The morning was spent sharing the dinette table. Me at one end with model crates, rowing boats and a cucumber sandwich marquee, Mick the other with the laptop, cramming for his exam this afternoon.
Originally he’d planned on taking the VHF Short Range Certification exam in Scarborough, at the lighthouse. But the building is currently closed due to restrictions, it is the club house for Scarborough Yacht Club and will reopen 17th May. Mick had been offered one of the first exam slots but he’d decided to try closer to the boat and had been pointed towards Hull Marina.
After lunch we both walked up to the station, me asking simple questions such as ‘If Tilly’s tail was on fire would that be a scenario for a Mayday call?’ No. ‘If Tilly’s flaming tail brushed against the curtains in the boat and set light to them would that be a scenario for a Mayday call?’ Yes! So the boat is more important than me!
How can I not be more important than the boat!?!
Off Mick sped to Hull whilst I bimbled around Goole. Purchase of moisture crystals and some kindling was achieved but other (secret) items I wasn’t so lucky with. But by the time I returned to the marina I was glad I was not carrying anymore weight as all my fingers were about to drop off!
Hull Marina
Mick walked across Hull to the marina, having to make a detour as most of the footpaths were closed alongside the A63. Bars were busy with outdoor seating in the sunshine.
In the preamble to his exam he was asked what an EPIRB was. Well he couldn’t remember what the letters all stood for (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon), but knew that they are used to transmit a distress alert to satellites. On Oleanna we don’t have one of these.
The exam consisted of several written questions and a multiple choice section. The written section was all about distress calls, maydays, none with the scenario we’d talked about earlier. It all took about 45 minutes and out of 28 questions he got one wrong. The question had been which channel to use for Bridge to Bridge communication. Mick had assumed it would be the same as Ship to Ship, but this was wrong. We have since looked in the VHF handbook and it is channel 13, this wasn’t mentioned on the online course.
However getting one question wrong was not a problem, he passed! A rather washed out photo has been sent off to the RYA for him to get his card/certification. We now meet all the criteria for using Ocean Lock that ABP request.
A widebeam
A walk around the marina as the examiner made ready to head off out onto the Humber to do some manoeuvre training. Mick asked if there were any narrowboats moored there. The examiner pointed to a widebeam which was familiar to us, last seen below Pollington Lock in September.
Heading out onto the Humber
Walking back to the station Mick came across a vaccination centre at City Hall, on the off chance he enquired if he’d be able to get his second jab. We’ve heard of some centres offering jabs to people who turn up towards the end of the day as they have surplus vaccine to be used up, but sadly it was appointment only here. Worth a try though, it would have saved another trip next week.
Mick’s journey back to Goole was slowed by a ship exiting the docks requiring a bridge swing, closing the road, the tug zooming off to assist somewhere. We celebrated his success with a glass or two of wine and a macaroni cheese with extras in the middle.
0 locks, 0 miles, 2 trains, 2 crates, 4 hours cramming,1 cat seeking new heights, 2.5kg crystals, 2kg kindling, 0 secret shopping, 1 toucan, 27 out of 28, 0 handbooks allowed, 1 widebeam, 0 attendance on Zoom, 1 bridge swing, 4 glasses of wine, 1 cat’s tail uncharred, 1 year since we got the house back, 1 big Happy Birthday to Frank!
Tilly was of course eager to go out this morning. The proximity of the Dutch River and the mounting wind gave us reason to move, not far but to the other side of the canal. So before breakfast we pushed off, pootled a short distance westwards, winded and then got blown into the side. Mick did his best to avoid grating the newly painted gunnels on the armco, but it was impossible to stop before the inevitable happened. I have to say I haven’t looked.
On our new mooring there are fields that reach out to the M62, no drains for cats to get stuck on the far side of, or tidal waters to sweep her away. But there is also no shelter and the wind was really quite brisk, not ideal hunting weather.
Tilly came and went until she got bored of the blowyness, then resided herself to a sofa day.
Fishing results from yesterday if you are interested, Mick Bower was the winner with 45lbs 8oz of Roach. His win was £165, not a bad Sunday.
A day of panto painting for me. I moved onto the Cotswold Thunderbolt. Opening an art calendar I got for Christmas the other day I came across a painting of a fantastic ship which changed the way I wanted to paint the Thunderbolt. This meant re-making the model pieces to get cleaner colours. I gradually worked my way through the flats and so far I’m happy with it. Hooray!
The wind grew. Rain started. Blimey it got blustery out there!
Thunder started too as large anvil shaped clouds whisked their way overhead. Foot high waves skirted across the canal. Rain blew in down the side of the cratch cover and a small stream of water made it’s way across the well deck. The footage below was after the worst of the wind but the thunder rumbles on.
We were really glad we’d not gone out on the river today as others had. Two boats, one narrowboat and a widebeam had headed out from Ocean Lock with a Pilot. They penned out at 06:50, arriving at Blacktoft Wharf at 08:45. They were going to remain moored at the wharf until the tide turned at 15:05, a long wait in the howling gales and thunder. Hopefully they survived the afternoon and penned up at Keadby safely. We’ve not heard anymore on the group.
Something’s up with our radio
When the weather calmed down a touch, Mick put on his overalls and climbed down into the engine bay. Despite Oleanna not having done 750 hours between fuel filter changes he had decided to clean/ change them. There was a touch of crud and the fuel was a bit emulsified. That’s another check done before our departure.
