Category Archives: Bridges

Hazelhurst or Hazlehurst? 31st August

The Boat to Leek Winding Hole

Conkers getting ready

A cuppa in bed, then we were on our way, making sure we’d not be in the way for any boats. The chestnut trees are just starting to turn, conkers spikily hanging on the branches are getting ready for school kids to collect in the coming weeks.

Mick walking up the locks

We worked up the two locks to bring us back up to near the Flint Mill, soon pulling up on the visitor moorings for breakfast, bacon butties and Tilly was given an hours shore leave.

Hazlehust Lock cottage

A lovely day, sunshine and bright blue skies. The wind picked up a touch, surprising me before one of the Hazlehurst Locks, Oleanna’s bow being pushed right over whilst I was sheltered. The lock cottage looked lovely as we rose up the last of the flight, the owner having just returned home with two large containers of red diesel, presumably they have a generator. Now to the left, a tight turn to head onwards to Leek.

For the last few days we’ve been a little bit puzzled. Hazlehurst is written on both the sign post at the junction and on the aqueduct.

Ordnance Survey have it spelt Hazelhurst, there is a village and wood marked.

Then Google can’t make their minds up between the two spellings, adding in a typo to a third! Sorry for poor screenshot.

Historic England have Hazlehurst Aqueduct.

Canalplan Hazelhurst Aqueduct.

IWA Hazelhurst Aqueduct.

Waterway Routes chooses Hazlehurst Aqueduct but follows it in brackets with Hazelhurst

NB Ripple thinks it’s Hazelhurst.

Debby from Chuffed noticed this too the other day. So which should it be?

The other day I changed the spelling on the blog three times and I decided to stick with Hazlehurst as that is what is on the aqueduct and junction sign.

Under the trees to Leek

Oleanna followed the way along past moored boats, crossing Hazlehurst Aqueduct, along the embankment and then along the contour that clings to the hillside all the way to Leek. This was originally built as a feeder for the canal in1801, water coming from the newly constructed Rudyard Reservoir.

By the time we reached Bridge 6 I remembered how slow our progress along the Leek arm had been 7 years ago as we just about ground to a halt. The hour it should take us was likely to be a while longer.

NB Beatrice the trip boat from the Flint Mill came past, luckily not on a slow bit. At one bend Oleanna simply didn’t respond to where Mick was moving the tiller, she just kept going straight on towards the far bank. It took a while to get her back on course.

A hire boat came past, warning us that there was also a day boat up ahead. A distance onwards is a mooring that was quite attractive, great views down into the valley, a bench, a possible mooring for a barbecue. Sadly we needed some shopping so had to continue.

Leek Tunnel, the mended bit

Where the canal widens out just before Leek Tunnel cows were drinking, the other attractive mooring was already taken. The tunnel light was switched on, the way ahead checked and into the tunnel we went. No need to duck here, plenty of height.

At Bridge 9 we came across the day boat, moored just after the bridge, right in the winding hole. Mick was fairly sure we’d have enough room to turn, the ladies on board were having lunch and were very nice, oblivious that their mooring was making it a little bit hard to turn, well there isn’t an actual no mooring sign.

That’s where they are

We then reversed down past one moored boat to as far as we could. A cuppa, some shore leave for Tilly, then it was time to go shopping.

Walking pole in hand, my knee not really my friend after standing on the gunnel yesterday, and the Brompton as sherpa we set off to walk to Morrisons. It’s around about a mile, the first stretch along the canal, then it joins industrial units, some with building work going on. Not the most romantic of walks! A good stock up to keep us going for a few days.

Combination locked

This evening I defrosted the oatcakes I’d made the other day. A light sprinkling of cheddar and then a good spoonful of left over chilli. They were very tasty, I can highly recommend the combination. Mick wondered when we’d be leaving Staffordshire and stop having oatcakes, that will be part way through Harecastle Tunnel. I may have a go at making some batter from scratch, when we’re in Cheshire!

A sticker not painted cat

5 locks, 5.3 miles, 1 left, 1 tunnel, 1 embankment, 2 outsides, 1 toilet, or 1 Tardis, 1 wind, 1 reverse, 1 mile, 3 boxes of wine, 1 very slow section, 6 oatcakes! 2 spellings.

The Staffordshire Pretzel. 28th August

Bridge 30 to Top side Cheddleton Visitor Moorings

What a pretty wooden canoe

Cows slurluping at 5am across the way woke Tilly and myself, Mick totally oblivious as he was making his own noises! It took us a while to get back to sleep, but we managed it.

Hazelhurst Junction

A load of washing was put on then we moved up to the services. Here we joined two more boats. The far one was the boat that had followed us up the staircase a couple of days ago. When had they gone past? They were facing towards Stoke too!? Have to say we’d been surprised not to have seen them yesterday. They are very early risers, 6am, so had passed whilst we were well asleep. They’d also been to the end of both arms of the Caldon! No stopping them. I asked where they moored on the Oxford, the bottom of Claydon before Cropredy, Yes I knew where they meant, we’ll wave next time we go past. They’ve certainly been going for it, our map suggests there and back with both arms is a 21 hour cruise from Etruria, I suspect they’ll be off the canal before the end of the day.

To Froghall please

With water topped up, the alpine strawberry plants tidied up, their babies added to the hedgerow, we moved on towards Hazlehurst Junction. Here the canal splits into two. The right turn stays on the level and sweeps round over Hazlehurst Aqueduct and on to Leek. Straight on drops down three locks goes under the aqueduct and onwards towards Froghall where the canal used to meet up with the Uttoxeter Canal. We decided to go straight on, down the locks.

