Category Archives: Food

Having A Gander. 23rd May

Skipton to the Curley Wurleys above Bank Newton

After a lovely long weekend of friends, food, theatre, oh and a birthday we needed to be on our way again, the alarm was set.

Brewery Swing Bridge, Skipton

The lovely man from the slow boat was walking his dog and insisted that he should help us through Brewery Swing Bridge where the key of power does the barriers but you have to push the bridge manually. Between us we managed to find a gap in the traffic and school children and ended up holding nobody up.

A line of Silsden maroon boats sat just past a vacant water point, we pulled in and topped up the tank. Then a wave to Robert and Margie (who weren’t looking at the time) and we were soon saying our farewells to Skipton, Gawflat Swing Bridge no longer requiring a C&RT person to operate it.

About three miles on the flat gave us more swing bridges, the last on this side of the summit. Swans sat enjoying the freshly cut grass. Were they making nests? Would a farmer carry on regardless or leave that corner of the field should eggs be laid? Geese preferred the longer grass around the fields, peeking up having a gander at us as we cruised past.

Approaching one swing bridge a hire boat was coming the other way, they’d got to the bottom of the locks and decided to leave them for their second narrowboat holiday, swing bridges would be enough for their first. At Highgate Swing Bridge two boats were getting ready to set off, they’d each found themselves a locking partner.

I walked up to help. One boat was a hire boat and it was their first broad lock, myself and the other lady explained how the locks worked and wound the ground paddles round and round and round. A shame I’d helped so much as we’d be on our own coming up and my arms were already exclaiming about this being the first of several locks today.

Such a photogenic signpost

Once we were up we pootled onwards to Eshton Road Lock, the two boats ahead now rising and what looked like another Silsden boat was pulled up on the lock landing, we might have found ourselves a locking partner.

Cloughs open

This is the first lock with cloughs as ground paddles, I asked the lady we’d be sharing with if she’d used them before. The answer came back that they had done this stretch several times before, we had experienced serial hirers with us. Helen and Joe turned out to be good locking partners.

The two boats ahead pulled in above Highlander Lock for the day leaving the way ahead clear for us. As we walked between locks some Ash trees were having a serious chop back, Mick was a little bit too far away from the bank to stop and collect a few rounds sadly.

The boys chatting

We now met a few boats coming down the locks everyone enjoying the wonderful sunshine. Mick and Joe chatted away at the stern and Helen and I chatted, when we could hear each other, at the locks.

What a wonderful day

So much green, yellow, white and blue. What a beautiful day to be boating and on such a beautiful canal.

Looking up Bank Newton

A lunch break was required by all, so both boats paused before starting our ascent of Bank Newton. Most of the lock flights on the Leeds Liverpool have restricted hours, nothing too restrictive, 10am to 5pm, last boat in at 4pm. This is to help conserve water so that hopefully the canal won’t have to close as it did last year.

Action shot of Helen

At the bottom of Bank Newton a Lockie was cutting the grass, he mentioned that there were two boats on their way down. As soon as Helen and Jo were in sight I started to set the first of the six locks. The newer of the cloughs seem to be the hardest to move, maybe tighter fitting below the water. Us both ladies in their 50’s we’d give the cloughs a go, but should they not want to move we’d leave them for a while before trying again, in some cases a while longer. No point in aggravating my back third week back on the boat!

The friendly volunteer

We made steady progress up the flight, passing a Silsden wide beam in one pound and a narrowboat in another, both gates requiring opening as they cruise with their fenders down! By the time we reached the halfway mark we picked up a friendly volunteer who headed on upwards to set the next locks for us.

So much green and blue

Now on our favourite pound, we followed the contour around the hill, fingers crossed there’d be space for us on the curley wurleys. Bingo one boat there, we pulled in to their stern, Helen and Joe pulled up in front. This is our favourite mooring on the network. A wide towpath, sheep in the fields below, a dry stone wall and fantastic views.

We’d been planning a barbecue but sadly there was just too much of a breeze to have made for a perfect evening. Instead we decided to have a drink sat out to soak up the view and give Tilly an extra hour of shore leave before we all came inside to eat. I so love it here. Next time we’ll try to stay for longer.

Tilly admiring the view

12 locks, 11 shared, 7.6 miles, 5 bridges, 0 held up! 1 pooh sucky lorry, 1 wave to Margie, 1 slightly pink boater, 31st sock for dementia.

