Category Archives: Canal and River Trust

To Devil’s Garden. 10th September

Moorings above Saltersford Lock to Devils Garden

A wet morning and my back had a twinge, last thing I wanted to do was get down on the floor to do my exercises, they could wait for another day. One thing that couldn’t wait for another day was a cruising plan. A joint effort was required and a touch of maths.

Serious planning

We both opened up Canal Plan. We worked out when we need to be back in Yorkshire, a mooring has already been found for Oleanna. Then specific dates when we need to be elsewhere, the number of days when Oleanna won’t be moving, which stops require a train station, which a marina. The way Canal plan works is that if you add in some stationary days then the end date of your cruise gets added to. We didn’t bother with this, instead we deducted the number of days Oleanna would be stationary from the full trip and kept a tally on how this affected trip days. I understood my method, Mick just had to go along with it and see if it worked. Thankfully it did. Yes we could have adjusted the trip on Canal plan and added in the stationary days but that would then be a touch ridged.

Three possible routes to try out and see if the dates would work.

Firstly the Huddersfield Narrow, the shortest cruise. Plenty of stations to choose from, if we got stuck by flooded rivers it would be the easiest to move the boat at short notice when levels came down. Marinas not so plentiful, but a slight adjustment to cruising hours made it work.

Second choice the Shroppie, the longest cruise. This would mean not doubling back on ourselves too much. Stations not so good, some buses would be needed. Cruising days on the Tidal Trent have some leeway and the tides look favourable to CRT working hours at the locks. Some adjustment required for a marina, but that would be manageable if they have room.

Third choice the T&M, in between the above cruises, retracing the way we’ve just come back to Fradley. The Tidal Trent on the same days as the Shroppie, better stations too.

The final choice is still to be made, but at least we could let friends know the two possible locations we’d be at for a rendez vous. About half an hours drive between them so at least they’d know where abouts to head in the first place.

We checked the radar. More rain due overhead. Two boats moved off, a while later they were replaced with another two. We were going to wait until after lunch, hoping the rain would subside. The two boats that had arrived headed off again in a lull in the showers.

Hello back there!

At 2pm we decided to make a move whether the weather was good or not. Waterproofs on we winded and headed down stream to Saltersford Locks. On arrival there was a boat moored on the lock waiting pontoon, where was the Lockie? We hovered for a while, then Mick rang the Lockie. The lock would be ready in about 15/20 minutes, the boat on the landing moved off and we could pull in to wait. Sure enough the lock took forever to fill, the Lockie set it filling and headed off for a while.

This is the only downstream lock we went through back in 2011, it holds 660,000 gallons of water and I think it was estimated back then that it could hold 27 Winding Downs. It sits alongside a smaller lock, but that hasn’t been used since the 70’s. We passed our ropes around bollards towards the back of the lock. The bow just by a set of disused centre gates. The lock was set emptying, this would take time too.

For sale with some period details!

Just below the lock was a water point we pulled in to fill up the tank. An end of terrace cottage, formerly a Lock Keepers cottage, is for sale. The pressure was pretty good so we were on our way again soon.

Pontoon Mooring?

We didn’t remember the journey to Dutton Locks from 13 years ago. Houses sit close by. Some leading up to Acton Bridge have pontoon moorings sticking out into the river, one of them for sale!

Acton Bridge

The moorings by Acton Bridge were full. We wanted to be further on anyway and the mooring certainly wouldn’t be cat friendly. Mick took the advice of the Lockie back at Saltersford and called ahead to the next lock, it would be set ready for us when we arrived.

Looking towards the weir

Above Dutton Locks the moorings were full. The sunk vessel we’d seen 13 years ago has degraded a lot! Maybe on our way back I’ll get a closer look, today we wanted to head on further. We pulled into the lock, the gates closed behind us and the water started to drain out through sluices in the side of the lock.


Now on totally new water to all of us. Back in March 2011 the locks had been on winter opening hours meaning they had to be booked, we only had limited time on the river anyway so hadn’t ventured further, today we could carry on.

Dutton Viaduct came into view, dark against the rain laden clouds, sun streaming through where it could. The river has views, next to no flood banks. Open views, then tree lined banks. We had our hopes on a mooring a mile or so further, a little m on our map meaning we’d need spikes.

Dutton Viaduct

As it came into view it had great potential and there was only one boat moored up, space for us. We winded and pulled in a short distance up stream with trees to our bow and stern, our own slot. We’d found the Devil’s Garden mooring, both of us had heard of it before, a favourite for many.

Ducks are forever hopeful

Tilly was allowed out and we all had a little explore, checking signs and fences avoiding stepping in the cowpats. Tilly stayed out and played for a while, but it was blustery, rainy and she was wanting dingding.

They’ve come out to play too!

Mick lit the stove, we’d be needing one for our jacket potatoes to accompany a pie each. Yarn was selected for the next pair of socks, pair 37 I think. Thank you to those who’ve sponsored a pair this week I’ve now only got to find two more sponsors to make 52 pairs for the year and I’ve beaten last years total too! It may be that as the nights start drawing in I may be able to knit a few more pairs, after all why stop at 52, I’ve still got a mountain of yarn to use.

2 locks, 5.8 miles, 2.2miles of new water, 30 minutes for one lock, 1 full water tank, 1 damp blowy day, 2 pies, 2 jackets, 0 cows, 37 in 4 shades of blue, 1 cosy boat, 1 lovely mooring.!1m17!1m12!1m3!1d7260.5534387613325!2d-2.6748082668054605!3d53.28409690096703!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m2!1m1!2zNTPCsDE2JzU3LjUiTiAywrAzOSc1My45Ilc!5e1!3m2!1sen!2suk!4v1726061794294!5m2!1sen!2suk

Soggy Seventh. 8th September

Forge Brook Aqueduct to opposite Northwich Quay Marina, River Weaver

The first boat to pass today

The alarm was set early, well you just don’t know when a coal boat might arrive. It turned out we could have had some more time tucked up in bed. Having a booking for the boat lift and we were going to be joined by our friend Lizzie for the day meant we’d be moving today no matter how hard it was raining!

