Category Archives: Bridges

3rd Painter. 4th February

Uplands Marina

Scarbados on a lovely day

With a window between house jobs and appointments we booked ourselves a hire car for two days so that we could cross the Pennines to visit another couple of boat painters.

Mick headed off early to pick up the car and I got on with my exercises followed by my daily walk, today before breakfast. I’m doing my best to get fitter, loose some weight and get ready for boating again, so I’ve downloaded the NHS Active 10 app. This measures how many minutes of brisk walking you do in a day. I aim for 30 minutes, on some days I’m managing far more which just shows how much better my knees are now.

Earlier than normal morning walk

The magic food bowl was set for Tilly. I thought She was starting to pack to go back on the boat, exciting! But no, I’d be home alone with Thomas Tom and Singing She next door to keep an eye on. Our car journeys normally take us over the top of the Yorkshire Wolds, but today we were back on the A64 heading towards York, then the M62 across over the top of the Pennines in the rain.

I’m helping put together a community mosaic

We were headed for the top of the Trent and Mersey Canal. Once off the main roads place names started to become familiar, a few more wiggles and we were crossing the canal, Anderton Marina to our left and the boat lift to the right. A pit stop at the services was required, we pulled up by the rubbish skip a white van parked next to it. A chap inside asked if we were wanting to use the elsan, no just the loo. He was there to mend the elsan and it should be up and running again in half an hour.

Whoever cleans the service block manages to mop the floor, but the black mould around the sink and on the door frame was horrible, plus the smell was pretty bad too, maybe something to do with the elsan. I made sure I washed my hands knowing I’d be able to get out of the block without touching anything!

We had our lunch over looking the marina. Long pontoons stretching off into the distance, much bigger than we’d imagined it to be. There was one familiar boat moored up by the slipway. NB Firecrest, Eric and Cheryl whom we’d met shortly before the Thames flotilla and then afterwards whilst in Paddington Basin.

Hello Firecrest over there!

Time to see if we could find Nick from The Paint Shed. We’d been warned that the boat they’d be working on today was quite a rusty old boat and they would just be starting to strip it back. The covered dock was very noisy, but someone spotted us and Nick came over to say hello, he just needed to finish something so maybe we’d want to wait in the office.

I’ve been doing a touch of painting

As a scenic artist I’ve had several spray guns in my life, several giving up the ghost on me getting clogged, that’s when I yearned to have more than one. Here they had at least four and several spare needles for them too, I was jealous.

Nick came to chat, then we had a walk around the marina. As with most boat painters the nearest marina tends to have several boats that they’ve painted, so as we walked he pointed out boat after boat and told us roughly how long ago it was that he painted them. Of course today was a good day for him to show off his work, rain makes everything shiny and bright, he admitted they all looked top notch when wet.

Four or more guns

Over the years we’ve seen quite a few boats painted by Nick, the last one we shared Big Lock in Middlewich with, it looked immaculate and when we asked how recently their paint job had been we were surprised when they mentioned years rather than weeks. So we’ve seen quite a bit of his work around the north west, when it hasn’t been raining.

We sought refuge back in the paintshed to have a look round. They certainly had their work cut out on the boat in there. One chap was stripping the paint off in the well deck as another was removing window frames. Here they strip every boat back to bare steel using scabblers, needle guns etc. Then the shell is acid treated, this kills off any rust and gives the shell a layer that acts as a primer. 2 coats of 2 pack epoxy primer are followed by 2 coats of 2 pack base coat, then 2 coats of the desired finish including bow, stern hatch, tiller and anti slip painting all in their heated dock. Their sign writing is done by Robin Wagg.

The Paintshed’s dock is not a dry dock, meaning that they don’t do blacking at Uplands Marina as your boat sits in the water. They can black your boat but they do this at Hesford Marine on the Bridgewater, there the hull could be shot blasted. Nick chooses a day with suitable weather, the chaps at the marina shot blast the hull and then Nick very quickly follows them with the first coat of 2 pack blacking to keep the hull as dry as possible. He also insists on doing the job himself. We chatted over logistics for this. Ideally the hull should be shot blasted and blacked before the cabin is painted. However this does mean that when the cabin is being prepared dust and swarf from the sanding is likely to end up sitting along the water line of the new blacking, not ideal really.

Their next slot for painting would be March 2026, but he suggested that we should get the blacking done in the last warmer months of this year when the weather is better for such things. He’d be able to do it in September then we’d look at mooring at Uplands for the winter so then Oleanna would be sat ready and waiting for her painting.

We chatted through all the other jobs on our list, he made some suggestions and nothing would be a problem. He called Caldwells Windows regarding a delivery he was expecting, but also asked them if they do double glazed sliding windows for us. They don’t, I’d suspected as much just from looking on line.

Nick is a nice cheery chap, we liked him. We worked out an estimate for blacking and shot blasting so that this could be added into the price he’d come up with, so we’d be able to compare painters prices better.

Down side to The Paintshed was the blacking having to be at a different time in warmer months. September was suggested, we already have a lodger booked in the house, so we’d be homeless and more to the point Tilly would be homeless! Not being able to grit blast the cabin sides and get them painted quickly due to a days cruise between Hesford and Uplands Marina is also a negative. The distance back to Scarborough in a vehicle for Tilly also might be too much. So sadly as much as we liked Nick and the boats of his we’ve seen he dropped into second position.

Barnton Tunnel

It was still quiet early in the afternoon when we left. What to do with ourselves for the rest of the afternoon? Cinema? Nothing on we fancied. We ended up driving to find the portals of the tunnels on the Trent and Mersey, one found, no boats waiting to go through. Then headed on up to Midland Chandlers at Preston Brook to see what we could see. Mick was after a few connectors for the tunnel light and horns and some new screws for fixing things back onto the bracket. We had a good look round and gave up, only purchasing a bottle of Marine 16.

Neoprene lined fender hooks, might be worth it once Oleanna’s painted, expensive though

We then wiggled our way back towards Northwich. Sign posts to Lewis Carroll’s birth place and visitor centre caught our eye close to Daresbury, shhhhh! Would these be close enough to the canal to be able to walk there in the future? It was too late in the day now to visit.

Hello Dante

Our accommodation for the night was the Travelodge at Lostock Gralam, just off the A559 to the north west of Northwich. It has recently had an upgrade! I think this means a new lick of paint, a funky covered arm chair and a new painting above the bed. Instead of having Rudolf’s red nose in the painting we now had a stylised landscape with moon and we’d be serenaded by a black cat plucking a fiddle.

Nearby is a La Turka, a Turkish and Mediterranean restaurant. It was big with a very good menu having plenty of gluten free dishes. Mick chose a pizza and I had chicken kebabs with a side salad, twice as much as was need for both of us, maybe we should have got a doggy bag for breakfast. It was very nice and I suspect if we ever moor near Wincham Wharf we’ll be back as it’s only 1km away.

Us in Scarborough

0 locks, 0 miles by boat, 1 yellow car, A64, 3rd painter, 1 blogging boat, 4 spray guns, 1 wet day, 2 complicated sadly, 1 small bottle Marine 16, 1 Dante pat, 1 cat and fiddle, 1 pizza, 2 kebabs, 1 side salad, 1 bottle of wine on a week night, 1 cat home alone!

