Wyvern Shipping to the bend near Burnt Oak Bridge 109
Mick headed off to collect a click and collect from Tescos. Maybe it would have been easier to have reversed back to Tescos to collect it but we hadn’t thought of that when placing the order. Once he’d off loaded the shopping it was time to return the van to the other side of Leighton Buzzard. I spent the time stowing the shopping and repackaging mince, sausages, salmon for the freezer. Tilly hopped on the feed me shelf to help point out that I’d forgotten to order some onions! Too late for Mick to pick any up, hey ho!

Finally it was time for breakfast, a top up of water then we were ready to move on.

Alongside Leighton Lock a group watched as Oleanna lowered in the lock. Along side the towpath was filled with Himalayan Balsam, the smell familiar from my childhood suggested the seed pods would just about be ready for a good shake, flinging them far and wide. I stopped doing this when I became aware of how invasive it is.

Quite a lot of room by The Globe, we carried on round a few bends hoping for a space where the railway is that bit further away from the canal. We were in luck and quickly grabbed the length of armco. Another short move but one that would give Tilly some quality shore leave.

As we tied up a family of swans came over with their entitled ways. Mum, Dad and two cygnets. Little fluffy powder grey cygnets fit the high pitched noise they make, but when they get to just about the same size as their parents it really is odd! Just when do swans voices break? When do they take up smoking 20 woodbines a day to get that husky voice?
Yesterday we’d had a request from the SJT in Scarborough, a last minute room for an understudy this coming week. This was possible except we’d not be able to do a turn around between lodgers. Thankfully wonderful Fleur the Company Stage Manager was willing to go and check things over for us and make up a bed. We had quite a chat whilst I imparted knowledge of bedding and towels, bins and keys at the house. No cheese left this time requiring Frank to empty the fridge.

This evening a C&RT stoppage notice came through. A large fire has occurred at Leighton Pump Station immediately adjacent to Lock 27. Police and the fire brigade are on site and navigation is closed until the site can be made safe. This was the only lock we went through today, it was fine when we left it, honest!

Where to do my knee exercises? In front of the bed wasn’t wide enough for my yoga mat. Between the sofa and the TV was wider. I wrapped the foam around the cardboard tube and secured it with some gaffa tape. Time to have a go. The instructions were good mostly, some moves I could feel my muscles working. One made my knee scream at me, hopefully that will get better the more I do them. They took quite a bit longer than I’d thought, here’s hoping they help.
Knitting in front of the opening ceremony of the Olympics. Well the whole concept of using the Seine was one I thought was great and I was keen to see how it was going to be executed. We tuned in shortly before the Can Can dancers kicked their legs out of time with each other. Gosh that would have looked so fantastic if they’d got their choreography in time, but instead it was just a bit of a damp skirt swirling mess.

The majority of the audience would be watching on TV, but it all felt a touch disjointed, Eurovision like where you get taken to the next competing countrys video before hearing their song. I loved the slow motion horse, for the first couple of minutes, but soon got bored. Some great shots of Paris, tiny figures singing from up on high only visible to drones, I’m glad I wasn’t watching it from the banks of the river. Was the venue just too big for the event? It certainly was Gene Kelly wet for the cat walk section. Then the flag being raised upside down! Stage Managers across the world must have been wondering had the flag been folded the wrong way? Had it been put on the props table the wrong way up? Had someone been handed it upside down? Or had the four flag unfurling people turned it by accident? We soon were more interested in the holes on the flag pole that ensure there’s a breeze to keep the flag fluttering.

The hot air balloon caldron for the Olympic flame made me think of the Wizard of Oz and Jules Verne, it is a rather nice different look. What was important was all the smiling faces of the athletes, soggy but smiling and waving on their boats. Good luck everyone!
1 lock, 2.1 miles, 4 boxes wine, 2 boxes 7+ cat food, 1 van returned, 4 hours shore leave, 1 Mrs Tilly stamp of approval, 1 blue god, 1 slow slow horse, 1 giant balloon, 1 heel increase gone wrong, 1 upside down flag.