Pushing The Pin. 22nd May


Frank was up and eating breakfast before we were, he was keen to get himself over to Leeds to see a mate on his way back to Scarborough. Soon the boat was empty and the fridge looked depleted again.

Time for us to do a stock up shop. I wrote quite a long list whilst Mick had yet another phone call, I’m beginning to think he’s having a bit of a fling with someone at Royal London!

He headed off with the bike to do a big shop, leaving me with complaining Tilly, I think she’s forgotten that she’d rejected our mooring as being rubbish the other day. We’d considered moving on through Brewery Swing Bridge, but the sun felt like it would do a better job with the solar where we were.

First ideas

Time to get the panto sketch book out and start doing a few scribbles for ideas. The basic shape of Chipping Norton was traced from a previous years sketch book and then I used a pin to push through several pages marking the corners, speeding up drawing it out time and time again for a story board.

I came up with four ideas of a basic setting. Some maybe better than others. I’ll see what else comes to mind in the next couple of days before I start working my way through the whole show adding in the different scenes.

Another covid test done, both negative, we were safe to make a visit to our friends.

Margie and Robert live by the canal, we last visited them late summer 2020. It was lovely to see them both, plus there was an added bonus of their niece Alison having just arrived for a visit. I’d not seen Alison since we were most probably in our twenties, so it was lovely to have a catch up with her as well.

An exchange of parcels was made, some post for us and the very last pair of Dementia socks to be handed over. Robert immediately popped them on followed by his sandals, to which Margie said ‘I could fancy you wearing those!’ Sadly I didn’t get a photo, maybe Alison can get him to pop them back on before she leaves.

We headed out to Wildwood for a meal. The youngsters walked via the canal so that Alison could meet Oleanna whilst the elders drove. The restaurant is in part of the Town Hall and apart from it not having any level access and the toilets being on the second floor it was very nice.

A starter!

Mick and Robert opted for starters, Mick’s garlic bread arrived the size of a main course so had to be shared out. The goats cheese and mushroom penne was very tasty, plenty of choices for gluten free.

Pip, Alison, Margie, Mick and Robert

We were so busy chatting away that the restaurant had to turn the big lights on to help persuade us it was time to leave. On our return walk Tilly popped her head through the curtains to meet Alison, she then sat in the window puzzled as to why we’d carried on walking past!

A lovely evening, followed by more birthday presents sent from London which included a heater for our engine bay, very exciting.

Birthday presents from the London Leckenbys

0 locks, 0 miles, 1 empty fridge, 1 big shop, 1 full fridge, 4 versions, 1 pair socks, 2 octogenarians, 2 parcels full of presents, 5 bowls pasta, 1 giant garlic bread, 1 puzzled Tilly.

Welcome To The Family 21st May


That’s quiet a breakfast!

After a breakfast that involved knowledge of where the nearest defibrillator was located, Frank had brought with him his standard three shredded wheat breakfast with full fat milk and cream, we made ready to head off for the day to Bowness.

A very green drive

The near two hour drive on busy windy roads was glorious for those of us who could admire the scenery, a little harder for Frank having to concentrate so much. Local knowledge of free parking in Bowness in handy along with knowing that you may take hours to find somewhere with space for lunch. Today we headed straight up a hill and found a parking spot, years of bringing shows to Bowness from Scarborough paying off. We’d also planned ahead and booked our matinee tickets at The Old Laundry to include lunch.

First we walked down to see Lake Windermere in it’s near sunny glory. Our reserved table at the theatre/ Beatrix Potter Attraction waited for us. Soup and a sandwich were enjoyed. We were spotted by several people. Bill who was one of our latest lodgers and Sue the Stage Manager for the show we were about to see.

Surrounded by giant mice

Welcome to the Family is Alan Ayckbourn’s 88th play. Josh is wanting to introduce his finance Sara to his parents, the only problem is that they are both dead. As ever Alan has caught a subject in his play that has also risen in real life, capturing moments to keep forever and relive.

From all the production photos I’d been wondering why Tanya (our other lodger) was wearing a school uniform. This very soon was explained in the plot. A very enjoyable show with a few dark plot twists in there as there should be.

Chilled medication

We met up with most of the cast after the show to say hello and had a couple of drinks before they were all heading out for dinner.

The drive back was still lovely in the evening sun. Tilly however wasn’t that impressed as her evening dingding had been delayed. Once she was fed we headed out to Aagrah for some food ourselves, returning for a slice of birthday cake.

