Category Archives: Oxford Canal

Working Out The Rain. 22nd 23rd July

College Cruisers, Oxford to Aristotle Bridge

The paperboy decided to have breakfast before going to pick up a Saturday paper, the weather app he’d looked at suggested the forecast rain would start around 11am. Well it was wrong, it started around 9am and continued with only a couple of short lulls well into the evening. Mick put on his waterproof coat and went shopping with a brolly in hand.


The drawing board came back out and on Saturday I spent all day updating working drawings so that the set for panto could be built from them. I added in a few suggestions from one of the builders, with the hope that they would assist in reducing the cost of the build. My original sketch drawings are done with two things in mind. One to assist in making the model and to get pricings done. They tend to have a bit too much information on them, so simplifying them for building was needed.


Mick listened to what cricket commentary there was from Manchester, most of the recorded interviews he’s heard before and remembered. Tilly spent much of the day asleep, occasionally sticking her head out the back just incase the weather had improved, it hadn’t!


Boats came past, one with many a sticker in it’s windows. This was NB Scholar Gypsy, the crew however not known to us, we waved from inside anyway, but I suspect we weren’t seen as the person on the helm was forging on in the rain.

Gingery Salmon with lots of green

The staff at the hire base worked away through the rain. Boats were washed whilst having a second rinse by the rain. Then the numerous hire crew arrived early afternoon, they were chatted through the boat, then each one in turn headed off down the canal, most to Isis Lock to wind below and return. They then moved their belongings on board for their time away, slightly soggy at the edges.

Sunday. The Geraghty zoom included Jeremy Paxman, cherries, cricket (of course), season tickets for QPR and Scottish blueberries.

Our 48 hours was now up, but still being in Oxford was needed for Monday morning to access a bus out to Chippy. Thankfully the S3Gold service follows the canal for a distance northwards of Jericho, so we set our eyes on the quiet mooring by Aristotle Bridge.

First things first was to dispose of some rubbish. The bins at College Cruisers are C&RT bins, but are often not accessible due to the hire fleet being in. This morning however all but one boat were out, so we pushed Oleanna across the cut and got rid of the fishy packaging from our salmon last night.

as it says

We were now opposite NB Huffler. Margaret could been seen through the window and Tony stuck his head out of the hatch. Margaret hasn’t been very well recently, requiring visits to A&E to help monitor her heart rate. Things were improving, but another visit to the hospital was on the cards. We wished them well and hopefully they’ll be back on the move soon.

Pipe smoker

We now pootled on up the cut, only 0.6 of a mile, but just far enough. The back gardens along this stretch are worth a nosy at along with the backs of the houses. However at this time of year the amount of leaves obscures the views too quickly for photos. We pulled in towards the end of the quiet mooring, surprised at how many boats were moored there.

Tilly headed off into the ditch between the canal and playingfield. Across the way a couple were trying to trim a Spaniels fur, it really wasn’t enjoying the experience and kept shouting about it.

I got on with more drawings, once they were complete I then set to taking photos of the model. A new coloured storyboard will be put together in the coming days for reference.

The Town Square

With the model packed up and ready to go we sat down and enjoyed a roast chicken. Very nice, it’s been a while. I just need to now factor into our menu a lot of beetroot as Mick wasn’t aware I’d bought a bunch. It might be beetroot and chicken salad for us this week.

0 locks, 0.6 miles, 1 very wet day, 1 drier day, 1 disappointing outside, 1 model finished, 14 sheets of drawings finished, 130 photos, 1 Sunday roast.

Last Of The Matchsticks. 21st July

Kings Lock, River Thames to College Cruisers, Oxford Canal

It was busy this morning. A Sea Otter that had pulled in infront of us last night pulled out and winded. It seemed like they’d done this in front of a blue boat that had just come up the lock. A second glance at the blue boat, hang on that’s Graeme on NB Misty Blue! We stuck our heads out of the kitchen window and shouted across. Graeme was last seen on the Great Ouse last summer, we’d both escaped Goole after the breach in 2021 and the same year both boats had taken part in the first Tideway cruise under Hammersmith Bridge. Today there was only chance for a quick exchange of words, Graeme has never cruised the Upper Thames, he looked excited to be on new waters.

There be dragons

A few more boats came and went before we were ready to push off, we let a small cruiser go ahead, not knowing if we’d have been able to fit alongside them. I walked down to help with the bottom gates and the skipper said they would wait at the next lock for us.

Last matchstick lock

Our last matchstick lock on the Upper Thames. I like these with their matchstick markers on the paddles, even using the long pole to open and close the bottom gates. I’ve been wondering if the gates on the Thames last longer than those on broad locks on the canals. On the Thames they like you to open both gates, the long pole saves you from having to walk all the way round. Having both gates open avoids the edges getting worn from boats only using the one. Yes many boaters manage to avoid grating their way into a lock, but many don’t. We all see how much water gets lost through gates where a groove has been worn and then C&RT have another running repair to do.

