Just a quick post today otherwise I’ll never get the round up of last year written, a bedroom decorated and panto designed!
During the day we received two notices from C&RT. One from Damien regarding boating during lockdown. The 14 day rule has been suspended and only essential movement is allowed as it was during the lockdown in March. The biggest difference for boats in this lockdown is the weather.
Oleanna 3 years ago
On social media there are photographs of wonderful snowy white canal scenes, the occasional footage of boats breaking ice (preparing their hulls for blacking) and many a photo of cosy interiors with stoves glowing in the corner of the cabin keeping everyone toasty warm. I have to say I’m a touch envious.
However, this is very different to the first lockdown because of the temperatures. In March we made sure we were on a pound with everything we needed. But now I suspect we’d choose a mooring closer to a water point and road access for deliveries in case we got iced in. In winter you become more aware of what the weather may or may not do and plan accordingly, locked down or not! I suspect the moorings either side of Nantwich Junction Bridge are highly sought after, this is where we sat out the Beast from the East.
We hope everyone has found somewhere good to be for the coming weeks and that the heroes of the canals, the coal boats keep you stocked up with fuel of every variety.
Here they come
Looking through the Coronavirus and boating FAQ section on the C&RT website I came across a section on the Boat Safety Scheme. Every four years your boat needs inspecting to check it meets current guidelines for safety. You can’t get your boat insured or licensed without an upto date certificate. Oleanna is due her first one this April. During Lockdown 1, C&RT gave people extensions to get their inspections done, but this time it’s different.
‘The Government guidelines are clear that those needing to access homes to carry out work can do so. Those needing a certificate should do their best to use a local examiner to minimise non-essential travel, and let us know if they are shielding or isolating so we can arrange an examination as soon as possible once it is safe to do so.’
The other email from C&RT is one sent to people moored on the Aire and Calder regarding the breach.
‘The navigation is being kept at a reduced level from Ferrybridge to Pollington to limit the amount of water flowing into the section below Pollington where the breach is located. Until a better solution for protecting the breach is developed and implemented it may be possible, by prior arrangement only, to lock craft upstream through Pollington, Whitley and Ferrybridge. This will have to be scheduled around water control operations and water level at the breach site. It is hoped to reinstate some user functionality from Whitley to Ferrybridge soon.’
Sharing Pollington Lock last year
So there may be a way off the pound where the breach is. But does this mean boats who are currently upstream of the breach can escape? Or that crafts can be locked upstream through Pollington Lock? Last night we read it as the former, this morning we’re not so sure.
However, Oleanna will be staying put. She has a mooring, we are in lockdown, the caisson stop gates are closed and we have nowhere else to moor her. So we continue to watch for news at the docks.
Since my last catch up we’ve been doing our best to get festive. Our Christmas lights went up earlier than normal, thankfully they have all survived our time away. We used to have two 6ft Christmas trees that we’d buy in Dalby Forest, but this year our £4 tree from Newark Market, back in 2015 sits on a table in a bay window. The lights that used to decorate the trees are now around the windows.
A week or so ago we had a half hour singing carols with neighbours at the top of the road with Scarborough’s Town Crier, he lives two doors up from us. Have to say I surprised myself at the number of carols I knew without a song sheet. The Town Crier may have been loud, but we were more tuneful shall we say!
Tilly about to give the penguins what for!
A burst water main at the top of the street gave the Crier something else to shout about as Yorkshire Water turned the water off for a few hours one evening. No need to knock on doors just get the Town Crier to do his thing up and down the street.
Frank our bubble carpenter has helped sample Christmas biscuits, more ginger was required and my jar was deemed to be past it. There was a distinct shortage of ground ginger in town (apparently something to do with the pandemic) so I thought I’d have a go at making my own. I red up about it and a large root that had arrived a week earlier was peeled (with the aid of a spoon handle), sliced up in the Kenwood chef and then spread out on an oven tray. This went in a very low oven for three plus hours to dry out, it then got ground in the spice mill.
