Nethercote Bridge 101 to Daventry Road Bridgeish 19, Grand Union Canal
Short back and sides
A slower start today, the grey in the sky putting us off pushing off. We watched the gold silver final of Boccia in Tokyo over breakfast, catching a glimpse of Fran, Mick’s niece every now and then. Gold for David Smith! A farmer in the field opposite was trimming the hedges and as we passed we admired the sunflowers in a wide border of wild flowers, just about the only colour we got to see today.
I hopped off at Bridge 108 to walk to the junction. Crab apples are starting to fall from the trees, leaving areas of the towpath a touch treacherous in places. The blackberries around here seem to be a touch later in ripening than those on the South Oxford, there will be so many of them in a week or two.
Camp site
Just before Napton Junction I spotted a new set of steps leading through the hedge. This leads to Wigrams Camp Site, I was walking so as to have a nosy. The site was empty today, but I could see the service block and the camping field, not as big as I’d imagined, I wonder how many motorcaravans and tents they would accommodate?
Turning at Wigrams Turn
I walked round and checked down the Grand Union, no boat in sight so I gave Mick a thumbs up to make the turn.
Next to the camp site there is a holiday cottage for 2 and a B&B with several double rooms and a summer house. All very interesting! Further enquiries are needed.
I walked on down to Calcutt Locks, a couple of boats had just left the top one, so we pulled in. A boat had just been pulling away from a mooring so we waited to see whether they would join us, but they just came towards the lock and winded. We descended on our own as another boat was waiting to come up.
Calcutt Top Lock
The locks were quite busy, another pair coming up the second lock, one turning in to top up on diesel the other carried on upwards. By now there was another boat waiting to come down so we waited for them to catch us up with their teddy bear captain sat on the roof.
Bear Captain
The lady asked how long we’d been out, I said ‘since May and you?’ ‘Since Saturday’, they had been for a jaunt up to Dunchurch Pools and were now heading back to their mooring below the locks. She also asked if there was a winding hole above the Stockton Flight, they’d never been that way. Descending the two locks I almost got her full life history, I managed to keep my urge to open gates at bay despite them being ready for a good five minutes.
As they turned into Ventnor we waved towards NB Herbie and carried on. Passing all the old workboats around Tomlow Road Bridge, Gort looks like it’s had a nice new paint job.
Gort all smart
Not much further on we pulled up before Gibraltar Bridge, this would mean that if my delivery arrived with Lizzie today we’d be able to meet her at The Boat a few bridges on, but if not Tilly would have fields to play in for the afternoon.
A load of washing was hung out on the whirligig. I made some scale model actors for my model and took photographs to send to the Director.
A sneak peek
Mick climbed into the engine bay to tighten the stern gland and see why we seem to be getting quite a lot of water in the bilge at the moment. He discovered that the greaser (which you turn every day to help keep the stern gland water tight) hadn’t been working. The new bits he’d added and old pipe weren’t working so well. So he rejigged everything and with a different combination of bits he got it working again. This should now help stop so much water from coming in as the prop rotates.
So shiny they don’t look real
This evening we’ve watched a second programme regarding 9/11. Yesterdays programme had been about several survivors and todays was the day of President Bush. Both programmes had us transfixed to the TV and were very moving. It feels like only yesterday that I was in the paint shop at the SJT chatting to Mick’s sister Kath when Stephen Wood came in and told us that the twin towers had collapsed.
Houdini’s field is nearly as good as my field. Today I got to explore three sides of it.
No hash browns today
Whilst they had a cooked breakfast I got to have another check for Houdini’s daffodil. She said she couldn’t see it as a Farmer Tom has put lots of branches in the way, so I’d been sent through the sideways trees to investigate. I couldn’t see it either as I was too busy looking for friends.
Kamili’s Tom and She were going to untie the field this morning. Would we untie it too? One suggestion was to go and spin it around, but She wanted to do things before they did that. But another boat was needed to keep the field tied up along with Panda, Panda is a bit shorter than Oleanna, so she needed assistance.
Quick before more boats try to catch it!
So once I’d returned from my busy morning and hopped on board, a gap in the boats wanting to catch an outside of their own happened, She and Tom untied it and moved it backwards.
This manoeuvre happened at the same time as Kamili untied, the outside being held onto for a short while just by Panda!
Bye Kamili
Lots of waving goodbye. It was nice meeting you even though I kept my distance.
This reversed field was just as good as the unreversed one was, so I was given a couple of hours to fully explore it whilst they got busy.
Tom getting busy
Tom took everything off the roof and swept it. Then She got her two buckets and lots of cloths out. A scrubbing brush came out too, Scrub Scrub Scrub, rinse rinse rinse, Scrub Scrub Scrub, rinse rinse rinse. It was hard work just watching her, so I went to find friends again.
Then the cabin side and windows got washed, that will improve my view when they move the outside again.
Half better
My couple of hours were up so I came back. The doors were closed. Then She thought she could smell gas in the box at the front. Tom stuck his head down there and had a good sniff. He tightened everything up and said it just smelt of damp, She wasn’t so sure and I came out to give my opinion which they said they didn’t want, bundling me back inside and closing the doors again. I don’t know! Cats have a good sense of smell.