Just the brown to do
Sadly he ran out of nappies and blue roll whilst doing the change, so nappies were added to our next delivery and a t-towel stuffed in the vent from the engine bay into the main cabin. Yes ventilation is very important, but neither of us wants to sit in a boat stinking of diesel all night.
Mick made a phone call to ABP to book our penning down onto the Ouse. This was his second attempt as there had been nobody suitable to make his booking with earlier in the day. So the second go was timed around high water. This time Mick was told to call back giving 48hours notice, we’re a while off that so will have to note it in the diary.
0 locks, 0.16 miles, 1 wind, 1 extreamly windy day, 5 thunderbolt flats, 1 windy bottom, 12.5lbs in the lead, 1 stove lit, 2 filters, 4 rainbows, 3 thunderstorms, 2 boats clinging on at Blacktoft.
Back in early 2015 we moored at Rembrandt Gardens in Little Venice for the first time. In the other space there was a narrowboat called Bleasdale. The lady on Bleasdale introduced herself and we had chats. Being a distinctive colour in those days on NB Lillyanne the lady who became known to us as Mrs Bleasdale could spot us a mile off and our paths have crossed several times since.
At Bugsworth 2017
Christmas/New Year 2016/2017 we all found ourselves mooring at Bugsworth Basin. This is when we found out Mrs Bleasdale’s first name, Heather. She does have a surname but we prefer Bleasdale.
Every now and then we do a location check with each other and at the back end of last year we discovered that we were quite close, well Heather was near Torksey and us having just pulled up in Goole. Depending on which way Heather would turn off the Fossdyke our paths might cross, so we hoped to head out from the marina to meet up with her at some point before Christmas if she headed up to Keadby.
Sadly Heathers plans changed and she turned left instead of right, then ended up being stuck in Newark with lockdowns and flooding, we ended up being on the wrong side of the breach.
Over the winter Heather has hatched a plan and was gathering interested boats together. We joined in on an IWA talk about the North East waterways and our interest grew. Would plans work out though? Timings would be important and Heathers suggested expedition would have to make use of the long days of June to cover a large chunk of Tidal water.
Tilly watching about Boroughbridge
As time has gone on we’ve realised that as much as we would love to join her this year our priorities this summer lie at the other end of the country and doing two mad dashes up and down the country just wouldn’t work. So sadly we’ve bowed out of a trip down the Humber to the River Hull and up to Beverley this year. Maybe next year though!
Since cruising restrictions have ended Heather has gradually worked her way up to Keadby and beyond, in fact only a hop skip and jump away from Goole by train. So today we hoped that the weather would be kind to us so that we could meet up.
Goole Station
Yesterday we’d put feelers out for any recommendations for a cafe in town where we could have lunch, but as we thought there were no options. Howden was suggested, thank you Lisa and Al, but we didn’t really fancy a bus trip. However we realised we knew a really rather good café with limited outdoor seating. On Mick’s return from dropping the hire car off he stopped by Morrisons and Tesco to pick up some provisions, Café Oleanna was open.
Heathers train, only a nine minute journey
After a hail storm went over I walked down to meet Heather from the station, thinking please let the weather be kind to us! We chatted all the way back to Oleanna where Mick had set up outside. Our gang plank and stool table came in very handy when the refreshments came out. Soup, crusty bread, cheese and a selection of meats, the boy did good.
Café Oleanna open for business, just a shame about the bright yellow elsan being so close!
Showers came and went, we persevered through most of them, but one did make us retire into the cratch.
Giant Industry can be rather beautiful
A walk down into the docks was a touch of a disappointment to us all as there was not one ship in. Just as well as the level in the pound had been down by about 18 inches and a day of few ships had helped the pumps at the cofferdam catch up with the demand.
Distinct lack of ships today
We walked over Ocean Lock, across the next swing bridge which leads to Victoria Lock with a rather nice boat moored above it. Then we wiggled our way down to the river bank to shelter under trees whilst another shower went through.
Contemplating Ocean Lock
A lovely afternoon catching up and discussing tidal waters. Heather may join us for the day when we go round Trent Falls. Here’s hoping her trip to the River Hull comes off for her.
This morning whilst in Selby Mick had been up to the lock to see if the Lockie was about, no sign but he did get a phone call later. They discussed possible passages both from Goole to Trent Falls and from Selby. Dates were discussed too, our eyes on a certain early morning high tide, Nigel (the Lockie) agreed that that date would be good.
Ocean Lock
Chats with David from The Goole Escape group later means that we may join forces with them and a widebeam to head both to Selby and then on to Trent Falls. We are all keeping our fingers crossed for good weather.
Mick called Nigel back and booked us in at Selby, just ABP to book with now. Our escape from Goole will be an hour before high tide here and during daylight hours, so we should be fine to go a couple of days before our planned Trent Falls trip.
Next we got to sorting out second jabs for ourselves. Mick had tried yesterday, first for himself and then for me. I have one booked in Scarborough, but if it could be moved to somewhere nearer to Goole that would make sense. However I wasn’t being offered the same places as Mick.
