Category Archives: Theatre Design

Ice! What Ic…. Ooh! 20th December

‘Avecoat Marina to Sutton Road Bridge, Birmingham and Fazeley Canal

Alarm set just in case we slept in. Breakfasted, water tank filling and rubbish disposed of as the first boat came past on the canal heading towards Tamworth. This boat, a short while later returned and pulled in on the towpath opposite us.

Smiles all round this morning

Just before we rolled back the covers the chugging of an engine started up, NB Capricorn was about to reverse out from it’s mooring. There she went, no problem, no ice. None what-so-ever. Covers rolled up and ready for our departure I tapped on NB Mr Blue Sky’s roof to wish John a Happy Christmas. He then stayed to watch our departure, which thankfully went well.

Reversing out and turning there was just enough room. Then the steep right to the entrance and left to the service area on the towpath. NB Capricorn was moored up chatting away, they pulled forward having topped up their tank. Time to fill ours and pay for our extra days in the marina. We’d originally planned to stay for ten nights and ended up staying seventeen. Out of those the marina was frozen for twelve nights.

Hello Harnser somewhere over there

We could have carried on to top up the diesel elsewhere where it may have been cheaper, but we didn’t want any detours today, there was shopping to do. As Mick headed off to pay a lady arrived to see how big the queue was, she’d pulled in some distance away and was wanting a top up and coal. We chatted away, it turns out we may be neighbours for Christmas as our destination is the same. Sandy has only been living afloat for 14 weeks, the last ten days iced in at Polesworth. Her journey so far today had involved some pretty thick ice. As we pulled out she ran back to get her boat, we think she was next in line.

Capricorn topping up

The plan had been to follow NB Capricorn along the canal as they were heading the same direction as us, but they seemed settled for a while and we wanted to be off. I pushed the bow out and off we set, free from all the ice. What ice! It was as if there had never been any.


Okay, so in sheltered places we came across cat ice that crackled itself out of our way, someone had already been through it. Past the house where they must hoover the lawn. Past the end of garden mooring where we got to know the owners when Tilly was a very new boat cat and had to have her vaccinations. No boat here today. The supermarket trolley that Mick had seen on the ice a few days ago was now visible on the bottom of the canal. Thankfully it was to one side so not a problem for us. If we’d tried to pull it out it would only end up back in the canal and most probably in a worse position for passing boats.

A Lock!

Glascote top lock came into view, no boats on the Co-op moorings. I decided to work the locks, hoping my leg was recovered enough. I filled the top lock, walked down to lift a paddle on the bottom lock so it could fill as we emptied the top lock. Paddles lifted lock emptied, gates opened, then closed, yep my leg still had a problem, more evident when pushing and pulling gates. I walked down opened the bottom lock where Mick and I swapped roles.

Glascote Top Lock

Just as I brought Oleanna out of the bottom lock I could see the bow of a boat coming round the bend and under the bridge ahead, we could leave the gates open.


More patches of ice gradually getting that bit thicker. Large sheets of it, the surface melted in places creating an undulating surface. A few boats were moored near the Tame Aqueduct, here the ice was the thickest, maybe about an inch, someone else had already broken it up. We slowed right down, a boat coming towards us, the ice chinking against the armco and moored boats.

A sea of ice

At Fazely Junction we headed right to Fradley and the North. Two boats sat at the water point filling up their tanks. From here on it felt like we were the first boat through. Thankfully what ice we came across wasn’t too thick, but it did sound like we were surrounded by a primary school assembly every child with some rudimentary percussion instrument.

Fazeley Junction

We counted the bridges to where we hoped to moor, there was space. Tilly was very very excited. Trees!!! Sideways trees!! Friendly cover!!!!!!!!!! But things needed to be done which would mean we’d be out for the afternoon, so no shore leave. Boring b***********!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Another day added to the eighteen she’d already endured without stepping off the boat wouldn’t hurt.

Looking back

Lunch, NB Capricorn came past and then Sandy pulled up behind us. At least we now knew someone else would be breaking the ice ahead of us.

Time to tick off the last Christmas shopping and things for work. First B&Q who had some possible small Christmas trees, reduced to half price. Still twice as much as I paid seven years ago in Newark, but the trees were twice the size. Asda had some very dinky trees, not worth the effort. The tree purchase could wait for tomorrow.

One of those might do!

I walked to the furthest shop I wanted to visit, M&S. Then crossed over the queues of traffic to Hobby Craft. Here I had a long list of things to buy for work. Some things needed rethinking due to what was available, a £1 canvas bag and stuffing would go together to make a pregnancy bump. Could I make chip cartons from sheets of A4 card? Would the 4 sheets of A1 foam cor fit in an Ikea blue bag to aid carrying them back to the boat. Sadly no!

It appeared as if the population of the Midlands had all decided to come out in their cars to sit in traffic jams to go slowly round the round abouts in the retail park. So many people and so few ways to walk from place to place with streams, fences, walls in the way. I nearly got run over walking the wrong way through the McDonalds drive through, did you know they are open 7am to 11am on Christmas Day!

Ow much!!!!

Mick had popped to Sainsburys. I visited Pets at home, successfully buying Tilly a present for Christmas. Then we made our way back to Oleanna in the dark, the fairy lights on her wreath guiding us home. Finding places to stow things on board is getting quite hard.

That way please

2 locks, WE 4.45miles, Pip’s Nebo 4.9 miles (including walking between locks), Mick’s Nebo 4.5 miles, 1 ice free marina, 66 litres, 7 extra nights, 0 to 1 inch ice, 1 new Christmas friend, £600 not £5,000, A1 things, 250grams stuffing, A4 card, 6 secret things, 2 boxes wine, 10 litres litter, 7+gravy food, 2 boaters and 1 boat cat free again!

