Viking Marina to Scarboreugh!

Sorry if you are having your morning Ding Ding, but I am a boat cat and I’m allowed to talk poo boxes.
Now, I far prefer to use shore based facilities than my poo box, but this can take some time as apparently I get a touch distracted. In fact I don’t get distracted I just need to work myself up to it. This morning She refused to let me out, She has done this quite a lot recently and it just isn’t on! She said I wouldn’t like it outside as it was all murky and damp plus there were lots of cars and fences. I however have sat in the window and studied the branches on the trees out there and know I could climb over the fence.

She and Tom kept putting things in bags and boxes and handing them out through the side. One thing had to come back as it had bags in it that She wanted. They really were taking their time with everything and an hour of shore leave wouldn’t have done any harm at all! But, Sorry Tilly!
There were corners of the boat that I haven’t seen for ages. They needed sitting in and claiming, no-one else was going to have them. Then I got pushed into the bedroom. Oh well, time for a nice comfy cat nap. But hang on they were Tomhandling the mattress through the bathroom door, first the flippy bit followed by the big bit. What was I meant to do in there with nothing to sleep on? You can stick your head down the holes Tilly. That was a good idea. I can squeeze down the holes and then come back up through another one.

But She soon came back and had decided that I might end up going down a hole and not come back up again and that wouldn’t be such a good idea in some of the holes as She wouldn’t be able to get me back out again. So instead she put a bucket on top of some of the holes and pushed me out through the door, She’s so indecisive!
Right Tilly, why don’t us girls go to the loo now? No thanks, I’d rather go outside, thanks! Well she went, but I didn’t.

She opened up my toy box, ohh the sweet aroma! Which would you like to take to the house Tilly? You can choose as many as you like so long as they fit in your escape pod. I’d only just got started, selecting the best mice and balls for the job, I find you need more balls in a house than on a boat as they don’t roll around by themselves as much. She then cheated, by making the escape pod much much smaller! I could have fitted all my toys in it before!

How’s about going to the loo? It would be really good if you went to the loo now Tilly. I know you want to go, you’ve glanced at your poo box a few times now! Well I didn’t want to go, not now anyway. Okay then I’ll clean it out. Blimey that’s twice in three days, was She feeling okay?

It was all very nice of her, putting lovely fresh litter in there, but really it was a waste of time. Tom looked at She, She looked at Tom, they both looked at me. My poo box was loaded with my biscuit barrel and ding ding bell and handed out of the side. Then Tom came in with the caravan!!! Within a minute I was bundled into the caravan and the door closed. That was not in my plan of anything!

Excuse me! I’d quite like to use my poo box now. I had to say it a bit louder, She still took no notice of me.
Now Tom really shouldn’t be allowed at the helm of vans, he moves the outside far far too fast. But maybe he was aware that I now needed the loo so was going fast on purpose. With the caravan sat on her knee, I could look out of the window, except it was all a bit too fast and blurry. I tried time and time again to tell her I needed my poo box, but would She listen, She would not! Instead She kept saying In for a count of three, out for a count of three, She thought it would calm me down, but I was just silent because the whole situation was just barmy!

I remembered the last trip in the caravan, She’d suggested I sat down, then She suggested I lay down. This did make it a lot better, but today I really, no REALLY needed to use my POO BOX! Shouting in her face didn’t even work!
Oh Sledmere is going to be all wonderful and golden. Well I made sure they didn’t get chance to admire it. One last warning! This is going to smell!!
Told you so!!!
I was congratulated for my timing, Tom stopped the outside from whizzing past finding a bin at the same time so no-one had to cope with the smell for long.
Nearly there Tilly. I tried to go to sleep, but my meows kept me awake. Then Tom span the outside round to the outside that never changes. I was first into the house followed by my poo box. I didn’t need that now did I!! Yes I know it’ll be going in the Wardle thank you!

Whilst She and Tom emptied all the boat into the house I did a detailed shout check of the house. Most things just where I’d left them, except for the linen basket in our bedroom, no-one knows where that’s gone.

An inventory photo was taken of my toys and my escape pod was put back together. I then found the ball I’ve been looking for for ages under the sofa. Obviously last years inventory wasn’t checked!

I checked out the front window. Yes the boys are still next door, can’t wait to strut my stuff in the front garden, they aren’t allowed out! She said before I did that I needed my cat tags changing, so now I’m a house cat again, a very static house.

Fish for ding ding all round this evening ( I had cod, they had haddock) and a glass or two of wine for these two. Think they’d already had some before this photo was taken.

She says that it’s Toodle Pip from the Oleanna crew for now and thank you for following our travels this year. She’ll pop back when ever there is something boaty happening though, so you’ll hear from her soon.

I just hope Scarboreugh isn’t as boring as it was last time!!
0 locks, 0 miles, 1 full van, 1 mattress for the tip, 1 shouting Tilly, 1 clean pooh box, 2 cat tags swapped, 4 hats, 3 fish, 1 feathery thing, 1 snowman, 5 balls, 1 wobbly wobbly, 7 mice, 1 cat caravan, 1 pooh stop, 2 of each, 2 boaters and 1 cat back in the house.