Category Archives: Knitting

Coming Out Of My Ears! Pip and Tilly’s 23rd 24th September

Holland’s Bridge

Our location had been chosen for three reasons.

1 An outside that Tilly hopefully wouldn’t use up within one afternoon.

2 Somewhere not too far away from civilisation and shops to keep me occupied should I need supplies.

3 Near to a train station for Mick. Bollington had been considered but that would have meant a bus ride, here was just a walk down the hill to Macclesfield Station.


Mick packed a bag after breakfast, then checked the status of his train, a direct service to Southampton. It was cancelled! Thankfully there was a train an hour earlier, so the packing had to be a touch quicker and off he went. Thankfully Tilly was far too busy to follow him along the towpath.

Here she comes

His trip? A belated 65th Birthday present from Marion and John, a days cruise around the Isle of Wight on the PS Waverley. Last year they had been booked on a trip from Portsmouth, but a storm meant it was cancelled and the PS Waverley ran away around the coast before the winds arrived. He is under instruction to take photos, even been sent with my camera, I’m hoping he’ll write a post about it.

Why haven’t I gone too? I don’t like lumpy water and the thought of being on a boat that might be lumping around all day is something I simply wouldn’t enjoy, I’d feel quite trapped, so I’ve opted to stay on board with Tilly.

All stocked up.

My main job today was to wait for NB Alton to arrive. Out on their fortnightly run along the summit pound, we’d placed an order for some coal and a diesel top up. At 1:30 I heard the hooter as they came under Holland’s Bridge. Brian at the helm and Paul lugging the coal about. 2 bags on the roof and one in the well deck. Then they moved up to top us up on diesel, £1.04. Good to see Brian out on NB Alton, it’s always good to support the coal boats.

My knees were complaining today after working the locks on Saturday, but I managed a walk to the nearest post box and then around the block before returning to get on with some knitting. Pair of socks 38 had the top finished off. Yarn for pair 39 was selected, Autumn Golds. I may add some berries to them too as up on the Macc the trees are filled with them at the moment.


The afternoon was spent knitting in front of On The Basis Of Sex 2018. A film based on the story of Ruth Bader Ginsburg who was the second woman to serve as Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court. She specialised in sex discrimination and the law, and takes on a case where a man was unfairly discriminated against because of his sex in a tax case. If she won then the case could be used as precedent challenging laws that discriminate against women.

Tilly did a good job of keeping my knees nice and warm. It’s a very important job


Mick was guaranteed to be having a cooked breakfast in his hotel this morning, so to be fair to myself I cooked some mushrooms on toast, very nice they were too. This was to give me enough energy to start weeding out photos. Our storage is constantly filled, so some time editing photos was needed.

I didn’t need lunch today

Long gone are those days when you took a camera on holiday with you, a roll of film, maybe two if you could afford it. 36 frames if you were extra flush. Photo opportunities had to be considered, you couldn’t go wasting that film or flash cubes! Twelve years ago I took it upon myself to scan all my Dad’s slides and I was surprised at how few were rubbish! Maybe he’d wheedled them out, but knowing him they would have been there to keep the numbering system correct. I had to edit them, so scanned any with people and places that meant things to Andrew and myself. This gives us a wonderful resource to look back on when ever we want without having to arrange a dinner party, dig out the projector and a screen, then spend hours sorting the slides into order (that’s where the numbering system came in).

Now we have digital cameras, phones, all so easy to press the button three four times to get that one good shot. On a day like today I’ll take just a handful of photos, but on big days when ascending the Anderton Boat Lift I took getting on for 120, the night time flotilla on the Thames, well it could have been 3 to 400! As I go through them I edit out the bad ones, but there is more editing needed. Mick has already moved a couple of years of boating photos to a different Onedrive as we keep reaching our storage limit and we don’t want to pay for more space.

Socks socks sock coming out of my ears!

I had an idea when I started this years sockathon, a means of showing all the socks off. So as I finish a pair they need recording. Not just one photo, but several, hopefully one day I’ll find enough time to compile them all together. So I have a LOT of photos of socks, several of each. Today I sat down thinking I’d manage to get through the big folder and make it considerably smaller. Well after 4 hours of auditioning photos, I needed a walk.

The Old Hovis Mill

Along the canal, past the Old Hovis Mill and the basin. The collapsed wall just by Black Road Bridge has been rebuilt, for years the rubble of the wall lay across the closed towpath. Now open, but big cracks are showing, it looks like someone has hoped that adding more mortar in places will help. I fear it’s only a matter of time before big chunks collapse again.

Not looking so cleaver

The pontoon moorings were full. I turned up Buxton Road to walk to the Co-op. A few new shops/cafes/bakery. Tommys Bar and Pizza looked interesting even though there was a big shutter behind the windows. Then a couple of doors up was Early Bird Bakes. Not open today and sadly they are unlikely to sell anything for me, but it looked very interesting. They are open four days a week and their bread takes 48 hours to make, lots of tasty sounding pastry labels sat on the empty shelves. I suspect it’s a place well worth a visit if you come this way.

Maple Pecan Buns!

This evening I’ve had a go at stuffing some peppers. The outcome was tasty, but I should have got the peppers cooking before I stuffed them! Next time! There’s two left over for lunch in the next couple of days too.

Reports from the south coast came through all day. Lots of every exciting things to look at, an hour of lumpy water, I was right not to go. I could track PS Waverley as it made it’s way round the Isle of Wight, even visiting a garden in Portsmouth!

By the end of the day I think I’d achieved editing 1/3rd of my sock photos. Guess what I’ll be doing tomorrow?

Cheryl’s socks

As a reward I turned on The Great British Bake Off, it must be autumn. Maybe I should have a go at the technical challenges each week as I’m not going to be busy with panto this year. But maybe our waistlines would like it too much!

0 locks, 0 miles, 2 sausage days, 0 one told me they were sausage days!!!! 79 litres, 3 bags coal, 2 short walks, 253 photos of socks down to 74, 53347279 left to edit.

Dribbles. 17th September

Bramble Cuttings to Rookery Railway Bridge

Turning my phone on this morning I came across two messages, both about rendez vous. I was expecting one, but not the other. Location and planned route were passed on to one, and current location to the other. No time for a full cuppa in bed this morning, we were about to meet up with NB Cobweb. Last night they were moored only a mile away and Vicki was checking to see if we were still on the Weaver as they were heading that way.


