 out of 5 options for another, 2ft 6” lower, 1 button presser, 1 unimpressed cat, 4 veg kebabs, 2 salmon steaks, 1 pleasant evening.

PS The Selby Swing Bridge from the basin onto the canal was lifted out yesterday. It is being sent away to be mended, due back in 12 weeks time. So no stopping to press buttons for a while. Not sure where the temporary footbridge is though. Link to photo

So Many Favourites. 9th August

Sonning Lock to above Days Lock

More rain, oh well back on with the waterproofs!

We pushed off at the new normal time of 8am, oh for a lie in! Coming in towards Reading there was a lady carrying a large bag, it looked like she was about to feed the swans, big bag of grain and most probably her Ikea blue bag was full of white sliced bread. But zooming in with the camera I could see her bag contained something else that was white, a swan. She undid velcro fastenings which held the swan safe and then set it free into the river. Then the bag of seed was scattered out for everyone to enjoy.

An interesting extension to an old barge

Near the junction with the K&A we passed the lovely 1905 Dutch barge. The lady on board had been wanting to head up the K&A, but is stuck for the time being. We waved across to her and her Dad, who’d come along to crew for her.

Good job we didn’t want to go shopping at Tescos this morning as all spaces were taken. Onwards through Caversham, the lock on self service. Below the lock the diesel price was 4p cheaper than above, we’ll be needing some before too long but not quite yet.

The house with the round tower balcony and galleon weather vain is one of our favourites along this stretch, it straddles a slot where you could moor a boat.

Approaching Mapledurham Lock

By the time we reached Mapledurham Lock the Keepers were on duty and the sun was out. The lady wished she’d brought suncream with her, I wished I hadn’t put my winter waterproofs on! A sign warned you to stay to the right at the next bridge, Whitchurch Bridge in Pangbourne, someone apparently has stolen the sign pointing towards the lock!

The leafy approach to Whitchurch Lock

There were plenty of spaces below along the bank should we have wanted to pull in, maybe ‘next time’. The Lock Keeper was busy chatting in his hut so a walk up and wave to him was needed, we passed through with another boat just before 11. Apparently an hour later the lock was closed. *Another broken collar, hope it doesn’t take as long to mend as at Boveney.

Mick decided it was time for elevenses, I postponed them until we’d passed the Seven Deadly Sins houses. Seven gothic mansions. Were they built by DH Evans to house his seven mistresses or to house seven lady friends of the Prince of Wales (King Edward VII)? No matter who they were built for they are lovely. One has just sold, well half of one, and another is having some TLC, the last one in the line is now more visible than I remembered.

Two years ago you could moor along Beale Park for 48hrs, a short while later sign posts were put up saying ‘No Mooring’, nothing to do with us, we hope! Cruising alongside the park at first we noticed the posts where the old signs had been. Then a blue banner near the island. From her on there are twelve marked 48 hr moorings, payable at £10 a night, refundable if you pay to go in the park. There were a few boats on them, but it was far too early in the day for us, we needed to cover more miles.

Wild swimmers were heading upstream, another downstream, this one wisely wearing an orange cap and dragging a very obvious float behind.

The moorings at Goring

During the day my meeting in Chipping Norton was cancelled, well it had only been a maybe. So we were in flux as to how far to get today as we didn’t need to be in Oxford quite so soon. Then another email came in asking if I would still be going to measure things, this would be useful, but I’d be on my own and with no technicians about! In the end I decided to defer my visit to next week, we could slow down a touch, maybe.

Goring Lock and weir

Goring Lock is where Mick and Paul got to on their first day of moving Oleanna from the Kennet and Avon two years ago. The Thames had been in flood and I’d had to abandon ship to go off to work on panto. Mick joined Carol and George for a couple of days whilst waiting for the river to settle down a touch before he and Paul continued on upstream. Today things were far far calmer. The boat we’d shared Whitchurch with joined us and tried for a second time to buy a licence, they also failed for a second time.

Half a mile on is Cleeve Lock, here the lock was on self service so I went up to do the honours, boat hook in hand to pick up our bow rope. The boat we were shared with tried for a third time to buy a licence, maybe I should have said I only accepted cash!

Singing in the rain

Above the lock is a water point. Here the water sprayed everywhere, possibly a third of what came through the tap actually making it’s way through to the hosepipe. A couple were trying to do something at the water point, huddled under a small umbrella so as not to get soaked!

A handy spot for a spot of lunch

We pulled in at an available spot for lunch, risking that the weather would change as we ate, this of course is exactly what happened as the heavens opened just as we wanted to move off, this was then the theme for the remainder of the day. Bright sunshine followed by torrential downpours.

This was only a hundredth of the geese

Moulsford Prep School is obviously very very popular with the geese of the area. The grassy bank to the river was covered in geese, this was not a gaggle but a gargantugaggle of geese. Just imagine how much goose pooh there must be there!

Onwards to Wallingford. The pretty church spire peeking out from behind the trees. There were a couple of spaces here, but we left them for others. NB Legend ended up mooring here the same year Mick and Paul were fighting their way up the Thames, they were just a few days behind us and ended up having a much longer stay in Wallingford than planned as the river boke it’s banks five times during the winter, followed by the pandemic and the first lockdown.

Above Benson Lock the next batch of Le Boat hire boats were making ready to set off, I think we counted five with crews unpacking. By the time we reached Days Lock we’d caught up with one of them, the Lock Keeper told us to hold our breath as he squeezed us in alongside them, only a couple of inches to spare.

Breath in!

As we left we asked the Keeper if it was still possible to moor on the fields above the lock, we’d heard that a new land owner had put No Mooring signs up. The Lockie said that he thought we might have to pay, maybe on line, but people certainly moored there. This was welcome news, but would our favourite mooring be free?

The first space had new fencing nearby. A stake looked like it had once had a sign on it, the sign possibly now on the ground. We knew we were too deep to pull in there so carried on a short distance. There were no signs along this stretch two years ago and today there were no signs again. The gap was empty and the wind assisted us tucking us into the bank between the two sets of trees, our mooring.

Tilly land

Tilly was straight out, claiming trees and broken branches. Across the field came a buggy, was this the landowner coming for their money? No they went diagonally across the field and out of view, never to return. Obviously our presence wasn’t a problem, we think they were tending their sheep. Tilly stayed out being very busy until I had to call her in at 7, past cat curfew!

Sadly it was a touch too windy and occasionally wet to have a barbeque. Once all the hire boats had gone past the world was calm. The amount of sky though more than made up for it. We’ve spent so much time in London, or in amongst trees, this evening we had a view back. The sunset did not disappoint.

Day’s Lock view

7 locks, 24.36 miles, 4 soakings, 2 very hot boaters, 9 favourite houses, 1 favourite boathouse, 12 moorings back, 6 swimmers, 1 tight squeeze, 11ses, 2nd broken collar, 1 river behaving this time, 3 kingfishers, 1 favourite mooring, 1 stunning sunset, 2 week gap found, 1 happy cat, 3rd day in a row Mrs Tilly stamp of approval.