We don’t!

Maybe we all should adopt opening both gates at broad locks. I know we have tended not to, but maybe we should start. Yes it will take longer to go through locks, Mick usually has a boat hook with him as he enters or leaves a lock so that he can catch a gate that opens itself. Every little thing may help reduce the maintenance costs.

We pootled along, passing other moorings we’d considered stopping at yesterday, we’d chosen well being away from busy roads.

Thank you for waiting

Sure enough at Godstow Lock the little cruiser was waiting for us, gates open and more than enough room for us to go along side. I made sure I kept hold of the bow rope, keeping Oleanna well away from the cruisers hull. A boat was heading towards the lock, this made our leaving a lot easier, meaning we could all get back on our boats and leave the gates for someone else to sort.


Port Meadow stretched out in front of us, the cattle wetting their feet at the waters edge. Cranes on the horizon and the tower of St Barnabas Church in Jericho, our chosen destination for today.

Looking across to Jericho

A boat came towards us, that would make a good picture I thought so got my camera out. The chap at the helm did the same in return. A big wave and smile followed, it was Paul the Narrowboat Mover on his latest job.

Hello Paul

Good to see him again. Only one more boat to tick off our summer list this year and that’s the blue boat normally found further north, NB Jubilee Bridge.

Well our time was up on the river. We could have stayed until midnight, but we chose not to. A left onto Sheepwash Channel, ducking under the railway lines and squeezing past the old swing bridge. Our next job to fill with water below Isis Lock.

A small cruiser was tied to the end of the pontoon, we managed to pull in in front of him, Oleanna’s bow overhanging by quite a way. Mick took the hose just as a chap stepped off the cruiser behind. Maybe he’d only just pulled in and was wanting water too, maybe he’d been there a while. Soon he was filling umpteen plastic bottles from the tap. Mick found another one closer to the lock, we draped our hose across and started to fill our tank.

Facing the canal

A boat reversed towards Isis Lock, we were nearly full. Our hose was sorted and the reversing boaters intention confirmed, he was heading for the river. I helped with the lock, then the boats swapped places, Oleanna heading into her first narrow lock for two weeks. A few turns of the windlass and we were back up on the Oxford Canal.

A space was found opposite College Cruisers, boats being made ready for this weekends hirers. An early lunch for us whilst Tilly reacquainted herself with the isthmus between canal and Castle Mill Stream.

Emails for panto required attention. With my final model meeting next week today would be filled with budget questions. Set build quotes were in, they ranged from £40,000 to £16,000. The highest from a company who obviously didn’t want the job. I so wonder how much my friend Graham in Leeds would have quoted. Not sure if he was approached or not this year, I know it wouldn’t have been £40,000 for sure!

The remainder of the day was spent finishing off painting notes on the model. Hooray! Finished!! Then time was taken doing a paint call, this means when I’m in Chippy I can check to see what colours they already have and what to order.

Our time on the Thames is over, we’ve enjoyed the upper reaches, a touch of a shame that I’ve had to work most of the time. But at least I’ve been able to enjoy the cruise there and back. We’ve a couple of places we need to be in the next couple of weeks, after which we have to decide where to go and by which route?

3 locks, 2 navigations, 3.5 miles, 2 lefts, 2 friends spotted, 1 full water tank, 39 x 2 litre bottles, £2,000 to shave off, 1 long list of paints, 48BG 54/244 base, 2nd night of spag bol, 1 development still not started!

You Have Reached Your Destination.


Nine weeks ago on the 9th May we moved back onboard Oleanna, leaving Goole on the 10th. Today we’d reached our planned destination, Lechlade.

The above map taken from data provided by our Victron Inverter

Our vital statistics for our trip down are as follows

Nebo 366.54 miles 270 locks

Canalplan 364 miles 1.25 furlongs 270 locks

Our Victron Inverter 403.5 miles (?)

Nebo’s map of our journey

Interesting how both maps have gaps in them, both in different places.

So,now where?

We need to make our way back northwards, currently there is only one route open to us, the River Trent.

Apologies to those who get their updates by email. You won’t be able to see the map from victron as it was embedded in the post. The IT department may see if he can replace this today, but you have already received the post, so you won’t be reading this bit anyway!

How Very Thames. 7th July

Kidlington Green Lock to Eynsham Lock, River Thames

Mick pointed me to additional adjustments on the laptop this morning. Could I balance the contrast, brightness and colours to make the screen more comfortable? I tweaked a few things then started to type.

Whenever there is new tech on the boat and I am the new user, Mick can be seen wincing over several days until I’ve found all the things that have changed. The program I use to watermark the photos for the blog wasn’t there this morning, an easy thing to solve once you remember if you’d paid to have a better version or not. The next thing, which English? I can only put up with colour being underlined in red for so long. This is an easy fix and one I can do myself, it’s just annoying as I know my spelling is correct, in English English!

