Burnt Oak Bridge to Fenny Stratford 1 day moorings
A bit of a rush around this morning as our visitors were on their way, walking towards us from the Soulbury 3. Mick had just about sorted the covers out when they arrived. Time for a cuppa and enough time to bake some biscuits for later.

The last time we caught up with Mike and Chris was at the very end of 2019. They valiantly joined us to work up Hatton and Lapworth over a couple of days in the cold. Mike was a couple of years above me at college, we became good friends during our time in Croydon.

We pootled up to the top of Soulbury. Here Mick and Chris headed off with windlasses to set the lock. A boat was just coming up and there were two volunteers on hand to assist also. Chris and Mike are very keen to work locks so Mick took on a more supervisory role.

There was a lot of news to catch up on. Health matters. Aging mothers and a passed Aunt. Chris three years ago had moved out from London to near Newport Pagnall so they were very handy for today.

The locks whizzed by. At the bottom Chris headed off to move their car to Stoke Hammond Lock leaving us to cruise there, he’d be there way before us, or so we thought!

A widebeam It’s Five O’clock Somewhere was on the water point, we’d seen it earlier as we’d had a cuppa before setting off. On we pootled, conversation never halting, Douglas Adams and Monty Python quotes a plenty.

As we’d set off later than planned we decided to pull up just short of Stoke Hammond for a sandwich. Chris had arrived before us, but then was told it was a private road and if he stayed where he was parked someone would block him in on purpose! So he had to move elsewhere, he was given directions to a bridge behind us. Once he’d parked up he joined the towpath. It’s Five O’Clock Somewhere came past, logically to Chris, the widebeam was ahead of us so he started to walk. When the side of the pub came into view he realised his mistake, he’d walked back to where he’d started! Poor fella, his step count would more than make up for mine for the day.

Lunch and then down Stoke Hammond. The flowers are still as good as ever above the lock. With gates closed Chris set off again to walk back to the car, so glad we don’t have to do car shuffles. Just as we were about to set off again I realised we were a windlass short. There had been three at the top of Soulbury, Chris had one and Mick had one. We halted and had a check round, there it was in the grass.

Christmas exchanges between Mike and myself had consisted of suggestions that we would meet up when we next came through MK, which is what has happened. I jokingly had said that they could come and assist at Fenny Stratford Lock as it was such hard work! With only an 11″ height difference and a swing bridge it is very easy.

We passed It’s Five O’clock Somewhere moored up for the day, safely out of confusions way. Chris of course had made it to the lock far quicker than us. A boat having come up the lock had pulled in on the services leaving the lock and swing bridge wide open. Straight into the lock. With only one paddle at the bottom end working I was determined to work the lock, leaving the boys to close gates I wound the paddle up. What a nice feeling, it’ll be the only one I do for a while sadly.

On the 1 day mooring ahead was one boat with a space behind it. That boat was familiar and once we’d moored up Mick knocked on the roof of NB Sola Gratia. Tim and Tracey were at home with both Loki and Ozzie their woofers. Our boats have passed each other in the last few years but the last time we had a chat we had just followed them up to Titford Pumphouse in early 2020 and they were just heading off to pick up Ozzie.

A meal sat outside The Red Lion was nearly thwarted when we were told the chef had gone home for the day, Saturday 6pm! We made use of their shore based facilities before regrouping to decide what to do. By which time the kitchen was open again!
Their scampi was gluten free, a rare treat. A shame their chips were overly salted. Micks Gammon looked to be the best out of everyones meal. Mike insisted on paying, his treat, well a treat from his Aunt Edna who is sadly no longer with us. Apparently she is very generous since she’s passed away.

Time to wish our crew for the day farewell, hopefully we’ll see then far sooner than another four years. Now we know they are half based in MK we’ll try to time our visits to the area at weekends so we can meet up. Shame we’ll be doing Stoke Bruerne during the week!

5 locks, 5.3 miles, 10,000 plus steps for Chris, 3 windlasses, 5pm 2 many times, 1 college friend, 1 brilliant beard, 1 genetic mutation, 1 wobbly Mike, 3 photographers, 1 hours shore leave, 0 chef, 1 chef, 10grams of salt (at least), 1 doggie boat, 2 woofers, 1 lovely day.