Whaley Bridge to Lower Basin, Bugsworth Basin
I bet through Lockdown the 7 day mooring in Whaley Bridge was nice and quiet, not now with the easing of restrictions, the amount of traffic on Buxton Road is so noisy. But at least it meant we were close to the town to do a bit of shopping this morning and do our bit for the local economy.

Opposite the Transhipment Warehouse is an overspill with a walkway across it. Normally this takes away any excess water down into the River Goyt from the summit level, the feed for the canal coming in under the warehouse. But this feed right now is not flowing, we believe it normally comes from Toddbrook Reservoir, the one with the overflow spillway that started to collapse in August 2019.

C&RT had looked into using water from Combs Reservoir another feeder, but a culvert blockage has done just that, blocked the flow of water. So to maintain the water level a series of pumps have been set up. Firstly water is being fed from Combs Reservoir into the river system and when it reaches the overspill in Whaley Bridge it is then being pumped out of the River Goyt into the canal to maintain the level.

Two huge pipes run up the overspill, one spouting water into the basin and two large generators sit behind fencing to power the pumps. I suspect the second pipe, currently dry is powered up when the lock flights at either end of the canal are opened up, so as to replenish the water faster.

Into town where people stood in short queues outside shops. The bakers could wait and we carried on to our main goal, the butchers. Christmas 2016, E. Wild and Son had provided us with a very nice goose for our dinner, their bacon was also especially good. So today we decided to treat ourselves with a proper joint for Sunday and a few slices of their bacon, yes I know our freezer is full of bacon, but this is especially good smoked bacon. As it was Mick who went into the shop he also managed to come out with a pork pie.

Next the Co-op for some milk and then the bakers for a shop bought non-sliced loaf as a treat. Then we made our way back to Oleanna resisting the 40 gins at the off-licence.

Covers rolled up and we winded and headed back to Whaley Junction where we turned right to Bugsworth Basin. The drizzle was gradually growing into proper rain as we came past Teapot Cottages and approached the water point. By the time we’d tip toed around the goose pooh and tied up it was raining properly, we really shouldn’t have bought that big bag of charcoal in Bollington!

Pablo (the warden boater from the basin) arrived at the water point and handed over a card to do with diesel polishing, which we didn’t want and tried to give back, but instead we were given a second one! As the water tank filled Tilly had a freshen up of her pooh box, sadly using the last of the nice odour control litter. She’s not done badly as this was bought just before lockdown.
Where to moor? Which arm? How close to the pub? How close to the A6?

We decided to see if the little arm off the Middle Basin was free so that Mick could fit the new bow fender whilst standing on dry land. One boat was moored there with it’s engine running. Next we tried the Upper Basin, plenty of room there but nowhere suitable for fender fitting. With a Sainsbury delivery booked for tomorrow evening we decided to head back to the Lower Basin where the van can pull up along side us.

Stepping off the boat, you quickly realised that life was far too short to try to avoid the goose pooh. They reluctantly moved along a bit and made space enough for us to moor up, whilst we squelched through their deposits.

Tilly of course was chomping to go out, so the back doors were opened and we awaited her response.

A quick dash across to the wall, a look around. Then a jump onto it to see what lay beyond.

The other side had to be better than the outside. But there was another rushing canal! Apparently it’s called Black Brook and it makes a lot of noise! Only one thing for it, go back inside and perfect my stare to get the stove lit.

Amazing it worked!
0 locks, 1.18 miles, 1 right, 1 chunk of lamb, 6 rashers, 1 pork pie, 2 pints, 78 blueberries, 1 loaf bread, 2 pipes, 1 damp poot, 1 show postponed to 2022, 1 grumpy cat, 1 silencer required for news conferences.