Whilst the ginger was doing it’s thing there was a popping noise from the main oven that I’d just turned on to cook our evening meal. It stopped warming up, it had stopped working. Top oven where the ginger was being quite fragrant still worked thankfully. The following day we pulled the oven out to see if there was anything we could do. One thing led to another and after admitting defeat we managed to push the oven doors onto the floor. This created a rather sparkly effect as the top oven door shattered and both doors ended up being rather dinted!
With less than two weeks to Christmas we hunted round for a good double oven, finding one at John Lewis that would arrive the following week, not quite as good as our old one, but at the very top of what we were willing to pay. Mick then remembered he’d ticked the accidental damage box when taking out house insurance. A claim was made and we waited to see if they would pay up. On Monday morning they rang us and by the end of the day they had agreed to pay for a new oven, if we hadn’t been under Christmas pressure we’d have ended up with the next model up too! This was delivered a week ago and has been fitted and works wonderfully, thank goodness we dropped those doors!
A trip to see The Snow Queen at the SJT was always on the cards and thankfully Scarborough has been in tier 2 so the show could go on. This was my first live theatre since seeing Alarum in Birmingham back in February and what a treat it was. The show was rewritten as a one woman show and blimey she had to work her socks off! Set designed by Helen who would have been doing costumes for Chippy panto this year. The front of house staff were very good and all covid measures made you feel safer than walking down the street. A great show and chilled medication thrown in as well, a lovely evening. Taking the C&RT line and changing it a touch ‘Life is better with live theatre’.
The wonderful canopy at the SJT
Parcels have been delivered, parcels posted. Cards sent and received, having an address does mean we’ve had more than the last few years, in fact we’re running out of space for them!
I wonder who’s house that is?!
This year we could hand deliver cards to our friends around Scarborough, they were accompanied with a bag of homemade ginger biscuits, the new batch with extra homemade ginger! We had a lovely few hours walking from one side of Scarborough to the other delivering festive cheer and catching up with people on their doorsteps whom we’ve not seen for years.
I’ve knuckled down to do a bit of work. Chipping Norton panto next year, postponed from this year is forging ahead. A new version of the script and some time in my work room, assisted by Tilly of course. Sketches done and approved by the director David, a story board ready to be sent out, I’ll move on to making the model in the New Year.
Today is all about cooking, getting stuff done so as to be able to do less tomorrow. Bread sauce, stuffing, gravy, red cabbage and of course festive sausage rolls. For the last few years these have been enjoyed whilst cruising to our Christmas mooring, this year I half expect Franks nose to be twitching as they go in the oven and the door bell to ring as they come out!
That window sill will just need a final sand, ‘Oh did someone mention sausage rolls!’
Tomorrow we will be joined by Frank for dinner and birthday cake, hope we’ve enough food to go round! We’ve been warned, by his usual hosts, that he can always manage two puddings and then after a little nap he’ll quite easily fit in some cheese too! Maybe I should do Yorkshire Puddings, ‘The one who eats the most puddin’ gets the most beef’ as said by a farmer during harvest to their field hands.
This morning in Goole
This morning Lisa forwarded us a photo of Oleanna. The level has risen some more and the sun was breaking through the clouds. Here in Scarborough Mick has just ventured out to get some carrots as our veg box was lacking yesterday.
Scarborough pm
Well the prep is done and my prediction of Franks arrival was correct, well maybe he was just a few minutes early for the sausage rolls coming out of the oven!
Every ring in use
The house now smells of Christmas, the fire is lit and I’ve managed to keep Frank far enough away from my birthday cake for it to last until tomorrow.
Stockings are out, so we are ready.
Are you?
He comes down the chimney Tilly, not through the back door!
Where Were We
2019 Radford Smelly, Grand Union
2018 Somewhere between Napton Junction and Braunston, Oxford/Grand Union Canal
Alarm, an early alarm! After a patchy night of sleep, I think I managed about four hours, we were up and having breakfast, no chance of extra views from our mooring this morning!