Last Of The Ginger. 19th December

‘Avecoat Marina

Cracked water

The view out the back was very different this morning, water! Water everywhere! But it was still on top of a layer of ice! Would we be able to move today? Maybe, but the wind picked up quickly, making any manoeuvring in ice even harder. We’d be waiting another day.

We’re quite used to seeing steam rising from the canal early in the morning during warmer months. Today it was as if someone had put Dried Ice into the canal. Smoke/steam rolled off the top of the ice, blown about in the wind. I tried to take a photo but it just didn’t come out.

Still icy in the middle

Cracks in the ice could be seen, along with sticks sitting on the surface. As the day progressed, with the wind heading straight for us we would get these almighty crunching, grinding noises down the sides of the boat.

What’s going on!!!???!!!

Oleanna was being pushed towards Victoria by the wind and the ice between us was breaking up. Tilly really did not like this! Some thing was Grrrrrrring outside my boat!!!

A sitting stick

Things were found to wash, the drawer emptied. Lists for shopping were written out. If we can get a mooring near the retail park I’ve a lot to pick up for work and then some present shopping.

A batch of gf puff pastry was started. Dough ingredients mixed together and butter bashed flat before going back into the fridge to rest. Six roll fold and turns followed each after an hour in the fridge, the last turn being just before 10pm. We shall have sausage rolls!

Then maple syrup, treacle and butter were melted. Flour, spices including the very last of my homemade ground ginger from two years ago were mixed together to form a sticky dough. That’s a batch of Lebkuchen sat waiting in the fridge to be cut out and baked. The boat smells sooo Christmasy when I make these.

Activity came from across the way on NB Capricorn. A car was being unloaded their chimney smoked. Then later on the engine was started up. Were they going to make an attempt to leave the marina tonight? No just turning the engine over checking things.

More ice got blown into Oleanna, was this all breaking up or just grinding it’s way along to fill the gap between boats? Nothing could be seen in the dark or prodded with a boat hook. It was breaking up.

The start of our decorations

As I’d been hanging our wreath on the cratch in the afternoon someone walked past saying how yesterday the ice had been at least two three inches thick by their boat. They were astonished that now it was only half an inch, no trouble pushing through that.

Neon prop

Tomorrow we’ll do our best to be up early. There are chores to be done, then we will hopefully head for freedom!

0 locks, 0 miles, 1 wreath hung, 2 steel cable ties, 1 very noisy day, 1 windy day, 1 big batch of puff pastry, 1 batch of Lebkuchen at the ready, 2 boaters at the ready, 1 neon green bunny leg.

Hey Ho Ho ! 7th December

Alvecote Marina

Christmas deliveries this year are a touch of a worry. Will the strikes affect present giving? Will anyone be in to receive parcels in advance? Changed delivery dates getting cancelled by the courier and moved by a week, which would be too late for collection by us! Here’s hoping things arrive. Then there are the orders that for some reason payment gets declined, so you have to order it again, delaying dispatch by a couple of days. Hey Ho Ho!

Crispy frosty sheets

This morning thankfully a very important parcel did arrive on the date specified. Other things can be a touch late, it’ll just end up being someone else wrapping them and not me for the big day.

-1C when I woke this morning. It will take another day I reckon before we start to see ice on the canal and marina. The sheets on working boat Victoria glistened at me this morning, the white frost accentuating the creases.

Toasty fire

Time to do some work. I’ve now been given a float for #unit21, so it was time to spend it. Giant spoon, top hat, pingpong bat, all easy small things.

Then hunting round for trainers for everyone. Trying to get the same shoe in sizes 8 down to 13 kids took much of the afternoon. In the end I settled for one style of trainer for everyone bar one person, but I found something a bit similar for them. Next we’ll see if they fit. None learning disabled actors are pretty quick to let you know if shoes don’t fit right. Learning disabled actors tend to say ‘Thank you Pip, they are lovely’, ‘Really comfortable’, ‘They don’t rub’, ‘Thank you’. Then a week or so later you hear word has come through from their Mum or PA saying that the shoes are really uncomfortable and are crippling them. It’s lovely working with the Dark Horse actors but sometimes I wish they weren’t so polite, especially when it come to shoes. But here’s hoping we have enough time to get everyone comfortable before the show goes out on tour. By the end of the day I’d spent over £700!

Topping up before the sun goes down

With colder temperatures due it’s time to keep the water tank topped up. We may be right beside a tap, but the tap or pipes leading to it are likely to freeze. I’d put the emersion heater on for an hour early on in the day, hoping to take a shower and then top up with water before the temperature started to drop. However the water had only reached tepid, so another hour was required.

I topped up the tank, made sure I drained the hose pipe before stowing it again, any excess water left away from where people walk so as not to create an ice rink. I left the shower until later.

Coal skuttle was filled up during daylight hours so as not to disturb our next door neighbour. Ash pan popped at the end of the pontoon outside the hatch for ease of use and hopefully out of the way.

Up in Scarborough Mick had done some shopping, visited his favourite pizza shop and chatted to neighbours. A couple of handyman jobs needing doing by someone with a long ladder. Hopefully he’s found someone to do them. I think he also did a bit of Christmas shopping too!

Twinkly night

TV reception is totally pants here in the marina. So long as there is just an inkling of reception I can access online TV. I’ve watched Jamie Oliver cooking up a clementine and ginger roast duck with noodles. Our Christmas duck will be traditionally roasted, but I’ll keep this recipe in mind for another time as it looks very tasty. I then decided to see what Ghosts was like as we’ve never got round to watching it. Two episodes later, I now need Mick to catch up with me!

0 locks, 0 miles, 0 trains, 1 full tank of water, -1C, 12 pairs trainers, 5 cycling shorts, 1 neon top, 2 many neon covered boobs, 1 top hat, 2 wands, 2 braces, 70cm of wooden spoon, 2 duvets on the bed on the boat, 1 twinkly night.