The Geraghty zoom covered subjects such as Clare Baldwin, ping pong, the 70’s BBC drama Canal Children, Ballet Shoes and tuna. We kept an eye out in case NB Halsall arrived, but there was no sign of them. A message came through, it would be mid to late morning. Oh well, we’d got half a tank of diesel and a bag and a half of coal, hopefully we’d be okay.

A skip

Covers were rolled up, full waterproofs on we set off around 11am. At the Anderton Services we wanted to drop off some rubbish, but there were a couple of hire boats there. One lady offered to put our bags in the bins for us, which we accepted whilst hovering at the end of the services. Recently there have been several posts on social media with photos of mountains of rubbish around full bins here. Today the main bin area was cordoned off, instead there was a big skip, far more capacity for all those boats coming off the Bridgewater Canal where bins are almost none existent.

Halsall arriving

We made our way to the lift waiting moorings, pulling in behind another boat also booked for the 12:15 passage. Lizzie arrived too, everyone starting to drip a bit from the amount of rain. Mick went to see if he needed to check in, there are cameras so they know when you’ve arrived. Just as he was walking back to the boat NB Halsall was pulling up next to us. Mick was informed by the lift staff that we’d not be able to fuel up if we wanted to go down the lift, there were other boats coming up and there simply wasn’t time. We explained to Rachel on Halsall maybe we’d be able to see them elsewhere in a week or so. Then a more amenable chap came and asked if we’d like to change our lift booking to the next slot, there was space. Brilliant, thank you! We could now top up on fuel and coal and maybe even have a warming cuppa before our descent.

Rachel brought Halsall close again, we tied up. Brolli in hand the diesel tank was filled to the top and three bags of Excell were popped onto Oleanna’s roof. We were their last customer, they pushed back to wind and head back the way they’d come. £1.06 delivered in the rain, you’ve got to love coal boats.

The soggy three

Tap on the roof, waterproofs back on, it was time to descend the lift.

This would be Oleanna and Tilly’s seventh and final wonder of the waterways. Mick and I had been down the lift on NB Winding Down back in March 2011! (our blogs were a bit different back then) Back then it was unseasonably warm, today it was seriously WET!

We followed NB Lyndsey Jane onto the aqueduct that leads to the boat lift. Under the gate that cuts the rest of the Trent and Mersey Canal off from the lift. This then closed behind us.

In front we waited for the two gates to lift that would connect the aqueduct to the lift caisson. Once cleared we could proceed into the caisson. Stern ropes attached to the side and tied off, engines off.

Gates closing behind us

The gates behind us came down. One gate seals off the aqueduct from the lift, the other seals the water into the caisson. Once these are closed the water in the gap between them is emptied out.

Hello over there!

We then had a bit of a wait for things to start to happen. Then slowly the caisson started to descend, a very slight shuddering could be felt as we lowered. A boat was ascending in the other caisson, passing halfway as you’d expect. Looking upwards it felt a lot further than the 50ft we’d travelled between canal and river.

Another wait for the gates out onto the river to lift. The chap on board NB Lyndsey Jane said we could go first, he’d rather wait for the mud to finish dripping off the bottom gates. We obliged, any mud would very soon get washed away by the rain.

A blast of our horn as we came out onto the river and turned left. We pulled onto the 24 hour mooring where there was a good amount of space. With the covers back up we quickly retired inside to attempt to dry out and have some food. The shower was filled with coats and life jackets on hangers, some drip drying required.


What to do with the rest of the day? We walked up to the visitor centre a good look at all the information about the lift, I’m going to save that for when we go back up. There was also a really good collection of vintage arcade games. Why I don’t know. We refrained from exchanging money for tokens to get them working, but just looked instead. One box was filled with puppets around a house where accidents were waiting to happen. I’m fairly sure this chap shouldn’t have been balancing on the banister rails like he was.

Soggy at Anderton

Back at Oleanna we decided to head on to Northwich. It was still raining, we were still wet, might as well carry on being wet for a while longer. The river is quite rural on the way to town. There are a lot more moorings than there were in 2011, a new pontoon was chocka block. We carried on hoping there’d be space for us somewhere. Thankfully between the two bridges opposite the new (to us) marina there was a space just big enough. Phew!

A dry off, mick lit the stove, we had a glass of wine whilst we decided what to do for food. The nearest place was Relish Tandoori , just behind the flats we were moored infront of. They do a Sunday Buffet which seemed to be popular, we opted to join in.


Poppadoms, followed by a selection of starters, then six or seven main courses, all help yourself. Fresh nana bread too. Everything was very nice, better than most take aways we’ve had over the last few years. Only criticism was it all could have been just a touch hotter, they needed better candles! For the three of us with a drink each it came to just over £50.

Here we waved Lizzie goodnight as she headed back to her hotel. What a totally soggy day, but a rather good one. Thank you Lizzie for joining us.

Oleanna has now travelled the seven wonders of the waterways.

Barton Swing Aqueduct. 22nd July 2017

Pontecysyllte Aqueduct.15th December 2017

Caen Hill Locks. 13th September 2019

Burnley Embankment. 19th July 2020

Bingley Five Rise Locks. 3rd August 2020

Standedge Tunnel. 8th October 2021

Anderton Boat Lift. 8th September 2024

* Jim Shead’s Seven Wonders of the Waterways I think were slightly different, if anyone can remember them please let me know as the website no longer exists.