One side done
They untied leaving Lizzie She sanding and hoovering and painting. We pushed the outside away hoping it wouldn’t get away with just Panda holding it steady. Tom moved the outside whilst She and I had an afternoon snack, well I didn’t want one as I was quite full from my Sunday morning breakfast still.
Tom whizzed the outside round and brought the outside back, this time back to front. Panda had managed to hold onto it on her own despite being whizzed round.
It was cream all along!
She got new hot water and soapy stuff. Scrub Scrub Scrub. This side was extra dirty. She said something about the fire in Goole was still there in little tiny stubborn bits, so She scrubbed some more. Blimey I’d forgotten Oleanna had a cream roof!
Best in show, out for the first time
Lots more boats came past, one She said was very pretty and it had nothing to do with it being red. Red She said it was their first time out and they were scared to death! It looked like they had difficulty in tying the outside up through the bridge, it does take a bit of practice, but they’ll get the hang of it.
She kept standing on the cat walk, in the way, so I had to keep inspecting the roof. Tom said it was just as well the Field wasn’t muddy, but I kept to my tip toes anyway.
Roof things going back on
Three different ways of seeing an outside through the day meant I was just a little bit tired, but not too tired! I could have joined in with the chatting on the towpath with wine, but I was confined to quarters as it was after dingding.
I wasn’t allowed to stand on Panda for this photo!
A productive day. She says Oleanna looks great, but it’s s a shame as now she knows how many bubbles there are! Will she get them popped before panto painting starts? She says it’s Toms turn next to get rid of all those scratches he made when he kept scrapping the outside! I’m not sure Tom agrees.
0 locks, 200m in reverse, 0.42 miles that way, 0.42 miles this way, 1 wind,1 do-ci-do, 3 boats to 2, 5 hours scrub a dub dubbing, 12 buckets water, 8 cap fulls, 1 clean Oleanna again, 1 wiffy box, 3 different sides, 1 exhausted Tilly, 1 best in show, 1 bottle of white on the terrace, 1 roast chicken with beans from Crick Post Office.
Shortly after mooring up yesterday I got the result of my Antibody test, it came through as a text and an email. ‘No antibodies were found in your blood sample. This means it’s unlikely you’ve had COVID-19 in the last 6 months.’ The result I had hoped for. My result was added to the Zoe Covid app, it doesn’t look like it gets added to the NHS app though.
Hello Panda!
A bit after 7pm we heard a boat approaching, this one was the one we’d been expecting and the mooring in front of us was about to be filled. NB Panda was joining us for the weekend with Lizzie on board.
This morning Mick headed off back into Crick on the bike to pick up a few supplies. A new Sainsburys delivery has been booked, here’s hoping we can get a suitable mooring on Monday so that we won’t have to cancel this one too. He was back for the weekly Geraghty Zoom. This weeks subjects included Supermarket Sweep on a Brompton, Family photos, Boccia rampers and egg banjos.
Bailed high
Earlier this year we’d planned to be around Crick for the boat show. More a social affair for us along with having a nosy at new boats and the latest boaty things that we can’t afford. We’ve been to the show five times and because we moored Lillian there in her early days we know quite a few people. But as covid cases increased we changed our minds, wanting to avoid the crowds, yet we still wanted to catch up with friends. So a tentative plan to have a boaters meet was put into action for this weekend.
A bit of a leak waiting to get mended
The planned meeting place was at Houdini’s Field (named after our first second mate who had never seen so much grass) just under two hours cruise from Cracks Hill. Both boats pushed off managing to get a boat in between us, but he was right on our fender so Mick let him pass at the first straight.
Trying to peek through the friendly cover as we approached Yelvertoft Marina. Was there some yellow? Could Lillian still be there? Was that just a bow flash? Then a yellow swans neck came into view. She’s still there, looking as jolly as she always did. We waved.
A touch long
The willow tree just before Yelvertoft Wharf is almost touching the water, good job we’d just spotted a boat coming towards the bridge before it vanished behind the greenery! The summit pound is pretty as ever, the red berries starting to show themselves in the hedgerows, fields golden, trees lush and green.
Nearly there
A lady in a canoe came towards us talking on the phone, she was on a reckie to see if there was anywhere better to moor up ahead.
This boat just kept following us!
We were near our destination, would there be enough room for two more boats?
NB Kamili
Bridge 27 came into view, followed by the red cabin side of NB Kamili. Andy and Irene were busy doing jobs. Panda tucked in in front of them and we carried on a short distance away to find a space for us, right by the gap in the hedge into Houdini’s field. Only one boat missing from the meeting, sadly Noel and Carolyn wouldn’t be able to join us this time.
Brilliant I like it here
Tilly followed us up to have a chat, she chatted away in the friendly cover too!
Just some sliding doors and a green line to add
I spent the afternoon making a model for #unit21. Mick sat out in a chair, he’d been expecting to spend the day listening to cricket, but that had long finished. Lizzie worked on filling bits of Panda whilst Irene battled with bathroom sealant! She may have to go for some counselling once she’s finished!
Andy, Irene, lots of food, 2 Sainsburys bags, Mick and Lizzie
At 6pm we all congregated by Kamili and Panda. The bbq was lit and all our various edible bits and bobs were laid out on the handy bench. Blimey what a spread! Pork loins, steak, sausages, veg kebabs and a treat pudding of bananas and chocolate. We were very surprised that no one else had ever had one before!