That looks like a nice mooring
I had a go with two browsers open at once. So hopefully I could book each appointment within seconds of each other. Up came the same vaccination centre in Hull, but Mick was being offered totally different dates to me, mine being two weeks later. After trying elsewhere we decided to book Micks in Hull and keep mine for Scarborough, both falling a couple of days before our planned departure from Selby.
0 locks, 0 miles, 1 Inn cloth progressing, 2 passages through Selby booked, 1 destination undecided as yet, 1 eager Mrs Bleasdale, 0 ships, 1 big lock, 2 downpours, 2nd jabs booked, 1 plan coming together, 0 P, 2 boaters 1 cat with fingers and paws crossed for suitable weather.
This morning we went to see Laird, the chap who owns the marina, to hand our notice in. Mick is still working on actual dates for us leaving Goole, but having to give a months notice we really hope we’ll be gone within that time. We chatted things over with him and to see if he could impart any knowledge on Trent Falls, sadly he couldn’t as he’s never had the opportunity to cruise round here.
Get on with it!
The sun was out so we made ourselves ready to push off, it would be silly not to make use of a nice day by staying put now that there is a stretch of canal to cruise. With the extra ropes we’ve been using to tie up here due to fluctuating levels and a short pontoon this took a while longer than normal. I gave the bow a big push at the front and we reversed away from our mooring.
We turned right, away from the docks and headed towards the caisson. Three boats sat on the visitor moorings, this has been their home since November, all members of the Goole Escape group. We waved as we cruised past, conversations about dates soon to be had.
Turning out onto the canal
Exol Pride and Fusedale H sit tied together, going nowhere soon. Such a sad sight. No point in them heading up the way for jolly like us, they wouldn’t be able to wind for one thing, whereas we can do that almost anywhere along the stretch of canal heading out to the west.
At the old Waterways Museum carvings stand outside, one winking as the other reveals herself! We wonder if the moorings outside will ever be reinstated as it’s a very long length to be left empty.
The two and a half miles or so to Rawcliffe Bridge we only saw a few fishermen, no boats. Oleanna’s engine needed to be checked before she has to cope with tides, so Mick opened up the throttle, kept to the centre. This would be impossible on your average canal but at 3m deep and very wide it’s not too much of a problem going fast. She covered the water, me checking the temperature gauge every now and again, a steady 80C, all well.
Rawcliffe Bridge
A slight vibration noise was coming from below, we’ve heard this before when the weed hatch lid hasn’t been tightened down fully. Please note our weed hatch is completely separate from the engine bay, so therefore there is no chance of water entering the engine bay and causing us to sink. Maybe we need slightly thicker blocks of wood under the locking mechanism than before, or maybe the coats of blacking have affected something.
Happy boat
I’d been excited at the prospect of them pushing the outside away and moving it again. But now I wasn’t so sure! I told them as much at the back door, then I shouted at them! They ignored me and said I’d get used to it again!
We slowed our speed passing the marina at Rawcliffe Bridge. The boats here were stuck between the breach and the stop planks at the caisson for months with fluctuating levels. At least there is now a route out should they choose to take it and a short distance to pootle should they want to.
M62 to New Bridge
More fishermen lined the banks. The last little kink in the canal before the M62 bridge and we could make out New Bridge where just beyond the breach site is. I managed to zoom in with my camera. I could see the cofferdam, a chap in high vis and diggers moving about, all quite hazy at nearly two miles away.
Cofferdam ahead
We carried on to near the chimney that stands on it’s own on the north bank, winded and then pulled in. Now where were the mooring pins?! We’d need tyre fenders, these weren’t attached to ropes yet! We managed it in the end watched over by the second mate.
Stop faffing and let me out!
As Tilly knew where she was as soon as I opened the cat caravan the other day we had no hesitation in granting her shore leave. In fact a little bit of encouragement was required. A short walk along the towpath with plenty of sniffing and admiring the view, which contained no cats what so ever!
Tilly came and went working her way through quite a lot of ‘Thank you for coming home’ Dreamies. We had an early lunch and when Tilly reappeared she was licking her lips we suspect she’d found a friend to enjoy for lunch too. Her first in over six months.
A walk up to look at the breach was next passing numerous fishermen, apparently since the breach the fishing has been really really good along this stretch, maybe it’s something to do with the water being pumped round the cofferdam and all the extra air in the water.
Lots going on
I’m saving telling you about the breach until tomorrow as today was way too exciting for just one post and tomorrow will be a boring day in comparison.
Tilly had a few more hours coming and going, or snoozing on the bed through the afternoon. I got my work out and Mick worked on our escape plan.
From New Bridge
He made phone calls to the Lock Keepers at Selby and Keadby. Selby was just the answerphone, but a chap answered at Keadby. He was a relief keeper so wasn’t willing to offer advice. Over the next few days they were expecting several boats from our direction.
On Friday there is one boat headed out from Selby. They are hoping that when they reach Trent Falls or End, the tide will be such that they will be able to turn up onto the Trent as the tide turns and help push them up to Keadby, no beaching or anchoring for them.
Over looking Drax
Then on Monday three boats are setting out from Goole an hour before high tide. Originally this was two boats who had hired a pilot to go with them, another boat has decided to tag along. They will make their way to Trent Falls anchor for quite a few hours. Then about 40 minutes after the flow starts they will have enough depth to start to head up the Trent to Keadby. Mick estimates their journey will be around 12 hours and on a spring tide. We’re not too keen on doing the trip on a spring tide and four boats all anchored might be interesting once the tide comes in and starts moving them about.