Drinkwater’s Lift Bridge

We pootled down the canal. Drinkwater Lift Bridge was wound up, no vehicles or walkers to stop. Then we slotted in at the waterpoint and topped up the tank very slowly, even slower as the washing machine was working hard.

As Oleanna dropped down Dukes Lock a small, varnished to within an inch of its life, rowing boat shot round the corner in front of us heading to Dukes Cut Lock, it did have an outboard motor. I walked round and at first couldn’t see the boat, blimey it must have shot through the lock too! No it was so small it was hiding waiting for the lock to empty, the owner clinging onto it’s red rope.

Does this paddle actually do anything?

It took forever to empty and it took two of us to push open the bottom gate. We may have just fitted in the lock along with him, but neither Mick or I wanted to try. I paced it out, borderline. Best not to share. The paddle was lifted, not even two turns possible. Was this actually doing anything or was the lock just filling by itself around the top gate. An extra push on the beam had the water leveling out quicker, the chap heading off into the distance upstream. Time to do it all again for Oleanna.

Pootleing away

Eventually we were up and level with the River Thames. Slowly past all the boats that live in no man’s land in Dukes Cut. Some are interesting, one very much afloat yet on such an angle! A couple sat in a clearing with a big big speaker blasting out what at first sounded like ‘Let’s get ready to rumble’, but it wasn’t Ant and Dec, something more modern.

Floating but on quite a list

The floating pontoon just before the junction was empty, we pulled over tying Oleanna up around the willow branches. Yellow water tank required emptying then we had lunch. Time to get Oleanna river ready, well yesterday would have been better, but it didn’t happen. The anchor chain and rope bucket were brought out from a locker, one end attached to the bow T stud the other to the anchor. Life jackets found in the shed.

Back on a river, deep and wide

Now, should we stay put in the shade? Or should we carry on? The hours on our schedule have decreased a touch, but being close to a road today would be handy. We carried on towards Eynsham Lock, the sun shining down on us as Mick checked our quarter wave.

Boats were nestled into the banks here and there, the further we got away from Oxford the fewer they got. The chap in his pretty rowing boat had pulled onto the bank a short distance on, enjoying the days sunshine to read his book.

The 24 hour moorings below Eynsham Lock were empty, we pulled in. On a bend in the bank, we started to pull along to get a straight edge to the high bank. The Lock Keeper came down to check we were alright and requested we pull right up to the other end of the moorings.

I said we’d need to see him for a license, he asked what our plans were and he suggested seeing the Lock Keeper in the morning, he’d not seen us today and the mooring for the night would be free, bonus! That makes our return journey and timings slightly easier.

In painting mode

A quick check around the area, then Tilly was given three hours to explore the nettles. I sent a message detailing our location to John at Chippy Theatre as some samples had arrived for me and he’d offered to drop them off on his way home tonight.

The afternoon was spent going through a costing list for panto that was about to be sent out to builders, painting in breadfruit leaves and round palms whilst Mick listened to the cricket. At 6:30 I got a phone call from John he was about five minutes away. It was a very quick five minutes as he was already at the locked gate envelope in hand. Hooray my samples, but not as exciting as I’d hoped, lots of dull green fabrics but some Chinchilla Habotai Silk that looks like a possible.

In for a dip

During the afternoon a group of teenagers had gathered on the opposite bank, many of them enjoying the river waters for a swim. That side is quite shallow so many of them could stand, what a lot of noise! At least they were having a good time. They were replaced with couples having a swim, a tent was set up was there fishing going on?We’re certainly back on a river.

Ideal location for our first night on the Thames

The chairs came out and two of the salmon fillets had a sprinkling of some Thai spices, some veg kebabs and potatoes were prepared, Mick lit the barbeque as three men rowed past heading for the lock. A short while later a couple came past standing up, rowing Venetian style. How very Thames!

But where is Montmorency?

2 locks, 4.8 miles, 1 empty yellow tank, 1 full water tank, 2 rights, 1 little boat, 1 slow lock, 1 anchor, 1 free day, 1 free mooring, 1 envelope, 6 shades of green, 61 leaves painted, 2 kebabs, 2 salmon fillets, 2 pimms, 1 big fat plane, 2 boaters and 1 cat back on the river.

The Lesser Spotted Mower. 6th July

Thrupp visitor mooring to below Kidlington Green Lock

Mick had to convince the Sainsburys driver that they were delivering to us on a boat rather than to one of the cottages we were moored in front of. The driver hadn’t read the instructions, but promised that he would do in future. I wonder what the people at 3 Canal Road would have made of receiving two bags of cat litter, Tilly was relieved. She also popped her nose into each bag to make sure her telepathy had worked, it had and we’d got more expensive salmon than had originally been ordered!

As soon as everything was stowed it was time to roll up the covers and get moving, not far today to keep to our schedule. The two hire boats ahead of us had already moved off so when we pulled out there was only one boat left on the 2 day moorings, I suspect they would fill back up by lunchtime.