Tilly was allowed some shore leave whilst I washed the Fertan off the grabrail and roof. Fertan does the job, but it can also leave a horrible streaky mess! The dew this morning had done it’s worst! Maybe some Bar Keepers Friend will help.

At last the boats and owners get to meet up

One of our neighbours moved off a short while before NB Cobweb arrived, perfect. Vicki and David have had NB Cobweb for a couple of years now, we passed the boat last year on the Leeds Liverpool, but no-one was on board. Vicki used to work front of house at the SJT in Scarborough, her daughter was also part of the youth group Rounders, she is now a very talented musician. Early last year there had been a comment made about the annoying Princess Ann’s swing bridge in Thorne on Facebook, I noticed a reply from Vicki who was moored in Thorne at the time, they were preparing to move aboard. Well we’ve been trying to meet up since and Vicki had sponsored a pair of socks, which I’ve been hanging onto in case our bows crossed.

Socks handed over

After about an hour of chatting it was time for both of us to move on. They hoped to be on the boat lift this afternoon and we hoped to be through Middlewich. Good to see you Vicki, enjoy the Weaver and yes we’ll meet up for a drink when we’re all back in Scarborough this winter.

Approaching Big Lock

It was nearly midday when we pushed off. Back towards Middlewich, two boats just entering Big Lock. I went up for a chat with Sabrina as the lock finished, at last we’ve met and not just given each other a wave as one of us has passed. Once we’d risen ourselves we pulled in as close to the little Tescos as we could, a few items required and it was time for lunch.

Lots of water coming down

As ever through Middlewich we timed our departure ten minutes late, the bottom lock of the three was over topping as a boat was coming down the lock above and we were in a queue with Baked Onboard the Pizza boat in front of us. At least we’d not been another five minutes later as there were now another two boats behind us.

Up she comes

No volunteers in sight, but the lady from the boat behind came up and helped. I worked the locks, wimping out of turning the corner. We helped the pizza boat up, then she helped us up the first lock. We swapped with another boat coming down at the corner, and then once we were up the three we lifted a paddle for the boat behind.

Reaching the junction

The junction wasn’t as busy as ten days ago and King’s Lock only needed a touch of emptying before we could go in. Our chosen route back to Yorkshire would be back up the Cheshire Locks.

Kings Lock in the sunshine

We soon found we were following a hire boat who were following a single hander, the going was a touch slow. At Lock 67 I went up to set it for us and chatted to the hire boat. They didn’t want to start up the Cheshire Locks today so were looking for a suitable mooring, I suggested where we’d be pulling in and a couple more places before Wheelock.


A young girl was busy asking Mick questions, she came to see how the lock worked, it was scary! But it was still way more interesting than watching her family fishing just above the lock. She also helped with the gates which was great.

Two different fonts and dribbly

One day, when I’ve retired from boating, I would like the job of repainting the numbers on lock beams. It feels as if each canal used to have a style of numbers, but as you can see on the lock at Middlewich that style has now become a dribbly mess. In comparison the faded number at lock 67 is just wonderful.

I love the faded one on the left

We pootled on back to the moorings after Rookery Railway Bridges, the hire boat had already pulled in there. Tilly was miffed as it was already after cat curfew time!

9 locks, 6.8 miles, 1 straight on, pair 33 handed over, 1 hour apart, 20 years ago, 0 volunteers, 0 free pizza for helping, 1 long day, 1 miffed cat.

The Spiders From Anderton. 16th September

Baron’s Quay to Bramble Cuttings, Trent and Mersey Canal

Fog! Who ordered FOG!!!

No choice, we needed to move today. Thankfully as we pootled down to the lift waiting mooring the skies started to clear, still grey but not cloud filled. Tied up half an hour before our booking we could see the caissons were on the move, the chap up top could be seen chatting to a boat that had just gone up, it took ages before we saw the hat of a boater moving towards the aqueduct towards the canal.

Boat Lift

A C&RT person walked round to see us. A few instructions to follow when we got into the lift, and they were ready for us. Round and into the caisson, stern rope tied up, engine off. Time to chat whilst two boats came in from above into the other caisson. Today was the lift operators first day going solo. Having just finished three years at University they were hunting for a job, had worked on the trip boat before and now was working part time on the lift. The occasional glance at a sheet of paper to make sure everything was being done in the right order.

I wonder if the spiders prefer the gate being up or down?

This morning the caisson we were in had had a slight problem. The gates that open to let boats in and out have shot bolts that hold them in place when they are open to boats, one set of them hadn’t been working properly.

They are a safety device, so should anything happen to the winches that move the gates the bolts will hold the gate in place. Anyone who’s ever worked back stage at the SJT will understand this problem very well, as the Round stage is a big lift and every now and again the shot bolts would need a good old hit with a hammer!

Once the two boats were in the other caisson, water drained out from the gap between the gates behind us, we were good to go. That slight judder and we were on our way up.

When originally built in 1875, the lift was operated with hydraulics, water from the River Weaver was used in it’s operation. The caisson going up would be drained just slightly to make it lighter than the other one. The heavier caisson would then sink pushing the water into the other side of the hydraulics and push the lighter caisson up. However the water being used was full of salt from the river and the pipes corroded. In 1882 one of the cast iron hydraulic cylinders burst whilst a boat was at canal level, the caisson descended rapidly, but thankfully water escaping the cylinder slowed the descent and the water filled dock at river level softened the impact!

Cogs right at the top

The hydraulics were replaced by winches above the caissons, extra structure was added to the lift to cope with the extra weight. The winches lifted and dropped the caissons powered by electricity. The conversion happened over two years , but the lift was only closed for 49 days, reopening fully in 1908.

The shiny pole is the hydraulic ram that pushes the caisson up

This worked for quite some time, but commercial boat traffic declined and rust set in. In 2000 major refurbishment was carried out, new hydraulics installed and this is how it works today. The caissons can be moved individually, we think that is what happened 13 years ago, but it is actually cheaper to use both caissons whether there are boats in them or not, the counterbalance meaning they use less electricity. To book your boat on the lift it costs £5. It takes three members of staff to work the lift and if it wasn’t for the trip boat the lift would loose hundreds of pounds a day.