So it’s still looking like we’ll head to Selby before going down stream. But a chat with Selby is a must.
During the afternoon I got a text from my doctors surgery offering me my second jab at the Rugby Club in Scarborough. I went to the website to see when appointments were available, another two weeks and only on one day. Would that day coincide with the perfect day to go round Trent Falls?!
Mick called his surgery and as yet they don’t know when the next batch of vaccine will arrive with them, but he was told he could go through the NHS website to book elsewhere. A look with various options of location came up with similar dates to Scarborough. Would we be able to make it to some of the venues in time? Should we just head to Hull? Until we know which tide we’ll be taking, we will not book anything. Jabs are important, but so are tides. I however have booked one for Scarborough just in case, I can always cancel it if we can get them elsewhere.
Back through the caisson
With some work achieved and Tilly home we decided to head back to the marina. Staying out overnight would be lovely, but tomorrow is an early start with a trip to Scarborough, so we have no choice.
The cruise back wasn’t so sunny, dark clouds were looming. It still felt good to be moving on the water again. Tilly considerably quieter inside than on the way out this morning.
Back into Goole
Of course as we came through the caisson gates the wind picked up, it started to rain. Mick turned Oleanna back in towards her pontoon and I hopped off the bow at the first chance. An Andy manoeuvre to get the stern in was needed to fight the wind, trying not to grate the paintwork on the bow with the overhanging pontoon was quite hard. The centre line was tied to a cleat to stop Oleanna being blown onto our neighbours. The bow line tightened, centre line loosened, a touch too much. Stern line passed over, pulled in, all as it started to SNOW!!! Well thank you!
0 locks, 8.23 miles, 1st cruise this year, 1 wind, 1 months notice, 1 nervy cat, 1 boat speeding along, 3 moving boats, 27 fishermen, 1 breach visit, 2 sides of the bridge, 1 Inn started again, 2nd jab invite, 2 much happening at the same time, 1chat with a lockie, 1 answer phone, 1 friend, 1 happy cat, 1 snow shower, 4 very very cold hands, 1 Mrs Tilly stamp of approval.
Exactly six months ago we turned Oleanna into Viking Marina in Goole, imagining that we’d be able to come down to visit her for the odd weekend, maybe even have a few weeks onboard bringing the second mate with us. But for a couple of reasons that just wasn’t to be, Covid and a whacking great big hole in the canal.
18th September 2020
So after breakfast this morning I finished off adjusting an old curtain that had been made for a show, an extra couple of inches required in length to cover one of the archways in the house. Then piles of things were gathered together to take to Oleanna.
Blimey it’s hard to remember what we’d left on board all that time ago! Back in September there had been a method, things bagged up to take to the house for washing, then returned and stowed in vacuum bags. But had some items not been returned as yet, would we have pillows, towels etc? I’m normally very good at remembering such things, but because it was an ongoing job and we’d be visiting regularly (well that was the plan) I hadn’t filed it all away in my brain! So an element of keeping our fingers crossed was needed.
Then there was the sit down with Tilly to explain. My Sunday morning snooze was interrupted! Oh blimey a meeting!!What was She going to say!?! I was going to be left in charge of the house and I was to be good. She said that they were going to the boat but I’d be left behind in Scarboreugh as all sorts of things would be happening and it was best I didn’t get in the way. Bloomin cheek! I just rolled my eyes and went back to sleep, not much else I could do.
Everythings back to the old normal now, queues to get out from B&Q
With the hire car packed we stopped off at Toolstation to collect an order, a quick pop into B&Q which meant then joining the queue to get out. Morrisons also had a visit for a pint of milk and a loaf of bread, then we were on our way passing the queue at the drive through Macdonalds.
The Wolds were pretty, some daffodils just past their best, others just sagging their heads in need of a drink. The rapeseed yellow is starting to show in the fields and the blackthorn blossom is wonderful.
Sunny skies through the hatch
Oleanna sat in the sunshine an easy step onto the bow today. Levels now seem to be pretty constant in their Goole dock type fluctuating way. All windows were opened, hatch, bow and stern doors swung open, a lovely breeze flowing through.
Mick set about turning everything on and then started to fully empty the water tank. This had last been filled I think at Pollington Lock back in September and we’ve been gradually using up the water washing mugs when we’ve visited. We don’t normally get worried about the water in the tank as there is enough chlorine in tap water to keep it good whilst living on board. But after six months we wanted to sterilize the tank.
We’ve done this once before, when we bought Lillian. With an empty tank Mick poured about 0.75 litres of Milton into the tank and then refilled her right up. This was left in the tank for around an hour before taps were turned on to fully drain the tank again. This should have killed off anything in the tank. Hopefully we’ll now be around enough to keep the water flowing through the tank and keeping it fresh once again.
The mattress covers had been taken to be washed at the house. With no instructions on their labels I’d emailed the company to seek advice. By the time a reply of ‘dry clean only’ came back they were already going round on a gentle cycle in the washing machine. Today I would see if this had done them any harm. Thankfully they went back on without any problem.
