Category Archives: Aire and Calder Navigation

The Big Wash. 18th May

Viking Marina, Goole

Late yesterday a boat transporter arrived, backed into the maintenance area opposite us and stayed parked up overnight. This morning Geoff was busy with the boat lift.

Getting ready to go

The wagon pulled forward, then Geoff followed with the yellow cruiser. The boat suspended over the trailer, inched forward. Pads were moved around, adjusted to fit the shape of the hull, then gradually the boat was lowered. Straps added and eventually the wagon pulled away, turning round the buildings to exit the marina.

This wasn’t where Geoff stopped though. He seemed to spend much of the remainder of the day moving cruisers about. We now have two small cruisers just in front of us, each one taking quite some time to get sorted with wooden supports which had to be brought by forklift.

Onboard Oleanna Mick busied himself with the washing. The washing drawer already getting full after being back on board for a couple of weeks. Being on shore power he was going to make the most of what time we have left. I’m not sure how many loads went through the machine during the day, but it seemed to be going round constantly.

One whirligig full

Mick cycled to Boyes to buy some oil and antifreeze. This meant he could now change the gear box oil, another maintenance job ticked off the list.

Then once the next load of washing was finished Mick put up the whirligig. This is most definitly (am I ‘H’? I can never spell the word!) a blue boy job. Hanging washing out on the whirligig when attached to the tiller is just that bit too high for me to manage. Tippy toes maybe, but over stretching ones back is not a sensible thing to do in my experience. So Mick gets to do the washing.

I busied myself working through my A4 sheet of model notes. A painted archway needed to be lowered, this was my biggest job. I still can’t decide whether to fade my cyc out to the sides with black or not. But by the end of the day the box of finished pieces was full, only a giant strawberry to finish off. This may not look that big, in fact it’s actual size is around about a standard strawberry size. But theatre models are made at 1:25. So this strawberry will end up being half a meter wide and nearly as high as a dining table!

Could it be too big, no it’s panto!

During the afternoon David/Paul and Karl came to top up with diesel. Mick had quite a chat with David. It was decided that they would call ABP to book all three boats in to pen down on Friday. One phone call much better than three. We’re already booked in at Selby with the Lockie there.

Now all we have to do is finish the washing and pray for a calm day. We can cope with rain, hail even, but not wind! Currently the forecast is not on our side especially for when we plan to do Trent Falls. Postponing this leg of the journey though means that the tides get later and higher, which also means lower. All our digits are crossed hoping that all the weather people have got it wrong and that the jet stream will whisk away the on coming front leaving us with a nice calm day.

Panto bits and bobs box

On a brighter note, we decided to book ourselves a meal for tomorrow night. Sometime earlier this year on arriving at the marina we’d noticed a big sign had gone up just outside the marina gates. Joan’s Home Kitchen collection point. What was this?

May be an image of brick wall, outdoors and text that says "JOAN'S HOME KITCHEN COLLECTION POINT Tel: 07402667478"

We had a look round on the internet and found her on facebook Joan’s Home Kitchen. A Chinese takeaway menu is published every couple of weeks with a limited amount of dishes, all of which look tasty. The only problem being that Chinese food isn’t always so good for a gluten free diet, but I really like it.

Sadly she isn’t open on Thursday, but is tomorrow. Mick gave her a call to ask about gluten free options. She was making suggestions of dishes that she could make gf for me, in the end we decided to have a chat in person. Well Joan’s boat is only about 25m away for us. There in the wheelhouse window her 5 star hygiene rating sticker.

A tasty sample to try

We chatted through dishes that I could have without too much extra work for her and placed our order for tomorrow evening. Joan handed over a sample of her seafood dumplings for Mick to try. Blimey four! I have to admit I did try them despite their flour content. Very very nice. We are now very much looking forward to our meal being delivered tomorrow.

0 locks, 0 miles, 3 maybe 4 loads of washing, 10 litres oil, 1 shower brewing, 1 very bored cat, 1 empty box, 1 full box, 1 whacking great big strawberry, 0 digits left uncrossed, 4 dumplings, 1 chef across the way.

Here’s a little bit of footage from my Scarborough theatre roots about their reopening.

Rules Are There For A Reason! 17th May

New Bridge to Viking Marina

It was left up to Tilly this morning as to when we’d move. Her last morning of freedom for sometime, so she was told to make the most of it. Off she went scouring the long grass for friends.