In the top lock

We’d brought with us a reed island, Mick hauled it out of the lock and deposited it over the lock bridge out of the way before lifting paddles. Just after the third lock there is Bridge 37, this had to be rebuilt a few years ago, closing the Froghall Arm for quite sometime. It does look new, some weathering required for it to sink into the landscape.

Landscape is what we’d have today, it’s nice to be back in the hills.

We wound our way down under the aqueduct, here we’d had two kingfishers sat on branches waiting for us to pass the last time we were here, no such luck today. The moorings at the pub were full, a large Hare sat behind a garden shed. Residential moorings ask for you to slow down, we’d no choice as Oleanna’s depth slowed us to just about a stop in one bridge hole.

Through plenty of wood, Rowan a common sight with it’s red berries. The moorings before the flint mill were just about empty. We pulled up as soon as we could a view to our portside to wake up to between the trees, that would do nicely. Tilly was warned not to eat her own body weight and let out for an hour whilst we had lunch.

Debby from NB Bonjour had mentioned about there being Pre-Raphaelite windows in St Edwards Church, we could just see the tower from our mooring, anywhere to the south of the canal would mean a steep hill to climb, but it couldn’t be that far! Surely!

Up towards the busy road

With walking stick in hand we set off down past the flint mill both water wheels turning, crossed the canal and started to walk uphill. The first turn on the right gave us a steeper hill to climb, a very steady pace required.

The chancel roof

St Edwards dates back to the 13th C, some walling possibly back to the 12th C. The church has had several restorations, one in Elizabethan times but the biggest was in 1863/4 when Sir Gilbert G Scott made major changes.

The chancel roof was repainted in the 1950s, symbols depicting local connections to the church. The book, for paper. The knot, the Staffordshire knot (not a pretzel!). The boat, for the canal. The plant, Madder from which dye is produced a favourite dark red used by William Morris. Morris spent three years in Leek learning about dyes.

What a stunning window

At first glance around the church the one window that stands out from all the others is of three angels drawn by Burne Jones. The colours which were chosen by Morris sing out. It’s a lovely window.

William and his wife

Then closer inspection, the majority of the other windows are of a similar time. One depicts a couple facing each other. The chap is reported to be a portrait of William Morris stood opposite his wife. She is bare footed, he has red socks, but he also must have been a messy eater as he needed a very large napkin tucked into his collar!

What a lovely church, thank you Debby for mentioning it. My knee was going to have to walk down the hill, so as along as we found a fairly level path to the shops I’d not have to do too much more downhill. A footpath was found which connected the older part of Cheddleton to the newer busier Leek Road. A pint of milk and a loaf of bread, Bargain Booze managed to have both and tucked in the fridge were a pile of freshly made oatcakes. At £1.45 for 6 they make the ones you make yourself very expensive.

Oatcakes, kept in the chiller

Back on board I made up the Oatcake mix we’d bought at Great Haywood, leaving it to rest for half an hour, so the yeast had time to do it’s stuff. I cooked up the last of our Oxford sausages and sliced them, some mushrooms were cooked and cheese grated. Four oat cakes were cooked, kept warm, then the filling was added to each in turn, cooked in the frying pan to melt the cheese. Two each, very yummy. The remainder of the batter was then cooked up, each cake left to cool before being popped in the freezer for another time.

Where we’re headed we may not have internet for a couple of days. Where we’re going has a low tunnel, we’re going to see if Oleanna can get through it! Tune in next time to see if we succeeded. If we never post again, it’s because we’re stuck in Froghall Tunnel!

3 locks, 2.8 miles, 1 straight on, 1 speedy cruising boat, 1 pretty wooden canoe, 1 late night boat, 1 church, 1 steep hill, there and back, 3 angels, 0 pretzels, 5 oatcakes, 6 for another time, 0 oxford sausages left, 2 bricks purchased, 1 Mrs Tilly stamp of approval.

Hand Over Feet. 27th August

Below Engine Lock 4 to Bridge 30

A hire boat headed for the lock. One came from the lock, would it now be set for us?


No! The boat had only come from the mooring just in front of us, oh well, at least it was Mick who had to wind wind and wind the low geared paddles on the bottom gates to empty the lock! This was to be our 600th lock this year, that spread sheet I started in March helping with calculations! Once up I walked ahead with the key of power, no walking stick today, hooray!! Those exercises must be doing some good.


We’d been watched coming up the lock by a Grandma and Grandson, he’d helped push the top gate open. They reached the lift bridge at the same time as me, the little lad asked if he could push the button. Of course he could. One push doesn’t do it though, you have to keep pushing until it’s right up. He helped with closing it too a little extra help from me at the end as I think it was getting boring for the last few feet.

There’s a feline artist around here

Despite there being a footpath over the next lift bridge shown on the OS map it was left open. On we pootled to the bottom of Stockton Brook Locks all full to the top.

Hopefully soon to have a new life

Stockton Brook pumping Station with it’s red brick sits proud yet wounded just back from the canal. It began operating in 1884, providing clean drinking water to the area, pumping water to several reservoirs. In 2004 it was taken on some 20 years after being decommissioned and now the aim is to open it up as a community facility, art gallery, cafe, conference and meetings. If you happen to be in the area on 27th 28th September they are having an open weekend, shame we won’t be here. More details here.

An improving situation

Each pound between the locks was a little low, next to no water running down the bywashes. At the third lock the pound above looked very low. As Oleanna rose up this of course made the situation worse. Then we could see water rushing down the bywash, someone must have been coming down the top lock, the next lock was also full. We decided to wait for the boat to arrive and hope that with their lock emptying the pound would be high enough for us to get over the cill. We swapped roles, Mick helped me onto the bank, a very big step up and I walked up to the next lock.

