Just a quick post today otherwise I’ll never get the round up of last year written, a bedroom decorated and panto designed!
During the day we received two notices from C&RT. One from Damien regarding boating during lockdown. The 14 day rule has been suspended and only essential movement is allowed as it was during the lockdown in March. The biggest difference for boats in this lockdown is the weather.
Oleanna 3 years ago
On social media there are photographs of wonderful snowy white canal scenes, the occasional footage of boats breaking ice (preparing their hulls for blacking) and many a photo of cosy interiors with stoves glowing in the corner of the cabin keeping everyone toasty warm. I have to say I’m a touch envious.
However, this is very different to the first lockdown because of the temperatures. In March we made sure we were on a pound with everything we needed. But now I suspect we’d choose a mooring closer to a water point and road access for deliveries in case we got iced in. In winter you become more aware of what the weather may or may not do and plan accordingly, locked down or not! I suspect the moorings either side of Nantwich Junction Bridge are highly sought after, this is where we sat out the Beast from the East.
We hope everyone has found somewhere good to be for the coming weeks and that the heroes of the canals, the coal boats keep you stocked up with fuel of every variety.
Here they come
Looking through the Coronavirus and boating FAQ section on the C&RT website I came across a section on the Boat Safety Scheme. Every four years your boat needs inspecting to check it meets current guidelines for safety. You can’t get your boat insured or licensed without an upto date certificate. Oleanna is due her first one this April. During Lockdown 1, C&RT gave people extensions to get their inspections done, but this time it’s different.
‘The Government guidelines are clear that those needing to access homes to carry out work can do so. Those needing a certificate should do their best to use a local examiner to minimise non-essential travel, and let us know if they are shielding or isolating so we can arrange an examination as soon as possible once it is safe to do so.’
The other email from C&RT is one sent to people moored on the Aire and Calder regarding the breach.
‘The navigation is being kept at a reduced level from Ferrybridge to Pollington to limit the amount of water flowing into the section below Pollington where the breach is located. Until a better solution for protecting the breach is developed and implemented it may be possible, by prior arrangement only, to lock craft upstream through Pollington, Whitley and Ferrybridge. This will have to be scheduled around water control operations and water level at the breach site. It is hoped to reinstate some user functionality from Whitley to Ferrybridge soon.’
Sharing Pollington Lock last year
So there may be a way off the pound where the breach is. But does this mean boats who are currently upstream of the breach can escape? Or that crafts can be locked upstream through Pollington Lock? Last night we read it as the former, this morning we’re not so sure.
However, Oleanna will be staying put. She has a mooring, we are in lockdown, the caisson stop gates are closed and we have nowhere else to moor her. So we continue to watch for news at the docks.
So our visit was well timed as the inevitable has now happened with a third lockdown.
Sadly this means few photos from the breach site as things progress and people stay at home. Yesterday Chris Conroy posted the levels in the docks for me on facebook.
‘Dock level today is 5m 98cm as of 14:36 4/1/21 ….Normal levels are….lower level 6m 20cm …Upper level 6m 55cm’
So a 14 inch difference between low and high levels. If we assume that 5.98m is what it was yesterday, hopefully if he keeps giving me readings from the dock gauge we’ll be able to see if there is a problem of dropping water.
No more pack up lunches on board for a while
He also reported that the pumps by the caisson gate have been altered slightly but are still operational to keep the level in the docks up. Limited shipping is allowed into the port at high tide so as to minimise the loss of water. Normally there is too much water coming down the Aire and Calder and the excess is monitored and discharged as necessary.
Yesterday C&RT issued a Navigation Closure Notice for the New Junction Canal as follows. It does however refer to locks on the Aire and Calder Navigation.
To reduce water levels at breach site below Pollington Lock water levels from Ferrybridge Lock to Pollington Lock have been slightly reduced and the locks closed for public use.
This is a short term measure being reviewed on a daily basis. The locks and sections above Pollington Lock will be reopened as soon as this is possible.
The section from Pollington Lock to Goole Caisson and Sykehouse Lock will remain closed.
Towpath closed from Pollington Lock to Went End Aqueduct due to bank slippage
One day we’ll be back to views like this
Today C&RT have issued an update, although you have to go and look for it on their website! Earlier email updates seem to have stopped.
Update 05/01/2021
We are continuing to carry out inspections of the breach site twice per day to ensure safety of the area. These inspections have confirmed that the repair is structurally sound and there is no further flood risk. We have lowered water levels in the canal to reduce the rate of water loss from the breach and the escaped water is being pumped away into the River Don. The water levels in the canal are being managed through the pumps near Goole dock.
Our project team met on Monday 4 January to begin work to repair the breach. The repair work will first require the removal of the water from a section of the canal around the breach point. This will involve the construction of a temporary dam at two locations by piling across the navigation to create a ‘cofferdam’. The design of these temporary works has commenced.
Once the cofferdam is in place, which we expect to be in the next few weeks, the water in the canal can be pumped around it in order to ensure a constant water supply to feed Goole docks. Until the cofferdam is in place it is difficult to be precise how long a permanent repair will take as this very much depends on what damage we find once the water is removed.
