This morning we had an email from a chap, David, who is also trying to escape from Goole. He’d posted on Canal World Forum this morning after playing ping pong with C&RT and ABP with regards to being allowed out through Ocean Lock onto the Ouse.
C&RT sent him to ABP, they back to C&RT, and back and forth a few more times!
During the day we’ve exchanged emails ourselves and this afternoon a facebook group has been set up with the hope of trying to find other boaters also stuck in Goole who are wanting to make a bid for freedom out onto the tidal River Ouse.

It is hoped to be able to have a meeting with both C&RT and ABP to see if it would be possible to pen a lock full of leisure boats out through Ocean Lock.
If you are stuck boaters wanting to escape please join the facebook group. The Goole Escape Here
If you don’t do facebook, then please leave a comment at the bottom of this post or use Contact at the top of the page to send us a message so that we can keep you in the loop along with seeing how many boats would like to escape.
None of us will be holding our breath, but it’s worth a try. Maybe as a group we will have a bigger voice.
If you went out onto the tidal Ouse would you want to then go up the Trent or up the Ouse to Selby?
Hi Tom. I think we’d prefer to go round Trent Falls. But it totally depends on what state of the tide is, if we’re allowed out of the lock. Then there is the factor of how many boats, what experience they have of tidal waters, vhf radios, the list is long. If say ten boats were to head to Selby, there would be a lot of boats waiting for the lock out on the river as it only takes 2 narrowboats. 3 at Keadby.
Experience and type of boat would be mixed. One boat has already said they would take a mooring for the summer at Grimsby, needless to say not a narrowboat!
If we were to head to Selby, we might head onto the Derwent to cut down numbers at Selby. But who knows!