Next year is the boat lifts 150th anniversary. After the summer season it will close again for some more restoration, closing it for 12 to 18 months.

As we reached the top, the lift slows down for the last foot or so. The operator at the top greeted us and gave us our instructions. Once the lift had come to a stop, the gap between gates was filled with water, then the gates open, we move onto the aqueduct. Gate close behind.

Then the gate onto the canal can open. A thumbs up from by the bridge meant the way ahead was clear. A turn right, the only way you can turn out from the lift and we were back on the T&M.


Rubbish needed disposing of so we pulled in behind a boat that had just started filling up with water. I said we were only there to use the bins, ‘They’re getting rid of them!’ came the response. Well this was correct and wrong at the same time. The bin compound as we talked was being dismantled, the biffa bins already gone. However the new skip is there and replacing the bins. Once the compound has been dismantled the skip will be positioned where the bins once were.

Compound being dismantled

We got chatting to the C&RT chap who was wielding a hammer and saw dismantling the bin compound. Recently there have been occasions when one bin was full and someone had put their rubbish bags by that bin, another two bins were empty. Other boaters arrived and just assumed the bins were full and left their rubbish on the floor too. This escalated until Biffa refused to empty the bin as they couldn’t get to it. There is also frequent use by non boaters as a lot of the local tips are now either closed or you are limited in your use. The pump out also gets misused, a new end to the sucky pipe costs in the region of £1000 every time. He said that the services here were ‘this close to being closed for good’ due to misuse.

More power station

Onwards, now on the flat, retracing ourselves along the long pound. At the power station progress was obvious from a week ten days ago. A fifth fan had been added to the sci-fi Swiss chalet structure. We counted the cranes, many different sizes, now 12 of them.

Hi Andy, Nichola and Jez

The sun was out, time to take off our precautionary waterproofs. Was that bow who we thought it was? Were those notes on the bow? A quick exchange of hellos with Andy on NB On A Fiddle, Nichola down below as we passed them.

All mine!

Time to hope for a space at Bramble Cuttings. At 2pm would there be space? Yes! we had the whole mooring to ourselves! A perfect shore leave location for Tilly. I stepped inside gave her the rules and opened the doors straight away, 4 hours! Yeh yeh!

A late lunch for us and self catering for Tilly. With the weather due to be fine for the next few days it was time to attend to a leaking mushroom vent and whilst I was at it scrape off all the rust along the port side grabrail and gunnel! Gosh there was plenty! I also spotted a couple more little bits where the grabrail had caught in Froghall Tunnel.

Mick got busy in the engine bay, an oil change. Tilly was just BUSY!

Down the hole!

Soon we got another neighbour who pulled up right at the far end, no woofer visible. Then an hour later a second boat came in to moor. Mick chatted to the chap and I miss heard thinking it was a boat we’d met a few days ago with a woofer, but there was no dog. Tilly could continue with her shore leave in safety much to the dislike of the squirrels.


Once the worst of the rust had been scraped off, a couple of patches on the cabin side too unfortunately, my knee was starting to complain. I’d really have liked to given things a go over with the attachment of doom, but that would take too long and it also felt wrong to do it at Bramble Cuttings. So instead everything got a coat of Fertan rust inhibitor. Hopefully that will stop things from getting worse before I can attack it again. As it was a lovely warm afternoon I dug out a spray bottle and filled it with water so I could keep the Fertan damp, helping it to do it’s job for longer.


Tilly had had a very good afternoon. Plenty of trees climbed and lots of pouncing. I’d had to rescue a few friends and then did my best to persuade Tilly to come in for her dingding. I could tell she was tired as she was doing that belligerent toddler thing of I’m not tired! Look I can do this and walk away from you. This tree hasn’t been climbed yet, so I’ll just do that first. She soon gave in, came inside, had a lick of her dingding and flaked out.

One lovely sunset too

0 locks, 1 boat lift, 9.3 miles, 1 right, 2 many patches of rust, 9.5 litres oil, 4 whole hours! 1 big pan on the roof, pair 37 yarn selected, 1 2 Mrs Tilly stamp of approval.

Food Filled. 15th September

Barons Quay to the water point to Barons Quay

This morning was planned. Get up push over to the water point, dispose of yellow water, fill up, as the tank filled have breakfast, wind, head to the moorings below the boat lift, Geraghty zoom if they were still there to join, then ascend the lift.

It was chucking it down! Neither of us wanted to spend another Sunday getting soaked on the boat lift. Waterproofs on we pushed over to the water point. As soon as I got inside I checked to see if we could do the lift tomorrow instead. When Mick came in he’d been thinking the same as there was an 80% chance of rain for much of the rest of the day. First lift booking at 9am tomorrow, we opted for 10am, our booking was changed.

Next I did a plan of our route for the next ten days on Canal Plan, would loosing a day mean we’d be needing long days to achieve our next transport hub. The overnight stops all seemed to be where we’d most probably end up anyway. Our plan was complete.

Tank full we reversed back to where we’d come from, squeezing back in. 10:15 we joined the Geraghty zoom. Subjects, halls of residence, being at Uni for 52 weeks a year, Izal toilet paper and wall washing, the later subject we came in towards the end so I’m not sure what that was about.

Hello Tilly down there!

What to do on a wet day in Northwich? Go the pictures! I checked what was on. For once there were a couple of possible films on the list, all with afternoon screenings. Right at the end of the list was a National Theatre Live screening of Prima Facie. I’ve been wanting to see this for ages. We’d missed it online for some reason, and I’ve looked at other cinemas in the past but it’s been fully booked. I checked the seating plan. LOADS of seats. I snapped up two straight away.

Chicken, Ham, Leek Dauphinoise Pie

Lunch first with some of our market swag. The chicken, ham, leek dauphinoise pie was so yummy I’m going to have a go at making one myself. Then I had the difficult discission of which sweet thing to have, half of each. I suspect they’d have been nicer yesterday, but they were still yummy and quite indulgent, well it was a miserable Sunday!

Half and half

All of two minutes walk to the Odeon next door. We resisted any food or drink from the kiosk much to the surprise of the lady checking tickets. The film did have people turning up during the trailers and even into the play, some missing a good fifteen minutes.

