Category Archives: Moorings

Nine Shades Of Blue. 8th July

Below Eynsham Lock to Pinkhill Lock 24hr moorings

Today was going to be wet, how far should we travel? And would we get soaked?

Lock ready and waiting for us

By the time we’d had breakfast Mick had spotted a Lock Keeper, time to get ourselves a licence. We’d deliberated as to what duration to get. Two weeks would be £155, if we stayed on the river for longer then a months licence would be cheaper than three weeks. Mick returned having spent £155 and in return we had a licence to display in a window. I was all ready to tape it to the inside of the cratch where it can be seen by Lock Keepers no matter which side they are on.

Covers were rolled up and we pushed off into the lock soon followed by a second narrowboat that had just come into view.

Pippin and Oleanna rising together

The Lock Keeper was on duty for both here and Pinkhill (the next lock upstream) today. Unless there was a problem up stream she’d likely be staying at Eynsham. We chatted as we turned the wheels to operate the sluices. The EA has kept the same number of Lock Keepers, but reduced the number of seasonal keepers this year. She said the locks were the same as ever at this end of the Thames, but we’d notice things were different up stream, our last visit being four years ago.

On leaving I thanked her and wished her a dry day. This was not to be however as the heavens opened fairly soon after leaving. Waterproofs on we wound our way round the meanders of the river. Most of the moorings along here were occupied, one boat was the first boat we ever went to look at NB Cream Cracker, it had cream leatherette panels in the ceiling and a trad stern so we’d discounted it very quickly.

We kept up with NB Pippin, I hopped off on the lock landing and went up to help open the bottom gates. Here the Hollyhocks stood proud in the lock cottage garden, muted colours suggesting they’d faded with the sunshine. Not much of that for us today, it was now really quite wet.

Pinkhill Lock

NB Pippin was on a touch of a mission, they hoped to reach Lechlade today, then would take their time returning over a few days. We let them go first whilst I closed up the lock behind. We might see them at the next lock, but might not.

As we rounded the next bend a space on the picnic moorings called to us. If the weather forecast for today was correct then we’d only be getting more and more wet as the hours went on. Or we could just stop and sit out the rain. We decided on the latter and pulled in.


Tilly was not impressed! Rain at both ends of Oleanna, So not fair! But the rain passed over and shore leave was deemed to be okay again and off she went looking for friends.

Should we stay the day or risk the rain. The weather didn’t seem as bad as it had been forecast, but had we not seen the worst of it yet? One job for my panto model would require several hours in one sitting to paint the backgrounds for the majority of the set. Today could be that day, or tomorrow. We chose to stay put.


The paints came out and I mixed my first shade of blue, azure mixed with white for a pale shade, this was for the floor. After two coats on relevant model pieces more blue was added, the next band painted, two coats. This continued throughout the afternoon until I’d reached the top band which was just about black at the top of the cloths and portals.

Mick had to be Dreamie monitor for the afternoon to try to keep Tilly away from my model bits. A shake of wetness could leave marks that would end up being printed twenty five times bigger! However I tend to be the Dreamie dispenser, so she naturally came to me on returning from shore leave. Thankfully though my model survived without any added splodges.


The weather was surprisingly not constant, we had sunny intervals and rain at times. Paddleboarders came for an explore, dropping into the river between us and our neighbours. A family came to fish, the kids playing whilst Mum and Dad sat with rods to our bow, the rain didn’t seem to bother them much. All afternoon groups of teenagers walked past, the lead person with a big map in hand, everyone carrying big rucksacks on their backs. Were they doing a Duke of Edinburgh walk? Or was it a whole school year walking the Thames Pathway. They kept coming and coming until early evening.

In one sunny spell we headed outdoors ourselves. Time to set the towpath barbers up and give Mick a haircut. Much better now.

2 locks, 1.6 miles, 1 wet day, 1 miffed cat, 5 hours painting blue, 0 barbeque, 6 paddleboarders, 79 walking kids, 12 Dreamies, 9 shades, 3 blue fingers, 1 thumb, grade 3,1 smart and tidy boy again.

How Very Thames. 7th July

Kidlington Green Lock to Eynsham Lock, River Thames

Mick pointed me to additional adjustments on the laptop this morning. Could I balance the contrast, brightness and colours to make the screen more comfortable? I tweaked a few things then started to type.

Whenever there is new tech on the boat and I am the new user, Mick can be seen wincing over several days until I’ve found all the things that have changed. The program I use to watermark the photos for the blog wasn’t there this morning, an easy thing to solve once you remember if you’d paid to have a better version or not. The next thing, which English? I can only put up with colour being underlined in red for so long. This is an easy fix and one I can do myself, it’s just annoying as I know my spelling is correct, in English English!

Drinkwater’s Lift Bridge

We pootled down the canal. Drinkwater Lift Bridge was wound up, no vehicles or walkers to stop. Then we slotted in at the waterpoint and topped up the tank very slowly, even slower as the washing machine was working hard.

As Oleanna dropped down Dukes Lock a small, varnished to within an inch of its life, rowing boat shot round the corner in front of us heading to Dukes Cut Lock, it did have an outboard motor. I walked round and at first couldn’t see the boat, blimey it must have shot through the lock too! No it was so small it was hiding waiting for the lock to empty, the owner clinging onto it’s red rope.

Does this paddle actually do anything?

It took forever to empty and it took two of us to push open the bottom gate. We may have just fitted in the lock along with him, but neither Mick or I wanted to try. I paced it out, borderline. Best not to share. The paddle was lifted, not even two turns possible. Was this actually doing anything or was the lock just filling by itself around the top gate. An extra push on the beam had the water leveling out quicker, the chap heading off into the distance upstream. Time to do it all again for Oleanna.