Being outside we could enjoy each others company while feeling at ease, no worries of covid, no worries of asthma brought on by Tilly and being at one end of the moorings we shouldn’t disturb anyone else.
We had prosecco, Lizzie turned the food, Tilly brought a friend to play and was quickly grounded, Irene was an expert plate holder for the cooked food all wrapped in foil to keep warm. What a wonderful feast and lovely to spend an evening with everyone even if it was a touch cold and VERY dark by the time we decided to call it a night.
0 locks, 4.3 miles, 5 siblings, 1 hello yellow, 2 boat flotilla, 3rd boat waiting for us, 1 boat missed, 7 hours shore leave, 0.75 of a model made, 1 test won, 5 boaters, 1 cat, 1 mouse! 1 lovely evening, 2 dark to carry on.
A lie in, waking to the sun streaming in through our bedroom porthole. Wonderful.
Sadly the clear blue sky didn’t last long, but at least today we wouldn’t get soaked.
We took our time in setting off, eating up some bacon was on the cards so this came accompanied by a few mushrooms and poached eggs, not a full breakfast so no photo today.
Good views from up there
The two miles to Clifton Lock has long back gardens coming down to the waters edge on one bank and meadow land on the other.
Along quite a stretch there were diggers with a constant procession of dumper trucks. There were too many for it to be a farmer improving drainage and every now and then we came across a culvert from the river. Is this land going to be built on? I’ve had a quick hunt around on line and it seems that there may be a development near to Little Wittenham, but without trawling through pages of stuff I’m unsure. I just hope the views from our mooring are not affected.
Clifton Hamden Bridge
Clifton Hamden Bridge is made of sturdy brick, when built it used to join Oxfordshire on the north bank to Berkshire on the southern, but in 1976 boundaries changed and Oxfordshire engulfed the south bank. The bridge replaced a ferry on the shallow reach of the river where it had been fordable to cattle and horses. But in 1826 on a ceremonial trip from Oxford to London, the Lord Mayor of London’s barge grounded in the shallows here. Weirs upstream had to be lifted to free the barge which was stuck for several hours. This led to the building of Clifton Lock in 1835 along with weirs which improved the depth, but this meant animals could no longer cross so the bridge was built in 1867 designed by Sir George Gilbert Scott.
Clifton Lock
The lock keeper saw us up Clifton Lock informing us about Whitchurch Lock and it’s broken collar, this was why there were so many Le Boats about, they’d all headed towards Oxford yesterday due to the closure. Looking at the lock gates you can see where recent flood levels have left their mark.
Now we were on the reach where Oleanna had engine troubles two years ago. The river was on yellow boards, stream decreasing. Oleanna was having to force her way upstream and her engine overheated, necessitating the need to lower the anchor shortly after the Appleford Railway Bridge. Link to the post. Today the flow is far less. Mick can now check the engine temperature without having to slide the rear hatch as he’s added a heat sensor to the engine. All seemed as it should be, I still opened the hatch to check the gauge, all good.
Pootling about
At Culham Lock we waited behind a hire boat to go up. The lock is 7′ 11” deep so takes a bit of filling, so we had a wait. Flapping of wings from across the canal from a pigeon who flapped it’s way not very well across the river dipping into the water and eventually landing on our gunnel. It wasn’t happy, maybe it’s wings had got a touch too wet. It made it’s way onto the lock landing and spent an age flapping it’s wings whilst crouching, maybe it was in pain. I considered trying to catch it but Oleanna wouldn’t be the best place for it under the beady eye of Tilly. It managed to fly back across the river into a tree. This is when we noticed what had caused the problem, a mink!
The pigeon managed to fly away, but it’s friend on another branch was very quickly grabbed by the mink, dragged down the trunk of the tree and taken out of sight, possibly into it’s burrow. It took no time at all. After about a minute or two the mink was back out looking for its next victim!
Up in the lock
The Lock Keeper squeezed us in behind the hire boat then brought in another narrowboat alongside. Ropes were adjusted on the hire boat in front, their ropes on the stern not really long enough for the job or depth of the lock. Extra turns round bollards and t-studs for the boat we were alongside, I think we had the best position for an easy ride up.
The queue above the lock was several deep, not enough lock layby for them all to tie to. Was this an early indicator of how busy Abingdon would be?
Once round the bend above the weir the other narrowboat overtook us, forging ahead to grab a space.
Picture postcard
Abingdon came into view, all picture postcard in the sunshine. We spotted only a couple of spaces we’d have tried to fit in, I suspect they wouldn’t be empty for long.
Abingdon Lock
We’d already been told at the previous lock that Richard the Abingdon Lock Keeper wouldn’t be there, he has been suffering from Long Covid for the last year. So I was all prepared to go and press buttons. However a voluntary volunteer (unofficial) was stood at the panel ready to help people through. He was very chatty and warned us of a sunken boat upstream and told tales of a widebeam taking 4 hours to fill their water tank from the tap above the lock.
Not far now
Down to a quarter of a tank we wanted a bit of water, a lady was just waiting for her tank to make the ‘boom I’m full’ noise so we waited, hose out claiming our position in the queue.
23ft long!