By about 10am we were the only boat left, David/Paul and Karl had headed off early and WB Lullabelle followed. Did they know when it was due to rain this morning?

Much better versions on the right

At about 11am we were either ready to push off or I’d be settling down to do a couple of hours work. NO sign of the second mate so I set about finishing off the bits for my panto model. My new version of the under sea scenery much better than the original.

When Tilly wants to come in she either comes to the side hatch when it’s open, or jumps on the back of the boat, quite often jumping up onto the roof hatch making the engine board rock to make a noise. Well on her return this morning we heard her land on the stern, but her bell sounded different. Had she managed to change it herself for a quieter version? Or had something happened to it, muffling it slightly?

What happened?

To us we guessed what had happened, this was confirmed when Mick opened up the back doors. One wet cat. Was this down to wet grass and hunting? No, her head was dry! This was almost certainly down to jumping in, or maybe a fall, or maybe some other excuse for not abiding by the rules which are laid out every time she goes out!

That’s not just damp Tilly!

You can be angry. You can laugh. You can chase her round with a towel trying to catch as much of the water as possible before it soaks into the sofa or bed. You can worry every time your cat is out. You can keep them indoors. Or you can let your cat be a cat. Then you can be grateful that she got out from where ever and came back home to share the clean up experience with you.

That’s soaked!

We think where she got wet was most likely to have been in a short section of drain or pond in amongst the trees. But there is a possibility that the number of ducklings was too big a pull towards the canal. If that was the case, thank goodness she managed to find a way out. However the wet paw prints came from the bank and not the stern button.

As much of a towel dry as I was allowed to give her, she then set about drying herself off by having a bath, thankfully for my end of the sofa, whilst sitting on a towel. Mick lit the stove, the boat warmed up to help with the drying off.

What’s happening there?

A small boat kept coming past this morning with a C&RT chap sat in it. In front of him it looked like he had a laptop. Was he doing a survey? He headed all the way up to the cofferdam a couple of times.

A big mound of earth just in front of the digger

After I’d finished my model bits and had lunch it was time to push off and head back into Goole. As we winded I did a last zoom in with my camera towards the cofferdam. There a digger was busy and a mound of earth could be seen. Every now and then this morning we’d been able to hear pile driving. Which part was being dug up? I’ll have to wait for Mark’s next set of photos to see. Next time we are up this way the breach will hopefully be mended and we’ll be cruising through it reminiscing.

Goodbye for now

The four damp miles back to Goole was tracked again on Nebo. I also remembered to have my camera ready to take a photo of the ladybird tile on one of the culvert bridges.

Time to put the panto model together and see if I want to do anything else. A list of notes was written out, nothing major but a couple of hours work. I also took photos so that the costume designer can see what colours I’ve used.

These were also sent off to David the Director for him to have a look at before we have a catch up, so any notes from him can be sorted prior to the finished design meeting with all the creative team and producers.

The Cotswold Thunderbolt

0 locks, 3.92 miles, 1 wind, 1 soggy moggy, 2 hours drying off, 170 model photos, 1 okay Inn, 1 lovely ship, 1 giant anemone, A4 of notes, 1 model nearly finished, 1 glass of wine to celebrate.

Driving. Breach 50. 16th May

New Bridge

I’m sure breakfast photos must be getting boring!

Yesterday afternoon another narrowboat arrived, keeping well over to the other side of the canal, yet pushing quite a bow wave. We then sat and bobbed about in the resulting waves for a good fifteen minutes until calm was restored.

One of two mums and their babies today

Have to say we’re a little surprised that not more boats have come out from the marinas for a touch of freedom. Yes the motorways are not that far away and constantly audible, but the amount of sky beats the view of other boats any day.

Fishermen lining up for todays competition

The fishermen arrived and set themselves up along the northern bank and at 11am a shout from one end to the other could be heard, then the plop of bait followed by rods. Todays catches reached 27lbs 6oz. No idea if this is a really good haul, but it sounds like it to me.


After a slow morning watching the local baby boom we headed out for a walk. The towpath officially on our side of the canal, although the northern bank is far busier, we followed it up towards New Bridge and the breach site. The grass has recently been mown despite someone having put a fence across the towpath. There being no sign to say keep out we continued. Under the bridge to where proper fencing keeps gongoozlers away from the cofferdam and new CCTV looks down on the site.

A team of high vis chaps stood around the site. Maybe because they now had on lookers they climbed back into the cabs of the diggers and pile drivers and started to work.