0 locks, 0 miles, 1 trip to Bowness, 3 soups and sandwiches, many many mice, 88th play, 2 lodgers, 1 Stage Manager, 1 hungry cat, 1 big thank you to Frank for driving.

J R Hartley And His Mate. 16th May

Granary Wharf

Mick was given a small shopping list to keep us going until we reach Skipton. There’s some important baking that needs to happen this week and I needed a few things.

In Rowsley I had a reasonable cooked breakfast, everything gluten free. The toast was a little bit gummy, no hash brown as that had wheat in it and I don’t half miss having black pudding. In the dining room there were three other tables. One a couple heading off to explore, another an Italian couple, the third was JR Hartley and his mate, discussing where they’d be heading today to do a spot of fly fishing.

Level Centre

Across the road at the Level Centre I joined Vanessa Brooks and the Separate Doors company. Separate Doors works with an ensemble of learning disabled and none learning disabled actors, three very familiar faces from Dark Horse were there along with eight other actors, some of whom I’ve worked with before.

Everyone doing the warm up

This week the ensemble are working on an event called Directing Tomorrows Theatre, there were three guest directors who were all going to work scenes of a new play by Vanessa using the Silent Approach. This is a very different directing style which enables all actors to be on a level with each other, few words are used and it really is amazing how quickly a play can be put together. On their second day of rehearsals a run of the play was performed. A song, choreography and a lot of dialogue, all really quite amazing.

I was there to observe the first stages of the play coming together and to talk about how I work differently with learning disabled actors, enabling them to perform their job without having problems with costumes and props. Should the company be successful in getting funding the show will be performed next year. It’ll be a good one.

Two types of Bakewell Tarts and Bakewell Puddings in the background

Then it was time to make my way back to Leeds, retracing my steps. One bus disappeared, thankfully a lady from the Level Centre offered me a lift into Bakewell. Here I had plenty of time to have a stroll around and see which shop I thought was the one true original bakers who created the Bakewell Pudding!

Back through Sheffield

Back at Oleanna Mick had managed to find us a locking partner for the morning, a hire boat with four crew who’d come down from Skipton. It’ll be a very early start for us in the morning.

0 locks, 0 miles, 1 lift, 1 bus, 1 late train, 11 actors, 4 directors, 1 movement director, 1 composer, 4 PA’s, 1 designer, 1 ham butty, 1 very interesting day, 1 cracking show, lots of fingers crossed for funding.

Chatsworth? 15th May

Granary Wharf, Leeds Liverpool Canal

Mick was on an earlyish train returning to Scarborough. The usual photo from York arrived showing cruisers and a narrowboat moored on the River Ouse by the Museum Gardens. He was returning to the house to finish off hoovering and making it ready for our next lodger.

I got on with finding more reference photos for panto. Some of the buildings in Colombia are just soo colourful they almost certainly have to be used.

I walked into the city with the aim of trying to find a new plastic jug for our cat litter cover. We use moistened wooden cat litter as cover in our separating/compost toilet, the old jug has developed a crack on the bottom, so leaks when you add water, not so good for the shelf it sits on.

Down a back street near the station

Sadly Wilkos didn’t have anything thin enough. Maybe Yorkshire Trading or Boyes will come up trumps when we get to Skipton.

I can look after everything from in here!

Tilly was left in charge with an early ding ding, she was told not to expect this from now on! A train took me to Sheffield, no boats on the River Aire through Wakefield today.

Then it was the 218 bus out through Sheffield to the Peak District. As soon as we hit the countryside the driver kicked up the speed, whizzing the scenery past. Great views.

Chatsworth House

What felt like a detour had us turn onto parkland with sheep and their lambs roaming freely. The immaculate grass stretched on for miles the branches on the trees all neatly starting at the same level. Below the view across to Chatsworth House. It appeared I was on a bus trip around the grounds. A group of visitors crowded round the bus, two thirds wanting to head to Sheffield!


Onwards to Bakewell where the last official day of school was being celebrated by students stood on the roundabout encouraging drivers to beep their horns. A very noisy place!

I swapped buses and a short ride onwards I hoped off in Rowsley. The Level Centre tucked down below the road, I’d be heading tomorrow. The Grouse and Claret my home for the night provided me with a meal and a glass of wine before I headed out to explore the village.

