Category Archives: walks

Vampire Not Required. 22nd March

Sykehouse Junction to the Site of Smallhedge Swing Bridge

An early alarm, well we were both awake before it went off. Tea in bed and hopefully awake enough to have a telephone consultation with a GP anytime between 07:30 and 09:30. My phone rang from a Hull phone number at 08:20. This year I seem to have been giving the NHS a lot of my blood and this was a follow up appointment to discus the latest results. The previous results had prompted questions about iron levels and was there any history of iron overload in my family! Thankfully today various levels had returned to normal so I must have had what they call a ‘sub-clinical infection’. I had the choice of another blood test in 2 weeks or 8 weeks to check on one enzyme that was still a bit wonky. I was praised on my walking and loosing of weight and to keep it up. He also said he could only tell me with certainty what I didn’t have. Have to say this GP was good, it didn’t feel like he was in a rush and was happy for me to ask questions.

Coming over the Went Aqueduct

My biggest worry had been that if I did have iron overload then the usual treatment involves donating blood. If you normally donate blood I believe you can only do this around every three months, well this treatment would have involved giving blood at least once a fortnight, maybe once a week! So I’m very relieved that I don’t need to cruise with a vampire close to hand! Reading back on the notes the GP made, I have been noted as living on a longboat, therefore we are Vikings!

Tilly was allowed morning shore leave. It’s amazing how different she is on the boat compared to the house. When she came in she requested this mooring should be given a stamp of approval, friends had been found.

Only a short distance to cruise today. I opted to walk to operate the bridges whilst Mick brought Oleanna behind, got to keep walking to fend off the need for vampires!


The first bridge is a lift bridge, only one vehicle held up. The second a swing bridge, another car and a cyclist held up here. I’d already spotted that the light at the lock was on red not amber, there was a lock keeper on duty, so once Oleanna was through the bridge I hopped back on board.

Two down and one to go up

The traffic light was now showing red and green, the lock was being prepared for us. On closer inspection it also contained two downhill boats. We trod water waiting for the red light to go out leaving just green. Today the Lockie had a helper. He took our rope wrapped it round a bollard three times and then couldn’t take up the slack. Once this was sorted he then passed the rope around a railing by the car park, totally unnecessary but it made him feel useful.

Very helpful if not so good with ropes

The Lockie checked which way we’d be going and if we knew about certain stoppages. There’s a pontoon near Long Sandal Lock which is being used whilst the flood defences are being worked on, then at Eastward Lock up towards Sheffield there is an electrical problem. Neither of these would affect us, we also mentioned the stoppage at Thorne Lock, he didn’t know about that one.

There’s just so much to do here

Up the lock and on to where we’ve moored before, just short of where there used to be another swing bridge. My long handled mini roller pole came in handy for passing chains round the bar on the armco, saving getting soggy knees. Once tied up Tilly the thug was let loose. The bank down from the canal is an ideal friendly spot. She was kept busy for much of the afternoon.

It’s High Street is 8 miles long!

Thankfully I managed to find a gap in weather for a walk to top up my minutes and steps. Back to the lock, over the bridge and on through fields to Sykehouse village. Here I came across a campsite at the back of the pub, tried to have a look in the church but the door was locked, checked the village sign and in all only walked about 100 yards of the longest village in Yorkshire before returning to the canal on a different footpath.

It may be deep and wide, but you still leave a wake

As I’d set out there had been a dutch barge approaching the low side of the lock, on my return I could hear gates or the bridge being closed. it had taken them around half an hour if not more to get through the lock. I crossed over the bridge and walked back to Oleanna only just being overtaken by the none slowing down barge before I got back. I think the chap needs a touch more practice at the wheel to save his crew from having to stand around waiting for twenty minutes to be picked up.

Inside Oleanna the big box needed getting rid of. It was useful for transporting another box, but really it was far FAR too big for it’s purpose, it would be handy to have a more suitably sized box. I spent the next hour tailoring it for both it’s contents and the space I could allow it. Job done it fitted snuggly in my clothes cupboard.

So what’s in the box? I might leave that for another time.

Suet crust with chicken, leek and mushrooms

This evening we celebrated my good appointment with the GP by blowing my new diet and having homemade Teviot chicken and leek pies. The pastry crust made with gluten free vegetable suit. I’m going to have to do a lot of walking to work that one off!

1 lock, 1.7 miles, 3 bridges, 2 cars held up, 1 cyclist held up, 2 outsides, 1 cat grounded to save the wild life, 0 vampires, 1 box reduction for another box, 4.65 miles walked, 75 minutes brisky, 2 Mrs Tilly stamps of approval, 2 indulgent pies.

Packing Up. 18th March


We are now into the run down for returning to Oleanna. We’re down to one ears wait!

Our last Sunday walk on the Esplanade

I had managed to find other things to do to help avoid cleaning things like the oven, but that avoidance didn’t go quite to plan. A day keeping a good friend company at a hospital appointment went too well and rather than being there most of the day it only took a few hours before positive results came flooding through. I had thought I’d be able to attend my last mosaic session which would have aided my avoidance, but the lady who runs the sessions had come down with a lurgy so an afternoon of sticking tiles to brown paper was called off. Only one thing for it, carry on with the packing and cleaning.

Packed things ready to go

There are various items that go too and fro to the boat each time we move. Sometimes they are needed, other times they just stay in the boat cupboard waiting to return, then they get tucked away under the dinette.

