Category Archives: Knitting

All Hands On Deck. 16th June

Not quite Pole Position to Pole Position

On Saturdays we buy our newspaper, Sundays we read it in bed with a cuppa in hand. This morning however this was curtailed a touch.

First there was some yapping, then a bit of boat moving noise, no engine audible. I peeked through the front door blinds, the boat in front of us was being clung onto by a chap with the centre line. Time to get dressed, the opportunity to move up 60ft was not to be lost. All Hands On Deck!


We were out the doors and untying within minutes. Pulled along we now had THE view up the parkland towards the Nags Head, it was sunny too. We’d now have to stay another night. The bollards not quite spaced right for our length, so Mick tied a spring line then we could settle down for breakfast.

With eggs needing eating it would have been daft not to have a cooked breakfast.

Not bad, not bad

They moved the outside without the big noise. It’s a similar outside to yesterday, but now there are trees that way and this. There’s also a good wall with gaps that I can get my arms down to feel for any possible friends. She came out for a while and we had a game of stick on the big grassy bit. Then She wandered off to see if she could find Houdini’s daffodil.

Mine, all mine

Apparently this outside is one of the places they chose to remember their previous second mate at, they planted some mini daffodils in amongst the trees. She was being silly, no way was she going to be able to see them, yellow time is long gone, even I know that!

See you later

As Tilly and I played the sound of a Russell Newbery engine got closer. The large windows gave it away as NB Tyseley came past, crew sat out the front enjoying the sunshine, still wrapped up in waterproofs. Not much further for them to go today, just around the next big bend is Lionhearts Cruising Club where their next show was this afternoon.

Lillian in Pole Position

At 2pm we picked up our folding chairs and walked up through the park. We paused near the gates for a photo. We’d moored in the same position in March 2015 for the solar eclipse and taken a photo then.

Oleanna in Pole Position

Today the trees are in full leaf and Oleanna’s blue doesn’t sing out in quite the same way as Lillian’s yellow, but it was a photo that had to be taken.

Am afternoon cuppa and a play

Lionhearts Cruising Club had not taken any chance with the weather today, two marquees had been erected, one with a bar and tea and cake, the other the auditorium for the show. We claimed some seats, no need to have brought our own, and then got ourselves a cuppa each. Mick had a scone with his and after a short delay I got a couple of slices of gluten free cake. Very nice it was too.

Our neighbours at the park

Marianne the Artistic Director of Mikron came over for a chat. After a week on board with the cast she was looking forward to a few days back at home near Marsden. The weather, falling trees and reduced opening hours of locks have all been a problem to them this year. The canal tour is planned to within a few hours, so any delays can leave the cast/crew stuck away from a venue. yesterday they had had a show at Bilsworth at 1pm, by the time they’d packed up from it and got through the tunnel they would be at least an hour late to get down the locks. She had had to make numerous phone calls to find the person who was able to give special permission for the locks to be opened for them. With 24 hours between shows, 15 miles, 8 locks, around 7 hours cruising they really had to get through the flight on Saturday. Luckily they were granted permission.

We sat back and enjoyed the show. All Hands On Deck. In true Mikron style with minimal set and props, numerous musical instruments even more costume changes the four actors worked their socks off. Lily and Ginger are two new WRNS, they go through training together and end up one in the engine bay the other deciphering morse code. It is a poignant tale of these two Wrens battling through all that was thrown at them. Songs and a few laughs, a very enjoyable afternoon. We hope to catch Red Coats their other show a bit further down the Grand Union.

Brick kilns just by the cruising club

The afternoon had stayed mostly dry so we walked back through the parks canal side back to Oleanna. Tilly had another hours exploration before a friend of hers caught my eye, so she was picked up and brought inside, her friend scurrying off into the wall.

My sour dough starter has been woken up over the last couple of days. A bowl of pizza dough is sitting overnight and a sponge is now doing it’s thing ready for a loaf tomorrow. Have to admit I put the sponge in the fridge as I was a touch worried that it might have taken over the boat by morning!