Pootleing away

Eventually we were up and level with the River Thames. Slowly past all the boats that live in no man’s land in Dukes Cut. Some are interesting, one very much afloat yet on such an angle! A couple sat in a clearing with a big big speaker blasting out what at first sounded like ‘Let’s get ready to rumble’, but it wasn’t Ant and Dec, something more modern.

Floating but on quite a list

The floating pontoon just before the junction was empty, we pulled over tying Oleanna up around the willow branches. Yellow water tank required emptying then we had lunch. Time to get Oleanna river ready, well yesterday would have been better, but it didn’t happen. The anchor chain and rope bucket were brought out from a locker, one end attached to the bow T stud the other to the anchor. Life jackets found in the shed.

Back on a river, deep and wide

Now, should we stay put in the shade? Or should we carry on? The hours on our schedule have decreased a touch, but being close to a road today would be handy. We carried on towards Eynsham Lock, the sun shining down on us as Mick checked our quarter wave.

Boats were nestled into the banks here and there, the further we got away from Oxford the fewer they got. The chap in his pretty rowing boat had pulled onto the bank a short distance on, enjoying the days sunshine to read his book.

The 24 hour moorings below Eynsham Lock were empty, we pulled in. On a bend in the bank, we started to pull along to get a straight edge to the high bank. The Lock Keeper came down to check we were alright and requested we pull right up to the other end of the moorings.

I said we’d need to see him for a license, he asked what our plans were and he suggested seeing the Lock Keeper in the morning, he’d not seen us today and the mooring for the night would be free, bonus! That makes our return journey and timings slightly easier.

In painting mode

A quick check around the area, then Tilly was given three hours to explore the nettles. I sent a message detailing our location to John at Chippy Theatre as some samples had arrived for me and he’d offered to drop them off on his way home tonight.

The afternoon was spent going through a costing list for panto that was about to be sent out to builders, painting in breadfruit leaves and round palms whilst Mick listened to the cricket. At 6:30 I got a phone call from John he was about five minutes away. It was a very quick five minutes as he was already at the locked gate envelope in hand. Hooray my samples, but not as exciting as I’d hoped, lots of dull green fabrics but some Chinchilla Habotai Silk that looks like a possible.

In for a dip

During the afternoon a group of teenagers had gathered on the opposite bank, many of them enjoying the river waters for a swim. That side is quite shallow so many of them could stand, what a lot of noise! At least they were having a good time. They were replaced with couples having a swim, a tent was set up was there fishing going on?We’re certainly back on a river.

Ideal location for our first night on the Thames

The chairs came out and two of the salmon fillets had a sprinkling of some Thai spices, some veg kebabs and potatoes were prepared, Mick lit the barbeque as three men rowed past heading for the lock. A short while later a couple came past standing up, rowing Venetian style. How very Thames!

But where is Montmorency?

2 locks, 4.8 miles, 1 empty yellow tank, 1 full water tank, 2 rights, 1 little boat, 1 slow lock, 1 anchor, 1 free day, 1 free mooring, 1 envelope, 6 shades of green, 61 leaves painted, 2 kebabs, 2 salmon fillets, 2 pimms, 1 big fat plane, 2 boaters and 1 cat back on the river.

Overtaking Just In Time. 5th July

Dashwood Lock to Thrupp Visitor Moorings

Still chilly, but not wet this morning. We needed to be moored up with good internet signal before 2pm today. As we descended Dashwood Lock I could see a Black Prince boat just setting off from below the lock. We caught them up at Northbrook Lock, it was obvious that they were very new to boating. The lady followed the chap around and she preferred to step into the welldeck and out again than cross the bottom gates. I helped (after asking!) and chatted to the lady. A boat approached from below so the gates could be left open, which was a touch confusing for the novice crew.

Just love their red moggy

Jane’s Enchanted Garden looks to have had a bit of a spruce up, the tea rooms now run by someone else elsewhere. By Pigeons Lock the sun was out, the world starting to warm up, we dropped down and swapped with an uphill boat.

Brickwork always makes for a good photo

By the time we were nearing Enslow the sky had split itself, one side blue the other very very dark. Coats and waterproof trousers were needed again, but thankfully not for long.

Bakers Lock had a downhill boat in it, but not the Black Prince boat. A single hander who offered to come back once she’d pulled in below to help with the lock. We were fine, she could enjoy a cuppa instead.

The flow on the river section wasn’t really noticeable today, the bends still required some navigating though. We pulled at Shepton Weir Lock in just as the hire boat was about to leave the lock. The lady had been asking how far to the pubs earlier. I’d told her about the choice in Thrupp, but I wasn’t too sure about winding holes. I’d consulted my map by now. They could turn just before the lift bridge in Thrupp, after that it would be another two hours cruise to Dukes Cut for safe winding. Armed with the information they headed on their way. Would they carry on, maybe grabbing the last mooring in Thrupp or wind and moor a little out of the village?

Scooby Doo!

We followed them in, trying to work out which space we’d had on the Cruising Club moorings a couple of years ago. Was our luck in, they seemed to have moored up at the services for water along with another hire boat. A lady from the cruising club walked up to the bridge to open it for everyone, all three boats, we were waved through first!

Open sesame

The line of boats on the moorings at first looked like they were nose to tail, would there be space for us never mind the two following boats? The 7 day moorings were full, but the 2 days empty! Brilliant, just where we wanted to be. We pulled in and tucked ourselves right up to the next boat, soon followed by the two hire boats, both taking up way too much space. They soon moved up when others arrived. Phew we’d made it and in time for some lunch before my meeting.

Sorry to leapfrog you both

Time to go through the model and drawings with Gemma the production manager. Each item of set was talked about, construction wise and finish wise. Gemma should now have enough information to get quotes from builders and for the printing of cloths.