0 locks, 2.8 miles, 1 left, 1 lift, 7th wonder of the waterways, 4 siblings, 1 on the metro, 82 litres diesel, 60kg Excell, 3 very wet boaters, 1 very bored cat, 4 moorings in a day, 6 dripping sleeves.

On A Friday! 6th September

Rookery Railway Bridges to Croxton Aqueduct

Some shore leave before we moved on today, with the rest of the locks through Middlewich to work through we didn’t want to be too late leaving and Tilly obliged by returning in good time.

Bee and clover

Such familiar water this stretch. by the railway bridges there used to be a winding hole just long enough for Carefree Cruising boats to wind in before returning to base by Elton Moss Bridge, but now you’d be lucky to be able to turn a 40fter there, so overgrown.

Nice Lock

Nice Lock 67 had a boat just leaving it, if there was going to be one lock I’d operate on the Cheshire Locks this would be the one. I hopped off with a windlass, Mick closed the top gate and I wound the paddles up at the bottom end. This was quite often the first lock we’d go through on NB Winding Down, hence it’s Nice name, but it also was likely to be the last lock too, then it got named Nasty Lock! But now it’s always Nice.

Knitting as we cruise

Down the Booth Lane Locks meeting a couple of boats heading up. The last of these boats had a hobbling lady walking the towpath, she should have caught a lift as they were only going to have to wait at the next lock for the boat ahead of them to go up.

Statics avoiding looking towards the canal

More new houses going up and some static caravans are also being plumbed in right beside the canal, no canal view though as very few of their windows faced the water.

Mick as blue as the sky

What a glorious day to be boating. Sun blue skies and not too hot. Should we have a mooring today where we could have a bbq what would we eat? There were some sausages or mince, both frozen. Maybe we should see what the new small Morrisons could provide for us.

King’s Lock

We pulled in close to the fish and chip shop, two houses along the way for sale. Well except it was quite hard to pull in. A new length of armco looked appealing, but either there was a sunken vessel there or a ledge, we tried further along, and again. Finally we made it close enough to the bank. The gate to the road leads just that straight onto the road, no pavement just a little gravellyness then the busy road. Morrisons was out of various items, but there were some burgers and a bag of mixed peppers. I checked the free from items. That bread looked nice, ah no wonder it was Rye Bread, first ingredient, Wheat! No wonder they had quite a lot of it!!

We’d originally not planned on stopping in Middlewich, but to carry on straight through, but now we were moored up we had lunch. With one boat just ahead of us when we pushed off again we waited to use King’s Lock. This boat was going onto the water point then up onto the Branch, we had another two possible water points to choose from.

winding a 70fter

Just as I was about to bring Oleanna out from the lock a 70ft hire boat arrived, were they turning up to Wardle Lock and the Branch, no just winding. With a boat on the water point and a CRT work boat the other side of the junction this limited their turning circle. Their wind taking ages, but they managed it in the end. We followed them down to the Middlewich three.

With the opportunity of there being volunteers at each lock I decided I’d like to work the locks as I’d only need to do half the work. However there was a long wait. Another hire boat was under tuition coming up the locks so we and the boat ahead had to wait. The volunteer wasn’t going to let anyone through the lock until the uphill boat had cleared, both boats could have gone down in that time.

I let Mick bring Oleanna round the bend towards the middle lock

The 7/8 chaps on the hire boat in front seemed to know what they were doing and were soon on their way. The volunteer I suspect was a touch deaf as I asked if I could fill the lock. ‘NO!’ He then gestured to wind a paddle up! We were soon on our way down, I checked that there were other volunteers at the locks, ‘Yes’ marvellous! That was until the other two volunteers walked up to the top lock and said the middle lock was filling. Even my walking pole didn’t suggest we’d need assistance, they then vanished into thin air. Oh well the first time I’d been looking forward to having assistance at the locks and it wasn’t going to happen.

Last of the narrow locks for a bit

I opened up the middle lock, the chaps from the boat ahead lifted a paddle to refill the bottom lock for us. I worked us down the middle lock then Mick and I swapped over for the bottom lock, I could do no more.

Yarn bombed posts

We pulled onto the next water point and toped up the tank, emptied the yellow water and then made ready to push onwards. Big Lock had just been emptied, but we were soon on our way down. We’d totally forgotten about Middlewich on an afternoon, especially on a Friday, we’d thought we’d be through by early afternoon, but that pause for lunch! Saturdays it’s shareboat central at the junction, Fridays seemed to be hire boats! Mental note for next time, avoid certain days, avoid afternoons and the volunteers will clock off as soon as either the chippy opens or after the last hire boat is through.

Big Lock

It was getting quite late, we’d thought of heading on to Bramble Cuttings, not that much further, but on a sunny Friday afternoon there was likely to be no room for us. So when we came across Croxton Aqueduct and the towpath widened out and there was plenty of space we pulled in. Tilly was given an hour whilst we got ourselves ready for a bbq. The burgers I’d bought were really quite fatty and sent big flames up from the coals, charring everything. I gave them a few minutes rest away from the fire before finishing them off which seemed to calm them down a touch. A lovely evening sat out none the less watching and eating as the sunset.

Just about ready to start cooking

9 locks, 5.9 miles, 1 straight on, 1 new edge too shallow, 1 nice lock, 1 knee still able to do the T&M hurdles, 3, 2, 1, 0 volunteers, 1 closed council tip, 4 fatty burgers, 4 pepper haloumi kebabs, 1 bowl coleslaw, 1 sunset.


Why Do We Always Miss It!? 3rd September

Below Engine Lock 4 to Bridge 118, Trent and Mersey

Last night a cow had kept mooing. It moood a long time. Could we help it in any way at midnight? Hopefully what it had been complaining about disappeared not too long after we got to sleep. How would you find out which farmer the cow belonged to?

