Viking Marina
It may have been the person who heads off in a vehicle at 6 something in the morning that woke me up, but it gave me a chance to check emails and see if we’d had any substitutions on a Sainsburys order going to the house this morning. A few bits but nothing drastic. I then closed my eyes for a while longer.
In Scarborough Mick took the shopping in, had time to pop things in the fridge and freezer, hopefully we’d thought of just about everything that we’d run down on the boat. Then he caught a bus to pick up a hire van. Beerhouse matched the price from Enterprise for a two day hire. He stopped off at Pets at Home for a big bag of cat litter, so that Tilly’s toilet would be stocked up. Time to drop this off at the house and pick up boxes and crates we use to move along with the cat caravan. A visit to the dentists and then he was on his way back to Goole.

Finishing things off on the boat meant I should use up the one egg and the last few slices of bread in the freezer. A plate of eggy bread was very nice and would see me through till the evening.
The latest sockathon socks had their photos taken and added to the queue for editing. These will go in the post just as soon as there is time. Then the packing continued.

Mick arrived with the van, sorted out getting us plugged in with Laird. We made sure we made note of the meter reading as when we came to leave at the beginning of this year we ended up having to tell Laird how much power the Victron inverter thought we’d used as the meter reading didn’t make sense to any of us.

The sun was out, the port side of Oleanna to the bank. Time to get some masking tape out, sand paper and the touch up paint. I’ve been planning for years to repaint the grabrails, but there simply wasn’t enough time to do a proper job, I’d need several more days of just drying time to do that. So today I taped off lengths of grabrail, sanded back the old paint and around the undercoat, then applied a coat of topcoat. Hopefully this will stop any rust forming over winter and I know I can do a much better job given more time and not being in Goole. I say not being in Goole, because even after just one day we’ve already got a layer of dust on the roof! So the paint I put on today is more than likely to be anti slip by morning!

The angle of the sun brought to my attention the rust around the mushroom vent above our bed. I’d suspected this would be the next mushroom that would need attention and if we’d had another big pan I’d have been tempted to work on it at the same time as the one above the sofa. But blocking off two mushroom vents wouldn’t be so good for ventilation, plus we’ve only one big pan that I could spare. A bucket will be positioned underneath it for winter just in case.

Items were loaded into the van. My sewing machine, bags and work boxes were pulled out from under the dinette and back steps. When I took the back steps out I took the opportunity to give the floor a good sweep finding the connector we thought we’d lost for the pram hood back on the Caldon.
Mick put the pram hood back to how it should be and he also took some time to remove the tunnel light and horn bracket at the bow. I don’t believe the bracket was ever undercoated as it started to bubble with rust within a year, the tunnel light also needs replacing as that has been rust coloured for a similar amount of time, plus the horns need a bit of sorting too!

Things needed pulling out from under the sofa, This meant Tilly got to explore the secret passageway via the lower route as well as from the top. This always scares me as I’m afraid to close the sofa up in case she was just in the wrong place and I end up chopping her in half. She never listens to my concerns, she’s just too eager to squeeze through any gap!
The kitchen was all packed up, I weighed out enough rice to go with the last of the chilli tonight so nothing needed to hang around apart from breakfast stuff. Even Tilly was in finishing things off mode, the last pouch of pink food served up for ding ding this evening.

Quite a busy day all round.
0 locks, 0 miles, 1 boat hooked up, 1 van, 30 litres cat litter, 1 delivery, 1 van 3/4s packed, 1 grab rail touched up, 1 smile removed, 1 pram hood back as it should be, 0 pink food left, 2 glasses of wine enjoyed.