I then set about drawing out leaves to paint in a new version of the rainforest. I’m hoping doing it as a painted collage that then gets printed will give it a different feel from other years. Blimey there’s a LOT of leaves to trace out and paint before cutting them out and sticking them in position. All this whilst Tilly complained at the back doors, shore leave not allowed in Thrupp after a near collision with car tyres a few years!

Look into my eyes! You must buy salmon!

5 locks, 6.7 miles, 2 lift bridges, 1 lufted holding some up, 2 hire boats overtaken, 1:15pm moored, 2 model zooms, 3 quotes required, 2 sheets of leaves, so far, 2 days TDF caught up with, 1 telepathic Tilly, 4 salmon steaks, 5000 hours!

Meeting By Nebo. 3rd July

Banbury to Chisnell Lift Bridge

The last of the £5 electric was used up this morning by heating up water for a shower. £5 for two nights a touch steep, but useful for our battery bank. Next it was time to do a quick top up shop so we visited the new Lidl just behind the canal. Here we bought some of those pop-up net cages that help to keep flies from landing on food. The pack contained two sizes, the smallest looks like it would be the perfect size to go in our portholes instead of the glass and help keep flies off us on hot evenings.

Next we pushed Oleanna over to the other side of the moorings to have easer access to empty the yellow water tank. After my shower this morning I’d given Tilly a nice fresh pooh box which she then had climbed inside and proceeded to lift her bum over the side and wee all over new bags of litter and the floor. NOT my favourite cat! Well you left me starving to death yesterday! More cleaning and decanting of litter from damp bags to dry ones, it all eats time when you want to get moving.

Approaching Banbury Lock

A boat had just gone through the lift bridge and was topping up with water above Banbury Lock. I lifted the bridge and could see ahead activity at the lock, a lady was trying to open the bottom gates, I was fairly sure that there was a paddle open at the top as well as both at the bottom. I ran down to assist calling to her, but she couldn’t hear. Mick actually reached the paddle before I could as the ‘little footpath’ to cross the gate isn’t there. We wondered if the chap filling with water had lifted it to get it ready for himself to descend.

Our turn to go down, we were soon out the bottom and pulling onto the services for a top up of water, recycling and use of the elsan for the yellow water. Now the chores were done we could get moving.

All morning we’d been watching a boat moving up the South Oxford on Nebo, now they’d be watching us in return heading towards them, already a location to meet up chosen.

Dark clouds threatened, so waterproofs were dug out from the bottom of the shed. We were following a hire boat, the lady hopped off to lift bridge 170 which for some reason was closed to boats. She obviously wasn’t going to be able to lift it by herself, Mick put the bow into the bank, I hopped off and headed to be extra weight. We got it lifted and then had to wait for the boats to come through, leaning heftily on it and hoping their dog wouldn’t try to jump across to be with Mum.

Grants Lock Cottage hasn’t progressed any, still an empty roofless shell of a building. We slotted into a gap by Twyford Wharf for lunch, just in time as the heavens opened for five minutes.

King’s Sutton Lock Cottage

At Kings Sutton a single hander on a Sea Otter was going down with the help of a very tall chap, he was from a hire boat waiting below the lock. The hire boat crew were experienced, well they worked for the hire company and were in the process of returning a stranded boat back to base at Wigrams Turn. He shouted down to the single hander that he should lift his fenders when in the lock, as he might get stuck, at least six fat fenders increasing his boats width by a good 8 to 10 inches.

Leaving the gate

Up came the hire boat, then it was our turn, an uphill boat arriving as I was just closing the bottom gate for a following boat. Blimey it had got busy. Is the paddle gear new to the lock? The gates are certainly new and the gear the same as used at Hillmorton.

No-one was sat on the sofas at The Pig Place today, too chilly and a touch damp on occasions.

There’s a farm shop

The single hander on seeing that we were still behind him stopped in the lock and popped his middle fenders in through his windows, only two lifted out of harms way. I suggested he stay on his boat and I’d lift the paddles for him, I’m not keen on watching people stand holding their rope at the top of a lock and then having to jump down onto a wet roof, especially when they could have just stayed on board.

Sharing Aynho Lock

Mick made a phone call ahead, what time would Aynho Wharf close today, 4:45pm a little earlier than normal. Would we make it in time? Thankfully the single hander managed to tuck himself into the side of Aynho Lock meaning we could sit alongside him at the longest point of the lock, this saved some time and two fishermen gladly helped open and close gates for us.

The oven went on inside a batch of biscuits ready for baking. The first tray went in the oven just as we approached the wharf to top up with diesel. The second tray went in just as we were about to push off again, the first tray having had a minute or two too long sadly.

We shared the locks into Leeds with Barley in 2020

By mid afternoon the boat shaped icon we’d been keeping an eye on on Nebo had stopped moving. It was now replaced with a dot just where we’d planned to meet them. Gradually our boat icon moved along the pound towards them. The first moorings on our map filled with boats, we hoped that nearer the bridge there would still be space.

There he is!

The view opened out and ahead in the distance I could see the boat we were meeting, Paul stood on the towpath waving to us. Plenty of room to pull in. Tilly was immediately given an hours leave, but when Paul pointed out a red kite circling round where Tilly was in the long grass we decided she’d be better off inside.

Time to catch up with Paul and Christine for NB Waterway Routes. We were invited onboard for a cuppa and a biscuit. Well what a choice of biscuits, I’d brought some of the chocolate crackle cookies, we were spoilt for choice.

Christine and Paul onboard NB Waterway Routes

Plenty to catch up on. Paul always has an organised list of questions for us which get ticked off as they are answered. Not always about boating or the waterways. We also chatted about what’s been happening on the Waterways Ranking site that he runs. Several websites have been zooming up the rankings in the last month or so, blogs of boats that haven’t posted for years have been getting thousands of views. It appears there may be Russian computers accessing sites in search for something and therefore boosting the visits. Things appear to be calming down somewhat, but every now and again there is another surge.