Twit twoo

No shore leave much to Tillys disappointment this morning. We knew we were already following at least one boat towards the locks back down into Stoke, coats on as it was quite grey we pootled onwards. It’s a long pound to Planet Lock, terraced gardens come down to the canal. Someone had been out to trim the sprigs from their neatly sculpted bushes, we wondered how they reached over to trim the edge nearest the canal. An owl watch us go by, guarding the door at the bottom of it’s tree stump.

Just as we approached Bridge 16A Oleanna started to list, a long scraping noise came from below, Mick knocked Oleanna out of gear. We’re used to scraping the bottom in shallow bits, but this was different. I made note on What3words and got ready to report it to CRT. Twitter used to be handy for reporting such things, but I’ve erased it since it became X. On the CRT website there was a chat function where you can report things. I decided to give it a go.


Within a minute I got a reply asking if the canal was blocked, partially or fully. We got through, but someone else might not. Could they pass on the information and my details to the local team? Yes, I was kind of hoping you would. Very quick and easy to report and the answers that came didn’t feel like it was a bot replying.

Bride 9, low for some

It was first day at Stoke on Trent College for many, masses surrounded buildings with welcome flags flying, that will be Josh in a few weeks time. So many young people moving on with their lives into new directions.

We passed a couple of boats heading up the canal, thankfully not on big bends. The lift bridge I only caught one car and a pedestrian. We considered stopping for supplies at a handy Lidl, but that could wait for tomorrow, there were other things we needed to buy today.

CND Meow

Planet Lock was almost full thankfully as only one top paddle is working. Then Mick walked ahead to the staircase whilst I brought Oleanna along slowly behind. A lady filmed Oleanna going past out of the window of a restaurant, I waved and she laughed, nice to make someone’s day.

In at the top

The staircase only needed a touch of topping up and was ready with the top gate open for me. The bottom chamber must leak as that was already empty, just how we’d found it on our way up. Downerty Down.

Out the bottom

Was there any room by the Museum? No and not enough room for two boats. Extra space required today. We paused to dispose of yellow water. There were several CRT people busy with items they’d pulled out of the canal, shopping trolleys put onto vans. A lady in blue said hello to us, very jolly. She said a friend of hers had named her daughter Oleanna, an unusual name. This is only the second time someone has made comment on the name knowing of it previously, makes a change from ‘Are you Oli and her Anna?’

This is a rubbish outside, please tie up a different one

Mick told her about the object at bridge 16A. She was surprised at there being something so far along the canal, but they’d take a look. Now reported twice we knew something would happen.

A notice on the services door. Events for Heritage Open Days. Through September there are places that are not often open, that you can visit for free across the country. We’ve been to quite a few over the years. This year it looks like next weekend will be an interesting one at Etruria with all sorts of steaming things going on. Why oh why do we always miss things here?!!

With Oleanna pointed northwards we were now on the hunt for a mooring, one where hopefully there’d be space later on for a second boat. The towpath was empty from the services, but that’s quite busy, we hoped for a little further along. Outside the Toby Carvery was just about full, a couple of rings nearer the bridge, but we’d have been in the way. Just through the next bridge are rings, we’ve paused there for lunch before, no other boats, perfect.

Lunch, an email of our location sent, time to do some shopping. First Mick headed off with the Brompton, over the canal into the retail area near Bet365 for some engine oil. Then the two of us headed to Festival Park which is a bit of a walk away.

New detector

A few evenings ago our CO and smoke detector in the bedroom started to ‘bip’ at us. Mick spent some time with it, gave it a new battery, then tested it. It wasn’t happy, time for a new detector. Having had a couple of these before and they suggest they last for ten years we decided to go for a different brand. Mick came out of B&Q with a FireAngel detector.

She’d better like beef in the 7+ boxes

Then we carried on up the hill, Morrisons for a loaf of bread, further uphill to Pets at Home. Time to restock on wood cat litter. We used to get it delivered with shopping, it only comes in 10 litre bags from supermarkets. Pets at home works out cheaper at 30 litre bags and the pellets are better for our needs. It’s used both by Tilly in her litter tray, and by us in our compost toilet. They also had pink food at a reduced price, Tilly stocked up for a while.

Oleanna and Alchemy

Back at the canal we’d been joined by a very green boat, NB Alchemy. We stowed our shopping then went over to say hello. Alchemy looks very smart after a recent repaint. Mike and Christine invited us onboard for a cuppa and a chat. We’ve only managed to chat in passing in the past, so it was nice to have a good catch up with them whilst not looking over our shoulders in case another boat was approaching.

How did she know I liked Webbox?!

Christine wanted to come and meet Tilly. This very nice She came and gave me an ear rub and then some Webbox! My favourite!!! She is allowed to visit again. Thank you.

Mick, Mike, Christine, Pip

As I got food ready, chicken and leek macaroni cheese, Mick set about fitting the new detector in the bedroom. It’s footprint on the ceiling slightly smaller, but we shouldn’t notice the screw holes. Yarn was selected for the next pair of socks and the first toe cast on in front of the TV.

3 locks, 5.6 miles, 1 lumpy section, 1 report, 1 empty wee tank, 1 right, 0 sign, 1 long mooring, 1 detector, 30 litres wood pellets, 2 blogging boats, 2 good hours catching up, WEBBOX!!! 0 shore leave.

Visible Scars. 9th August

Barley Mow Moorings to Ansty Moorings

No need for an alarm this morning, but we were still awake early. Time to enjoy a cuppa in bed before getting up, exercising and having breakfast, Tilly was allowed an hour of shore leave then the doors were firmly shut, time to move onwards.