A Golden Ride On The Thames. 21st December

Masthouse Terrace Pier, London

Our journey continued down to London Town, conversation regarding Oleanna’s boat paint as we headed southwards. We shouldn’t chose a painter just because his paint shop is in the shadows of cooling towers! This wasn’t the case but Tom was certainly in the lead.

The traffic was bad in places. Our satnav decided to take us on a short detour at one point, handy as it avoided standstill traffic and took us past Wansford Station where we’d moored a couple of years ago on the River Nene. Good Christmas lights were seen, no time to stop to see any of the trains though as we were directed back onto the A1 in time to see the field Tilly had gone AWOL in until well after dark.

Ziggy checking over the local news

It’s been sometime since we drove to my brothers in Hackney and we nearly always get the turn off wrong, but this time I’d remembered to look out for B&Q, then there’s a really tricksy junction to get on the right road. I think this is the first time we’ve done it without a single hitch and thankfully there was a parking space not far from Andrews front door.

Josh was home from University and we had a very pleasant evening catching up, eating a seriously chunky beef bourguignon and drinking maybe just a little bit too much wine. Good to see them all for an evening on our own.

Friday some of the morning was spent sending, or trying to send our email Christmas card. Why does it always have to be so hard? But we got there in the end. What to do with ourselves for the rest of the day?

Selfridges windows not as good as I remembered them being

We didn’t really want to spend any money on going to a museum or a special exhibition. For some reason the Wallace Collection came to mind. Mick checked out a route by bus and we were off heading into London. Three buses later we pulled up outside Selfridges, their Christmas windows were okay, but not quite as slick as I’d expected.

A Christmas staircase

Now it was lunch time, we ended up with an M&S sandwich each sat on a bench outside the Wallace Collection, their cafe menu a touch too expensive for us. Time for some culture. Hertford House in Manchester Square was the home of the Seymour family, it’s named after Sir Richard Wallace who built the extensive collection along with the Marquesses of Herford in the 18th and 19th Centuries.

I was expecting quite a good collection but nothing by any means as large as it turned out to be, 25 galleries housing arms and armour, furniture, porcelain and so many paintings from the 15th to 19th Century. Yes you will find The Swing by Fragonard, much smaller than I’d thought it would be, The Laughing Cavalier by Frans Hals to name just two of the very famous paintings in the collection.

There are Watteaus, Velazquezs, Rubens, Rembrandts, Gainsboroughs, Canellettos, Van Dycks all great stuff amongst lots of Francois Bouchers fluffy pink huge canvases which don’t really do anything for me. I walked round spotting paintings I’d learnt about in A Level art, but then pin pointed paintings that stood out to me.

What an elaborate ruff

My favourite was simply called A Dutch Lady, by M.J. Mierevelt. She was just at the right height to have a conversation with. Her 1628 ruff exquisitely painted. I wanted to ask her so many questions about life in the 17th Century and why she wasn’t named on the frame as many were.

Mick, Rob and Nick

Then we hopped on buses out to Camden, catching glimpses of the canal as we crossed over bridges. A quick call in to drop off a Christmas present with Christine and Paul before we met with my friend Nick and his Canadian friend Rob at a pub just round the corner. I’ve known Nick since we were babes in arms, for some years we went to school together, then did our Art Foundation course together too, we’ve never lost touch. The frequency meeting for drinks on Christmas Eve has dropped in recent years, parents no longer calling us back to York for Christmas. So it was very nice to be able to exchange presents face to face, have beer, food and conversation this close to Christmas.

Saturday was the main reason for our trip down to London. Regular readers will be excused for not remembering what we got up to 10 years ago on the 20th December. Back in 2014 we joined all the Geraghty family for a vintage bus tour around London to celebrate Marion (Mick’s sister) and John’s 40th Wedding Anniversary. Today was naturally their 50th Golden Wedding Anniversary.

Interesting buildings in the complex

Andrew and Jac joined all the generations of Geraghty family and friends for the day. Meeting up at Richards flat on the Isle of Dogs we had nibbles and a glass of fizz whilst every one gathered. Then a five or so minute walk to Masthouse Terrace Pier on the banks of the Thames. There waiting for us was an Uber Clipper hired for a trip on the Thames. Marion and John had originally booked a smaller boat, but the toilets weren’t working they’d had an upgrade to a much bigger boat.

Our boat for an hour or so

With about 40 of us onboard there was plenty of room, you could stand out on deck or stay inside with a window seat, where ever you fancied really. Soon we pushed off, two other boats were waiting to come in. Off upstream we headed. Downstream of Tower Bridge boats go fast, it was quite exhilarating stood out on deck at the stern.

The first 2km of our cruise was water we’ve not cruised on Oleanna, in fact I think I’ve only been further downstream on a Clipper for Kath’s 50th birthday when we headed to Greenwich. When Canary Wharf came into view we were now on water we’d cruised on the night time flotilla in 2022. Past Limehouse Lock, now landmarks were familiar.

Sadly the weather wasn’t on our side so many of the taller buildings were only just visible . As we approached Tower Bridge we were all called towards the bow, where John and Marion put on floral garlands to mark the occasion of their anniversary.

Tower Bridge

Under the right hand span of Tower Bridge. Landmarks were pointed out to the youngest of passengers. Places of work were pointed out to new victims and sisters by Mick.

We were moving quicker than we did on Oleanna, the bridges coming one after the other. It was handy to have Waterway Routes up to confirm the names as we passed underneath.

Occasionally John would go on the tannoy, pointing out places of interest in his and other passengers lives. The National Theatre, Royal Festival Hall, the Tattershall Castle that many a Geraghty had crossed the Humber on. The exclusion zone in front of the Houses of Parliament seemed to be smaller than I remembered it.

Houses of Parliament

We made it under Vauxhall Bridge but sadly not quite as far as Battersea Power Station. It was in view though and everyone got a good view as the clipper winded to return us back to Masthouse Terrace Pier.

Power Station in the distance
The first time we’ve been under the centre span with it down

Then it was back to the flat where a chap had been laying out a fantastic buffet from The Space Bar. Drinks, conversation, speeches, photographs and plenty, I mean plenty of food was enjoyed. Then there was cake! Not just one but three types of cake! What a grand way to celebrate 50 years of marriage. Congratulations to Marion and John and thank you for sharing it with us all.


Back at the London Leckenby’s we fell into the sofa and didn’t do much for the remainder of the evening.

Cutting the cake

Presents were exchanged on Sunday morning, then we climbed back into our little car and headed back northwards. A pause near Cambridge to refuel and have a substandard breakfast before we carried on up the A1, M18, M62 and then back across the Wolds to Scarborough.

Knitting two together so as to not run out of yarn

Tilly was very pleased to see us. David our lodger had been feeding her whilst we were away, but he’d left food for our return, Tilly apparently hadn’t been impressed with not getting her dingding earlier than normal and she’d been quite noisy about it after not being spotted for three days.

