Category Archives: Birds

UB40 For Breakfast. 20th September

Limekiln Lock 42 to the Dane Aqueduct, Macclesfield Canal

Today had a touch of a musical theme to it.

UB40 with There’s a fish in mi bed what am I gonna do?

This morning a notice came through from C&RT, the locks at both ends of the Macclesfield Summit were to reopen this morning at 9am the level on the summit pound having been restored. Volunteer Ken had been right yesterday, in that it wouldn’t be long before they opened up again. Cruising Plan A31 could now be put into action. Just a shame that by early afternoon we’d had another notice from C&RT saying that due to vandalism and pounds being drained the Huddersfield Narrow was closed between locks 4E and 6E. We hope this will have been sorted by the time we get there.

Last uphill lock on the T&M

We pushed off a little after 11am, there was just one more of the Cheshire locks to ascend. I decided to work the lock and let Mick bring Oleanna up. Then it was the 90 degree right hand turn at the junction.

Last time we came along here, we still had covid restrictions, a group of friends sat outside on their balcony bundled up in coats. Today as we turned towards the Macclesfield Canal autumn arrived. Wind and the fluttering of leaves from the trees, we’ll soon be commenting on leaf porridge/soup.

The boat yard just before you turn to go over the Trent and Mersey has gone, the buildings look quite dilapidated and no boats are moored outside. Looking down across to where we’d come from, no-one had taken up our mooring yet. A giant weed island was tethered to the offside bank by rope, just where we were to pass an oncoming boat.

ABBA with Thank you for the burping the wind you’re giving

Walking all the way round

A Heritage Hire boat was just going up Hall Green Lock, all 1ft 3″ of it. With double gates at the top the chap walked round to the other end of the lock to open both gates and then when closing them he did the same. A very long way round when you can just walk over the stern of your boat to close the other gate, but that’s one of those things you pick up. They had difficulty moving off, would we?

Now on the Macc

I reset the lock, the woofers in the lock cottage woofed away as I clicked the paddles up. Should we stop for water here, no we’d do that in Congleton instead.

The first Macc bridge

Hall Green Bridge 92 is the first with the Macclesfield shaping. The bottom of the arch curves inwards towards the water and the sides of the bridge curve outwards to meet the ground. Lovely, just annoying that someone has moored their boat right in front of it!

Click the photo for details

Teapot Hall is for sale, and Rosie the boat that used to moor close by is nestled on a mooring a touch further away. I wonder if the tea pots are part of the sale? The first time we ever came this way we had another boat right up our stern, they soon asked to over take us hire boaters. We didn’t catch up the Heritage boat ahead, they were returning to base anyhow and I suspect our progress through bridge holes would be slower than theirs.

Tilly railings came into view, so did Ramsdell Hall. There was space for one more boat at the 2 day mooring, but we’d not travelled far enough yet to stop for the day or lunch. We carried on another mile or so before pulling over for a quick lunch, our stern not wanting to meet with the bank. Will this be the way of the Macc?

Beatles with Being for the benefit of Billy Tights

Onwards slowly. We always forget how slow the Macc is for us. Coasting through bridges is often quicker than under power. The big white wall of Congleton came into view, only two boats moored up. Over the aqueduct.

Do you ever feel like the odd one out?

Now we had boats coming towards us, just as the bridges increased in number. These must be boats that had come from the locks this morning. I think by the time we’d moored up I’d counted ten.

The first and second roving bridges of the Macc. The first has a little grace with one path curving round. The second tries but has two corners to it’s shape, a touch too blunt. Maybe these were the first roving bridges on the Macc and they got better and better the closer they got to Macclesfield and then excelled themselves at Marple.

Too many corners

We refrained from topping up with water on the long straight and continued onwards under bridge after bridge after bridge.

Straight on forever

We passed boats on moorings with views, we passed boats with reputations made this summer, we passed the mooring we’d stopped at for a trip to York Hospital in 2020 which was cancelled at the last minute. We were checked out by cows. The Cloud hill now in view, dark moody clouds surrounding it.


Did we dare carry on to the aqueduct, or should we stop before, there might be lots of boats wanting to go up the locks after they’d been closed for a few days. We chanced it and found plenty of room to pull into. The sun even came out and so did Tilly for an hours shore leave. Washed bedding hung on the whirligig making the most of what was left of the days warmth, then the stove was lit and we got cosy inside whilst wind blustered around us.

2 locks, 10.4 miles, 2 canals, 1 right, 1 island, 1 shallow canal, 1 hour shore leave, 0.3 of a sock knitted, 1 happy cat, 1 stove lit, 1 blustery night.

To Devil’s Garden. 10th September

Moorings above Saltersford Lock to Devils Garden

A wet morning and my back had a twinge, last thing I wanted to do was get down on the floor to do my exercises, they could wait for another day. One thing that couldn’t wait for another day was a cruising plan. A joint effort was required and a touch of maths.

Serious planning

We both opened up Canal Plan. We worked out when we need to be back in Yorkshire, a mooring has already been found for Oleanna. Then specific dates when we need to be elsewhere, the number of days when Oleanna won’t be moving, which stops require a train station, which a marina. The way Canal plan works is that if you add in some stationary days then the end date of your cruise gets added to. We didn’t bother with this, instead we deducted the number of days Oleanna would be stationary from the full trip and kept a tally on how this affected trip days. I understood my method, Mick just had to go along with it and see if it worked. Thankfully it did. Yes we could have adjusted the trip on Canal plan and added in the stationary days but that would then be a touch ridged.