A bit different from the deco Odeon we’re used to in Scarborough

Well. WOW! What a performance by Jodie Comer. A one woman show, that sounds like it’s a comedy/stand up, it’s far FAR from a comedy. So many words to retain and so few pauses, such quick delivery and emotion. We soon knew where the plot would be headed and suspected we knew the outcome. Not a jolly afternoons viewing by any means, but enjoyable despite the subject. I’m so glad I spotted it on the end of the listings. If you’ve never seen it I think it may be on in cinemas for the next few weeks.

Outside the day had decided to dry up, should we make a move to the moorings by the lift? No we opted to stay put, enjoy being in the warm. In Morrisons the other day they had Ducks on offer so one of those went in the oven, adding to the warmth from the stove we had a very cosy evening with very nice food.

Roast duck, potatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, cabbage, apple sauce, cider gravy

0 locks, 0.1 mile, 0.5 of that in reverse, 1 wet day avoided, 1 new umbrella, pair 37 finished, 2 cinema seats, 1 incredible performance, 1 roast duck with plenty of left overs, HELLO!! remember me?! 1 extreamly bored cat!

A New Mancunion. 14th September

Vale Royal Visitor Mooring to Odeon Pontoon, Northwich.

The locks on the River Weaver are open at 9am, we were wanting to get a mooring back in Northwich for the day, so ideally wanted to be on our way as soon as the locks opened. As we pushed off from our mooring Mick made a phone call to the lock, we were on our way from their top side.

We had less than half a mile to cruise to Vale Royal Locks, so took our time. On arrival the lock wasn’t ready, the swing bridge was still across the lock chamber. Was there anyone in sight? It took a while to spot someone in a blue t-shirt, he didn’t seem to be coming to work the lock. Mick checked his phone. Ahh he’d called Hunts Lock not this one! Who leaves Mick to make arrangements and bookings? The chap popped out of the little hut, a volunteer arrived, we got a wave, they were on their way.

8th swing bridge over a lock

The swing bridge had it’s ropes removed that hold it in place and then one of the chaps stood on the end of it as it gradually turned from over the lock, no winding of handles. On closer inspection later we noticed an electric drill was used to rotate the bridge.

We were joined by a boat that had stayed in Winsford last night, they’d had a peaceful night and were now heading into Northwich to moor for an hour or so and visit the market that was meant to be on today. Market! Did someone say Market? I looked for information online. The second Saturday in the month there is an Artisan Market in Northwich.

Spooky faces

We followed them down Hunts lock, then led the way in towards Northwich. Spaces on the wall where we’d moored on Sunday, we pulled up close to a boat already there, our locking partners pulled up close to us. Then Mick spotted a space on the pontoon, that would serve us better, we moved over, thanking the other boat for mentioning the market.

Straight to see what was what. The market stretched for most of Witton Street. Bakers, sausages, cheese, olives, macaroons, gin, beer, scotch eggs, lots to choose from and then stalls of things nobody actually needs in their lives.

There is no point in rushing in to the first stall that has something that looks nice, best to walk round everywhere, see what’s on offer then pounce, or as was the case today, join the queue!

The butchers window

A big sign behind one queue was for a gluten free bakers! Pies, pasties, numerous cakes, we’d certainly be coming back to this stall. Infact other bakery stalls didn’t get a look in. I joined the queue my eye s set on an egg custard, not had one for years. The amount of things people were buying, one chap requested 2 of these, 1 of those, a slice of that cake, a vanilla slice (my ears pricked up at that one), that scotch egg. The lady behind me made a very audible sign, she’d had her eyes on that scotch egg. She asked the baker if there were any more, ‘Sorry last one’ ‘No point queueing then’ She made sure she had words with the chap who had bagged the last scotch egg!

Our edible swag

The pies! Which one? Chicken ham leek and dauphinoise potato .The Sausage rolls, which one of them too? Pork and Black pudding. Oh dear was that a small custard and a vanilla slice that snooked into my bag too! Mick decided he’d see what C Webb and Sons had in the way of pork pies, they had a queue out of the door too. A warm pork pie and a sausage roll. Next we headed to the HS Bourne Cheese chap. Two wedges of treat cheese, some blue Cheshire and some clothbound Cheshire. That was enough edible swag for one day.

This afternoon we walked up to the station, from here we caught the train into Manchester. The London Leckenby’s had arrived in the afternoon with a very full car load, Josh was moving into Halls in Fallowfield at the University. Andrew and Jac had booked into the Ibis Hotel, once The Portland Hotel where I stayed in the early 90’s whilst working on props for the touring version of Phantom of The Opera.


Big hugs all round, we then walked into the Northern Quarter to find a pub Andrew knew of, this took some time to find, but we got there in the end, it took a while longer to find a table. Beer and wine and lots of loud conversation were had before we then headed to Sweet Mandarin a few minutes walk away. I’d heard very good things about Sweet Mandarin as they have an extensive gf menu, a rare thing for a Chinese Restaurant. The food was very yummy, no-one noticed the lack of gluten. We drank, ate chatted away and had a very good evening.

Now Josh headed off to meet with a friend from Hackney who had also moved to Manchester today. His new life starting as he headed off on the top deck of a bus doing his best to ignore his mothers loud waves! They are seeing him again in the morning for the final goodbye. Another pint in a pub near to Piccadilly Station before we said goodbye to Andrew and Jac. A lovely evening celebrating Josh starting University.

Josh’s first night living in Manchester

2 locks, 3.1 miles, 1 right wrong number, 1 swing bridge, 4 rowing boats, 2 sausage rolls, 2 pies, 2 treat cheeses, 2 pudding yums, 2 trains, 13,893 steps with a pole, 1 new Mancunion, 2 Londoners, 1 old student trying to remember, 1 new student with places to discover, 1 great Chinese meal, 2 many glasses of wine, pairs 51, 52, and 53! 1 cat totally forgotten about!

53 pairs of sponsored socks

It’s mine MEOW! 12th September

Marsh Lock to ‘Blind Man’s Straight’ or Tilly’s bench

The wind and torrential rain carried on this morning. News that Hunts Lock was now open, we wanted to be on the move, but the rain was just constant, maybe we’d have to delay our cruise to Winsford by a day or two. That would have knock on effects to the next few weeks! The weather was so horrible even Tilly didn’t bother to ask too much to go out, not that she was allowed anyway.