Should We Stay Or Should We Go Now? 4th December

Alvecote Marina

As we laid in bed having our morning cuppa we had a quandary. With the weather set to take a turn to the colder end should we head onwards and stock up with coal and diesel? Our natural boaters instinct was to stock up and be prepared. Micks cold and my calf muscle made us want to stay put, after all we are plugged in and have a water tap close to hand in the marina.

Different sort of ideas

We plan on being in the marina for a few days, trips away needed and the boat being plugged in handy as the Alde boiler can work on electric to keep any major chill at bay. The marina office is closed on Sundays so we couldn’t check in today, hence our arrival yesterday. Maybe we should have checked in, been pointed to our mooring, but then continued onwards to Glascote and Fazeley to be able to stock up at Fazeley Marina where the diesel ten days ago was around 22p cheaper than here at Alvecote! Diesel prices depend on who had the cheapest delivery recently.

What to do? One minute we were gearing ourselves up to move Oleanna, the next a quiet day with cooked breakfast appealed more. The breakfast won. Here’s hoping we don’t regret our decision when the temperature plummets.

This seems to becoming very regular

The Geraghty zoom subjects consisted of Eastern European sofas, pigeon scarers and pass the parcel etiquette. This was followed by breakfast.

How many windows open?!

Time for me to do some work and order in some materials to make some props. Being in one place for a few days means I can get things delivered to a nearby shop for collection. The actual building of the props will wait til after Christmas so that we can actually live in the boat for the next few weeks. Calculations were done, working out how many yoga mats would be needed, a lot of πD maths to get the most out of them.

More in depth calculations

Christmas shopping was also started on-line. Somehow the day had vanished, not that we’d seen much of it being slotted into our mooring, a boat 18inches away on both sides.

The day ended with a roast chicken and arrangements being made with the London Leckenbys for the start of the family festivities.

0 locks, 0 miles, 4 siblings, 4 bags of coal, 5 yoga mats, 2 sheets corex, 70cm long spoon, 1 watch list chocka, 1 float waited for, 1.714kg chicken, 1 cosy bored cat.

Calf Pinchers. 29th November

Newbold Visitor Mooring to Old Newbold Loop

Zooming before breakfast this morning, a catch up meeting with Amy from Dark Horse. The props list for the show has shrunk in some places but expanded elsewhere including in the size of giant props. This would not normally be a problem, construction in a workshop or even in our house would be fine so long as things fit out through a door or window. Here on the boat is a bit of a different matter! Moving a 2ft diameter mug about daily will become a pain in the proverbial! This will need a bit of thinking about and maybe the making of such things will need to be delayed until nearer the time that I can deliver them to Huddersfield. As most of the props will be made from foam we could always tow them along behind us!

Once breakfast was over and done with we should have been pushing off, but first I needed to do something. Last night walking all of the 200yards to the pub my calf muscle had suddenly reminded me that I had a problem. I’d hoped that resting it for ten days (okay walking round Birmingham shouldn’t have happened) would have helped, but it sent me a stabbing reminder. It was time to have a professional opinion. Lizzie had suggested a visit to the walk in centre at St Cross Hospital, such places are now called Urgent Care Centres. A phone call was made and unlike the centre in Birmingham they still accept walk ins, at Boots in B’ham you have to be referred by calling 111.


Fortunately the bus that passes through Newbold ends up at the hospital, so I caught the 85 and within half an hour arrived at the Centre. Waiting times looked reasonable, 27 minutes for Triage then 47 minutes to see an ENP (Emergency Nurse Practitioner), four people sat in the waiting room, hopefully this wouldn’t become one of those tales of a thirteen hour wait to be seen.

The triage nurse got me to kneel on a chair, she pinched both my calf muscles, her conclusion was that my Achilles tendon was still in tact, it was likely to be a strain, I’d be examined anyway. Time to sit back in the waiting room.

Daytime TV

Blimey Cliff Richard looks old now, I learnt how to make a Christmas wreath and can announce to those who weren’t watching, that Neighbours will be returning to television screen via Amazon soon. All things I wouldn’t normally see on TV. I had taken a book in case of a long wait but Philip Schofield was upstaging any written word.

After an hour I was called through to see Carl. He also pinched my calf muscles, then got me to put my foot on the ground and do various things. My Achilles tendon was fine, phew. He asked me what I did for a living and I said that recently it consisted of 70 hour weeks up and down ladders and contorting myself around scenery. Carl apparently has worked in the theatre so was aware of the kind of work I’ve been doing and I should avoid doing any more for a while. Living on a boat was mentioned and I have been told to avoid working locks for a few weeks. My calf muscle has a bad strain and rest is required.

Thankfully I’d arrived before the waiting room had filled up and then managed to leave at a suitable time to catch the next hourly bus, saving a very chilly wait.

Mick had been busy whilst I was away, ringing around marinas to see who might be able to take us in for a few days. Also enquiries had been made further north or a longer period in a marina when we will need to return to the house to do winter maintenance. I had lunch, Tilly came in, maybe we should make a move.

Newbold Water Point

We pushed off and made it to the water point by the pub, topped up the tank and then pootled onwards.


Through Newbold Tunnel, autumnal colours brightening up the very grey day. It was quite late so the next mooring was made use of opposite Armada Boats. Tilly thought here would be a good outside, but with it being 3:30 we thought she could wait for tomorrows outside instead, this meant us having to put up with her complaints for a couple of hours before she settled down.

Back into what light of the day was left

0 locks, WExp 0.67 miles, Nebo 0.8 miles, MMap 0.713, 1 tunnel, 2 buses, 90 minutes wait, 2 calf pinchers, 1 strain, 1 leg to be rested and raised, 0 lock wheeling for a while, 1 overall on order, 1 snotty Mick, £10 not £18! 1 mardy cat.

