Boat House Marina, Goole to opposite Goole Waterways Museum (now Spicers Auctioneers and Valuers)
Blimey, so much for a relaxed lifestyle on a narrowboat! The alarm went off at stupid o’clock for Mick to drive back to Scarborough, drop stuff off at the house and get the hire car back to base at 8:30am. Tilly and I waved him goodbye and then had a leisurely cuppa in bed.

Still plenty to stow away and I gradually worked my way through most things before dropping in on the Saturday morning Geraghty zoom, Mick was far too busy finishing things up at the house to join in this morning.
Saturday newspapers have been a bit of a rarity recently, so a walk to the Co-op was on the cards for me. They had our paper but none of the inserts which to be honest are the only bits I tend to read for the recipes, reviews and puzzles. This meant I had a lot further to walk, but did mean a visit to Boyes for a new wool needle to sew ends into my socks.

Once Tesco was visited I returned to Oleanna and was just tucking into lunch when Mick returned. A final load of washing and the dishwasher were set in motion, the water tank refilled, our mooring paid for and we could be on our way.
But the wind had got going again! Gusty wind in a marina isn’t so good for manoeuvring 58ft 6 inches of narrowboat. We’d arrived in some wind so had brought Oleanna in bow first to avoid meeting any new neighbours broadside on, so now we’d have to reverse out and turn the bow into the prevailing wind to get out.

Our mission was aborted several times. then we rolled and dropped the covers ready to push off, but no, too windy. Abort abort abort!
After getting on for an hour of waiting for a lull, we stood back outside. Tilly sat in the window all expectant for us to move the outside again. Eventually the wind dropped, I quickly untied the stern rope, flung it towards Mick. Then untied the bow, thumbs up to the helm and Mick reversed us out from the pontoon. Use of the girlie button was needed so that we didn’t end up drifting sideways. There were several shadows of people inside boats watching waiting for it all to go wrong, but thankfully it didn’t. We were pointing the right direction and heading for the exit.
As we turned left from the marina we both waved at The Floss a barge on the moorings alongside Viking Marina. Joan looked busy inside, far too busy to stop her cooking and wave back.

We headed westwards. The visitor moorings still full. The stretch outside what used to be the Waterways Museum also pretty full. Last year there had been big signs along this stretch saying no mooring, but now the new owners are allowing boats again. According to Martin from WB Lullabelle you can moor there for £10 a night including electric, so handy if you have a washing machine on board.

However we were hoping of a space opposite. The moorings here were much busier than we’ve seen them before, but there was plenty of space for us. We winded and pulled in at the front, close up to the fencing around the big barges. This would do us for the night.

The Cat Health and Safety committee conferred the close proximity to a couple of dogs and some new green mesh fencing along with it being 5pm meant there would be no shore leave for Tilly today. She only slightly complained, the promise of us moving the outside tomorrow placating her.

The count down to 7pm started. Plates were set to warm on the stove, the top oven warmed up a touch. At 6:50 Mick headed off to collect our takeaway from the gates of Viking Marina. Last week when we knew where we’d be tonight I placed an order with Joan’s Home Kitchen for a gluten free Chinese feast. Her husband stood at the gates of the marina with an insulated box waiting for us to collect.

Sweet and sour pork meatballs, Chicken with pickled vegetables, roast duck, some fried rice and stir fried vegetables. Last Sunday when placing my order I’d checked what Joan could make gluten free and I think I chose well. It was all very very tasty and we have enough left over to have in a couple of days with a touch more veg added.
At the end of last year Joan had featured on Rate My Takeaway, a YouTube reviewer who was astounded that he was getting a Chinese takeaway from a kitchen on a boat. His review was rightly very good, but it does mean that if you want to guarantee a meal cooked by Joan you need to order well in advance. She is a one woman band and her food is all homemade and cooked to order, so no tipping up hoping for a meal in fifteen minutes.
After our celebratory back afloat meal I got my knitting needles out again, time to start on the second pair of socks. First pair added to the Redlockmakes page.

0 locks, 0.4 miles, 1 reverse, 2 winds, 2 lefts, 1 hire car returned, 1 house ready for lodgers, 1 nearly unpacked boat, 1 Saturday newspaper, 1 slightly disappointed cat, 1 starter, 2 main courses, 2 replete boaters.

Welcome back to the water, I’m looking forward to your travels. Take care Barbara x