We watched the radar, a window of opportunity a while after midday. The black clouds started to dissipate, an odd patch of blue! We put on our waterproofs and crossed our fingers that we’d not get soaked yet again.

Moss covered paddle or gate gear

The pontoon looked to be higher today, maybe it was maybe it wasn’t, but the ‘hup!’ onto the bank didn’t look as high. With a scaff pole fixed to the pontoon and some other structure to hold onto I had a go, bum on the bank, I just had to be able to stand up now!

Coming in to the lock weathered wood

Marsh Lock leads out onto the Manchester Ship Canal and therefore you have to have special permission to go through and your boat needs to have been checked over by a surveyor for seaworthyness. All the winches and paddles are very weathered.

Out to the ship canal

Out in the channel wooden structures have weathered away, the wind was certainly keener stood looking across the River Weaver and Ship Canal, the River Mersey just over a thin strip of land. I was glad Mick had persuaded me to go and take a look, I just had to get back onto the pontoon now.

Goodbye chemicalopolis

Across the way at the chemical works hi-vis clad chaps shouted over and waved as we made ready to push off. Ropes untied we were on our way again, this time with the wind at our backs, grey clouds to stern and starboard, hopeful blue sky to port, you could see your breath.

Hello Sabrina!

We passed the same boats as we’d seen on our way down, waved to Sabrina a Facebook Boat Woman, a shadowy hand waved back, one day we’ll end up mooring in the same place and actually get to meet. Past the Danny, only one head visible onboard today.

Goodbye Danny

By now the sunshine was taking over, it was nice to see the river in this light and not huddled up in our waterproofs. Devil’s garden looked inviting, the chap stuck his head out of the hatch, ‘Much better today!’

Devil’s Garden, such a lovely mooring

Sleepers have been used to level out a riverside track, new looking aggregate lining the route on the north bank.

As Dutton Railway Viaduct came into view Mick called ahead to the lock, it would be ready for us. A centre line was all that was required and we gradually rose up the lock chatting away to the Lockie. He’d inform Saltersford Lock for us.

Glad we’ve got long ropes

Above the lock the wreck of Chica sits more degraded than when we passed her 13 years ago. Her story started in 1894 as a cargo boat in Norway, she was commandeered in WW2 by the German Navy, after the war she ran guns across the Mediterranean and then smuggled tobacco and cigarettes from Gibraltar. She then joined the Liverpool fishing fleet and ended up being a trip boat on the Weaver in the 1980’s. In 1993 she started to take on water and with no-one on board she sank at Dutton and has sat on the bottom ever since. Follow the link for a good photo of her a year after she’d sunk. Below are the photos I’ve taken. Left in 2011, right 2024.

Back on up towards Saltersford Locks. Despite the call ahead the gates weren’t open, a chap stood peering over the bottom gate, someone else could be spied holding a rope at the far end, a boat was coming down. We waited for our turn then passed the centre line up top.

Saltersford Locks

Two very chatty volunteers here today. We heard that the Lock Keepers cottage was now under offer to a keen gardener and how the volunteers are thanked by C&RT by going on boat trips every now and again. All the time we were at the lock the Lock Keepers Collie came back and forth hoping someone would throw his ball for him.

Play ball with me!

We carried on up stream back to where we’d moored a couple of days ago. Only one other boat moored here today, so hopefully Tilly would have a better time of it.

A bench sits on the towpath. Tilly took a fancy to it. Tipple tails made over the arms, some serious scent marking went on. It’s all Mine Meow!


There’s a brass plaque on the bench in memory to Thomas Shuttlewood who died too early in life, it also mentions that this part of the river was known as ‘Blind man’s stretch’. A lovely spot to sit out on a sunny afternoon, watch the river go by and have a hair cut, as Mick did later on.

2 locks, 10.1 miles, 1 written off morning, 1 lovely afternoon, 1 huge expanse of water, 1 woofer, 1 woofers ball, 1 cats bench, grade 3, 4 pairs of socks photographed, 2 pairs wrapped up ready to go, 1 CRT notice, 3 bookings, 2 boaters 1 cat with everything crossed.

Pig Comes To Mind. 11th Septemeber

Devil’s Garden to Runcorn and Western Canal Junction to Marsh Lock

Tilly awarded the Devil’s Garden a stamp of approval this morning despite it peeing it down for most of her shore leave. A boat we’d passed yesterday came past and pulled in next to the other boat on the field. This is such a lovely mooring, hope we have time to stop here again on our way back.

There’s a devil out there!

A lull in rain gave us the impetus to push off at 11:30am. The chap who’d pulled in asked if we’d got a brolly, well on Sunday we discovered our brolly was destined for the bin! It wouldn’t have helped today as it was very windy plus we were heading into the wind!

There they go

Soon we came across a rowing eight and rescue boat, everyone as soggy as we were. They had soon turned and could be seen gaining on us. Their cox wasn’t altering their course any and they were destined to meet with our stern fender. What to do? Hold our course, they were still gaining on us! Mick decided to pull over to our port and slowed down with the aim of them continuing straight on. This didn’t work as they also slowed right down and looked at one point as if they were about to turn again and head up stream. We carried on returning to the correct side of the river, after a while they came past us to port.

Here they come again

There was a space at the end of the moorings at Sutton Swing Bridge, but we wanted to continue further today despite the rain, maybe we’d stop here on the way back.

Daniel Adamson

On the other side of the bridge sat the Daniel Adamson, were they on the water point? We spotted a pontoon just after them and pulled in to dispose of our rubbish. This is the boats home mooring, hooked up and filling with water. A chap came and asked if we’d like a look round. Silly question! Of course we would. A cruise on the Danny was on the list of possible things to do for Mick’s 60th birthday a few years ago.

The Danny (originally named the Ralph Brocklebank) is a steam tug which was built in 1903 in Birkenhead. She was built to pull long strings of barges laden with goods from Cheshire and the Potteries to Liverpool. She also carried passengers between Ellesmere Port and Liverpool this continued until 1915. During WW1 she had a short stint for the Royal Navy patrolling around the Liverpool coast.