A big light weight box was delivered, packing removed from inside and the space being taken up by a lot of air was used to pack light things including a bunch of bayleaf twigs, thank you Frank! The box will be reduced in size as soon as I have time and some space on the boat. Documents read and amended. An enquiry from an actor regarding digs later in the summer was replied to.

I did help with some gardening!

Gradually the dining room filled up with items to head to Oleanna. Tilly stayed calm, she was asleep for most of the time! The occasional sniff round things just to check we were packing in a sensible way. Overflow fridge moved inside as the lean to will be dismantled in a few weeks time and only one of us needs to be around for that. Beds made up, fresh bathroom linen put out, our next set of lodgers will see four actors take over the house for a few weeks.

It’ll have to wait until next year to be finished

Despite hoping to get my next big painting completed, I soon realised that this wasn’t ever going to happen, my paints needed to be packed up and the canvas put safely away from the bleaching rays of sun light that come through my work room window, the painting is now unlikely to be finished until next year.

Three paintings however have been put in frames and left in what is known as the fishtank until I can think of where they can be hung, another job for next year.

Tilly Too and my 62nd pair of socks

Monday night we had a very tasty chicken tray bake using up various items from the freezer, I’ll be making that version again. Tuesday involved packing up the kitchen and cleaning things down.

Daffodils in The Valley starting to come out, it will be a sea of yellow in a weeks time

I managed to get my last full walk in round Scarborough in the sunshine. Down the Valley, the daffodils just starting to come out. Across the sands in front of the Spa, the tide out. Up through the gardens on the cliff to the Esplanade. I paused to pull up my big girls pants and register with a new dentist. We’re not likely to cruise through Birmingham this year and as Colin my dentist there has moved down to Cornwall, now seemed a good time to change to a more sensible location.

Last walk on the beach

More cleaning and packing, including sparkling up the big shower after the last shower had been taken. Just time to put some reasonable clothes on and walk up into town to meet with Mick’s old friend Mark. A drink at The Stumble Inn, we’ve not been in there before, followed by what seems to be becoming a last night tradition in Scarborough a meal at The Taj, well it saves on the washing up back at the house.

The boys tucking into their starters

Tomorrow we move.

0 locks, 0 miles, 1 full dining room, 3 wees, 1 oversized box, 1 signature, 1 enquiry, 1 resigned cat, 2 papadums each, 2 much food, 1 set of scales tucked away, 1 stone less until today, 1 empty kitchen, 2 troughs of strawberries repotted, 1 urn of strawberries for lodgers, 2 boaters and 1 boat cat ready for the water again.

Strawberries, I hope they survive

Passing. 25th February

Goole / Scarborough

A Sunday walk to the Spa

Life continues onwards in Scarborough. Jobs in the house continue. The roof space needs clearing for when we get a new roof done in a few months time, so it’s time to go through things again. All the things that have been kept for posterity have been gone through several times and are gradually being worked through in case any can go on to have new lives elsewhere. There are also all my accounts since the turn of the century! Boxes and folders to go through, only the last few years needed which now all fit into one slim folder.

Old shows, technical drawings, reference, costume designs, sketch books, programmes, scripts. A lot of these have been hitting the recycling bin, two big boxes of venue plans, but there is still a lot I can’t throw away. I haven’t started on model boxes yet, but I did do a huge cull of those eleven years ago.

Then there are the more personal things, tins from my Mum’s sewing cupboard, round robins from 1999, Christmas cards and first night cards, newspapers etc. All these will be kept as I find them interesting and many are close to my heart. Mick has yet to look through the box of telephones, I know we’ll be keeping them.

Walks round Scarborough continue, tomorrow I’ll cross the line of walking 100 miles in February. Just thinking back to last summer when I struggled to walk from one lock to the next, what a difference.

Mick has started to do research for the main part of our cruise this year. We’d originally planned on making use of the longer days in June, but our friends who will be joining us, won’t be able to until later in the summer. So we may have to cruise some bits earlier on our own before we meet up as we want to be heading southwards come September.

I’ve been helping on a community mosaic project that will adorn the back wall of a community centre. I’ve never done mosaic before, it’s quite therapeutic unless you get mosaic dyslexia trimming down tiles to fit in with the andamento, this week I did a bit of crazy paving known as Opus Paladanium in the earth section. It’s a way to get to know new people in Scarborough, although sadly I won’t be able to attend many more sessions as the commute from Oleanna will be too much soon. Instead I’ll be doing mosaic knitting on a few pairs of socks, think I’m getting addicted to this method of colour changing.

Tuesday’s view of the Humber

Tuesday the 25th February arrived. Mick was on an early train down to Goole. Today was the day when Hannah would be giving Oleanna her Boat Safety Test which needs to be done every four years. The stove was lit, a touch more warmth to help dry things out and be a more pleasant place to work in.

Tuesday’s view in Scarborough

Hannah pointed out that we should have a sign to indicate where the diesel cut off is. Handily she happened to have one in her bag, so that was a very quick fix.

New sign

She looked in the gas locker, noting that it gets wet in there. When Oleanna is out of the water for repainting next year, Hannah suggested we get the vent holes in the gas locker extended upwards. This is so that even when the water tank is full and we’ve got full bottles of gas on board any leaking gas would be able to escape through the vents as they would be guaranteed to be above water. Oleanna passed and is good to go for the next four years.