The twice daily inspection of the damaged area of canal bank will continue until this cofferdam is in place to ensure public safety. Although we understand that local people may like to visit the site to see the work we’ve done, we advise people to stay well away from the area where the breach has occurred.
From here in Scarborough all we can do is wait, see what we can see on the internet and rely on kindly souls in Goole to keep an eye on Oleanna’s ropes along with many other boats. I suspect the permanent fix will take some time, thankfully we’re not in any big hurry to move. When we do move we may have to cruise new water to escape Goole and go out onto the Tidal Ouse, turning left towards Selby or right to Trent Falls!
Hopefully Oleanna is still smiling
0 locks, 0 miles, 5.98m, 3rd lockdown, 1 builder being put on hold, 2 boaters trying to watch from afar, 4 fingers and 2 paws crossed,1 cat slightly miffed that her itallics are being used by other people!
Firstly thank you to Dave Scouts and Kevin Too for suggesting Bingmaps. The National Library of Scotland map images alongside the satellite image is very interesting. I’ve sneakily put an extract here that shows the railway line. We’ve come across this before but had forgotten about it. Have to say though these maps make it very easy to see where an old railway used to be, I quite like trying to work it out for myself from the satellite images, but can then confirm my suspicions using this and OS maps.
Side by side
The actual bank slip along this stretch is about 400ft east of where the railway bridge was. Paul (Waterway Routes) pointed this out from examining my photos, Marks photos and the flag on a map I’d put up the other day. Mick had also spotted this when we’d first seen the comment on Facebook. All interesting stuff to keep you busy on a winter Sunday afternoon.
Rays over the Wolds
Today we kept ourselves busy too. The hire car keys will be handed back tomorrow so one last trip to check on Oleanna before it gets a little bit harder to do so, or impossible when a new lockdown is imposed. So after breakfast we hopped in the car to cross the Wolds and wish Oleanna a Happy New Year.
Todays view
Stepping down onto the stern was a touch easier again. Measurements were taken 34 inches to the top of the pontoon from the water level, this started off at 48 inches, when I first thought of measuring it. Up some more, which is good news despite the breach leaking and some ships coming and going from the port again.
Today I remembered to take the freshly washed blinds for the front door back. Measurements were taken as I’ve not made new ones yet and one of the poppers which has needed replacing for a while definitely needs attention before we sleep on board again.
But I’ll need a die set and spare poppers to do this, hopefully someone in Scarborough might be able to lend me the die set. My next problem will be what size the poppers are, 10mm, 12mm, 11mm heavy duty. I measured everything except the flipping popper size!
Porthole bungs were put back in their covers and hung back on doors, ready to be deployed on those Spring mornings when the sun beats in through the bathroom windows long before anyone wants to be awake.
Mick turned Oleanna’s key and started her up. She was a little bit surprised at being woken up from her long sleep, but soon relished her engine whirring, warming up the engine bay.
Over our packed lunch we had the same discussion as before, whether to tighten the ropes or not. The marina is quite frozen at the moment, certainly between us and our nearest neighbours. Down the side of Oleanna there was a gap, she’s obviously been moving about quite a bit in the wind, carving herself a patch of water. We decided to tighten the ropes a touch, but not fully should the level drop a bit.
Mick chatted with Geoff. Apparently the level has been higher, but dropped again. The caisson gates are still closed and the pumps are still running, even though at one point Geoff thought the level out on the canal was higher than in the docks. We’re glad we’ve left some slack.
Local MP Andrew Percy has commented on the breach today on facebook.
‘I’ve been popping up to check the breach in the canal near East Cowick regularly and did so again this afternoon. I happened to bump into the Canal and Rivers Trust guy who was out doing one of the daily inspections. Whilst water has continued to come out of the breach, the temporary works have held steady and there are no concerns at the moment. He also confirmed that the CRT and their engineers and contractors are due back on site tomorrow all being well to start considering next steps. The future works will also involve works to the damaged banks further along the canal which have been caused by the fluctuating canal levels. Just thought people might like the update. When I hear more I’ll let folks know!’
Before we left I decided to take an educated estimate of where the level normally is, by using the rusted and green marks on the pilling around the marina as a gauge. This was measured to the top of the pontoon. 16.5 inches. So currently the level is 17.5 inches down on the norm. Oleanna’s gunnel at the stern must have been just above the pontoon when we first arrived as that sits 20 inches above the water.
According to the C&RT notice the navigation was to remain closed until January 4th as a precaution, tomorrow. Exol Pride I’m sure is just chomping at the bit to get her next load up to Rotherham.
We said our farewells to Oleanna, we hope to be able to visit every couple of weeks to check on her, but who knows if this will be possible.
Hope to see you soon.
As we drove back to Scarborough, along the extra scenic route via Wetwang, we remembered our first trip back when the fields were all golden having recently been harvested. Then they went brown with white flecks of chalk as the fields were ploughed over. Now shoots of green are pushing up to find sunlight. I wonder what Tilly’s field is doing at our lockdown ‘Home’ mooring at the bottom of Hurleston?
