Category Archives: River Ouse

Foreboding Forecast. 22nd August

Museum Gardens to Naburn Lock Visitor Moorings

Opening the curtains this morning we gave a sign of relief, the level had dropped by a few inches, we could tell just by glancing across to the opposite bank. Over breakfast we checked out the levels upstream on the various rivers heading to join the Ouse, some seemed to have had a spike overnight and the only direction that water was heading was downstream to York! Hmmm!!

It’s boring this Yurck

The Saturday morning Geraghty Zoom topics included changing locks, Plymouth Argyle and whether Oblivion, Immune, Elite, Brethren or Richard would be the best way to spend eternity.

Adding the roof whilst cruising

Mick headed off for our Saturday newspaper and a few supplies to keep us going for the next few days. With things sorted we started to make ready to pull away. A few boats had already departed, most upstream and the trip boats were back out in force. Of course just as we were about to push off the heavens opened, this happened a couple more times before we gave up waiting.

Full 48 hours max

Winding we headed back downstream. Knowing that the level was still up we hoped that maybe just maybe some of the banks on the Ouse would be a touch higher. Our original planned mooring by the chilled medication boat was out as all the chains we’d thought of tying to were under water, in fact pretty much of all the hard bank is at the same level through York.

A wasted opportunity for moorings

As we progressed downstream we looked at gaps on pontoon moorings longingly. Yes we could most probably fork out for a mooring at York Marina, but we hoped that things wouldn’t get bad enough for such an outlay. Could we stop at The Ship Inn and make use of their mooring it would mean having to have another pub meal.

The only high wall in York

But no we carried on, the view of my Dad’s house much better today due to the higher level of the river, just a shame my camera wasn’t out at the time.

No chains to tie to

It rained then stopped, then rained again as we approached Naburn far quicker than we’d made it upstream a week ago.

Lock cut to the left, weir and pontoon the right

The floating pontoon on the lock island looked full with cruisers so we pulled in down the lock cut and tag ourselves onto the end, leaving plenty of space for the river bus to pull in and moor.

Happy now

About bloomin time, shore leave again! Trees, friendly cover and a new discovery conkers! A bit spiky for pawball, but good for chasing. It felt good to be back out in the outside again and away from Yurck!

We checked the levels and projected levels in York. Hmmm, still not good. I measured how much of the concrete edge was above the water, added our draught and calculated that the river would have to rise another meter before we’d be in serious danger of floating over the bank.

Just a shame Tilly was out

Tilly was too busy to come home so we snuck out, leaving the pram cover open should she return whilst we were out. No sign of a Lock Keeper. We walked over to check out the pontoon, space for a narrowboat, but this would mean no shore leave for Tilly! We decided to stay put, loosening our ropes as and when needed, another cruiser soon turned up and filled the space.

33cm before the level comes over the mooring

A catch up chat with the London Leckenbys making plans for next week. Here’s hoping the levels drop by then and that the sun comes out as it would be so lovely to be able to sit out with them either at the camp site or by Oleanna.

During the afternoon and evening more boats arrived from York, pulling in where they could and keeping their ropes loose. We decided that now would be a good time to empty our yellow water tank before the levels rose anymore. So Mick was just about to set everything up when a chap from the boat in front came for a chat, it always happens, even in flood conditions!

The weir

They bought their boat a few days ago from Acaster Malbis and so far have been to Naburn Marina to fill with diesel and then to the lock. As they are new to boating the Lock Keeper had suggested that they wait for the neap tides before heading down the tidal Ouse. They plan to have a pootle up river everyday until the tides are right so as to get used to how the boat handles, they’ve also been watching people turning into Selby on Youtube. Mick suggested that they should loosen their ropes as the level was set to rise even further.

Some chicken thighs that had been lurking at the bottom of the freezer for a touch too long had been defrosted and were popped into my dutch oven and left to bubble away on Gas mark 0.5 for a few hours. All the time we kept checking the levels and forecast levels. The tape measure came out and confirmed the changing readings on the Live Flood Site.

Love this plant pot

At Viking Recorder, which is by Lendal Bridge, the forecast levels prompted the site to say Prepare for Flooding. These levels are more intended for buildings than boats, so the level on the river would be a problem to us sooner than to the bricks and mortar. The levels gradually continued to rise.

On one of the facebook groups someone mentioned that they were by Lendal Bridge and that their boat had tilted necessitating loosening their ropes. Numerous comments suggested that they should move to a higher bank, Kings Staith perhaps. They adjusted their ropes and made sure they were tied off on the boat so that they could be adjusted should the need arise again.


We kept an eye on things loosened our ropes more and put rubber pipe fenders out, these sink rather than float. Last check on levels before turning the light out at midnight 1.21m, 24 cm higher than when we first arrived, another 0.75m before we would be heading for trouble. Going up is all very well, it’s the coming down when serious problems can happen. We started to think how to attach poles and planks to the side of Oleanna so that we wouldn’t drift over the bank.

0 locks, 5.58 miles, 6 zoomers, 1 newspaper, 1 wet cruise, 1 house more visible, 0 chains, 1 slightly higher bank, 2 new boaters, 1 empty wee tank, 18 inches higher than a week ago, 8 inches even higher by midnight, 2 very loose ropes, 1 tasty curry, 1 happy cat, 2 boaters dreaming of planks and poles, 1 river still rising!

Half Way Up The 48 Hours. 21st August

Museum Gardens

The voice of Houdini woke us this morning, Mick was to be on the 8:57 train to Scarborough to visit the dentist, so there was no lounging around in bed with a cuppa for him. A peek out of the window revealed that the level had risen again overnight, only what looked like a couple of inches, we’d still have at least another foot before we’d be getting wet feet on the moorings here. Gaugemap was checked along all the tributaries up stream before Mick committed to his journey eastwards. I’d not be too keen on moving Oleanna on my own should the level rise!


Today was to be windy, very windy. Tilly and I got on with the normal morning routine, keeping an eye on the other side of the river for the level and being buffeted about somewhat.