Three possible routes to try out and see if the dates would work.

Firstly the Huddersfield Narrow, the shortest cruise. Plenty of stations to choose from, if we got stuck by flooded rivers it would be the easiest to move the boat at short notice when levels came down. Marinas not so plentiful, but a slight adjustment to cruising hours made it work.

Second choice the Shroppie, the longest cruise. This would mean not doubling back on ourselves too much. Stations not so good, some buses would be needed. Cruising days on the Tidal Trent have some leeway and the tides look favourable to CRT working hours at the locks. Some adjustment required for a marina, but that would be manageable if they have room.

Third choice the T&M, in between the above cruises, retracing the way we’ve just come back to Fradley. The Tidal Trent on the same days as the Shroppie, better stations too.

The final choice is still to be made, but at least we could let friends know the two possible locations we’d be at for a rendez vous. About half an hours drive between them so at least they’d know where abouts to head in the first place.

We checked the radar. More rain due overhead. Two boats moved off, a while later they were replaced with another two. We were going to wait until after lunch, hoping the rain would subside. The two boats that had arrived headed off again in a lull in the showers.

Hello back there!

At 2pm we decided to make a move whether the weather was good or not. Waterproofs on we winded and headed down stream to Saltersford Locks. On arrival there was a boat moored on the lock waiting pontoon, where was the Lockie? We hovered for a while, then Mick rang the Lockie. The lock would be ready in about 15/20 minutes, the boat on the landing moved off and we could pull in to wait. Sure enough the lock took forever to fill, the Lockie set it filling and headed off for a while.

This is the only downstream lock we went through back in 2011, it holds 660,000 gallons of water and I think it was estimated back then that it could hold 27 Winding Downs. It sits alongside a smaller lock, but that hasn’t been used since the 70’s. We passed our ropes around bollards towards the back of the lock. The bow just by a set of disused centre gates. The lock was set emptying, this would take time too.

For sale with some period details!

Just below the lock was a water point we pulled in to fill up the tank. An end of terrace cottage, formerly a Lock Keepers cottage, is for sale. The pressure was pretty good so we were on our way again soon.

Pontoon Mooring?

We didn’t remember the journey to Dutton Locks from 13 years ago. Houses sit close by. Some leading up to Acton Bridge have pontoon moorings sticking out into the river, one of them for sale!

Acton Bridge

The moorings by Acton Bridge were full. We wanted to be further on anyway and the mooring certainly wouldn’t be cat friendly. Mick took the advice of the Lockie back at Saltersford and called ahead to the next lock, it would be set ready for us when we arrived.

Looking towards the weir

Above Dutton Locks the moorings were full. The sunk vessel we’d seen 13 years ago has degraded a lot! Maybe on our way back I’ll get a closer look, today we wanted to head on further. We pulled into the lock, the gates closed behind us and the water started to drain out through sluices in the side of the lock.


Now on totally new water to all of us. Back in March 2011 the locks had been on winter opening hours meaning they had to be booked, we only had limited time on the river anyway so hadn’t ventured further, today we could carry on.

Dutton Viaduct came into view, dark against the rain laden clouds, sun streaming through where it could. The river has views, next to no flood banks. Open views, then tree lined banks. We had our hopes on a mooring a mile or so further, a little m on our map meaning we’d need spikes.

Dutton Viaduct

As it came into view it had great potential and there was only one boat moored up, space for us. We winded and pulled in a short distance up stream with trees to our bow and stern, our own slot. We’d found the Devil’s Garden mooring, both of us had heard of it before, a favourite for many.

Ducks are forever hopeful

Tilly was allowed out and we all had a little explore, checking signs and fences avoiding stepping in the cowpats. Tilly stayed out and played for a while, but it was blustery, rainy and she was wanting dingding.

They’ve come out to play too!

Mick lit the stove, we’d be needing one for our jacket potatoes to accompany a pie each. Yarn was selected for the next pair of socks, pair 37 I think. Thank you to those who’ve sponsored a pair this week I’ve now only got to find two more sponsors to make 52 pairs for the year and I’ve beaten last years total too! It may be that as the nights start drawing in I may be able to knit a few more pairs, after all why stop at 52, I’ve still got a mountain of yarn to use.

2 locks, 5.8 miles, 2.2miles of new water, 30 minutes for one lock, 1 full water tank, 1 damp blowy day, 2 pies, 2 jackets, 0 cows, 37 in 4 shades of blue, 1 cosy boat, 1 lovely mooring.!1m17!1m12!1m3!1d7260.5534387613325!2d-2.6748082668054605!3d53.28409690096703!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m2!1m1!2zNTPCsDE2JzU3LjUiTiAywrAzOSc1My45Ilc!5e1!3m2!1sen!2suk!4v1726061794294!5m2!1sen!2suk

End Of The Line. 22nd August

72A to Ingestre 48hr mooring Trent and Mersey still

Great Haywood

Waterproofs just in case for a walk to the Post Office this morning. Thank goodness we had them as it was just spitting on our arrival, then between there and the Farm Shop the heavens opened. Soggy legs!