0 locks, 0 miles, 1 last day of having a car, 17.5 inches to go, 2 blinds, 1 not so blind, 10/ 11/12/15mm? 3 ropes slightly tightened, 1 icy marina, 2 ships, 2 weeks hopefully!
Not knowing what the tier review would bring today we decided to head down to the marina to check things out.
A light dusting
Scarborough managed to avoid the snow of the last few days, but as we crossed the top of the Wolds we could see that there had been a dusting. This soon cleared as we descended the other side of the hills. Drax Power Station sending up big plumes of steam into the chilly air.
Exol Pride sitting on her mooring with a full tank
As soon as we pulled into the marina we could see that things had improved with the level. Across on the far side of the channel leading into the docks the wooden edging was now submerged.
She’s higher
Oleanna’s ropes sat loose necessitating her being pulled in for us to climb down. Today this was more like a big step, no booster block required just a steadying hand on the cabin side.
We’d planned to rehang the front door blinds and put the pads back into the window bungs we’d taken to the house for washing, but in our haste to leave we’d left them all in Scarborough.
A better view again
Mick checked temperatures, 2 C in the engine bay. A touch chilly but okay. The heating went on inside and the water pump turned on. Oleanna’s water tank must be very low now as it no longer registers on the gauge. The electric kettle was filled from the tap on the pontoon and water from the tank only used for washing up after lunch.
Sitting higher
I got my tape measure out again. What was the height difference between pontoon and the water? I got a little bit excited with the height and confused at the same time. 3ft 2 inches, 10 inches higher than when I’d first measured it. My confusion being when I’d first measured it, this was before Christmas and not on Boxing Day. So our rise today since Boxing Day is six inches, not the 10 I’d got really excited about. Still good and going in the right direction.
An update to the C&RT website said.
Update 29/12/20
On 28 December our team, with our contractors – Kier, returned to site to place more stone and clay in the hole and this has considerably reduced the leak. The stone provides stability and the clay seals the passage of water in the gaps between the bags, and we have also spread waterproof material over the breached area.
We will continue to carry out daily checks to ensure the situation does not change. Water levels in the canal are now rising back towards normal.
During the event, in order to protect water levels in Goole Docks, we closed the gates from the canal and pumped water in. With water levels rising in the canal we should soon be able to open these gates again though navigation will not be permissible along the canal until we have undertaken further works as a precaution.
Now that the immediate risk has been significantly reduced, we are able to begin to look in more detail at designing a permanent repair in the new year. Our engineers are considering the options and how such a repair would be achieved.
Although we understand that local people may like to visit the site to see the work we’ve done, we advise people to stay well away from the area where the breach has occurred.
To leave slack or tighten?
We had our packup lunch with a cuppa, then planned to go for a walk along the river bank towards Trent Falls. We discussed whether to tighten the ropes or not. Should the level drop again, they would need loosening, but if the level kept rising Oleanna would get looser and with any strong winds she’d end up going all over the place. We thought that maybe taking up some of the slack would be the way forward.
Shortly before we left I had another look at Facebook. There was a new post from Mark Penn from above the breach site. His footage showed the flow of water through the temporary repair to have increased again, possibly a stronger flow than it had been on Boxing Day, certainly stronger than yesterday!
Some of the filling, aggregate and clay has been washed away again. You can see right under the concrete, Not good.
Mark contacted the Project Manager at C&RT to report it. Someone was heading to monitor the situation. Reports later are that for now they are okay with the amount of water coming out. It is now flowing in the right direction, under the canal to the pumping station which pumps the excess water into the River Don. Before when the breach happened the water reversed the flow of the drain and sent the water towards East Cowick, with potential for flooding the villages.
It is suspected that the canal level will be dropped again to reduce the pressure on the fix.
We changed our minds on the ropes and have left them slack, in case the level drops again, which it almost certainly will.
RSPB Blacktoft Sands
Slightly gloomy we drove out of Old Goole, through Swinefleet, Whitgift and Ousefleet. Mick pulled the car into the car park at RSPB Blacktoft Sands only for us to be stopped by a big sign saying the car park was closed due to Covid -19. We found a spot on the right angle bend where we could park instead and walked up to the flood bank.
Not much of a view at the bottom of the bank
Here another sign thwarted our plan. The footpath follows the side of the flood bank, not the top. The top being private land. Not much point if we couldn’t see the river, anyway I’d not put enough layers on for the very cold temperatures out today, too much time spent on land!
River Ouse to the left, River Trent just below the trees ahead
We aborted our walk and headed back towards Scarborough instead, the sun setting behind muted coloured hills. With the radio on we heard that North Yorkshire will as of midnight tonight enter tier 3 and Goole remain in tier 3. So we now won’t have to sneak across tier borders to get to Goole should we want to check on Oleanna before we have to hand the car keys back to the hire company. A positive on a not so positive day.