Newbold Tunnel

Through Newbold Tunnel, hardly worth turning the tunnel light on for, but we did. Then we managed to pull up outside Armada Boats, in between boats passing by. The last time Mick had stopped here it was snowing! A few days ago one of our gas bottles ran out so it’s always best to replace as soon as you can so that you don’t get caught out! It would be hard for us to get caught out as we carry three bottles, but best to replace that empty bottle.

Prices clear for all to see

£42 for 13kg of gas, a top up of diesel at £1.08 and two filters for the next service at £9 each. Thank you Dave Scouts for reminding us to stop here.

Three miles or so. Normally I’d have got my knitting out the back, but the current pair of socks are a touch too complicated right now, so need to be concentrated on so that I don’t get lost!

Some nice shady spots

There were spaces where we’ve stopped before, but not far enough for todays cruising schedule. A hire boat had managed to get into the side under some very good shade, we’re hoping for a mooring like that in the next couple of days.

Easenhall Cutting in the 1910s

At Easenhall Lane Bridge 34 a yellow sign can just be seen instructing you to slow down, evidence of a small landslip right by the brick work. A fence with a gate in it means business, cutting off the towpath. The extra piece of fence that’s meant to stop people from getting round the edge has been pushed out of the way as they always are, the undergrowth worn away through use. The towpath is officially closed, but other people know better!

The big slip

Back in early February there was a major landslip in the cutting. Tons and tons of earth (estimated at 40,000 tonnes) slid down and into the cut fully blocking the navigation until May when it was opened at certain times so that C&RT could continue working at the site. Today the canal is open, there had been two landslips, large areas of raw earth are very visible scars at the moment. I wonder how long before nature reclaims the cuttings and what else C&RT intend to do here. Some gabions line the edge of the bank, but the towpath is very muddy. We kept our speed to the minimum, the bottom of the canal hitting the base plate at one point, respect for this cutting has always been needed, but now more so. Maybe I’d not been looking for the slow down signs, or been busy doing something else, but I hadn’t noticed them.

Boats moored just before a bridge opposite a skip boat caused a bit of a log jam as a boat came the other way. Then it was our turn through the narrows, nowhere to step off the stern of Oleanna to work the bridge due to all the hire boats being at base. A chap gave the bridge a big push, it swung perfectly out of the way for us. I hopped off the bow so as to close it behind us. Beeping of a truck reversing could be heard and a crowd had gathered. On the back a short skip boat complete with greenery was being backed down to the narrows, it must have been going in here.

A little one going in

We’d done our cruising for the day, so looked for a mooring away from the railway. Through Grimes Bridge 26 is a length of armco, which was full, including a C&RT work boat. Volunteers packing up for the day removing equipment and going home for the weekend. There wasn’t enough armco for us, the boat in front was doing it’s best to moor up, but the sloping stone bank of the North Oxford canal means you’d be a long way out. We carried onwards, tried a bit further on, but soon gave up hoping the next moorings would have space for us.

Under the M6 the railway running right alongside. Eventually we reached Ansty, the straightened route of the canal a good few miles shorter than the original. Here there was space for us. We pulled in as far away from the road bridge as possible. A deja vu moment. A footpath goes through the hedge and two large water containers sit with the tops removed waiting to swallow up a curious cat. Oleanna was moved onwards to rings further along midway between road and water butts.

Tilly came and went and was ecstatic when the lid of the Dreamies pot came off showering the table and floor with it’s contents. We were too busy picking up from the floor to notice her sterling work on the table!

A bit of sketching

A sketch book came out. Reference collected yesterday was used for some basic ideas , photos taken and emailed off. A little project for a friend, I’ll be able to share the result with you later in the year. I got approval, so onto the next stage in the coming days.

Quesadillas this evening. I tried using a tin of beans in a spicy tomato sauce, it was a touch too runny so I added some cooked rice which helped. Just a shame the spicy tomato sauce wasn’t as spicy as I’d imagined, they lacked a bit of a kick.

0 locks, 7.9 miles, 1 gas bottle, 21.3 litres, 2 filters, quite a few straight ons, 3.5 hours shore leave, 2 big brown ski slopes, 1 slow poot, 1 swing bridge, 3rd mooring, 2 sketches, 1 thumbs up.

A Hive Of Activity. 7th August

Boughton Road Bridge

Up early and walking to the station, walking pole in hand for support. It was my turn for the dentist today and we’d decided instead of going into Bumingham we’d skirt round the city.

Who knew spark plugs were pink? I didn’t

I managed the 0.6 miles walk to the station reasonably well, it took longer than normal, but I was happy. Train then tram to Brindley Place. I had quite a bit of time on my hands, so instead of heading straight to the surgery I opted to see how busy the canals were.

Olympic watching in Brindley Place

A large screen was in Brindley Place showing the Olympics to rows of empty billowing deckchairs. Four five boats opposite Lego, others may have moved off this morning. Through Sheepcote Bridge looked a touch busier, but round Oozells street loop was empty.

Busy Bees

Ten volunteers were busy weeding and digging around the wooden bee sculpture, a hive of activity!

Then up to the dentists to sit and wait for my check up. I had a couple of things for Colin, they were checked over made note of, but no action required. Then he told me that he was moving to the West Country, family things, this would be my last appointment with him. Oh blimey, I’ve just got my trust back with dentists after a very long period of avoiding them at all costs, now I’m going to have to build up a relationship with someone else. I wish him well, family life seems to take over when you reach a certain age.

That octagonal building’s coming along

My hygiene appointment had been booked for Saturday, the nearest the could give me ten days ago, but a cancellation was available tomorrow morning. I checked I’d not be spending huge amounts on train fares and accepted it, this would give us two more days cruising rather than sitting around Rugby.