On the other side of Lendal Bridge is where all the trip boats get moored overnight, at the tail end all the little red hire boats are huddled up together. I was quite surprised when these had been moved mid morning, then at intervals of 10 to 15 minutes one would pass by. The strong winds which we’d not consider moving in didn’t seem to be a problem for them. Then the trip boats started to do their rounds, adding to the swell on the river.

Rising levels

It was a bumpy morning, a little unsettling so I needed to keep myself occupied. As I was expecting visitors I decided to give Oleanna a tidy and sweep through, not that anyone would be coming onboard, but it did the job of keeping my eyes away from checking the level constantly. A batch of biscuits were popped in the oven and had just cooled off when there were voices outside.

Halfway up

Jaye and Duncan had come for a cuppa and a catch up, other than briefly last night it’s just over a year since we last saw them. If the weather had been more conducive I’d have made refreshments for us to enjoy on the river bank watching the world go by. This was still a vague hope, but was soon replaced with heading into town to find a cafe.

Duncan suggested Spring Espresso on Lendal, a small cafe. They couldn’t move two tables together for us, but we could use two tables which was just fine helping us all to keep our distance.


Eggs Benedict with spinach and mushrooms, the poached eggs cooked perfectly, yummy!

There was lots to catch up on, theatre, friends, tenants, our travels etc. which meant trying to eat got in the way a touch.

As we were nearly finished another Scarborough face appeared at the door. Georgie used to work at the SJT and is now a Producer for York Mediale an International Media Arts Festival that is held every year. She spotted Jaye and Duncan and then did a second take when she saw me. It was lovely to see her even if it was very brief as she was meeting with an artist.

Duncan and Jaye

A lovely lunchtime meeting and catch up with good friends. Back at Oleanna the level still looked pretty much the same. More checks on Gaugemap and the Governments river and sea levels site. Looking at the Viking Recorder levels there is a forecast level, this was due to remain steady for a while but later today to rise by half a meter. Because of this when Mick had seen his dentist he cycled to the house, picked up post and cancelled an appointment with a plumber so that he could be back sooner, just in case we needed to move.

The ‘Yay’ train

At 14:24 I got a text message. Mick was on the ‘Yay!’ train. When he worked in York, pre-boating days, he commuted from Scarborough by train, there was a ‘Yay’ train and a late train. Today trains were two hours apart, they may have more carriages but his return journey was quite busy.

We had a walk around the block so that I could see the new footbridge. Built with social distancing in mind it is wonderfully wide. Built from steel and fashionable rusted metal it does the job well. Mick reckons the bridge would have saved him at least five minutes each way on his commute, so he’d have managed the ‘Yay’ train more often.

Leeman Road sorting office

Some post had arrived at the house for our old tenant, so this needed returning. Handily Leeman Road sorting office still has a late collection even if it’s clock is wonky. As a child it was exciting to climb in the car with Dad and come to post a letter late at night, imagining there to be someone just behind the post box who would stamp it with a postmark, sort it and send it on it’s way to arrive before 8am somewhere.

The bar walls are all one way, I pity the person who lost their coat during their circular perambulation, would they have to walk ALL the way back round to pick up their coat?

As the streets seemed that bit emptier we decided to go a touch further. A patch of unkempt riverbank behind Coney Street needed investigating. Could this be where York City Council could install some pontoons for boaters?

Coney Street used to be THE shopping street in York, now the number of empty shops is scary. A chap disappeared down a slope between WH Smith and Boots, this was where we needed to be. A steep narrow concrete ramp led down to the river, the walls on either side showing grooves from many deliveries.

At the end mesh fencing stopped us from checking out a set of steps down into the river and caged delivery bays now host bicycle racks. The chap came out with his bike, ‘There’s nothing down here!’ Well actually he was wrong. Should anyone ever decide to provide flood safe moorings for visitors in York here would be an ideal spot. Unused river frontage, steps (that would need replacing) and access up to Coney Street along with a very old WH Smith logo.

Waterstones has moved, the public toilets in Parliament Street have been demolished and replaced with portacabins, just as ugly as their predecessors. The pavement along this stretch was surprisingly uneven, up and down. I wonder if there are plans to try to level this out, maybe loose the trees that were planted in the 70’s 80’s, the fountain from then has gone.

Betty’s World Famous Fat Rascals

A glance in at Betty’s tearoom is always a must. They looked busy but could have coped with two more. When we got back to Oleanna the level looked to have dropped just a touch more, ‘max’ on the mooring sign, was now just about above water. We’ll see what happens overnight.

Minstergate and the Minster

0 locks, 0 miles, 2 trains, 1 filling, 2 visitors, 3 more mentions, 2 photos, 1 rising river, 1 dropping river, 1 very blowy day, 2 poached eggs, 1 surprise meeting, 2 lovely hours, 1 wide bridge, 1 top hat with covid visor, 1 solution for York mooring if only the council gave 2 hoots!

Green and Blue. 20th August

Linton Lock to Museum Gardens, York

Not being early risers is an advantage when having neighbours breasted up against you. Yesterday we’d discussed what sort of time we’d be wanting to make a move and 10/11 was a welcomed time, we could hear them moving about and the crew of NB Gandja pushed off a little after 10am.

A much better outlook this morning

A walk down to the lock to check our markers for levels was needed before we were going to move. At first glance we could see that the level had dropped overnight, the hard edged mooring was visible again, no longer covered in froth. This all felt inviting, a quick check of gaugemap suggested the tributaries of the Ouse were also coming down. Good news.

A load of washing was put on, delaying our departure as we’d wait for the load to be nearly finished, so that we could top up the water tank before passing the last water point before York. The sun being out and the port side being against the pontoon I had enough time to put some undercoat on the rust spots of the grab rail.

Patches of undercoat

Areas masked off, paint stirred up I started. It was maybe a little bit too warm as the paint didn’t flow as nicely as I would have liked, but at least the next protective layer was going on.

At the lock the bottom gates were open, someone was coming up and taking their time, even more time for me to finish the painting before moving off. It was a lady under tuition on a cruiser, they had come up from York, would do the lock and then return, but we were welcome to use the lock in the mean time.