Winters day
0 locks, 0 miles, 10 inches higher, 2 happier boaters, 1 pack up, 1 fix un-fixed again, 1 leaking canal, 2 sad boaters, 1 boat with slack ropes, 1 closed car park, 1 very chilly day, tier 3.
News came through this morning from Lisa that the level in the marina had risen by about 4 inches. Such good news. As I’ve mentioned before there is a lot of water needed to get the level back up to normal, so 4 inches must have meant things had improved at the breach site overnight.
Around about lunchtime Mark Penn posted more aerial photographs from the breach.
No diggers today
The large boulders have been backfilled. The tarpaulin has been put down along quite a length of the bank and is held in place by ropes you can see criss crossing the path to the hand rail.
Blue rope holding the tarp in place
Back filled to the shuttering
There is still water making its way through into the drain, but the level in the drain itself is far lower than in yesterdays photos.
This afternoon
Boxing Day
As it looked like nobody was on site today I suspect this is now the temporary fix. If the levels at the docks continue to rise there will be a lot of relieved boater owners. At one point today Mick noticed four ships in the docks, so ABP must be happier with the state of things too.
Another angle
C&RT in their last email said that they would be keeping this stretch closed until the 4th January. Now it will be up to the engineers to come up with a solution for a more permanent fix.
Apologies for those who receive an email when the blog gets posted, everything is fine I was just trying to work out how to share some footage, which didn’t work on that attempt!
Steaming up the windows
With various deadlines coming up I stayed at the house today whilst Mick headed back to Goole to check on things. We’ve builders coming next month so before then our old bedroom needs to be reclaimed and then there are accounts to do so that the tax man knows we don’t owe him anything, along with the next phase of my panto design.
So whilst I stripped wallpaper Mick drove over the wolds to Goole, he was under instruction to take photos and measure the water level in the marina.
Today 3ft 8″ half an inch higher than two days ago, small progress, but progress all the same. Oleanna’s engine was run whilst he had his pack up. More cupboard doors were left open, then he headed off to see what he could see.
The pumps at the caisson stop gate were pumping away. Gallons and gallons over from the canal into the docks. From the photos it looks like they have more than two pumps but only two jets of water were doing their stuff.
Because you can’t get up close to the gates it’s hard to tell what the height difference is on both sides. Mick thought it was only slight, not an obvious difference. The bubbling up of water into the canal wasn’t evident today either. Maybe some work has been done on the gates to stop leaks, or maybe the water being pumped out hides any leakage.
Mick also headed to the docks. Two ships were in. At least the level in the docks is being held high enough for the port to operate.
Ship! Another was in the West Dock
During the day I’d been checking in on Social Media for any updates. In the Goole and Surrounding areas, aerial view group it looked like someone would be out filming again today. The road by the breach site was closed and there was a lot of activity going on.
Later in the day Mark Penn put up a series of photos from the site along with some footage. He has very kindly given me permission to use the images and footage here. Thank you!
A roadway had been laid before Christmas to get to the breach. Bags of aggregate had been lifted to help block the flow of water. Today diggers were on site along with a couple of work boats.
The tarpaulin waiting to be used
From the photos it looks like they may be going to use a tarpaulin along the bank to hold back the water. The long blue sausage on the bank, using un-technical terms. Once this is lowered into position it will be sucked by the force of the water over the breach, hopefully stemming water from escaping.
Diggers are busy dropping large boulders into the cavity on the off side. You can see where a large area was washed away before Christmas
Lorry loads of clay are arriving too, this is used to help plug gaps through the boulders.
Clay arriving
Plenty going on. According to Mark they will be working through the night.
He has also posted the following on his facebook page.
Some interesting aerial views sent to me via Mark from the Goole Aerial Views Facebook page who was down at the site with a drone earlier. What you can’t see from this is the depth of the breach or the whirlpool which is apparently below the surface suggesting a quite significant breach which they tell me is actually some way up from where the bank collapse is and where the water is coming out. What you can’t see is what is happening under the water at some depth. I have seen people on other pages holding forth with their reasons for the breach, some with strong political views trying to play a bit of politics. The reality is we do not yet know, but there is an old culvert under here which was apparently abandoned some decades ago which may be part of it. Rather than speculating though, it is better if we all wait to establish the facts. In my time in Parliament I have consistently argued for better care for our rivers and waterways and for improvements in defences. Whilst flood defence spending is now at a record high, the record of governments of all colours over the decades has been to ramp up spending after a major event and then for it to fall away. I’ve consistently argued the case for more investment in defences and maintenance because we are one of the most flood prone areas of the country. We have had a lot of flood defence works locally but the changing climate is straining the defence standards we have.I have also seen and had reports about the banking coming away in other parts. Some people are calling these ‘breaches’ which naturally will cause some alarm. I have reported these faults on the banks to the Canal and Rivers Trust over recent days. They tell me that this is to be expected when the water level has fallen as the pressure from the water obviously keeps the banks in place. This will need to be attended to in the future as part of the permanent repairs but they tell me that their engineers have assessed these and whilst they are unsightly, they are not a concern at this stage and are not breaches.Again, all I can do is pass on the concerns and pass on the responses. I understand people want to share these concerns but we all need to be careful to not report as fact something we may not actually be sure of. Thanks to Mark for sharing these images.