Goodbye Thrupp see you in a few weeks

We gradually made our way south past all the cruising club boats and soon came across the boat we’d been following yesterday, they’d been towards Oxford to wind and were now heading back to base, only one day left of their holiday.

Warning of cats on the towpath

We passed the smart new (to her) boat of Franky’s, very different to her previous boat NB White Swan, the give away were the skulls on the hatch and her sign on the towpath warning of her two cats Shadow and Ghost. We’ve considered something similar, but never got round to it.

For the last mile or so there had been obvious signs of a rarely seen creature on the towpaths this year. We’d last seen some at Barrowford Locks on the Leeds Liverpool Canal.

A Lesser Spotted Mower

Along he came, sat low on his mower, bumping along the towpath. He slowed as we passed and he gave us a thumbs up. It looked like he was giving the towpath a full width cut which apparently this year is only happening once, lock landings and official moorings three times.

Gradually making his way north for summer

At Kidlington Green Lock I helped a lady with the bottom gate, their last day on a College Cruiser hire boat. These seem to have been more popular than the other hire companies, maybe their prices are that bit cheaper. Below the lock there was plenty of space for us to pull in. As soon as the ropes were tied back to Oleanna the rules were recited and the doors opened up for Tilly, six hours!

Time to try out a new laptop Mick has bought me. It’s taken him the last week to get it set up, knowing that he has a hard customer to please, me. Smaller than the laptop we bought during lockdown, it was on a special offer at John Lewis. First impressions were not about how it was set up which was a surprise to both of us.

An ‘F’, it has an ‘F’!

Where I tend to rest my wrists when typing the rounded corners have a sharp edge to them. I suspect I’ll adapt to these.

The other thing was that the monitor seemed to be a touch faint. I persevered for a while but the faintness of the text was gradually giving me a headache. Everything was very blue. A while ago I had requests on the blog to change the colour of the text to make it easier to read, I today was having the same problem. The laptop was passed back to IT support to see if there were settings he could alter.

During the afternoon Mick replaced the nut and bolt connecting our two good batteries with a better nut and bolt. This is still a temporary thing until we get the batteries fully sorted which won’t be until later in the year as it will involve some upheaval of things. But it is far better than the cobbled together solution we’ve been working with for the last week or so.

Most of the afternoon I got on with work. Every leaf for my portals, front cloth, backdrop, floor and steps were drawn out on sheets of watercolour paper, traced from the model. They then had a base coat of paint. My aim is to paint the leaves then cut them out and use them to layer up on top of the background. Hopefully this will give a more 3D effect without actually being 3D and it will be easier to paint the bits seen between each layer, but it is going to take sometime.

Haloumi Beetroot and Quinoa salad

2 locks, 2.3 miles, 1 delivery not to no 3, 2 boxes wine, 4 portions of salmon, 2 varieties of litter, 2 skulls, 1 favourite mooring, 1 happy occupied cat, 1 laptop returned to IT, 3 settings changed, 2 bright now! 3 sheets of leaves, 1st colour, 1 new salad recipe tried, tasty.

Overtaking Just In Time. 5th July

Dashwood Lock to Thrupp Visitor Moorings

Still chilly, but not wet this morning. We needed to be moored up with good internet signal before 2pm today. As we descended Dashwood Lock I could see a Black Prince boat just setting off from below the lock. We caught them up at Northbrook Lock, it was obvious that they were very new to boating. The lady followed the chap around and she preferred to step into the welldeck and out again than cross the bottom gates. I helped (after asking!) and chatted to the lady. A boat approached from below so the gates could be left open, which was a touch confusing for the novice crew.

Just love their red moggy

Jane’s Enchanted Garden looks to have had a bit of a spruce up, the tea rooms now run by someone else elsewhere. By Pigeons Lock the sun was out, the world starting to warm up, we dropped down and swapped with an uphill boat.

Brickwork always makes for a good photo

By the time we were nearing Enslow the sky had split itself, one side blue the other very very dark. Coats and waterproof trousers were needed again, but thankfully not for long.

Bakers Lock had a downhill boat in it, but not the Black Prince boat. A single hander who offered to come back once she’d pulled in below to help with the lock. We were fine, she could enjoy a cuppa instead.

The flow on the river section wasn’t really noticeable today, the bends still required some navigating though. We pulled at Shepton Weir Lock in just as the hire boat was about to leave the lock. The lady had been asking how far to the pubs earlier. I’d told her about the choice in Thrupp, but I wasn’t too sure about winding holes. I’d consulted my map by now. They could turn just before the lift bridge in Thrupp, after that it would be another two hours cruise to Dukes Cut for safe winding. Armed with the information they headed on their way. Would they carry on, maybe grabbing the last mooring in Thrupp or wind and moor a little out of the village?

Scooby Doo!