A large branch had found it’s way into the lock, so it would be accompanying us down. Mick kept an eye on it as I closed the gates and then started the arm aching turning of the bottom gate paddles. Blimey they are heavy and repetitive! I wound and wound, the cruiser returned and tied up on the pontoon we’d just left.

Not the best photo

A glance down to see how things were going. There jammed between the gate we’d be wanting to open and the wall was the branch, eight foot above the water! Now if you’d tried to do that it would have been impossible! Would it move when I wound the gate open? Or would it stop this from being possible? Hmm.

The chap from the cruiser went to get a rope, he was going to test his lassoing skills. A loop was dangled down to try to slip round a short branch, then hopefully a tug and it might just come free. Mick moved Oleanna as far away as possible and the fishing started.

From the side we could see that a little more length of rope would be advantageous as the end of the loop was just missing the aimed for limb. Nearly, nearly. The gongoozlers held their breath, Yes! Now would the blooin’ thing budge?! A couple of yanks lifted it just enough, dropping off the line and into the water. Hooray!!! Cheers all round. We just hoped it wouldn’t still be in the way when opening the gate.

Mick managed to get Oleanna’s bow across and behind this gate so the other one could be opened and as he went past he grabbed the branch with a boat hook and pulled it out of the lock. Job done.

View from the pontoon

Oleanna was moved over to the lock landing/water point and nestled up to the widebeam. They had paid for a mooring below the lock and were waiting for family to join them this weekend. Mrs Widebeam had become nervy over night with the rising levels and they were considering moving up to be above the lock.

Linton church

With water tank now full we pushed off, extra umph required due to the wind and current coming from the weir. Then we were on our way back to York our winding way bright green and blue in the sunshine.

The levels were higher and our speed much increased with the flow downstream. We tried remembering where wooden structures had stuck up out of the water a few days ago so we could avoid them.

Trip to the beach

Plenty of people were out on Beningborough beach, swimming, paddling a nice day out. Our journey took us two and a half hours including filling with water and removing the branch, so not bad going.

Skelton Bridge

As soon as we reached Clifton Bridge the number of boats on the river increased, red self drive, three trip boats, York Marina cruiser day boats. Busy.

Before Scarborough Railway Bridge a digger was scraping the friendly cover off the angled stone bank. The bucket then would be emptied into a waiting lorry. As it wanted to move along, the bucket was put into the back of the lorry and was used to push it along. Hope the towpath stays level!

Scarborough Railway and Lendal Bridge

The moorings at the bottom of Museum Gardens had spaces. Two beeps of the horn to warn those on the river we were turning to face upstream, then we came in, in between a couple of big cruisers.

Before winding to moor up

It seems we’d timed our arrival well as within a few minutes a couple more cruisers arrived followed by a widebeam. Boats swapped places and everyone found a mooring. The rings available to us meant our lines were big outies, with not much extra should they need to be loosened. Not ideal on an already high river. But once some shuffling had been done by other boats we managed to pull back onto better rings giving ourselves plenty of slack should we need it.

So this is the City of Yurck!

A late lunch with a moaning cat, she’d hate it here and we weren’t willing to let her sus this for herself. The tyre fenders were deployed as we seemed to be nudging a submerged ledge. On our first trip to York we’d ended up having to be creative, using the life ring dangled between us and the bank, our tyres a much better solution.

We walked up into town for a few bits. The blue sky showing York off to it’s best. Just sooo many people, it’s places like here that need one way pavements. We did our best to weave our way around people, them keeping two abreast and us going single file.

Empty theatre

York Theatre Royal was very empty. They have a pop-up outdoor stage at the weekends on their patio. I’m glad the sideways trees have grown substantially since my mum ran the restaurant here, hopefully this will help keep out the traffic noise.

I had brought my mask, Mick having forgotten so today I had my first visit into a supermarket, even though a small one, since the end of March. I even had to go back in for something I’d forgotten!

A new sign

Our route back was down Marygate, far less footfall and I made note of a possible delivery address for a bigger shop next week.

Sitting quietly this evening, soon to eat, York suddenly became loud! The noise got louder, then people were knocking on Oleanna’s cabin side! We weren’t too alarmed as the voices were familiar. Duncan and Jaye our friends from Scarborough. They were just heading to The Star Inn The City for an anniversary meal, they knew we were about so stopped to say hello. Lovely to see them both and we’ll have more time to catch up tomorrow.

Before bed the ropes were loosened, levels made note of and everything either tied down or removed from the roof as 60mph winds are forecast for tomorrow.

1 lock, 10.05 miles, 1 full water tank, 1 load washing, 1 suitable gap, 2 tyres, 1 bored cat, 2 brief noisy visitors, 1 more mention of Duncan and there’s another!

The Good, The Sad And The Belated. 19th August

Oxclose Lock to Linton Lock, River Ouse

Pulling away

A quick check of levels, still in the green below Oxclose Lock time to make our move, we’ve got places to be!

Still in tthe green

The amount of water going over the top of the gates meant it was a two person job to get the lock open. Then we were off on our way downstream.

Newby Hall

The day started grey and misty, Newby Hall soon passed, our progress a touch quicker heading downstream along with the recent rainfall. A chap stood waiting for the first people to arrive wanting a boat trip. We then turned into Westwick Lock cut. Six years ago I’d had to clamber over moored work boats to get to the lock, but today there were no boats in sight, infact we only saw three boats moving all day.

Where we rejoined the main channel of river frothy icebergs floated in to join us. Cows slid down the banks to the river, one a touch too far, it was up to it’s neck with it’s mates huddled round above mooing encouragement to get out.

Gradually as the miles ticked off the sun started to show it’s face, we knew this wouldn’t last all day and hoped we’d be moored up long before it started to rain.

Boroughbridge No 9 on the right

No 9 was moored up in Boroughbridge opposite the red diesel pump. We didn’t stop carrying straight on to Milby Lock. Going down is far easier than going up, you just have to make sure you will miss the cill.

Oleanna descended on a diagonal, I open the other gate and Mick steers her out with a little bit of help of the bowthruster to get the bow past the closed gate. Extensions have been added to most lock gates round here. At Westwick there are metal bars that pull out and here at Milby extra wooden arms have been added, meaning all your effort on pushing and pulling is made easier, or just possible. I’d hate to think what they were like before the extensions were added.