Neontastic 28th November

Newbold visitor moorings

Contact with my friend Graham was needed today. Graham built the set for #unit21 and it was built with the hope that we could upgrade it should the show get funding to go on tour. Replacing green neon gaffa tape with LED neon or rope light was always the goal, hopefully we now have sufficient budget to do this.

I finally got round to stowing away items brought back from Chippy. I seem to have gained a few glue sticks, a longer tape measure than the one that broke. The best item was a large panto potato. This will be reused, being chopped up into chips for #unit21, a suitable use. Items from the model were edited down to a minimum, barrels and a favourite piece will be saved the rest went in the bin.

Daytime TV watching has moved on from episodes of Inspector Morse to the original series of Star Trek, Mick treated us to the gangster 1920s episode whilst I worked on making a large scale model of a door from panto. This will be sent to the director to fit into a sample of a cloth I was sent that’s about four times bigger than my 1:25 model. As her son gave us lots of inspiration for the cloth it seemed like the natural place for it go, it just needs a door to finish it off.

Atmospheric and chilly out tonight

Early evening we walked up to The Barley Mow, just 200yards away to meet up with our friend Lizzie. We always try to get to see her when in the area and we’d arranged a meet up after panto.

Mick, Lizzie and me

Very good to have a catch up. She’s had another very tough year, it’s about time things improved for her. We were impressed with the food in the pub. Two black and blue burgers and a rump steak. One improvement would have been warm plates, my steak nicely cooked just a touch cool when I got it.

0 locks, 0 miles, 1 day back at work, 2 bags unpacked, 1 still to be stowed, 1 under dinette cupboard full, 1 big door, 2 boater reviews of panto, 2 burgers, 1 steak, 1 good friend.

Five Weeks Without A Pootle. 20th November

Brownsover Services to near River Avon Aqueduct

So much better here than where we ended up!

A lie in with Tilly in the way, it’s good to be home. After a lengthy cuppa in bed with Saturdays newspaper to read, Mick set to in the kitchen preparing breakfast, extra rations today. There was so much food that we continued to eat as we joined the Geraghty zoom. A trip to Bruges, panto and flowering cacti were discussed.

Breakfast whilst waiting for family to arrive

Another two loads of washing were required before moving away from the handy tap and a couple of items were still needed from Tescos. So Mick popped down the hill and dealt with washing whilst I rested myself.

Several boats came past, some stopping in spaces, others pausing to top up and empty.

Topping up

Oleanna had her yellow water tank emptied and her fresh water tank filled, then we were ready to make a move.

The last time I was on a moving boat was five weeks ago, cruising from near Kings Sutton Lock to the Tramway moorings in Banbury, all pre-panto. Then the ground was dry, today the towpath and boat were muddy.

Stepping off the boat was done carefully, yet my calf twinged. More rest required for it. I managed to push the bow out and off we went. The sun was trying it’s best, but that really didn’t matter, just being on the move at a leisurely pace was all that counted.

Waiting for the bow to come out

Not far today, just somewhere where we’d be happier for Tilly to head off and explore. Well it didn’t get a very good review from her. Well what do expect! There’s a great big mesh fence in the way of the good bits!

The afternoon was spent pottering and watching another episode of Morse and the final part of Inside Man, we wonder if there was enough plot left dangling for there to be a second series. Later on we enjoyed a roast chicken.

Panto reviews have started to come in, so far everyone has enjoyed themselves.

0 locks, 0.44 miles, 2 loads washing, 1 disappointed cat, 1 twinge, episode 12, 1 week left to live, 1 large roast chicken, 0 fresh ducks for Christmas!

Panto Postcard 5, 2022.

60.75 hours

Coventry Basin, Coventry Canal to Brownsover Services, North Oxford Canal

Following the red lit path

Monday morning a seriously early start to the day, the alarm went off at 5:20. We were both up and out of the door in 20 minutes. I’d opted to walk across Coventry rather than get a bus or taxi. At about a mile to the Station it’s not that far, but my knees and calf muscles were playing up so Mick accompanied me with the bike in case I needed to ride instead. Coventry was dark and misty, very atmospheric.

First tea of the day.

The train got me to Banbury forty minutes before the bus to Chippy, so I sat in the station cafe with a cuppa and ate a sausage sandwich I’d brought with me watching the sun rise through the fog. The bus onwards to Chippy was quite late arriving and by the time it had made it’s way through some road works it was half an hour late. It had taken me 3hrs 15 minutes to get to work!

Abi the Director was back with us, thankfully Covid had been mild for her and her family. Paul was also back with us, there was time to sort a few problems out before the actors came on stage. It was now time to finish off the technical rehearsal. When the Pippins joined us late afternoon we then did a tech/dress. This meant that if there were any problems we’d stop to sort them. We stopped a few times and then afterwards had quite a lengthy notes session, there were still things missing costume, props wise and a few problems with scene changes.

Mick had a morning snooze on the sofa before pushing off, winding and heading back up to Hawkesbury Junction where he turned back onto the North Oxford Canal and pulled up for the day.

Tuesday. An early start for Jo and myself trying to work through the long list of things that needed finishing, making use of time on stage before the actors arrived. Having a key to the theatre was useful as I could open up.

There was one scene that needed finishing off before production photos could be taken. The finishing off consisted of a lot of cross hatching which I knew would take several hours. I chose to finish the funnels today as they would help the scenery look more complete.

A portrait of Whittington

During the afternoon scenes were worked on by the actors and I got chance to finish off the piece that would sit on the proscenium, this was done by torch light. Have to say I was rather pleased with it.

Getting ready for photos

Then late afternoon we settled down for a dress rehearsal with Josh the photographer, Becky the composer joining us by zoom and we were also joined by several members of staff and ushers to give the actors a small audience. Today we got to see the walk down costumes for the first time, still work in progress and several props were now finished. But sadly things were still being worked on, a black curtain got stuck in one scene meaning many of the photos won’t depict the show as intended.