It was lovely to meet up and as always Paul thanked us for assisting in updating Waterway Routes as we travel. I suspect there won’t be much for us to check up ahead as Paul and Christine have just cruised our planned route. We were sent back to Oleanna with presents for Tilly from Susan their daughter. Webbox her favourite, but maybe now the Bonkers cathip treats might just be better, a couple whilst she was have a bonkers zoomy moment soon sent her off for a snooze on the bed. Thank you!!!! Thank you!

5 locks, 8.1 miles, 1 heavy bridge, 1 empty wee tank, 1 wet bathroom floor! 1 fridge topped up, 1 water tank full, 2 boats assisted downhill, 2 assisted uphill, 1 dodgy bridge, 2 down pours, 1 hour curtailed, 1 Red Kite, 4 varieties, 1 biscuit tea, 1st Nebo meet up, 1 good catch up.

Finesse Ladies. 1st July

Dink and Malc’s to Premier Inn Banbury

More boats came past from Banbury. They started at around 6am with four having passed us before we were even enjoying a cuppa in bed. By the time we moved ourselves nine boats had come past, I kept a tally for a while but got bored when it reached eighteen.

Egg not quite up to scratch

Tilly was given an hour or so of shore leave whilst we had breakfast. Plenty on offer this morning, just a shame Mick forget about the existence of the black pudding which had been sitting patiently in the fridge to be eaten. Oh well, it just means we’ll have to have another cooked breakfast soon!

Tilly was called from the sideways trees and friendly cover, time for her to have a snooze and for us to move into town, hopefully we’d find a space at Spice Ball Park.

That’s a juicy treat!

Round the corner a Twyford Wharf hire boat had been moored overnight, the new holiday makers just moving onboard whilst two chaps clung onto the ropes. As Spice Ball came into view so did the boats that had come past us last night. All spaces I’d noted yesterday were filled, no choice but for us to be in the centre of town. Sorry Tilly.

There were plenty of uphill facing boats, many must have stopped for the night or to go shopping , there was quite a turn around of neighbours. Mick looked into the electric bollards. These were here last year but not working. Today they were. Despite the charge being 95p a kwh he decided to create an account and credit £5. We’ll be here for a couple of days and with our reduced battery capacity it would be nice to have power without running the engine. It took a bit of faffing to set up, but soon power flowed into Oleanna.

On their way

I packed up my next pair of socks and popped them in the post. These were a try out pair for a friend who wears braces on her legs. Longer than I’d normally knit and of different sizes, I may not have got the legs quite right. Ali let me know any amendments so that I can work them into the next pair.

Time to have a tidy up and rationalise my work things. Then I can start to make a mess again.

Late afternoon there was a ‘Hello’ from outside the boat. This was Liz and Mark from NB Azzurra a Finesse boat that was built a couple of years after Oleanna. Last year when we met NB Barberella on the River Nene I was added to a Whatsap group The Ladies of Finesse. Very little had been posted for a few months but Tilly’s choice of welldeck to explore at Cropredy had prompted me into posting this week. It turns out that not only NB Perseus is based around here but Liz and Mark happen to live in Banbury, so a meet up had been arranged.

Curry, don’t mind if I do

Liz’s face was familiar as soon as I popped my head out the back. It took all evening for us to pin point when we’d met before. February 2019, NB Azzurra was in build at Finesse and we’d returned to have a leaking window replaced and the gas locker lid hinges sorted, they had been on a visit to check on the build, the first full electric boat Finesse built.

We had a lovely evening with Liz and Mark. A pint of Hooky ale was enjoyed by all at Ye Olde Reine Deer Inn, a pint of Oat Sower for me a rare treat. Then we headed to Jool for an Indian meal and more conversation. Mark is a Waterways Chaplain for the Oxford Canal south of Banbury and Liz currently commutes to Glasgow three days a week as a radiographer.

Pip, Mick, Liz and Mark

Our paths are likely to cross a bit over the next few weeks as they will be heading the same direction as us, only a little bit faster.

0 locks, 0.4 miles, 2 hours shore leave, 1 pair of socks, 1 breakfast, 18 at least uphill boats, 1 wind tunnel, 95p! 3rd Finesse lady met, 4 pints, 4 currys, 1 bored cat, 1 spider rescued.

One Bus A Week. 28th June

Cropredy Marina

Model ready to go

Smarter clothes than boater clothes were put on this morning, time to take my white card model to Chippy and share it with the creative team. Cropredy doesn’t really have a bus service, well it does, on a Thursday, one bus into Banbury. Then there is one bus that returns an hour later. Or you can walk for half an hour for a more regular service, you may as well just keep walking on the towpath into town. No option but to get a taxi today.

I got dropped off at the new Premier Inn by Castle Quays so that I could walk to the bus station and check on the mooring situation and if anything had been happening with Lock 29, Banbury Lock.

As far as I could see above the lock there was plenty of space, who knows what it’s like further back at Spice Ball Park where many people prefer to moor. But there would certainly be room for Oleanna.

So what was the best case scenario?

Two chaps in blue and high vis stood by the top gate, the gate with the problem. They were chatting to a chap and I overheard ‘Best case scenario’. I had to but in as I hadn’t heard the next bit, the bit everyone around here and further afield would like to know.

Crane boat above the lock

I wasn’t given the best case scenario but was told that today people would arrive from Oxford and London. Stop planks were likely to be put in to be able to drain the top end of the lock, but they doubted that the gate would be lifted out today. A crane boat was sitting just above the taped off lock waiting to be used. A couple walked past and asked me if there was any news, I relayed what I’d been told, basically no one would be moving today.

Below the lock the mooring situation was different than above. One boat on the services mooring, another opposite then at least two sets of boats breasted up under the bridge. I didn’t have time to walk any further as my bus was due.