So things progress on the Aire and Calder, levels are low. Meanwhile across the southern canals and rivers they are suffering from too much water! Way too much water. Boats are stranded, surrounded by flood water. Somerton Meadows which when we passed last year was a lake, today it resembles a sea!
28th November Somerton Meadows
0 locks, 0 miles, 1 more trip, 0.5 inches, 2 ships, 12? workmen on site, 1 hole being filled, 2 boaters in need of water, 3672 boaters with FAR too much water.
Thank you for all the Christmas and Birthday messages we’ve received over the last few days. We had a lovely Christmas Day. Stockings, scrambled egg and smoked salmon with Bucks Fizz, presents, a walk down to the sea with the sun out.
Then back to cooking and Frank arriving. More to drink and then plenty to eat with more to drink. Birthday presents, birthday cake, more to drink. Then onto pavlova provided by Emily and Ben who normally have Frank round for Christmas dinner. A very good day had by all, we even had some left overs despite Franks attempts to finish everything off!
Boxing Day we started by seeing Mick’s family on the Geraghty Zoom call. Then we packed a picnic lunch and headed for Goole. Lisa had sent footage of Santa paddle boarding round the marina and an early morning photo of Oleanna on her mooring. Was the level rising? Or not? Only being there and getting the tape measure out would tell.
Boxing Day morning
The step down onto Oleanna’s stern wasn’t so bad. Heating on, put the dinette back together and open the hatch. How I miss our hatch views, even if it is of another boat.
It may not be of a beautiful sunset, but it’s still a view to make me smile
Mick removed our large buoy fender and I measured from the top of the pontoon to the water level. 3ft 8.5 inches, 3.5 inches higher than three days ago. Progress, small progress.
There she is!
We could have started on a job or two, but most of them would involve several hours and with it being Boxing Day we decided to leave them for another day. Instead we sat down for a picnic lunch before turning the water off again.
Up against the pontoon
Having risen a touch we had the urge to tighten the ropes with Storm Bella on her way, but decided that as the wind had changed direction again, pushing Oleanna towards the pontoon and against the plank and pole we’d leave her be.
A boat winding
As I bobbed to the loo Mick had a chat with a lady from a few boats up. She reported that the levels kept changing, the boats would go up, then back down again, then up. We’d checked on the ABP notices to mariners and from Christmas Eve, vessels could now pen in and out of Goole Docks with advanced arrangement and agreement with the Dockmaster. Maybe this was why the levels were fluctuating? But a check as I’m writing this suggests no vessels are currently in the docks.
The lady also said that the Caisson Stop Gates had been closed and water was being pumped back over them into the docks. This didn’t sound too good. We decided to see if we could get close to the breach site to see for ourselves.
Water in fields
We headed out of Goole past the new 67 acres Siemens site which will be a train manufacturing plant, building new Piccadilly Line tubes. Then on through Rawcliffe to the 90 degree bend in the Aire and Calder.
In a layby alongside the road, diggers sat, now dormant (B). On the south bank we doubled back on ourselves turning onto a road that runs alongside the Dutch River (C). Here there were diggers, all sorts of machinery, but this side was more planned. This is where works are on going for flood defences.
We turned round and crossed back over both the Dutch River and the Aire and Calder and turned onto Between Rivers Lane. From here we could get glimpses of the breach site (A). A small layby already had cars parked in it, chaps with drones, so we couldn’t pull in and go for a walk.
Other people were stood by the breach, there was a lot of interest. All the drainage channels in the area had plenty of water in them and as we turned to come back we managed to pull up for a shirt while so I could take a video.
Water was flowing round the metal and concrete into the drains. We could see the big bags of aggregate and where we assume the breach had washed away the bank. Was this how it had been left before Christmas? Or had the temporary fix failed? We have nothing to compare it with, so don’t know for sure. It could be that the drains in the area can cope with the amount of water coming through, but will the canal cope with that amount of water being lost?
Water coming round
Next we decided to head towards Pollington and see if we could get to see where the bank slip has occured. Back the way we’d come, then through Snaith and West Cowick, crossing the canal at Cowcroft Bridge which is just downstream of Pollington permanent moorings. The light at the lock was red, the lock having been closed since the breach.
A C&RT notice before Christmas had said that the towpath between Pollington Lock and Went Aqueduct was closed due to bank slippage on the southside of the canal. A good look towards the lock suggested it wasn’t along that stretch so we walked towards the New Junction Canal.
Flag to the left near the woofing cottage, flag to the right the main slippage area
Before we reached the swing bridge cottage with the noisy barking dogs we noticed an area of bank that we’re fairly sure hadn’t looked so crumbly when we were here in September. This was on the north bank, so not the slippage referred to on the notice.
That looks a bit messy
On we walked, now along the stretch we’d planned to spend Christmas, where Tilly and I back in mid September had had our last towpath walk with the Kingfishers swooping past. They were still here, chirping and swooping past as Mick and I made our way along the towpath between the drainage channel and canal.