Paddle boarders

Now we were down on the long reach to Linton. The River Swale came in to join the Ure from the north. Golfers crossed the river to reach their next hole, paddle boarders headed upstream, we slowed down for these guys.


Under Aldwark Bridge, only a couple of cyclists making the wooden planks rumble today. A gang of goats tasted the juiciest bits of grass on the river bank, far more nimble than cows or sheep.

Then where the almost unnoticeable Ouse Gill Beck joins the River Ure the river becomes the Ouse, a finger post pointing each way to mark the spot. Blink and you’d miss it, well we did on the way upstream!


A farmer was spreading muck in a field filling the air with a pungent aroma, we were glad to eventually get upwind of him. Then the moored boats of Linton came into view along with the spire of the church.

About to turn into the lock cut

There was space on the visitor moorings even though the broken down cruiser was still moored in the middle. We pulled in decided to stay here for the night. Below the lock we would have a couple of choices, the hard edge costing us £6 or head on hoping that the pontoon mooring at the Dawnay Arms would be free. We decided to stay put, the level below the lock looking higher than we’d thought it would be.

Over the moorings below the lock

Gaugemap had shown a rise of maybe 18 inches in York and we tried to work out where that would be compared to the moorings at the bottom of Museum Gardens, possibly nearly level. Had the river started to drop or was it staying on a level? Would the forecast rain mean it would rise more?

During our cruise I’d been keeping a look out for news from Chipping Norton regarding Panto. Sure enough this morning the postponement was announced on their website, the news gradually spread across their social media through the day.

Image may contain: text

A week ago John, their Artistic Director, had called to break the expected news to me. They had been holding on hoping that things would improve regarding the pandemic, that social distancing would be reduced, that guidance from the government would improve the possibility of mounting panto. But try as they might and I’m sure they have tried every single scenario of mounting panto, none would be viable and could end up being financial suicide. So Rapunzel is postponed to next year. They plan on doing a Christmas show on the back of a wagon in town, nowhere near their normal panto, but something to keep the locals amused. All very sad, but I had just been waiting for the phone call.

Stephen Joseph Theatre (Scarborough) - 2020 All You Need to Know ...

Then a ray of light for theatre came through the clouds regarding the Stephen Joseph Theatre in Scarborough. They are planning an autumn season as well as starting to show films again. A new play by John Godber, the cast being his family who have all been in a bubble since day one of lockdown. The Round auditorium will be socially distanced, reducing the 400 + capacity to 85, if the 2m rule is reduced then they will be able to seat another 100. Their Christmas show has been rewritten as a one woman show. All good news and I’m so glad that some theatres are finding ways to produce work.

Level marker

We had a walk around the lock, with no river level board below it is was hard to see how high the level has risen since we headed upstream a few days ago. We both made note of where it was sitting on lock gates and railings.

The widebeam that had been on the paid mooring had moved to the floating pontoon, both lock landing and water point. We watched as a narrowboat pulled up alongside. They breasted up and started filling with water, then the lady walked up to the lock and looked for space.

There was the space where we’d been before, but we’d already seen one boat use the slipway today. We offered for them to breast up to us.

Pulling in to the lock landing

Only one thing for it but to gongoozle and lend a bit of umph to open the top gates when the time came. NB Gandja pulled up alongside, gocart tyres between us, all settled for the night.

We still had somewhere to go. The Dawnay Arms. Kerry who runs the pub with her husband used to work at the Stephen Joseph Theatre restaurant in the early days, they have been running the pub for about ten years. I’d messaged ahead to see if their pontoon was empty, it turned out it was, but being on a bend of the river with the levels up I’d not fancied moving from the safety of the lock cut. This however meant we had a much longer walk to get there, in the rain!

A very nice pub

I’d booked our table ten days ago and was glad I had as with the Eat Out To Help Out deal they are now fully booked for the remainder of the month on Tuesdays and Wednesdays the rest of the week is pretty healthy too. The pub has plenty of space although they have had to reduce the number of covers they do, but they can still accommodate 40 inside and plenty more in the garden if the weather is nice.

It was lovely to see Kerry again, six years since we last visited. Despite them being busy she still had time to catch up with us. During lockdown they had started doing takeaways, frozen meals and became a village shop with meat, fish, fresh fruit and veg. I suspect they looked after the village very well.

The belated birthday boy

The menu was tempting and as expected the waiting staff knew exactly what I could eat without having to check in the kitchen, most things could be made gluten free. First thing was to check what puddings I could have, only one choice, but that sounded very tasty so we opted for main courses and puddings.

But was it to be a steak, they are very very good here, Yorkshire Dales Lamb or Beef Fillet. It had to be the beef fillet from the specials menu, with a side order of triple cooked chips to share between us. Normally we’d have shied away from the most expensive thing on the menu, but as Rishi would be paying £10 towards it we just had to. Another way of justifying it was that we’d not been able to go out for Mick’s birthday 3 months ago, so it was a belated Happy Birthday and we only come this way once every six years.

Wild mushrooms, spinach, red wine sauce and some exceptionally tasty smoked sweet potato puree accompanied the melt in your mouth fillet of beef. Yum.

Puddings, Mick had a white chocolate cheese cake with raspberry sorbet and I had double chocolate delice with raspberry ripple chilled medication. All exceptionally yummy. Well worth saving up over the next six years to visit again.

Our walk back to Oleanna was drier, just as well as our jeans had only just dried out. We checked the river level, but by now it was getting dark and a thick layer of froth covered the river below the lock. Here’s hoping things look better in the morning.

3 locks, 14.85 miles, 9 icebergs,15 goats, 1 possible otter, 1 speedy cruise, 1 rising river, 0 panto, 85 audience, 1 belated birthday treat, 2 fillets, 9 chips between 2, 2 puddings, £20 assistance from Rishi, 6 years, 2 boaters watching levels.