Swapping in a low pound was a Mick job

I explained the situation and if Mick didn’t come out of the lock then we’d need to let more water down to get him over the cill. The helm explained they were quite a heavy boat due to their batteries, an electric boat. Thankfully there was enough water and the two boats managed to pass in the pound without grounding out. I walked ahead expecting the next lock to be empty, but it was just about full. Were we following a boat or had the electric boat taken forever to reach the lock giving it time to refill?

It was nice to be out in the open rather than at the bottom of a slimy lock even if it was raining. Pushing lock beams is done trying to keep as straight as possible, trying to avoid twisting my knee, but it is still not something I want to be doing every day.

Pretty cottage, but what about the neighbours?

The Lock Cottage is for sale. Whilst looking for details on the pump house I came across an article regarding the nearby golf course. The locals are not happy with a planned extension and new licence, commenting on it being like a ‘nightclub’ with ‘noise, vomit and litter’. Maybe this is why the house is for sale!


We pootled onwards. The old swing bridge with it’s central pivot point and one way sign still sits in the middle of the canal, maybe on our return we’ll stop and have a look at the information board on the offside.

Thankfully no ice today

Ahead is Stoke an Trent Boat Club down a little arm, the navigation heads off to the right. The first time we came round this bend was on NB Winding Down and we hit a frozen canal, only being able to keep going straight until we hit the bank. Should we stop here with views out across the fields opposite? We carried on to be close to Kidd’s Bridge, a farm behind the hedge made it no too suitable for Tilly and trees on the offside hemmed it in. In the end we pulled in just after where bridge 30 used to cross the canal. The end of the moorings before the services. This would do us for today and we were in the general area we’d said we’d be mooring today.

A late lunch. Sounds of bow thrusters, reversing, was someone having difficulty mooring? Then a bow came past, NB Bonjour had just had a dog overboard moment, Jess had spotted something in a field that required further investigation, on the off side!

Debby and Dave heading back to the T&M

Debby and Dave pulled in. Chats on the towpath were followed by a cuppa on Oleanna. Time to hand over Pair 32 of my sockathon socks. Thank you Debby for sponsoring a pair and how good it was to be able to hand them over.

The very pretty Jess

This is the first time we’ve actually managed to coincide with time to chat. I think last time was at Lapworth about 7 years ago. We chatted boats, toilets, where we’d been and Dave and I played knee pain snap. Lovely to have been able to coincide, hope your knee news is helpful Dave and see you again somewhere sometime.

Tilly had a good afternoon, returning a little before cat curfew and not interested in Dreamies! I should have realised something was wrong then. Eating her own body weight whilst self catering hadn’t gone down too well! Thankfully the episode didn’t last too long this time.

A butty trailer

I had a go at using up the chips from last night in a kind of frittata. Courgette, sweetcorn, and some feta were added along with egg and some yoghurt that needed using up. A tasty concoction, which turned out a touch more like a hash than a frittata as I didn’t want to put my pan in the oven to finish it off and flipping it over with a pate wasn’t going to happen either, so a fish slice did it in sections. If we ever end up with ten portions of chips again, I’ll give it another go.

Chip experimentation

6 locks, including our 600th this year! 3.1 miles, 2 lift bridges, 1 open, 1 very low pound, 1 heavy boat, 1 way sign, 2 bloggers meet, 32nd pair socks, 1 overly full Tilly, 1 soggy Jess, 2 matching knees, 1 Mrs Tilly stamp of approval.

Handbrake Turn. 26th August

Brook House Winding Hole to below Engine Lock 4, Caldon Canal

No morning shore leave much to the disgust of Tilly, we wanted to actually manage to cover some ground today. At Trentham Lock a hire boat was just arriving, the lock in their favour. Mick helped them down, one lady had obviously been boating before, the other very little. Up we rose, the long pound in towards Stoke to cover.


There had been a couple of boats pass us this morning early on heading for Stoke so the likelihood of locks being set in our favour was slim. Over the baby River Trent, past the shooting range and associated boats. Shufflebottoms. The masses of buddleia now past it’s best but still giving off an aroma, it must have been quite over powering a few weeks ago.

Coming up the concrete lock

The number of vehicles at Stoke Bottom Lock numbered 9 today, someone must be a mechanic at the house. Some of the graffitti along the canal varies from old amusing painting to really you need to practice more, but preferably at home! Nothing new worth taking photos of, just some red hands on a bridge below a lock.

Approaching Cockshute’s Lock

It was blustery, Mick mostly walked on ahead reaching the next lock to re set it. As we left Twyford Lock a boat came towards us, if we timed it well there would be a boat coming down Summit Lock as we ascended Johnson’s Lock. However the crew from the descending boat had done as we would, set the lock ahead of them, well Oleanna would have been in Summit Lock before we set it.

There’s Mick

I hovered, hovered some more. This was taking forever! I backed up, trying to find an area without too much wind avoiding being pushed over to the off side. Eventually the bottom gates of Johnson’s Lock opened.

The red hand gang

By now a very keen crew had arrived behind us, where had they come from!? One lady did as she was told, but a bit too quickly lifting a paddle before the ones at the other end of the lock had been closed or even Oleanna had exited the lock. Now into the deep Summit Lock. I’d not been looking forward to this one, but it wasn’t too bad, quite a pull to the top gate. The crew behind mob handed, the lady still trying to lift paddles before things were ready. They were hoping to be able to get through Harecastle Tunnel today. You can turn up before midday to go through, but in the afternoons you should have a booking, they didn’t, but were hoping they’d be able to tag onto the back of boats heading northwards.

Dragonfly at the junction of the T&M and Caldon Canals

Mick took over at the helm for the handbrake turn. Pulled into the services for a refill of water, the washing machine busy and yellow water to dispose of. The water tank would take some time to fill, so we had our lunch, just about coinciding with it being full.