Bit hard when your dentist is leaving

Back to New Street. I’d actually managed to get in and out of the station this time without getting lost, quite important as I didn’t want to use too many steps. Ozzy still towers over the station, looked like a touch of theatrical oil might help with his mechanical knee.

Will I end up with one of these?

The train back was followed by trying to sus out the buses. But there was only one within half an hour that would leave me with a big walk back to the canal anyway, so I opted to take it steady and walked.

Whilst I was in Bumingham Mick had been busy. Our house insurance runs out soon. Having lodgers the last few years has slightly complicated our policy and each year there have been different things we have had to abide by. For the first few years one night out of sixty one of us had to sleep in the house. Then we were made aware last year that we couldn’t have three lodgers at a time. This only comes up occasionally, but would be handy if we could accommodate a third person as there are three bedrooms. Mick tried last year to resolve this and ended up getting a quote from a broker, an extra £600! We opted to stay with just two. Today he found the right person to talk to at LV, the policy is £200 more, but it includes plumbing and drain insurance which we have elsewhere for £200!

More painkillers and another drug to counter act the side effects

He’d also been to Tescos to collect the click and collect order and a prescription of more pain killers for me. Just need a prescription for him and then we’ll be all drugged up and ready to go.

0 locks, 0 miles, 2nd visit to Tescos, 2 trains, 2 trams, 7000+ steps, 1 pole for support, £6, 10 volunteers, £600 insurance, 3 lodger possibility, 84 more pills, 1 tiresome towpath.

The 47 Steps. 1st August

Weeden Bec

Another early start, but today it wouldn’t be accompanied by a sunrise, today we’d be joining the M1 to head northwards again to Scarborough. Tilly’s magic food bowl was primed with two meals, we hoped we’d be back before the second compartment opened but there was a chance we’d be late. A promise was made that it would only be one BIG sleep and not two before we’d be back inside.

With bags packed, Mick lifted the bow tyre fender and pulled Oleanna closer to the bank for me to get off, Blimey it’s s big step. Then it was time to slowly make my way down the 47 steps to the graveyard, sideways. There’s a handy village car park under one of the arches of the viaduct. Weeden Bec is handily close to the M1 so it wasn’t too long before we joined the northbound traffic.

Our plans for the rest of the summer were discussed and those leading into winter. It all depends a touch on my knee and what the outcome will be. We could make our way back to Yorkshire sooner rather than later. We have lodgers in the house for quite some time and may have more for the Christmas show, but being closer to Scarborough for appointments would make things cheaper. But that would have us hanging around, waiting! At the moment we don’t know what we’d be waiting for or how long. After discussions we decided to continue with our planned route, but to have a back up plan on hand should we need one.

The north west will be our destination. When the time comes to head back to Scarborough we decided that the only sensible route would be to return via the Trent. Currently two out of the three Pennine crossings are closed leaving only the Leeds Liverpool open, at the moment! The Trent is a quick route north even if we’d have to do a big loop to the south to get to it.

Crossing the soggy border

A comfort break at Doncaster services, then over the top of the Wolds. Ten years ago we cruised into York on NB Lillyanne, today we crossed the border into North Yorkshire in a car, both journeys apt on Yorkshire Day.

Our lodgers last week had left the house very clean and tidy, our current lodger was already at work, very busy teching ‘Brassed Off’ that has come from Keswick. The washing machine went straight on, the ironing board set up.

Finally today we were going to be getting smart meters for gas and electric. In the past we’ve been told that this wouldn’t be possible as we have two gas meters on the same account. The engineer arrived and set about his work. Electric first with a double hub, one for each side of the house, the chap hadn’t fitted one of these before. As soon as the power was back on another load of washing went in the machine, tumble dryer drying bed linen ready for ironing.

All ready for Sundays arrivals, well nearly

Mick sorted out our deposits into the compost bins and then had a hack away at the overgrown back garden, some of which was added to the compost bins to help keep the mixture right. Grass was cut, a small attempt to make the gardens look better, we really must get someone to keep them in check!

A letter had arrived with a date for my knee x-ray at Scarborough Hospital, in 5 weeks time. I’d noticed on my NHS app that there was a possibility of being able to walk into York Hospital without an appointment. A call to the GP, Scarborough Hospital then the GP again, I had the referral emailed to me. Next job was to get it printed out, a mission for the IT department with our antiquated hardware in the house.

During the afternoon a C&RT stoppage notice came in.

Network Rail has advised that the Vazon swing bridge at Keadby is not currently operational due to a malfunction.  A new part is required and this has to be manufactured. It is anticipated that this will take at least seven days and that the structure will remain in the closed (to boat traffic) position during this time. 

Blimey! Even the Trent route can have problems.

Loads of room!

This week we’d arrived by the seaside in good time, an order was placed for two Haddock and a large chips, one side of mushy peas. Whilst Mick headed off to pick it up I made use of the living room floor to do my exercises. Having loads more room meant they took a good five minutes less than on the boat. It also meant I noticed one of the tiebacks on the curtains was upside down.

A proper trip back to the house

Next time we have fish and chips we must remember we only need a regular portion of chips between us!

Bed linen ironing was finished, a bed made up, some light dusting and a long shower for each of us. A good turn around day.


0 locks, 0 miles, 1 blue hire car, M1, M18, M62, A614, A64, 2 lawns cut, 3 sets bed linen washed and ironed, 1 bed made, 1 attempt to fast track the NHS, 3 smart meters, 2 of each, 1 cat left in charge, 1 Happy Yorkshire Day.

Where we travelled in July

When Do Swans Balls Drop? 26th July

Wyvern Shipping to the bend near Burnt Oak Bridge 109

Mick headed off to collect a click and collect from Tescos. Maybe it would have been easier to have reversed back to Tescos to collect it but we hadn’t thought of that when placing the order. Once he’d off loaded the shopping it was time to return the van to the other side of Leighton Buzzard. I spent the time stowing the shopping and repackaging mince, sausages, salmon for the freezer. Tilly hopped on the feed me shelf to help point out that I’d forgotten to order some onions! Too late for Mick to pick any up, hey ho!