Such a fair weather boater

Mick’s day was totally opposite. It was raining, so he stayed put avoiding getting wet. Apparently Tilly ventured out for a little while.

Wednesday another early start. The side of the ship needed finishing off and as it spans right across the whole stage in three pieces I needed to do this early so as not to be in peoples way. Finishing touches happened to more props and costumes and I did my best to tick painty notes of my list.

The wings full of scenery and props, so much so some flying was needed

Today we were joined by Gemma the Production Manager who’d been off with covid. Having both her and Paul back in the building meant jobs were being crossed off the list. The auditorium needed clearing and Sophie the DSM was moved up into the box from where she’ll operate the shows. Christmas garlands were primed to be flown in and space was cleared in the wings so there’d be room for the actors.

Highgate Hill

The first preview hadn’t sold many tickets, so last week the decision had been made to cancel it, meaning we’d be able to have another dress rehearsal. A good thing as so many of the creatives had been ill. It was actually a dress without costume, enabling wardrobe to continue working on things.

A well earned beer

One problem was found as Paul watched from the wings. The final scene change was tight and to get two large arches into position in time it was felt that some alterations to them were required. Two truck bases would need to be made, but for now he would be an extra pair of hands back stage.

The first preview went well and we rewarded ourselves with a drink next door at Checkers, followed by some chicken and chips from the burger van.

If you look carefully you might just seen the spouting water

The sun was out again on the North Oxford Canal, so Mick carried on retracing his steps of last week. In Ansty a bridge had been spouting water, social media comments had been concerned that it may be closed by C&RT, thankfully Mick got through without any problems. He thinks it’s a water pipe in the bridge that has burst. Here’s hoping it doesn’t get closed before we are back through in a couple of weeks.

Full moorings

As he approached the swing bridge at Rose Boats the canal got busy. The bridge opened and closed and opened again and the narrows approaching it were congested. This meant that when he reached All Oaks Wood where he’d shared the moorings with one other boat last week, he got the last space.

Thursday. Only one show today in the evening, giving time to do acting notes on stage and time for props, costumes and set pieces to be finished off that bit more. Measurements were taken, timber purchased, alterations to the arches would happen after the show this evening.

One of the traditions of Chippy Panto is that Edith, a lady who adorns the proscenium arch is taken down each year and replaced by something to do with the show. This year I’d decided that it should be a portrait of Whittington the cat. Photos had been taken of Nadia in makeup, this was blown up, a simple version traced onto a shield and then painted in. In previous years I have only once witnessed Edith being replaced, handy to know that it is simply done with a D handle and a safety chain. Time and care were taken and Edith was taken to John Terry’s office for her rest.

Getting all Christmasy

Garlands were fluffed up, ribbons added. Piccadilly Circus was finished off including the extra lines on the backing flat. Jobs ticked off at pace.

Jo had been meant to finish on Wednesday, but she’d decided to stay one extra night to be able to finish off one quite elaborate prop. This took her quite sometime, but was well worth the extra hours and that prop got an extra Ooooooo! in the evening from the audience.

The final lines added to Piccadilly Circus

After the show Paul, Gemma and myself got busy with saws, drills, screws, wheels, canvas and paint. Two truck bases were made up and had a coat of paint applied before we left the theatre, the paint would be dry by the morning ready for the arty bits to be added.

Mick avoided the rain as best he could. Tilly kept the stove company as he moved onwards through the autumn colour.

Autumn colour

A pause to top up with diesel was needed at Armada Boats, then he found a space just before the water point at Brownsover. This meant that Oleanna wouldn’t need to move to top up the water tank and the mooring was a good place to pick up a hire car from.

Friday. Over night I’d had cramp in my right calf muscle which has been playing up for the last few weeks. As I stood up out of bed to try to alleviate the pain I heard a bit of a popping noise! Not good, my hobbling walk would be even worse today. After packing my bags for collection later in the day I hobbled slowly in to the theatre where the truck bases were already fixed to the arches. Time to get arty and paint them.

Spring Street with the theatre at the end

Two colour washes were applied and left to dry. They had just about got there by the time the actors arrived for their warm up on stage. New things should always be shown to actors before a show so that they don’t get thrown, the truck bases would be a step up and down that hadn’t existed before so everyone it affected got to have a go.

Then I could finish painting them. The last black line of Chippy Panto went onto a truck base at 11:46, it would be dry before the final scene of the afternoon show. Other little jobs were ticked of, more garlands and ravens added, then it was time to start collecting my possessions together.

Touch up paints were rationalised and put together. Some things are likely to need a freshen up as they are used, other paints are there just in case.

Some straw still to be added

As the afternoons show started I sat down to have some food, listening to the first school show on the show relay. Not so many laughs, but total excited noise at some scenes. The model box was put together to be added to the 50th anniversary exhibition in the gallery. After the interval I sat on the back row to watch the second half, each member of the audience wearing cat or rat masks that they’d made prior to their visit.

A coat of glaze to the truck bases was just about the last thing I could do before press night. My job was done. A couple of things sadly not achievable in what time remained, but an email to Paul next week will hopefully see them get done.

A technical glitch needed sorting

Mick arrived in a hire car, we loaded all my work gear and then headed to my digs to pick up my bags there. A chat with Suzanne and a final goodbye and thank you for letting me stay again. Some cheesy chips were consumed before joining the audience at the theatre for Press Night which seemed to go down very well.

We stayed for some food post show and a drink, but by now my energy levels had run out. It was time to say my goodbyes and thank yous. Time to wish everyone a good run and a Happy Christmas in Chippy. Time to climb in the car and drive back to Rugby, have a few head nudges with Tilly, a glass of wine for the driver and go to sleep.