The piles that Mark had photographed from the air a few days ago were now being driven further down. Each one numbered in chalk. The chaps gradually worked their way along the line.

We decided to walk along the flood bank of the Dutch River to have a different view. Someone arrived in a car to check over the generators, all quite busy for a Sunday.

The tide was going out on the Dutch River, Cow parsley stood high on the flood bank and every now and then the remains of some creatures meal sat on the path, muscle shells. Sadly between us and the canal lay a very boggy area, possibly even a drain so the best view I could muster of the level on the western side of the cofferdam was by standing on a stile. No water in view.

Back at the boat Tilly was allowed several more hours of towpath exploration, although the very quick sharp showers that came and went all afternoon brought her dashing home.


Big bolts of lightening towards Doncaster were followed some 15 seconds later by big booming rumbles of thunder. We felt for the fishermen across the way, some already starting to pack up ready for a swift exit after the weigh in at 5.

Miserable out there

I continued with my model painting. The Inn now thankfully finished and a few more bits and pieces painted. The underwater scene was partly painted when I had a big change of mind about it, a much better idea which shouldn’t take too long tomorrow to make and paint. This will be a Black Light Scene, illuminated in UV with puppets of fish and mermaids swimming to our principles rescue. After that it will be time to put everything back in the model box, take notes, work through them, take photos and then wait to see what the Director thinks.

Bits and bobs

An up date of the technical drawings then hopefully the model can be tucked away for safe keeping in my clothes cupboard until needed and we can concentrate on boating for a while.

Sunday roast

0 locks, 0 miles, 4th boat, 50 breach updates, 9 hours! 20 babies, 6 showers, 1 biblical downpour, 16 drenched fishermen, 1 final alteration, 2 boaters saving their hugs.

Sunday Selfie

Heading Into The Friendly Cover. 15th May


Well I’ve been quite quiet on here recently, that’s because She has been hogging the computer and tapperty tipping lots. Then She has been working and Tom has been tapperty tipping lots instead. Just when does a cat get chance to do some writing of her own!?

Life in Scarboreough (where the outside doesn’t change) was boring, yet I had to keep on my toes. So many cats about and not one friend to be found! I had an inside tree to keep me happy, from the top I could gloat at Boggy Face Alan and Fatty Betty. There was LOADS of room inside and several comfy beds to choose from. Well that was until they all got nice clean sheets and the doors got closed.

Dreaming of escaping

Tom thinks I became a junky for a week, Cannabis is what he thinks I had. If that’s the case he was my dealer, sprinkling it onto my food on an evening! Apparently it was meant to make me a touch more laid back, but with all those cats around I couldn’t lounge around.

I found myself being shoved into the cat caravan and then spending far too long getting all hot around the collar and trying to avoid the inevitable. She did try to help, but I was so glad when Tom stopped turning the wheel.


What was this I saw before me?! Oleanna!!!!!! Our proper inside.

House collar to boat collar

She locked us in the bathroom, wanting to check I was clean. Then She said, ‘Do you know where we are?‘ Of bloomin course I did! Just let me get through that door for a nice calm sit down and a bath please!

The inside smelt a little bit different to how I remembered it. A couple of sniffs and then I decided to sit on my shelf, keep myself out of the way as She and Tom would be busy. Things went away into cubby holes, I checked them out before they opened them up in case anything had moved in whilst we were away, but all was fine.

Outside there were views again, birdies to watch, water to be aware of. Life was back to normal, I could forget about lockdown in Scarboreough.

Where is it!

But hang on something was missing! I had to send them back to get it, I most certainly wasn’t going to join them. Tom said that they hadn’t forgotten it, but there just wasn’t space for it and anyhow they had to go and see Bill. Off they went leaving me to get settled back in. I checked things over, feed me shelf, my shelf, Houdini’s shelf, the curtains are too clean and the insides of them don’t have enough grip factor yet, but I’ll work on that once my claws have grown back. Just a shame she’d left the lid on my toy box, I’ve missed playing with Transgender Mouse.

Hurry up!

When they came back, the first thing into the boat was my missing item. She hadn’t even got in through the door properly before I was using it. My scratch post! Then she opened up the toy box and there were my friends again and the really good bouncy balls, they are pathetic in a house, but great on a boat.

Get on with it!