See you soon

We now have medical appointments to attend, finish jobs at the house, finalise arrangements for workmen in the future, finish emptying the roof space, do some more painting and mosaicing, wait for a big box to arrive and then pack our lives away to move back on board.

Nine years with this little thug in our lives

0 locks, 0 miles, 2 trains, 111.7 miles walked in February, 2 many boxes, 2 many plans, 6m diameter mosaic, 1 pile appearing in the dining room, 1 lazy cat, 1 boat safety passed, 1 boat ready for this year, 1 mattress still required, 9 years of Tillyness.

Shh! Don’t Tell Tilly. 29th October

Viking Marina

Checking out the view

Our return to Scarborough was perfectly timed so that after all the unpacking we could enjoy an evening walk in Peasholm Park. We weren’t the only ones to enjoy Moonlight on the Lake, there were at least another 10,000 people who, over two days, walked round the lake appreciating the lanterns and illuminations created by our friends from Animated Objects. In the last few weeks I’d been a little concerned as Dawn had been very quiet on social media, this was the reason why. So many lanterns to make, from Dolphins, houses in the old town, the wonderful swans, music from a local harpist and Elvis impersonator. Plus we got chance to catch up with various friends who were all there ready to start dismantling the display. We’d have lent a hand too if it wasn’t for my knees.

Then it was time to remind ourselves that we are theatrical digs landlords and make sure everything was ship shape ready for our latest lodger to arrive. We seem to attract the baddies from the Christmas shows at the SJT, this is our second year of hosting the evil ones, although David does get to play several other characters as well in Aladdin.

The list of jobs to do at the house is long, emails and phone calls have been made and we’re hoping to hear back from people rather than just being ignored as seems to be the way of things nowadays. I’m giving a few people the excuse that it’s half term and hope to hear from them next week. The hunt for a gardener continues.

Hmm, an aqua blue?

I’m wanting to do some decorating, but I don’t as yet know how my knees will cope climbing ladders. Paint has been selected for the room influenced by the pantomime cloth that is on the wall. There will be a gap of three weeks between lodgers at the beginning of next year when I’ll see how I get on, if I do okay then I’ve my eyes set on another room.

The jobs list for Oleanna is also quite long. When we left last week we were under pressure to move Tilly as stress free as possible. This meant we didn’t do various jobs that need doing when leaving the boat for a period of time. Cleaning the fridge, freezer and cooker to start with. A trip back was needed. The last few years Mick has done this on his own as I’ve been busy on panto.

Double handed and in a car, not reliant on the train, we’d be able to do more, a car was hired, a list made of things we’d forgotten or it would be nice to have, we also managed to remember to take it with us!

Sledmere passing it’s best

Today the journey was vastly different to that made on Friday. Firstly it was quiet, no MEOWING! Secondly the sun was out, no fog today. We chose to drive through Sledmere to see how golden the trees were. Most of the leaves have fallen now, but it was still rather lovely.

Time to have a tidy and tick some jobs off the list

Oleanna sat on her mooring, looking a little sad without her smile. Unseasonably warm we were able to have all the doors open, Tilly not being around also helped. Mick headed off to find Alastair with a list of jobs for him this winter, thankfully he was about rather than having been called out to a brake down. Engine mounts, fuel filters, stern gland and most importantly if he could make us a new connector to our yellow water tank. The one we have is loosing it’s thread and therefore not sealing properly.

I made a start on the weeding. Cleaning out the window channels. Last year I’d managed to do all windows apart from those in the galley. They’ve not been touched since and grass and moss was starting to set in, we’d have a lawn soon if I did nothing about it.


Each window was lifted out, the channels cleaned out, the soft bit that the glass sits on is where the dirt collects and was really quite muddy! Then the drain holes were cleared, important over the winter. The glass given a good clean inside and out before being put back in.

The galley windows are a touch more difficult as they both slide and are not removable. The window above the cooker was accessible from both sides, but leaning over the cooker I must have pressed and turned one of the knobs by accident. I didn’t notice the smell immediately but once I did Mick had also smelt it. Thankfully with the boat being very well ventilated we shouldn’t have a problem. Gas is heavier than air so can sink, lingering in your bilges.

Scraping out the moss and mud

The offside gally window was much harder. Mick positioned himself on the gunnel of Oleanna and our neighbours boat. He ended up kneeling down to reach the mossy bits and flick out the worst. This did require me to pull our neighbours boat in so he didn’t end up doing the splits. Both boats are quite loosely tied due to the level in the marina fluctuating with ships coming and going in the docks. The inside glass was cleaned, but the outside will have to remain dirty for a while longer. It’ll all be filthy before we’re back anyway with the dust that Goole creates.

Chunky cushioning

The portholes got new cushioning on their supports, a new bit of weed hatch tape. This means they all now close properly, in fact they are now quite a tight fit and need pushing down to be able to close them. Much better than them falling open all the time.

The galley blinds have always been awkward to clean, most probably because we don’t do it often enough! If we could take them back to the house then that might make it easier. I spotted that they had brackets which with the assistance of a knife swivelled to release them. They’ll get a good soapy clean back at the house.

Tilly Too is also headed back for a wash

Mick cleaned out the multifuel stove and when I was finished with galley windows he moved on to clean the hob, fridge and freezer. The stove looks like it can last another year before being spruced up, I’ve not been cooking on it so much this year as it’s been so mild.