Back in Scarborough before the sunset

0 locks, 0 miles, 1 hire car to London, 3 London Leckenbys, 2 cats, 1 huge gallery, 1 oldest friend, 1 whiffy pub, 5 buses, 1 train, 1 clipper, 40 passengers, 50th anniversary, 50 golden balloons, 2 much yummy food, 3 cakes, 1 gluten free take away box of brownies, 1 lazy evening, 1 pleased Tilly to see us, 1 poorly baddy!

Spaghetti Fork. 22nd October

Castleford to Sykehouse Junction, New Junction Canal

Yesterday was the start of Chippy panto rehearsals for Jack and The Beanstalk. I’d be wrong if I said I wasn’t missing working on it this year. I’d also have rather been at the meet and greet followed by read through and fit up followed by fish and chips at the Blue Boar then having stinging eye drops in my eyes yesterday. I’m hoping we get chance to go down to see the show but we need to combine it with other things in the south, otherwise it would be a very expensive theatre trip. I’m still in touch with many people and am getting the occasional sneak peek at what’s happening.

Amber at the Bulholme Lock

Rather than drawing things out or base coating bits of scenery, today we were going to find out what the health and safety problem was at Ferrybridge Flood Lock and hope for a mooring suitable for some jobs and some cat shore leave.

We got up and pushed straight over to the water point close to Bulholme Lock. With the tank filling we sat down for breakfast. Then the yellow water was pumped into a container for disposal later. Just as we were sorting this a boat came past heading for the lock. We’d have been able to share if they waited five minutes, but by the time we were sorted they had dropped down the lock and were on their way.

That’s a continent of Pennywort

I was on key duty and filled the lock. Just above the top gates was a huge island of pennywort, it spanned the the width of the lock. Mick decided to take a run up, either to split it in two or to take it into the lock with Oleanna. As soon as the bow hit the island he cut the engine and she drifted into the lock with the weed surrounding her. As the lock emptied the weed drifted in front only to be picked up again on exiting the lock. Mick then managed to loose it by stopping to pick me up at the lock landing.

Just look at that!

Going downstream there’s about an hours cruise before reaching Ferrybridge. Lots of trees and today lots of sunshine. One of those lovely autumn days to enjoy being on the back of a boat.

and that!

Just about the only thing that gives away the old Ferrybridge power station is the old wharf where the Tom Puddings were brought to be raised up to empty their cargo of coal. The building is now gone, but the wharf still exists. Pylons stretch off in all directions and stepped back from the river power is still generated. It’s a boring landscape now the cooling towers are gone, so there’s no point in taking photos anymore.

Very nearly there

The last couple of bends and we could see we’d caught the boat ahead of us up. A boat came from the lock too. Then through Ferry Bridge we could see the amber light, self operation! The flood lock is operable.

We caught the boat ahead up just as he was about to negotiate climbing a ladder. I managed to stop him, suggesting that as there were two of us we’d work the lock. I climbed the ladder, then over the footbridge.

Maybe the health and safety issue is with the walkway on the top gates, as you’d need a very big stride to get onto them, the step being a good three foot. But that has been the case for goodness how long. The river level board showed green! Not long till the gates could just be left open. I knew there wasn’t a gate through the handrail to reach the panel, so climbed over it. Maybe I’d have been better walking to the far end of the lock and crossing the gates there, but that was a very long way round, these locks are big round here!

Bank Dole Junction

On our own now, the other boat not in a rush, we carried on heading eastwards. Fishermen lined the banks and nodded at us as we passed. Lots of boats around Bank Dole Junction, quite a few big ones too. We headed right, turning left will be left for next year, or maybe we’ll head to York direct from Goole, or via Pocklington?

Kellingley Colliery is getting more overgrown around the edges, only the occasional gap to see if anything is happening, nothing since March that we could make out.


Now we were back on the waterways with big skies, reaching from way over there to way over there! We’ve enjoyed trees, hills, rivers this year, but we alos like being back here with so much sky.

Dumping it on the bank

The M62 comes close then drifts away. Then it returns to be passed underneath just before Whitley Lock. Here a weed boat was busy collecting Pennywort. The fork lift prongs on the bow jab into islands of leafy green, then rise up. The down side of this is it’s a bit like eating spaghetti with a fork and not being allowed to twist the pasta onto the prongs, the tomato sauce making the pasta slip off. The chap scouped up the pennywort time and time again to deposit it on the bank. Whitley Lock seems to be a place where the weed congregates. Last year there was a closure for quite sometime whilst it was cleared, at least they seem to be trying to keep on top of it this year.

It’s a slippery thing

As we approached the lock he asked if he could come down the lock with us. Apparently yesterday above the lock had been choaked with the weed. So we lowered down to the next pound the weed boat shooting out of the lock in front of us, hunting down the next mass of weed to collect and deposit on the bank.

Wonder what RAL number that blue is

This is all such familiar water to us now. Past the CRT boat yard at Heck. Plenty of work boats in, one out on the bank getting a new lick of CRT Blue.

Entering Pollington Lock

Then Pollington Lock, our last lock of the year! In Oleanna went, the lolly pop indicators raised and down she descended to the Goole level of the Aire and Calder. The Key of Power could be put back on the main key ring and have a rest.

The VHF radio blurted something out. We always have it on around here to listen in in case there are any freight boats about. It was hard to understand what was being said, Mick checked on boat movements into Goole, Exol Pride had come up Ocean Lock an hour and a half ago. Exol was heading for the New Junction and all the lift and swing bridges, then on to Rotherham. We’d almost certainly have missed her by the time we got there ourselves.

Mind yourself walking backwards

Now at every overhead power line there were notices on the bank on posts, at every culvert notices too. Back towards Christmas 2020 there was a breach on the Aire and Calder, a huge amount of water was lost, the level from this huge pound dropped and several sections of piling and bank slumped into the canal. There is currently a stoppage notice for piling works.

Back filling

Four hi-vis CRT staff walked towards us on the bank. Then a fence that really meant the towpath was closed, not one that you can manoeuvre to get round. Up ahead several work boats. New piling had gone in and a digger was back filling with earth and packing it down. One worker walked backwards with a remote controlled spikey roller. Skip boats of fresh earth were being brought from past Sykehouse Junction, no dredging silt from the canal, this back filling needed to be sturdy.

Plenty of room for us

Our favourite spot at the junction was taken, so we turned onto the New Junction Canal to see what was available. One narrowboat at the far end, we pulled in just where the edging starts to flatten out and tied up. This would do us nicely.


Tilly you have four hours! Four!! Brilliant!!!!!! No eating your own body weight in rodents! Spoil sport!

Bit different to panto painting

After lunch I got the attachment of doom out. The rusty patches on the port side that I’d treated before Standedge needed cleaning off again. Then a coat of primer was applied. The boat ahead was being repainted by the looks of it. Tilly would now have to stay off boats and cat walks!

Mick put the mushroom vent top back on, only tightening it with his fingers, not wanting to put strain on the glued threaded bar. This will be fine. Then the interior cover went back on.

Then it was time to enjoy our evening as the sun set. Tilly zonked from so much friendly cover, now lounging on the sofa in front of the stove. Yarn was selected for the next pair of socks, they were cast on. What a lovely day and cruise.