After a few days they went outside. It was time to let this outside go, they untied it and pushed it away. I wasn’t sure if they could remember what they were doing so had to sit on the back steps and shout at them through the door. Don’t forget to push the thingy! Put the ropes where you can lasso the outside again. I’m not sure they heard me, although She kept opening the slidey top and asking if I was alright. I was fine, but were they!!!

Nervous snoozing

I decided my nerves couldn’t take it any longer, so I had to go for a snooze and just hope they caught a good outside. After three nervous snoozes they tied one up. The view from the windows looked good. No trees or sideways trees, but plenty of friendly cover. It took them forever tying it up.

What’s out there?

‘You have an hour. NO friends home dead or alive, or putting them on the roof for later. No jumping in. No falling in. No bullying. Go and enjoy yourself.’

She and I had a little walk up the towpath to check it out then I was allowed to go solo. Here there were friends! Tasty friends, oh how I’ve missed them.

Towpath walks

Since then they have repeatedly tied up the marina outside. This means I can’t go out, the close proximity of friends has been used as an excuse.

Please can I go out

But I’ve been fairly happy just watching things and occasionally twanging the bolts on the back doors.


They have also changed the outside several times. Sometimes with trees, other times fishermen (who apparently don’t require my assistance), other times some other boats. Apparently if the weather is good, the tide right and when She’s finished her working they will be letting go of this lot of outsides. They will make the outside go up and then it will zoom away and escape. She says I won’t be allowed out for a few days as it will all be tidal outsides, so I have to make the most of things now.

Best clean my paws first

I’d best lend She a paw with her working then they can get back to moving the outside properly again.


It’s purringly good to be back in this inside.

This post also appears on my very own blog Mrs Tilly

A Weekend Away. Breach 49. 13th 14th May

Goole to Newbridge

This morning the marina was busy. A big cruiser was lowered into the water, then backed away from the slings on the lift. It reversed it’s way out of view before an older yellow cruiser came to replace it, ready to be lifted out. Once on dry land Geoff set to jet washing it’s bottom.

Preparing to move the outside is very exciting for our second mate

With no need to be in Goole for the next few days, we decided to have a weekend away. So after doing the chores, filling the water tank, emptying the wee tank, disposing of the rubbish we untied our ropes and pushed off.

Our normal routine of me giving the bow a BIG push did not work today as the wind was coming from the wrong side. So the stern was pushed out past NB Summer Wind into the gap between pontoons. Once we’d got so far the wind then caught the bow and started to push that round enabling us to turn without getting too matey with any neighbours.

Busy today

It was busy out there! A narrowboat heading in to the diesel point at the Boathouse, David/Paul and Karl tucked into the corner and the boat formerly known as Harlequin just pulling out from the water point. We headed past waving to everyone as we left, maybe next time we pull away from Viking Marina it will be for the last time.

Wharf at Rawcliffe Bridge

It being a grey day the four miles back out to Newbridge was a little bit dull. A few fishermen to break up the long straight lengths of the navigation. I wondered what industry had been along this stretch. Two wharfs opposite Rawcliffe Marina and another a bit further on by the Sugar Mill Ponds. Now that name was a clue, but not to the industry that started on the site.

Another wharf outside Croda Chemicals

In 1838 Rawcliffe Brickworks stood on the site, the clay was dug by hand from the adjacent land. In 1873 the works were modernised and a 30m high chimney was added to the site. Rumour has it that the two clay pits filled with water in the 1870’s overnight creating the ponds. 1890 the site was sold and sugar was refined here, made from the local sugar beet. By 1900 the factory was completely modernised, but the bottom had fallen out of the sugar industry, so the factory never opened, although locals were still employed to keep the machines in working order.

By the Sugar Mill Ponds

After WW2 the factory produced glucose, closing in 1963. Then Croda Chemicals who had a plant on the other side of the village used the site for storage. By the 1980’s the site had become redundant and derelict, but since 1996 the ponds have been rejuvenated into a wildlife haven. Further info on the Sugar Mill Ponds.

Cofferdam ahead

We pulled in on the southern side of the cut, a short distance behind WB Lullabelle.

Hopefully at the end of the wooded area we will get some sunlight for our solar panels, Tilly can climb trees and we won’t be in the way of any fishing matches over the weekend (14 orders for Sunday breakfast have already been placed).

Forth time lucky!