Goodbye to the Peak Forest views
Breakfast eaten, we were pushing off at 7:30ish. The top lock at Marple was to open at 8 am and we hoped to be able to get down the locks without too much of a soaking from the forecast rain. Time to wave the views goodbye and go and join the queue.
Is that the queue?
As Marple Junction came into view there was a boat on the lock landing and all other spaces were full, however there was only one boat facing the locks, the one on the landing. We trod water and a volunteer shouted to ask which way we were heading, we pointed towards the locks. Second in line, marvellous.
Bridge 1
From today the Marple flight is open three days a week, Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, first boat in at 8am, last boat 12pm, flight locked at 3pm, this is to help conserve water levels on the summit pound for the next couple of months.
Just look at that!
We waited and then pulled onto the lock landing as NB Freedom moved on into the lock. Time to have a look at Bridge 1 of the Macc. It is so pleasing to the eye, most probably my favourite bridge on the network.
It was our turn at 8:30 and as Mick closed the top gate I walked down to reset the lock below. NB Freedom had a couple of crew so I hoped we’d not catch them up. Before they left the bottom gates I did call to them to check the paddles were down as I could see one was a few inches up. All sorted and we could start working our way down the fight.
Maybe new signs are needed
Ready to go down
Two people looked out from their top floor, watching boats on the flight again. Others smiled to see the locks in operation again.
By the time we reached the third or fourth lock we’d picked up one volunteer who was going ahead to set the lock in front for us.
Just a few leaks
It also started to rain, which necessitated adjusting layers and adding waterproofs. Another two volunteers arrived and walked down the flight with the full time lock keeper, it’s their first day back on duty on the flight.
Past the back of my 2016 hairdressers
All very chatty, we ended up with two volunteers the first chap now going ahead and setting locks in front of Freedom.
8 miles to the junction
The Lockie imparted updated knowledge to the volunteers as we headed down the flight. One pound is likely to be full on a morning, but two of the locks bottom gates leak like sieves, so best to open and close the gate as quickly as you can to conserve the water level in the pound above.
New wall
The rebuilt lock
At Lock 11 you can see where the wall along the side of the towpath has been rebuilt. This lock had serious problems and ended up having to be rebuilt as it got too skinny even for modern slimline boats! The rebuild took sometime and meant the flight was out of action for what felt like an eternity, the wall alongside was demolished to ease access to the site. New stones were quarried at Bollington to replace damaged stones. All looks fine now and you’d hardly be able to tell.
Raining now
Down eight locks and we were into a good rhythm. Three crew with each boat.
A fine building
But now we stopped. NB Freedom was tucked in nicely on the offside just before the next lock, no point in joining them in the pound and letting all the water run round the bywash so we sat in the lock above and waited.
A roller on the wall for the tow rope
Was he stuck or had we started to meet boats coming up? It turned out to be the former. Eventually he managed to get off the bank and reversed quite a long way back across the big pound. The depth a bit of a problem so it seemed.
Reversing to try again
Lack of boat movements most probably had caused a build up of silt. He revved his engine churning up black from the bottom, a few branches also appeared from the dark depths for good measure. In the end he got into the lock and continued downhill, I waited for the thumbs up from the volunteer before emptying our lock.
Waiting to go down
A short distance on and we met an uphill boat, a single hander who’d now got the help of the first volunteer.
Help could now be divided between boats, so I thanked the lady volunteer as she would now help going up hill.
Boaters PPE ready to pull the gate
Myself and the volunteer now leapfrogged locks, one going ahead to set the next lock and work it.
Heading to the last lock
We almost caught the chaps ahead of us up, except we ran out of locks.
The bottom gates over the handy footbridge
I got back on board and descended in the lock too so as to make an easier get away.
Last lock
Thank yous again as we waved goodbye to the volunteer. 2 hours top to bottom, 13 or so with light rain, not a bad mornings work, glad my breakfast refuelling kicked in and kept me going.
NB Freedom had stopped to pick up crew so we caught them up very quickly on the approach to Marple Aqueduct.