Too much to choose from

We didn’t really need anything, but maybe some nice sausages, I suggested four, Mick suggested six, he’d not realised that they were quite so huge and would be over £1 each! A huge cauliflower, some treat cheeses, gluten free oak cake mix and a pork pie for Mick. We refrained from picking up a punnet of strawberries (£3) and a tub of chilled medication, the freezer would need rebuilding around a big tub.

The treat items

Thankfully the rain was stopping so our walk back along the towpath was a dry one. The sign post at the junction with the Staffordshire and Worcester Canal was hit by lightening last week, the large splinters of wood that had been shot off it are now tied back on with tape, I suspect some glue was used too. Plenty of room on the moorings above the lock and still lots of room below where we were.

We decided on an early lunch, hoping that others would stop for lunch as we set off, therefore we’d miss queues. A kingfisher darted back and forth behind Oleanna, too quick for a photo from inside and if I’d gone outside it would likely not have returned, it’s high pitched call making sure we’d get to see the streek of electric blue.

A boat was just coming down the lock ahead as we were rolling up the covers, but the lock had been reset by the time we got close. Another boat had arrived above so Mick had help with the bottom gates and then he could hop on board, the moorings now filled up.

Which way are you going?

Blimey the junction was busy, my photo doesn’t show half of what was happening. A boat was pulling onto the water point to join another. A boat was heading straight on up the T&M, possibly having just turned out from the Staff and Worcester. Another came towards us from the T&M as one more was appearing from under Haywood Bridge wanting to turn up the T&M. We were wanting to pull into the services so waved the last boat onwards. One of the boats on the services were just pulling off so we grabbed the opportunity and pulled in to fill up and empty.

That won’t chill much

Chores done we could continue on our planned route, up the T&M.

Plenty left to pick

Passing the polytunnels of the Farm Shop we could see they still had plenty of strawberries and elsewhere pumpkins were starting to expand, I wonder how much they sell for?!

Three boats ahead

Arriving a Hoo Mill Lock we tagged onto the end of the queue, our plan for everyone to be having lunch hadn’t paid off, we were forth! Mick managed to pull is in to the side and hopped off with a rope, I got my knitting out!

A boat came out, enquiries for where there might be a mooring, they could try by the entrance to the marina only one boat on the armco there when we passed. In went the first boat from the queue. Out it came, in it went. Blimey what a list! Back out and another attempt, finally getting past the open gates. Was there something submerged in the lock to have caused them to list?

A few blackberries were picked, I left the rose for someone else

The next boats turn, they didn’t have a problem getting into the lock, the first boat must have had its fenders down! Hopefully they hadn’t lost any that could cause a gate to jam. The boat in front of us moved up, the chap at the helm tried to flick a rope over a wooden post, it didn’t work, he stayed treading water. Finally we could move up and be on a bollard, Mick went up to help with the boat in front, the crew as handy with a windlass as the chap with his rope skills.

Hoo Mill Lock

Our turn, no-one waiting behind or above, just us, the end of the line.

We’d planned to cover at least one more lock today, but the wait below the lock had eaten away an hour, maybe we should find a mooring sooner rather than later. Waterway Routes had various moorings marked, several we’ve used in the past. When half of the 48hr mooring before Ingestre Bridge was free we opted to pull in for the day, a more concerted effort required tomorrow.

Two hours Tilly! It wasn’t me who pushed the post over! Maybe it was that man in Rugby!!

It wasn’t ME!!

The internet was checked, photos uploaded nearly instantly. I could finish off blog posts.

To warm the boat we had some of the sausages from the farm shop, roasted with the remaining root veg we’d bought for our Sunday roast. Four of the sausages were the equivalent to six normal supermarket bangers, so I saved two for a breakfast. The sausages were nice, the veg could have done with a touch longer sadly, but it was still nice.

Before we got settled in front of the TV Mick went round and checked that everything on the roof was secured. With Storm Lillian on her way we’d not want to be kept awake with things rattling on the roof or flying off. Job done, the windows would need closing too before we turned off the light.

2 locks, 2.1 miles, 1 straight on, 4 soggy legs, 6 sausages, 2 treat cheeses, 2 pairs of socks on their way, 6 boats at the junction, 1 full water tank, 1 empty wee tank, 1 clean pooh box, 0 rubbish, 1 doorless fridge, 8 bottles of warm wine, 4th in line, 1 hour wait, 4 instead of 6, 1 wet windy night ahead.

How Much Of A Half Would You Like? 21st August

Before Iron bridge 72A to after Iron Bridge 72A

Mick walked up towards Haywood Lock to see if there were any spaces available for us to move up. The internet coverage where we were moored was poor, therefore annoying! He’d checked on a map and we seemed to be sat in a little hole, further along the signal should improve.

A space behind one boat and another in front, but this was under a leaning oak tree. With gusts of wind this mooring wouldn’t be so good. We needed to act quickly before the first mooring was snatched up, so as I finished my exercises Mick pushed us off. Have to say doing lunges whilst Oleanna was moving was very wobbly! However I was ready to help moor up, as close as we could to the boat in front which just so happened to be NB Winding Down, our old shareboat.

Breakfasted, we got ourselves ready for a day out, just as a breasted up pair of Jules Fuels boats was pulling out, we decided to move up and not be that annoying boat a touch too close to a bridge hole. As we moved I spied people onboard Winding Down, we had to at least say hello. Just as well we did as it was Paul and Aileen Jordon one of the last few original syndicate members. We last bumped into them in Braunston a couple of years ago before WD moved base to Aston Marina.