A forth attempt at the Inn backdrop was started during the afternoon along with baking Mick a loaf of Country Grain bread and preparing gluten free pizza dough. It had been slightly chilly in the boat so Mick lit the stove, but by the time the bread was cooked followed by two pizzas it felt like we were in the middle east, even Tilly ended up sitting on the bathroom floor!

Tuna pizza

Yesterday Mark visited the breach site, the first opportunity to fly his drone safely for a while.


We’d noticed on our walk the other day that rusty piling had been removed from the bank and some rather long lengths of new piling were sat on the access road. Today we could see what they were being used for.


The hole in the grass has gone and there is now access for machinery on the western side of the drain.


Here the large piling is being put in on the drain side.


The size of it can be appreciated by this photo of three men sitting on one length.

13/5/21 Old piling left standing by the yellow digger

You can also see that some of the concrete (?) behind the old piling has been removed, leaving a narrower stretch of the original concrete above the drain.


Thank you Mark.

In other news a C&RT notice came through this afternoon saying the following regarding Selby Swing Bridge

Update on 14/05/2021:

Contractors and other parties involved in the works have conducted a site assessment and decided on plans to install a passenger footbridge. Assessment have also been made for the safe removal of the Road Bridge and these works are looking to be done as soon as possible.

Once the road bridge has been lifted the navigation will be reopened. Please expect some disruption when the passenger footbridge is installed which we are anticipating maybe for a couple of days. The expected duration of all the works involving the removal and installation of the footbridge will be 3 months.

York is going to be quiet this summer.

0 locks, 3.92 miles, 1 windy wind, 1 escape flotilla met, 6 hours! 4th go, 0 oil for the gear box, 1 loaf, 2 pizzas, 1 extreamly toasty boat.

Cramming. 13th May

Goole and Hull Marina

Cramming on the dinette table

The morning was spent sharing the dinette table. Me at one end with model crates, rowing boats and a cucumber sandwich marquee, Mick the other with the laptop, cramming for his exam this afternoon.

Originally he’d planned on taking the VHF Short Range Certification exam in Scarborough, at the lighthouse. But the building is currently closed due to restrictions, it is the club house for Scarborough Yacht Club and will reopen 17th May. Mick had been offered one of the first exam slots but he’d decided to try closer to the boat and had been pointed towards Hull Marina.


After lunch we both walked up to the station, me asking simple questions such as ‘If Tilly’s tail was on fire would that be a scenario for a Mayday call?’ No. ‘If Tilly’s flaming tail brushed against the curtains in the boat and set light to them would that be a scenario for a Mayday call?’ Yes! So the boat is more important than me!

How can I not be more important than the boat!?!

Off Mick sped to Hull whilst I bimbled around Goole. Purchase of moisture crystals and some kindling was achieved but other (secret) items I wasn’t so lucky with. But by the time I returned to the marina I was glad I was not carrying anymore weight as all my fingers were about to drop off!

Hull Marina

Mick walked across Hull to the marina, having to make a detour as most of the footpaths were closed alongside the A63. Bars were busy with outdoor seating in the sunshine.

In the preamble to his exam he was asked what an EPIRB was. Well he couldn’t remember what the letters all stood for (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon), but knew that they are used to transmit a distress alert to satellites. On Oleanna we don’t have one of these.

The exam consisted of several written questions and a multiple choice section. The written section was all about distress calls, maydays, none with the scenario we’d talked about earlier. It all took about 45 minutes and out of 28 questions he got one wrong. The question had been which channel to use for Bridge to Bridge communication. Mick had assumed it would be the same as Ship to Ship, but this was wrong. We have since looked in the VHF handbook and it is channel 13, this wasn’t mentioned on the online course.

However getting one question wrong was not a problem, he passed! A rather washed out photo has been sent off to the RYA for him to get his card/certification. We now meet all the criteria for using Ocean Lock that ABP request.

A widebeam

A walk around the marina as the examiner made ready to head off out onto the Humber to do some manoeuvre training. Mick asked if there were any narrowboats moored there. The examiner pointed to a widebeam which was familiar to us, last seen below Pollington Lock in September.

Heading out onto the Humber

Walking back to the station Mick came across a vaccination centre at City Hall, on the off chance he enquired if he’d be able to get his second jab. We’ve heard of some centres offering jabs to people who turn up towards the end of the day as they have surplus vaccine to be used up, but sadly it was appointment only here. Worth a try though, it would have saved another trip next week.


Mick’s journey back to Goole was slowed by a ship exiting the docks requiring a bridge swing, closing the road, the tug zooming off to assist somewhere. We celebrated his success with a glass or two of wine and a macaroni cheese with extras in the middle.