Look at that sky
Next job was to find bedlinen and duvets and pillows. They were all there, most in a vacuum bag under the bed. Towels were present too. The linen/office cupboard got a good sort through. Items from the random cupboard were checked for things we don’t use anymore. This was worth doing as more space was made.
Under the bed was a large vacuum bag of yarn and fabric. Well the fact it was stashed away in the dark and awkward to get to meant I don’t really need it on the boat. It went straight into the car boot for storage in the house.
I never thought of myself as having a yarn stash!
At the stern I cleared out the bike/hanging cupboard. We’ve had two Brompton bicycles onboard since 2014, one is easily accessible, the other would mean taking the step out and since it went in there four years ago it has never been used. This bike was taken to Scarborough a few months ago. A sort out of hats, gloves and waterproofs then I could add the life jackets.
This cupboard also has a shelf which is a touch of a shed for tools and useful things. Above is what we call the Nicholsons shelf. Big enough for a mug to be put on, log book, nicholsons guide book, phone charger and the old phone we use for Waterways Routes lives here. Other items had crept onto the two shelves so a tidy of them followed too.
Then the bottom drawer. Here were still jars of Trent Lock Blackberry Jam from 2015. We haven’t eaten jam for years, so these along with some incredibly well fermented chutney all headed to the bins. The new found space was instantly used with our stash of goodies from Yorkshire Rapeseed Oil.
Mick happened to look out out of the side hatch and caught the sight of a huge black plume of smoke from the other side of the canal. People had come out to watch. It was actually coming from a scarp yard in Old Goole across the Dutch River.
Sunsetting with smoke
Thankfully the thick black smoke was heading upwards before the breeze caught it, meaning it headed right over our heads. The view from one side of the boat was bright blue sky, the other was thick black.
Blue arrow pointing at us
As I caught up on news from the London Leckenbys we could not only hear explosions but feel them too. Jac on the other end of the phone was astounded at how loud they were. Fire engines could be heard at intervals arriving. The smoke kept coming and coming.
I’d prepared a Lassaka in Scarborough, a cross between lasagne and moussaka, no aubergine or pasta, which went in the oven as we stowed things and made space for ourselves. To accompany our meal we decided to open a bottle of Christmas wine that we’d stocked up with back in September. Very nice it was too. All the time the smoke continued. Then an alarm at the docks decided to join in, this was going to be such a lovely first night back onboard Oleanna!
A Goole Rainbow
0 locks, 0 miles, 0 winds, 2 inches short, 1 lasakka, 1 full car, 2.5 litres danish oil, 3 types sandpaper,1 boat sitting waiting for us, 2 grimy door handles, 2 covers fitted, 1 tank emptied twice, 1 tank filled twice, 2 duvets found, 1 misplaced wash bag, 1 black rainbow, 1 alarm, 7 big bangs, only 1 Line of Duty, 2 happy boaters,1 grumpy cat.
Another fine Saturday means that Mark has been back out with his drone.
Not much has changed in the last week, which for some will be frustrating, not seeing any progress. For me I think the engineers have been, seen what’s what and are coming up with solutions to mend the breach. There may be several solutions to the problem, so some mulling time will be required to see which is the best. Budget, timescale and longevity all come into it and it’s not as if they can nip down to B&Q to buy a Large Breach Repair Kit in three buckets and a bag of concrete with a free shovel thrown in! If only!
Hopefully they will put out an update soon, it is nearly a month since the last one!
More concrete blocks have been put down alongside the drain below the canal. There is also a line of them across the roadway, presumably put there to stop any body turning up wanting to drive right up to the breach site.
Where the puddle was last week there is a bit more water, but the small stream from the eastern end is now dry. I think I can make out a small pump on the western side, there to remove any water that makes its way in at that end.
But the biggest thing is that there is no sign of the floating pontoon. Even in the long distant shot Mark took there is no sign. According to a comment made on the photos, it was dismantled last Monday and removed from the site.
So we just have to wait for any more news.
Mark also did a flight over the marinas in Goole today. Viking on the left and Goole Boathouse on the right. It’s good to see Oleanna and Lisa’s boat even if it is from a distance. Maybe we should turn Oleanna round so that she can be more sociable.
Viking Marina
There was also a photo of the caisson gates. Paul from Waterway Routes had been in touch recently wanting to check that he had them on his maps facing the right direction, they were correct.
Goole caisson 17/4/21
In past photos of the caisson gates you have been able to see where the stop planks are below the water as there has been a slight level difference between the docks and the canal, due to water being used in the locks. But today the level looked just that, level. The stop planks will need to be removed for those boats wanting to escape from Rawcliffe Bridge. It has been suggested this may happen in the next couple of weeks, but nothing official yet.
Three Months ago today we learned of the breach on the Aire and Calder. The canal was doing a good job of emptying itself into fields, the flow of water heading for the villages of East and West Cowick. That all feels like a long time ago.
This morning my computer binged at me, a message from Mark Penn with new photos from the breach site. His initial comment was that there was no change. This was right in some respects, no progress on emptying out the cofferdam ready for inspection. But on the other hand there has been quite a bit happening.
Four days ago we received the notice from C&RT regarding a temporary fix to where the cofferdam meets the piling on the south eastern end. They would be implementing a more secure seal here, which is in progress and visible on Marks photos.
The first thing noticeable is that the floating pontoon is back on site. It had been stored through the other side of New Bridge. The pipes pumping water round the breach have been extended towards Goole, meaning that the pontoon and workers wouldn’t be drenched whilst working.