The view from Pole Position

This evening we have enjoyed a joint of pork, better crackling but still not quite perfect, a couple of glasses of wine and I am 15 rows away from finishing off my latest commissioned pair of socks. Then I’ll have all the bloomin ends to sew in.

0 locks, 62 ft, 1 pole position, 1 beautiful mooring, 6 hours of cat freedom, 1 friend at least, 1 rescue, 0 daffs visible, 5 on a boat, 2 marquees, 100 plus, 2 redundant chairs, 1 scone, 2 slices cake, 1 great show, 160 grams starter, 200 grams starter, 1 run away sponge, 1 joint pork, 15 rows to go, 1 lovely Sunday, 1 Mrs Tilly stamp of approval.

Ordnance, Yarn And The Pub. 10th June

Weedon Bec

Ruth on the back of Jellicoe

What a wet and miserable day. Although it seemed to have rained constantly I think we have got off lightly compared to others. There were still plenty of boats moving. If we’d spotted NB Mountbatten and Jellicoe earlier we’d have stopped them for some coal, but they were heading past us before we realised it was them. We had no plans on cruising today and it turned out that was a good decision.

We’ve always passed through Weedon Bec before, pausing for a pint of milk at Tescos to the east of the canal. This time we were going to explore the west side, the proper Weedon Bec.

A small basin now marks where the canal once had an arm, a small housing estate has been built over part of this as access is only by road.

Secret steps down from the canal

We climbed down the steps from the embankment and walked under the canal and then the railway, back up the hill on the other side where we could see by the large wall we were where we wanted to be.

The Royal Ordnance Depot was built in 1802 just before the Napoleonic Wars. It was positioned more or less in the centre of the country away from possible invasion along the coast. Here small firearms and cannons were stored and repaired, there was a barracks, and a military prison. The site remained a secretive arms distribution centre for around 150 years, still being used during WW2 and into the 1950’s, finally being decommissioned in 1965.

Numerous buildings

The original site was added to through the years, but now stands pretty much as it did originally.

The visitor centre

There is a visitors centre, sadly not open Mondays and Tuesdays and you are welcome to wander around. The site is now owned privately and the buildings are rented out to local businesses as workshops or offices. There were far more vehicles than I’d imagined and it seems to be a busy place. A fascinating place too.

Building 14 I think

A book shop and cafe are in one of the first buildings you come to, those will have to wait for our next visit as I was interested in finding one business in building 14. Downstairs is filled with vintage cars and parts. Mountains of rush seated chairs were piled up, none of this was what we were looking for, in the end we were guided to a set of steep steps on the end of the building. A familiar face was walking to them anyway.

The canal no longer joined to the Grand Union

Riverknits, Becci and Markus, moved into a space on the top floor of building 14 a few months ago. They used to work from their narrowboat dyeing yarns and were running out of space. They moved off the boat into a house and continued to use the boat as a dye studio, but they missed waking up on the water everyday. So in the end they hired a space at the Depot to work in, redecorated their boat whilst they still had the house and now live back on board.

I’d come for a nosy really and with the intention of buying some yarn so that I can make myself something, something really nice. Becci showed us round their space. on the boat they could only have one dye pot going at a time, but here they now have space for several. On the boat the yarn once dyed and rinsed would be hung from the grab rail outside to dry, but now they have lines of clothes rails all lined up.

Becci and some of their yarns

A quick look at patterns on the internet gave us an idea of how much yarn I’d be needing. DK weight was going to cost me a lot as I’d need a lot of skeins, 4 ply more manageable on the pocket and now manageable with my fingers after several pairs of socks. But which colour?

My yarn waiting to be wound into balls

A vivid turquoise jumped out at me from the wall of yarns, Becci could dye me some up but off the shelf it was only available in DK. I’d been trying to choose something other than red, but now I was just drawn to a varigated red called ‘My heart bleeds wine’, not all red honest. The pattern I’d chosen needed just over 4 skeins so I chose a mini skein in a rich blue which pulls out the red more. I’ll use this on the pockets or band or somewhere.