0 locks, 0 miles, 2 trains, 2 crates, 4 hours cramming,1 cat seeking new heights, 2.5kg crystals, 2kg kindling, 0 secret shopping, 1 toucan, 27 out of 28, 0 handbooks allowed, 1 widebeam, 0 attendance on Zoom, 1 bridge swing, 4 glasses of wine, 1 cat’s tail uncharred, 1 year since we got the house back, 1 big Happy Birthday to Frank!

Empty Nest. 12th May


This morning we could hear high pitched long cheeps alongside Oleanna. A fairly standard bird call from young when they can’t see their mum.

Empty Nest

With camera held tight and wrist band around my wrist I took photos of under the pontoon. Had our nearest neighbour become a mother. The nest was empty.

There’s some great weed to eat on this boat over here

The cheep moved away. Then Mum could be seen leading her one and only chick across the marina. Mick had spotted an egg the other day, but we’d thought there would be more laid as nest building had been on going.

Moorhen chicks make me think of pompoms, small black pompoms. As much as moorhen chicks are babies, therefore the most adorable creature in their mothers eye, I find them a touch ugly when newly hatched. The bald red head doesn’t help, in fact they remind me of a comedian/variety artist from my early years, Max Wall.

Today has been a serious panto painting day. My Inn backdrop came back out again. I tried various methods of adding swags to a painted cloth, found a solution I liked, proceeded to add them, then decided to put it to one side. I seem to have a block on this scene and it maybe needs a rethink!

Cream tea joust scenery

So I distracted myself with the jousting scene and ended up being quite pleased with the outcome, although tomorrow I’ll revisit the interior of my marquee as the cucumber sandwich walls are not quite right, a minor adjustment required.

Mick did more tidying of the engine bay and Tilly after being annoying for a while resigned herself to a day asleep on my cardigan.

During the day several cruisers have been out of the marina to stretch their legs as it were, but all have returned an hour or so later. Then this evening a different engine could be heard. Was it a tug? Sure enough there it was heading for the docks. The VHF radio was switched on to see what we could hear.

Mick saw three ships

Mick earlier in the day had counted six ships in the docks and this evening some were about to depart and one was heading upstream to penn in before high tide. We watched on vessel tracker as the incoming ship came closer. Two ships penned down onto the river and we could hear the tug heading out to meet with the incoming ship.

It was maybe a good chance for Mick to listen in to radio protocol as he has his VHF exam tomorrow. Well we kind of knew that the docks, ships and tug wouldn’t be using the official radio protocols.

‘Okie dokie’, ‘Ay ay’ were heard and not one hint of an ‘Over’ or ‘Out’!

The incoming ship had a pilot on board, the Yorkshire accent a give away. Despite Ocean Lock facing downstream, ships coming in on a rising tide will wind just upstream of the lock to face the tide, this makes for a more controlled entrance into the lock. Then they turn in, quite an acute turn. Spring lines are used and tonight’s was of a suitable length without 8m of slack!

This spring line holds the bow in position so that the stern can then be powered round against the incoming water without forward movement. We call this an Andy as we were taught it on our helmsman course (by Andy) for use when the wind pins you against the bank, or is trying to push you away from the bank when mooring up. Here it’s the same principle just used on a far bigger scale.

It’s a real shame you can’t get to see ships doing this manoeuvre from the land, but thanks to Mark for letting me use his drone photos again. These were taken back in March as the Fri Brevik came into Ocean Lock.

0 locks, 0 miles, 8 hours model painting, 1 exhibit in Chippy, 1 clean engine bay, 1 pompom Max, 2 out, 1 in, 0 outs, 2 aye ayes, 2 rain showers only today.

Bad Timing. 11th May

Newbridge to Viking Marina

Calmer this morning

Still blustery this morning, we wondered how the boats heading to Keadby yesterday had faired. This morning a cruiser was penning down at 07:00, he was hoping to be able to turn at Trent Falls and work his way up the Trent against the tide. I’m so glad we are waiting for smaller tides and hopefully better weather.

Newbridge behind us

As we had breakfast David/Paul messaged me saying that Sea Maiden and WB Lullabelle were now booked with Selby for the same dates as us. A Whatsap group was formed between the three boats and David suggested downloading Nebo.