Your, You’re, Ure. 15th August

Linton Lock to Oxclose Lock, Ripon Canal

John and Marion accompanying us away from Linton Lock

We timed our departure this morning with the Geraghty Zoom so that we had some amusement whilst cruising the nine mile reach of the river. Topics today included, A levels, Theatre and quarantine exemptions in New York. As we cruised along up river we gave the family a forward view of the willow trees. We missed where the River Ouse becomes the River Ure, a small stream coming in from the west marks the point, so small it wasn’t spotted.

The most exciting part of our cruise, going under Aldwark Bridge sadly was missed by them all, as our connection kept being lost, this also meant we missed out on some of the conversations. Sitting inside with the laptop is much better as you get to see everyone, rather than just the person who is talking. But it helped us while away an hour.


Today was most certainly jeans and jumper weather, the temperature having plummeted from the heights of a few days ago and the sun had put itself into quarantine.

Some golfers crossed high above the river going from one hole to another and herds of cows stopped what they were doing to have a look at us and only one Kingfisher made the effort to amuse us today.

Milby Lock came into view. We’ve only been up this way once before, six years ago, and I’d forgotten how imposing this lock looks from below. It also is not our favourite lock. A cruiser (first boat seen today) pulled away from below which made us think the lock would be empty, but it wasn’t.

Milby Lock

Canoeists sat by the lock having a brunch of noodles, whilst others lifted their boats out of the water to leapfrog the lock. I wound the paddles up and had a good look at the lock as it emptied.

Back in 2014 we’d roped up in the lock, I’d headed to wind the same side paddle, which in most canal locks means your boat gets held against that side. Not being able to see anything in the lock I’d given my windlass two turns and headed over to check on things. Before I got there there was an almighty crash, chinkling of glass as the bow had launched at speed across the lock. Nothing obvious to us from outside we very slowly continued to fill the lock. Once we were up and out of the lock I headed inside to be greeted by Houdini (our second mate at the time) rushing towards me. She was desperate to let me know it wasn’t her fault! It turns out somehow our crash had dislodged the hopper half of a porthole which had jumped off the boat and smashed, now sitting at the bottom of the lock!

Dints and over hangs

So not wanting to repeat this my observations were important. There are risers on the starboard side of the lock, these are protected by timber rails either side, the one nearest the top gates stops some two three foot from the water level a possible place where your boat can get caught as it rises. Also here and on the other side are bowl shaped holes, presumably from where boats have time and time again hit the walls as the lock has filled. But the most important thing I did note was where the water would come into the lock, because the river level is a touch low at the moment I could see that it would be perfectly positioned to catch the bow of a narrowboat and push it across the lock.

Gently does it

With this knowledge Mick brought Oleanna in moved her stern across behind the starboard side gate, he roped up onto one of the risers and I gently lifted the port side paddle. Two chaps arrived to come down the lock, locals who I asked for confirmation that I was doing the right thing. At first I wound the paddle with one of the chaps keeping an eye on Oleanna, but then we swapped. Water was swilling across Oleanna’s well deck through the drain holes, so we lowered the paddle a bit until things calmed down. She gradually rose with no bumping, a touch of paddle adjustment was needed but we did it without loosing any windows. Phew!

Along the tree lined cut to Boroughbridge we must have passed three more cruisers, everyone having set off at a similar time. We pulled in on the off side to top up with diesel, Canal Garage has a pump just in view and a hose that swings out on an arm. The mooring is high so fine for most cruisers, but positioning a narrowboat facing upstream for the hose to reach is a touch problematical. In the end I had to untie the bow rope and push out. The hose just reached and we topped up with the garages best red at 64p a litre.

It was easier for us to push over to the other side to tie up before Mick headed back across the bridge to pay, he then headed into the town for our Saturday newspaper, the Spa shop having a big queue outside so a newsagent got our money.

After lunch we moved off again another three and a half mile reach of willow trees to keep us amused. Under the A1, more cows watching our progress then the bow of a narrowboat came into view.

The cratch looked familiar, I zoomed in, yep NB Billy. Clare picked up her binoculars to check us out, we both waved. Last seen on the curley wurlys of the Leeds Liverpool just over three weeks ago, we’d been wondering if our paths would cross again or had our slow progress meant they would be miles away by now.

See you again somewhere

There was time for a quick chat as our bows crossed, they’d had a good time up in Ripon including a visit to Fountains Abbey. Glad they enjoyed it. I suspect this will be the last time our paths cross this year, not sure which way they are heading now. Which ever way it is enjoy it and see you somewhere again.

A large creation sat on the river bank. More like an aircraft hanger than a boat with tarpaulined roof, admittedly with a few bits of timber and windows visible. We wondered if this was a house boat, boat or shanty town. As we got to the upstream end we discovered it was No 9 with a very natty bicycle rack on it’s roof.

Westwick Lock

Below Westwick Lock a widebeam was manoeuvring. Had they come down the lock backwards? Had they been picking people up? We weren’t sure but they pulled off up towards the weir stream and hung back for us to approach. They actually had right of way as facing upstream we can hold our position easier.

We worked our way up the lock opening the top paddles as I had done at Milby and it worked a treat.


Around the first bend we could see apple trees full of natures bounty. This is the orchard of Newby Hall. We wondered if they would notice a few missing for a crumble but soon realised we could hear people, so wouldn’t pull into their mooring to help ourselves. The Hall and grounds are open, people climbing on board the mini railway and trip boats were running upstream.

Boat trips

During World War 2 the Hall was reserved for the Royal Family should they have needed to be evacuated from London. There are gardens, orchards and a very fine house, originally built in 1690 by Sir Christopher Wren the house was then enlarged and adapted by John Carr and subsequently Robert Adam. The interior is a very fine example of 18th Century design, well worth a visit.

Newby Hall

As the hall disappeared behind us our way forward was sign posted. Left into an almost invisible cut whilst the river headed off looking far more inviting to our right. We followed the sign and soon arrived at Oxclose Lock the start of the Ripon Canal.

Oxclose Lock

We worked up the lock, lifting the panels in the upper walkway to open the gate as they slot neatly round the paddle gear. Above two boats were moored on the visitor moorings. Was there space for us?