Oh No! There’s only one onion left! And That’s red!!!!!

Finally it was time for breakfast, a top up of water then we were ready to move on.

Leighton Lock gates

Alongside Leighton Lock a group watched as Oleanna lowered in the lock. Along side the towpath was filled with Himalayan Balsam, the smell familiar from my childhood suggested the seed pods would just about be ready for a good shake, flinging them far and wide. I stopped doing this when I became aware of how invasive it is.

The Globe

Quite a lot of room by The Globe, we carried on round a few bends hoping for a space where the railway is that bit further away from the canal. We were in luck and quickly grabbed the length of armco. Another short move but one that would give Tilly some quality shore leave.

You are far too big to be making that baby noise!

As we tied up a family of swans came over with their entitled ways. Mum, Dad and two cygnets. Little fluffy powder grey cygnets fit the high pitched noise they make, but when they get to just about the same size as their parents it really is odd! Just when do swans voices break? When do they take up smoking 20 woodbines a day to get that husky voice?

Yesterday we’d had a request from the SJT in Scarborough, a last minute room for an understudy this coming week. This was possible except we’d not be able to do a turn around between lodgers. Thankfully wonderful Fleur the Company Stage Manager was willing to go and check things over for us and make up a bed. We had quite a chat whilst I imparted knowledge of bedding and towels, bins and keys at the house. No cheese left this time requiring Frank to empty the fridge.


This evening a C&RT stoppage notice came through. A large fire has occurred at Leighton Pump Station immediately adjacent to Lock 27. Police and the fire brigade are on site and navigation is closed until the site can be made safe. This was the only lock we went through today, it was fine when we left it, honest!

It’s a tight squeeze

Where to do my knee exercises? In front of the bed wasn’t wide enough for my yoga mat. Between the sofa and the TV was wider. I wrapped the foam around the cardboard tube and secured it with some gaffa tape. Time to have a go. The instructions were good mostly, some moves I could feel my muscles working. One made my knee scream at me, hopefully that will get better the more I do them. They took quite a bit longer than I’d thought, here’s hoping they help.

Knitting in front of the opening ceremony of the Olympics. Well the whole concept of using the Seine was one I thought was great and I was keen to see how it was going to be executed. We tuned in shortly before the Can Can dancers kicked their legs out of time with each other. Gosh that would have looked so fantastic if they’d got their choreography in time, but instead it was just a bit of a damp skirt swirling mess.

You should come out here, it’s great!

The majority of the audience would be watching on TV, but it all felt a touch disjointed, Eurovision like where you get taken to the next competing countrys video before hearing their song. I loved the slow motion horse, for the first couple of minutes, but soon got bored. Some great shots of Paris, tiny figures singing from up on high only visible to drones, I’m glad I wasn’t watching it from the banks of the river. Was the venue just too big for the event? It certainly was Gene Kelly wet for the cat walk section. Then the flag being raised upside down! Stage Managers across the world must have been wondering had the flag been folded the wrong way? Had it been put on the props table the wrong way up? Had someone been handed it upside down? Or had the four flag unfurling people turned it by accident? We soon were more interested in the holes on the flag pole that ensure there’s a breeze to keep the flag fluttering.

A lovely evening on the bend

The hot air balloon caldron for the Olympic flame made me think of the Wizard of Oz and Jules Verne, it is a rather nice different look. What was important was all the smiling faces of the athletes, soggy but smiling and waving on their boats. Good luck everyone!

1 lock, 2.1 miles, 4 boxes wine, 2 boxes 7+ cat food, 1 van returned, 4 hours shore leave, 1 Mrs Tilly stamp of approval, 1 blue god, 1 slow slow horse, 1 giant balloon, 1 heel increase gone wrong, 1 upside down flag.

The Guano Effect. 20th July

Broughton Lock 14 to Halls Agricultural Bridge 129, Grand Union

Last night as the hatch was waterside we’d left it open with the mesh infill in it, to keep Tilly in but let some cooling air in hopefully. I’d also lifted the lid on one of the bow lockers with the hope that this would encourage cool air through the pipe which is part of the low level ventilation on Oleanna, this would come round the water tank and then in through the mesh on the treads. In the early hours I could feel a slight draft, but I’m not sure if this was coming from the port hole above our heads, the side hatch or from the treads. It was very pleasant no mater where it came from.

After breakfast Mick made a phone call, another mooring found for our medical trip to Scarborough, this was guaranteed and 2/3rds the price we’d been quoted yesterday. Tilly doesn’t need many facilities when she’s left in charge so long as she doesn’t surf the internet all day and night she won’t even need to be hooked up. With two of us heading to Scarborough a hire car would be cheaper than train fares, Mick set about sorting that out too, a van being £60 cheaper than a car, we’ll see what we end up with.

It’s frothy man!

Time to move onwards and upwards. It was a couple of miles to reach the next lock, slow going even though the prop had been checked before moving off. Mick worked the locks and I took Oleanna through them. My pain killers seem to be doing a good job as I’m only getting the occasional twinge, I was however glad of a sit down between locks.

Red Admiral

The number of dragonflies today was less than there had been in the sunshine yesterday. They still made their presence known with their clicking darting flight, many seemed to be laying eggs, maybe. Butterflies flitted about too, one taking a break on a lock gate, glad it moved off before the lock filled as the water tends to flow over the top.

There’s an ex-hire boat that we’d seen on our way down. The rail round the stern a good vantage point for a cormorant. It sat there as we passed right along side before it decided to move. We wondered how long this boat had been sat there. The stern deck splashed white with guano, eergh!