Dressing rooms

Dick Whittington is open and what a show it is. This year has had many problems come it’s way, covid, family bereavements, people doing their best to plug gaps in the back stage team. We got there in the end with a lot of hard work from everyone and the assistance of zoom. Now I need to rest up and get back to day to day boat life, a far slower pace will be welcome.


1 lock, 17.92 miles, 1 right, 1 hire car, 1 panto open, 616 hrs work in total, 1 designer hanging up her dungarees, 1 boaters hat being dusted off, but first the sofa calls.

Panto Postcard 4. 2022

75.5 hours

Bridge 68, North Oxford Canal to Coventry Basin, Coventry Canal

Another long week in Panto land and some more cruising for Mick and Tilly.

Monday I arrived in the theatre to find sliders being cut down to size and lots of magnetic catches and door handles having been attached, all good news. But then I soon heard that Abi the Director had tested positive for covid over the weekend whilst at home in London. The cast were given various options, the one they chose was that John the Artistic Director of Chippy Theatre and the writer of panto would stand in for Abi until she returned and Abi would join when she could via zoom. Our Production Manager Gemma was also unwell so she stayed at home an extra day.

Counter getting close to completion

I got on with painting what ever I could without being in the actors way. A list of scenes required for the following days rehearsals is sent out so it takes a little bit of working out what I might be able to paint and when. The wings of the stage were sorted by Stage Management to hopefully help make the technical rehearsals easier.

In the evening we were joined by a couple of chaps to help with setting up the sound equipment and drilling holes in trees for fairy lights. By the end of the evening two out of the four trees had lights and a lot of the sound system was up and running.

The River Avon in Rugby

In Rugby, Mick and Tilly stayed put on the boat. Mick did venture out for his covid booster jab, four weeks after we’d tested positive.

Painting ovens and doors in the wings

Tuesday. More setting up of sound with Matt the Sound Designer about for one day. The aim was for levels to be set for the songs and cues to be programmed into the desk so that only minor adjustments would hopefully be needed. Songs were sung by the company accompanied by the two man band.

Dicks solo being sung in front of the Pippins and Becky the composer

Gemma joined us for a few hours but she was obviously still not well. She did her best to keep her distance, helped get sliders rehung and sorted a few bits out, but mid afternoon she headed to her digs to hopefully get some sleep.

Mark the Lighting Designer had a lighting session in the evening, meaning I was either painting by torch light or had a lot of light. This gave me the chance to get some black lining done to the sliders for Piccadilly Circus. There’s still plenty more to do on them, but at least I made a very good start.

Newbold Tunnel

In Rugby, Mick moved Oleanna up nearer to Tescos, did a good shop. Topped up with water and headed onwards through Newbold Tunnel. Over the weekend we’d discussed where might be easiest for me to get back to the boat next weekend, Rugby was a little bit problematical and quite a bit of a walk to reach the boat. We’d decided that Coventry would be better.

Wednesday. Gemma tested positive for covid this morning. Hopefully she hadn’t passed it on to anyone whilst she’d been in the building, but more importantly she could head home to recover.


Conversations were had about outstanding jobs. I can lend my hand to quite a few things, but it would all take time. Better to have someone who knew what was needed and free me up to carry on painting and helping where needed.

The Technical rehearsals begin

In the afternoon we started to Tech. This is where all the elements come together on stage. Sound, lighting, costumes, props, actors, musicians and set. Due to many reasons there were gaps in costumes, props and set pieces. Not ideal, but unavoidable. Everyone did as well as they could, one thing became obvious was that we still needed someone to help program the sound.

Loads of room!

Mick carried onwards. In winter months moorings that are normally chocka block can be empty, this was the case at All Oaks Wood. I think we’ve managed to pause there before for lunch once, but today he had a choice of where to pull in. Tilly made the most of a good outside!

Thursday. A long day of technical rehearsals. Days like today I spend mostly sitting in the dark, taking notes, attending to things as they arise. I decided to try to do small jobs whilst sat in the dark like signs, sorting out the new song sheet.

It was not me who emptied the chilled medication fridge leaving only vanilla!

Then when the actors have a break there is some time to get a bit of painting done. Wet things need to be dry before costumes are back on stage, so timing jobs can be a touch tricksy. Following rehearsals there are a couple of hours to get more jobs done. Jo the prop maker was about, so conversations turned to treasure chests and snakes.

Mick carried on moving. The journey from Rugby to Coventry can be done in under eight hours, but with a week to do it in he was pacing himself. Today he moved a touch further than he’d originally planned, through the new swing bridge at Rose Narrowboats, stopping a short distance before Hawksbury Junction, meaning there was space before other boats for Tilly to explore.

The Greyhound busy on a Friday morning

Friday. Mick decided to stay put, having a walk up to the bins at the junction a highlight of the day. The Greyhound was busy even quite early in the morning.

The tight turn at the junction. To head north use the left canal, south the right turning under the bridge.

Another early start to do some jobs before rehearsals started again. My lunch tends to be eaten in the next technical session, making use of as much stage time for jobs as possible. Abi is now very much in the room, joining by zoom, sending messages by Whatsap.

Laptop in the centre of the auditorium so Abi can join us

Today after rehearsals, Dan who’d helped set up the sound equipment and has been helping with programming stayed around to help with various jobs on stage. Some black tabs were not quite in the right place so needed adjusting. A tree needed extending, it’s track moving higher. But the most important job was to get a cloth rigged so that it could be lowered in to view and pulled out of view, it’s been out of view for three weeks.

A Curlywurly in the dark whilst taking notes

Chippy Theatre has a bit of a fly tower, but it is nowhere near tall enough to be able to fly cloths fully in and out. So the cloth has to work like a very big Roman Blind, pulling itself up on itself. We got all the cords in place, but lacked somewhere to tie it off to. So that we don’t now see too much of the cloth it’s been tied off to a cleat for other scenery, a better solution needs to be found.