Hello Winding Down

It was great to have a chat and reminisce, only one other original owner left, Roger. They had two of their grandchildren with them and more were expected shortly for a picnic before the youngsters were heading home.

On Essex Bridge

Time for us to have a day out!

The plaster of this ceiling was carved by the artist laying on his back and took 2 years. Hope he got paid well

Back in June 2015 we spent several days at Shugborough, then ran by Staffordshire County Council and the National Trust. We’d had a tour of the house at break neck speed back then, little could be remembered so we decided to visit again, dust off the cobwebs on our National Trust cards. In 2016 the management of the Hall was handed back to the National Trust, so today we could get in for free.

The Red Drawing Room

There were plenty of people about, lots for kids to do in the park. At the front door of the house we showed our cards and were let in to walk around the house at our own pace. As with most NT properties the house has been laid out with the story of it’s occupants, here it is the Anson brothers who travelled the world. Also as with many NT properties we didn’t get to find out much about the actual house. Plenty of information boards about the brothers, a huge map with interesting facts about their voyages and how they started off with 1900 crew, arriving back in England with just 188! But I’m interested in the house too, I’ll have to look it up.

Map of travels

Once we’d looked round the ground floor, walked through the red drawing room and the library with disguised door and taken note of how quickly Elizabeth and Betty had grown we then could climb the back staircase to look round the rooms upstairs where Lord Patrick Lichfield had lived and taken many a photograph. This is the part of the house we remembered most, the kitchen, the deep deep baths, the photographs. Here you’re not allowed to take any yourself.

One room which had been Patricks bedroom had photographs he’d taken. Another couple walked round ahead of us. She said ‘That looks like him. That looks like Sophia Loren’ He said, ‘No it won’t be’. I wondered who he’d think were in the royal family photographs when they came to them, and yes that was actually Mick Jagger!

The Library

Time for lunch, we hunted out the cafe. Chock-a-block, but we’d timed our arrival very well as just about everyone was finishing. Jacket potatoes were finished for the day but we could have potato wedges instead with a filling on top of our choice, a little bit of a strange combination. Sat next to us was a family, the teenage daughter had just gone to get them pudding. Three scones and a huge slab of carrot cake with a good layer of cream cheese frosting. She said how she’d not been able to decide on a scone or the cake, Mum offered to go halves with her, half a scone for half the cake. ‘How much of that half would you like?’ came back the answer from the daughter!

Not the same as a jacket potato

Back in 2015 there were carriages to look at. The house kitchens were in working order with a cook baking scones and ginger biscuits. Sadly today these areas are closed, I think the collections have been moved elsewhere as they belonged the Staffordshire County Museum. Such a shame, but at least we’d seen them last time.

Time for some chilled medication, we joined the queue and selected our flavours, Devilishly Chocolate and Rolo, basically the same ice cream but one with mini rolos and a swirl of caramel added. As the medication level had been topped up we walked round to the formal gardens at the back of the house. Past the Chinese House built in 1747, crossing the red bridge and onto the island to look at the Cat Monument. Why does that cat have a moustache?

Chocolate flavoured medication

The monument (c.1750) possibly commemorates a cat which travelled around the world with Admiral Anson on the ‘Centurion’. Or that it was built as a memorial to Kouli-Khan, a Persian cat kept by Thomas Anson. He also kept a heard of Corsican Goats which feature around the base of the monument.


We then returned to Oleanna, enough walking for today and time to let Tilly out. She wasn’t that enamoured with it this afternoon, even if we had a chatty parrot for a neighbour. Well you’d told me I wasn’t allowed to talk to it!

0 locks, 0 miles, 2 bridges crossed, 1 Georgian Mansion walked round, 1 formal garden, 2 years, 1 ceiling back to front, 35 Weetabix, 1,313,843 pieces of 8, 2 brothers, 0 carriages, 0 puppets, 2 far to go to the farm, 1 odd cat, that’s not me!

Casper The Cormorant. 16th August

Tamhorn Park Bridge to Fradley Bridge 90, Coventry Canal

A lovely sunny morning, Tilly was allowed an hour whilst we did all our morning things. Then with her back on board we made ready to push off. I was just about to untie when a boat came into view, we waited. I untied, another boat came into view, followed by two more! We pushed out quickly before the next one could come into view.

Approaching Whittington a lovely old car came past, too quick to get it’s photo. Then the row of terraced houses ‘Sunny Side’ followed by my all time favourite weathervane the Grey Fergie.


Two new houses stand by the canal. One for sale the other for refurbishment. Refurbishment? It’s only just been built!

Where’s the canal gone?

Reeds encroach on the canal, some bridge holes hard to see through. At one bridge on a bend we narrowly avoided a head on collision. Neither boat had seen the other one, both going at a slow speed, but both boats having to slam on the breaks to avoid contact.

We passed the boundary stone between the Birmingham and Fazeley and the Coventry Canal. Then on to Huddlesford Junction. Here we slowed, a handy post box just by the pub suitable to pop a couple of pairs of socks in. Mick loitered in a bridge hole whilst I did the honours, a lull in canal traffic meant Oleanna had stayed put.