Another boat arrived just as we were winding back in the hose. We’d hoped it being a Bank Holiday that Etruria Museum would have been open, but we’ve still never managed to coincide with it. Round to the bottom of the staircase locks the first locks on the Caldon Canal.

The bottom of the staircase

They were set for us, possibly the bottom chamber leaks, the top one not. As we started to work our way up the boat that had pulled in at the services arrived below, the lady came to help with gates and paddles. This boat is familiar, we’ve passed it several times, right now I can’t remember it’s name but it has a toad or frog with a long tongue on the cabin side. They apparently are from the Oxford Canal.

Waiting to go up

Round to Planet Lock also full, Oleanna got a little bit stuck on the bottom below the bridge, then made a noise familiar with passing over a supermarket trolley as she entered the lock. The boat behind was hot on our heels.

Hanley Park

Now through Hanley Park, looks nice enough, but not a place to moor overnight.

The the outskirts of Stoke. Potteries, bottle kilns, new housing estates, fencing that still has the same graffiti from when we last came this way. Low bridges, thankfully our pooh bucket on the roof fitted under the lowest!Twists and turns, a couple fishing at the bottom of their garden warned us of the next big turn. How much further should we go? Most areas we’d not let Tilly out anyway, so we carried onwards cat curfew getting closer, there’d be no shore leave today.

Interesting gardens

For some reason last time we were here I’d walked this stretch. This did have the advantage of remembering a sign about gluten free fish and chips at Milton! I looked on line, ‘Gluten free every day, all day!’ Their menu huge! We discussed whether we should have courgette fritters or one of each, the later won. But where should we moor up. The boat behind had caught us up, we pulled in to let them pass, the depth of the Caldon making our progress slower than theirs. We soon passed them moored up near bridge 18, we’d carry on further aiming for a more rural mooring.

Pair 35 yarn

Armco soon showed itself, we pulled in. Sorry Tilly, it’s too late. Mick cycled back to the chippy where everything was being cooked to order, a queue forming out the shop. A phoned in order would be at least half an hours wait. Only cod on the menu, but it was nice cod.

My gluten free batter crunchy rather than crispy, Micks a little bit greasy, but still good. We’d opted for a large portion of chips between the two of us and this was more than enough for four! The remainder have been popped in the fridge and maybe go in a frittata tomorrow. I’m glad I remembered the sign on the bridge as it is no longer there.

9 locks, 2 a staircase, 1 lift bridge, 1 handbrake turn, 2 held up, 1 full water tank, 1 empty wee tank, 1 load of pants and socks, 1 bucket of pooh just fitting under the low bridge, 2 of each, 1 mountain of chips, 2 boats hot on our tail, 0 shore leave, 1 miffed off cat, pair 35 cast on.

End Of The Line. 22nd August

72A to Ingestre 48hr mooring Trent and Mersey still

Great Haywood

Waterproofs just in case for a walk to the Post Office this morning. Thank goodness we had them as it was just spitting on our arrival, then between there and the Farm Shop the heavens opened. Soggy legs!

Too much to choose from

We didn’t really need anything, but maybe some nice sausages, I suggested four, Mick suggested six, he’d not realised that they were quite so huge and would be over £1 each! A huge cauliflower, some treat cheeses, gluten free oak cake mix and a pork pie for Mick. We refrained from picking up a punnet of strawberries (£3) and a tub of chilled medication, the freezer would need rebuilding around a big tub.

The treat items

Thankfully the rain was stopping so our walk back along the towpath was a dry one. The sign post at the junction with the Staffordshire and Worcester Canal was hit by lightening last week, the large splinters of wood that had been shot off it are now tied back on with tape, I suspect some glue was used too. Plenty of room on the moorings above the lock and still lots of room below where we were.

We decided on an early lunch, hoping that others would stop for lunch as we set off, therefore we’d miss queues. A kingfisher darted back and forth behind Oleanna, too quick for a photo from inside and if I’d gone outside it would likely not have returned, it’s high pitched call making sure we’d get to see the streek of electric blue.

A boat was just coming down the lock ahead as we were rolling up the covers, but the lock had been reset by the time we got close. Another boat had arrived above so Mick had help with the bottom gates and then he could hop on board, the moorings now filled up.

Which way are you going?

Blimey the junction was busy, my photo doesn’t show half of what was happening. A boat was pulling onto the water point to join another. A boat was heading straight on up the T&M, possibly having just turned out from the Staff and Worcester. Another came towards us from the T&M as one more was appearing from under Haywood Bridge wanting to turn up the T&M. We were wanting to pull into the services so waved the last boat onwards. One of the boats on the services were just pulling off so we grabbed the opportunity and pulled in to fill up and empty.

That won’t chill much

Chores done we could continue on our planned route, up the T&M.

Plenty left to pick

Passing the polytunnels of the Farm Shop we could see they still had plenty of strawberries and elsewhere pumpkins were starting to expand, I wonder how much they sell for?!

Three boats ahead

Arriving a Hoo Mill Lock we tagged onto the end of the queue, our plan for everyone to be having lunch hadn’t paid off, we were forth! Mick managed to pull is in to the side and hopped off with a rope, I got my knitting out!

A boat came out, enquiries for where there might be a mooring, they could try by the entrance to the marina only one boat on the armco there when we passed. In went the first boat from the queue. Out it came, in it went. Blimey what a list! Back out and another attempt, finally getting past the open gates. Was there something submerged in the lock to have caused them to list?

A few blackberries were picked, I left the rose for someone else

The next boats turn, they didn’t have a problem getting into the lock, the first boat must have had its fenders down! Hopefully they hadn’t lost any that could cause a gate to jam. The boat in front of us moved up, the chap at the helm tried to flick a rope over a wooden post, it didn’t work, he stayed treading water. Finally we could move up and be on a bollard, Mick went up to help with the boat in front, the crew as handy with a windlass as the chap with his rope skills.