Catching them up
This is our first time across the aqueduct since the off side railings have been added. This caused a huge hooha in boating circles. But I have to say I quite like them.
Marple Viaduct and view of the Goyt Valley
They are not trying to look old but are obviously modern, they do the job of stopping people from falling yet you can see through them. I don’t think they distract from the view of the viaduct.
Pulling over
It was very slow going following the chaps in front. Tick over at most, it was damp, getting damper all the time and we still had quite a distance to cover today. In the end they got stuck shortly before Hyde Bank Tunnel, almost right across the cut. The more they revved the engine the more it looked like they had something round their prop. Gradually they managed to get to the side and waved us past. We said it looked like they had something round their prop, but they were certain they had just got stuck on the bottom and got in a flap, they’d be fine.
On the move again
Tunnel light on and through the shallow tunnel, the going slow. Glances over our shoulders confirmed that the boat behind was still trying to continue without checking their prop. They made it into the tunnel, no light!
Next tunnel even shallower
Glad we were now ahead we could forge onwards, feeling like pioneers cruising the cut for the first time since it had been cut. The depth was shallow and filled with chunks of trees, branches half submerged that required coasting over, willow trees hanging almost into the water, the lack of boat traffic obvious.
Another snake bridge
A day boat came towards us, getting grounded on the towpath side. Mick suggested a touch of reverse would help them get off the bottom and warned of the boat behind us, hopefully now through the tunnel! A touch too much reverse had the day boat now stuck on the offside, oh well, it’s all an adventure.
The rain was gradually getting heavier the further north we pootled. A mid morning snack was required, cheese scone and a cuppa as we cruised along, able to go a touch faster than tick over now, but still having to avoid the forest that lay beneath the surface.
A snake bridge, under the M67 all the time staying close to the Tame Valley a green corridor leading to Ashton-under-Lyne.
Dukinfield Lift Bridge took some winding up, but half as much effort as I remembered it being when we first came through on a hire boat. In the past we’ve moored up here or carried on to the junction to moor the night, but today we’d cover some more miles and not have to pick up the mountains of rubbish left around the benches!
Henry plant pot
Past Portland Basin Marina where we had our first experience of a pooh sucky machine as the portable pump gulped up our offerings into it’s tank. More smiling faces greeted us as we forged our way ahead, the canal now open, the Cheshire Ring now navigable again.
Dukinfield Junction
Left please! at Dukinfield Junction, turning to face Junction Mill Chimney which was bought for £1 and saved as a landmark when the mills were demolished in the late 1980s.
£1 not bad
We don’t remember much of this stretch. I’ve been along it once, Mick twice, both early in the morning hoping to get through the Ashton Locks early in the day. Today we had chance to look around through the constant rain. The depth now a lot deeper beneath Oleanna we could cruise at normal speed.
Hello Mr G
Along a stretch of moored boats we spotted an old neighbour of ours. NB Mr G used to be moored at Crick and when we first bought Lillian they were next door neighbours. We’d heard that she’d been sold as the people we knew had split up and their dream of cruising the network disappeared. Good to see her still looking smart and now with a cratch.
Kids ran along side us excited to see a boat, youths smoked their aromatic tobacco under bridges and the amount of plastic floating and sitting in the hedges increased. We are back in a land of many people.
At the top of the Ashton Flight we hung a right and entered Droylsden marina. We’d pre-booked a space for a couple of nights with electric to work the washing machine hard. We slotted in between a couple of boats on a short pontoon, bow end first so Mick can do the fender when hopefully it’ll be dry tomorrow.
Once inside a tin of soup was opened and the stove lit hoping to warm us up. The washing machine could wait a little while.
I bet through Lockdown the 7 day mooring in Whaley Bridge was nice and quiet, not now with the easing of restrictions, the amount of traffic on Buxton Road is so noisy. But at least it meant we were close to the town to do a bit of shopping this morning and do our bit for the local economy.