Water is actually being pumped into the cofferdam from the western end. This at first seems strange, pumping water in to where there is a breach, only for the water to flow out and into the drain below.
But thinking about it, it must be to help relieve pressure on the cofferdam whilst they make a more robust seal. We all know that lock gates open easily when the water level is equal at one end of the lock, yet the water pressure at the other end is immense. So keeping the water level between the cofferdam and the canal will mean less stress on what they are working on.
By the pontoon you can see a lot of new piling being put in along the bank where aggregate had been added last week. The void has been filled and now they are reinforcing the piling where it meets the cofferdam.
The above photo shows this better. A better fix than some blue tarpaulin and a roll of gaffa tape would do!
From above you can see the new piling lines up with the dam and the aggregate. Here’s hoping that this fix is nearing completion and that no more voids will hold up the cofferdam from being pumped out fully next week. Then the investigations can start and the engineers can get to work on a solution.
20-3-21 A boom has been positioned downstream near the bridge
A year ago we had arrived in Nantwich to stock up before continuing northwards. Little did we know we’d be there for months. The world was a different place, everyone getting used to what social distancing was, panic buying and hand sanitizer were new things. Supermarket shelves were empty and queues were long.
Tomorrow, Saturday, we’d have our first Geraghty Zoom.
In all our minds back then we knew lockdown was coming, but only imagined it would last for a few months. Then life would return to some form of normality. Kath, Micks sister had left a plant on her office desk hoping it might survive, she’s not been back.
Theatres closed their doors on the 16th March 2020. A year later it was apt to have a panto meeting. Showing my white card model to the creative team and producers was a little strange on a Zoom meeting. Mick had enabled my phone to be an extra camera so that I could show people round my model whilst giving them motion sickness! A good meeting.
Muddy Cows
On Wednesday I caught a bus up to Scarborough Rugby Club where I joined the queue for the local vaccination centre. I’d last stepped foot in this building eight years ago when collecting old rugby shirts to be used in the premier production of John Godbers Muddy Cows at the SJT.
SRUFC Vaccination Centre
This time I left with my vaccination card and a sticker. My photo on social media has caused some unrest from those who didn’t receive one. Mick is miffed and so is Kath from Herbie along with numerous friends. Sorry!
This morning I have received my NHS vaccination letter, I’m glad my doctors had everything in hand as the nearest hub to us is Saltburn 31 miles away. The 3.5 miles on the old railway line is much better. Just a shame I’ve had a few side effects, hopefully todays vertigo will pass soon.
0 locks, 0 miles, 1 dam filling up, 1 reinforced joint, 2 boaters still with fingers crossed, 3 months, 53rd Geraghty zoom, 1:25 scale white card model, 18 rugby shirts, 1 jab, 3.5 miles home, 1 sticker controversy, 1 wild flower bed planted, 6 more houses to go, 2 thank you’s to Paul (Waterway Routes) and Dave Scouts for blog advice, 1 map from last year to check it still works, 1 window open all sunny day for Tilly, 1 Mrs Tilly stamp of approval.
In my last post I got distracted by the blue tarpaulin at the western end of the cofferdam. I’m still not sure why this is there but a comment from David has confirmed that the leak last week, that filled the cofferdam up was at the eastern end. A void adjacent to the eastern end of the piling, on the south bank, allowed water to fill the dam back up. This was mended, but there seems there must be another leak somewhere as the cofferdam is still quite full, well it was a couple of days ago.
The extra raft at the western end is also most likely to increase the amount of water being pumped round the site, trying to keep up with water that is used at the docks.
It is thought that there are voids and leaks all along the aqueduct on the north bank, so not just one hole. The extent of these won’t be known until the cofferdam is fully drained. At the moment the best case scenario is that the canal will be closed for a couple of months, worst case until the end of the summer. But until the engineers can get a better look they obviously can’t really say.
It’s been two months since we last checked on Oleanna ourselves, others are doing a great job of checking her ropes when the levels alter, but today we paid an essential visit to her. Our Boat safety is booked soon and we knew of a few jobs that needed doing before hand.
Mick picked a hire car up from Beerhouse who are working out cheaper than Enterprise at the moment, £10 cheaper if you call them rather than booking online too. Not a pristine car, bumps and scrapes, but we weren’t bothered.
The trip over the Wolds was lovely, snowdrops filling the verges and reaching up into the woods. Daffodil leaves stretching up towards the sky, hopefully they will be in bloom the next time we do this drive, some of the roundabouts are spectacular.
Spring spinging
The level in the docks still isn’t what it was when we first arrived in September, but today Oleanna was certainly afloat and not sat on the bottom. It was a big step down, no need for the booster block though.
Masked up we went to check in with Laird at the marina. No new news regarding the breach and our only possible escape route would be if we dig a tunnel.
Then it was time to get on with jobs.
A kitchen shelf made to measure, it just needs an extension for the starter battery
The battery terminals needed some form of covering, this is so that you can’t drop any tools on them. A piece of wood would do the job. An unused shelf from a kitchen cupboard had been brought with us. This proved to be the right size for the leisure batteries, but the starter still needs something. We took measurements and will look for either a piece just for the starter, or see if we have a slightly longer shelf that would cover all batteries in one go.