Hoo Mill Lock

Our turn, no-one waiting behind or above, just us, the end of the line.

We’d planned to cover at least one more lock today, but the wait below the lock had eaten away an hour, maybe we should find a mooring sooner rather than later. Waterway Routes had various moorings marked, several we’ve used in the past. When half of the 48hr mooring before Ingestre Bridge was free we opted to pull in for the day, a more concerted effort required tomorrow.

Two hours Tilly! It wasn’t me who pushed the post over! Maybe it was that man in Rugby!!

It wasn’t ME!!

The internet was checked, photos uploaded nearly instantly. I could finish off blog posts.

To warm the boat we had some of the sausages from the farm shop, roasted with the remaining root veg we’d bought for our Sunday roast. Four of the sausages were the equivalent to six normal supermarket bangers, so I saved two for a breakfast. The sausages were nice, the veg could have done with a touch longer sadly, but it was still nice.

Before we got settled in front of the TV Mick went round and checked that everything on the roof was secured. With Storm Lillian on her way we’d not want to be kept awake with things rattling on the roof or flying off. Job done, the windows would need closing too before we turned off the light.

2 locks, 2.1 miles, 1 straight on, 4 soggy legs, 6 sausages, 2 treat cheeses, 2 pairs of socks on their way, 6 boats at the junction, 1 full water tank, 1 empty wee tank, 1 clean pooh box, 0 rubbish, 1 doorless fridge, 8 bottles of warm wine, 4th in line, 1 hour wait, 4 instead of 6, 1 wet windy night ahead.

Two Out Of Three. 17th August

Fradley Bridge 90 to Bridge 55, Trent and Mersey Canal

Plenty of boats had passed us before we pushed off this morning, but we timed our departure with a gap. Half an hours cruise to Fradley Junction, the morning had started bright but it started to turn grey.


A hire boat was pulled up on the bridge landing, poles, hooks anything available was being used to try to find something, a wallet had sunk into the murky depths. The bridge an easy push to open so I operated it and then rather than walk round to the locks I hopped back on board.

Property of the Year!

A For Sale sign! This may well be my property of the year!! Junction House has for as long as I can remember had piles of wooden stuff outside the front door, suggesting an interesting owner and interior. Today I spotted a bell hanging in a tree, not sure when it gets rung. Looking at the house from the junction it doesn’t seem half as big as it actually is and with around an acre of land, just a shame it doesn’t have it’s own mooring. The estate agent photos confirmed my theory of an interesting owner, the first interior photo does not disappoint. If anyone would be willing to give me the £800,000 and maybe a touch more to give the building some TLC I’d be very grateful. Thank you.

Getting in line

Oleanna was turned left towards the east, the first time we’ve been on this stretch of the Trent and Mersey since June 2019. As ever there was a queue, but how long was it? A boat had just pulled into the lock landing, another going up in the lock. We crept along the line of boats, a chap quickly making us aware that there was a queue and he was in it despite being tucked in amongst the long term moorers. So third in line we trod water, waiting for our turn, the blue shirts of volunteers visible at the two locks ahead.

Hello T&M little arched lock bridges

I’m missing working locks and with volunteers on hand I decided to pick up the windlass and help, I just needed to get off Oleanna first, a rather big step off the stern when we reached the lock landing. With stick in one hand and windlass the other I went up to help reset the lock.

One of the forty volunteers who man Fradley

The full compliment of volunteers at Fradley now numbers 40, but today it being summer their numbers were depleted due to holidays, so only three were on duty, thankfully the two we were to pass through had volunteers. I lifted and closed paddles and gates, the top gate could wait for the volunteer to join me. At Shadehouse Lock the volunteer did however leave me to carry on pushing the top gate open and went to lower the paddle, I’d imagined that would be my job, the gate maybe a little too heavy for my knee, but I managed.

HS2 was going to cross the canal shortly before the southernmost bend to the T&M, but that was the stretch that was cancelled. A mound of earth sits close to the canal, will this be left for nature to reclaim and boaters in years to come say ‘that was once going to be HS2’ or will the land be flattened out? Round the bend however is different, this length of HS2 will still go ahead meeting up with the existing line between Lichfield and Rugeley on the Trent Valley line. The trees along the canal bank are still there but then comes the earth works behind.

Compulsively purchased

Wood End Lock moorings are fenced off and look pretty unsafe, the lock cottage also fenced off. We pulled in behind the boat ahead to wait our turn, Mick wondering why the chap didn’t pull further along to make bollards available for us. I already knew I’d not be working this lock, the bent beams on the bottom gates require some umphing!

Use the wall to push off!

Moving up to leave space behind us for the following hire boat, I waited for our turn, then gave the bow a touch of bow thruster and off I went…. except Oleanna was stuck on the bottom again! After much pushing with a pole and engine revving we got her off the bottom and slowly into the lock. Maybe this was why the chap in front of us hadn’t moved his boat forward to give us a bollard!

Now to find a suitable mooring. Past Kings Bromley Marina towards bridge 55, we hoped for a space. It was pretty full, but there was a space, would we fit. We breathed in and shoe horned ourselves into the gap, most probably left by a 57ft boat. The boat behind us didn’t offer to move up, well he was mid painting his cabin side.

Catching up with the knitting

Ah wet paint. Cat. Ah!! I’d just given Tilly the rules and the news of four full hours of shore leave, but hadn’t opened the door yet. A conference. The boat behind the tacky wet painty one had a dog roaming too. The chap painting said he’d be moving off at tea time back to the marina. That Tom had better have his tea at 2:30! He finally moved off at 17:30, sorry Tilly.