More sock required

I got my knitting out the hope of getting a heel turned today, plus I needed a photo of me knitting for Dementia UK. Out of several that Mick took this is the best, however you can’t see what I’m knitting, which is the whole point! We’ll have another go tomorrow when there is more of a sock to see, hopefully the sun will be out again.

Pretty soon we had company, a cormorant. We’re quite accustomed to Terns following our wake diving for fish, but this is the first time we’ve had a cormorant doing the same, but at water level. It dived into the swirling water, bobbing back up really quite close to our prop at times. Was it aware of the danger our prop posed to it? Obviously the possibility of catching fish was far too good.

Sadly I didn’t manage to get many photos, as it would only surface for about 10 seconds before diving again and you have to play a guessing game as to where Casper would reappear.


The long thin garden, fenced off from railway and canal towpath, it’s four foot width stretches on for ages before it widens out towards the house. It’s obvious where they stop cutting the grass. Casper continued to follow, only Bell Bridge getting in its way requiring him to fly on ahead of us. But soon he was back to fishing in our wake. Two, no three fish caught in quick succession. Surely that was enough food for a while, but no he carried on diving.

A long length of armco, a track to some houses, one boat moored up. We pulled in, quickly Casper realised his fishing companion was stopping, he flew on into the distance looking for another boat. The bottom was too close to the top. A lady came from the moored boat walking her woofer, they’d be moving off in a few minutes if we wanted their spot. We tied up and waited for their departure then back up, much better, we were into the side more or less.

Todays mooring

Almost four hours of shore leave for Tilly and a late lunch for us. Time spent selecting a foodie Congratulations on getting into Uni and extra Happy 18th Birthday present for Josh. He may have to survive on baked beans whilst being a student but at least he’ll be able to jazz them up!

Our mooring wasn’t quite so good. Boats passing at more than tickover made Oleanna grind on something below despite having the wheel fenders out. Oh well at least when it got dark there’d be no boats, apart from a cruiser who was going slow because it’s light was pretty poor!

0 locks, 6.1 miles, 1 straight, 2 pairs posted, 2 miles being followed, 3 fish at least, 3.75 hours, 1 Mrs Tilly stamp of approval, 1 whinging woofer, 1 big woofing woofer, 1 boat moving on in the morning.!1m17!1m12!1m3!1d2408.2211448936696!2d-1.7703327568764968!3d52.715509727076586!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m2!1m1!2zNTLCsDQyJzU1LjMiTiAxwrA0NicwNS4yIlc!5e1!3m2!1sen!2suk!4v1723886171386!5m2!1sen!2suk

Dreamie Deficit! 5th August

Near Bridge 88 to near Moores Bridge 72

Boats boats boats! So many moving boats this morning, maybe this is where everyone is. It’s always busy in these parts as there are so many marinas and not many locks. Clifton Cruisers also seem to be doing a good trade compared to most hire bases, we’ll see how many boats they have in when we pass their base.

It’s cosy in here

With supplies surprisingly low for breakfast Mick cooked us up some eggs and mushrooms on toast instead of the normal porridge oats. We need to do quite a stock up of basic things when we reach Rugby. Tilly took up residency within the airing rack which at times gets positioned on the sofa for ease of getting past, well it’s not much of a climbing frame when it’s on the sofa, but I may as well make use of it, plus there’s nothing better than freshly laundered socks and pants to sit on!

Time to move off ourselves. We managed to pull out without having to wait for too many boats to come past, but soon found the boat in front was slow. A boat soon showed itself behind us, we all kept to a reasonable distance and headed northwards.

A wide bridge

Some stretches of the North Oxford were straightened to cut journey times and the bridges were kept wide, Widebeams are allowed to cruise up to Dunchurch Pools Marina if they have booked passage, an email to warn narrower boats is sent out so you can stay put as the canal wasn’t really built for widebeams. Past Dunchurch Pools the bridges are that bit narrower.

A narrower bridge

I scanned in on the pump at the marina, it could have said £1.01 a litre, but I couldn’t be certain. We’ve heard that it’s a good price, maybe it’s better than Rugby Boats now.

A kestrel (?) keeping an eye on us

We followed on behind the slow boat. All the way down Barby straight, a good idea to keep your speed down, especially when passing a breasted up pair, they didn’t need to alter their speed as they’d be going at tick over all the way.

A chicken has joined the witch and skeleton on the wishing well and the tree house has been totally taken over by the tree. A lovely vintage car now sits on manicured grass, it’s been a while since the vintage ambulance was last seen surrounded by long grass. The new house at the end is still being built. Electric cables hang from the ceilings and areas of exterior wall still need cladding, will they be wood or render?

Coming round the bend by Wharf Farm the boat ahead met a rather faster moving boat, they made contact and then spent time sorting themselves out. The mound of rubbish by the boat yard, is it getting bigger, it’s certainly an eye sore.

What a load of rubbish

We’d considered carrying on to find a mooring near Tescos in Rugby, but the going had been so slow we abandoned it. Pulling in where The Wasp (NB Lilliyanne and NB Blackbird) had moored ten years ago below the railway embankment. It’s not as noisy as you’d imagine and proved to be a good place for Tilly as fairly soon after we arrived her catch was confiscated!

