Viking Marina, Goole
Late yesterday a boat transporter arrived, backed into the maintenance area opposite us and stayed parked up overnight. This morning Geoff was busy with the boat lift.

The wagon pulled forward, then Geoff followed with the yellow cruiser. The boat suspended over the trailer, inched forward. Pads were moved around, adjusted to fit the shape of the hull, then gradually the boat was lowered. Straps added and eventually the wagon pulled away, turning round the buildings to exit the marina.

This wasn’t where Geoff stopped though. He seemed to spend much of the remainder of the day moving cruisers about. We now have two small cruisers just in front of us, each one taking quite some time to get sorted with wooden supports which had to be brought by forklift.
Onboard Oleanna Mick busied himself with the washing. The washing drawer already getting full after being back on board for a couple of weeks. Being on shore power he was going to make the most of what time we have left. I’m not sure how many loads went through the machine during the day, but it seemed to be going round constantly.

Mick cycled to Boyes to buy some oil and antifreeze. This meant he could now change the gear box oil, another maintenance job ticked off the list.
Then once the next load of washing was finished Mick put up the whirligig. This is most definitly (am I ‘H’? I can never spell the word!) a blue boy job. Hanging washing out on the whirligig when attached to the tiller is just that bit too high for me to manage. Tippy toes maybe, but over stretching ones back is not a sensible thing to do in my experience. So Mick gets to do the washing.
I busied myself working through my A4 sheet of model notes. A painted archway needed to be lowered, this was my biggest job. I still can’t decide whether to fade my cyc out to the sides with black or not. But by the end of the day the box of finished pieces was full, only a giant strawberry to finish off. This may not look that big, in fact it’s actual size is around about a standard strawberry size. But theatre models are made at 1:25. So this strawberry will end up being half a meter wide and nearly as high as a dining table!

During the afternoon David/Paul and Karl came to top up with diesel. Mick had quite a chat with David. It was decided that they would call ABP to book all three boats in to pen down on Friday. One phone call much better than three. We’re already booked in at Selby with the Lockie there.
Now all we have to do is finish the washing and pray for a calm day. We can cope with rain, hail even, but not wind! Currently the forecast is not on our side especially for when we plan to do Trent Falls. Postponing this leg of the journey though means that the tides get later and higher, which also means lower. All our digits are crossed hoping that all the weather people have got it wrong and that the jet stream will whisk away the on coming front leaving us with a nice calm day.

On a brighter note, we decided to book ourselves a meal for tomorrow night. Sometime earlier this year on arriving at the marina we’d noticed a big sign had gone up just outside the marina gates. Joan’s Home Kitchen collection point. What was this?

We had a look round on the internet and found her on facebook Joan’s Home Kitchen. A Chinese takeaway menu is published every couple of weeks with a limited amount of dishes, all of which look tasty. The only problem being that Chinese food isn’t always so good for a gluten free diet, but I really like it.
Sadly she isn’t open on Thursday, but is tomorrow. Mick gave her a call to ask about gluten free options. She was making suggestions of dishes that she could make gf for me, in the end we decided to have a chat in person. Well Joan’s boat is only about 25m away for us. There in the wheelhouse window her 5 star hygiene rating sticker.

We chatted through dishes that I could have without too much extra work for her and placed our order for tomorrow evening. Joan handed over a sample of her seafood dumplings for Mick to try. Blimey four! I have to admit I did try them despite their flour content. Very very nice. We are now very much looking forward to our meal being delivered tomorrow.
0 locks, 0 miles, 3 maybe 4 loads of washing, 10 litres oil, 1 shower brewing, 1 very bored cat, 1 empty box, 1 full box, 1 whacking great big strawberry, 0 digits left uncrossed, 4 dumplings, 1 chef across the way.
Here’s a little bit of footage from my Scarborough theatre roots about their reopening.