We were soon attached to the tap, not too much water going everywhere. Looking at the directions our hose would be too long (as would most hoses on narrowboats), but thankfully we still got water. The pressure here was similar to that at the bottom of Hillmorton. We decided we’d do half an hour and then let someone else have use of the tap, which meant we got to about half full.
A pause for lunch and then onwards to Sandford Lock. After a visit to Abingdon from RCR in 2019 Mick had realised that the overheating hadn’t been solved. He kept to the edges of the river where the flow was less, meaning he could keep Oleanna’s revs as low as possible. Today the bollards below the lock were in view, last time I’d been here they were just peeking above flood water. Today I had to use a ladder to assist getting off Oleanna. Up at the lock I’d been beaten to the buttons by a young chap who was only just tall enough to reach the buttons, his Mum and Dad were waiting for the lock below too.
All went well until he hadn’t seen that we’d been joined by another small cruiser, so he started to close the gates as it was coming through. Plenty of shouting meant he removed his finger from the button stopping the gate, phew!
A good spot for a bbq
An Oleanna sized hole was waiting for us above the lock, just where we wanted to be for the day. What NO trees! The friendly cover’s a bit sparse too. I remember last time when there were six cats who ganged up against me. I’ve been patient all day for you to finally tie up a good outside and this is what you catch! Can we go back to yesterdays outside? Pleeease!!
It’s pants here!
With the sun still being out and a grassy mooring we got the barbecue out. Tilly was allowed to stay out with us for a while even though it was after dingding. I’m sure she just stayed out because it’s normally against the rules, not because she wanted to as she didn’t venture far!
4 locks, 12.09 miles, 1 lie in, 2 poached eggs, 1 squeeze, 1 volunteer volunteer, 30 minutes of water, 18m not 7m, 1 sunken boat, 1 meeting arranged, 2 out of 5 options for another, 2ft 6” lower, 1 button presser, 1 unimpressed cat, 4 veg kebabs, 2 salmon steaks, 1 pleasant evening.
PS The Selby Swing Bridge from the basin onto the canal was lifted out yesterday. It is being sent away to be mended, due back in 12 weeks time. So no stopping to press buttons for a while. Not sure where the temporary footbridge is though. Link to photo
Sainsburys delivery arrived, the driver phoning to say he was here. He was more concerned about getting a parking ticket than delivering our shopping. Most of Uxbridge seems to protect itself from people parking for free. But no matter what we said to this chap about the cameras being out of action he was still concerned, making us take a photo of his number plate.
Wine cellar under the back steps
Our shopping was decanted from the crates into our bags then stowed back on board. The wine cellar is looking healthy again!
Bed on a sofabed
We moved things around inside the boat in anticipation of the arrival of the washing machine engineer. This time we moved the mattress onto the sofa, making for an interesting view out of the window for Tilly. The bow was tidied for easier access and then the washing machine was pulled out ready.
Then we waited, and waited. Our appointment was between 9 and 12, we’d hoped to be the first visit on the chaps books, but that wasn’t the case.
We waited and waited.
Then a phone call, he was nearly with us. With the diagnostics already done by both the last engineer and Mick (replacing the first circuit board) the chap got straight on with replacing the second board, the less accessible board. Water was then reconnected to the machine, it all looked good so far. Lights, water and ……
I got a phone call from the bedroom, could I bring a towel that didn’t matter. Oh heck!
The machine had filled with water, but now wasn’t draining. Our anchor chain bucket was positioned under the machine collecting the worst of the water, but some had escaped! I closed the door so as to keep the second mate from poking her paw in.
Next thing I knew the engineer had left. Had he condemned the machine, or mended it?
That’s been in there a while
Tuppence. A tuppence had been blocking the outflow pipe (2p piece but it doesn’t sound as good), once removed all was working as it should. Hooray!!!! It had taken a while to get fixed, but we reckon it has saved us about £100 on getting a new one, saved us the heavy job of getting the old one out of the boat and a new one in, and saved a perfectly good machine (apart from a circuit board) going to a tip, therefore doing our bit for the planet.
So what to wash first? T-shirts!
We had lunch with the engine running. Next we needed to fill the diesel tank. Mick had called Uxbridge Boat Centre this morning and yes they sold diesel, we’d seen the pump before, but it not being the most accessible pump we’ve always discounted it. We pulled in alongside a weedcutter and the crane. ‘Fill her up’ 117 litres later and at a cheaper price than we’d have paid half a mile back Oleanna had a full tank again.
Next water, the second load of washing was already in the machine. I gave it a once over for them as it may have required a bit of feline attention before they over worked it. All fine, well except it seems to have grown a touch, I don’t think the cupboard door will go back on!
The water point above Cowley Lock looked busy. We passed The Piano Boat, Rachmaninov returning to base after it’s launch events at the Canal Museum. Then we joined the queue our water tank emptying all the time with the washing machine going. With the tap at Denham Marina locked off to boaters at the moment this tap will get more use. We emptied the yellow water, disposed of rubbish and then filled with water, after which we dropped down the lock and found ourselves a mooring where Tilly could head off to explore.
A third load of washing maybe was one too many. With big black clouds overhead the whirligig wasn’t going to be a good choice, so it was hangers in the pram cover and the airer with bedding in the bathroom. But where to put the towels? In the end the whirligig went up and fortunately no rain came down.