Just around the bend

Time to look up some reference for the next pair of socks, a touch of colourwork required for these. I worked out a pattern then selected the yarn, pair 32 ready for casting on, just the rib at the top of pair 31 to finish. There’s still 7 pairs of socks up for grabs, ideal Christmas presents in aid of a great charity, just saying! And talking of Christmas, today we’ve had our first enquiry for digs from someone in the Christmas show. If we end up with two people wanting digs then we shall stay on the boat till the new year, better have a look at the winter stoppages!


Tilly came and went, Well I was looking for something! She came and went so much that the Dreamie pot became empty. Just what am I going to come home for now! Don’t worry a new pack of Beef Dreamies was opened and someone stuck their face in the pot straight away. Fresh Dreamies, that extra crunch!

How can the Dreamie pot be empty!?!

0 locks, 5.6 miles, 1 very slow boat, 2 near misses, 1 direct hit, 4 hours shore leave, 4 shades, 1 background, 1 prescription alteration requested, 1 Mrs Tilly stamp of approval, 1 vanishing bird.

A Flat Day. 28th July

Fenny Stratford to Linford Manor 48hr Mooring

Time for knee exercises. This morning I decided to have a go on the bed before it was put away for the day as the majority of stretches are done lying down. Most worked, although I wonder whether a firmer surface would be better as they seemed a lot easier this morning than when I’d done them in front of the sofa. One however required using the bed diagonally as other wise my foot was trapped under the gunnel. They take time, the time I usually spend writing the blog! I’m currently chasing the blogs tail and am a few days behind. Just need to sort a new routine.

Ready and waiting for zoom

As I stretched away half an hour Mick got to work in the galley with breakfast. We’d not quite finished when the Geraghty zoom started. Subjects, 2024 Olympics, The Last Supper, Strawberry eating Squirrels for the third time, swarf, and Romanians falling off things.

Tim on Sola Gratia heading off as Mick crosses the lock gates

As we were about to get ourselves sorted to move off NB Sola Gratia’s engine was started up, their pram hood lowered and they pushed off. Perfectly timed as a boat was just coming out of the lock. Next it was our turn, we pushed off and got ourselves ready to wave.

Simply must wave

Back in 2014 the end house opposite the moorings had a very well kept garden and sat behind the French windows two people waved at us as we came past. Such an enthusiastic wave we obviously reciprocated. Ever since whenever we pass we wave with the hope of getting one back in return. The garden isn’t quite so immaculate as it was and who knows if the same people live there, I hope they do, a medical looking table/trolley sits by the French window obscuring our view. From a few feet into the darkness we could just see an enthusiastic wave back and maybe even a thumbs up! I so hope other people wave to them to help brighten up everyone’s day.

Heel turned now onto the home straight

I got my knitting out to carry on whilst we cruised along on the flat. The trip to Scarborough and visitors for a day meant despite starting this pair of socks early, I would need to do a sprint to get them finished before the end of today.

Past familiar sights, the bridge that kept us south during winter 2015, lots of familiar boats, a friendly heron taking advantage of a good perch. Before one bridge there was a breasted up pair that had come past earlier, they were breasted up to another narrowboat. Turns out they were there to mend someone’s cratch cover, plenty of space to get past them. Red Lion Cruising club where we’d watched a Mikron show a few years ago. There was space at Campbell Park if we’d wanted it, but we were hoping of a much better mooring.

Under a couple of bridges, there on the offside was a space we’d been hoping for, Linford Manor. The first space has notices saying that it is reserved for Electra the community boat, but that is only on Tuesdays. The second space is still a 48 hour mooring we pulled in there, shame not to have the view across the park, but instead we had some shade. Tilly was given a few hours shore leave and we settled in.

Glad they’ve left a bit of it untidy

With our shopping I got a chicken, too hot to roast it so it was jointed, the majority heading for the freezer. I diced up one breast ready for some kebabs, marinaded it for a couple of hours before threading it onto skewers. Veg and haloumi kebabs were also prepared. The kebab rest would be used to it’s full capacity today.

Kebabs are us

Another boat arrived and moored behind us. Tilly and one of their dogs had a slight altercation through the side hatch. But we all soon settled down to cook our food outside. What a lovely evening.

0 locks, 6.6 miles, 9 exercises, 1 diagonal, 1 smelly stretchy band, 1 stool, 1 Tilly getting in the way, Well she doesn’t know how to do cat yoga! 14 rows left, 48hour garden mooring, 2 chicken kebabs, 4 veg and haloumi kebabs, 2 sniffy woofers, 2 bowls of chilled medication, 2 hot for a stamp.

The Guano Effect. 20th July

Broughton Lock 14 to Halls Agricultural Bridge 129, Grand Union

Last night as the hatch was waterside we’d left it open with the mesh infill in it, to keep Tilly in but let some cooling air in hopefully. I’d also lifted the lid on one of the bow lockers with the hope that this would encourage cool air through the pipe which is part of the low level ventilation on Oleanna, this would come round the water tank and then in through the mesh on the treads. In the early hours I could feel a slight draft, but I’m not sure if this was coming from the port hole above our heads, the side hatch or from the treads. It was very pleasant no mater where it came from.

After breakfast Mick made a phone call, another mooring found for our medical trip to Scarborough, this was guaranteed and 2/3rds the price we’d been quoted yesterday. Tilly doesn’t need many facilities when she’s left in charge so long as she doesn’t surf the internet all day and night she won’t even need to be hooked up. With two of us heading to Scarborough a hire car would be cheaper than train fares, Mick set about sorting that out too, a van being £60 cheaper than a car, we’ll see what we end up with.