All done

Byrn their 3 year old kept Mick amused playing transformers, whilst I was given the chance to wind my skeins into balls. This by hand would take around an hour for each one, so a lot of TV would have to be watched. I’ll stash these away for a while, I’ve got lots that needs to be done before I’m allowed to get carried away knitting something for myself.


A walk down the other side of the depot, a closer look at the fire engine that has the most extreme crackle paint effect I’ve ever seen. Then we walked into the village for some bread.

Just one of many

Weedon is an old village, two villages that have gradually merged together.

Wonderful wonky windows

As you walk around large thick creamy yellow stone walls with thatched roofs and small windows take you back to Tudor times. Around every corner another building catches your eye.

£190,000 would have got you the house on the end

A lovely end terraced house has just sold, it’s front door down a little alleyway.

St Peter and St Pauls

Weedon not only has the canal but also the West Coast Main line cutting it’s way right through it. The church of St Peter and St Paul is sandwiched between the two. The interior quite dark today due to the weather and failing lights. Yesterday there had been a full peel of the bells, shame we missed it.

It was quite dark so not many good photos

Later on this afternoon I got a message from our friend Heather on NB Bleasdale, she’d spotted from my facebook picture that we were in Weedon, so was she. A meeting was arranged in the Plume of Feathers for a catch up over a few drinks. Our paths haven’t crossed for a couple of years, so the hours ran away with us. We ended up being the last people in the pub with the front door locked. There was no rush to leave so we managed to avoid the down pours. Hope the weather improves for Heather as she is catching a lift from Lincoln to cross the Wash at the weekend.


0 locks, 0 miles, 2 sets of secret steps, 1 Royal Ordnance Depot, building 14, 480 grams of yummy yarn, 9.75 fingers twitching to start, 480 grams hidden, 1 fire engine, 1 transformer, 1 pretty village divided by the railway, 1 photo, 1 car show missed, 3.5 hours catching up, 1 very wet day very well spent.

Mrs Tilly’s shop

Yarn And Wine. 26th May


A box full of panto

Saturday was a work day, all but one job ticked off my list. The last remaining job will take a bit of time and thought which will come easier with a fresh brain. I now have a full box of bits and on the flat days of cruising to come heading southwards I’m hoping I’ll get lots of those bits painted.

A proper roast

The weekend being a Bank Holiday it feels like we have three Sundays all in a row. So on the first of these we decided to have a roast, chicken with tarragon butter under it’s skin. Very nice it was too.

Down on the floor

Second Sunday morning Mick decided to give under our corner cupboard a good clean out. This is a triangular cupboard that pulls out giving access to the corner of the galley. The bottom contents of the deep corner cupboard come out in a drawer which is pulled out by the triangular piece. This all works very well, until too much crud collects, we are starting to get marks on the oak floor.

Thanks Tilly for your assistance!

Tilly is the only one who really knows what goes on down there and she wasn’t being any help what so ever. Nothing for it but to get down on the floor and lie flat on your belly. All the dust, cat fur etc was swept out. Still no improvement! I adopted the horizontal position with Mick gently moving the cupboard. We’d assumed that the marks were being made by the wheels, but watching as the unit moved the marks where in front of the wheels, the worst mark no where near a castor.

A spare piece of card from my model was used to see if there was an obstruction under the plinth on the leading edge of the triangular cupboard. Sure enough there was. The cupboard was lifted slightly and a good sweep under with the card cleared a large bit of grit. We’ll have to keep a better eye on this.

The blue boat came past this morning, our summer is complete now we’ve seen them. They don’t recognise us now we’re no longer yellow.

As lunchtime approached we stepped off Oleanna to head to the pub, well it was Sunday after all. A short chat with Nick from NB City of Durham, he’s been a long standing blog reader following us from our yellow days. Nice to meet you.