We followed them in, trying to work out which space we’d had on the Cruising Club moorings a couple of years ago. Was our luck in, they seemed to have moored up at the services for water along with another hire boat. A lady from the cruising club walked up to the bridge to open it for everyone, all three boats, we were waved through first!

Open sesame

The line of boats on the moorings at first looked like they were nose to tail, would there be space for us never mind the two following boats? The 7 day moorings were full, but the 2 days empty! Brilliant, just where we wanted to be. We pulled in and tucked ourselves right up to the next boat, soon followed by the two hire boats, both taking up way too much space. They soon moved up when others arrived. Phew we’d made it and in time for some lunch before my meeting.

Sorry to leapfrog you both

Time to go through the model and drawings with Gemma the production manager. Each item of set was talked about, construction wise and finish wise. Gemma should now have enough information to get quotes from builders and for the printing of cloths.

I then set about drawing out leaves to paint in a new version of the rainforest. I’m hoping doing it as a painted collage that then gets printed will give it a different feel from other years. Blimey there’s a LOT of leaves to trace out and paint before cutting them out and sticking them in position. All this whilst Tilly complained at the back doors, shore leave not allowed in Thrupp after a near collision with car tyres a few years!

Look into my eyes! You must buy salmon!

5 locks, 6.7 miles, 2 lift bridges, 1 lufted holding some up, 2 hire boats overtaken, 1:15pm moored, 2 model zooms, 3 quotes required, 2 sheets of leaves, so far, 2 days TDF caught up with, 1 telepathic Tilly, 4 salmon steaks, 5000 hours!

From One Catwalk To Another. 4th July

Chisnell Lift Bridge to Dashwood Lock

A sausage day! Well it seemed like it would be a sausage day a I was allowed out to explore first thing, but it turned out not to be. She and Tom were up and outside chatting to Roots Tom and She quite early. I went along to check out their boat and their catwalk. A suitable size, but not such a good view inside. How’s a cat meant to be nosy?! They untied the outside, we’d still got hold of it so it couldn’t get away, and then they drifted silently away.

Bye, until next time

Time to find some friends!

A good vantage point, now go away!

Soon after breakfast there was a toot of a horn. Julie and Simon on NB Perseus had arrived a few boats back quite late yesterday evening. They’d seen a gap near us but hadn’t wanted to moor next to someone they didn’t know at that time of evening, little did they know at the time it was us.

Simon and Julie another Lady of Finesse

They pulled in for a quick catch up in the rain. We’d all be getting wet today! Good to see them again and be less aware of keeping space between us, last time we met we had covid. Hopefully we’ll get chance one day to sit out on the towpath and have an evening with them, but today they were on a more serious mission than us, hoping to reach Henley by Thursday.

By the time we’d finished our morning routine several boats had come past. Paul yesterday had warned us that only one top paddle was working at Somerton Deep Lock so it was taking an eternity to fill. We didn’t rush to get away, but also sooner or later we’d need to join the queue.

Notes, photos and phone calls

A group of high vis stood looking at the underside of Chisnell Lift Bridge. Was there something wrong with the bridge, we’ve seen it down before when the farmer has been in the field across the way.

Wonder how long this will take to move?

Arriving at Somerton Deep Lock we joined the end of the queue, three boats ahead of us and one already going down. The boats nudged up. One boat came up, another down, the filling of the lock taking forever. One boat was mob handed opening and closing the heavy gates. I picked up a windlass and walked up to see if I could help as did the lady from the hire boat in front.

A chap who’d been helping, headed to get his boat from below, he was a boat mover heading for Wilton. People around the lock helped him with the gates. A chap lifted the one working paddle to fill the lock. He paused halfway up and left his windlass on the paddle gear. This always makes me wince as it is bad practice. When he did it again after lifting the paddle fully I shouted across. I can’t remember exactly what I said, but I did follow it up explaining that if anything should break on the paddle gear then that windlass would likely spin off at great speed, a broken arm, lost teeth possibly.

As we waited for the boat to come up I chatted away to the lady from the hire boat, they’ve been hiring for around twenty years, so quite a bit of experience.

The boat mover thanked everyone as he left and the next boat was brought into the lock. The gate was being closed by a lady from the boat and I walked up to add my bum to the job. As I walked up she walked away saying that as the paddles get lifted it would close. The gate was quite a bit away from being closed and would likely make a big bang closing this way. I continued to push the gate, the lady walked down towards the bottom gates then because she wasn’t needed she got onto her now descending boat, saying that she was now redundant.

Then mutterings could be heard about hire boaters from the couple on the boat as it descended. Were they complaining that the hire boat crew weren’t helping. The lady I was chatting to had to say something, did they have a problem with her? They obviously did have a problem. I walked up to see what it was. A tirade came from the chap at the helm. ‘Don’t you know you should ask before helping at locks!’