Mick started her up, first time, no grumbling. She was left to run, the leisure batteries already at 100% from the solar, but the bow thruster battery could do with a charge.
I measured up the poppers on the front door blinds. One is broken so needs replacing and I’m wanting to make us two new blinds for when the original ones get too tatty, due to our second mate! The poppers appear to be 12mm diameter, so I’ll need the press stud side and a die to fix them to the cloth. I’m hoping a costume friend may just have what I need to do this.
The red grabrails are all looking very faded, apart from where I touched them up recently. Somehow the red mentioned in the boat bible isn’t the correct colour, but when we were last in Sheffield the painter there gave me a tin of the right colour. I’m wanting to get a new tin to have enough to do all the grabrail, plus this tin reacted strangely when applied.
Cratch rolled up
One place the Boat Safety will need to get to is the gas locker in the bow. Oleanna is on a short pontoon, moored stern in, so not the easiest place to get to. So next job was to wind. We’d chosen today to do this so as to avoid a named storm that is due tomorrow.
Untying all the ropes holding Oleanna to the pontoon took quite some time. The fender eyes on the gunnels are useful in such situations, but really awkward to get to when your boat is lower than the pontoon. Mick had to lie down and then lean over the edge to feed ropes back through the eyes. I could reach the bow rope from the cratch, but this took quite some feeding too.
With the cratch cover rolled up both sides and the pram cover lowered we were ready to move her for the first time in six months. No chance of pushing off, she just drifted away from the pontoon and we were off!
Even though all we were doing was winding, just standing at the back felt good. The lady from the Dutch Barge two boats over waved to us as we pulled out of our mooring.
Winding in a marina can be dodgy. Usually the wind will pick up as soon as you want to turn and you end up being pushed towards lines of moored boats. We once got to meet a whole new section of boaters at Crick Marina doing this, everyone trying to give you a push in the right direction away from their boats!
A different view
Marinas have people who watch and the space required to manoeuvre is never luxurious, so the odds are always stacked against you. Mick brought Oleanna out, turned her into the gap almost opposite, then swung the stern round. A touch of bow thruster whist turning meant we kept away from other boats. Reverse, forwards, reverse and then an extra boost of power to finish the turn and we’d finished our handbrake turn and headed back to our mooring.
Only five minutes until we were back tied up, facing the other way. Then the rope tying started again, leaving enough slack we hope for varying levels, but tight enough that she won’t be blown all over the shop in the next storm. The plank that had been positioned to stop us drifting under the pontoon was leaned over a touch. The corner of the pontoon could possibly just catch the gunnel if the levels came back up. A Tilly fender was also added into the equation.
Labelled up, another on the door
After eating our pack up the next job was the fire extinguishers. Oleanna has three. The ones at the stern and bow are both in cupboards. When they were fitted we were warned that we’d need to label the cupboards for the boat safety. So big labels went inside the cupboards and smaller ones on the outside. Each fire extinguisher was turned upside down a few times before going back into position.
The third one has for sometime lived in the gap between the shower and bathroom door. This means it is near the centre of the boat, close to the multi-fuel stove and not in the way. We’d never got round to fixing it to the wall.
A quick check with our Bubble Carpenter Frank as we’d be screwing into laminate. Franks final words were ‘don’t mess it up!’ Small pilot holes were followed by slightly bigger ones then the bracket was screwed into position. Job done and not messed up.
Tilly’s paws absent
The CO alarms and heat sensors have all had their batteries removed whilst we’ve been off the boat, saves some poor neighbour having to live with a dying battery and the beep that accompanies it. Each detector was checked in turn and then the batteries removed again, these will go back in on the day of the test.
We might wash the ropes
After six months of sitting still Oleanna is showing it a touch, both inside and out. All the ropes are turning green, the cratch and pram cover could do with another spray of Wet and Forget. Inside the bathroom windows have been left ajar, the plastic frames now covered in a thick layer of dustyness. These got a good clean, sadly my faithful assistant wasn’t on hand to inspect them from the outside, leaving her stamp of approval on newly cleaned glass!
If only Oleanna 25 times bigger was so quick to clean
A sweep through and a tidy in the galley. The wine cellar emptied of the bottles we’d stocked up on for Christmas, this gives access to the Alde Boiler. Jobs done, just a couple of things to sort on the morning of the inspection.
Mick had chance to have a chat with Geoff. We’d been hoping to see if anyone else was plotting an escape. Apparently someone had approached either ABP (who run the docks) or C&RT to see if it would be possible to use the lock out onto the Ouse if half a dozen boats got together to share. Sadly this will not be allowed. So currently the only way out of Goole is on the back of a lorry.
Looking back towards the docks
Before heading for the house we turned left out of the marina and drove down to look at the caisson. Lisa had mentioned that the top metal stop plank had been removed the other weekend and that the gates had been opened.
Gates open a bit at the caisson
The area has had a tidy up since we first came to have a look back in December and sure enough the caisson gates are open a bit, red lights indicate that the navigation is closed and you certainly wouldn’t get a boat through the gap.
Across on the southern bank the top stop plank lay. Not just a foot/eighteen inches deep but around three foot. All the pumps and pipes have gone from here, most probably to the breach site.