Nice to see the cloth again after three weeks.

Saturday. A morning of technical rehearsals. There is still more to do on Monday sadly.

Last year I did one of these every day during panto

Also sadly today we were missing Becky, the composer, another case of covid. I am so hoping that I still have some natural immunity left as I spent much of yesterday sat next to Becky. This morning I did a test after spending time with Gemma, I’ll be doing a test before returning to work on Monday.

A nearly finished scene

All the trees were up and fairy lights working giving Mark the opportunity to light the next scene. We mostly worked our way through the scenes that have the Pippins in so as to make the most of their time in the theatre. Having three teams of Pippins means doing everything three times, one team are in costume the others not. We now just have to finish teching the rest of the show on Monday.

Mick moved on again in the morning, turning left at Hawksbury Junction and heading under the bridge decorated with swans. We last came this way about five years ago and today Mick saw a big difference. New houses and just generally better kept, possibly assisted by the City of Culture. Tilly however wasn’t that impressed!

Coventry Basin

After rehearsals I became unpopular asking for the trees that had only just gone up to be taken down. My aim for the day was to get the last two remaining trees painted, having them flat this would take about half the time. It didn’t take too much to get them down thankfully.

Trees finished. Well I might add some glitter if I get chance.

The last couple of hours I was on my own and was glad to not have to climb a ladder. By 18:10 the trees were painted, brushes washed up. By 18:25 the theatre alarm was set and I was heading for the bus stop and Banbury.

Goodbye Chippy, see you Monday

A train then another bus to save me walking across Coventry where Mick met me and we walked up the hill and over the ring road to Oleanna in the basin. Time for head nudges with Tilly, something to eat and slump in front of the tv.

He’s here!

Sunday. A Sainsburys delivery was early, I left Mick to deal with it as it was early early, but it did mean we could have a nice breakfast.


This was followed by the Geraghty zoom where we were all relieved to be joined by Anne who has just had a spell in hospital.

Work in progress

A slow day, much needed, but sadly I still had some work to do. A new song sheet needed designing and the best time to do it was today. Thankfully it didn’t take too long. The day will end with a roast chicken and packing my bags to head back to Chippy tomorrow. Hopefully no more cases of covid this week, fingers crossed.

Had to say hello to James

18.16 miles, 1 lock, 1 left, 1st Christmas tree, 3 positives, 4 trees, 8 pillars, 6 tech sessions, 3 teams, 0 red fabric, 7 safety pins, 2 buses, 1 train, 8 diddy maracas, 1 bored cat.

Panto Postcard 3. 2022

77 hours

Spiceball Park, South Oxford Canal to Bridge 68, North Oxford Canal

Monday I was back on the bus to Chipping Norton, the bus this week being busy as the schools were back. It was also time for Mick and Tilly to start making a move northwards to make sure they were clear of any stoppages on the canal that would be starting in a weeks time. Mick had worked out a schedule which would have them near to Rugby Station for Sunday in case I’d be able to join them for the weekend.

Do you have to go?

Sometimes there are things far more important than theatre make believe, real life needed Pauls attention so we were a man down. This meant quite a few jobs that were on his list would end up on the back burner for a while and Louisa would be left to try to plug the technicians gap as well as move scenery around for rehearsals and for the pesky set designer.

I was joined by Elise who was set on the job of painting the pillars that will eventually get added to the set to finish off the portals. On stage I hid behind the backcloth and put a base coat of paint on some trees. This will help when someone comes to drill holes for fairy lights as I only want them to be in the green sections. Also having them a basic colour will assist when it comes to lighting if I haven’t had chance to finish them before lighting states get plotted.

Andrew Pepper the Dame adjusting his floppy hat

Publicity photos were taken, then we ended up the day putting a first coat of paint on the steps from the stage into the auditorium.

Leaving Banbury

Mick came across a boat jam after his second lock of the day. A deep drafted boat was stuck under bridge 157, the pound was about 8 inches lower than normal, was this going to be the case all the way up to the summit? Water was let down and the boat got moving again. Mick tried to help tow the boat, not to much effect, too much water was being lost at Little Bourton Lock a paddle was stuck up, allowing water to drain from the pound above. Mick notified C&RT and later in the day the lock was closed due to an obstruction in the paddle.

Queueing for the locks

Having got past the deep boat he aimed to moor above Broadmoor Lock, but the level there was also low and signs suggested it would get worse overnight, so he continued onwards and up Varneys Lock where levels were better.

Starting up the Claydon flight

Tuesday, Mick was delayed leaving as he met NB Dusty, a top up of diesel was worth having before waving goodbye to them for another year. He continued to work his way up towards the summit. He let a boat over take him, he’d be slower than them as he was single handing. Then as he reset the lock he was joined by the lady from the deep drafted boat, they opened the bottom gates and Mick returned to get Oleanna, only for the deep boat to come sailing past and steel the lock! Have to say Mick was not impressed.

Very wet at the summit

He made it up to the summit with lots of rain, a glance at his photo on my phone looked like the lock area was under water, but no it was just very very wet from rain. But by the time he moored up at one of our favourite moorings with a view the sun was coming back out.

How long before HS2 becomes part of the view?

Back in Chippy more things were based in and by mid morning I’d painted London.

This years London with the Pharoah from my first Chippy panto on a back stage door.

I then took myself off to sit in the Dames dressing room (which I kindly vacate for her every year) to join a zoom funeral for an old family friend near York. My brother and wife had managed to go and later on in the day I was filled in about the wake and news of other friends we’ve not seen for ages. Ian’s tribute to Janis was so touching.

A touch of privacy needed today.