It really isn’t that exciting back there!

The sofa was pulled out, Shhhhhh, don’t tell Tilly! revealing the secret passageway to it’s fullest. What lurks in there? A cupboard door that used to be in front of the washing machine, which just got in the way. The left over foam from when I made an infill cushion for the dinette and a roll of sleeping mat which we bought to try to insulate the porthole frame above the bed. The mat will return to the house, the foam turned out to be a good thing to kneel on, so will stay onboard. Hoovering up behind the sofa meant a computer mouse and a knitting stitch marker resurfaced, along with plenty of pens and pencils that get filed there by Tilly for safe keeping.

Filling in the potholes

Outside things were happening. The pot holes alongside the parking area and Oleanna were cleared of water. Then a JCB arrived with some tarmac/ stuff. A chap filled the holes, brushed it flat. He was then followed by a roller to flatten it all out. Blimey it vibrated so much our flue reverberated. Hopefully this will mean we don’t return to Oleanna covered in mud this winter.

Mick took some time to program the invertor into winter mode. The yellow water tank was emptied, contents taken to the elsan. The solids bucket was only in use for a few days so can sit and do it’s thing. The other buckets have been taken to the house already and added to our compost bin that is currently cooking. The other is at least 18 months old and has been deemed compost suitable for the flower beds, when they’ve been tidied up.

What a sky

Then it was time for us to close everything up. Switch lots of things off including the water pump, turn the tap between the pump and taps off and open all the taps, leaving the shower head laying in the shower tray. Water system winterised. I flicked switches off in The Shed. Last rubbish to the bins and use of shore based facilities. Also time to admire the orange sky before setting off back to Scarborough.

Paint for the horn and tunnel light bracket were packed to bring back with us. Now we’ll need to hunt round the chandlers for suitable replacements.

We’d just closed the marina gate behind us when I went through the list of things we’d needed to do. ‘Damn!’ We hadn’t turned the gas off in the gas locker. Mick popped back and did the honours, we were now safe to head for home. All sorted.

Well except on reaching home we realised I’d turned off too many things in The Shed, turning the camera off that the spiders like to take rides on. Plus the heating hasn’t had the thermostat set to come on when it gets really cold. So another visit will be needed soon.

0 locks, 0 miles, 1 hire car, 10,000 plus viewers, 1 bored cat already! 1 new lodger, 1 picnic by the hatch, 4 big windows, 3 portholes, 2 sliders, 1 stove, 1 hob, 1 fridge, 1 freezer, 11 potholes, 1 secret shhhh! 1 thumping roller, 1 empty wee tank, 0 camera, 0 heating, 2 tins paint, 4 quotes sought, 5 more to go, 1 still bored cat.

Sweet Talking The Gates. 22nd July

Milepost 52 to above Slapton Lock 30

Reluctant at first Tilly was allowed an hours shore leave whilst we had breakfast. I wonder if when we speed up our cruising again whether we’ll get complaints at not being allowed out in the mornings.

As the covers were rolled up it started to spit, we went back inside to sit it out, no point in getting damp if you don’t need to. A delay of half an hour and the world was dry again.

Early C 20th lock cottages

Seabrook Bottom Lock has the first of a series of Lock Cottages that are always pleasing to the eye. Their white walls and dates proudly stamped above their front doors, they always have to have their photos taken.


Ivinghoe Top Lock the cottage faces away from the lock a touch shy hiding behind trees. Here we met a single hander moving the old trip boat from the Aylesbury Arm down to be a new trip boat in London. It was fairly recently sold and has been somewhere for work. The onboard facilities looked really quite basic, Mick wondered if the chap moving it was staying onboard, no comfortable cushions on the seats to sleep on.

Slowly to the next lock

I slowly pootled Oleanna down to the second Ivinghoe Lock so that Mick could finish closing up behind me and walk down. As I rounded the bend I could see that the top gates of the lock were sat open enough to get Oleanna into the lock, I now remembered that this pair of gates would rather settle slightly open. As Mick arrived he closed up the towpath gate then started to walk round. I nearly suggested he gave a paddle a couple of clicks round to help hold the gates closed, it would have been a good idea as they both wanted to swing back open. I talked nicely to them as Mick wound a paddle up slightly to help encourage them into closing.

The gates also need a few kind words on leaving, saving Mick having to walk round. In normal times, Mick catches the bottom gates with a boat hook and encourages them to stay closed as Oleanna leaves a lock, but these are not normal times and I’m not going to adopt Mick’s methods.

Horton Lock Cottage

A pootle to Horton Lock. Here there are pens and huts for young cows to grow in confinement, not right. A young chap was being given instructions with a strimmer to trim all the nettles alongside the farm moorings, he had his work cut out!

Anyone for tennis

Another cottage. The owners have done work to the garden, a sunken seating area overlooking a tennis court! Rather nice.


All the way we tried to spy the Whipsnade Lion on the distant hills. Definitely in need of some tlc, it’s quite mangy now.

I’m not used to this view of Oleanna

Some armco attracted us into the side. Mooring away from ants nests takes some time, then avoiding crab apples falling on the roof is the next concern, but we managed to find a suitable length to tie up on for lunch. It was soon decided that lunch would actually turn into the rest of the day and Tilly was allowed another four hours.