Just after the trees on the left would have been Christmas
A short distance further on we could see two lengths of orange netting, this must be the problem.
Two lengths of metal shuttering leant out towards the water, the bank behind them having slipped. Not good, but so far not another breach. This did look like the shuttering had relaxed without the pressure of water to hold it in position.
This must be it
As we headed back to Scarborough a message came through from Lisa saying they’d had word that the temporary fix at the breach had failed, the levels may start to drop again. Then some aerial photos came through giving a different perspective from my video of the leak.
More drone footage appeared on social media during the afternoon and evening. Those brave enough to have walked up close to the breach had taken pictures and footage. We’d noticed a steady flow on the canal near Pollington, not alarming but it was noticeable and all these photos showed why.
Al returned to the marina and loosened ropes in case the levels there were to drop again whilst we hunted around on social media. Rumours were that C&RT had been informed and that the reply had come back that nothing would be done until Tuesday.
For us and Oleanna, all we can do is wait. Thank Al, Geoff and others at the marina for keeping an eye out and loosening ropes as and when needed. Having a car at the moment means we can head down every couple of days or so to help keep our minds at rest and we’re thankful to Lisa for keeping us posted with photos.
This morning, 27th, levels have remained pretty constant over night, so maybe the caisson gates are working better than before, but time will tell.
0n locks, 0 miles, 1 more birthday, 1 very sunny Christmas, 3 for diner, 3.5 inches, 1 set of gates closed, 250 ish bags, 1 big leak, 3 slippages, 1 emergency wee, 2 marinas back on watch, 32nd viewing of Grease.
Since my last catch up we’ve been doing our best to get festive. Our Christmas lights went up earlier than normal, thankfully they have all survived our time away. We used to have two 6ft Christmas trees that we’d buy in Dalby Forest, but this year our £4 tree from Newark Market, back in 2015 sits on a table in a bay window. The lights that used to decorate the trees are now around the windows.
A week or so ago we had a half hour singing carols with neighbours at the top of the road with Scarborough’s Town Crier, he lives two doors up from us. Have to say I surprised myself at the number of carols I knew without a song sheet. The Town Crier may have been loud, but we were more tuneful shall we say!
Tilly about to give the penguins what for!
A burst water main at the top of the street gave the Crier something else to shout about as Yorkshire Water turned the water off for a few hours one evening. No need to knock on doors just get the Town Crier to do his thing up and down the street.
Frank our bubble carpenter has helped sample Christmas biscuits, more ginger was required and my jar was deemed to be past it. There was a distinct shortage of ground ginger in town (apparently something to do with the pandemic) so I thought I’d have a go at making my own. I red up about it and a large root that had arrived a week earlier was peeled (with the aid of a spoon handle), sliced up in the Kenwood chef and then spread out on an oven tray. This went in a very low oven for three plus hours to dry out, it then got ground in the spice mill.
Whilst the ginger was doing it’s thing there was a popping noise from the main oven that I’d just turned on to cook our evening meal. It stopped warming up, it had stopped working. Top oven where the ginger was being quite fragrant still worked thankfully. The following day we pulled the oven out to see if there was anything we could do. One thing led to another and after admitting defeat we managed to push the oven doors onto the floor. This created a rather sparkly effect as the top oven door shattered and both doors ended up being rather dinted!
With less than two weeks to Christmas we hunted round for a good double oven, finding one at John Lewis that would arrive the following week, not quite as good as our old one, but at the very top of what we were willing to pay. Mick then remembered he’d ticked the accidental damage box when taking out house insurance. A claim was made and we waited to see if they would pay up. On Monday morning they rang us and by the end of the day they had agreed to pay for a new oven, if we hadn’t been under Christmas pressure we’d have ended up with the next model up too! This was delivered a week ago and has been fitted and works wonderfully, thank goodness we dropped those doors!
A trip to see The Snow Queen at the SJT was always on the cards and thankfully Scarborough has been in tier 2 so the show could go on. This was my first live theatre since seeing Alarum in Birmingham back in February and what a treat it was. The show was rewritten as a one woman show and blimey she had to work her socks off! Set designed by Helen who would have been doing costumes for Chippy panto this year. The front of house staff were very good and all covid measures made you feel safer than walking down the street. A great show and chilled medication thrown in as well, a lovely evening. Taking the C&RT line and changing it a touch ‘Life is better with live theatre’.
The wonderful canopy at the SJT
Parcels have been delivered, parcels posted. Cards sent and received, having an address does mean we’ve had more than the last few years, in fact we’re running out of space for them!
I wonder who’s house that is?!
This year we could hand deliver cards to our friends around Scarborough, they were accompanied with a bag of homemade ginger biscuits, the new batch with extra homemade ginger! We had a lovely few hours walking from one side of Scarborough to the other delivering festive cheer and catching up with people on their doorsteps whom we’ve not seen for years.