Leaving Somerton

I explained that we’d come along to help if needed and to be sociable. ‘My crew are more than capable!’ Well we hadn’t done anything other than help close a gate for them, no risk of us sinking their boat! If there had been need of anyone lifting paddles I would most certainly have asked if they wanted assistance, I never assume and never lift a paddle without confirmation, I even wait for someone to reappear at the helm if they’ve gone inside before winding my windlass.

The man was so rude. ‘Well we’ll have to make sure we don’t catch you up’ I said. Maybe he’d had a problem with me calling over to his crew regarding the windlass, or maybe he was just Hireist, those who are prejudiced against hire boaters no matter what. The lady from the hire boat was quite rightly p*d off with the amount of abuse they are getting from boat owners. We stood back and let them leave.

No-one was coming, time to fill the lock. I then asked the hire boat lady, ‘Can I help you with the lock?’ We both laughed.

One arriving to go up

Still a queue of four boats behind. Mick and I worked ourselves down, the following boat only coming to close the gate behind us. Except there was a boat arriving below, the chap walked away. Hope someone asked if they could help!

It was now raining quite hard. Should we continue or pull in on the meadows? There was space. If we carried on we’d want to get to Muddy Slipper before stopping due to there being a big black hole of everythingness around Heyford (no phone signal, internet or TV). With a zoom meeting planned for tomorrow and slow progress today we decided we’d best stay wet and carry on to the other side.

Googlie eyes

Heyford Common Lock, Allens (Alan! Alan!!) Lock, then the long section before you reach Mill Lift Bridge. Key of power was utilised here. Many hire boats were at home in Lower Heyford, one couple being briefed for a few days afloat.

Dashwood Lock then appeared on the soggy horizon. The hire boat just going down, another lady assisting with the bottom gate. I walked up to see if Muddy Slipper was free, it was occupied. Thankfully there is space for a couple of boats before the lock landing above the lock, so we pulled back and tucked ourselves up close to another boat. Time to dry off.

Still a temporary beam

An afternoon of Tilly not being overly impressed of the wet outside that we’d tied up. I got my paints out to see how best to paint my rain forest portals and cloths. Of course as usual I changed my mind. Tomorrow I’ll give it another go.


This evening to help warm us and the boat up we’ve had a roast, well nut roast, but with squash, beetroot and roasted potatoes. Very tasty and just what we needed at the beginning of July!

3 locks, 6.2 miles, 2 lift bridges, 1 under examination, 2 cat walks, 2nd Lady of Finesse in a week, 1 very wet day, 2 miserable sods, 1.5 hours to get through Somerton Deep, 1 black hole cruised through, 1 router not working, 1 hot spot better, 2 versions to be revised.

Meeting By Nebo. 3rd July

Banbury to Chisnell Lift Bridge

The last of the £5 electric was used up this morning by heating up water for a shower. £5 for two nights a touch steep, but useful for our battery bank. Next it was time to do a quick top up shop so we visited the new Lidl just behind the canal. Here we bought some of those pop-up net cages that help to keep flies from landing on food. The pack contained two sizes, the smallest looks like it would be the perfect size to go in our portholes instead of the glass and help keep flies off us on hot evenings.

Next we pushed Oleanna over to the other side of the moorings to have easer access to empty the yellow water tank. After my shower this morning I’d given Tilly a nice fresh pooh box which she then had climbed inside and proceeded to lift her bum over the side and wee all over new bags of litter and the floor. NOT my favourite cat! Well you left me starving to death yesterday! More cleaning and decanting of litter from damp bags to dry ones, it all eats time when you want to get moving.

Approaching Banbury Lock

A boat had just gone through the lift bridge and was topping up with water above Banbury Lock. I lifted the bridge and could see ahead activity at the lock, a lady was trying to open the bottom gates, I was fairly sure that there was a paddle open at the top as well as both at the bottom. I ran down to assist calling to her, but she couldn’t hear. Mick actually reached the paddle before I could as the ‘little footpath’ to cross the gate isn’t there. We wondered if the chap filling with water had lifted it to get it ready for himself to descend.

Our turn to go down, we were soon out the bottom and pulling onto the services for a top up of water, recycling and use of the elsan for the yellow water. Now the chores were done we could get moving.

All morning we’d been watching a boat moving up the South Oxford on Nebo, now they’d be watching us in return heading towards them, already a location to meet up chosen.

Dark clouds threatened, so waterproofs were dug out from the bottom of the shed. We were following a hire boat, the lady hopped off to lift bridge 170 which for some reason was closed to boats. She obviously wasn’t going to be able to lift it by herself, Mick put the bow into the bank, I hopped off and headed to be extra weight. We got it lifted and then had to wait for the boats to come through, leaning heftily on it and hoping their dog wouldn’t try to jump across to be with Mum.

Grants Lock Cottage hasn’t progressed any, still an empty roofless shell of a building. We slotted into a gap by Twyford Wharf for lunch, just in time as the heavens opened for five minutes.

