Hazelford Lock
The things you discover about yourself when you have an injury. I now know that every now and again I have a good stretch whilst I’m asleep. My legs stretch out and so do my toes, including my little ones, Ow! No wonder I wake up with it hurting.

We decided to let Tilly out this morning, where we were going what we’d be doing today would depend on when she came back. It was nice having a breeze through the boat, but it did mean that when she returned they had to be closed very quickly, RULE 1 Tilly!!!!

After a while we decided to stay put for the day. We’d considered mooring at Farndon for a night, then heading in to Newark for the weekend. But here we had one side of Oleanna against a high wall and during the morning the majority of the boat was in the shade. With temperatures set to rise again we decided to stay put and keep cool.

One pair of socks was finished last night, time to wind some more skeins into cakes ready to be used, I got my twirly windy whatsit out and wound five more skeins.
Todays viewing started off with a 1956 WW2 film, but it didn’t grab me, too slow. So I decided to see what had been happening on Celebrity Masterchef. I used to watch Masterchef religiously, but nowadays I tend to only tune in for the finals if I get round to it. This year not only have I heard of one of the contestants but I’ve actually worked with Amy.

Way back in 2009 Shakers was the adult Christmas show at Hull Truck. Four waitresses wrestling with a night in Shakers a glitzy bar cum club amidst the leerin’, lovin’, lush couples and groups seeking festive fun! It’s kind of a female Bouncers. This played on top of the set for Pinocchio the kids show. The show had toured and it was decided to have an understudy, Amy Walsh fresh from Drama college was that understudy, learning all four parts, then she was written in as a temp waitress for the Christmas run at Truck.
Tomorrow we’ll see how she does in the final episode of finals week, yes she’s down to the last three!

Several boats came past today, none as noisy as the speed boats from yesterday. You get some big boats in these parts, hopefully they head further than just the pontoon at Gunthorpe Lock.
Mick spent a bit of time in the engine bay tightening the stern gland. When he reappeared he’d got grease over the top of his head. It took a bit of wiping off. Then when he went to find Tilly later he’d got more grease on his head! How? What? Where? It appears this second lot came from his cap which for some reason had been in the engine bay with him earlier on. Showers all round this evening and a cap destined for the washing machine!

After a day and night sat in the sun on a bed of rice, Mick’s phone was put on charge. It did nothing. Oh well we knew it was a long shot, there’s a new on on order and ready to collect in Newark.
0 locks, 0 miles, 1 greasy head, 1 hunkered down boat, 1 friend! 1 hot pooped cat, 3rd sock in 4 days.