During the day Louisa and I sat down and went through lists. What could we achieve and what would we need extra hands for. A carpenter would be very useful as we’d a little list of jobs more suited for someone with the right skills and tools. I also put in a request to start on the floor painting early this year. If I could work around the lights being rigged it would save me a lot of work on Saturday.

Paw prints are appearing around Chippy

Wednesday. It was time to sit in the auditorium for a bit whilst one scene was rehearsed, costumes were tried on and safety pins added for adjustments. Today I was back on my own, Elise had done a good job of getting things based in, time for the arty bits to start happening on top.

Long Johns and shower caps

In the evening whilst lights were rigged up stage and in the auditorium I made a start on the cobbled floor. Four decorator sponges were just the thing with three colours of paint.

Pinged lines and sponged cobbles

Mick made his way across the top of the Oxford Canal. Not far onwards he crossed the HS2 works. Here concrete was being erected to form a bridge over the canal. Would this be the start of the rail line or just a temporary bridge whilst the works are happening. Further on there is still the big mound of earth where it’s been for years.

Once he dropped down the two Marston Doles locks he was through the locks which would be closing next Monday, Oleanna won’t be trapped until near Christmas now. However the pound he’d planned on mooring in was being dredged by C&RT so he dropped down the top lock of the Napton flight as well.

Later on in the day he had a tap on the roof, it turns out that he was just in the perfect spot for C&RT to off load the dredgings. The chaps helped Mick haul Oleanna out of the way.

Swing that skirt around!

Thursday. Painting followed by a Production Meeting and then time for a stagger through of panto once the Pippins arrived after school. Mark the lighting designer joined us, unfortunately an updated lighting plan hadn’t got through to Louisa, so quite a bit of the rig needed adjusting. I negotiated some more time getting ahead with the floor.

Salted Caramel or Lemon?

I am being very good around the chilled medication store in the foyer which is where bits and bobs tend to get painted.

I think someone is hoping for an understudy part. Most mornings I get a hopeful look from the shelter created from old pieces of scenery.

A field of buffalo chilled medication makers

Mick dropped down the rest of the Napton flight today. How come when I’m not with him the Buffalo are around in big numbers!

Napton Windmill

He wended his way around the hill with the windmill. Thankfully he continued straight on at Napton Junction and pulled up near Flecknoe. During the day he came across a couple we’d met a couple of years ago. They had been the owners of NB Burghley Girl whom we’d towed, they now hire a couple of times a year.

NB Southern Cross stopped to top up our coal supplies

Mick ended up nudging along, due to a neighbour deciding that they’d be deaf. A third of a mile further along the noise was gone, or maybe their reason for being noisy had moved on and they were alone again!

Friday. More lighting, in fact rehearsals were moved away from the stage so that there would be time to catch up on amending the lighting rig. By the end of the day they’d managed to get ahead of themselves. Luckily the lights didn’t go out on stage until the evening so plenty of things got painted in full light before I had to resort to a head torch.


Mick and Tilly continued onwards to Braunston. The Bangers spire showing itself before Braunston Turn.

Mick’s managing without a navigator thankfully

There was space to moor outside Midland Chandlers so Mick picked up a stern navigation light which will get wired in properly sometime over winter. He then pootled onwards to find somewhere nice for Tilly to head off and explore for the rest of the day.

Saturday. A long day for me. I was first in the building. Checking what scenery would be needed for rehearsals today so as not to get the wrong things painty.

Some carbs to keep me going

Several things were finished off today before the lights went back out for Mark to finish focusing the lights. I was then hot on his heals, not wanting to be in the theatre into the early hours.

The stage was swept and then mopped. After two weeks of rehearsals the paint was really rather mucky. Unfortunately the stage ended up getting a much wetter wash than I was expecting and trying to mop up any excess water had the possibility of lifting the cobbles I’d already painted. So whilst it dried I got on with other bits.

Lining in with the aid of a stick

Once dry I added a touch more colour to some of the cobbles and then started to black line them all. When I start doing something like this I think it’ll take about 90minutes, but I always under estimate. Luckily a chap came to pick up some costume tails and this gave me a chance to stand upright and notice the time! I had another two visits from people checking on me before it got too late.

Soup and a bagel whilst watching paint dry

A stop to have some soup, as is the tradition on floor painting nights, hoping everything would be dry once I’d finished. Then the first coat of glaze was quickly followed by the second, maybe a little bit too quickly, but I really didn’t want to be waiting another hour. Fingers crossed I’ve not been too quick.

Finished apart from a little bit of gold in the corners

Mick on the other hand had a far more relaxed day.

He’d considered pulling in before Hillmorton Locks at what we call Bridget’s Mooring. But the mooring already had two felines so he kept moving and opted to descend the three locks and pull in close to Rugby golf club. Tilly could have fun trying to see what was at the bottom of the holes.

Sunday. Mick nudged up towards Rugby hoping that the internet signal would improve for the Geraghty zoom this morning. For me it’s a day of rest. Someone is in the theatre rehanging doors and adding handles, but I’m just taking it easy updating the blog. Getting to Rugby was proving quite hard, getting back even harder for work Monday morning. Hopefully next weekend I’ll have a bit more time.

Later I may watch GBBO and do some of the crochet blanket I haven’t touched since I was last in Chippy. I’ve hobbled up the hill to M&S for something nice for my evening meal. I suspect I’ll be having an early night before panto gets going again tomorrow.

24 locks, 35.57 miles, 1 straight, 1 left, 1 nav light, 1 deep stealer, 1 paddle reported, 1 stoppage, 1 paddle mended, 1 full diesel tank, 1 roof full of coal, 6 long days, 1 bus, 2 bottles wine, 1 floor finished, 1 funeral, 1 missing, 1 poorly outlaw, 1 gangplank, 1 prow, 2 arches, 2 rocks, 1 cut song sheet, 1 day off.