Nebo is a boat logging ap, it automatically logs your journey and you can see where your friends are on the water too. I suspect it is mainly used by boats at sea, but for our little flotilla it will mean we can monitor where we are, keep an eye on speed and each others position.

En route to Goole

I set it up on my phone and clicked start for our journey back into Goole. Not fully ofay with it before we pushed off (not now either), but it did show our position on the canal. Speed, weather and the next few hours of weather including temperature and wind speed, distance travelled etc. I could see David/Paul on the ap, but as yet I’ve not managed to add them to our friends list. There is plenty of time for that though.

The cofferdam just in hazy view

We pootled our way back to Goole, glancing over our shoulders towards the breach a van pulled up, but no diggers in sight today. Hopefully we’ll have a walk back down that end in a few days time.

oh poo!

Pulling in at the services on the Goole Boathouse side we’d timed our arrival very badly. The septic tank at the services was about to be emptied, the pooh tanker and hoses being laid out. With only three lumps of coal left on Oleanna we needed to stock up so we tied up and coped with the aroma as the tanker shuddered as the tank was emptied.

This should help the weather perk up

Back over to Viking we pulled in on our mooring, tied up and could hear what was possibly a newly hatched Moorhen. Mick did his best to hold onto his phone to get a photo, a Moorhen sitting on the nest. I think they were a bit miffed we’d returned.

Tail feathers just visible

Our shopping arrived and was stowed away, then I continued with work whilst Mick busied himself out the back. He tidied up the engine bay and carefully reattached the stern fender. These are heavy and quite awkward, luckily he didn’t drop it.

The stuff of life

A loaf of bread was mixed and kneaded, proved on the shelf and baked for Mick to eat over the next few days. He’s been banned from buying bread until at least one of the bags of bread flour is used up.


During the afternoon the sun shone, then the world went dark again. Big rumbles of thunder rolled over head followed by torrential rain. We’d left the cratch open and I got a good soaking closing it up.

Our troubled Christmas tree is starting to look a touch happier. It had really enjoyed being in the house at Christmas, so much so that it thought it was spring. It then got a shock when it wasn’t! It stalled with new yellow needles on the outside, the inner needles turning brown. But it is starting to show willing again with lots of new growth, here’s hoping being back on the boat it will be happy again. It just mustn’t grow too much otherwise it won’t fit inside!

0 locks, 4.06 miles, 2 bags coal, 0 shore leave, 1 pooh sucky machine, 4 boxes of wine, 1 thunderbolt completed, 1 fender, 3 bags rubbish, 1 lorry in the cut, 1 new ap.

Nebo map of todays journey

Stormy Weather. 10th May

Newbridge the other side

Tilly was of course eager to go out this morning. The proximity of the Dutch River and the mounting wind gave us reason to move, not far but to the other side of the canal. So before breakfast we pushed off, pootled a short distance westwards, winded and then got blown into the side. Mick did his best to avoid grating the newly painted gunnels on the armco, but it was impossible to stop before the inevitable happened. I have to say I haven’t looked.


On our new mooring there are fields that reach out to the M62, no drains for cats to get stuck on the far side of, or tidal waters to sweep her away. But there is also no shelter and the wind was really quite brisk, not ideal hunting weather.

Tilly came and went until she got bored of the blowyness, then resided herself to a sofa day.

Fishing results from yesterday if you are interested, Mick Bower was the winner with 45lbs 8oz of Roach. His win was £165, not a bad Sunday.

A day of panto painting for me. I moved onto the Cotswold Thunderbolt. Opening an art calendar I got for Christmas the other day I came across a painting of a fantastic ship which changed the way I wanted to paint the Thunderbolt. This meant re-making the model pieces to get cleaner colours. I gradually worked my way through the flats and so far I’m happy with it. Hooray!

The wind grew. Rain started. Blimey it got blustery out there!


Thunder started too as large anvil shaped clouds whisked their way overhead. Foot high waves skirted across the canal. Rain blew in down the side of the cratch cover and a small stream of water made it’s way across the well deck. The footage below was after the worst of the wind but the thunder rumbles on.

We were really glad we’d not gone out on the river today as others had. Two boats, one narrowboat and a widebeam had headed out from Ocean Lock with a Pilot. They penned out at 06:50, arriving at Blacktoft Wharf at 08:45. They were going to remain moored at the wharf until the tide turned at 15:05, a long wait in the howling gales and thunder. Hopefully they survived the afternoon and penned up at Keadby safely. We’ve not heard anymore on the group.