New greaser for Oleanna
1 lock, 1.65 miles, 1 wine cellar full, 1 beer rack full, 1 washer/drier mended, 1 full diesel tank, 1 full water tank, 1 empty wee tank, 0 rubbish on board, 1 new greaser, 1 bathroom shelving reorganised, 3 loads washing, 1 final inspection, 1 cupboard door behind the sofa, 2 happy clean boaters.
First job this morning was to ring the washing machine people to see if the new circuit board had arrived and when they could come out to us. The lady on the other end of the phone knew exactly where we were moored, she’s been to the pub and sat looking at the boats moored alongside. It kind of helps being close to where the company is based. An appointment was made for tomorrow morning.
A morning going nowhere would be wasted without a cooked breakfast
Next we needed to cancel two bookings with C&RT as we’d booked passage through Thames Lock, Brentford to Teddington. We’d not been able to cancel them on line over the weekend so Mick rang them up. There is a long spiel about C&RT not tolerating abusive behaviour towards their staff before you get to speak to someone. Just what is the boating world coming to!
Passages are now cancelled and another one is made, here’s hoping we can keep to this one.
You won’t be getting a fill up today!
Next as we are sitting right next to a car park we booked a Sainsburys delivery, I thought I’d booked it for tomorrow morning, but when I went back to it to add things it was saying Wednesday! Now there weren’t any slots available, grrr! I cancelled the order, tried to get a Tesco delivery, but they won’t deliver to business premises. Morrisons don’t deliver in this area. A Click and Collect was considered, but at what time? Hard to know when waiting for something to be fixed. So I wrote out a list instead, one of us would have to go shopping.
Engine bay boy
Oleanna was due a 250 hour service, so Mick donned his overalls and lifted the engine boards. Tilly complained at not being allowed out. I ordered some samples of fabric to be sent to Chippy for me to pick up when I visit in a couple of weeks.
There are a few things we prefer to buy from Sainsburys, wood cat litter being one of them. You would think that wood pellets were pretty much the same everywhere, but I can confirm that Sainsburys ones absorb more odour than Tescos. They fluff up nicer too for our separating toilet.
Fountain’s Mill now a Youth Club
So I walked up to Sainsburys to buy a bag, stopping off at Halfords to see if they had some Meguiars Ultimate Compound (thank you Irene for the suggestion) to try to remove the scratches from the cabin sides. One bottle bought, Oleanna just needs a good wash now then Mick can have a go at the scratches.
Sketch for the #unit21 set
I spent much of the afternoon hunting through 250 pages of neon clothing on Vinted, a site where you can sell your old clothes. I’m needing nine neon tops for #unit21. With a tight budget I need to know something will fit before making a purchase so I’ve asked numerous scantly clad young ladies for bust measurements of their tops. The things you do as a Theatre Designer!
Kate Fassnidge left land and property to the community of Uxbridge
Mick later in the afternoon noticed that there was now a delivery slot for tomorrow morning with Sainsburys. He checked with the pub that it would be okay to get a delivery and they were fine about it, the ANPR isn’t currently working anyway. So the written list was converted into a virtual one again.
Formulating Ideas
For sometime I’ve been meaning to start doing paintings of waterways, think I’ve mentioned it before. Our trip through London along the Thames gave me lots of reference photos so I’ve decided to start there. But where to start exactly? I considered linking bridges together, but with over twenty in that one day this would be hard. Instead I’m going to go for a circular view between Hungerford Bridge and Waterloo Bridge so as to include the Tattershall Castle, Houses of Parliament (I’ll remove the scaffolding on Big Ben) and the London Eye. Today I’ve sketched out some ideas, a more detailed sketch will be needed before I start on the actual painting.
0 locks, 0 miles, 2 passages cancelled, 1 booked, 1 engineer coming, 2 cooked breakfasts, 1 order made, 1 order cancelled, 1 order made again, 250 hours, 9 litres oil, 10L of cat litter, 1 bottle Ultimate Compound, 250 pages of clothes, 2 many nipples, 35.8 what? 1 exhibition, 1st ideas, TV signal reduced to 0 today.
After a hunt round on the internet Mick found the other circuit board, the one that now by process of elimination must be the problem with the washing machine. He had tried removing this one about ten days ago and decided that an engineer would do it better than he could. A phone call to the company was made and the circuit board has been ordered, we need to call them back later in the week to see where an engineer can come out to us as we’ll be making our way back through London to the west.
Just as we were about to push off a boat came into view, hopefully a lock partner. As the boat came past we noticed that it was NB Driftwood that we’d seen yesterday heading up the River Stort with the high cratch, they’d obviously not made it under the bridge.
NB Driftwood ahead
We pulled out shortly after them just as the local number checker arrived and tapped on the roof of the boat behind us. Would today be a day when everyone shuffled round to get the maximum time on a mooring? Is moving as your number gets checked a good thing? How many times would our number be taken? We seemed to be keeping up with the chap on the bike.
Moving day
Back past the busy Lee Valley Boat Centre, we’d already had a couple of day boats go past and now people were arriving to collect smaller craft for a few hours.
Under a bridge I noticed a sign listing the Greenway Code for Towpaths. 6 is especially good. ‘Give way to oncoming people beneath bridges’. Very sensible except the positioning of the sign was under a bridge and it would take someone time to read it all the while being in the way!