Knitting needed catching up on, I finished off the first sock on pair 33 and got the toe knitted of the second one. A much simpler pattern that should mean I can catch myself up again.

Sad git’s meatballs tonight. I usually cook them in a pan and add sauce to them, but tonight as Autumn seemed to have arrived I opted to cook them in the oven, helping to take the chill out of the cabin.

3 locks, 3.7 miles, 1 left, £800,000 a bargain, 1 jaunty Mona Lisa, 5 years, 4 0 hours shore leave, 1 painty boat, 1 roaming woofer, 1 bored cat, 1.25 socks knitted, 12 meatballs for heat, 1 more Dr Who to go.

Casper The Cormorant. 16th August

Tamhorn Park Bridge to Fradley Bridge 90, Coventry Canal

A lovely sunny morning, Tilly was allowed an hour whilst we did all our morning things. Then with her back on board we made ready to push off. I was just about to untie when a boat came into view, we waited. I untied, another boat came into view, followed by two more! We pushed out quickly before the next one could come into view.

Approaching Whittington a lovely old car came past, too quick to get it’s photo. Then the row of terraced houses ‘Sunny Side’ followed by my all time favourite weathervane the Grey Fergie.


Two new houses stand by the canal. One for sale the other for refurbishment. Refurbishment? It’s only just been built!

Where’s the canal gone?

Reeds encroach on the canal, some bridge holes hard to see through. At one bridge on a bend we narrowly avoided a head on collision. Neither boat had seen the other one, both going at a slow speed, but both boats having to slam on the breaks to avoid contact.

We passed the boundary stone between the Birmingham and Fazeley and the Coventry Canal. Then on to Huddlesford Junction. Here we slowed, a handy post box just by the pub suitable to pop a couple of pairs of socks in. Mick loitered in a bridge hole whilst I did the honours, a lull in canal traffic meant Oleanna had stayed put.

More sock required

I got my knitting out the hope of getting a heel turned today, plus I needed a photo of me knitting for Dementia UK. Out of several that Mick took this is the best, however you can’t see what I’m knitting, which is the whole point! We’ll have another go tomorrow when there is more of a sock to see, hopefully the sun will be out again.

Pretty soon we had company, a cormorant. We’re quite accustomed to Terns following our wake diving for fish, but this is the first time we’ve had a cormorant doing the same, but at water level. It dived into the swirling water, bobbing back up really quite close to our prop at times. Was it aware of the danger our prop posed to it? Obviously the possibility of catching fish was far too good.

Sadly I didn’t manage to get many photos, as it would only surface for about 10 seconds before diving again and you have to play a guessing game as to where Casper would reappear.


The long thin garden, fenced off from railway and canal towpath, it’s four foot width stretches on for ages before it widens out towards the house. It’s obvious where they stop cutting the grass. Casper continued to follow, only Bell Bridge getting in its way requiring him to fly on ahead of us. But soon he was back to fishing in our wake. Two, no three fish caught in quick succession. Surely that was enough food for a while, but no he carried on diving.

A long length of armco, a track to some houses, one boat moored up. We pulled in, quickly Casper realised his fishing companion was stopping, he flew on into the distance looking for another boat. The bottom was too close to the top. A lady came from the moored boat walking her woofer, they’d be moving off in a few minutes if we wanted their spot. We tied up and waited for their departure then back up, much better, we were into the side more or less.

Todays mooring

Almost four hours of shore leave for Tilly and a late lunch for us. Time spent selecting a foodie Congratulations on getting into Uni and extra Happy 18th Birthday present for Josh. He may have to survive on baked beans whilst being a student but at least he’ll be able to jazz them up!

Our mooring wasn’t quite so good. Boats passing at more than tickover made Oleanna grind on something below despite having the wheel fenders out. Oh well at least when it got dark there’d be no boats, apart from a cruiser who was going slow because it’s light was pretty poor!

0 locks, 6.1 miles, 1 straight, 2 pairs posted, 2 miles being followed, 3 fish at least, 3.75 hours, 1 Mrs Tilly stamp of approval, 1 whinging woofer, 1 big woofing woofer, 1 boat moving on in the morning.!1m17!1m12!1m3!1d2408.2211448936696!2d-1.7703327568764968!3d52.715509727076586!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m2!1m1!2zNTLCsDQyJzU1LjMiTiAxwrA0NicwNS4yIlc!5e1!3m2!1sen!2suk!4v1723886171386!5m2!1sen!2suk

Late To The Shade. 29th July

Linford Manor to north of Solomon’s Bridge 65

No point in watching you, you can’t even get your leg over your head!

As I started my exercises Tilly came to supervise. I’m not doing it correctly apparently, she doesn’t understand how I’m not as flexible as she is. She soon lost interest and preferred looking out of the window. As I carried on lifting my bad leg into the air a chap walked past the window, soon followed by a lady who stopped right in front of me. She bent down and said ‘Has Daddy left you behind?’ She stood up with a small dog in her arms, the dog the only one aware of me looking out at them.

After breakfast we went for a little bit of a walk. Last time we moored here I think the park was still being worked on so I wanted to see how the interconnected ponds looked now, reinstated to how they had been designed many moons ago.

Linford Alms Houses and pond

A circular pond tumbles down into a second one towards the canal, making a pretty picture with the Alms Houses behind.

We had a look at the information boards. Linforde is mentioned in the Doomsday Book and it’s thought there was first a settlement here in the C10th. In the C16th Richard Napier lived here, he was a renowned physician who based his treatments and their timings on astrological readings. I wanted to know what ‘pigeon slippers’ were, well they were just that slippers made from pigeons, one of Napiers treatments! More here on Richard Napiers treatments. In 1800 the canal cut right through the pastoral landscape of the manor which dated from the previous century. When the railway arrived the peace was shattered but both forms of transport aided the village to grow.