She was purchased by the Manchester Ship Canal in 1922 for over £3000, she still towed barges and carried passengers along the Ship Canal including VIPs around the inland docks. In 1936 she was given a radical refit was renamed after the Ship Canals chairman Daniel Adamson. The wheelhouse and bridge were raised, she got an upper deck and two saloons. The interior decor was done by Heaton Tabb and Co who were owned by Harland Wolff Ltd and had worked on the grandest of Atlantic liners. The interior was renovated in the modern Art Deco style.


Trade on the ship canal and the docks changed through the following decades. With the rise in container ships Manchester docks could not compete and were closed in 1982. The Danny was retired and in 1986 she was towed to Ellesmere Port Boat Museum where she’d started out her life 83 years earlier.

Her upkeep dropped, she fell into disrepair due to funding cuts, she was vandalised and set fire to. By 2004 she was earmarked for the scrap, but word got round, and Mersey Tug Skipper Dan Cross set up the Daniel Adamson Preservation Trust and soon he’d bought her for £1 from the Ship Canal. By 2015 the Heritage Lottery Fund had awarded the trust £3.8 million to restore her to full working order, by which time volunteers had already given over 1000 hours of their time.

Beautiful woodwork

Gordon showed us round, what a treat. The saloons were restored to how they would have been in 1936 with beautiful wood, glowing with warmth, graceful curves and deco steps.


The steps up to the bridge have brass fretwork on them. The wheel is the original still with steam powered steering. The love for this boat shone through as Gordon told us the history.

The boiler has three fires

We’d noticed the standard hose pipe to the water point. It takes them three days to fill their tank and tonnes of water is needed as ballast! She has a coal fired boiler and the volunteers are now grateful that the coal arrives in bags as they have ten tonnes to shift at a time and get into the holds.

Steam powered steering

Mick asked how she was to steer. Gordon’s reply was ‘Pig comes to mind!’ From the bridge you can’t see the bow due to the canopy over the deck below, so they use the Jack mast to steer by. Four turns of the wheel, then you wait to see what she’s doing before you have to compensate.

Not only does the water tank take three days to fill, but it also takes that time for her to get up to steam for a trip. If she’s moving two days in a row firemen have to stay on board overnight to keep the fires going.

Thank you Gordon

Thank you so much Gordon for showing us round, what an unexpected treat when only wanting to dispose of our rubbish.


Under the M56 and onwards towards the Ship Canal. Blimey it was getting windier and windier. Now we cruised past the start of Koura Global a massive chemical works, followed by INEOS more chemical works. This continued on right up to Weston Lock where the Weaver navigation meets the Manchester Ship Canal and the River Weaver. We then turned to follow the navigation to the north for about another mile still accompanied all the time by chemical works.

Last lock on the Runcorn and Western Canal

Along here a narrow strip of land keeps the navigation from the ship canal, we couldn’t see it from onboard Oleanna sadly. At the far end the current navigation stops at Weston Point. Here there used to be three sets of locks.

Six inch 1888-1915 map

One towards the Ship Canal to the west. A lock to the north which led to another two locks and then out onto the Ship Canal. Then to the east a lock up onto the Runcorn and Western Canal which finally led to the flight of locks up to Runcorn. The bottom lock gates of the later lock are still visible, today with a heron guarding them.

A rare moment of sunshine after we’d winded

We’d heard that it might be possible to bang spikes in here, but we couldn’t work out where. So instead winded and headed back to Marsh Lock where there is a pontoon. We’d been warned the other day that the pontoon has lost it’s access to the bank. Mick later in the afternoon managed to haul himself up onto the bank and go to have a look at the lock and across to the Ship Canal, the Mersey not far away either.

Marsh Lock looking out onto the Ship Canal

White horses and rain continued for the majority of the day. Tilly resided herself to sitting in front of the stove. I joined her to do some knitting. News came through later today that Hunts Lock on the Weaver has been successfully repaired and is now open for navigation. An adjustment of cruising hours now required to reach the other end too in the time we have.

Our mooring for tonight

0 locks, 6.4 miles, 1 swing bridge, 2 pairs of gloves, 1 guided tour, 1930s deco, 3 days for water, 3 days to get enough steam, 10 tonne coal, 1 stove lit, 1 cosy cat, 1 very wet and blustery day.

Welsh TV not from Manchester

To Devil’s Garden. 10th September

Moorings above Saltersford Lock to Devils Garden

A wet morning and my back had a twinge, last thing I wanted to do was get down on the floor to do my exercises, they could wait for another day. One thing that couldn’t wait for another day was a cruising plan. A joint effort was required and a touch of maths.

Serious planning

We both opened up Canal Plan. We worked out when we need to be back in Yorkshire, a mooring has already been found for Oleanna. Then specific dates when we need to be elsewhere, the number of days when Oleanna won’t be moving, which stops require a train station, which a marina. The way Canal plan works is that if you add in some stationary days then the end date of your cruise gets added to. We didn’t bother with this, instead we deducted the number of days Oleanna would be stationary from the full trip and kept a tally on how this affected trip days. I understood my method, Mick just had to go along with it and see if it worked. Thankfully it did. Yes we could have adjusted the trip on Canal plan and added in the stationary days but that would then be a touch ridged.

Three possible routes to try out and see if the dates would work.

Firstly the Huddersfield Narrow, the shortest cruise. Plenty of stations to choose from, if we got stuck by flooded rivers it would be the easiest to move the boat at short notice when levels came down. Marinas not so plentiful, but a slight adjustment to cruising hours made it work.

Second choice the Shroppie, the longest cruise. This would mean not doubling back on ourselves too much. Stations not so good, some buses would be needed. Cruising days on the Tidal Trent have some leeway and the tides look favourable to CRT working hours at the locks. Some adjustment required for a marina, but that would be manageable if they have room.

Third choice the T&M, in between the above cruises, retracing the way we’ve just come back to Fradley. The Tidal Trent on the same days as the Shroppie, better stations too.

The final choice is still to be made, but at least we could let friends know the two possible locations we’d be at for a rendez vous. About half an hours drive between them so at least they’d know where abouts to head in the first place.

We checked the radar. More rain due overhead. Two boats moved off, a while later they were replaced with another two. We were going to wait until after lunch, hoping the rain would subside. The two boats that had arrived headed off again in a lull in the showers.

Hello back there!