At the boat yard Carp is for sale £6k +vat and I spotted that the wooden boat high up on the bank had unusual windows. I wonder of they originally opened?

Just waiting to catch someone out

Above Puttenham Bottom Lock there is a large white tarpaulin draped over the bank, obviously helping to keep the water in the canal. What ever was holding it in place on the bottom is no longer doing the job so great care was taken to avoid catching it with the prop, Oleanna glided past.

Wilstone Lock

As we approached Wilstone Lock 9 a Lock Keeper appeared round the bridge then went up to the lock to open it for us. He was there clearing reeds and bits and bobs from the lock with a keb and chatted away to Mick as Oleanna rose. We pulled in for lunch where we’d moored a few nights ago, Tilly allowed an hours exploration, well we hoped it would only be an hour.

Thankfully Tilly’s time keeping is good 30 minutes later she returned and we could carry on up the locks. The lock keeper must have started at Bridge 2 and been working his way down as all the locks had a bottom paddle raised on them. The road bridge was now open and all the scaffolding is removed.

Mick closing Black Jacks Lock behind us

A boat had some interesting planters hanging from their grabrail and we passed through Black Jacks Lock without incident again. Now for the staircase, upperty up back to the Grand Union.

Bridge 1 and the staircase

The Lock Keeper and a lady who walked by had both made sure we knew we’d not be able to go anywhere if we turned right, the way we’d come the other day, as the Marsworth Flight was closed due to a lock gate coming apart. We turned left and found ourselves an Oleanna sized gap to pull into. Another hours shore leave for Tilly, another two outsides days.

A little bit ahead on my socks and not really wanting to weave ends in I decided to select yarn for pair 30, just so I’d have something to do in front of the TV tonight. The next pair I’d been given instructions of Any Colour, well I decided to change this a touch to Every Colour! The next pair will be what is known as a scrappy pair, helping to use up odds and ends of all sorts of yarn. I’ve selected around thirty small balls of yarn and it will be a lucky dip as I knit them up.

Lucky dip time

13 locks, 4.8 miles, 2 outsides, 2 hours, 1 hour taken, 1 hour on account, 1 left, 0 right, 1 guitar playing neighbour, 1 Paul Weller, pair 30 cast on, 6 colours, 54 miles to Braunston.

Watching The Radar. 7th July

Iron Bridge Lock to The Grove Bridge

Bacon Butties before zoom. Subjects included, who has sat in Pauls chair, Jet 2 Man, The Pigeon Society and plastic free Beetle Drives. Everyone was present and in jolly mood.

Time to make a move, cruising plans altered to only two hours a day instead of three. I was just closing the side hatch when the heavens opened! How long would it last for? We checked the weather radar. There would be a gap in the rain after 12:30.

Tilly was offered some more shore leave, she reluctantly took it.

Is it really that far?

More rain, more checking the radar. It kept changing! Gaps of quarter of an hour weren’t going to get us very far. During one downpour a coal boat came past. They rang their bell, we didn’t want anything. The lady at the bow said ‘No-one will come out because of the rain!’ ‘Ring the bell!’ said the chap. She had, we just didn’t want anything.

A window of opportunity possibly from 2:15. We waited, the radar still seemed hopeful and around 2:10 the rain stopped. We quickly got ourselves ready, rolled up the covers, donned waterproofs. The section of canal we were on had risen with yesterdays rain and at one point we’d been floating, but today we’d come to rest again on the bottom, just closer to the bank than when we’d arrived. It didn’t take too much to push out and we were on our way, hooray!

Not sure if you can make out the steam rising

Cassiobury Park Bottom Lock is left empty, a paddle left up. As we worked our way up the sun shone, steam rose from the lock beams and towpath, it felt like being in a sauna.

Are these stop planks for somewhere? Currently moored between the locks

A chap walked by with his two dogs. He asked if we could leave the lock open at both ends, Mick asked why. Apparently the bywash was blocked, this chap wasn’t a boater, but the level was up and with so few boats moving the canal was becoming stagnant. I’m not sure if he was asking us to leave the top gates open ‘just a bit’ and a paddle at the bottom up. We said we were to leave the lock empty which we did, a chap from the lock cottage came out to check.

Like the shingles on the roof

The next lock was full, it should have also been left empty according to the signs. The dog walker asked us to leave this one open too. We considered his request, but decided that maybe he wasn’t too ofay with water management. We left the lock how we were meant to with a paddle up at the bottom to empty it.

The mill buildings, most probably flats now

The level was up, the weirs by the mills rushing water down to the river. No moorings available along the first section. Round the bend there was a gap, but had we gone far enough yet? Not really. A look at the map, ahead few cat friendly moorings for a while, roads too close for comfort. Through The Grove Bridge was a space we pulled in and hammered spikes into the soft ground, not much further but just enough for today and anyhow the storm clouds were massing again overhead.

Tilly was given two more hours as rain showers came and went, I did a bit more painting and Mick watched cycling and tennis.

At last out of the freezer

The Bream I’d bought back in Oxford with mind to have them on the bbq were defrosted. Some Jersey royals , tomatoes, red peppers, garlic added and roasted for a while before adding the fish. A Rick Stein recipe, which after doing all the prep I realised was meant to go with Seabass. However they were very very tasty with the saffrony potatoes, think I’ll be doing them again, I do like Bream. But it was just as well we’d not had them on a bbq, dissecting them would have been a pain with our plates on our knees.

A very tasty tray of fish and veg

2 locks, 1 mile, 1 very rainy day, 4 claps of thunder, 2 outsides, 2 Bream, 1 painting with mid tones, 4 stitches too many, 1 sock frogged, 1 Traitors reunion, now what to watch?