488 to Chippy

I’d opted to arrive in Chippy an hour earlier than I needed to as this year I’ll be staying in different digs. Madeleine my new host had invited me to pop round to meet her and see her lovely house if I was in Chippy. Very handy for the bus stop at the other end of town from Suzanne’s where I’ve stayed before. I’m also nearer to the Co-op and Sainsburys which is handy. We had a chat over a cuppa and I got to look round.

Getting set up for our meeting

Just time to grab something for lunch and walk to the theatre where John Terry (director not footballer) was getting ready to set up for our meeting. Half attendees would be in the room, the other half joined over the internet. Last year I’d done my final model showing on line and know how hard it is to get a camera set up for those on line to see properly. A laptop was tried but those in the room wouldn’t be able to see anything. Then a phone was used, this was much better.

What lies behind the front cloth ?

With everyone present John and I talked our way through the show, scene to scene. Lots of questions from Gemma the production manager, a few from Sophie the costume designer and discussions with Nathan the lighting designer. John seemed very happy and informed me of various changes in the script that have happened recently cementing the twist we’d come up with for Cinderella’s coach. Just one alteration to do in the model, so I came away happy.

Paul, Louisa and myself then went down onto stage to check some measurements. My plans of the theatre have been based on incorrect plans I got the first year, gradually over the last five years I have updated and altered my master plan. But still dimensions needed checking. There would be 2m depth behind the backdrop. Items to be hung on tracks closely together were worked out and subtracted from distances between bars, my guestimate had been correct. Then we worked our way through where items would be stored and how some pieces would best be split for ease of moving. All done, time for a cuppa whilst scanning the drawings. I checked the time of the next bus, blimey seven minutes! I was off and on my way.

Back in Banbury I walked up to the lock, it’s handily positioned right by the bus station. Fencing around the lock had been erected during the day.

Stop planks were doing a good job of holding back the water above the lock and the lock was drained.

Brought from doing towpath works by the look of it

The crane boat had been moved to below the lock and was now facing uphill. The bottom gates still chained shut.

I’ve since seen footage of the crane boat being moved mob handed by C&RT staff. The top gate which had been quiet this morning when I’d visited was gushing forth soo much water!

Looking at the gate this evening nothing was immediately obviously the problem. But at least now those working to mend it can see everything without water gushing everywhere.

C&RT had said there would be an update today, but none came through. We hope to hear something tomorrow.

I walked to the station to get a taxi. This gave me the opportunity to see how many boats were moored below. I counted two facing away from the lock and then seventeen facing towards it. This was only as far as I could see towards the old foundry. Who knows how many were around the next bend at the Tramway?

Back at Oleanna Mick has had a busy day. He’d washed just about anything and everything, we’ve got fresh towels for the second time this week! The bilge pump float switch has been fitted, the stern glad tightened.

He’d also got in touch with Mark from LiFe Batteries in Cornwall who is highly recommended on the 12volt group on Facebook. We’d have no problem adding a new battery to our two older ones, he’d need to set it up correctly to match them. However the footprint of such a battery (100AH, so twice the capacity of the one that has failed) would mean that it wouldn’t fit in our battery tray.

Looking back to the queue below the lock plenty more behind me

Mick asked about replacing all three but with two, but twice the capacity. The existing battery tray wouldn’t accommodate them either. During the day he’d been thinking about changing where we locate the batteries. Being lithium they don’t have to be in the engine bay, so they could move inside and into the cupboard we call The Shed. This was designed to hold a Brompton bike and have a hanging rail. It now holds life jackets, extra coats, handheld hoover, scarves etc and really could do with a proper sort out. The base of it would certainly be big enough for new batteries, they would then have a shelf above them to protect the terminals, then it could be a more organised Shed. The batteries being indoors would also help them to charge in cold weather.

All of this cannot be done straight away. So our current plan is to cope with 100AH until later in the year. This will almost certainly mean turning the freezer off to help live within our means.

0 locks, 1 drained and fenced in, 0 miles, 2 taxis, 2 buses, 1 new host, 1 new deli to try, 1 model showing, 1 big thumbs up, 2 meters tick, 1.5 meters tick, 1 clock to alter, 6 boxes pasta, 14 scans, 42 copies, 1 dash for the bus, 17 waiting, 100AH to live with, 1 clean pooh box, 1 unhappy cat.

Topless Tunnel. 25th June

Bridge 123 to Claydon Top Lock visitor moorings

Another early start, pushing of at 6:30 with cuppas in hand. The lovely cool breeze was nice and refreshing as we wound our way along the summit pound of the Oxford Canal. Sun cream had been applied as few clouds showed themselves.

This morning our batteries hadn’t been complaining. At the moment we can’t check their state of charge properly, so all we can do is help them to keep topped up. Good job we want to keep on the move at the moment.


Wiggles and winds soon brought us to the contrasting landscape. One minute beautiful green fields, sheep grazing, bird song. Then round the next bend the huge mounds of earth from HS2 sat grey against the horizon. No activity today just earthwork scars across the gentle valley. I’d been at work last year when Mick passed this way so the new temporary bridge was new to me.

A short distance onwards the normally very popular moorings had only two boats on them! Blimey, maybe the HS2 works has put people off, or is it just the lack of view at this time of year with so much greenery about.

Late yesterday afternoon we had a Clifton Cruiser hire boat come past asking where the next winding hole was. Mick checked our map, Fenny Compton another two hours ahead. Their boat needed to be back in Rugby for Monday morning and today the temperature was due to hit 29C! Thankfully we passed them as we approached Fenny, already winded and heading back to base, a long hot day ahead of them.

Fenny Compton Tunnel

Next Fenny Compton Tunnel where the roof was removed quite sometime ago. I looked for the towpath, but there was no sign of it amongst the cow parsley and nettles. As we passed through the narrowest part Oleanna had to push past the vegetation on both sides,

No need to stop at the old railway bridge today, no requirement for a festive wreath of ivy for the cratch. Then the first Oxford Canal lift bridge, sitting open to boat traffic.