The Ripon Canal is renowned for being well looked after, the Lock Keeper keeping everything smart and clean. Yes the grass around the lock could do with a cut, but the flower beds and shrubs looked neat and tidy. There were some new posts that the boats were moored to. A sign on the offside suggested that was the lock landing, so were these posts right up to the lock for mooring? We decided that yes they were, we’d also be leaving enough space behind us should anyone else need it.

This will do

It took Tilly a while to find a gap in the chicken mesh hidden in the sideways trees, but then she was off away from pesky woofers, shouting and climbing the trees, she took a little bit of persuasion to come in for her dingding when the time came.

Keeping an eye on woofers

The cruisers that had been down on the river returned along with the widebeam. We soon realised it was better if the lock was full as it was very noisy when empty. Then early evening the two boats ahead of us winded and headed up towards Ripon leaving us on our own. Soon we were left listening to rain falling for the first time in weeks.

3 locks, 14.93 miles, 1 river but 2, 1 canal, 1 hour off and on of zoom, 1 horrid lock, 107 litres, 64p, 1 newspaper, 1 Billy, 2 waving boaters, 2 trip boats, 4 apples wouldn’t go amiss, 3 hours shore leave, 1 tiny cat sized hole, 27 trees, 1 kingfisher, 1 helicopter.

Bridging The Ouse. 14th August

Naburn Lock to Linton Lock

Once breakfast was over it was time to make a move upstream. We have done the route into York on Lillian twice, however I know the river better from the banks on this side of the city. This is where I grew up, over looking the river which I was taught to respect from a very early age. Things change, but along this stretch only the trees seem to grow bigger and higher than in my childhood. The advantage of living beside a flood plain is no new chimneyless houses have popped up.

Lines of cruisers

From Naburn the riverside moorings are full of white shiny cruisers all their pointy noses facing upsteam. Acaster Malbis has houses to match with big gardens stretching down to the river.

York Marina busy

There were tents and gazebos at York Marina and they seemed to be doing a roaring trade, most probably in teas and coffees overlooking the river.

The wire sculpture of a fisherman and his dog on Naburn Railway Bridge

We tried checking the price for diesel on their pump, but as it serves both petrol and diesel I couldn’t tell which cost £1.65 a litre! We’ll hang on till Boroughbridge.

The west bank of the river now becomes more interesting, lots of different sorts of boats, all the moorings individual clinging onto the high bank. In some places it’s like a shanty town, it must take years, decades to collect the stuff some have piled high. Others have new swiss style sheds that have sprung up during lockdown, their fresh yellow wood waiting for the winter to be toned down by nature.

Archbishops Palace. We used to walk down the east bank with the dogs and stand and look at the Palace. At 7 or 8 I never thought about who lived there, but today neither of us knew who the new Archbishop of York was, I had to look it up! We knew John Sentamu had retired after 15 years, now Stephen Cottrell is the 98th Archbishop, I believe he took on the position early in the summer. Four years ago scarecrows stood in the riverside garden, today it just looked neat.

Not the nicest bridge to cross the river

The A64 then crosses the river, I remember the days before this was built and then the gradual increase in traffic across it which could be heard from our house, it also supposedly blocked out the tiny view of the palace from my parents bedroom. A brave runner ran against the traffic high above us, then she popped up again on the east bank keeping pace with us as we headed upstream.

Fulford Hall

Fulford Hall, now apartments sits on the bend where the trip boats used to wind. Then I could just make out Landing Lane (Lovers Lane when I was a kid) between the trees. My Dad in his latter years felt he’d achieved a good walk if he reached the benches here for a rest, I think Bramble his dog was glad of the rest too, accompanied by a restorative square of liver cake Dad made especially for her. He was also very popular with all the other local woofers.

Wonder if they were looking for the penny Harald dropped in 1066

Today two chaps were magnet fishing off the little beach here. This is where the Battle of Fulford took place in 1066. King Harald III of Norway and Tostig Godwinson, his English ally, fought and defeated the Northern Earls Edwin and Morcar in September that year. It is estimated that 1650 died in the battle, so there may be interesting things to find on the river bed. Recently Fulford Parish Council had a crowdfunding attempt to buy some of the land for the community. But sadly even though they reached their target their funds were out bid at auction. I hope the new owner realises what they have.

There it is

Just a short distance on it was time to very gently coast upstream. We kept our eyes peeled for a house set back, peeking above the friendly cover on the banks. To either side of my family home are big houses, my Dad’s house much smaller, but somehow, my Dad’s is the only one you can get a clear view of from the river. The window visible is my parents bedroom, the room where I was born.

Fenwicks Lane in 2013

In the last year or so the current owner has added a bedroom to the back and altered the conservatory, as part of the building works new larch cladding has replaced the old original wood which had darkened with age. The house my Dad designed and built is still there.

Millennium Bridge

Onwards to the Millenium Bridge a possible mooring that needed checking out. We’ll need to be a touch creative with our mooring as other than a chain there is nothing to tie to. We checked the depth and that was good too, the fact that we’d be moored close to a chilled medication boat has nothing what-so-ever to do with it!

Now we were joined on the river by trip boats and day hires doing circles. We managed to avoid them.

The blue of Blue Bridge just visible

The Blue Bridge over the end of the River Foss has recently been away for restoration and it looks like a temporary bridge had been installed. The Foss Barrier behind is sadly closed due to work being carried out on it, we’d been toying with a little trip up as far as you can get, but that will have to wait for another time.

A classy car

We spotted a weather vein on top of my best friend Emma’s house, sure this wasn’t there when the Snowdons were residence.

If anyone fancies buying us a big present one day

A rather lovely looking Dutch Barge sits on the Clementhorpe bank. If we were ever to win the Lottery we would love to own one of these for the large waterways. Their lines are just so lovely, of course we would keep Oleanna meaning we could still climb over the Pennines.

Skeldergate Bridge, which recently we found out that the northern most arch used to have a lifting section to it to allow taller boats access to the busy quaysides upstream, this last opened in 1975. Originally a toll bridge which replaced a busy ferry it opened in 1881 and was designed by Thomas Page, it was the third modern bridge in the city. The bridge became toll free in 1914, the citizens of York were so happy they held a regatta to celebrate.