Hunters Chicken and a glass of house white

This didn’t take long. I spotted the disused railway viaduct, visited the big graveyard around the small church. Then a walk around Caudwells Mill. Sadly not much to see on an evening, but a pleasant walk none the less.

Then I cast on my next sock. Well my cousin had requested a pair and I asked if she’d be willing to wait a little while if I didn’t get chance to knit them in April. I’ve nearly got all the sock shots back so I’ll start to add them to my Sockathon page in the menu above when I get chance. I’ll be knitting more socks for Dementia UK as and when I have time to use up the donated yarn, I just have to figure out how is best to do it as the Justgiving page will close at some point.

0 locks, 3 trains, 2 buses, 1 Tilly in charge, 1 stately home, 1 pub, 1 small village, 1 house clean and tidy, 3 beds made up, 1 designer ready for a days observing.

Harry And Betty. 13th May

Clarence Dock or New Dock, Leeds

How many names for a dock can there be?!

A morning doing some research for panto, general Columbian scenes, rainforest. There’s a lot of colour about which is a good thing. I now need to concentrate on interiors and where some of the scenes could be set, John (writer and director) has left some locations blank so I have free reign!

It’s been a while since we last did one of these!

Mick did a touch of shopping, Saturday newspaper mainly, then we had some lunch before leaving Tilly grumpily in charge for the rest of the day.

A walk across the River Aire then round to the bus station. Today with the trains on strike we had no choice but to catch the bus, but what a pleasant ride it was.

River Aire

The 36 goes between Leeds bus station and Harrogate, occasionally on to Ripon. It worked it’s way through areas of Leeds like Chapeltown and then out into the countryside. The bluebells within the perimeter wall of Harwood House were stunning, we sped past too quickly to get a photo.

A bus with skylights

All the time the recorded announcements told us which stop was next and where we could visit should we alight at certain stops. I suddenly realised who the voice was, now a voice from his grave, Harry Gratian, he used to present BBC Look North and became quite a celebrity in North Yorkshire through the decades, even appearing in York Theatre Royals Panto! At times we almost felt as though we should take him up on his suggestions of alighting at certain stops.

The Royal Hall

The road surface turned for the worse as we came into Harrogate a very bumpy ride, we’d reached our destination. A walk through the centre of the town, past the theatre heading downhill all the time. Then past the Crown Hotel where Alan Bennet sat in 1988 making observations about the people around him and reflecting on his own upbringing (Dinner at Noon).

A modern staircase attached to the back of a typical Harrogate building, we pressed the button of the flat required and a chirpy voice invited us inside. Here lives my Godmother Betty. She has never looked after my religious needs as I don’t really have any, but she has always been there in the back ground, sending me cards and more recently emails whilst we’ve been on the boat.

The wonderful Betty

Betty was one of my Mum’s best friend at Leeds School of Architecture. Mum six foot, Betty around five foot. Her 92 years of age have naturally decreased her height, but most certainly not her personality. Today we’d timed a visit with what was to be one of her Grandsons 21st birthdays, but sadly Alfred had tested positive for Covid two days ago, so the London contingency had postponed their visit for a few weeks. However there was still quite a crowd. Matthew, Jules and Rose, along with Louise their cousin.

Betty and Pip 1968

Way back when I was the youngest of the kids on holidays to France where all three families shared gites. They were fantastic times sat on beaches building sandcastles and paddling canoes.

Cups of tea and slices of cake to mark Alfred’s birthday were consumed as we caught up on everyone’s lives. People looking that bit older from the last time we’d all been together about ten years ago. Back then I was concerned about Houdini moving to live on a boat, taking advice from Rose a veterinarian nurse. Back then Betty’s comment on our boating plans were ‘Now my dear, why on earth do you want to do that ?!’ Now she is quite happy with our chosen life and looks forward to the occasional postcards I send of places we’ve visited and food we’ve eaten.

A glass of wine was enjoyed before we headed off to catch the next bus back to Oleanna. What a lovely afternoon, so glad we’d arranged it, just a shame not to have seen Anna and her tribe, maybe next time.

The bus back was busy, the bus station busier.

Time to order ourselves pizzas. We both opted for the same topping, one gluten free. When Mick went to pick them up (cheaper to drink our own wine on board) our pizzas had been rejected as being over cooked, so he had to wait for them to be done again.

I think mine didn’t have quite as much topping as Mick’s, he certainly had more cheese and chicken! But they were very tasty. We sat up to watch the final score come in at Eurovision in Liverpool, having not seen or heard any of the songs.