After lunch I wanted to see how I fared on a short walk. Since leaving Aylesbury I’ve only walked the length of Oleanna. The pain killers are doing a great job with my knee, no need for the walking pole inside. I was starting to feel a touch of a fraud, was this just down to my inactivity?

Tilly accompanied me for good measure and I took the pole too. First we walked back the way we’d come. On turning round the noise of an engine was getting closer, a cruiser coming along at quite a lick. No slowing down to pass Oleanna and the wake of about a foot ricochet back and forth for a good five minutes, they may as well have been an Uber boat on the Thames!

A similar distance the other way until Tilly found the pole to be of more interest than the walking. We have a new game it seems. My knee did pretty well, but it’s now starting to ache for much of the day. Time to sit down and knit, this pair will be finished way ahead of time!

4 locks, 1.9 miles, 3 cottages, 100 yards of nettles, 2 outsides, 8 lengths of the boat, 1 pole game.

Family. Tree. 18th June

Mychett Visitor Centre

A slow start to the day. Tilly was given the rules but decided she’d rather not have any shore leave. The geese can have this outside!

What to do with ourselves? A look in guide books didn’t really bring up anything that was of interest nearby. Yes there are several museums, but they are all military and that didn’t really appeal to us. But one thing jumped out on Google maps which wasn’t too far away. Just what was Melissa’s tree?

To the east of the visitors centre is a large wooded area which has ‘Managed Access’ meaning the MOD use it for training at times and right in the middle of it was a pin for Melissa’s Tree.

Anyone lost a shoe?

At the far end of the car park there is a gate in a fence, this was open so we assumed we’d be safe going for a walk today. Thick with trees and bracken it felt like we were about to have to run for our lives ducking and diving through the friendly cover to avoid the enemy fire, hoping to cross a border in a WW2 film or The Handmaids Tale. However well trodden paths zigzag all around the woodland, but how would you know where you were?

A unique tree, if we could find it again!

A Snowman nailed to a tree would be a land mark, not ever tree would have one surely!

The fleeting glance of dogs running around trailing their ears behind them. The odd runner bouncing above the bracken. Trees. More trees. Do we go this way or that? We had google and OS maps open on our phones, should we take that path or this? Eventually the tree level dropped and we were in what might be called a clearing, although younger trees were busy growing around us, a little like a Christmas tree farm.

I think that could be it

Up ahead it was obvious which was Melissa’s tree, soaring high above the younger trees, it stood out from the crowd. Pinned to the trunk a brass plaque, some fresh flowers and a photo of Melissa. Melissa Sardina passed away in February this year. She was a graphic designer but is known locally for having fostered many dogs before they moved onto their forever homes, here is where she walked her dogs.

What a lovely memorial

Should we head to see what we could see at the locks? Too far to walk today. Instead we walked back a different route, well it could have been the same, we’d not really be able to tell to be honest. One chap walked past with his two dogs, now where am I? I know! Several dog walkers with five dogs each, some on leads others allowed to roam freely.

A large track with signs warning not to pick up anything military, a wise suggestion. We gradually made it back to the gate in the fence and the visitors centre.

We checked in at the office, was there any word as yet from the engineer? He’d been but they had no news for us yet. They’d be in touch when they heard what he had to say.

27 the troublesome lock

The back door was left open for Tilly, but she only occasionally popped her head out the back to check, Still rubbish! An afternoon of pottering and knitting. I selected yarn for pair 25 and cast on the toe. The sewing remaining to be done on pair 24 will be done in spits and spurts over the coming days.

Late afternoon Mick popped into the office to see what news there was, they were just ringing round. Today one of the boats waiting by the lock had been used as a trial boat going through the lock. It was successful, but water levels needed to be restored which would take a while. So on Friday four boats would be heading down through the lock. No-one will be allowed onboard whilst descending the lock for safety reasons, we’ve had this before at Marple, just in case the lock gate should give way. However Tilly will be allowed to stay on board.


Early evening we had our own visitor, Sam my cousin once removed. We’d not managed to meet up whilst on the Thames near Windsor, but we were still close enough. It was nice to show Sam round Oleanna and for her to meet Tilly, she was allowed to have a head rub, more than I normally allow a stranger. But she is family.


Time to find some food. We’d shortlisted a few places nearby, but having a car was handy to go a little bit further. The Kingfisher on the Quay which overlooks a fresh water lake quite close to the A331. Quirkily decorated and I suspect quite cosy in the winter with big log fires the place was heaving. Luckily there was a table by a window, although the view was masked by parasols on the terrace.

The Kingfisher

A good gluten free menu for Sam and myself, all three of us opted for a Wagyu Burger. The waitress seemed to be new, not knowing about their hand pulled beers, so we all opted for glasses of wine. The conversation didn’t stop flowing and we could have carried on for a lot longer, but the pub was wanting to close up, the kitchen had closed for puddings already!

Sam, Mick, Pip

0 locks, 0 miles, 1 woodland walk, 0 shots fired, 1 memorial tree, 1 rum tree, 1 snowman, 4 boats waiting, 2 extra days, 3 lock flights booked, 1 cousin once removed, 1 guided tour, 1 head nudge, 3 burgers, 3 glasses of wine, 3 canoe urinals, 5 water ski loos, 1 very pleasant evening, thank you Sam for visiting us.