A postcard from C&RT
At Aquaduct Lock we caught up with NB Driftwood and the number checker, who’d just stopped to take a photo of a widebeam just before the lock landing. Notices posted on boats regarding their lack of movement used to be paper with the C&RT logo slotted into plastic for protection. Today it seems that picture postcards have taken over.
Quite a few inches higher than us
Rod on Driftwood chatted away. Yesterday he had to reverse quite a distance when they realised their cratch wouldn’t fit under Roydon Railway Bridge. He could have collapsed the structure, but then would also have had to remove a lot of things from his roof to get under, so they’d decided to abort the trip up the Stort.
‘OOOOO ooo OOOO!’ As Frank would say
We accompanied them through several more locks, enjoying their company. Rod and Nor have had their boat since October last year and have refitted quite a substantial amount of the interior, still more work to do but for now it is time to cruise and enjoy owning a boat.
Moving up, just enough
We passed boats we’d seen on the way up and kept passing the number checker. Boats were certainly on the move today. The narrowboat with a mass of fenders was being polled along to the next space and a wider than narrow boat complained when we started to shut gates on her. She’d apparently been waiting for ages, yet hadn’t shown interest and had just melded into the moored boats. We apologised and opened the gates back up for her.
Hot Compost bin
There was sighting of a hot composting bin on a widebeams stern deck, tucked behind some nasturtiums. Sadly these are too big to live on a narrowboat, but trials are being carried out by several of the Composting toilet group on facebook with smaller containers that will speed up the composting process.
New services
At Waltham Town Lock I decided to walk on ahead so that I could see what the new facilities block had on offer that we’d spotted the other day and get it’s location to pass on to Paul for the next update of Waterway Routes maps. NB Driftwood pulled in as they were after using the services.
Back within the M25
We waited for a widebeam to finish dropping down Rammey Marsh Lock, refilled it, then dropped down ourselves. Now it was time to find a mooring. Plenty more boats along this stretch than when we came up ten days ago, but luckily we found a couple of spaces free. Depth and underwater lumps and bumps were a touch awkward, but we got in in the end.
Such a funny face
After a late lunch Mick packed the hold all. We’d only got a few pairs of socks and pants left each, so it was time to visit the launderette. There was one close by on Ordnance Road, so not too far to drag our underwear. How much change did we have though? I don’t bother carrying money around anymore and the 46p I managed to find must have been on my bedside table for at least a year.
Those were clean Tilly!
Luckily the shop next door to the launderette could supply enough change, so we now have freshly laundered socks and pants.
St Pancras Cruising club to Marshgate Bridge 15, River Lee Navigation
Aire and Calder Breach Site 17/7/2021
Back in Yorkshire it looks like it’s been a lovely day and a good one for drone flying, Mark has been back to the breach site today. Thank you Mark for letting me use you photos.
The breach site has been without water for quite sometime now, there are plants growing on the silt on the southern side. The little boats are back that were used to get across the canal in the early days of the cofferdam, it also looks like the small tug is back on site.
In the above photo you can see that the access road has had a change in direction. It now leads across the eastern side of the cofferdam to what looks like a little pool of water.
This is where, when the cofferdam was built, they discovered a void behind the original piling on the south side. This had a temporary fix done to it to make the dam water tight. Now the top has a new concrete edge, a more substantial fix having been made.
Back on the north bank it looks like they have started to remove some of the aggregate that was being used as an access road. Parts of it have been dug out.
The piling now has a top edge, capped off to neaten it off. The concrete over the drain below has now been brought out to meet the level of the piling, neatening it all off. The surrounding bits of towpath have been filled in and levelled off.
Here’s hoping that when they raise the water levels everything remains water tight. Then the next stage will be removing the cofferdam and reopening the navigation.
Meanwhile back in London
Mick in the blue
We dropped into the Geraghty Saturday morning zoom for about ten minutes before paying for our mooring and making ready to push off. Graeme had his crew arrive, Roy and Jamie.
Mick walked down the gunnel of the boat in front of us and pulled our bow rope, pivoting Oleanna so that her nose poked out from the other boats. Terry from NB Flora Dora gave us a final push with a pole as Mick cranked the engine up, our extrication from the basin far easier than we’d thought it would be.
Oleanna leaving St Pancras
The sun was out, the sky blue, we were both lathered in sun cream, the world looked good. Once in the lock Mick got out his new propmate ready to clear the prop, making sure he put his hand through the string. There had been no point in doing so before we got out past all the weed in the basin.
Misty Blue
NB Misty Blue soon followed us out and the two boats were ready to descend towards the Lee Navigation.
St Pancras Lock
With plenty of crew our cruise would be plain sailing. We dropped down St Pancras Lock and said our goodbyes to the basin, thank you all for making us feel welcome and giving us somewhere to be whilst we headed to Scarborough, Huddersfield and attempted to sort the washing machine. But I have to say I won’t miss the trains early in the morning.
Last of the gas holders in their original place
A short distance on by Goodsway Bridge there is part of one of the gas holders left to mark where they had originally stood. Then on to Islington Tunnel. A lady moored on the offside just before the tunnel ask if we could lend a hand. Last night they had their rowing boat stolen, it was used to break in to a charity boat on the other side of the tunnel. If we could see it could we make sure it was tide up safe for her to collect later.
