Sykehouse Junction
The wind was less this morning, but due to pick up in the afternoon again. Time to get on with jobs!

My improved dungarees came out for the first time. They are very bright and I’m hoping that after a few boat jobs they will be broken down a touch, otherwise I suspect the costume designer on panto will have them off my back, she likes orange and very bright colours. I cut up some of the left over yoga mat (from when I made the giant mug earlier this year) to pop into the new big knee pockets, hopefully I’ll have more chance of kneeling on these than the old smaller ones.

Various bits of equipment were dug out from under the dinette and we set to work. The two main things requiring attention the mushroom over the bathroom (which is leaking) and the centre line fairlead/cleat. I’ve touched this up before, but obviously not well enough and the screws have let water in, a big bubble of rust is trying to peel itself away from the cabin side!
We boat too much and don’t stop to do jobs enough!

Mick fought with the fairlead, a Frank screw needed drilling out. Then we moved to the mushroom vent. A bolt undone from the inside to take the cap off, then four screws to remove the stem. This mushroom’s talking to me! There had been a small bubble of rust visible before we removed it, but just lifting the stem up revealed the amount of rust that had been working away underneath! All the others will need doing, but not today.

To get onto the roof I’d need to use the stern lockers. The pram cover would be better coming off, a perfect time to give the covers a spray of Wet and Forget. The covers were laid out on the grass, given a liberal spraying and left to dry. Hopefully we’d not have any rain for a few hours! Hopefully giving them a spray now will mean that instead of them going green over winter that they have a go at cleaning themselves. Well that’s the hope.

Up on the roof the attachment of doom was put to use on the rusty roof. Grinding off the brown, back to shiny metal. The grab rail on the starboard side was done too. Then Fertan was brushed on and left to do it’s thing, a gentle spray of water a couple of hours later to help encourage it even more.

Covers back on to finish drying, tools packed away inside. Another window got the full clean treatment, that leaves the kitchen windows, one full hopper and one porthole to do. By now I needed a sit down.
Boats came past throughout the afternoon, turning at the junction. Kingfishers chirped across the reservoir, I’d seen one hovering before diving when out doing the covers. Now two of them darted back and forth along the canal to our stern. Not enough time to grab a camera! Just a joy to hear and catch a glimpse of their electric blue.
More knitting in front of a film. Clemency (2019) about a Governor of an American Prison who has to oversee the death sentence. Her twelfth lethal injection will almost certainly be her last. A jolly film, not. Maybe I should look for another Carry On film to lighten up the afternoons knitting.

During the afternoon a beef and beetroot curry sat on the stove top gently cooking away filing the boat with yummy aromas. To accompany it I made us some pan fried onion bhajis. They went down exceedingly well. Glad I bought the chickpea flour in Doncaster.
0 locks, 0 miles, 9 hours! 1 mushroom removed, 1 fairlead removed, 2 much rust, 1 attachment of doom, 2 kingfishers zooming, 1 sock finished, 1 pan on the roof to keep the rain out, 1 Mrs Tilly stamp of approval.