That tail’s up, she’s happy

4 locks, 16.5 miles of big skies, 0 red light, 1 lock on self operation! 2 locks shared, 1 full water tank, 1 clean pooh box, 1 empty yellow water tank, 1 right, 2 colds still clinging on, 1 grab rail with some paint on it, 4 hours of freedom, 3 little friends, 43 pounces, 2 trees, 1 slight patch of white, don’t know how that got there! 1 exhausted cat, 1 cosy Oleanna on our last night out on the cut.

Broken Smile. 9th October

Above Lock 42 E to Handmade Bakery, Slaithwaite

Lemsips all round this morning. Maybe I should have tried to catch it sooner! Oh well. A message was sent to our volunteer lock wheeler to warn him of the germs floating around Oleanna, he decided to continue with his journey to meet up with us anyway.

42 E or E 42?

At 10am we pushed off, filling the top lock of the flight. With Oleanna in the lock we emptied the yellow water into our container for disposal later, it’s far easier to have the bank on the port side to do this job. Just as we were about to start our descent a white car pulled up, the window wound down. ‘Hey! Oleanna!!!’ It was Pete Toon from Mikron. A shame not to have managed a longer chat but there was traffic. If we’d been stuck longer I was going to contact him to meet up somewhere. Only a week or so left of the Mikron shows for this year, touring by van now as Tyseley is on the Weaver at Northwich for the winter.

Next a train pulled in at the station. Paul our volunteer had arrived. Hello’s all round then straight to emptying the lock and starting our descent. Last night the local weather forecast had suggested that we might have a shower or two today, they didn’t mention the constant drizzle that would accompany us down the locks today.


Caution under the low pipe bridge below the top lock is required, the next pound needed lowering and then some extra weight from Mick assisted. Then we were on our way, Mick and Paul leap frogging each other down the flight. Sometimes they were lifting a paddle at the next but one lock down, taking our water with us. Most by washes were flowing anyway so we’d not run out of water.

Hills visible, they’d been shrouded in cloud before we started

Three years ago to the day we’d set off down the flight. One pound had been low and required topping up. I think it was in that pound that a fan belt went on or domestic alternator and wrapped itself around a pulley. We ended up mooring up in the next pound and calling RCR out to help. When the engineer had inspected everything he didn’t have the right tool for the job, but we were safe to carry on, although our leisure batteries could only be topped up by the solar. It was drier three years ago!

Stone arched bridges as well as wooden

The trees are just turning, some sunshine would have made our descent very pretty. Hillsides off in the distance, the short pounds between locks.

At Lock 37E a temporary repair had been made. The problem had been the rotten upright as I’d thought. Strips of metal have been bolted onto the timber to keep it going a while longer. I’m sure our friend Frank would have fashioned a suitable repair out of wood in the same amount of time it had taken to bolt this together.

Works by the reservoir

33E sits by a reservoir, there were diggers and several CRT chaps over looking things. Mick went to ask what they were doing, but instead was asked how many locks ahead we’d been setting. One of the chaps was really quite miffed that there was so much water coming down the flight and said that we should only have been setting one lock ahead, rather than two. This puzzled us as lifting a paddle on a lower lock to start filling it would surely lower the pound above, then that would be topped up when the lock above was emptied, any water coming round the bywash would be doing that anyway. He suggested we shouldn’t set ahead on the rest of the locks and on a few of them we should empty them slowly as they would end up flooding the next pound down.

Stone steps down from the lock

32E had orange fencing around it. I’d been warned about it by the Lockie yesterday, it was open as you could work round it. This work round would involve walking up to the lock before to cross the canal, then round the reservoir where the path to the lock had been blocked off. Not the best work around, the orange fencing won’t stop people from using the bridge!

I’m quite happy here , so long as you tie up a good outside today

After 32E there is a longer gap between locks. Mick hopped back on board so I could sit down, only problem was that everything was quite damp. Puddles on the towpath kept Paul light on his toes.

A lovely place to stop on the end of the lock landing

At Booth Lock 31E it took a while to fill the lock. This is where we’d stopped three years ago and had planned on stopping last Saturday. An ideal mooring for Tilly to have shore leave but not a good place to stop today. We carried onwards, all down hill for the rest of the year!

More hills

Which lock was it where there was a boater who would complain about you using the lock? Above 26E, sadly the boat hasn’t faired well over the last three years.

Eek not so good

Now the canal heads down a tree lined route, the River Colne sitting just below the towpath. We were hoping for a space before lock 24E the guillotine lock. Here there were bollards and a good stretch of woodland before the river, perfect for Tilly who was in need of some fresh air and play time.

Plenty of water coming down

Mick and Paul walked ahead as I brought Oleanna in to moor. However the bottom was way too far close to the top. When we came through on NB Lillyanne there had been boats moored here, not sure if that had been the case three years ago. Today it was empty because no-one can get to the side to tie to the bollards. Paul took the boat hook and dipped for depth, no more than 18 inches!

Looking back at Lock 26 E

Sorry Tilly, really sorry. She won’t be smiling about our mooring today!

The guillotine lock

24E was worked by both Mick and Paul. On one side of the guillotine is the paddle mechanism, the other side you wind the gate up with your windlass. Now to find a mooring. The blue Strawberry Island boat was moored on the relatively new moorings below the lock, we pulled in in front of them and retired inside.

Coats were hung up to dry and a late lunch consumed with a slice each of carrot cake.

Paul and Mick with the carrot cake

Thank you Paul for helping us again, making our descent much easier and with good company. It does also mean that Paul gets chance to check the information on his maps and the mooring above 24E will now be removed.

What was left of the afternoon was a quiet one, well apart from Tilly grumbling at the back door! I sussed out that the Slawit Chippy did gluten free fish of you ordered in advance. A phone call was made and an order placed.

Crispy batter

All cooked in beef dripping, so not a chippy for vegetarians. My fish was a touch smaller than Micks, but that happens! Not the best we’ve had but very nice after a damp day at the locks.

19 locks, 2.4 miles, 1 drive by Pete, 1 volunteer Paul, 1 pound too high, 1 annoying pipe bridge, 0 beeps, 0 raspberries, 1 drizzly day, 3 soggy boaters, 2ft 4″ required, 1ft 6″ available, 1 grumpy cat, 3 slices of cake, 1 very handy bakery, 2 haddocks, 1 chips, 4 lemsips.

Bum Wiggle Factor. 7th October

Above Lock 42E

Being still today wasn’t going to matter to us. I would be heading off on a train to York for a hospital appointment around midday. Mick was heading to Scarborough to do a turn around at the house plus a roofer, via our insurance company, was coming to look at the leak that had happened a week ago. Originally this was meant to have been Friday, then it got moved to Monday, now it was supposed to happen Tuesday.

How long has this latch been letting people onto the towpath?

We were getting ourselves sorted for some time away from the boat, when my phone rang. York Hospital having to cancel my appointment due to staff illness. I knew I shouldn’t have booked my train ticket yesterday! Oh blimey, I’d been referred back in February, how long would it be before I could be seen? Thankfully a new appointment could be made for two weeks time, I snapped it up. No need for me to head to York now.

