Goole Visitor Moorings to Sykehouse Junction
A frustrating day for Tilly, all she wanted to do was go out and all we kept doing was moving the outside!
Yesterday Mick had checked in with Alastair regarding our weedhatch. It was finished and we could meet up today to collect it, he was busy this morning but would see us early afternoon back on the Viking Marina side of the cut. Mick checked to see if he knew how much diesel was at Viking, £1.42! Last May when we filled up before the big escape it was 75p a litre. How times have changed.

Before we pushed over to fill up Mick went to check on the price at Goole Boat House, £1.20, slightly more palatable. We’d be filling up on this side today. The boat in front of us said they’d filled in Thorne last week and paid 88p, cheap, but how old is their diesel? The price will certainly go up on their next delivery!
Outside 1. It only took 53 litres to fill our tank. A pot of Danboline was bought in the shop so that I can give new bits of metal on the weedhatch a coat of paint as soon as possible, hopefully the weather will stay dry for the next couple of days to aid application.
Outside 2. We winded and headed back over the way, opposite the cement works where we’d been a couple of days ago. This was a good place for Alastair to meet up with us. Too many woofers about for Tilly to go out safely, so all she could do was gaze longingly at the trees and shout!

I managed to knit my next sock from it’s toe up to the heel whilst we waited for Alastair to arrive. He came with the weed hatch which used to have one threaded bar, but now has two, this saved him having to buy a new length of bar for the job. It was fitted into the weedhatch, all good. For the last couple of days without the cover Mick had noticed only one real affect, our reversing wasn’t as powerful as it normally would be, and there was even less control of direction.

Next some Captain Tolley’s creeping crack. A bead of it was applied around the solar connection box. It quickly disappeared under where the cables go into the box, the most awkward place to seal and where water has been getting in. This will be removed when the weather improves and resealed, we’ll do a better job of it this time too.
Time to head off as there was still a possibility we’d reach somewhere cat friendly for an hour of shore leave. We waved goodbye to Alastair, winded and headed out from Goole. We’ll be back in a few days as we have an appointment with a carpenter.

Soon on the horizon we could see the bow of a boat, a blue boat, a big blue boat, Exol Pride! She was at least a mile away we kept our pace and hoped we’d not meet her at a narrowing of the canal, then we slowed down to make sure she got there first!

The bow wave she pushes is quite something. The wash not having chance to break on the banks, in fact in places they were washing over the top of the piling. We kept our course as she and her swell approached. Not too bad, certainly not as lumpy as the Tidal Thames was last year.

No blue skies this afternoon, just holey clouds with dramatic rays of sunshine.

We decided to carry on past where we’d moored the other day to where there would be trees to climb and better quality friendly cover for Tilly.
Outside 3. At Sykehouse Junction we turned onto the New Junction Canal and pulled in on the visitor moorings. Here there are T studs on the bank to tie to, so we wouldn’t be doing any damage to the bank in an area that was affected by the breach.
As soon as the bow and stern lines were fixed I didn’t waste time in noting down our location (grid reference and what3words in case of emergency) as I was being SHOUTED at. The rules were given, an hour time limit as it would then be dingding time. Tilly trotted out, SHOUTING at everything. I’m not sure if this her saying hello or just shear excitement.

About time they tied up a decent outside to explore! I made the most of it, claimed sideways trees, climbed trees and did some pouncing. As soon as She and Tom went back inside I got on with some serious friend finding. It didn’t take me long. Back inside for a slurp from my water bowl and She closes the doors on me! I wasn’t having anything of it! EXCUSE ME!! OPEN THE DOORS, I HADN’T FINISHED WITH THIS OUTSIDE!!!

Tilly could protest all she liked, but it was starting to get dark and second mates are not allowed out after dingding time. It took her a good couple of hours to fully calm down.

Apparently tomorrow is a ‘Sausage Day‘ !?! Apparently I’ll like it.
A catch up with my Scarborough Chums on zoom this evening. Gill has finally managed to visit her daughter in Canada, so there was lots of news from across the seas today.
Then we tucked into too much tasty pie. Roast chicken, leek and feta pie with jacket potatoes cooked in the stove. Very Yummy. (Click on the photo to get to the recipe)
0 locks, 6.28 miles, 3 winds, 3 outsides, 52 litres, £1.20! 2 threaded bars, 1 weedhatch returned, 1 bead of creeping crack, 1 holey sky, 1 mooring good for feline mental health, 1 very happy cat, 1 friend! 6 chums, 2 large portions of pie, 2 jackets, 15 rows to go on 6th sock, 1 back to top button, 1st Mrs Tilly stamp of approval this year.

Imagine that coming down the GU, That would have them all jumping about saind “Slow Down”
Chicken Pie sounds delicious, I will try it out. Your finished pie looks very professional – I thought it was store bought!
Thank you Karen, I hope it doesn’t disappoint