Transhipment Warehouse
Opposite the Transhipment Warehouse is an overspill with a walkway across it. Normally this takes away any excess water down into the River Goyt from the summit level, the feed for the canal coming in under the warehouse. But this feed right now is not flowing, we believe it normally comes from Toddbrook Reservoir, the one with the overflow spillway that started to collapse in August 2019.
Pumping the river into the basin
C&RT had looked into using water from Combs Reservoir another feeder, but a culvert blockage has done just that, blocked the flow of water. So to maintain the water level a series of pumps have been set up. Firstly water is being fed from Combs Reservoir into the river system and when it reaches the overspill in Whaley Bridge it is then being pumped out of the River Goyt into the canal to maintain the level.
Up the overspill
Two huge pipes run up the overspill, one spouting water into the basin and two large generators sit behind fencing to power the pumps. I suspect the second pipe, currently dry is powered up when the lock flights at either end of the canal are opened up, so as to replenish the water faster.
Into town where people stood in short queues outside shops. The bakers could wait and we carried on to our main goal, the butchers. Christmas 2016, E. Wild and Son had provided us with a very nice goose for our dinner, their bacon was also especially good. So today we decided to treat ourselves with a proper joint for Sunday and a few slices of their bacon, yes I know our freezer is full of bacon, but this is especially good smoked bacon. As it was Mick who went into the shop he also managed to come out with a pork pie.
Next the Co-op for some milk and then the bakers for a shop bought non-sliced loaf as a treat. Then we made our way back to Oleanna resisting the 40 gins at the off-licence.
The sign to Bugsworth is hidden at the back
Covers rolled up and we winded and headed back to Whaley Junction where we turned right to Bugsworth Basin. The drizzle was gradually growing into proper rain as we came past Teapot Cottages and approached the water point. By the time we’d tip toed around the goose pooh and tied up it was raining properly, we really shouldn’t have bought that big bag of charcoal in Bollington!
Teapot cottages
Pablo (the warden boater from the basin) arrived at the water point and handed over a card to do with diesel polishing, which we didn’t want and tried to give back, but instead we were given a second one! As the water tank filled Tilly had a freshen up of her pooh box, sadly using the last of the nice odour control litter. She’s not done badly as this was bought just before lockdown.
Where to moor? Which arm? How close to the pub? How close to the A6?
The Upper Basin
We decided to see if the little arm off the Middle Basin was free so that Mick could fit the new bow fender whilst standing on dry land. One boat was moored there with it’s engine running. Next we tried the Upper Basin, plenty of room there but nowhere suitable for fender fitting. With a Sainsbury delivery booked for tomorrow evening we decided to head back to the Lower Basin where the van can pull up along side us.
Bloomin Geese!
Stepping off the boat, you quickly realised that life was far too short to try to avoid the goose pooh. They reluctantly moved along a bit and made space enough for us to moor up, whilst we squelched through their deposits.
My turn to go
Tilly of course was chomping to go out, so the back doors were opened and we awaited her response.
NO friendly cover!
A quick dash across to the wall, a look around. Then a jump onto it to see what lay beyond.
The other side had to be better than the outside. But there was another rushing canal! Apparently it’s called Black Brook and it makes a lot of noise! Only one thing for it, go back inside and perfect my stare to get the stove lit.
This morning the view consisted of a man picking up after his dog. He pleaded with it not to deposit right next to Oleanna but failed. He also failed to pick it up as Mick discovered when we emptied the yellow water!
Meet the boaters
Not quite a mile away we approached New Mills. The exterior walls of the Swizzles Factory covered in a white powder. We wondered if you licked their windows would it taste of Love Hearts, Refreshers or Parma Violets? Two of the workers turned round and gave us a jolly cheer as we passed by all the time inhaling the very fine sugar that hung in the air.
Is that powered Love Hearts on the walls?
Once under Thornsett Road Bridge the aroma turned to vinegar and chips as a family sat on a bench, a bag steaming in everyone’s hands. Gosh they smelt good!