I’ve knuckled down to do a bit of work. Chipping Norton panto next year, postponed from this year is forging ahead. A new version of the script and some time in my work room, assisted by Tilly of course. Sketches done and approved by the director David, a story board ready to be sent out, I’ll move on to making the model in the New Year.
Today is all about cooking, getting stuff done so as to be able to do less tomorrow. Bread sauce, stuffing, gravy, red cabbage and of course festive sausage rolls. For the last few years these have been enjoyed whilst cruising to our Christmas mooring, this year I half expect Franks nose to be twitching as they go in the oven and the door bell to ring as they come out!
That window sill will just need a final sand, ‘Oh did someone mention sausage rolls!’
Tomorrow we will be joined by Frank for dinner and birthday cake, hope we’ve enough food to go round! We’ve been warned, by his usual hosts, that he can always manage two puddings and then after a little nap he’ll quite easily fit in some cheese too! Maybe I should do Yorkshire Puddings, ‘The one who eats the most puddin’ gets the most beef’ as said by a farmer during harvest to their field hands.
This morning in Goole
This morning Lisa forwarded us a photo of Oleanna. The level has risen some more and the sun was breaking through the clouds. Here in Scarborough Mick has just ventured out to get some carrots as our veg box was lacking yesterday.
Scarborough pm
Well the prep is done and my prediction of Franks arrival was correct, well maybe he was just a few minutes early for the sausage rolls coming out of the oven!
Every ring in use
The house now smells of Christmas, the fire is lit and I’ve managed to keep Frank far enough away from my birthday cake for it to last until tomorrow.
Stockings are out, so we are ready.
Are you?
He comes down the chimney Tilly, not through the back door!
Where Were We
2019 Radford Smelly, Grand Union
2018 Somewhere between Napton Junction and Braunston, Oxford/Grand Union Canal
Originally we’d planned on picking up a hire car, collecting all our Christmas food, then packing the car with presents, things we’d need for a week on board Oleanna and finally Tilly. Then we’d head to Goole unload, have a night in the marina. In the morning Mick would return the car to the hire base, catch a train back to Goole and we would untie and head off most probably to the junction with the New Junction, find somewhere on our own and moor up. Hopefully Tilly would have realised where she was and we’d be happy to just open the door and let her go off to explore.
Well for a couple of obvious reasons that was not to happen.
However we decided we’d still get a car for the day, do our pick ups and then go and check Oleanna over, sadly leaving Tilly to mind the house (this was before the breach happened and our visit on Monday). Having an address now, we’d given a local car hire company a try last week and on returning the car Mick had asked if they had one for today, just for a day. They did but wouldn’t be open for us to return it on Christmas Eve. Hmmm! Well the lady said would we like to have the car until the 4th January all for the same price as a one day hire. Well it turns out this was a very good idea, two weeks for £34.50! Thank you very much.
So this morning we picked up our larger than normal car (at no extra cost either!), headed out to Tree Top Farm where our veg boxes come from to collect our Christmas veg and bird, then into town to wait for Aldreds Fine Cheese to open and pick up our treat cheese. When the doors opened a couple of people were asked inside, then Angela who used to work at the Theatre stuck her head out asking if anyone had any orders to pick up, she spotted me straight away without me having to say a word. It’s nice to shop locally.
Back to the house to drop things off and we were on our way to Goole.
Lisa had sent through a very damp photo of Oleanna still afloat this morning, maybe the level had risen a bit.
Maybe she’s up a bit
With a plastic step to hand it was far easier to step down onto Oleanna. Maybe the level had come up to help too. Nobody was out chatting today, it was far too cold, wet and windy.
Another pair of curtains up
Heating on straight away and we started again on hanging the curtains, having picked up some shorter screws on the way. Sadly the extension bit to the electric screw driver was missing from the box so we had to return to putting the screws in by hand. This was far far easier than our attempts earlier in the week.
The direction of the wind had changed and with slightly looser ropes Oleanna was swinging about a bit. A good sign that she was fully afloat, but it did make us notice that the stern was at risk of getting caught under the pontoon. Not a good thing!
Bedroom curtains back up but no Tilly to enjoy the view
On Monday we’d used a T stud on the pontoon to tie the boat pole to, which was around a third of the way down Oleanna. A plank was positioned nearer the front, but with short pontoons these both were quite close together. The bow was being blown out away from the pontoon, so the stern was sneaking in underneath. The pole needed moving further back. So we moved it along and between us managed to get it secured around the beam below, job done.
Twenty minutes of engine, time to eat our pack up and we were happy to leave again.
Geoff came over for a chat. He’s been keeping an eye on all the boats, he’d slackened ours off some more as our tiller had caught on the edge yesterday. But last night between 9 and 10 the caisson stop gates had been opened, he thought the level went up by 8 or 9 inches fairly quickly, but since then there had been no more progress. He’d heard that at the breach site yesterday they’d been dropping bags of aggregate, the plan was to continue with this some more and then apply clay to seal the leak. This was confirmed later in the day by the following email from C&RT.