We had to wait for a trip boat to come through then the way was clear, NB Misty Blue following on behind. The rowing boat was tied up on the moorings so safe for now, maybe the lady would be able to get someone to tow it back through the tunnel for her.
Swapping at City Road Lock
A boat was just coming up City Road Lock, so we swapped over and waited for our lock partners to join us.
Lots to see. Interesting boats, graffiti all with the sun beating down on us.
A couple of volunteers were on duty at Old Ford Lock, they helped us down meaning we could stay on board and get ready to turn left onto Ducketts Cut, The Hertford Union Canal. With only three locks and 1.2 miles long the canal is easy, it cuts the corner on going down to Limehouse Basin and back up to the Olympic Park, which is 4.7 miles and 6 locks.
Misty Blue led the way, onto new waters for her and her crew.
More colourful boats, the Dad of the flamingo we’d seen up near Tring a few weekends ago and C&RT signs that are now totally unintelligible! We think the mooring sign used to say 4 hours, but we’re not sure!
Loads of spray cans, it must cost a small fortune
At Old Ford Lower Lock a chap was busy creating on the wall alongside. For as long as we can remember this wall has always had graffiti on it. Today it was getting a refreshed look. The face of a green man was appearing as the chap worked away. I was interested in how they work.
As a Scenic Artist I usually have reference to work from, a scale model, this chap kept looking at his phone. The chap said the wall was usually planned out before hand, but not always sometime it was just how the mood took him. He was however following whatever was on his phone quite religiously. I said I looked forward to seeing how it turned out when we return in a week or twos time. He said it was going to be a really good one, but that it would have been painted over by the time we come back.
Here is where the two boats parted company.
Misty Blue heading south
Graeme and crew on NB Misty Blue turned southwards with the aim of cruising round City Mill River to see the stadium, his crew being West Ham supporters.
We turned northwards up into Hackney Wick. Blimey the river was busy! Moo canoes filled the water, the towpath was chocka, bars and restaurants were filled to the gunnels, the whole area alive and buzzing.
The graffiti artist who has the ‘I ♥ Eggs’ as their tag has decorated one of the bridges. They have moved on from just their tag that appears near St Pancras, now there are fried eggs to accompany it.
We moored by the Copper Box for our first Christmas afloat in 2014, large areas of the land surrounding it have changed so much. It was what felt like desolate wasteland before, now it is filled with buildings.
Gainsborough School and footbridge
We passed under the footbridge from Josh’s old junior school where we once moored on Lillian, this stretch now permanent moorings. Onwards northwards the only gaps in the moorings were too shallow, but we knew somewhere we’d be able to moor.
Up ahead tucked in behind a bush we could make out a riveted hull, then the red and green of the cabin side came into view, we slowed down and prepared to pull alongside NB Billy. An exchange of messages yesterday with Clare meant we’d be passing today, but they had decided to stay another night at Hackney Marshes and offered for us to moor alongside.
See you somewhere up the way
We’d only really just got settled when NB Misty Blue came past, sadly Old Ford Lock was closed on the Lee so their trip around the loop hadn’t been possible. As we are heading in the same direction our paths are likely to cross again in the next week or so.
Clare and Pete returned from a bike ride round the Marshes. We decided to do a do-si-do, for us to be on the inside and them on the outside. This would mean we were ready for them to push off in the morning and Tilly could have shore leave without passing over another boat. We swapped sides, possibly confusing a boat who thought it’s luck was in as both boats pulled out, but then snuck back into the same spot.
NB Billy
NB Billy should have been long gone, but they had had an incident with a large chunk of tree and their prop a week ago. A lot of damage was caused and necessitated being in dry dock for a day, their prop blades were distorted, it sheared off 8 bolts from the shaft coupling and dumped their propshaft into their bilge. But all is just about right now, just a bit of packing needed in Billy’s stern gland.
As we chatted Tilly came and went, her calculations went slight array when she attempted to leap from the stern which os moored out at quite a distance. A big splash, one soggy cat extricated herself from the cut onto the bank and ran inside, to be grabbed by me with a Tilly towel. I’d told her not to go off the back! It was all planned, a nice cooling dip!
Tilly having a bath after her dip
Now we have yet another dirty towel needing washing with no washing machine!
The quote for a new circuit board and fitting came in around £70 +vat. They wouldn’t get the part until next Tuesday. If it turned out that that circuit board wasn’t the problem they would then order the other one and not charge us for the first visit. This all looked quite appealing, but would they come out to us if we carried on on our cruise up the Lee and Stort? Being somewhere handy for them to visit us is one thing, but each day the mooring fees are adding to the cost of the repair. Being hooked up to electric isn’t the same without a washing machine!
A chateau in France
Mick called them back after we’d mulled this over. Sadly they don’t have an engineer who covers up the Lee valley. We decided to pause the repair with Domestic Repairs Ltd, if we haven’t managed to sort it before hand we’ll wait until we are coming back through London and call them back out. The chap was understanding.
A new one of these please
The reconditioned board was ordered to be sent to my brothers, Mick spent much of the rest of the morning checking that he would be able to remove the circuit board and replace it. He is confident he’ll be able to do it. However if it turns out to be the other circuit board that is the problem, that is a different case, he hasn’t worked out how to remove that one! So here’s hoping it turns out to be the first one. Fingers crossed.