Giant Hogweed
Round the bend to the winding hole. New signs along the towpath warn of Giant Hogweed. When last we passed it looked like the plant had been sprayed, but after three years it is showing itself again on the off side. For those unaware this plant can give you very bad burns, so it’s best avoided at all costs.
Approaching Carrs Swing Bridge we passed the chap who’d followed us up the locks last week, he’d made it to Bugsworth Basin already where he’d had problems with the bottom being too close to the top. We could have pulled in here but decided to continue on wards.
A chap offered to help with the last swing bridge, but I needed to work off my bacon buttie from breakfast and other than the instructions lying again regarding the position of the key I was fine, I need practice for the obstinate ones on the Leeds Liverpool we’ll be encountering soon.
At last the boat we’d been missing along this stretch showed itself. It’s been hard to miss for sometime due to it’s colour, we once moored right next to it on Lillian creating a yellow glow that could be seen from outer space! In the last few years it has seen some alterations, extensions, additions and has had a Reliant Robin van added to both bow and stern, creating a cratch and pram cover. We’d seen that it had been for sale in the last year. Unique to say the least.
NB Trotters Independent
A possible space to stop with a view showed itself just as two vehicles drove along the small road to reach the water works. To me it was an unsafe cat mooring, appealing trees on the other side of the road and not enough traffic to keep Tilly from crossing it and then being freaked and dashing home just at the wrong moment. We carried on.
The Whaley Bridge version of Swiss Family Robinson
Whaley Bridge Branch Junction. Left or right? There was no space on the Tesco moorings as boats seemed to have set up camp there, so we chose to go right, not wanting to arrive at Bugsworth Basin too soon.
That bilge pump gave a duck a bit of a shock.
Just before the basin at the end there was enough room for us to pull in on the 7 day mooring, we tied up to the rings, avoiding plenty of walkers passing us. The back doors were opened.
What brilliant trees! Wow here was going to be good. Oh except this outside had a fast flowing canal on the other side, that was no good. Then a lady was getting concerned about me, was I lost? LOST!!! No way was I lost. I knew exactly where I was Thank you! Tom put her right before she tried to pick me up and check my cat tag, she wouldn’t have manged it anyway.
NB Quantum Leap
Then Bang! Splutter Bang! What was that?!! I wasn’t worth hanging around to find out what it was. Better to be inside in the outside, safer. I did my best stare all afternoon to try to get them to tie up a different outside, but all they did was sit and watched the wall! I even tried sitting as neatly as possible, but that didn’t impress them enough either. Apparently I wasn’t born with the piercing laser stare that Houdini had, my predecessor. So in the end I gave up and when they had vacated the sofa I took pole position, Tom didn’t light the stove though.
Act 2 of A Midsummer Nights Dream was enjoyed. Swapping Oberon for Titania made for an updated, inclusive and at times hysterical twist to the plot. I studied the play for O level and still really wish the beginning could be trimmed somewhat so that you get to the mechanicals and fairies sooner. I know it’s all about laying out the plot, but it was boring at age 16 and it still is. Thank you Duncan for insisting we watched it.
We woke to rain and a layer of cloud hid the view across the valley. I opened up the curtains so that we could hopefully watch the clouds roll away as we had our cuppa in bed.
Someone’s stolen the view!
It really is astonishing that your average towpath user seems to have no idea that people can hear every word inside their boat or that they might be looking out of the window. Yesterday we had two chaps walk past who appreciated Oleanna’s lines and did not stop raving about how gorgeous she was for a good ten minutes, thank you we appreciated your comments and agree with you.
A bum view!
This morning a young lady stopped by the side of us to warm up before going for a run. She stretched and lent over right in front of our window totally oblivious to the two of us catching up on news supping our mugs of tea sat in bed. Even Tilly had to have a closer look. I have chosen the photo very carefully as I know this post will go live at 8am and to retain the ladies modesty! Her running partner soon arrived and off they jogged leaving us with only the cloudy hillside again.