0 locks, 0 miles, 2 hours research, 1 newspaper, 2 buses, 92 years soon to be 93, 1 Godmother as bright as a button, 1 son, 1 daughter, 1 niece, 1 daughter in law, 2 bus passes, 1 lovely afternoon, 2 pizzas, 2 boaters snoozing through Eurovision.

Extra Jumpers Required. 12th May

Castleford Visitor Moorings to Clarence Dock/Potato Wharf/Leeds Dock what ever you want to call it!

Grey but not wet thank goodness, just chilly! Brrrrr!!!

Our plan to fill and empty at the services was thwarted as three boats were moored in the way, maybe they’d just finished filling and emptying, one chap stuck his head out to ask if we needed water, he’d move back if we did. We’d already decided to carry on and do the necessaries further on. The flood lock was closed and a boat had just come through, NB Tumbleweed who used to write a blog. Hellos were exchanged.

Passing boats

The downstream panel took forever for the Lock Ready light to illuminate. Maybe because the lock is just vast it took it’s time. It took so long that I even removed my key and started again to see if that would help. Eventually the light illuminated, I lifted the sluices, Water Level light came on, gates open, Hooray!

Another boat was waiting to come through from the other end, so it made sense for the chap to use his key. The level board at this end of the lock looked to be on the cusp of amber, would yesterdays rain raise the level anymore and would we have problems with closed flood gates?

Steps to accommodate all size of boats

The right navigation was chosen rather than the left and we headed on towards Leeds, I wish I’d brought my gloves out the back it was that chilly. Lemonroyd Lock soon appeared with it’s downstream lock landing built for all sizes of boats. Full as expected, I waited to get the thumbs up from Mick that he’d tied Oleanna up before I lifted the sluices to empty it.


Lemonroyd Lock replaced two locks and is just so vast, Oleanna always look so mini. A gongoozling family arrived, they live on the Ashby and have helped many a boat through locks before (can’t have been on the Ashby). The chap wondered why I wasn’t using a windlass, I showed him the panel of buttons, can you imagine the pressure on normal gate paddles! I enlisted their help in opening the gates, pressing another button. Mick pulled onto the water point for a delayed top up of fresh water and an empty of yellow water, making use of the elsan.

Tilly thought it looked quite nice here, but we still had further to go, even though we were both cold already and both of us were quietly wishing we could stop.

A gravel barge sat moored up a short distance on, is this where they come to empty their holds? Piles of fresh aggregate suggest so, but there wasn’t any sign of any means of offloading it.

At Woodlesford Lock a lady recognised us as being in the Jonathan Wilson facebook group. As soon as she mentioned her boat name NB Freedom I recognised them, we’ve seen them around here before and down on the Thames. NB Ecky Thump also familiar from Blue Water Marina last year.

Thwaite Mill well worth a visit

At Fishpond Lock we had a tern diving for fish as I emptied the lock, it remained hungry. Thwaite Mill visitor mooring was available, slightly overgrown.

So very sad

Knostrop Lock next. By the top gates there were bunches of flowers marking a memorial to a 14 year old lad, who on the Easter weekend had jumped into the lock to swim, shortly after a gravel barge had been through. He disappeared from view, thought to have been caught in a current created by the barge. All very sad.

Signs at the lock reminded boaters of the limited opening hours at River Lock up onto the Leeds Liverpool Canal. The levels drop at Granary Wharf leaving boats sat on the bottom, so for the time being the lock is only opened for two hours a day between 1 and 3pm. The signs suggested there is space for three boats below the lock, we’ll have to look at these when we go through, we were hoping to stop sooner.

Wibbly wobbly

The service and mooring pontoon have a build up of silt below them making the deck rippled. We’d not be mooring there unless we really had to.

Two hire boats came towards us, a new company to us The Boat Co North. Mick was later to meet a single hander from the USA, he helped him through his first push button lock. Hope he managed to get to Woodlesford today.

At Leeds Lock I opened and closed gates, lifted paddles as Mick tried to hold Oleanna still in the now short lock. If you are coming down this lock, keep away from the top gates as you may get caught on some wood jutting out. As Oleanna finished her ascent I walked up to peer over the wall into Clarence Dock to see if there’d be room for us. Bingo there was!

