Tag Archives: Sunday

Mushrooms and Ashley. 20th October


Well the generators here at Castleford are a touch quieter than they’ve been in the past. The last one finally went off at 12:30, that’s at night!


We’re in finishing things off mode on board at the moment and with quite a few eggs left that meant we had to have them scrambled for breakfast, this also helped use up some of my nice bread in the freezer.

The Geraghty zoom followed, thankfully no-one caught our colds last weekend, maybe that’s why we still have them! Subjects covered included West Wittering, Corkmen, Tory auras, rotating apples and My First Wedding cards!

There were a few boats on the move today, but were they heading to the lock and on to Ferrybridge? One boat came from the lock, had they come from Ferrybridge or just behind us somewhere? We are seriously thinking that the lock is user operable, but what is the health and safety issue?

It was a touch windy and wet this morning, but nothing spectacular. Was that Ashley over and done with? We were likely to be on the periphery of the storm when it came.


A walk up to the lock to check on the level and just how many leaves were left on the trees. One of the boats that had come past us this morning was moored by it’s centre line in the extension to the lock. We suspected it was a single hander waiting for someone to share locks with rather than have to climb ladders and look after ropes in these big locks. The river level below the lock was just in the amber. Should we move? Or should we stay? We opted to stay and run the risk of the river coming back up overnight.

Back at Oleanna my thoughts turned to jobs that we should have been doing. The sun was out and we could now put the mushroom vent back on the roof. First we needed to find the black tack which seals the join between vent and roof. This took quite some finding, and as always with such things ended up being in the last place we looked, the cat proof cupboard. Then the old black tack needed removing from the vent along with the layer of rusty paint. The vent was then given a clean.

Back when Oleanna was built we’d opted for Chrome fittings so we’d not need to polish any brass. No idea what happened to the chrome but it tarnished pretty quickly on the mushrooms. I think within a year I was trying to find a way to clean them and bring a glint back to them. But this wasn’t to be, as they seem to have had the chrome stripped or stained/worn away somehow. Possibly something to do with the stove as the tarnished sides face the flue, but who knows? I gave up worrying about them ages ago.

Checking it fits

Last year we’d removed another mushroom vent and at dusk tried to fix it back on the roof. We learnt one thing from last year and that was the holes in the base of the vent are not drilled equally. So before adding a layer of black tack it was worth seeing which way round the base should be. Then mark the face that faces the bow with some tape. Maybe if we do more of these we’ll add a permanent mark to the insides so not only we’ll know which way they face for next time, but also which one goes where on the roof, before they are removed!

Better than last time!

Black tack reapplied, fixings pushed through the tack. Tilly agreed we’d managed to do it better than last time, but there was still room for improvement. She wasn’t wrong, as when it came to put the top back on, Mick had just started to tighten the nut from the underside when I realised that it was no longer attached to the top! The two part epoxy glue was needed and a good 24 hours for it to fully cure before we tried again. The big pan would be staying upside down on the roof for another night!

Here’s hoping it’s strong enough!

A big pot of chilli was put together and left to bubble away whilst I designed the next pair of socks. I’m quite happy with the design, I just hope I’ve some suitable colours for it. Yarn selection would have to wait a day or two as I’ve still got the last pair to finish off. At least I’m almost a pair in hand at the moment.

This pair may take a little bit longer

0 locks, 0 miles, 1 storm almost nothing, 1 cat bored of this outside, 1 mushroom base back on, 1 mushroom top broken, 1 threaded bar sticking, 3 meals of chilli ready, 44th pair designed, 0 bags packed, 0 drive south, 1 storm arrived later in the day.