Stay Indoors
Due to having run the dishwasher yesterday evening after 8pm, our batteries were in need of a charge. With little sun around at the moment that meant we’d be needing to run the engine, should we stay put or move whilst it charged the batteries? We decided on the later eating breakfast whilst outside remained dry. Of course as we rolled back the covers it started to drizzle and then it got heavier. We sheltered for a while under the pram cover and as it seemed to be easing we pushed off to creep our way further towards Bugsworth Basin.
Turf Lee Lift Brid
Having had a few days with no obstacles, today we had bridges that would need moving. The first Turf Lee Lift Bridge, operated with a windlass. It took quite a lot of puff to wind it up and not so much to bring it back down again, all the time it rained. I was regretting my choice of trousers over shorts.
Wood End Lift Bridge
Then Wood End Lift Bridge which serves a house and a compound of some sort. A few years ago it was changed from a wind up wind down to an automated bridge. The position of the control panel obscured behind bits and pieces on the towpath, luckily I remembered this and didn’t cross the bridge hunting for it.
Cake tins or drum
An interesting boat sat just before the bridge landing. Two layers of small portholes had what looked a touch like pairs of victoria sponge cake tins welded together which acted as swivelling shutters for the portholes.
Round the next bend to Higgins Clough Swing Bridge, another advertising to turn the key of power 3/4 when a full turn would be a better option! But the bridge was easy to move once the locking mechanism had been released.
So far anywhere we’d thought of stopping had been occupied, so when we came through Disley and saw space alongside another boat with a view we pulled in hoping the depth would be good for us. I say this as we’d spent some of the cruise getting here bumping our way along the bottom ten foot out from the bank.
Spot the bee
There was depth for us, so we tied up sharing the ring at the front with the other boat. Tilly was let out to explore. I tried encouraging her to pose for a photo in front of the view, it never works! As I took photos I realised there was a bee trying to get in through the hatch. Another look and there was another, and another! The hatch doors were closed and I went outside.
And again
A small group of bees were milling around the cabin side, had we disturbed a nest? If so we certainly needed to move for both ourselves and them. Luckily Tilly was just sussing things out, stood on the wall, so a very easy pick up and was deposited back into the boat.
Spelt Bread
The chap from the boat ahead returned and we all decided that the bees obviously had made a nest behind the old shuttering along the canal edge and were a little bit peed at us being so close to their front door. We pulled Oleanna back, still managing to have sufficient depth and tied the bow to what had been the stern spikes. We could now settle down for the rest of the day.
NOt bad inside
During the afternoon we watched Act 1 of Midsummer Nights Dream from The Bridge Theatre. A wonderful example of how ‘Live’ theatre brings the audience and actors together. Theatre is a live experience, a unique performance every time for the audience in the room. In this case the audience playing an extra part as they looked on and at times got in the way of the actors and stage management.
The ever changing stage and audience
If Covid-19 hadn’t arrived, this week you’d have been hearing very little from me as I’d have been busy putting the finishing touches to The Garden at The Lawrence Batley Theatre in Huddersfield. Last minute touches of paint, stitches in costumes and helping actors do buttons up and tying laces for those who excel at other things. Tonight would have been the opening performance of the show.
Smith’s Bridge 14 to Hill Top Footbridge 20, Peak Forest Canal
I want more than views!
No rain for a change this morning, but it still took us a while to get going. Around midday we finally pushed off our eyes set on a few possible places to stop today, hopefully with views.
The Cage
On my walk yesterday I must have had my head down due to the precipitation as I’d not seen The Cage in Lyme Park. The tower was originally built in 1580 as a hunting lodge where ladies of the estate could watch the hunt, it was also used as a banqueting hall at night. I knew it was there as we’d walked to it Christmas 2016. Just as the building itself makes a good view, it also commands views right across Manchester on a clear day.
Too fast!
Plenty to look at along the moorings. A speeding boater who’s ended up on the bank, a climbing tree.
A Cropmaster and a Fergie
Lots of interesting stuff
Two old tractors and an interesting collection of all sorts just by Bullocks Bridge 13.