Six pairs, only five heading off today

Mick headed off to catch a train to Scarborough, he’d booked himself a flu and covid jab this afternoon at a chemists he’d be walking past, so at least that part of the plan would work. Whilst on the train to York he had a phone call about the roofer. Could they come Wednesday? This was becoming a joke now and really awkward. Mick was already on his way to meet someone tomorrow and staying an extra night might hold up our descent from Marsden. By the end of several phone calls the insurance company have now agreed that we can get the roof fixed as long as it costs no more than ÂŁ200, but we’ll need a vat receipt, so not just a cash in hand job.

New neighbours

I spent the morning packing up five pairs of socks. A boat came and joined us from the tunnel, they must have come through first thing.

Same as yesterday

Then I walked down the locks to have a look to see what was happening at lock 37E. The answer to that was nothing. The orange fencing hadn’t been touched from what I could tell and the handrail uprights still looked the same. Hopefully something will happen with it tomorrow.

I didn’t have a pint

I walked down into the village. Large disused mills sit in the valley. Further info can be found here. In the early 19th Century, the mills in Marsden included cotton mills, silk mills and woollen mills. Bank Bottom Mill in 1936 covered 14 acres and employed 1900 people, it closed in 2003. It still sits empty over looking the village.

I walked past New Mill, known locally at Crowthers Mill, it was part of the J.E. Crowther and Sons firm and in 1936 had 260 looms and 32 carding machines. It sits in the village centre, just behind the main shopping street, the River Colne running along its northern side.

New Mill

Earlier this year a council report said that a redevelopment scheme for New Mill had become unviable. The scheme was to include light industry and offices. It had received ÂŁ5.6 million on levelling up cash and ÂŁ11.7 million from the private sector. Increased costs mean more funds are required. Some of the buildings were due to be demolished to be replaced with light industrial units the majority of the site does not have listed status. It’s such a good location in the village and such a shame with all it’s broken windows.

Socks went in the post and I climbed back up the hill to Oleanna. Tilly was allowed some more accompanied shore leave. Calculations that she’d been working on were tried, and failed. A long stretch at one point, stood on hind leg tippy toes had her only a third of the way up the face of the wall, the stone hard to grip onto with her claws. Thankfully some walkers came along, she decided to sit in a window and contemplate the wall some more. I won’t be beaten!

(Paw x block size) -72.4 /532.86 % 53+4538/tail whip x {987-bum wiggle factor} 45.7

Yarn for pair 41 was wound into a cake and the toe cast on whilst watching the finale of Traitors NZ. I’m pleased with the outcome. But dressing for your fellow contestants funerals, well!

0 locks, 0 mended, 0 miles, 5 pairs on their way, 1 contemplating cat.

Apple Bobbing. 6th October

Above Lock 41E

Mick has developed a cold over the last couple of days. I’m doing my best to avoid it, so I’m trying to avoid touching things he’s touched, sharing the same air won’t be helping, but I’m hoping to fend off getting it for a week if possible as I have a hospital appointment amongst other things.

A month old!

So this morning I was on tea and Lemsip duty. This is normally Micks job as he’s on that side of the bed and he hands me my tea. This morning I was scrabbling my way back to my side of the bed ( we have a cross bed) trying my best not to spill any tea when the alarm above our heads sounded. A red flashing light and three beeps. This meant there was a fire. Not that we were aware of. I pressed the button to silence the alarm. We took it off it’s base and Mick tried to reset it. It did nothing! Was this a dud detector? Only a month old! Mick spent some of the day checking things on line and it turns out the detector was fine, it just turns itself off when not on it’s base on the ceiling. Why had it sounded? Steam from my tea!

Subjects included Radio Caroline, sausage casserole, cousins in Gravesend and tying Aunts in armchairs! Everyone was present this morning for zoom, even if our internet kept dropping out in a somewhat annoying manor, so we only got part of the story from John about the PS Waverley passing Radio Caroline a few days ago.

This morning seemed to be dry enough to add another coat onto the mushroom vent. Mixing, brushing followed, the starboard side grabrail bits got another coat too. If my knees hadn’t been playing up so much I’d have done the port side as well, but balancing on a gunnel with nowhere to step back to at the moment is not on the cards, my knees are burning whilst doing nothing, so that side of the boat will have to wait.

Current location!

Just about as soon as I’d finished it started to spit! Oh well, I’m trying my best considering my phone currently thinks I’m just to the west of Moscow! Mick seems to have this happen to his phone too at the moment. Are the Russians checking up on us? Anyone else get the weather in Russia rather then West Yorkshire? They are expecting thunder storms tomorrow.

Marsden Mechanics standing out from the crowd

This afternoon I headed off down the Marsden flight of locks to see what I could see at lock 37E, the lock which has closed the flight has a dangerous bridge. Despite it being a grey day the flight is still pretty with the occasional glimpse across the valley.

Apples ready to bob

Below lock 39E there were numerous apples bobbing about waiting for Halloween, none of them had toffee coatings though!

The Blue Peter Lock or Smudgees Lock 37E

Lock 37E is the Blue Peter lock with a shield on both bottom gates. Orange fencing was draped around the tail bridge. On the far side I could see what looked like rotten wood on one of the uprights to the handrail. With a suitably sized baulk of timber and carpentry tools and skills it didn’t look like it would be a long job to mend. Hopefully it will be sorted tomorrow.

I didn’t want to do anymore down hill so headed back up. There are a new cabins that have been built alongside the canal, A Place in the Pennines. The office looks like it is in a blue narrowboat next to the care takers cabin. They look nice and I suspect they have good views from their terraces across the valley.


I walked up the hill, hoping I’d stay on the level more to return to the boat. Past houses all with great views over the top of one another and along to the station. Steep stairs lead down to the platforms, I’ll enjoy those tomorrow!


Back on Oleanna, Mick was snoozing by the stove. I got out my box of socks to weave ends in. Three pairs in total. I had a sponsorship for four pairs so have been waiting for them all to be finished along with the next pair and then take more photos. My box is now full. By the end of the evening and the ninth episode of Traitors NZ I’d finished off pair 40, ends weaved in too. 40 weeks 40 pairs! Yarn has already been selected for the next pair, they’ll get started on the train tomorrow.

Hopefully this is an easy fix

0 locks, 0 miles, 1 broken handrail, 2nd coat, 1 very bored cat, 5 siblings, 1 dodgy alarm mended? 6 pairs of socks waiting to be posted.

Seconds Away. 3rd October

Uppermill to Diggle moorings

Just the last eleven locks up to the summit today, that’s all. They shouldn’t take us long to do. We already knew we might have trouble with one pound being low, it’s been low the last two times we’ve come this way. Our map suggested it would be about 2.5 hours, we added a bit more for good measure but we should still be moored up in time for lunch and to give Tilly some shore leave.

Escape pod!

Before we pushed off I got Tilly’s Escape Pod out of the cupboard and zipped it together, she was straight in it before I’d even got the top on. Should anything go wrong in the tunnel tomorrow we’d need the pod at the ready, so best to get it ready today and let Tilly move back into one of her favourite places, only when the doors not closed!