Love these bridges

The first mooring above the Claydon flight looked very nice and shady, sadly a boat was sat there. Strange conversations came from within as we passed, followed by a rendition of ‘Always Look on the bright side of life’. They had some sort of bird onboard, a parrot, a very vocal one.

Spaces were available on the rings before the bridge, we pulled in leaving an Oleanna sized gap between us and the next boat. Tilly was given an hour, knowing full well she’d take far more. The kettle was put on and we could sit down to join the Geraghty zoom only five minutes late and our cruising for the day done.

Topics today, what to do with ripe tomatoes, the deepest loch in Scotland and cheating on school sports days. I wonder how much ketchup Christine’s one tomato would make?

A late breakfast as the sun started to come across and hit the roof and both sides of the boat. Hopefully late afternoon would see us into shade.

The Town Square sneaky peek

Cricket was listened to, Tilly came and went, often opting to lie on the bathroom floor as she was too hot again. I worked my way through my Cinderella model, making sure I’d got everything and taking photos as I went so as to be able to do a new version of the storyboard.

During the afternoon a Carefree Cruising boat pulled up behind us, another foot would be good. Both Mick and a chap from the boat behind went out to see if we could adjust our ropes to accommodate them, this was soon sorted. Their dog took a fancy to Tilly at one point. Her popping out from the sideways trees, she got chased back in through the hatch. I showed her the front door entrance which she used for much of the remainder of the day.

She and Tom gave me an extra way on and off the boat too. Part of the see through sides was removed, just the hammocks left in place. She had to hold them closed at one point as the woofer walked past and all I wanted to do was stick my tongue out at it. She said because the glass wasn’t there I wouldn’t be safe, so not to be so cocky! I tried shouting at me later, but I just moved further down the towpath to get away from the noise.

My model is now complete, just a few bits to do before my meeting. Hoorah! Despite good solar for much of the day Mick felt it necessary to run the engine again at around 7 for half an hour to help charge our batteries, Boo!

Sadly the wind was too strong to sit out and cook our dinner on the barbeque, the defrosted pork was chopped up and made into paprika peppery pork, very tasty.

We ended the day by watching Elton John at Glastonbury. All the lyrics imprinted on our brains. Very evocative of my sixth form days and parties that ended up on the flat roof of my parents house watching the sunrise. Those parties were great parties. Elton still blasting out the tunes in tune unlike one onlooker in the crowd!

0 locks, 9.3 miles, 1 lift bridge lufted, 1 topless tunnel, 5 fields of broad beans, 3.5 hours cruise before breakfast, 1 hot day, 1 model complete, 2 batteries struggling, 1 near miss, 1 more entrance, 0 bbq, 1 pair of braces needed for a gold suit.

Snake In The Grass. 24th June

Napton visitor moorings to Prior Hardwick Bridge 123

Our lithium batteries had turned themselves off overnight, not a good sign. Good job we planned on setting off early. A cuppa was made and we pushed off at 6:30 and as quietly as we could we made it round the bend to the water point. As the tank filled we had breakfast then we pushed over to the other side to empty the yellow water tank and dispose of rubbish.

A lovely morning to head up Napton

Time to enjoy the narrow locks. The bottom one was empty, as we rose up a hire boat came towards us from the moorings in the first pound. The ladies chatted away, it had been their first narrowboat holiday and maybe they’d be doing it again. Because we’d been chatting I’d got out of my usual routine closing paddles and the of side was still up as the gate was opened. I reminded them that it was up, the ladies took note.

I only had two beers last night! Why am I seeing double?

I walked up to set the next lock, the first few were obligingly empty for us, the pounds a touch low though. Thankfully the lowest pound could be topped up with a lock full of water from above.

Bubbling below an empty lock as the lock above was emptied

The first down hill boat, a couple exploring the whole network, they’d been at it for 2 years and have no end date as yet. They had come through Banbury and had serious difficulty at the now closed lock. It had taken several people to open the top gate, some having to sit on it, as far as it would open. Then as their boat came out of the lock it rose up over something possibly on the gate.

Nice views, water buffalo not visible from here though

At the last lock in the flight we met our third downhill boat. I walked over to the lady, she jumped in (not into the water!) asking me to cross over to the other side where I’d be able to open a bottom paddle for them. I replied that I was happy to do that but thought I’d come and say Good Morning first. She was obviously in locking mode, they were hoping to grab a space below the flight left by a hire boat returning to base, hopefully one of at least three spaces would still be free for them. She also warned me to mind where I put my feet at Marston Doles bottom lock.

I opted to walk to the next lock, about a mile. The towpath narrowed as it does on the Oxford Canal. Some sections narrowed even more due to bank erosion. Then I was soon walking through the overgrown towpath. A manchette at times would have been handy. I managed and got to enjoy being surround by butterflies and damselflies galore. Plenty of wild flowers to keep the insects happy. There are plenty of people complaining on the lack of mowing on the towpaths at the moment, this stretch did feel like it had not seen a strimmer this year.

At Marston Doles Bottom Lock I kept my eyes peeled. Then there it was, a 2ft long grass snake on the lock landing, very dead. I wonder how it met it’s demise?

The pound in between the two locks was really quite low and when I reached the top lock a C&RT worker was letting water down. The top lock has had new gates which are successful in holding back the water. The bottom lock however leeks like a sieve, so every morning the pound requires topping up.

Once up we swapped with another downhill boat and carried on our way. When did we last head southwards on the Oxford Canal? We seem to cruise the Oxford most years, because of Panto. We spent a while thinking about it, a check on the blog just now and it turns out it was 2018 when we last headed south. That’s ages ago!