Time to breath in in locks

In the last few days we’ve heard that the visitor moorings here had long since gone, others have stayed but not known what the time limit was. Time to check for ourselves. The old signs are just visible, then a new bright blue sign declared the pontoon to be Visitor Mooring 2 days. Brilliant and an Oleanna sized gap waiting for us. Add to that an electric post still with a small amount of credit left.

On previous visits here we’d been able to buy electric cards I think to the value of £5 from the C&RT office across the river. Sensible size for two days and available to purchase when the office was open. These cards are unique to Leeds Dock/Clarence Dock what ever you call it. However now you have to order them £10 credit and get them posted out to you at an extra £2.95! For a bit of card the size of a credit card! Not very user friendly, the sooner C&RT install meters that you can log onto and pay for what you use anywhere on the network the better. But that won’t be for sometime as it would cost money and that is short at the moment. So we remain grateful to a previous boater who left some credit on a post.

The remainder of panto was read, notes taken. Tilly was slightly stroppy as there’d be no shore leave here. We remained very cold until Mick had lit the stove and the interior of the boat started to warm up. It was only two days ago we were sitting without jumpers in the evening, today we’d really needed thermals and just adding another jumper this evening really wasn’t going to cut the mustard!

Click photo for recipe

Crispy Lemon Chicken tonight. A new favourite.

5 locks, 1 flood lock, 10.1 miles, 3 hire boats, 1 ex-blogger, 1 JW boat, 1 hungry Tern, 1 bored cat, 1 full water tank, 1 empty wee tank, £1.20 credit, 1 stove lit, 0 knights having a wee.

It’s Mooo not Meow! 9th May

Viking Marina, Goole to Viking Marina, Goole

Change around laundry and ironing completed. The Shed reclaimed as a bedroom with organised storage. Upstairs upstairs tidied. Windows washed. A sister-out-law to visit. Food eaten. Outfits remarked on. Who stole the youngest Prince? Beds made up. Clothes and food all packed. One on loan sewing machine returned and the last pair of socks delivered.

It was time to load a van and return to Oleanna.

Bye bye Scarborough

Tilly’s pooh box and scratch post were the last items to be added to the van. I knew what had been happening, they normally keep me locked inside when they load up everything, but today I was allowed to supervise. I may have been distracted by the elaborate bird feeder though. Maybe I’d be allowed to supervise in the big white box, but no chance of that as I was bundled up into the cat caravan! I know I wouldn’t get under Toms feet, but She says that Tom isn’t so sure. Hopefully the scratches on my chest from the tussle with Tilly will fade without leaving scars. This morning we’d decided not to add any extra stress to her day by trying to give her a travel sickness pill. If only she’d lie down the motion wouldn’t be half as bad!

I’d refrained from saying how well Tilly was doing as we passed our usual stopping place on Staxton Hill, she then showed signs that we’d soon need to stop to refresh the puppy pad in the caravan. Thankfully there were only two stops today then she calmed down, sat with her back to the door of the caravan where I could sort of stroke her.

On our route we somehow got talking about cows. Tilly tried joining in, but her mooing fell short!

On arrival at Viking Marina, Tilly was the first thing off the van and inside. There was time to appreciate the nice clean floor before it was filled with bags and boxes that all needed emptying and places found to stow it all. Tilly checked everywhere over, peeked out the back and then settled down, It’s good to be back home.

Alastair chatted with Mick. Two new engine mounts had been fitted. The stern nav light attached. Leak on the skin tank had required a 46mm spanner to tighten the pipe and all was good.

With everything for the galley, saloon loaded onto Oleanna it was time to make a move. Well just reverse back, wind and come in for the bow to be nearest the bank. This would make filling the water tank easier. The bags of clothes would come straight into the bedroom, plants could go on the bow straight away and Mick would be able to reach to replace a steel cable tie on the bow fender that had broken in Bramwith Lock three months ago.

Whilst knitting socks my back has improved, but sadly moving things around, stoopid stooping has encouraged it to ache again. A few hours sitting down helps. Today though to be able to sit down lots of things needed to be stowed, moved here and there. Yes Mick could have done it all, but it was just easier to get on with it, someone needs to remember where things have been stashed after all! Tilly didn’t help with any of this, she was far more interested in the secret passage and refusing to come back out when I wanted to put the sofa back into sofa mode!

But I like it down here!

Once we’d remembered we’d put the duvet and pillows in vacuum bags Mick made the bed up whilst I adjusted the Sainsburys delivery for the morning. Diner was some left over gammon we’d shared with Kath (Mick’s sister) and Bill one of our lodgers, with some carrot and parsnip hash. Thank you Mick for being on cooking duty.