At 2pm we decided to make a move whether the weather was good or not. Waterproofs on we winded and headed down stream to Saltersford Locks. On arrival there was a boat moored on the lock waiting pontoon, where was the Lockie? We hovered for a while, then Mick rang the Lockie. The lock would be ready in about 15/20 minutes, the boat on the landing moved off and we could pull in to wait. Sure enough the lock took forever to fill, the Lockie set it filling and headed off for a while.

This is the only downstream lock we went through back in 2011, it holds 660,000 gallons of water and I think it was estimated back then that it could hold 27 Winding Downs. It sits alongside a smaller lock, but that hasn’t been used since the 70’s. We passed our ropes around bollards towards the back of the lock. The bow just by a set of disused centre gates. The lock was set emptying, this would take time too.

For sale with some period details!

Just below the lock was a water point we pulled in to fill up the tank. An end of terrace cottage, formerly a Lock Keepers cottage, is for sale. The pressure was pretty good so we were on our way again soon.

Pontoon Mooring?

We didn’t remember the journey to Dutton Locks from 13 years ago. Houses sit close by. Some leading up to Acton Bridge have pontoon moorings sticking out into the river, one of them for sale!

Acton Bridge

The moorings by Acton Bridge were full. We wanted to be further on anyway and the mooring certainly wouldn’t be cat friendly. Mick took the advice of the Lockie back at Saltersford and called ahead to the next lock, it would be set ready for us when we arrived.

Looking towards the weir

Above Dutton Locks the moorings were full. The sunk vessel we’d seen 13 years ago has degraded a lot! Maybe on our way back I’ll get a closer look, today we wanted to head on further. We pulled into the lock, the gates closed behind us and the water started to drain out through sluices in the side of the lock.


Now on totally new water to all of us. Back in March 2011 the locks had been on winter opening hours meaning they had to be booked, we only had limited time on the river anyway so hadn’t ventured further, today we could carry on.

Dutton Viaduct came into view, dark against the rain laden clouds, sun streaming through where it could. The river has views, next to no flood banks. Open views, then tree lined banks. We had our hopes on a mooring a mile or so further, a little m on our map meaning we’d need spikes.

Dutton Viaduct

As it came into view it had great potential and there was only one boat moored up, space for us. We winded and pulled in a short distance up stream with trees to our bow and stern, our own slot. We’d found the Devil’s Garden mooring, both of us had heard of it before, a favourite for many.

Ducks are forever hopeful

Tilly was allowed out and we all had a little explore, checking signs and fences avoiding stepping in the cowpats. Tilly stayed out and played for a while, but it was blustery, rainy and she was wanting dingding.

They’ve come out to play too!

Mick lit the stove, we’d be needing one for our jacket potatoes to accompany a pie each. Yarn was selected for the next pair of socks, pair 37 I think. Thank you to those who’ve sponsored a pair this week I’ve now only got to find two more sponsors to make 52 pairs for the year and I’ve beaten last years total too! It may be that as the nights start drawing in I may be able to knit a few more pairs, after all why stop at 52, I’ve still got a mountain of yarn to use.

2 locks, 5.8 miles, 2.2miles of new water, 30 minutes for one lock, 1 full water tank, 1 damp blowy day, 2 pies, 2 jackets, 0 cows, 37 in 4 shades of blue, 1 cosy boat, 1 lovely mooring.!1m17!1m12!1m3!1d7260.5534387613325!2d-2.6748082668054605!3d53.28409690096703!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m2!1m1!2zNTPCsDE2JzU3LjUiTiAywrAzOSc1My45Ilc!5e1!3m2!1sen!2suk!4v1726061794294!5m2!1sen!2suk

On A Friday! 6th September

Rookery Railway Bridges to Croxton Aqueduct

Some shore leave before we moved on today, with the rest of the locks through Middlewich to work through we didn’t want to be too late leaving and Tilly obliged by returning in good time.

Bee and clover

Such familiar water this stretch. by the railway bridges there used to be a winding hole just long enough for Carefree Cruising boats to wind in before returning to base by Elton Moss Bridge, but now you’d be lucky to be able to turn a 40fter there, so overgrown.

Nice Lock

Nice Lock 67 had a boat just leaving it, if there was going to be one lock I’d operate on the Cheshire Locks this would be the one. I hopped off with a windlass, Mick closed the top gate and I wound the paddles up at the bottom end. This was quite often the first lock we’d go through on NB Winding Down, hence it’s Nice name, but it also was likely to be the last lock too, then it got named Nasty Lock! But now it’s always Nice.

Knitting as we cruise

Down the Booth Lane Locks meeting a couple of boats heading up. The last of these boats had a hobbling lady walking the towpath, she should have caught a lift as they were only going to have to wait at the next lock for the boat ahead of them to go up.

Statics avoiding looking towards the canal

More new houses going up and some static caravans are also being plumbed in right beside the canal, no canal view though as very few of their windows faced the water.

Mick as blue as the sky

What a glorious day to be boating. Sun blue skies and not too hot. Should we have a mooring today where we could have a bbq what would we eat? There were some sausages or mince, both frozen. Maybe we should see what the new small Morrisons could provide for us.

King’s Lock

We pulled in close to the fish and chip shop, two houses along the way for sale. Well except it was quite hard to pull in. A new length of armco looked appealing, but either there was a sunken vessel there or a ledge, we tried further along, and again. Finally we made it close enough to the bank. The gate to the road leads just that straight onto the road, no pavement just a little gravellyness then the busy road. Morrisons was out of various items, but there were some burgers and a bag of mixed peppers. I checked the free from items. That bread looked nice, ah no wonder it was Rye Bread, first ingredient, Wheat! No wonder they had quite a lot of it!!

We’d originally not planned on stopping in Middlewich, but to carry on straight through, but now we were moored up we had lunch. With one boat just ahead of us when we pushed off again we waited to use King’s Lock. This boat was going onto the water point then up onto the Branch, we had another two possible water points to choose from.

winding a 70fter

Just as I was about to bring Oleanna out from the lock a 70ft hire boat arrived, were they turning up to Wardle Lock and the Branch, no just winding. With a boat on the water point and a CRT work boat the other side of the junction this limited their turning circle. Their wind taking ages, but they managed it in the end. We followed them down to the Middlewich three.

With the opportunity of there being volunteers at each lock I decided I’d like to work the locks as I’d only need to do half the work. However there was a long wait. Another hire boat was under tuition coming up the locks so we and the boat ahead had to wait. The volunteer wasn’t going to let anyone through the lock until the uphill boat had cleared, both boats could have gone down in that time.