It’s frothy man!

Time to move onwards and upwards. It was a couple of miles to reach the next lock, slow going even though the prop had been checked before moving off. Mick worked the locks and I took Oleanna through them. My pain killers seem to be doing a good job as I’m only getting the occasional twinge, I was however glad of a sit down between locks.

Red Admiral

The number of dragonflies today was less than there had been in the sunshine yesterday. They still made their presence known with their clicking darting flight, many seemed to be laying eggs, maybe. Butterflies flitted about too, one taking a break on a lock gate, glad it moved off before the lock filled as the water tends to flow over the top.

There’s an ex-hire boat that we’d seen on our way down. The rail round the stern a good vantage point for a cormorant. It sat there as we passed right along side before it decided to move. We wondered how long this boat had been sat there. The stern deck splashed white with guano, eergh!

At the boat yard Carp is for sale £6k +vat and I spotted that the wooden boat high up on the bank had unusual windows. I wonder of they originally opened?

Just waiting to catch someone out

Above Puttenham Bottom Lock there is a large white tarpaulin draped over the bank, obviously helping to keep the water in the canal. What ever was holding it in place on the bottom is no longer doing the job so great care was taken to avoid catching it with the prop, Oleanna glided past.

Wilstone Lock

As we approached Wilstone Lock 9 a Lock Keeper appeared round the bridge then went up to the lock to open it for us. He was there clearing reeds and bits and bobs from the lock with a keb and chatted away to Mick as Oleanna rose. We pulled in for lunch where we’d moored a few nights ago, Tilly allowed an hours exploration, well we hoped it would only be an hour.

Thankfully Tilly’s time keeping is good 30 minutes later she returned and we could carry on up the locks. The lock keeper must have started at Bridge 2 and been working his way down as all the locks had a bottom paddle raised on them. The road bridge was now open and all the scaffolding is removed.

Mick closing Black Jacks Lock behind us

A boat had some interesting planters hanging from their grabrail and we passed through Black Jacks Lock without incident again. Now for the staircase, upperty up back to the Grand Union.

Bridge 1 and the staircase

The Lock Keeper and a lady who walked by had both made sure we knew we’d not be able to go anywhere if we turned right, the way we’d come the other day, as the Marsworth Flight was closed due to a lock gate coming apart. We turned left and found ourselves an Oleanna sized gap to pull into. Another hours shore leave for Tilly, another two outsides days.

A little bit ahead on my socks and not really wanting to weave ends in I decided to select yarn for pair 30, just so I’d have something to do in front of the TV tonight. The next pair I’d been given instructions of Any Colour, well I decided to change this a touch to Every Colour! The next pair will be what is known as a scrappy pair, helping to use up odds and ends of all sorts of yarn. I’ve selected around thirty small balls of yarn and it will be a lucky dip as I knit them up.

Lucky dip time

13 locks, 4.8 miles, 2 outsides, 2 hours, 1 hour taken, 1 hour on account, 1 left, 0 right, 1 guitar playing neighbour, 1 Paul Weller, pair 30 cast on, 6 colours, 54 miles to Braunston.

Getting Younger By The Hour. 12th July

Berko Visitor Moorings to Cow Roast Marina

Yesterday I thought I’d managed to fend off a migraine, this morning I knew I’d failed. Sadly we needed to keep moving. Dark glasses and a slow pace, aided by hobbling anyway, would be the way forward and upwards today.

Old lock gates nearly as old as I felt

At the two Gas Locks I was very pleased to see a volunteer, who set the second lock for us and closed up too, saving crossing gates. Blimey I felt rotten. Should I opt to be at the helm instead? Less walking, but guiding Oleanna into locks was not something my brain wanted to deal with. Thankfully by the time we reached our third and forth lock the Co-codamol had kicked in and I started to feel a little bit less than 97 years old.

The second Gas Lock

A single hander jumped onto his roof. Two boats approached Northchurch Lock from above, advance crew about to lift the wrong paddles. Mick corrected them, then I corrected them again. I apologise if I was a touch short, by now I’d reached 87 years old and was turning a touch crabby. Two more boats followed these guys.

At Dunswell Bottom Lock we could see someone filling the chamber, shame I’d have appreciated an extra pair of hands. I managed to chat to the chap with his dog, they were on a mission to do 24 lock miles a day to reach Limehouse in time, not sure what for though. He made comments to the lady at the helm via walkie talkie, I could only hear her side of the conversation ‘That’s because I wanted to do it that way!‘. The dog dictated that they wouldn’t go down the steps to get on the boat, but would walk over the bridge to get back on, leaving his gate open for me to close along with mine which I’d opened so Mick could come in on my side. Maybe aged 82 now I couldn’t be bothered with the chap. He apparently ordered the lady to pick him up from in front of Oleanna, she’d been hovering waiting for Mick to move into the lock. She was then told off for coming in too quickly, the dog fell in and was hoiked out on it’s lead.

I just love the mixture of brick, render and timber

Now 80 I could appreciate the cottages on the other side of the road, the sky was blue and they made a pretty picture, I’ve always liked them. I hopped on board to get to the next lock, here I noticed for the first time the hills and fields around us. Of course they’ve always been there, just grey days and aiming for the summit clouding them from view. Today at the good age of 77 I had time to admire them.