Whilst we were there we couldn’t hear a helicopter and it was very overcast and rainy, maybe it’ll happen tomorrow. Geoff thought that maybe the level had been stopped at a certain point so that more work could be done at the breach before raising it again.
I’d heard of boats by Pollington Lock having ended up on the bottom on Sunday, but last night the level had risen and they were afloat again. Geoff suggested that there might be another breach somewhere towards Pollington. He didn’t know where it was, above or below the lock, but rumours were circulating. This was confirmed by a C&RT notice this afternoon. The bank slippage may well have happened with a lack of water pressure holding the piling in place. So another problem for them to solve.
Not a good state of affairs. Hopefully the level won’t drop again. It is very reassuring that people are keeping an eye on the boats. Lisa and Al across the way and Geoff who walks round every few hours to check things over.
Across the marina
Before we left there was one thing we had to do, actually meet Lisa. Lisa and I have things in common, boats, knitting, yarn and Scarborough and today we found ourselves within a hundred yards of each other. We all braved the wind and chill factor for us to have a chat on her pontoon, each of us keeping our distance. Hopefully when things are mended on the canal and when the weather improves we might just meet up on the towpath somewhere and be able to be more sociable and a little warmer.
On our way back to the car we passed the boats that are sat at a jaunty angle. These are moored where an old sideways slipway is. So the steps of the slipway have ended up being closer to the top and hence the sterns of the boats being hooked up. The only thing that can be done is to wait for the levels to rise again.
Another C&RT notice has come through this afternoon regarding the levels above Pollington Lock back to Ferrybridge Flood Lock. They have obviously been stopping water from coming down the bywash to the pound where the breach is. The canal is normally fed from the River Aire at Ferrybridge, so water has been backing up the cut. So air gaps under structures and bridges is currently reduced and caution is needed for craft with high cabin sides.
Still a way to come up
We had a wet journey back northwards with news coming in about more areas going into Tier 4 on Boxing Day. It took a while to find out the details, we were surprised yet relieved that Scarborough wasn’t on the list. This means that whilst we have a car we’ll be down to check things over again. Today the top of the water was exactly 4ft from the top of our pontoon, here’s hoping the next time we visit its’ risen.
0 locks, 0 miles, 1 days hire, 12 day with a car, 1 bargain, 1 giant sprout stalk, 1 duck, 2 bags of apples, 0 carrots! 1 bag of treat cheese, 2 butties, 1 bag of coins, 5 windows with curtains again, 0 cat, 1 slipped bank, 8 inches higher, 4 foot, more tier 4s.
News from Goole started to come through from Lisa around 10:30 this morning. All was good, well apart from it looking like the level had dropped some more. If it carries on we might take a plastic booster step with us to make the climb up and down off Oleanna easier.
Oleanna glinting in the morning sun, a little bit lower
A helicopter had been heard, presumably now the weather has improved it had been brought in to move bags of sand and stone at the breach site.
Mick came across this on the ITV website late morning. Sure enough the helicopter was working hard. Tonne bags of aggregate being positioned on the canal side of the breach. There is also a piece from an Environment Agency chap early this morning. They have started to pump water over the caisson stop gates into the docks to help keep the level up.
Reports from Lisa came with accompanying photos every now and then. Geoff has been walking round checking on ropes and making sure everything is fine. A couple of boats in the corner are still at jaunty angles, these will need to be watched when the level starts to come back up.
Sitting at an angle
By lunchtime we’d hoped to hear that the level was starting to rise, but sadly not. Al had made a gauge, from this he could see that the level had dropped another inch. Thinking about how much water has been lost from the pound is a bit mind blowing.
Still okay
From where Oleanna is moored it is 8.5 miles to Pollington Lock, the canal most certainly isn’t narrow and the depth is capable of carrying commercial boats. Then there is the 1.75miles of the New Junction Canal to Sykehouse Lock. Southfield Reservoir may only be shallow, but it and the docks covers quite a large area. With the level having dropped at least two foot, that is quite some water loss! This of course will take quite a bit of time to refill, thankfully from the River Aire and not just a reservoir.
Breach location
The docks are closed ABP having put out a notice to vessels saying there will be no penning in or out of the docks, due to water levels. Last night when we left we had a bit of a drive round and could see no ships.
Roof just about level with the pontoon
Last night on social media there were pictures of narrowboats listing in Goole Boathouse Marina. Many more boats are moored around the edges than in Viking, but it also looks like the marina is shallower, so easier for boats to end up sitting on the bottom.
Before the tiers were announced after lockdown 2 we’d been planning on at least a week onboard, giving all three of us some much needed canal time, even if we couldn’t travel far. But when Goole and the East Riding were put into tier 3 our plans had to change. Its a good job we no longer planned on going for a cruise. We have a hire car for a few days so hope to head back down to check things over ourselves, we deem this as essential travel, checking on our home in exceptional circumstances.
Thank you for the photos Lisa
0 locks, 0 miles, 7 updates, 1 helicopter, 1 tonne bags, 1 dining table ready, 2346836431578064.28 gallons of water lost, I may be exaggerating a little!