Mick walking up to the lock

The first two locks were the same as the one’s we’d come up. Although Lime Kiln Lock can’t quite be classed as just a HNC lock. It has Saddleworth Railway Viaduct right across the bottom of it. Then there is Mytholm Bridge just below the lock too. The approach is slightly skewed and I half expected to mess it up, with a bywash coming towards me at the same time, but no it was pretty easy. Up Oleanna rose in possibly the most picturesque lock on the west side of the canal.

Another fender to add to our collection!

We pulled in at the services, topped up on water, the washing machine running, emptied yellow water and refreshed Tilly’s toilet. The weed hatch was also checked. No weed but a fairly new looking rope fender! Mick walked up to set the next lock.

The Diggle flight have single big bottom gates, similar to those south of Banbury on the South Oxford. All the paddles are on the lock beam side of each lock. The bottom paddles are geared and have a pawl to keep them in place. The top paddles wind up as normal but the pawl on these is a flat bar that you need to angle in to slot into place to hold everything up.


We worked our way up the first two locks without too much bother. Then there was the expected low pound. It was VERY low. Mick lifted the paddles to fill the lock, no chance of getting over the cill without more water. He walked up to the next lock and ran water down through the lock. He also called C&RT to check it would be okay for us to do this, they were fine about it. The next pound looking pretty healthy, it wouldn’t stay that way as the one we were trying to raise was really quite big. Mick phoned me, would I prefer him to be at the helm through a low pound, so for us to revert to the A team. I did, so he returned and helped me climb off the boat with the aid of the stern lockers. We needed so much water to fill the pound enough to get over the cill. I walked up ahead and once Oleanna was over the cill and in the pound I closed the top paddles on the lock, let it finish emptying and opened the bottom gate, hoping the pound was deep enough to get across. Thankfully it was. Once Oleanna was in 27W I returned to close the gate at 26W.

More views including a low pound

The same process was now required to rise up the next lock 27W, the pound above very depleted of water. I walked up to 28W and ran water down, Once over the cill Mick managed to encourage the gate to close behind him, the flow of water into the pound helping and saving me the walk back down to do the job myself.

That’ll need a bit more water!
Coming across

Same process at 28W, each pound above was lowered just enough to get Oleanna from one lock to the next. Each time, each pound above looked that bit higher than the one below.

All the stone work

Getting across from 28W to 29W was a little bit more tricksy, getting over the bottom cill took more effort. All the way up the flight we’d had walkers stopping for a chat, saying how they’d never seen the pounds look so low, it must happen especially for us! A chap possibly with a dog had walked up, not chatted then sat down on the bench to admire the view.

Lock 29W we will never forget you!

I stayed to see how we’d do. Opened the top gate when it was level. A guestimate on how deep the water was over the cill had been met. I closed the top paddles and waited to close the gate. We now should be fine.

Mick gently brought Oleanna forward to the cill. Her bow crossed it, but then she came to a sudden stop. Possibly the cill or was there something under the water stopping her. We’d need more water to get her over whatever was stopping her. I started to walk up to the next lock, Mick put Oleanna in reverse to get away from the cill.

Mick shouted. ‘QUICK, really QUICKLY!‘ He’d not been able to get Oleanna to reverse. She was sitting on the top cill. The bottom of the lock was doing it’s best to empty itself!!

I ran. I ran. The towpath curved around the pound, a small bridge to cross over the bywash, up the side of the lock was steep. Which paddles to lift first? I have no idea if there was any water in the lock or not. One bottom paddle was raised, followed by both top paddles, then the second bottom paddle. Now all I could do was gasp for air and watch through the camera 100 meters away.

Mick had climbed off Oleanna, he wound the top paddles up as Oleanna was stopping water from getting past and into the lock chamber. The first paddle dropped and needed lifting again. He was wondering should he get Tilly off, would she be nice and comfortable in her escape pod, easy to pick up. But adding weight to Oleanna would be a really bad thing.


All we could do now was watch, hope there was enough water getting into the lock. Mick walked to the bottom gates, checked the paddles were down, they were, but there was still a big leak. From 100 meters away the angle Oleanna had reached was alarming, I suspect it was more alarming close to. Had we done everything in time? Would she rise back up? Or had she reached the point of no return.

I could make out cabin sides again

What felt like a good ten minutes actually it was only one. Oleanna’s stern seemed to be coming back up. Taking a photo to check whilst out of breath and with shaky hands was hard to get in focus. Thankfully down at lock 29W Oleanna was floating again and Mick had to get back onboard to stop her from hitting the bottom gates.

Floated back into the lock behind the cill mark

Mick rang, ‘She’s floating!’ ‘I’m going to lift the engine board to check if any water got into the engine bay’. He disappeared from view, then reappeared, waited a while then gently brought her out of the lock. THANK F**K for that!! The gate closed behind and Oleanna made her way across the pound to 30W.

Over the cill away from danger

The only witness to her very near sinking was a dog who’s owner had sat admiring the view all the time a major drama had been happening behind him. As the lock gate closed, the man stood up and walked away with his dog, totally oblivious.

Up 30W, we had a moment as the lock levelled out. It had possibly only been a matter of a few seconds between saving the situation or sinking. If Oleanna’s stern had got any lower and water got in through the engine vent that would have been it!

The next pound was a touch low. We made sure the top paddles were left open until Oleanna was well clear of the cill.

I walked on to 31W. My phone rang. It was a jolly chap from Standedge Tunnel control checking to see if we’d made it up to Diggle yet and were we still on for our booked passage tomorrow morning. Two more locks to go. I asked if I should report our incident to him or was it the west side of the HNC we should contact. West side, he was the East.

Last lock of a the day

Grandpa Greens looked attractive as we came up the next lock, but we refrained from indulging. I have to say I was extremly relieved when I opened the top gate on lock 32W and Oleanna easily passed over the cill and onto the top pound of the HNC.

Now, which tree first?

We moored up. The only thing out of place inside was a galley drawer. Tilly was checked on. What’s all this with the big hug! Yuck!! It looks great here, just get on and let me out!

Pan off, attachment of doom on

The flight had taken us 4.5 hours, it was time for a late lunch. The sun was out. Time to carry on with prep work for the grabrails. The attachment of doom was attached to the drill and I ground back the fertaned rust patches to bright steel. Then another coat of fertan which could work it’s magic overnight.

Our new roof light

11 locks, 1.6 miles, 1 extremely close call, 2 boaters who will never close top paddles on a low pound again! 100 meters personal best, 1 canine witness, 1 horrible day, 29W reported, 1 grab rail prepped, 4 hours, 2 many pesky woofers!

Hoods Up For Nine. 1st October

Tescos Stalybridge to Uppermill visitor moorings.

Having had yesterday off, we needed to catch up no matter the weather today. Last nights weather forecast had been for the occasional light shower. Well the rain was lighter than yesterday, but it hung around so could hardly be considered occasional! We pushed off shortly after 9am with our hoods up.

Heading to 7W

Lock 7W another lock that was rebuilt during the restoration of the canal at the millennium. Only one top paddle worked so it took quite a while to fill. Todays locks as yesterday were all gentle. Only a slight nudge to the stern and hardly any pull towards the top gate. But today there were obvious bywashes coming in below most locks, a nudge off course that needed compensating for, thankfully the B team managed without too many bumps.