Originally we’d planned on doing a few more miles and getting close to the HS2 crossing, but Mick was after stopping sooner so as to spend some time with our troubled batteries. A length of armco showed itself with a slightly wider area where we’d be able to sit out for a barbecue this evening. We pulled in just gone 10am and soon adjusted our fenders as few boats seemed to be slowing down to pass us.

Mick waited for the engine to cool off, lifting the engine board to assist. Tilly headed off into the friendly cover, but fairly soon returned complaining that This outside is far too hot! Too hot for cats!!!

Mick spent some time down in the engine bay, trying to alter the bus bars that connect our three lithium batteries so as to cut out the one that is failing. He’d found a suitable sized bolt, but not a nut to fit it. We looked in all the obvious places for a nut, boxes of bits and bobs. Nothing. The hunt extended to boxes of things under the dinette. Eventually I looked at a brand new attachment of doom (a handy grinding disc useful for rust removal). In the bag was a bolt, a nut and a washer, would the nut fit?

Well it was the right size but the thread wasn’t the same. How’s about using the bolt from the attachment of doom instead? This worked so long as you remembered that the thread went in the opposite direction to normal. Finally the failing battery was isolated, leaving us with two batteries and 100 amp hours at 24 volts.

The afternoon was spent adding elements to my white card model. These are details that I’d normally add when upgrading the model to a coloured model, but I felt it important to do them now as they’d affect quotes from set builders. So the Town Square went from being 2D to 2.5D.

An early evening engine run was required. Would the two batteries we’re left with work as they should do, or have they been brought down by the faulty one?

A squash experiment

Burgers and sausages were popped on the bbq along with a foil package of butternut squash. The squash ended up being cooked for a little bit too long, one side a touch black, but roasted with some oil and thyme it was still nice. Our mooring was ideal for the evening.

Just about zero footfall, what a good spot for a bbq

Once the temperature had started to drop Tilly headed out again, maybe a little bit late in the day. All the time we were sat out we could tell that she wasn’t far away, her bell giving away her location. Then as we moved inside I called and called. The dingding bell was dinged. No sign of Tilly.

I tried several more times to call her inside, each time I’d hear just enough from the sideways trees to know she was close. So there was nothing for it but to just leave her to finish being busy and come back in her own good time. 10pm, 10PM!!!! Well you are the one’s that tied up the hot outside!

9 locks, 3.5 miles, 4 passed, 2ft of snake, 1 full water tank, 1 empty wee tank, 1 top up, 10 improvements, 2 batteries better than 3 (we hope!), 1 nut short, 1 attachment of doom to the rescue, 2 Mrs Tilly stamps of approval.

Everything’s Going Backwards. 23rd June

Almost Napton water point to Napton Visitor Moorings

An engine at 6:30am! Who , what , where ? One of the boats on the permanent moorings ran it’s engine for half an hour, then thankfully peace returned, well for twenty minutes, then he started his engine up again! We were awake now, so had a cuppa.

Can I????

Soon the two boats that had been filling the moorings with gaps came past, ah ha! We got dressed, untied and set about reversing back to the now wonderfully large gap they’d left, big enough for three maybe even four boats. Oleanna decided that she’d rather stick close to the moored boats as she went backwards, thankfully there were signs of awakeness in most boats. We pulled in and tied up as close to the boat in front as we could, don’t want to be accused of leaving git gaps! Of course over the next couple of hours other boats moved away and we were left sat in the middle of a very big space, enough for two in front and two behind at least. By late morning all spaces were filled up. Then for the remainder of the day boats came past some forwards others backwards hoping for a mooring, by the evening there were three boats moored at various jaunty angles around the bend where we’d been last night. Napton is a popular place!

I’ve been waiting for one of these

Having a morning not really going anywhere we decided to use Mick’s culinary skills for the first time in an age. A very nice breakfast it was too, the sausages, Jolly Hogg tasted very much like sausages used to.

A day at work for me, the drawing board came out and Mick struggled to find somewhere to be as I worked my way to the bottom of the box of model bits. By late afternoon one box was empty the other full. I’ve still ground plans to draw up and a few minor alterations to do on the model if there is time before my meeting next week.

Mick has been monitoring our battery charging current, well he’s been doing this just about all the time we’ve been on Oleanna, but he’s recently noticed that on starting the engine in the morning the initial charging current is about 40 amps. Up until last week it always started off around 65 to 70 amps. Time to investigate.

He disconnected all the batteries and tested the voltage of each in turn. Two of them measured exactly 26.01v but the other one measured between 15 and 20 volts and didn’t remain steady at all. His deduction is that that battery is broken. I’m feeling that BOAT (Bring Out Another Thousand) is rearing it’s head!

This doesn’t look good

An email has been sent to Ricky at Finesse for advice. Does he think the battery will still be under warranty and could be replaced by RELiON? If they did happen to replace it would it be ok to have one new battery in the same bank with two 6 year old batteries? Or does he have any ideas on how to reset the battery and get it working again?

Mick found information on line regarding the warranty, because our battery is between 6 and 10 years old , if it can’t be mended than we would receive a 10% discount off a new one. However Mick would choose different batteries now should we need to replace them, things have moved on in the last six years.

Yesterday a C&RT stoppage notice came through for Banbury Lock. Navigation closed until further notice due to concerns for structural condition of top gate of lock 29.

Today an update, Navigation remains closed until further notice. Following the engineers condition assessment of the gate assisted passage is not a viable option. We are working to deliver the repair of this damaged lock in the shortest possible timeframe. Further updates to follow Wednesday 28/06/2023.

Hmm, our next port of call is Banbury or further south for me to get to Chippy for a meeting, then our destination is further south still. Should we stick to our chosen route and hope that the lock won’t take too long to mend, or should we wind and go down the Grand Union? The latter option isn’t that appealing and would make getting to panto meetings awkward. So we’ll stick to our plan and keep our fingers crossed.