NCCC arm
We pootled along through the wooded section, passing High Lane where an arm is used by the North Cheshire Cruising Club. The back gardens of the houses at this end of the Macc need some TLC, they are very poor in comparison to those further south.
He made it home then
The pushing in boat was happily sat on it’s mooring. Wonder if they made it home in time?!
A calm fella in the garden
The large carved wizard came into view along with our first choice of mooring for the day. Sadly several other boats had beaten us to it, one with a slightly tuffty nervous version of Tilly on the stern, who kept a close eye on us.
Loads of cats today
There was space for one boat, but the towpath was narrow and I suspected one of the other boats belonged to Tilly’s friend Ben, he has two cats. So for feline peace we continued onwards.
Too fluffy to be Tilly
Tilly Sheep
The next mooring was also full, a shame as opposite there were Tilly sheep, more commonly known as Zwartbles Sheep with their white feet and tipped tails.
Goyt Mill wasn’t as busy as we’d remembered it, but that’s a sign of the times now. We did however wonder how long we’d have to wait for lunch as we felt a touch peckish after passing some teenagers smoking something rather fragrant!
Hope the owners have mended their ways, it was horrible down here
Next we passed a boat that looked like it wouldn’t be floating for much longer. Sadly we witnessed a sinking boat along the moorings here four years ago, the chap was on board trying to plug the hole as the water flooded in! Attempts were made over the next few days to raise it, but sadly it just kept sinking.
Church Lane Bridge 2
We decided to carry on through Marple today as we have to return next week to wait for the locks to reopen. Yet I still managed to take around 30 photos of the two snake bridges.
The curves of these two bridges are very pleasing, most probably helped by the curving ramp being wider. Very few boats were moored up on the visitor moorings leaving ample space, but we carried on.
The end of the Macc
Under the last bridge of the Macclesfield Canal, hanging a right onto the Peak Forest Canal. Two boats were moored up here, maybe sitting out the wait for the locks next week.
Bye bye to the Macc
We pootled along hoping for a view and enough depth below Oleanna to be able to pull in. The B6101 hugs the canal for a while, admittedly a lot lower as we continued to follow the contour around the hill. As it started to move away and houses with gardens took over we considered stopping.
The Marple flight
Just a touch further on and all of a sudden there was a gap in the trees, the other side of the wall wasn’t too steep, the towpath wider than normal. But was the depth sufficient? Thankfully it was, which meant for the remainder of the day we got to enjoy the fantastic view across the valley to Mellor Moor.
Our view from the hatch
Tilly headed out to explore, finding winged friends still a touch too difficult to keep hold of thank goodness. The local Crows, Magpies and Jays shouted their displeasure at her. Blimey the towpath was busy, don’t blame the walkers as the canal has so many good views.
Spelt, a first for me
A request for bread had me get out the packet of Spelt flour we’d been sent as a substitute on one of our deliveries. I’ve not used Spelt before so followed the instructions, mixing everything together and then ‘pressing’ it 100 times. I took this to mean one action of kneading. It came together very quickly and was very glutenous.
It was left to rise then another 100 presses before being put in a tin to rise again. Not sure if the boat had been quite warm enough to get a full rise, as the side hatch and back doors were open. When it came out of the oven it didn’t seem to have risen anymore. We’ll have to see what it’s like when it’s cut into tomorrow.
All the rain we’ve been having has helped to fill reservoirs on the Leeds Liverpool, today the news came through that Wigan and the other locks will be opening earlier than planned, so from Friday the canal will be open again.
We also had the news today that the River Soar is being locked down through Leicester for the next couple of weeks due to the increase of Covid-19 cases. All boats between Turnover Lock 27 on the Leicester Line and The Hope and Anchor on Wanlip Road can now only move for essentials again.
0 locks, 4.11 miles, 1 right, 0 Olga or Betty in view, 2 many cats, 1 barging narrowboat, 1 dry day! 2 boaters with munchies, 1 mooring with a great view, £20! 50mbps download, 34 mbps upload, 1 canal open early, 1 canal closed.