Kings Staith was busy as always, well apart from when it’s flooded! All the trip boats and hire boats were out and plenty of people were sat out enjoying the sunshine. Here is another possible mooring, but with ladders to climb to get on and off Oleanna we are unlikely to use it.

Ouse Bridge, image from the internet

Under Ouse Bridge the oldest of the bridges in York. This is where the first bridge across the Ouse stood in the ninth century. Several versions have followed including one that in 1367 had the first public toilets in the country installed. The current Ouse Bridge was built in 1821.

York Press used to be printed here

The back of Coney Street, the main shopping street from my youth follows along. The old printworks for the York Press and the Mansion House all back onto the river before Lendal Bridge, another crossing designed by Thomas Page.

This was the second bridge to cross the river, its original foundation stone was laid in 1860, during it’s construction disaster struck and it collapsed killing five men. The bridge was rebuilt to Thomas Page’s design and opened in 1863. The new bridge put the Lendal ferryman out of business, he was paid compensation of £15 and a horse and cart.

How did that picture get in there?!

The moorings along the bottom of Museum Gardens is the most popular place to tie up in York, nothing to do with the other chilled medication boat being moored here. Today we’d have managed to squeeze in, but here was not our chosen mooring for the day, we still had quite a few miles to go.

Scarborough Railway Bridge

A trip boat had pulled out ahead of us and now took it’s time to give it’s commentary on the Scarborough Railway Bridge, with it’s new footbridge that leads into the station platforms. Past the bridge the trip boat sped up and we followed until it reached Clifton Bridge where it winded, giving it’s horn signal mid manoeuvre!

Winding at Clifton Bridge

The river is now surrounded by willow trees, many having shed large branches into the water, luckily most still attached to the bank so not a hazard to us today. Under Skelton Railway Bridge which takes the East Coast Main Line up towards Newcastle and Edinburgh, no trains obliged for a photo.

Kingfishers were about again today, darting across the rivers surface keeping us amused whilst nothing much else could be seen. Then a few trees other than willows showed on the banks of the river, a house and then a tight turn to the right where the River Nidd joins the Ouse and sandy banks encourage dogs and children to swim. Here is the boundary to Beningborough Park in which sits Beningborough Hall a National Trust property we visited in 2014 .

We were surprised to see the pontoon for The Dawnay Arms empty on a Friday afternoon, but then again they are closed during the afternoon. Here’s hoping it is empty on our return as we’ll be stopping to treat ourselves to a meal here.

Fishing waist deep

Below Linton Lock the river widens out and is very shallow. Buoys mark the shallow water and fishermen were taking advantage to wade their way out to tempt the fish to their lines. I hopped off at the pontoon and walked up to set the lock.

Wheels, paddles raised

The mechanism for the bottom gate paddles is an unusual one. Horizontal wheels on the gates need to be turned to raise the paddle below the water. This takes quite some time to do, then the lock takes quite a while to empty. Once I was certain it had levelled out it was time to open the gate. This is windlass operated so if your arms weren’t tired enough from turning the wheels they would be by the time you’d got the gate shifted. I’ve made a mental note to try the other gate when we come back as it may not rest on the ground quite as much, hopefully it will be easier.

Oleanna all the way over there

Then there is everything to close up before you start filling the lock, those wheels to spin closed and the gate to wind shut. I looked longingly at the large cool glasses of beer sat in front of people by the lock, they looked so good!

The position of the ground paddles is quite a distance away from the lock, this makes it impossible to see what is happening as you raise the paddle. With no sight of Mick or Oleanna I wound the paddle several times then checked over the gate, a bit more, check again, a bit more and so on. I think it increased my steps for the day. Slowly Oleanna rose, still quite a distance down in the lock when the levels equalised.

Rising in Linton Lock

We’d been hoping for a space on the visitor pontoon here. Two cruisers seemed to be taking up most of the space, but was there more room further on. Mick headed off whilst I closed up the lock. Just after the cruisers was a space big enough for us, even if the pontoon ran out and we’d be overhanging the slipway, it would do for us tonight.

1 lock, 15.71 miles, 1 palace, 9 bridges, 1 birth place, 1 Daddy Fatso house still there, 1 day reminiscing, 2 moorings checked out, 2 chilled medication boats, 1 sunny day, 1 home city, 1 table booked, 2 wheels, 0 view, 1 boat squeezed in, 1 very late lunch, 0 shore leave, 5 Kingfishers, 300+ photos today.

Balaclavas At The Ready. 13th August

Selby Swing Bridge to Naburn Lock, River Ouse

As Mick opened a kitchen window this morning a wonderful cool breeze spread through the boat, air at last.


Our delivery arrived a little after 10am. The address given had been for the recycling centre, so as the van arrived and turned down the road opposite us I could see Mick running after the driver. The van turned round and parked up, the layby by us being full.

Fresh produce was sorted from that that could be quarantined, the only problem where to quarantine things? Normally they sit in the well deck under the cratch for a few days, whilst on canals this has worked fine, but today I’d be wanting a touch more space should we need to deploy the anchor on tidal waters, it may also rain so some things just couldn’t be stored there.

Why is there a forest in here?

A rearrangement was needed, the plants, hose, ash can etc all came inside, the shower tray making for a green house for the afternoon. With everything now in a place it could stay we moved off, through the swing bridge towards Selby Basin. Tilly sat in the window and waved to her admirers as Oleanna passed through.

Boats on the visitor moorings were haphazardly positioned meaning we couldn’t get to the water point without sitting on the pump out mooring. We’d happily move should someone need it. Rubbish, water tank, yellow water all dealt with. The boat swept through, bathroom the once over then the final job of preparation, zipping together Tilly’s Escape Pod.

Escape Pod!!

The excitement was great, she even tried to climb inside before I’d zipped the bottom to the sides. The top went on and she was the happiest cat in the whole wide world.

Ready to go

The Lock Keeper arrived and opened up his hut, so we walked over to say hello, check that he knew it would be NB Oleanna not NB Pollyanna heading up to Naburn today. We were accompanied by the chap who was in two minds, although he’d made his mind up now. Recently he’d had a bowthruster installed and there seems to be a leak from his water tank into where the motor sits, he needs to do some work to sort this.