King’s Sutton Lock Cottage

At Kings Sutton a single hander on a Sea Otter was going down with the help of a very tall chap, he was from a hire boat waiting below the lock. The hire boat crew were experienced, well they worked for the hire company and were in the process of returning a stranded boat back to base at Wigrams Turn. He shouted down to the single hander that he should lift his fenders when in the lock, as he might get stuck, at least six fat fenders increasing his boats width by a good 8 to 10 inches.

Leaving the gate

Up came the hire boat, then it was our turn, an uphill boat arriving as I was just closing the bottom gate for a following boat. Blimey it had got busy. Is the paddle gear new to the lock? The gates are certainly new and the gear the same as used at Hillmorton.

No-one was sat on the sofas at The Pig Place today, too chilly and a touch damp on occasions.

There’s a farm shop

The single hander on seeing that we were still behind him stopped in the lock and popped his middle fenders in through his windows, only two lifted out of harms way. I suggested he stay on his boat and I’d lift the paddles for him, I’m not keen on watching people stand holding their rope at the top of a lock and then having to jump down onto a wet roof, especially when they could have just stayed on board.

Sharing Aynho Lock

Mick made a phone call ahead, what time would Aynho Wharf close today, 4:45pm a little earlier than normal. Would we make it in time? Thankfully the single hander managed to tuck himself into the side of Aynho Lock meaning we could sit alongside him at the longest point of the lock, this saved some time and two fishermen gladly helped open and close gates for us.

The oven went on inside a batch of biscuits ready for baking. The first tray went in the oven just as we approached the wharf to top up with diesel. The second tray went in just as we were about to push off again, the first tray having had a minute or two too long sadly.

We shared the locks into Leeds with Barley in 2020

By mid afternoon the boat shaped icon we’d been keeping an eye on on Nebo had stopped moving. It was now replaced with a dot just where we’d planned to meet them. Gradually our boat icon moved along the pound towards them. The first moorings on our map filled with boats, we hoped that nearer the bridge there would still be space.

There he is!

The view opened out and ahead in the distance I could see the boat we were meeting, Paul stood on the towpath waving to us. Plenty of room to pull in. Tilly was immediately given an hours leave, but when Paul pointed out a red kite circling round where Tilly was in the long grass we decided she’d be better off inside.

Time to catch up with Paul and Christine for NB Waterway Routes. We were invited onboard for a cuppa and a biscuit. Well what a choice of biscuits, I’d brought some of the chocolate crackle cookies, we were spoilt for choice.

Christine and Paul onboard NB Waterway Routes

Plenty to catch up on. Paul always has an organised list of questions for us which get ticked off as they are answered. Not always about boating or the waterways. We also chatted about what’s been happening on the Waterways Ranking site that he runs. Several websites have been zooming up the rankings in the last month or so, blogs of boats that haven’t posted for years have been getting thousands of views. It appears there may be Russian computers accessing sites in search for something and therefore boosting the visits. Things appear to be calming down somewhat, but every now and again there is another surge.


It was lovely to meet up and as always Paul thanked us for assisting in updating Waterway Routes as we travel. I suspect there won’t be much for us to check up ahead as Paul and Christine have just cruised our planned route. We were sent back to Oleanna with presents for Tilly from Susan their daughter. Webbox her favourite, but maybe now the Bonkers cathip treats might just be better, a couple whilst she was have a bonkers zoomy moment soon sent her off for a snooze on the bed. Thank you!!!! Thank you!

5 locks, 8.1 miles, 1 heavy bridge, 1 empty wee tank, 1 wet bathroom floor! 1 fridge topped up, 1 water tank full, 2 boats assisted downhill, 2 assisted uphill, 1 dodgy bridge, 2 down pours, 1 hour curtailed, 1 Red Kite, 4 varieties, 1 biscuit tea, 1st Nebo meet up, 1 good catch up.

The Purple Line. 2nd July


Tilly was left in charge today as we were having a day out, to London.

Empty compared to a few days ago

Mick had chosen a route via Reading to take us into Paddington. This meant we got to share the first train with a LOT of blazers. Numerous students with different stripped jackets were heading for Henley and the final day of the regatta. The next train was very much a quieter affair with plenty of seats to go round.

This route had been chosen so that we could ride the Elizabeth Line for the first time. Purple uplighters suggested we were heading in the correct direction at Paddington. Very exciting and very speedy taking us to Stratford in about twenty minutes. Here we’d just missed a bus, so our journey slowed right down until the next one arrived heading towards Hackney.

It was before Christmas when we last saw my brother and his family. This last week Andrew had a birthday so we’d decided to loiter in Banbury to make a trip to see them all.

Checking the lamb was cooking through

Everyone was good, Josh busy working hard for his last few exams before the end of term. These will give him grades he can use when he applies to Universities next term.

As ever there was plenty to chat about. Abba Revival, they’d been last night and danced themselves silly. News about friends we’ve recently seen and Jac’s last visit to see her Mum in Melbourne. This was obviously accompanied by wonderful food and plenty to drink. Andrew had cooked for us a rolled shoulder of lamb which had been marinating overnight and then it was cooked on the barbecue for several hours, some of that time in a cast iron pot.