Odd I Ham. 15th June

Odiham Castle to Barley Mow Bridge Moorings

We think that last night we decided not to rush back to Frimley Lodge Park. Our passage down the locks wasn’t for Monday anyway and even if they can mend whatever the problem is with the lock gate they will still need to send water down to fill an intermediate pound, so the earliest we’d be able to go down Deepcut would be Tuesday, when they don’t normally do passages on the flight.

The Ginger cat was spotted before we let Tilly out this morning. NB Olive had said they’d be moving off about 9:30, a pump out on their agenda and then on to the Double Bridge mooring for feline shore leave. As soon as they’d pushed off Tilly was given half an hour to explore whilst we had breakfast.

Cholsley Barn

Rain came and went, waterproofs a sensible precaution for our walk to the shops in Odiham. Over the lift bridge and through North Warnborough. Some big houses around here. Cholsley Barn, a conversion with a rather large entrance hall/dining room, a huge chandelier suspended from the ceiling made from antlers.

New railings going in

Across the way new railings were replacing a wooden fence. The main supports obviously new with a smooth finish, the railing panels themselves obviously new due to the pitted aged effect.


Up the hill and towards Odiham. We could have moved the boat to Galleon Wharf and walked from there, this would have been a touch shorter, but not that much. An interesting Creperie, buckwheat pancakes, yum, shame we’d already had breakfast! A newsagents, but not one copy of our Saturday newspaper, not even a space for it!

By now we were glad we’d put waterproofs on, we walked down the hill and found an arcade to shelter in, we browsed the shops, nothing we needed then waited for the rain to stop being sideways. Down the hill to the Co-op, our newspaper in stock here. We picked up a few bits and bobs, milk, bananas, then found a bin with a lot of items reduced to 20p. Yes they were just out of date, but still perfectly edible. We boosted our purchases.

Bel and the Dragon

A different route back would have been good, but much further to walk with bags, so we retraced our steps. Plenty of blue plaques on buildings. The George, now Bel and the Dragon, why Bel? Odiham appeared in the Domesday Book. In 1622 there was a Pest House where those with plague or smallpox could stay in isolation. Mr William Lily was born here, he wrote grammar which after an act of parliament was taught in schools from Henry XIII time. In 1783 a group of men met in the George Inn to inaugurate the Odiham Agricultural Society, they resolved to reform farriery and animal care, establishing a veterinary school, the outcome of which resulted in the foundation of the Royal Veterinary Society.

Back at Oleanna, Tilly was given more shore leave whilst we had lunch, then it was time for us to start heading back north, well in the general term northbound, but heading east.

Lift Bridge

Nobody was stopped in their tracks at the lift bridge, one man crossing as I arrived, he did then stand directly under where I needed to close one of the barriers for a chat! Then onwards through the narrow bits, the clear water ahead showing how shallow the edges were. Thankfully when we came across the big trip boat there was just about enough depth for both boats to pass without going aground. At Lodge Bridge there is a sign to a Farm Shop, the website looks very interesting. If we end up being stuck on the canal for a while I’m requesting a visit.

First boat

Canoes were being packed away and there were plenty of people around Galleon Wharf, a popular area on a weekend. More rain showers came and went giving way to bright sunshine. Two more trip boats, Louise with a party of four who were making their way through a couple of bottles of bubbly.

I kept my eyes peeled for Woodpeckers, but none showed, just a Cormorant diving and flying.

The Chocolate box house looked better today as we passed, thatch, bronze horse and flowerpot person with plenty of ducks on the lawn for good measure.

Chocolate Box house

Ideally we’d have liked to carry on to Double Bridge for Tilly to go out, but NB Olive would be there. Instead we stopped at Barley Mow Bridge, pulling onto the moorings. It felt a reasonable distance away from the road over the bridge, until I heard a car drive by just on the other side of the hedge by our mooring. Sorry Tilly! ………………………… She wasn’t pleased.

0 locks, 4.3 miles, 3 trip boats, 4 canoes, 1 newspaper, 1 sunny down pour day, 1.5 hours shore leave, 3 litter pickers, 1 couped up cat.

What Did You Get? Betwixtmas 2023

Breakfast with tea not bucks fizz this year

Christmas Day was quite grey, but thankfully the drizzle/rain stayed away for us to have a walk down to the seafront and allow Frank to walk (without getting wet) the two miles to join us.

A grey seafront

Glasses of fizz were at hand to help with the final food preparations.

Gourmet sprouts

Frank had brought round three sprout stalks from his garden, so he set to. An hour and a half later, his sterling work had got enough diddy sprouts for maybe two of us, they were added to with extras from the bumper veg box I’d ordered.

All ready to tuck in

I’d seen good reviews for M&S gluten free bread sauce, so we had a taste test between theirs and mine. The Leckenby version made with brown seeded bread and some garlic, the M&S version very white and plenty of cloves. They both had good qualities, I think the decision was that they tied.

Only just fitted on our plates

Mammoth amounts of food took over our plates. We think that this year we managed to achieve the correct quantities of everything. Plenty and still quite an amount of left overs after Frank had finished. Cheese was put till the end of the meal (my Mum wouldn’t have approved!), but just as well as my birthday cake was extreamly rich! Five days later and we’ve still only managed to eat half of it. Chocolate and Hazelnut Celebration Cake and the cheese remained in it’s wrappers!