Ohh Tilly!!!

0 locks, 180ft, 1 wind, 27 cheese scones, 1 painted wall, 1 van full, 2 puppy pads, 1 proud She, 1 last pair of socks delivered, 1 determined Duncan, 1 more painting hung, 1 slot filling booking, 1 chocka boat, 1 empty water tank, 1 full water tank, 2 new engine mounts, 1 stern light, 1 secret passageway, 1 cat on the shelf, 2 happy boaters, 1 happy cat.

A Quick Wash And Brush Up. 28th April

*updated since this morning

Today Mick has headed down to Goole to give Oleanna a check over and a touch of TLC. When last we visited I was ashamed of how dirty the floor was! So a visit to do a touch of spring cleaning was needed before we move back on board.

Here’s hoping the trains behave better than on his last solo visit.

Goole Station today

He has instructions to purchase a new mop, the one we have has a very solid foam head and takes several days for water to penetrate it to be able to wash the floor. So he’ll pop into trusty Boyes on his arrival and if there is the correct oil in stock he’ll purchase enough for the next engine service. *No mop was purchased today, 10 litres of oil and a new kettle instead.

A visit will also mean being able to give Alastair a gentle nudge to prompt him into doing the jobs before we move back on board, we’ll be wanting to be off pretty smartish. *The requirement of a new Engine mount means the jobs are being delayed until the mount arrives and can be fitted. Spring cleaning consisted of a very good hoover top and bottom, but no mopping.

Evidence of Alastair on Oleanna’s stern

Back in Scarborough we’ve had a change over of lodgers which means the house is really quite busy. The jobs list is slowly having things ticked off it as there is only really Mick working his way through it at the moment. But as of Monday I’ll be joining in again as my Sockathon will have finished.

Only three more days to go, including today. So far I have kept up the sock a day routine which means that I am heading for 15 pairs in April! My reserve pairs of socks will be knitted after all.

A post last week on a women’s Facebook group suggests I could have knitted at least another 7 pairs to raise money. There will be quite a bit of yarn left from the donations I had so I’m considering knitting more but as and when I have the time. Boating, seeing old friends and soon Panto designing will be taking over. But if I can raise a few more pounds for Dementia UK that would be fantastic.

Talking of funds. Last night after an update post on Facebook I had a couple more donations which has taken me just over my target. Thank you sooo so much to everyone who has sponsored me. There is however still time to make a donation to help me keep knitting for just a few more days. An episode of Downton Abbey has been watched a day. Watching them so close together shows just how horrible most of the characters are and what trials they all endure. Yet there is caring too. We’ll not finish them all by the time we’re back onboard, so they will have to fill rainy afternoons. Here’s hoping there aren’t too many of those as we’ve the River Aire to navigate first and we don’t want to be held up by flood water!

We’re all counting down the days now to being back afloat. The freezer is gradually being emptied, I may have to make some pea soup to finish off the frozen peas and chicken stock. I also made a boo boo when making cheese scones the other day, so there is a batch and a half of basic scone mix frozen, just requiring yoghurt egg and cheese to be added for any emergency cheese scone moments in the next few days.

0 locks, 0 miles, 27 socks so far, 1 toe too, 8 pairs to weave ends in on, £626.97 *£641.97 raised, so far, 1 dementia nurses training, 1 boat with filthy floors, 1 wall prepared, 1 new boiler, 2 sides of flashing sorting, 15 windows, 1 decorator, 0 scaffolding yet, 1 tube of Captain Tolleys for the shower, 2 more lodgers, 16 fingers, 20 toes, 4 paws crossed that we get away smoothly, 1 van about to be booked, 1 boat floor still requiring mopping, 1 new engine mount required.

Firmware and Footwear. 5th April


Last Fridays post was filled with woolly goodies. Two more Independent dyers had sent me some yarn for my sockathon. What kindness! The two parcels together most probably had enough yarn for 14 pairs of socks. Thank you so much to Jem (Under The Olive Tree) and Beth (Beehive Yarns) for your generous and wonderful support.

I had a day out to Leeds to visit the Hello Stranger Yorkshire exhibition. Lots of photos from shows over the last four years and how the pandemic was coped with and how the industry has changed since. Designers were invited to add their details to a map of Yorkshire. One colour string showed where Yorkshire designers lived, the other where people from outside Yorkshire have worked. As I fitted into both categories and neither I decided to have both colours of string on my label.