The water in the docks was slightly lower than that in the cut, causing there to be a flow over the rest of the stop planks. I suspect the remaining planks are being left in to protect both the docks and the cut. Should the level drop on one side, there is still something to hold back the water. So unless a lot more water gets pumped round the breach site, Oleanna is likely to be at her highest right now.
Looking towards the breach 4 miles away
Here’s hoping the cofferdam can be emptied and work of a solution started soon.
No going anywhere
Back at the house Tilly was waiting in a window for us. Her plight of cat food pouches having hit the main stream media after she’d brought the situation to their attention this morning. Apparently the shortage is due to the increase in pet ownership during lockdown and pet food manufacturers are finding it hard to ramp up production to keep up with demand. Don’t worry Tilly you’ve still got another 60 pouches to go before we have a problem!
0 locks, 100 meters, 1 wind, 2 girlie button presses, 3 extinguishers, 5 signs, 1 piece of wood, 1 more needed, 3 down to 2, 1 water tank almost empty, 12mm popper, 3003, 1 plank jauntified, 2 tyre fenders, 2 ham butties, 0 milk, 3ft stop plank, 1 red light, 0 escape, 2 thank yous to David and Stuart, 1 cat staying out of the media hype, 2 months of pouches, 1 blog with all photos again.
Later this month we will be changing our website hosting. Readers shouldn’t notice anything different and those who get an email each time I post should still get one. I will do my best to inform you of the last post before we move, JUST IN CASE!
Mark has been back to the breach site this morning.
As reported the level is up in the cofferdam again.
From C&RTs update it sounded like the eastern/downstream end of the cofferdam had given way. But from this photo it suggests it was actually the western/upstream end as a blue tarp has been added where the piling meets the bank.
Where the pipes pump the water out from the western end (I don’t know what to call them) another raft has appeared. It looks like they are planning on extending the existing pipes to this new raft, so as to suck water out further away from the piling. Maybe this is what caused the problem.
Down in the drain below you can see water is escaping again. This suggests that the hole is in the side not the base of this section. The water drained down to a level last time and then was needing pumps to completely empty the cofferdam.
The water level is now higher therefore draining into the drain again. I wonder how long it takes for it to empty itself?
These two photos were taken about ten days ago when the level was lower. The blue tarp and bags of aggregate still in position from before Christmas, helping to stem the flow of water.
Here you can see the water is being pumped out from the drain into the Dutch River.
This was the caisson gates and stop planks at Goole a couple of weeks ago, pumps working hard there.
Viking Marina at the same time. Hello Oleanna!
Goole Boathouse Marina
Thank you once again to Mark for the great photos. Even though there have been problems at the site it is good to see how things are first hand.
Later this month we will be changing our website hosting. Readers shouldn’t notice anything different and those who get an email each time I post should still get one. I will do my best to inform you of the last post before we move, JUST IN CASE!
Some people like facebook others hate it. Whilst out on Oleanna it has helped us stay connected to friends and family, near and far. Since 2014, when we moved on board Lillian I have posted a picture on facebook just about everyday. This morning my memories for today popped up on the screen of my phone. It’s always interesting to see if I can work out where we were and it also marks certain landmarks and events in life.
Titford Pumphouse
This time last year we battled our way through Storm Dennis to Titford Pumphouse to watch Heather and Kate of Alarum Theatre perform their latest show.
Sunrise over the Ings
Eight years ago I’d stayed the night at my Dad’s house and woke to the view of a private lake at the bottom, of the garden. The Ings doing their job holding flood water from the River Ouse, as they do several times a year.
Oh to be at Tixall Wide
In 2017 I was sat below on NB Lillyanne nursing a broken ankle in a boot. I sewed patchwork hexagons and watched Hitchcock films whilst Mick single handed us through Tixall Lock.
Two years ago we moored near Mexborough and started on a bit of a spring clean. This ended up with me offering my mobile phone to the gods of the deep after shaking a towel out of the hatch, which created a plop followed by the shiny exterior of my phone sinking into the depths of the Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigations!
Oleanna right at the very beginning
Five years ago we hired a car to witness the start of the build of our boat. In Newcastle-under-Lymn the base plate of Oleanna lay on the floor of Tim Tylers workshop. We had a cuppa and walked over what was to become our home. The stern was chalked out ready to start the transformation from 2D to 3D. What an exciting day.
Back seven years ago was a very busy day. Starting with some TLC for some giant puppets who had battled the elements on Scarborough sea front the day before on the first night, Act 1 of Orpheus The Mariner, a large scale community project by Animated Objects. Then some joining together of willow, ribbon, ropes and ripstock close to Valley Bridge ready for Act 2. Followed by donning my Luminaries waterproofs ready to lead one of the giants to meet an even bigger giant puppet. What a day that was.
What will be my photo today?
Well, this morning Dawn and Lee, of Animated Objects, delivered some work to our front door. A spare room had been cleared and the floor covered with dust sheets. I now have a bakers dozen of giant sci-fi guns that need covering in muslin, glue and paint. That’ll keep me busy for a while.
0 locks, 0 miles, 5 years of Oleanna, 7 years since a giant, 13 guns, 15 metres muslin, 5 litres PVA, 5 litres black emulsion, 5 cheap brushes, 1 bubble carpenter, 50 years since counting my new pennies.
Happy Birthday Oleanna, sorry we can’t be with you!