Cheese still untouched!

In the morning we’d opened our Christmas presents, before Birthday cake there were the tree presents. Mick got a new litter picker (not just for tidying up the towpaths but also to help pick things up once dropped in the engine bay on Oleanna. I got the Sarah Howells Gluten Free cook book and Frank got a pair of Pip socks, the last pair to be knitted this year. This makes it 34 pairs since April, I’d forgotten to add in a pair I made for my cousin at the beginning of May.

Blowing them out

Birthday presents followed. This pile quite often ends up with a few Christmas presents accidentally added, ambiguous wrapping, or just because.

A lovely day with fat bellies, lots of empty bottles and good company.

So what did we get?

We both got new waterproof coats.


A new barbecue. I’d considered a Cob as so many had sung their praises, but the price tag was a touch too much for Tilly’s pocket, so a slightly sterdier fold away version of the one we’ve had for the last eight or so years. It’s handy as it tucks away easily into one of the stern lockers. I got some Sketchers anti-slip trainers which are comfortable for my toe and the antislip looks as good as we’ve had before. Tilly got a flapping fish to remind her of our travels on the water. This did have to be removed after a while I just don’t understand why it didn’t die! I had resorted to numerous headbut bites and yet it still flipped around!


Lots of other goodies. Books were all cookery books this year, a Tom Kerridge book didn’t make the photo. Tilly got a new (to her) food and water bowls so that she doesn’t have to move them from house to boat to house. I’ll have something to say about that Blue one on my own blog! Plus a LOT of Dreamies. You’d better start moving the outside again so I can have those! Pyjamas were also popular, between us we got three pairs. An ice bag, very handy for knees or heads. Socks, now just not any old socks! Thank you to Kath who got me the arty socks, Father Christmas for the chunky socks, but extra bonus points to the NB Cleddau crew for the Crazy Cat Lady socks. Thank you!!!

Sue cutting the cake, assisted by Jaye and of course Duncan!

We’ve had a few relaxing days since, interspersed by Sue’s 60th where her family and friends took over a local Indian restaurant. What a lovely evening, Happy Birthday Sue!

Can anyone guess which lock this is?

The painting for our downstairs toilet is coming on. A good project to do Betwixtmas. Soon I’ll have to set the drawing board up and sort out dimensions of the lean too that we’re wanting to replace, there’s also the boat cushion fabric to source, curtain tracks, some painting and more bloomin sealant to do in the house! Then there are the boat jobs on the list. But these can all wait for the new year I think, Oh and there’s the yearly round up to write and that always takes ages.

Hope you all had a good Christmas and got some fab presents too.

0 locks, 0 miles, 12 pairs socks, 4 cook books, 4 bowls, 3 bags of dreamies, 1 fish, 1 wobbly thing, 3 pairs pyjamas, 1 bottle truffle oil, 2 waterproofs, 1 cold on the way out, 1 on the way in, 1 lodger with a tickly throat, 1 phone, 4 pens, 4 pencils, 1 bbq, 2 much birthday cake so if anyone is passing in the next few days please help us!

Dodging Balls. 31st August

Kegworth Marine and Ratcliffe Bridge 46 to Trent Junction, River Trent

Ratcliffe Lock

A cruiser just beat us to Ratcliffe Lock, a crew member sent ahead to set it. I checked with the skipper if they would be willing to share or if they’d rather be on their own. Some cruisers are weary of narrowboats in locks, but on this occasion they were fine about sharing just so long as we went into the lock first. Fine with us.

Closing in a years time

Now close to Ratcliffe on Soar powerstation, the cooling towers in just about every photograph. Through Redhill Flood Lock and on towards the Trent. A narrowboat came towards us at speed, had they misjudged the bend by the big weir? Plenty of wellie and they managed to adjust their course to avoid us.

Trent Junction

Now the water stretches out as the Soar meets the Trent, meets the Erewash Canal, meets Cranfleet Cut. Sadly no space on the pontoon mooring, one of our favourites which is a favourite with many others, can’t remember the last time we managed to get moored there. However a space against the wall was available, we winded and pulled in, here Tilly would be allowed shore leave and we’d still have quite a view from the side hatch and our bed in the morning.

It was still quite early, before midday. The height of the bank and forecast rain in the afternoon put me off doing the mushroom vents, again!

Trent Lock onto the Erewash

I planned a walk, checked when rain was due and set off hoping to remain dry today. I walked over the bottom of Trent Lock Junction, we’d forgotten the existence of the Lock Cafe, maybe we should have gone there for lunch.


I walked along the banks of the Trent up to he small garden centre where I checked to see what was for sale. Diddy Christmas trees! Our new Christmas tree had been doing quite well back in Scarborough when last checked and this year we don’t plan on being onboard for the big day, so no need for one.


My plotted route brought me to the edge of a golf course. I could just make out the next yellow post marking the footpath across the neat grass. Groups of men swung clubs. Would I make it across without getting hit? Would I be a distraction? Should I change my route? I decided that the course would have to accomodate me and other walkers, so hopefully I’d not be in the firing line and have to dodge balls.

I survived and then walked right down the far side of the course. I didn’t bother trying to count how many balls were sitting in the grass of the driving range. Presumably they have a sit on hoover to collect them at the end of the day.