When the canal was restored a pylon was in the way, so the channel had to avoid it’s legs. A narrowing was needed and you now pass directly underneath it, an obligatory photo.

Maybe on Sunday we should have done our shopping, then carried on to the service block above 8W. We did this on our first trip up the HNC, I think one other boat was moored there. There is a long line of bollards and you should not moor on a water point, but we’d pulled back leaving room at the lock landing and room at the tap. So far we’ve only seen the Community boat moving and one boat moored up away from a home mooring.

Heading into the lock

There was something about the water point here, I couldn’t quite remember. The key of power didn’t open the box. I spied a hole at the top, just the size of a handcuff key. I tried it, then Mick tried it, putting down the claw hammer he’d brought to prize the door open. Several turns of the handcuff key did the trick and we could top up on water.

So pretty

This is our third time up the HNC, I don’t think we’ve ever managed to do the next stretch in sunshine, it’s always been wet. The first time we’d enlisted Kath and Sean to assist us up to the summit pound as I was bandaged up and one handed at the time. It rained and rained most of the day. Then in 2021 I remember us being bundled up and getting soggy whilst waiting for news on where I’d be painting the set for Chippy’s panto Rapunzel. Today we’d be soggy again, but avoiding yesterday had been a good thing.

Scouts Tunnel with cyclist

Through Dave Scouts Tunnel, our tunnel light assisting a chap on a bike with trailer who had got stuck where the towpath had got narrower. We suggested he get himself a front light.

Ducks paddling about in the garden

We passed soggy gardens. The water gradually getting more and more peat coloured. Church spires stabbed themselves into the grey cloud that seemed to be getting lower, but then we were getting higher with every lock.


Below Roaches Lock we pulled in. Well we tried to pull in several times! Here the bank used to be all over the place, now it looks neat and there are mooring bollards. However the depth leaves something to be desired! This should have been our mooring last night, we’d made it for lunchtime. With the bow just about in we tied up for some food and a sit down, it didn’t matter that the stern was only just close enough for us to tie a rope, we wouldn’t be long even though Tilly was making eyes at the friendly cover.

Lock walls tied back

Onwards. The bywashes seeming to get stronger, yet a few pounds seeming to get shallower. Several planters filled with herbs and strawberries, some chicory was spotted in one all for use of people passing by.

Weed hatch master class

After one slow pound we paused before exiting the next lock to check the weed hatch. A full demonstration was given by Mick. Since the cover was adapted a few years ago it has become a little harder to lift out as it now requires both hands to lift it to access the prop. So A steadying head on the outer lid of the access is needed, this explains why Mick’s cap is as filthy as it is! He selected one of our two prop mates, the thinner one and started to delve the depths. Only the smallest amount of weed was found on the prop. Conclusion the pound being shallow was the problem.

A boat!!!

Three years ago this section of the canal was filled with sunshine, wonderful views through the trees stopped us in our tracks. Today we just carried on, the merk surrounding us. A third boat was moored up by the little marina by the handy Tescos after Frenches Bridge 80, still only 1 moving boat seen.

Once up Wade Lock 21W Mick requested the boat hook. the top gate was clogged with tree detritus. He lifted as much as he could so the gate would open enough for us to pass through, then Oleanna had to glide through the remainder, plenty of branches and leaves.

Time to moor up. Easier said than done. There are 2 day moorings on the offside, one boat already there, but a tree overhangs the rest of the mooring. Then a length of bollards on the off side. We pulled in before a boat, the bow came in but the stern simply wouldn’t get close enough. We moved up to try between two boats, managing to get close enough to manage to reach the bank. That would do us, we caught up with where we should be. A long day for us nowadays, but the kind we used to do frequently.

I’m 9 now!

Sorry Tilly. The mooring was a no go despite it looking fantastic. Trains pretty close and on the other side a car park and busy road. Two years ago today we managed to moor on one of the Cliveden Islands a special treat for Tilly’s seventh birthday. Sadly today wouldn’t be so good. Instead her birthday treats included some Webbox sticks and the Secret Passageway being opened up for her to explore with ease. It also stopped me from getting wound up because she was trying to dig her way behind the sofa to access it. You should see what’s down here! It’s brilliant. I don’t know how I managed to get her so easily when it’s normally impossible! That’s because it’s your birthday Tilly. Magic things happen on birthdays!

15 locks, 5.3 miles, 2 days in 1, 1 pylon, 2 jaunty moorings, 1 birthday wish come true, 1 secret passageway, 9 YEARS OLD!

Where we travelled in September

A Rounder O. 28th September

Hyde Bank Tunnel to Dukinfield Railway Bridge

Quarter of an hour earlier than of late we managed to push off, a small achievement but at least it was in the right direction.

Trees trees trees

Once down the Marple flight the Peak Forest Canal is just flat, there are two tunnels and a lift bridge for a bit of interest, but no locks. We pootled along, tunnel mode engaged for Hyde Bank Tunnel all 308 yards of it. I then bobbed below to give Tilly’s pooh box a refresh as I could tell she was desperate to go, wanted to use shore based facilities, wouldn’t be allowed onto the outside, her pooh box smelt! I can tell these things easier now I spend half an hour every day at her level on the floor!

A touch of autumnal knitting at the stern as we made our way along the tree lined canal. At Woodley Tunnel a Dad was cycling with his two kids along the towpath which goes through the tunnel. His daughter wasn’t peddling, just pushing herself along with both feet, making her Dad’s progress behind quite difficult. As soon as we passed there was no light in the tunnel and the daughter really wasn’t happy! I’m not sure how Dad coped with it all, I suspect the easiest way would have been to reverse out of the tunnel, but his son was way ahead. I hope next time they’ll equip their bikes with lights!

A rounder O would have helped

Past Joseph Adamson and Co, Est 1885. I wonder if originally they had planned for a rounder O than was used Or was the company actually Jo Seph Adamson and Co?

Under a couple of roving bridges. One with metal sides. Going under this it looked like the bridge has been expanded several times, I think we counted five different archways

Under the M67

The next bridge was under the M67, I think this is just about as close as we can get to Fallowfield where my nephew Josh is currently living at Manchester University. 5.3 miles as the crow flies.

Lifted just enough to get under

Who would wind up the lift bridge? I remember doing so on a hire boat, this I’m pretty sure would have been the first lift bridge I ever worked, unless I got the job on the Llangollen way back when! First thing was to remember what would be needed to unlock it, a handcuff key, not a Key of Power! I remember making the same mistake last time. 31 turns up and 21 down, it was hard work, maybe I’m loosing all my windlass lasspower.

I suppose it’ll do!

We pulled in a short distance on, enough outside before the drop down to the River Tame for Tilly to have some shore leave and not too close to the railway bridge. Before sitting down for lunch I gave the nettles along the bank a trim, intentions to do more to the grabrail.

Over lunch it decided to rain, this along with the bank not being right alongside Oleanna put me off getting the attachment of doom out to grind back the rusty bits. I just hope that I get a suitable mooring and suitable weather to get more done to them and the mushroom vent before too long.