Sadly any further walking wasn’t possible for me so we headed back to the boat where locals were suggesting to the boat behind us that fishing and barbeques were not allowed on the manor land. No signs saying so, at least our barbeque last night had been on the concrete edging, so no scorch marks on the grass.

This has been a building site for at least ten years

We pushed off, the boat behind us moving into our space so they could stay longer and be out of the way of the community boat tomorrow morning. Pootling along we passed the house that is constantly being built, piling and some excavation alongside the canal and I think some stone work on the main building is new.

The Wolverton mural always requires a photo or two. Hot air balloons like the Olympic torch. There was a space on the moorings round the corner, we pulled in a few extra items of shopping required to keep us going. Mick head off with a shopping list and thankfully remembered to add a bag of onions to items that would make food preparation over the next few hot days more bearable.

Onwards, we need to keep up our pace northwards. Over the Iron Trunk Aqueduct and towards Cosgrove Lock, here a boat waited for our arrival so that we could share. They’d had a worrying phone call this morning which meant they needed to move today, on a bit of mission we let them lead the way out of the lock as we were wanting to top up with water which would take some time.

Cows flicking their ears at the flies

With fresh water filled and yellow water disposed of we moved on. Todays mooring should have been Adam’s mooring with the view through the hedge, but that wouldn’t give us any shade. I remembered tall hedging just after Solomon’s Bridge but that was already filled with boats that were wonderfully cool. We pootled on trying a few places, but the bottom was too close to the top. We only had as far as the next bridge before the towpath changed sides and we’d have to moor on the sunny side of the canal. Another attempt got us quite close, this would have to do. I’d not be trying to get to shore so as long as Mick could manage, Tilly was guaranteed to be able to jump the gap, which she did without any calculations required.

Surely you could have tied it up better!

Two salmon steaks had been defrosted, no room for a barbeque today so I pan fried them with some red pepper and garlic, one of my favourites. Ends were woven in on the latest two pairs of socks before an early night as tomorrow we want to beat the heat up the Stoke Bruerne flight.

Apples reddening in the sunshine

1 lock, 5.6 miles, 1 bag potatoes, 2 red peppers, 1 bunch spring onions, 1 full water tank, 1 hot hot day, 2 hours of Tilly time, 2 hot for a stamp, 30 pairs of socks finished.

You’re In Our Mooring! 8th July

The Grove Bridge to Apsley Sainsburys Mooring

A widebeam went past as we had our breakfast, then a narrowboat, I wondered if we’d catch the narrowboat up to be able to share.

Today was thankfully much drier than yesterday and the day before, the flow on the canal reminiscent of a river today, I don’t think we’ve ever noticed it along here before. As we pushed off the chap on the boat ahead of us was emptying water from containers on his deck. Several plastic bags filled with cans were piled up on the towpath, were these of his own drinking? Or is he a Womble?


Lady Capel’s Lock needed emptying. I looked for the hands in the garden behind the fence, they were still there, greener with age, still both right hands.

As I opened up the top gates I spotted dates all over the place. 1878 in the metal by the top gates, 1913 in the concrete topping to the lock. Then as I looked down as I pushed the beam there were date stamps in the raised black bricks, 1909, 1910, how many dates does one lock need! 1161, blimey that last one was old!

I never realised the Grand Union was SO old!

Below Hunton Bridge Bottom Lock a widebeam sat waiting their turn, the one that had passed us was rising in the lock. Maybe the narrowboat had overtaken them both. I walked up to help, both widebeams being single handers and an extra pair of hands to open and close gates would be welcome. The second widebeam really didn’t want to go in the lock. As the chap walked along his roof to climb off and tie her up she drifted backwards, stopping my gate from closing fully. She was pulled forward, my gate now able to move. She needed nudging another couple of times before both gates could be closed and the lock could be filled. When it was Oleanna’s turn she was much better behaved, but then Mick was stood at the helm to keep her in place.

I helped again at the top lock, time to admire the red roses and look at the cottages. The towpath side looked as if there are two houses, one with old windows, the other UPV double glazing. The double glazed side was on the market last year, not many interesting features. Today it sounded like work was happening somewhere inside, hammering and sawing. As we waited our turn our neighbour from last night walked past, a litter picker in one hand and a large plastic bag the other gradually being filled with cans. He is a Womble.

More help was on hand at North Grove Lock, a hire boat was waiting to come down so the chap on the widebeam was speedily raised and on his way. Then a charity widebeam arrived above, advanced crew walking the towpath suggested I hop on board Oleanna. Thank you but I’d rather be at the lock seeing my boat up and chatting to people, I get to talk to Mick all the time, why would I turn down the opportunity to talk to other interesting people. I helped the hire boat down, then it was our turn. Now there were many crew from the charity boat. They were obviously used to their widebeam, so I quickly requested the paddles to be lifted in the order we’d do them ensuring Oleanna wouldn’t biff about in the lock. One chap said ‘Our widebeam bumps about all over the place!’

M25 for the last time?

Time to cruise under the M25, possibly for the last time this year. Hang on a minute! There was no scaffolding! Was this the first time we’ve been under with no scaff? A look back to 2014, scaffolding, not much of it, but still scaffolding. So I think yes this is the first time we’ve been under the M25 without scaffolding. We’re heading north properly now.

Home Park Lock

A helping hand to the widebeam again at Home Park Lock, the one in front of him had already pulled up. We both agreed it was most probably time for some lunch. Just as we were about to push off again a narrowboat came past, Mick asked if they could wait at the next lock, we’d not be long, but they already had a partner just coming into view.

Time to chat with the crew of NB Cheswold who were from Strawberry Island, they’d been to Henley and were now on their way back to Doncaster, their partnering boat would be mooring up in the next pound so they’d wait for us.