In the lock and about to go down

We talked of return tides at the end of the month, our chosen day not so good so we may have to stay in York a day or two longer. I’m sure we’ll keep ourselves busy. We were warned about the amount of debris floating about on the river, normally on neep tides this isn’t such a problem.

Final checks, life jackets on, anchor easy to deploy. The bottom gates of the lock were unlocked, top gates opened, we headed in for our descent onto the incoming tide. We were to be the only boat heading upstream today from Selby, nothing big would be about as the rail bridge doesn’t swing in hot weather.

Bye bye Selby

The lock emptied. The Lockie warned us of a passing tree, then we were free to head out into the flow. Oleanna rocked as she met the sideways force, pushing the bow round to face upstream. We were on our way.

Bloomin tree!

However the tree that had just gone past was taking it’s time. We were moving faster than it! Mick slowed us right down, even a burst of reverse to try to get the tree from our bow. We sat stationary with the tree as the tide moved onwards around us! Gradually it moved and we were able to nudge it to one side. It accompanied us through Selby Railway Bridge. We really didn’t want it with us at the Toll Bridge where the arches are narrower and the water is faster flowing. More reverse and gentle nudging, then a burst of power and we were free at last!

The muddy banks surrounded us, trees and wharfs as we made our way round the first couple of bends.

A muddy log flume

‘Forest off the Port bow!’ Blimey it was like a log flume out there, so many branches and trees joining the flow. ‘Spiney to the starboard side’. Chicanes of wood accompanied us upstream for a good few miles. I put a flag on my map to mark the position of a very large tree, next week the tides will be very high so it will be interesting to see if it moves.

Mick checked our speed, 7mph, we were speeding! A few revs less. The tide carries you along, but you still need to power to be able to steer. Our first trip up the Ouse was with a stronger tide and more boats. The currents and confused water a new thing to us then, pushing us right out on bends and slowing us when not expected. In the last six years we’ve crossed the Douglas and Ribble, cruised the Trent several times and been up to York twice. Our last time on tidal waters was the Trent early last year when we wore balaclavas, today t-shirts and shorts were more appropriate.

Cawood Swing Bridge

After 8 miles we rounded a bend, the first houses visible on the bank above, Cawood. Mick lined us up for the bridge, we were ready to wave at the bridge keeper, but he had his head down as we sped past.

A couple of Kingfishers if you look closely

The banks gradually become lower, gaps in trees, but with the tide still coming in there are no views really to be had. The river gets narrower, the flow still with us for some way. We’d already seen a couple of Kingfishers, I’d pointed my camera to where I thought they’d landed and got lucky. Now on the higher reaches of the river Herons fished and more Kingfishers showed themselves. Today turned into a Kingfisher record day, nine seen darting along the river brightening up the grey day no end.

Our VHF radio crackled away chatting to Selby Toll Bridge. It sounded like we were being followed, most probably a cruiser who would fit under the bridge without too much of a problem with the tide coming in.

At Acaster Selby a barn looked like it’s roof had been rolled back and the farm house showed it’s roof beams to the world.

Now on Moreby Reach we met the boats heading downstream, first three cruisers all in a line. Then a couple of narrowboats, we all waved to each other.

Moreby Hall

High up on the east bank sat a building we’ve not noticed before, Moreby Hall a Grade 2* 19th Century manor house. There seemed to be building work going on, skips and a couple of containers outside. It seems like it is now a hotel. I can find details of it being 3 star but also 5 star. Maybe it is going to be relaunched. Some photos available here of the interior when it was last on the market.

A more obliging Kingfisher

The VHF radio came to life. Something about turning back, we weren’t quite sure what was being said, our reception a bit crackly. Then Naburn Lock was talking to someone else, a cruiser, they were being asked to wait. Another conversation in which we heard that the lock was in someone’s favour, presumably a boat that had turned back, presumably one of the boats we’d passed.

Naburn Lock

Mick decided to let the Lock Keeper know we were close, to which we were told to pull into the lock on the port side. This we did, the Lockie suggesting which riser to use at the bow. We took our time, passing a rope round at the bow, then Mick had threw the stern lineup which was tied to the top of a lock ladder, the lock too deep to pass it back down to Mick to hold. We then had a wait.

After about ten minutes the second cruiser we’d passed appeared, limping into the lock. It was their first trip onto tidal water and had been following their friends boat after leaving the lock. Something had hit his prop, the whole thing was juddering if he went above tickover. Obviously he wasn’t happy to continue down the river to Selby with the tide which was about to turn. With no weed hatch he wasn’t able to have a look, he’d need to come out of the water.

A happy Oleanna to be in Naburn

With them safely in the lock the gates were closed and we gently rose up to Naburn height. The semi detached lock keepers cottage looking over the lock cut. The square building that when we were last here had been empty, now looks like it may be a cafe, plenty of gongoozlers, some of whom were waiting to go down onto the river in their big cruisers.

Moored at the end

We pulled out of the lock first and headed to the far end of the visitor moorings. Tilly was let out and a game of Pechow! was played up on the bank. Here was a timetable for the river bus which runs on Saturdays, we’d not seen anything saying not to moor where we were on the moorings.

What’s up here

Of course then about half an hour after we’d settled the river bus arrived! Winding right alongside us, there was plenty of space behind us for them to pull in. Mick chatted to the skipper asking if we were in their way. We were.

Good t

Mick pointed out that there was no notice reserving the mooring when you arrive by boat. The visitor mooring signs currently hidden behind long grass actually suggest that where we were moored would be a 14 day mooring. At least there would be no more river bus trips until Saturday, when we’ll be long gone.

Are we in the way?

2 locks, 14.15 miles, 14 on tidal water, 1 swing bridge holding up 7, 1 full water tank, 1 empty wee tank, 0 rubbish, 2 many floating trees, 3 cruisers, 2 narrowboats, 1 returning cruiser, 5 herons, 9 kingfishers, 1 coconut, 1 boat in the way.