Something’s up with our radio

When the weather calmed down a touch, Mick put on his overalls and climbed down into the engine bay. Despite Oleanna not having done 750 hours between fuel filter changes he had decided to clean/ change them. There was a touch of crud and the fuel was a bit emulsified. That’s another check done before our departure.

Just the brown to do

Sadly he ran out of nappies and blue roll whilst doing the change, so nappies were added to our next delivery and a t-towel stuffed in the vent from the engine bay into the main cabin. Yes ventilation is very important, but neither of us wants to sit in a boat stinking of diesel all night.

Mick made a phone call to ABP to book our penning down onto the Ouse. This was his second attempt as there had been nobody suitable to make his booking with earlier in the day. So the second go was timed around high water. This time Mick was told to call back giving 48hours notice, we’re a while off that so will have to note it in the diary.

0 locks, 0.16 miles, 1 wind, 1 extreamly windy day, 5 thunderbolt flats, 1 windy bottom, 12.5lbs in the lead, 1 stove lit, 2 filters, 4 rainbows, 3 thunderstorms, 2 boats clinging on at Blacktoft.

Tilly Time And A Real Stunner. 9th May

Goole to New Bridge Farm ish

Our neighbours nest just visible under the pontoon

The other day I’d found a gluten free white pudding in Morrisons so it was obvious that it needed some accompaniments. Mick worked his breakfast magic whilst I persuaded Tilly that being patient today would pay off, she grumbled at me and returned to bed.


After breakfast we made ready and pushed off reversing out from our mooring, turning to the west for a couple of nights of freedom. All but one of the boats on the visitor moorings were new, David/Paul and Karl along with WB Lullabelle must still be out and about, we’d no doubt see them later.


When I was hunting for any information regarding the breach I joined the Aire and Calder Canal facebook group, not realising that first and foremost it was a fishing group. This now proves to be quite handy as I now know where the matches are being played along our stretch. Yesterday we could have ordered ourselves bacon and sausage rolls to be delivered to a fishing peg near Rawcliffe or New Bridge this morning, but we had a much better spread on board Oleanna.

Every garden should have a slide

We pootled out past Rawcliffe, I wonder whether the new occupants of what was The Black Horse will keep the house in a shoe slide and let moorers use it?

We passed numerous fishermen and looking up towards the bridge at Newbridge the count came to 40, but there was plenty of room for both boats and fishermen along the wide stretch of canal. Up ahead we could see a cruiser and widebeam that had pulled up when we came out here the other day, this was where David/Paul and Karl were along with Lullabelle. We pulled in a distance behind them right by a small wood. Lets just say Tilly’s excitement could be heard for miles!

Once we were tied up, our location from the trip computer noted, what3words taken down and the rules recited (excluding the bit about poohing in Damien’s garden!), the back doors were opened up and one very VERY happy cat launched herself into the friendly cover, ran part way up a tree and then came for a short walk where rocks in the canal caused her to do a Matthews double take. What were they doing in the water!?! Don’t they know they’ll drown if they don’t get out quickly! They obviously are not reminded of the rules everyday.

They are putting themselves at risk!

Mick and I walked up to chat with David/Paul and Martin all part of the Escape Committee. We talked of dates and an adjusted date due to my second jab, they were both up for accompanying us to Selby and then Keadby. At Selby none of us would be able to share the lock sadly, but if our arrival is spaced out we should be fine, departure I suspect the flat bottomed boats will leave first to be caught up by the cruiser.

The rest of the day was taken up with panto model painting and the cooking of a roast chicken, not quite managing to finish off the last sweet potatoes from Tree Top Press, one left.

Now for the stunning part of the day.

The sunset.

It started off quite dramatically with the amount of cloud cover.

The the sun dipped behind the horizon.

Colours shot up into the clouds above us which reflected themselves in the canal. The constant water flowing in from the pumps at the breach gives the water a gentle ripple.

Really quite magical. You don’t get such views from the house in Scarborough.

This is one of the reasons we love boat life.

0 locks, 3.85 miles, 1 big breakfast, 40 fishermen, 39 breakfast butties, 3 in the flotilla, 12 fingers 4 paws crossed for good weather, 1 cat who remembers boat life all too well, 0.75 hours late return for dingding, 1 roast chicken, 1 stunner of a sunset, 2 content boaters, 1 exhausted cat, 1 Mrs Tilly stamp of approval.