Boats fast approaching the top lock

Above the top Nash Mills Lock a boat had just pulled up to fill with water, an awkward tap right by the lock which is on a bend. I checked that he was filling with water and that I wouldn’t be stealing the lock from him. He was a little bit puzzled that I wanted to use the lock and was not willing to wait. I did say we’d reset the lock for him whilst he filled his water tank as Oleanna and her partner were fast approaching from below. Once we’d risen we left the gates, the chap was still filling with water.

Boat filling with water above

One more lock to share then we’d be looking for a mooring. The ideal place would be Sainsburys. Damn the mooring was full, three boats. However there was a space opposite, not quite so handy but hey! As we made manoeuvres to moor up a chap popped out from opposite. I could hear Mick say ‘Your in OUR mooring!’ How rude of him! That was until I heard the replying voice, it was Paul the boat mover. Our summer is now complete after seeing him, although we may cross paths again before the year is out.

Paul, you’ve made our summer

He and the boat behind were about to move off after topping up on shopping, 4pm far too early for a boat mover to stop for the day. We had chance to chat whilst we do-ci-doed, slotting in where they had been. Always good to see Paul.

Nash Mills Bottom Lock temporary repairs on both beams

A small shop was required for something to eat tonight, we’d stock up properly tomorrow. Mick picked up a Roku box to add to our TV set up. Our TV now 7 or 8 years old, hasn’t liked using the internet if there is no terrestrial signal, it turns out that it is one of a few TV’s that you’ll never be able to watch live BBC on iPlayer, something we’ve noticed through the years but didn’t know when we bought it. The new box should enable us to do all the things the TV has been reluctant to do. Mick has plumbed it in, so far so good.

Small boats to the left please

This morning my knee had been feeling just about back to normal. A few days resting coming out from London, then working locks at a steady rate must have done it some good, or so I thought! On the last couple of locks today it had started to twinge again and walking round Sainsburys it really wasn’t happy! Time to sit down and rest it after all there’s still 66 locks to Braunston, plus a detour planned!

9 locks, 3 shared, 4.5 miles, 2 widebeams, 1 busier canal than of late, 0 shore leave for Tilly, 1 interesting email thank you Mike, 1 slow day cruising, 2 pizzas with extra toppings, 4 pairs of socks in the post, 1 annoying knee, onedrive full!

Watching The Radar. 7th July

Iron Bridge Lock to The Grove Bridge

Bacon Butties before zoom. Subjects included, who has sat in Pauls chair, Jet 2 Man, The Pigeon Society and plastic free Beetle Drives. Everyone was present and in jolly mood.

Time to make a move, cruising plans altered to only two hours a day instead of three. I was just closing the side hatch when the heavens opened! How long would it last for? We checked the weather radar. There would be a gap in the rain after 12:30.

Tilly was offered some more shore leave, she reluctantly took it.

Is it really that far?

More rain, more checking the radar. It kept changing! Gaps of quarter of an hour weren’t going to get us very far. During one downpour a coal boat came past. They rang their bell, we didn’t want anything. The lady at the bow said ‘No-one will come out because of the rain!’ ‘Ring the bell!’ said the chap. She had, we just didn’t want anything.

A window of opportunity possibly from 2:15. We waited, the radar still seemed hopeful and around 2:10 the rain stopped. We quickly got ourselves ready, rolled up the covers, donned waterproofs. The section of canal we were on had risen with yesterdays rain and at one point we’d been floating, but today we’d come to rest again on the bottom, just closer to the bank than when we’d arrived. It didn’t take too much to push out and we were on our way, hooray!

Not sure if you can make out the steam rising

Cassiobury Park Bottom Lock is left empty, a paddle left up. As we worked our way up the sun shone, steam rose from the lock beams and towpath, it felt like being in a sauna.

Are these stop planks for somewhere? Currently moored between the locks

A chap walked by with his two dogs. He asked if we could leave the lock open at both ends, Mick asked why. Apparently the bywash was blocked, this chap wasn’t a boater, but the level was up and with so few boats moving the canal was becoming stagnant. I’m not sure if he was asking us to leave the top gates open ‘just a bit’ and a paddle at the bottom up. We said we were to leave the lock empty which we did, a chap from the lock cottage came out to check.

Like the shingles on the roof

The next lock was full, it should have also been left empty according to the signs. The dog walker asked us to leave this one open too. We considered his request, but decided that maybe he wasn’t too ofay with water management. We left the lock how we were meant to with a paddle up at the bottom to empty it.

The mill buildings, most probably flats now

The level was up, the weirs by the mills rushing water down to the river. No moorings available along the first section. Round the bend there was a gap, but had we gone far enough yet? Not really. A look at the map, ahead few cat friendly moorings for a while, roads too close for comfort. Through The Grove Bridge was a space we pulled in and hammered spikes into the soft ground, not much further but just enough for today and anyhow the storm clouds were massing again overhead.

Tilly was given two more hours as rain showers came and went, I did a bit more painting and Mick watched cycling and tennis.

At last out of the freezer

The Bream I’d bought back in Oxford with mind to have them on the bbq were defrosted. Some Jersey royals , tomatoes, red peppers, garlic added and roasted for a while before adding the fish. A Rick Stein recipe, which after doing all the prep I realised was meant to go with Seabass. However they were very very tasty with the saffrony potatoes, think I’ll be doing them again, I do like Bream. But it was just as well we’d not had them on a bbq, dissecting them would have been a pain with our plates on our knees.

A very tasty tray of fish and veg

2 locks, 1 mile, 1 very rainy day, 4 claps of thunder, 2 outsides, 2 Bream, 1 painting with mid tones, 4 stitches too many, 1 sock frogged, 1 Traitors reunion, now what to watch?