It’s mine, all mine I say!

A Heron preened itself sat in a tree, hunched over as if it was miserly counting it’s pennies, keeping them out of view from thieving prying eyes.

Boats lined the final pound up to Cow Roast. Where did the name come from? Well according to wikipedia the village lies on an ancient drovers route through the Chilterns and here was where cattle could be rested in pens on their way to market, Cow Rest which over time became Cow Roast.

Cowroast Lock

As always at this time of year a group of Duke of Edinburgh award walkers came past, rucksacks on their backs. As we rose up the lock they came past us again, they’d gone wrong somewhere and were having to retrace their steps. Quite a distance to the next road or two, if their route was meant to stay alongside a canal, they’d have all the way back to Bulbourne to walk for the Wendover Arm! Good job they were teenagers.

A narrow entrance

At 75 we turned the steep turn into Cow Roast Marina, steeper than we remembered it being. Camera zoomed in to check the numbers on the end of the berths, there was ours just to the left. Blimey they are narrow! All three of us held our breath as Mick did his best to straighten Oleanna up so she wasn’t jammed against the next boat and the pontoon at the same time. Finally we could go straight in, just enough room for fenders on both sides of us.

At 73 I accompanied Mick to the office, hobbling along, maybe a colourful walking stick might be a good accessory! We’d just caught the chap before he disappeared into the attic. A key fob and instructions on how to top up the post with electric were handed over then we were left to ourselves.

Not our natural habitat

Lunch then the finishing touches to my painting. I also wanted to scan it and our printer/scanner wasn’t playing ball. My 72 year old brain just couldn’t cope so handed it over to the IT department, after a while a new program had been downloaded and a decent scan of my painting scanned. I’ll show it to you in a couple of days, someone else needs to see it first.

A quiet evening of being in my late 60s. Pair 28 were cast off. Now I just need to make up my mind on what yarn to use for the next pair, purple, orange and turquoise, or scrappy socks of many many colours? I decided to leave that decision for when I’m back in my late 50s.

7 locks, 2.7 miles, 6 downhill boats, 1 soggy Pekinese, 30 years in a day, 1 heron, 1 disappointed cat, 1 fob, 1 tight squeeze, 1 more lodger booked, 1 risky plan paid off, 1 painting scanned and packed, 2 boaters hemmed in.

TV had to be watched via the Roku this evening as there was no signal to be had. I now have a question for ourselves. Is it worth continuing to post thumbs at moorings anymore? Or are they now redundant?

Flippin’ Fishery. 9th July

Apsley Sainsburys to above Fishery Lock

Shopping list compiled this morning, Mick headed off with the bags, leaving me to not have to walk too far. Maybe we should have done a click and collect, it would have meant we’d got moving earlier. Never mind we only plan on cruising for a couple of hours a day.

The lock overflowing at night can be really quite noisy

We pushed over to the lock landing and I walked up to chat to the boat that was on the water point above. They’d not long started to fill their tank, might be an hour. We also needed water so we decided to ascend the lock and then breast up to wait, all in the rain!

How many bottles?!

Lunch was had whilst we waited for their tank to fill then we do-ci-doed as they entered the lock and we pulled onto the water point. Yellow water dealt with whilst the clean water filled, Tilly had a refresh of her pooh box too. All chores now done. As we were about to push off a car arrived by the services, two ladies brought out loads of plastic water bottles to fill at the water point. I’m not sure the boot of their car was going to be big enough once they were all full!

These houses make me think of beach huts

The smell of coffee wasn’t so strong at Apsley Top Lock, maybe the rain was keeping it at bay. Onwards. We really must visit the farm shop one of these days! But today was not that day again.

Watching our every move

At Boxmoor Bottom Lock a heron stood by the top gates, beady eye on us and the boat. It stayed put for quite sometime before it realised the lock wouldn’t be available for fishing for a while. This is another lock where holes have appeared. At the bottom end the towpath side the steps are cordoned off, a large hole obvious and parts of the concrete top looking to be slowly moving!

Fishery Lock is one that is kept empty, the paddle up waiting for us. I pushed the gate, not even a glimmer of hope. I crossed the gates in case the off side was holding the near side in, nope! I crossed again. Tried again. Mick gently brought Oleanna’s bow fender to the nearside gate and leant a hand. Flippin heck this took some doing! No handy walkers to lend a shove due to the rain, me trying to keep straight as I pulled to avoid aggravating my knee. Eventually it started to move, thank goodness.

Heffing jeffing gates!

Our plan had us moving up to nearer Winkwell, but there was a space with no tree cover, we pulled in, the mooring suitable for feline shore leave. Just as the spikes had been forced in the heavens opened fully, a major downpour. Tilly wasn’t impressed, but made sure she came and went as many times as possible demanding the door be opened frequently.

More painting, maybe it’s a bit too busy? I left it to dry and I’ll look again at it tomorrow to see how I feel.

Hopefully tomorrow the weather will be a touch drier.

Something prettier than the rain

4 locks, 1.6 miles, 1 empty wee tank, 1 full water tank, 2 boxes wine, 3 big beetroot, 1 red risotto, 2 much going on, 5 boats moving, 1 soggy day.