Ashton Old Baths

A walk up to Lidl then Asda to do a ‘just in case’ Sunday roast shop and to buy a newspaper in the wet kept us busy. Three buildings caught our attention. The first not very architecturally significant, Ashton Primary Care Centre. This is where nine years ago a lovely nurse practitioner redressed my missing finger despite them not being allowed to do such things.

What lies inside the old baths

Next was Ashton Old Baths. Opened in the 1870s, Ashton Old Baths is one of the finest example of a former public swimming baths in the North of England. The building has housed concerts, held tennis matches and closed in 1975, the building remained derelict for 40 years until Tameside Council and Oxford Innovation decided to reinvent the space for the digital age. It’s a grand Victorian building from the outside, inside it holds a wooden pod. More info can be found here.

Cavendish Mill

The other building is Cavendish Mill a former cotton spinning mill. It was built between 1884 and 1885 to a fireproof design and was the first mill in Ashton to be built with concrete floors and a flat roof. What stands out though is it’s octagonal staircase around the base of the chimney. The mill ceased spinning cotton in 1934, then was used for various purposes until it was converted into housing in 1994.

0 locks, 6.4 miles,1 lift bridge, 2 tunnels, 1 great looking outside, 1 mediocre outside, 2 many woofers, 1 plan postponed, 1 Sunday roast purchased just in case, 1 dormant pizza boat neighbour.

Chocolate Fingers. 27th September

Bullocks Bridge to almost Hyde Bank Tunnel, Peak Forest Canal

We really need to get better at getting a move on in the mornings, we didn’t get going until 10:45, we’d a bit of catching up to do from yesterday, plus a flight of locks along with other things.

Three miles to Marple, it was windy! We were glad to see the chap still has his collection of things at Bullocks Bridge, spotted a boat that had come up Bosley ahead of us a few years ago, it doesn’t look like it ventures far now. A cat got a chin rub from a passerby, then had a serious grump on at a woofer on the towpath. Passing Goyt’s Mill a gust of wind caught my cap and very nearly had it in the drink!

A message came through from our house. A leak had manifested itself overnight following feral weather on the North Yorkshire coast. Some time was spent trying to talk to someone who’d be able to at least go and have a look to see what the problem was, all we got were answer phones to talk to, hopefully someone will call back.

Sylvester and Peter keeping an eye open for fly tippers at the services

There was one space left in Marple, we tried pulling in, the wind making it hard so an Andy manoeuvre was required. All very well except the local ducks were convinced I’d have several slices of white sliced and were positioning themselves right in the crush zone. I waggled my hands to try to get them to move, but they just thought it was pre-dinner entertainment and Mick thought I was suggesting he brought Oleanna in further. No ducks were harmed in the end and all they got from us was the weed on Oleanna’s hull.

Mick had a prescription to pick up and a pint of milk to buy. Then it was lunchtime. Then we could push off again. The new services in Marple have opened, big fanfare! They have been closed for years whilst some new housing was being built. But now there is a stone built building with elsan, water, toilet and if you go around the corner behind a locked door is a room filled with red Biffa Bins of all varieties! I should have hung onto our recycling. There are also many bird boxes, bird feeders and a rather nice bench all provided by Marple Men in Sheds. There are also five EV charging points, each space was full, no car was charging up though.

They saved the best till last

Under THE Macclesfield roving bridge and the end of the Macclesfield Canal. Left please! The top of the Marple flight of 16 locks, a drop of 207ft 10″ that’s very nearly 13ft each. Mick hopped off and topped up the top lock. Then we were on our way down.

Going down

A chap stopped to chat, as the water dropped I had to excuse myself as I’d no longer be able to hear him as Oleanna descended into the depths. He went to chat to Mick who had now come back having set the lock below filling. In Lock 15 I had quite a wait, Mick came back saying there was a boat coming up. With the pounds here being quite short and the wind blowing a hoolie we swapped over, he could do the do-ci-do.

Mick waiting to move across the pound

The lock below us had it’s bottom gates open, I could see the interested chap chatting away to the man from the uphill boat, the lock ready, but just chatting. They moved over into the next lock, once the bottom gates were closed I lifted a paddle so our locks worth of water would help fill their lock rather than just run round over the bywash. I opened our gates, the lady from the boat below opened her gate, the chap ignored the fact that the lock was ready and carried on chatting on the stern. Come ON!!!! Wake up smell the coffee!! The lady shouted repeatedly to him, I was about to join in and Mick had the back door of Oleanna open ready to give a blast on the horn. He looked up, ‘oh it’s ready, are the next gates open?’ Yes and there’s a boat that’s been patiently waiting for you to get a move on. The lady and I smiled a knowing smile at each other, we were on our way again.

Gate beams overhang the lock bridges

There’s always gongoozlers down Marple. There’s always pissers coming out of the lock walls going down Marple. In the next lock we paused so I could go below to close all the windows to save having puddles inside. The wind blew, the bywashes flowed making some hovering a little difficult. Mostly Mick walked on ahead to set the next lock filling whilst I closed the top gate and dropped paddles before waiting for him to return. One gongoozler said Mick was walking three times as far as the boat was moving. True.


The sun was out. In a couple of weeks the flight will be filled with golden trees, today it was still pretty.

New stonework on the right

One of the locks had very new looking paddle gear on the top gate, a recent stoppage this last week. Then as the water level dropped in one lock we could see where it had been rebuilt recently. New stone work with dints in it to try to mimic the older stonework. The Marple locks have had a tendency to narrow and several have had to be rebuilt in the last few years as they have narrowed too much. Quite a lot of the stone work overhangs in some of the chambers, stepping out by a few inches!

Fancy stone work either side below the lock

The bottom gates overhang the lock bridges, meaning you can operate the gates from the bridge, you just need to climb up to the top to operate the paddles. I’m a little bit short for some of the gates, but Mick didn’t seem to have a problem with them.

Closing the top gate
From above

A boat was heading up, a lady appeared with a windlass. ‘They don’t half take time to fill these locks’ she said. As I passed NB Somerton the chap at the stern made mention of Tilly, I think his dog sat on the roof was Hannah. Nice to meet you even though very briefly.

Rows of Chocolate Fingers to help you get your grip (just humour me)

We descended the next lock, Mick said we’ll see how well the next few retain their water and I said to myself how nice it was that all the pounds were full, no struggling to get over cills today.

Where’s Mick?

Then at the next lock we discovered why the uphill boat had been taking their time to ascend, a bottom paddle a good few inches up, there was also a top paddle partly open too. Some of the paddles won’t close fully if the gate is open, Mick had had to return to a few himself as we came down the flight.

Across the aqueduct to the viaduct

Under the railway and across the aqueduct, views out towards the north east. Through Rose Hill Tunnel, no longer with a roof. We were now at our preferred mooring, but so were quite a few other boats. It took us a little while to be able to find a place to pull in close enough to the bank, only slightly on a list!

16 locks, 4.6 miles, 1 left, 1 new service block, 2 look outs, 1 months pills, 1 pint, 1 hat saved, 1 aqueduct, 1 very slow man, 1 hire boat catching us up, 0 time for shore leave.