Finn (looking at you) and Ziggy (up on the cat walk) got real fish for their dingding!

Pudding was a Tarte Tatin with some caramelised apple ice cream an experiment that worked very well.

All too soon it was time for us to be heading back to Banbury, too soon! We caught a bus to Bethnal Green and headed to Marylebone where for most of the day there had been two trains an hour. When we arrived we’d just missed the 7pm train, the next was at 8pm, but was running 20 minutes late! That’s their excuse! Change of plan and back down onto the tube to return to Paddington and catch the next train to Reading then onwards to Banbury.

Leckenbys, Josh, Jac, Pip, Andrew and Mick

Back at Oleanna Tilly was very pleased to see us. PLEASED!!!! I only had three biscuits left in my bowl and they were from yesterday!!! Yes dear readers, they’d forgotten to give me my morning dingding! I’ll be advertising for new staff in the coming days.

There’s more than three biscuits in that bowl Tilly!

0 locks, 0 miles, 4 trains, 2 buses, 1st trip on the Elizabeth line, 3 tubes, 1 lovely lunch, 1 brother a year older, 1 day out, 1 hungry cat, HUNGRY!!! You call that HUNGRY!!?!! I call it malnutrition! 1 cat requiring new crew to move the outside daily and to provide tasty dingding twice a day consisting of fresh chicken, kidneys, salmon, cheese and a side licking of unsalted butter.

Finesse Ladies. 1st July

Dink and Malc’s to Premier Inn Banbury

More boats came past from Banbury. They started at around 6am with four having passed us before we were even enjoying a cuppa in bed. By the time we moved ourselves nine boats had come past, I kept a tally for a while but got bored when it reached eighteen.

Egg not quite up to scratch

Tilly was given an hour or so of shore leave whilst we had breakfast. Plenty on offer this morning, just a shame Mick forget about the existence of the black pudding which had been sitting patiently in the fridge to be eaten. Oh well, it just means we’ll have to have another cooked breakfast soon!

Tilly was called from the sideways trees and friendly cover, time for her to have a snooze and for us to move into town, hopefully we’d find a space at Spice Ball Park.

That’s a juicy treat!

Round the corner a Twyford Wharf hire boat had been moored overnight, the new holiday makers just moving onboard whilst two chaps clung onto the ropes. As Spice Ball came into view so did the boats that had come past us last night. All spaces I’d noted yesterday were filled, no choice but for us to be in the centre of town. Sorry Tilly.

There were plenty of uphill facing boats, many must have stopped for the night or to go shopping , there was quite a turn around of neighbours. Mick looked into the electric bollards. These were here last year but not working. Today they were. Despite the charge being 95p a kwh he decided to create an account and credit £5. We’ll be here for a couple of days and with our reduced battery capacity it would be nice to have power without running the engine. It took a bit of faffing to set up, but soon power flowed into Oleanna.

On their way

I packed up my next pair of socks and popped them in the post. These were a try out pair for a friend who wears braces on her legs. Longer than I’d normally knit and of different sizes, I may not have got the legs quite right. Ali let me know any amendments so that I can work them into the next pair.

Time to have a tidy up and rationalise my work things. Then I can start to make a mess again.

Late afternoon there was a ‘Hello’ from outside the boat. This was Liz and Mark from NB Azzurra a Finesse boat that was built a couple of years after Oleanna. Last year when we met NB Barberella on the River Nene I was added to a Whatsap group The Ladies of Finesse. Very little had been posted for a few months but Tilly’s choice of welldeck to explore at Cropredy had prompted me into posting this week. It turns out that not only NB Perseus is based around here but Liz and Mark happen to live in Banbury, so a meet up had been arranged.

Curry, don’t mind if I do

Liz’s face was familiar as soon as I popped my head out the back. It took all evening for us to pin point when we’d met before. February 2019, NB Azzurra was in build at Finesse and we’d returned to have a leaking window replaced and the gas locker lid hinges sorted, they had been on a visit to check on the build, the first full electric boat Finesse built.

We had a lovely evening with Liz and Mark. A pint of Hooky ale was enjoyed by all at Ye Olde Reine Deer Inn, a pint of Oat Sower for me a rare treat. Then we headed to Jool for an Indian meal and more conversation. Mark is a Waterways Chaplain for the Oxford Canal south of Banbury and Liz currently commutes to Glasgow three days a week as a radiographer.

Pip, Mick, Liz and Mark

Our paths are likely to cross a bit over the next few weeks as they will be heading the same direction as us, only a little bit faster.

0 locks, 0.4 miles, 2 hours shore leave, 1 pair of socks, 1 breakfast, 18 at least uphill boats, 1 wind tunnel, 95p! 3rd Finesse lady met, 4 pints, 4 currys, 1 bored cat, 1 spider rescued.