Back Where We Started. 1st April

Thorne Services to the big bend between Moores and Maud’s Bridges

Before breakfast we pushed back off the service pontoon to free up space should anyone be passing and want to fill with water. This took quite a bit of doing to keep facing eastwards as there wasn’t much room to manoeuvre the bow round as the wind was doing it’s best to blow the stern that way. But nudging back and forth Mick got Oleanna turned. We then headed backwards to moor up behind a line of wide beams and Dutch barges, tied to railings, not the best place but at least we’d freed up the water point.

First new green Biffa Recycling bin spotted!

Just as we’d finished the boat that had been moored next to us pulled out and headed towards the lock. Oh well we’d stay put.

Breakfast then a trip into town to post the socks and then stock up on supplies for the next week. Everything was stowed away and we were about to untangle our ropes from the undergrowth when the heavens opened again with wintery showers. An early lunch was called for.


Princess Royal Swing Bridge lived up to its reputation today! I turned the key, opened the panel, no click from the barriers. I walked over to the other side the annoying barrier closed but not the other one, it was locked in place. Keys out try again. Nothing.

Mick tied Oleanna up and came to have a go too. Still nothing, that click on turning the key just was not happening. We tried wiggling the gates, turning the key, pressing buttons that are just lights, anything and everything. Then in unison Mick pushed the troublesome gate back as I turned the key as far as it would go, Bingo! The click! The gates hadn’t registered as being closed by the looks of it, so therefore you couldn’t open them!

Job done and we were on our way again passing the four abreast boats on the other side of the road bridge.

Back where we started Blue Water Marina

We pulled in at Blue Water Marina for a top up of diesel. At the moment they don’t sell to passing boaters, but as we’d moored there over winter Sarah was happy to give us a top up of 37 litres, we wanted a full tank before heading out onto the tidal Trent, however we didn’t really want to spend the £1.50 a litre, but needs must.

Five weeks ago we’d pulled out from Blue Water to move Oleanna to the other side of Thorne Lock before the stoppage started, today we were back where we’d started having just come through the lock yesterday which will at last close on Monday. Today we wanted to get a bit further east towards Keadby.

The bridges between Thorne and Keadby are all that little bit different from each other. Today we passed under Wykewell Lift Bridge (fully automated with the key of power and button pressing) then Moores Swing Bridge (key of power, button pressing, flashing lights, manual barriers). I managed to hold up 8 cars in all.

The railway hugs the canal for much of the 10 miles to Keadby, not a busy line, but quite a lot of freight heading to and from Drax Power Station. We’d identified a couple of bends in the canal that head away from the line so we planned to stop on one of them.

The land around here is so flat which increases the amount of sky. Ahead of us white clouds and blue sky. Behind heavy dark almost black clouds, winter precipitation hanging waiting to fall.

We just got moored up before the next wave of winter weather crossed overhead. The fire was stoked up, Tilly allowed out and a chicken tray bake popped in the oven.

Two skies in one

No knitting this evening, just a request from my cousin for my sock pattern. This is more of an equation than a pattern so I’m not sure she’ll understand it, but I tried my best. Then sewing up a hole in the pocket of Mick’s waterproof padded trousers. We’ll be needing layers when we go out onto the Trent, I may even dig out the balaclavas I made three years ago for a trip in the opposite direction.

This evenings view

0 locks, 1.97 miles, 1 lift bridge, 2 swing bridges, 8 held up, 1 obstinate bridge, 37 litres, 0 boxes of wine, 2 sky day, 1 lovely bend.

One thought on “Back Where We Started. 1st April

  1. Anonymous

    That bridge is a real bu99er!
    And when you phone CaRT about it not working they know nothing about it as its not on their database. So you phone the owners, Thorne Town Council, who don’t answer the phone.
    You may wonder how we know this.

    (And it looks like someone on CWDF doesn’t like cats)

    NB ‘Red Wharf’

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