I let Mick bring Oleanna round the bend towards the middle lock

The 7/8 chaps on the hire boat in front seemed to know what they were doing and were soon on their way. The volunteer I suspect was a touch deaf as I asked if I could fill the lock. ‘NO!’ He then gestured to wind a paddle up! We were soon on our way down, I checked that there were other volunteers at the locks, ‘Yes’ marvellous! That was until the other two volunteers walked up to the top lock and said the middle lock was filling. Even my walking pole didn’t suggest we’d need assistance, they then vanished into thin air. Oh well the first time I’d been looking forward to having assistance at the locks and it wasn’t going to happen.

Last of the narrow locks for a bit

I opened up the middle lock, the chaps from the boat ahead lifted a paddle to refill the bottom lock for us. I worked us down the middle lock then Mick and I swapped over for the bottom lock, I could do no more.

Yarn bombed posts

We pulled onto the next water point and toped up the tank, emptied the yellow water and then made ready to push onwards. Big Lock had just been emptied, but we were soon on our way down. We’d totally forgotten about Middlewich on an afternoon, especially on a Friday, we’d thought we’d be through by early afternoon, but that pause for lunch! Saturdays it’s shareboat central at the junction, Fridays seemed to be hire boats! Mental note for next time, avoid certain days, avoid afternoons and the volunteers will clock off as soon as either the chippy opens or after the last hire boat is through.

Big Lock

It was getting quite late, we’d thought of heading on to Bramble Cuttings, not that much further, but on a sunny Friday afternoon there was likely to be no room for us. So when we came across Croxton Aqueduct and the towpath widened out and there was plenty of space we pulled in. Tilly was given an hour whilst we got ourselves ready for a bbq. The burgers I’d bought were really quite fatty and sent big flames up from the coals, charring everything. I gave them a few minutes rest away from the fire before finishing them off which seemed to calm them down a touch. A lovely evening sat out none the less watching and eating as the sunset.

Just about ready to start cooking

9 locks, 5.9 miles, 1 straight on, 1 new edge too shallow, 1 nice lock, 1 knee still able to do the T&M hurdles, 3, 2, 1, 0 volunteers, 1 closed council tip, 4 fatty burgers, 4 pepper haloumi kebabs, 1 bowl coleslaw, 1 sunset.


Going Downhill. 2nd September

Stoke on Trent Boat Club to below Engine Lock 4

What a dreary morning. Tilly was allowed out whilst it drizzled, we didn’t want to get wet and she wouldn’t mind, too much. Pah!!!

It appeared to dry up after breakfast, boats were moving, time for us to do the same. Except Tilly hadn’t come home yet! Time to be a mad cat woman on the towpath, I waited for two teenage girls to pass before I carried on calling for Tilly, they had enough to giggle about without adding me into the mix. I’m here, I was always just here.

A little moody today

But now it was raining properly. Mick checked the met office. It shouldn’t be raining now, but it was. We decided to have an early lunch and hope that the weather caught up with the forecast by the time we’d finished.

Waterproofs on, we finally set off at 1:30pm, 2.5 hours after we’d originally planned, our nebolink had been sat just waiting for movement.

Keep right

Past the one way sign, those information boards will have to wait until next time.

Mick hopped off at the top of the Stockton Brook flight, most of the locks just about full and thankfully the pounds between them were full too.

Top Stockton Brook Lock

A young lad cycled up just past us to the next lock. He rapidly got out a magnet and started to fish. Once we’d left the lock he tried in there too. Looking back from the third lock I could see the bywash behind us flowing, someone was following us down. Soon there were crew at the lock behind us, running round to work the paddles, we carried on at our pace, if they caught us up so be it, they’d have to slow down then.

Under the road bridge

The number of stone mason marks in the middle lock was quite impressive, triangles, stars, arrows.

More cats

Down the five locks we passed a boat just mooring up. ‘The moorings are like hen’s teeth on here!’ We hoped for a mooring a bit further on, had the canal got very busy now the schools were going back?

Oh the POWER!

I did the honours lifting the bridge, no young assistant to help today, then we were at Engine Lock, the gongoozlers bench occupied by dog walkers. Mick lifted the paddles, opened the gates. Ahh! Two boats moored where we’d been on our way up. Would there be space deep enough for us in between? Thankfully there was and the undergrowth not too overgrown either.

Two and a half hours, brilliant! This outside wasn’t wet either, much better than the one this morning.


Yesterdays chicken was stripped from the bones, what to make with it now? Stir fry. Macaroni cheese. Pie. Curry old style. Hmmm? Stir fry. Pair 35 of my socks were finished off, the trip through the tunnel and washing the roof had put a delay on this pair. I should find the time to up load finished socks to the Sockathon page. Still a few pairs left to sponsor, ideal Christmas presents! Just saying.

Debby’s Jolly socks

Today we had started our descent heading towards the River Weaver. However for the last week Hunt’s Lock has been out of action, the latest CRT notice.

‘Today, divers and our teams were on-site to attempt repairs at Hunts Lock. Unfortunately, both paddles were found to be in a much worse state than anticipated and had to be removed. We are now arranging for them to be taken to the workshop for extensive repairs. As a result, the lock will remain closed. We will provide a further update by Friday 6th September or sooner, by which time we hope to have a better understanding of the repair timescales.’

And earlier in the day there had been this notice.

‘Please be advised that navigation is currently closed at Saltersford Lock on the Weaver Navigation. An obstruction at the bottom of the gate is preventing it from closing fully, which means the lock cannot be operated safely. Our engineers are working on a plan to rectify the problem. We will provide an update on Tuesday, 3rd September 2024.’

At least we’ll get to hear about progress this week, we’ve got a passage booked on the Anderton Boat lift. Maybe we’ll have to change our plans again, another cruise plan to plan as it won’t be worth heading down onto the Weaver and not being able to cruise it’s full length. We’ll carry on and wait to hear.

6 locks, 2.3 miles, 2 lift bridges 1 left open, 1 following boat, they looked fast but came past half an hour after we’d moored up, 2 outsides, 5 hours shore leave, 1 boat heading down, cruise plan 23 on hold, plans 24, 25, and 26 being considered, pair 35 finished.