The lady

This evening we headed to The Folly, well it would have been rude not to as we are moored at the bottom of their garden! Time to catch up with our friend Lizzie from Crick. Have to say the menu was a touch disappointing for me, only two things marked as gluten free. I chose the gammon horseshoe steak, which should be gluten free, maybe the accompanying chips get fried in the same fryer as their battered fish. However they’d sold out of gammon so I opted for some ham instead, this also wasn’t marked as gf, it must be the chips! Mick and Lizzie opted for burgers which looked great compared to my slices of ham. We were all quite naughty and had a pudding too, only one option for me Chocolate Brownie, which was very tasty.

It was lovely to spend the evening with Lizzie, catching up on news. Sadly she’s not had enough time to do much boating on NB Panda, but she’s hoping for a few days away soon. So a walk down the towpath to say hello to Oleanna and Tilly gave her a bit of a canal fix.

Mick, Pip and Lizzie

0 locks, 0.1mile in reverse, 1 day at the drawing board, 11.5 sheets of drawings, 1 cat occupied or asleep, 1 out of 3 batteries not well, 1 load washing, 1 lovely evening, 2 options, 2 beers, 2 glasses wine, 2 burgers, 3 slices ham, 2 eggs.

Margee Bargee. 12th June

Pendford Bridge 4 to Wolverhampton off side mooring, BCN

Today we allowed ourselves to have breakfast before pushing off, other boats that had moored near us had already moved on by the time we’d got ourselves ready. A pause in the long grass by bridge 2 for me to walk to Morrisons to pick up a bag of salad (we’d forgotten to buy yesterday!) and some blueberries.

Last of the Shropie locks for this year

The hire boats were in at base by Autherley Stop Lock, the staff working hard to do the turn arounds. This made it hard to get off Oleanna, crossing the stern of a boat and then managing to get round a cart of equipment required for engine services. Four inches higher and we’d finished our time on the Shropie.

Sorry Chester, maybe next year

Right please!

Then left! Onto the Wolverhampton flight.

Going up!

The bottom lock is always a photo opportunity. 21 carved into the two bottom beams. Up Oleanna came, on to the second lock, here only a single bottom gate, the only one on the flight.

By the time Oleanna was coming into Lock 19, our third of the flight, two figures could be seen walking down the towpath. Our altered schedule meant that we could give some more ex-boaters a canal fix, we like to do our bit for boaters mental health. Today we were being joined by Alison and Laura from NB Large Marge.

Here they come

We first met The Margees on the Chesterfield Canal when we couldn’t exit a lock just below Shireoaks Marina, we ended up cruising with them and their parrot Jaffa for quite a few weeks before our routes headed off in different directions. We’ve met up a few times since and when we’d been in touch a few days ago Alison had expressed an interest in helping us up Wolverhampton.

Windlasses at the ready

The last time we’d seen them we kept our distance, elbow bumps the new way of greeting each other in early 2020, today there were hugs all round before windlasses and hand cuff keys were handed out. A hire boat was hot on our tail, so we’d best get a move on!

Laura heading to set the next one

Leapfrogging of crew started quickly, two working the current lock, one heading upwards to set the next chamber, nobody having to go back and forth or walk round a lock several times.

Even Mick got to chat too

The hardest bit of today was trying to remember the two conversations you were having as you leapfrogged locks and people. There was plenty of news to catch up on, more than the annual Christmas round robin we share. Old hands make for easy locking just as had happened at Audlem with Carol and George.

Swapping in a pound

We met a boat coming down, apparently there had been a problem yesterday, a boat getting stuck in a lock, front button. They’d had to wait for C&RT to top up some pounds, so had had a delayed start to their descent. A while later we came across a second boat coming down.


All the way up the flight there had been wild flowers, but by lock 12 (possibly) the shear number of Oxeye Daisies was amazing. Wonderful, you’d hardly know you were heading into Wolverhampton.

Onwards and upwards

A pause at the half way mark for drinks before carrying on. Hydration important on a day like today.

Think we know where that water went!

Then a flooded pound, thankfully there was an alternative higher path so we didn’t all have to wade to the next lock. Two locks up we could see where the water had possibly come from, the next pound decidedly low. Someone had possibly been letting water run through the lock without realising. Laura headed up to the next lock to let water down, Mick bringing Oleanna along at a crawl. Once we were up that lock we dropped the water to help the hire boat behind us.

Coming in

Another low pound towards the top of the flight had us running more water down. The level was so low that Mick had to back into the lock so as not to be sat on the cill. The pound above had dropped so warranted a top up too, Laura was concerned that would just push the problem up hill, the next lock happened to be the top lock, so not a problem.

The ladies at work

We pulled out of the top lock 2 hours 42 minutes after we’d pulled in at the bottom lock, a job well done on a hot muggy day. The moorings above the lock were all free so we pulled onto one for lunch. A cold collation was enjoyed by all with plenty of drinks.

Top Lock

It was gone 3pm by the time we said our farewells, not enough time to really get anywhere so we pulled along to the offside moorings for the night. Tilly wasn’t impressed with this as she’s not allowed out here. She spent sometime working out a route up the plant covered wall. I could easily make it up there! But it’s the getting down again that would be the problem Tilly!

Todays crew

Another lovely day working locks in the company of friends.

Bye bye, until next time

Now who can we find for the next few flights?

If I get up to that bit, nudge across then it’s straight to the top!

22 locks, 4 miles, 1 right, 1 left, 2 margees, 0 jaffa, 3 downhill boats, 2 low pounds, 4 volunteers litter picking, 1 bag of salad, 3 cheeses, 2 meats, 1 pate, 4 chocolate chip cookies, 1 bored cat, 1 drizzly moment, 1 downpour again!