I headed to Waitrose for a few bits to keep us going. There was a market in the covered Market today. Lots of very tempting looking edible items, bread, rice dishes, cheese, samosas, cakes. Oh if only!!! The majority contained gluten and we’ve had a touch too much yummy cheese lately so I was good and stuck to my shopping list in Waitrose after inhaling some lovely smells.
Dames Pram with Baby and marrow
This afternoon I did a sketch of the Dames pram for panto. I’d asked for a Silver Cross pram, one of the lovely old fashioned ones. Well you can buy them brand new still if you happen to have £1800! We won’t be doing that as it would eat up all our props budget! I had a hunt round on ebay for a cheaper model and found one for £175. Still a lot of money and I’m sure Jo may be able to find one we can borrow and alter, or one that needs some work doing to it.
Just what would the chaps who worked here in Victorian days make of it now!
Late afternoon we heard the return of Graeme next door. A plan has been arranged to share some locks with him tomorrow, both boats heading eastwards. I think we’ll all be slapping on the sun cream if today was anything to go by.
0 locks, 0 miles, £70 plus, 1 of 2 boards, 1 board ordered for a DIY job, 0 oysters, 0 focaccia, 0 cake, 0 cheese, 1 heraldic green pram, 1 strawberry, 1 plan planned.
From Saturday Hammersmith Bridge will be reopening to pedestrians, cyclists and river traffic. Engineers have deemed the bridge safe to reopen “safety risk is kept acceptably low” due to a temperature control system on the anchor chains and the use of acoustic sensors which have been installed to issue alerts on further crack movements. These are only temporary measures and a more permanent repair is needed. The Department of Transport is willing to foot a third of the repair bill of £161million, but TFL and the local Council are struggling to foot the remainder.
Whilst we waited for an engineer to visit I had a long chat regarding panto props with Jo the props maker. Last year Jo, as so many others, had to find work elsewhere to help ends meet. From being a receptionist at a holiday park to delivering prescriptions she has survived. Still working part time she is now starting to take on bits of theatre work, which I am relieved about as I really enjoy working with Jo. We talked hobby horses, tea cosies, silver cross prams along with stretchable rhubarb and inflatable radishes.
Staying safely out of the way
I had planned to be out whilst the engineer was here, but I was busy talking giant strawberries when he arrived. Mick had pulled the washing machine out of it’s cupboard, moved all our bedding and mattresses out of the way to make more space. The front door was open and he removed the glass from our bedroom window, so there was plenty of fresh air.
Tilly and I sat on the other side of the bathroom door listening to the beeps from the engineers tester. All the cables and connections were checked, he was testing everything for over an hour. In the end he suspects it’s a circuit board that has gone, nothing he could mend today unfortunately. Someone will call us tomorrow with a quote for a new board and fitting it.
Hmm, what to do? It’s handy being here where it’s easy to arrange an engineer to visit, but we really would like to move on. Some more than others!
Mick spent some of the afternoon trying to source the circuit board himself, fairly sure he’d be able to install it, which would save a call out fee. He only found one which was a reconditioned board, we’ll wait to see what the quote is tomorrow.
Time for a walk. I’d spotted Camden Garden Centre on a map, hopefully they’d be able to sell me another trough so that I could plant on the other half of the strawberry plants I bought weeks ago at Barton Turns. The others I’d replanted are now double the size, sending out babies and new shoots are coming up too.
St Pancras Gardens and the workhouse
My route took me across St Pancras Gardens. Here large buildings back onto the grassy area, these were the dormitory blocks for St Pancras Workhouse, they were built around 1890 and added an extension to the already existing workhouse. The original workhouse in 1777 housed 120 inmates, over the next ten years this increased, they were sleeping five to six in a bed! Buildings came and went. Oliver Twist may have been based on the story of Robert Blincoe, a child inmate from here.
Today it is now St Pancras Hospital which occupies many of the Victorian buildings.
Over the canal I soon came across the Garden Centre filled with plants, cactus, pots and troughs, the later perfect for my strawberry plants.
I then had a wander around the area. A hand car wash place had a rather lovely Jaguar outside. Several pubs looked quite inviting. Oh and NB Small World had found another mooring.
I then spied the blue houses that sit behind the modern apartments, so I walked round the back of them onto Lyme St. Sadly the access to the houses is gated off so not much to see. But between the buildings on Lyme St I could see the back of the houses, here there appears to be a modern building at their rear.
It’s really quite large the building behind the cottages
A look at Google maps later shows it as a big building and checking on Street view it looks like it is The Workshop at 183 Royal College Street. Things were now starting to look familiar. It turns out that The Workshop was featured on Grand Designs, formerly a furniture workshop, it was rebuilt as a family home and architectural studio designed by architect Henning Stummel. Nothing what so ever to do with the blue cottages that face the canal. If you are interested here is a link for more information.
Access to The Workshop
0 locks, 0 miles, 90 minutes talking props, 70 minutes diagnostic engineer, 1 circuit board, or could it be the other 1? 6 to a bed, 2 churches, 1 trough, 3 plants replanted, 1 bag of compost now required, 2 blue houses, 1 grand design hidden away, 1956 Jaguar XK140 Coupe, £35 to 40k back in 2008.