I made sure my return to the station included the wonderful markets and the Exchange. Must remember all that fish when we pass through Leeds in a few weeks time!

Saturday morning started with me casting on the first pair of socks. These were to be knitted in yarn that I had bought for the challenge, matching the logo colours of @dementia-uk. In the post that morning I received a card from their Fundraising Officer wishing me luck, what a lovely touch, especially hand written, my sister-in-law would approve.

So far I’ve managed to knit a sock a day, that’s an average of 8 hours clicking a day. I go to stretch my legs each day so that my natural posture doesn’t take to being a seated one. The occasional move from one chair to another also helps. Podcasts are listened to when I’m going round in circles and we’ve taken to watching an episode of Downton Abbey each day, starting from the very beginning. We may have to up to two episodes a day as there are 50 in total. Blimey some of those servants are really really horrible!

Mick has been seeking out new insurance quotes for Oleanna. For some reason our renewal quote from GJW had gone up whilst reports on social media suggest other peoples have gone down. Craftinsure are by far the cheapest for both contents and the boat, however some things are not covered such as laptops. Why are they so much cheaper? How are they so much cheaper? Do they pay out without hassle if you need to claim? All questions Mick is seeking the answers to before we commit ourselves to a new policy.

Oleanna on a sunny day

The days, weeks and months are ticking away. Time to visit Oleanna and give her engine a run, check her over and now that we have a date we need to be back on the boat for, give notice on our mooring. Mick took the train down to Goole an easy and familiar ride now, whilst I sat on the sofa knitting.

The daffodils at Oleanna’s stern are long past their best and the scraped paintwork turning orange on the gunnels shows that she hasn’t moved anywhere for sometime. Hopefully there will be time to give things a good rub down and repaint before too long.

Clear view to NB Ivy

Mick sent me a photo looking out through the new window in the pram cover. A vast improvement from the old one which not only had holes in it but had become a touch white making the view a bit foggy. The boat opposite our bow has had a change of name, a very wise change by Lisa.

Mick ran the engine and went to see Laird and also had a catch up with Alastair. Sadly Viking Marina are out of diesel at the moment, so the tank still hasn’t had a fill. Then it was time for Mick to plug the laptop into Oleanna’s brain and give the inverter a firmware update. This new version means we can control the charging of the lithium batteries more, especially when the temperatures are really low which lithium’s do not appreciate.

Daffodils and gunnels past their best!

With everything locked up, Mick headed back to the station with the intention of being back in Scarborough to eat with me before I headed out for the evening. Sadly there were problems on the tracks. A vehicle had run through both barriers of a level crossing at Gilberdyke. This meant all trains had to run slowly and that Mick’s train which normally would have continued on to Scarborough stopped in Hull.

The chandelier at The Bike and Boot

The next train northwards followed a slow train and by the time it had reached Bridlington it itself had been cancelled as the train behind had just about caught it up! In all it took Mick four hours to return to Scarborough by which time I’d cast on the toe of sock 5 and decided to give myself an evening off. Spent at the Bike and Boot with old female friends I used to work with at the SJT. It was very nice to see every one in the flesh, many I’ve only seen on zoom get togethers over the last few years and those have gradually petered out.

The Chippy model box waiting for me to be creative

Another parcel has arrived at the house. The empty model box for Chippy Panto, all ready for me to start designing. It made sense for it to come here, rather than us trying to guess where to get it sent to in a months time.

For those wanting to know what panto will be this year, I can now confirm it will be ‘Cinderella’. But not just any old Cinderella, this one will be set in Latin America! So the music will most certainly be toe tapping. Sadly the budget won’t stretch to a visit to South America for research purposes, the internet will have to do!

The Sockothan continues and if I continue at the current rate then I should manage to beat last years pairs by several! Thank you so much to those near and far (Hello Canada!) who have sponsored me. Thank you also to those who’ve requested socks. All socks on my list are guaranteed to be knitted in April so make sure you’ve made your donation on the JustGiving website. I may be opening the challenge up for more sock requests in a weeks time, so if you feel you missed out first time around you’d best keep an eye on the blog.


So much yarn, 5 socks, 5 days, £100 cheaper, 2 barriers, 1 notice given, 1 inverter updated, 8 hours each, 67% of target, 1 evening off, 6 old friends, 1 slightly numb bum, 2 circular needles, 9 years of boat ownership!