Mills Dockyard

The footpath popped out at a bridge over the Erewash Canal. We’d considered having a trip up to Langley Mill, but decided against it. Eight years ago we’d cruised to the end, we enjoyed it (apart from the chap with a shotgun), but it isn’t one we simply must return to. Mills Dockyard did look very picturesque today.

Under the railway lines

Across a field to walk round a lake, under two railway lines, then across another field back to Cranfleet Cut where I rejoined the towpath back to Oleanna.


Time to make that carrot cake. Tilly mumbled something at me as she came in the stern doors, she was ushered straight out the front doors before she’d finished what she was saying, the doors closed firmly behind her. WHAT IS RULE NUMBER ONE TILLY!!!!

Only just enough wind

Early evening three sailing boats came out for a race, a very slow motion race as there was just about no breeze. One of the boats needed motorised assistance to return to the club house.

1 lock, 1 flood lock, 1.9 miles, 2.5 miles walked, 1 dry boater, 4 times in 3 days! 200 grams of carrots, 1 apple, 75 grams cream cheese, 1 improved internet, 1 loose connection, 1 stove lit, 0 Mrs Tilly stamps of approval, 1 cat grounded!

An Extra Shower. 29th August

Zouch Lock to Zouch Lock

Ahead of ourselves. Should we stay that way or let the days catch up with us? A day sat still could mean some much needed maintenance work on Oleanna, rust around the mushroom vents needs sorting before winter.There’s the grab rail that I’ve been meaning to do for a couple of years too. Don’t mention the gunnels or cratch board!

Forecast rain and still having a headache put me off. We decided to move.

That’s a good view!

Three boat lengths up there was a newly vacated gap with a better view. We moved up and gave Tilly some shore leave, hoping she wouldn’t get confused following her scent back to where we’d just left.

A morning of pottering. There was one job that could be done. I dug out my pencils, pens, watercolours and paper. Time to do a new first night card for one of our lodgers. Tanya is on her third visit, so the house and a compilation of Scarborough views have been used, time for a new one.

Drawn out

I went through the photos I’d taken on our Scarborough walks during the second lockdown, shortlisting a few. Another photograph found on the internet was used along with mine for the composition. This was drawn out and inked in.

I could have sat at the dinette all day, but wanted to stretch my legs and see if a walk would help dissipate my headache. I plotted a route, showed it to Mick, made sure Tilly was inside and set off, crossing the bridge over the canal and the field alongside our mooring to meet the road.

Hooked up

The boats at Zouch Marina have poles to rise up and down on, they also have a contraption similar to a caravan hook up which attach to the boats bows. These must be to help keep the boats in position when the river goes into flood.

Not very picturesque

I took the chance to get off the busy A6006, only to find the footpath was fenced in and overgrown with nettles, a new development planned for the other side of the fence. More main road before turning down Wide Lane in Hathern. I’d hate to think what they were comparing Wide Lane to when they named it, cars having to park on the pavement. One half timbered house had dormer windows in it’s roof line, most probably a framework knitters cottage, looms tended to be in top rooms where extra light could be sought.

ÂŁ650,000 with swimming pool!

Next door a rather lovely house is for sale, sadly it’s not by the river so no mooring opportunities.

Hathern in the 19th C got the name Wicked Hathern. Rev Edward Thomas March Philips spent more than 50 years in the village trying to civilise his parishioners who liked to spend more time in the pubs than his pews. Cockfights and drunken brawls in the graveyard prompted the priests outbursts, the village being dubbed Wicked Hathern. Pubs still outnumber the churches 5 to 2, but I believe things have calmed down.

Sheltering from the rain

By now it was drizzling. I took refuge in St Peter and St Paul’s Church, the door open and organ music emanating from inside. A family of three sat by the organ, Mum cutting things out from a paper, Dad I couldn’t tell what he was doing and a young person possibly about seven or eight was sat at the organ, playing away pretty well. Not sure if they were using the pedals, I suspect their legs weren’t long enough to reach. I had a quick look round but didn’t want to disturb the practice.


Small children in school uniform came from the direction of the school, an ice cream van sat waiting for new customers. I had no money on me so I couldn’t sample their wares, anyhow it was drizzling even more now.

Soggy isn’t it!

I could have waited out the rain under a tree, but decided that it looked to have set in, so carried on. A horse gave me a soggy knowing look as I reached it’s field. I crossed over towards the weirs.

A large curved gate holds back the water, presumably this is used in times of flood to speed the water down stream. Then I crossed over the curved weir and got chance to see just how many boats are kept along the arm, at least five. They must have to limbo under the footbridge to get in and out.

Moorings tucked away

Back to the towpath and back to Oleanna, I was by now soaked! Straight into the shower and my soggy clothes got a wash.

Chopped again

Time to put some colour on my drawing. Base colours, then a touch more detail. As this dried, so had the outside world. Mick had requested a haircut so without the aid of my assistant, she was more interested in the trees, I got to work with the clippers. A smart boyfriend again.

The final shadows were added to my painting. It just needs scanning now and making into a card. I’ll also need to run off one of the house for our other lodger as it’s her first visit. Those who know Scarborough will know the subject matter.

0 locks, 0.1 miles, 3 boats worth, 1 busy cat, 4 more paracetamol, 2 damp a day for jobs, 1 new card, 3 very soggy miles walked, 2 weirs, 7 year old organist, 1 Mrs Tilly stamp of approval.