Sarah and Nikki

The Star was where we met up with two old friends, Nikki and Sarah. They used to be Stage Mangers at Hull Truck, then after we moved to a life afloat they started to work at the SJT in Scarborough. They now live in Wem just under an hours drive away.

A few days ago my yarn order still hadn’t arrived in Rode Heath, so I placed another order under Micks name and got it sent by priority delivery to the ladies. As soon as I knew that my order had arrived I cancelled the missing one, asking the company for a refund and mentioning that I’d paid for DPD delivery on the successful order. Later that day I had a full refund and got the delivery charge returned too.


Today as soon as welcome hugs were over I was handed my parcel. 100 grams of variegated German yarn in two shades. The numbers were what I’d ordered, but the picture on the band suggested that they would knit up with stripes, this was not the effect I was after. Time and needles would tell. I refrained from starting straight away, there was lots to catch up on.

Food was selected, two roast beefs ordered which despite being on the menu were not available today! So alternative pork was chosen. We hadn’t expected great things on the food front and we weren’t disappointed, mediocre at it’s best. But the glasses of wine flowed and the company more than made up for it.

This is the better of the photos, I think the camera had had a touch too much wine too!

They came back to Oleanna to meet her and Tilly for the first time. Three years ago they were going to stay with us for a night in Nottingham when Tilly was only about six months old. More wine was consumed, Sarah sticking to coffee for the drive home. It’s always lovely to see them, hopefully next time they will come cruising with us.

The knitting needles came out later. A tension square needed to work out my pattern and to see how the yarn knitted up. It soon became obvious that the website sample had lied. Yes there are numerous colours and shades, these on the sample looked very mixed up. But row after row the stripes appeared and continued. I’ve got enough knitted to work out my tension and pattern. Tomorrow I’ll see what happens if I split the ball of yarn in half and try knitting alternate rows, will this jumble up the colours to achieve the required effect?

Website sample, just the right effect
Stripes! Not the required effect

0 Locks, 0 miles, 2 Sundays so far, 1 car left to sort, 1 full box, 1 roast chicken, 2 boaters lying flat, 1 bit of grrrrrit, 2 lovely ladies, 1 pink parcel, 2 balls of yarn, 1 month late, 2 roast beef pork, 1 wine filled afternoon, 1 stripy tension square.

Down Hill To Yorkshire. 8th January

Morton’s Bridge 56 to Ross Bridge 74

Wonderful views in the cold morning light

At last we woke at a suitable time, and before the alarm clock went off!

Pulling in for water above the locks

Pushing off just before 10am we made our way to the top of Foxton just passing NB Isolnian, The Coffee Boat before they pushed off themselves. Both boats wanted water and the two taps obliged. The lady from NB Isolnian walked down to find the lock keeper to book us both in, there was a 70ft boat on it’s way up so there would be a bit of a wait, so there was no rush to fill our tanks.

A cheeky robin looking for crumbs hopped aboard Oleanna. He sat on the tiller, then the pram hood, then made sure that we’d noticed him by sitting on the rope Mick had just untied to move us up! Sadly by the time we’d found a fat ball he’d been scared off by a big group of walkers. As the top lock filled for the boat coming up a crow decided that he’d have a try for some tasty morsels, he had no luck either.

Can robins skip?Cheeky chappieI didn't notice him when I took the photo

Once the top lock was clear it was our turn to head down. Another boat was starting to ascend in the bottom staircase, but as we were being followed down they would have to pull over between the staircases for both boats to pass. The sun was shining, what a day to do the flight!

Going down

Three volunteers were on duty and glad that there was a busy spell, yesterday there’d only been one boat, the rest of the time was spent drinking tea and re-reading the newspaper. Despite it being a cold January day there were still quite a few gongoozlers. A foreign couple who’d never seen a lock working before never mind a narrowboat, they asked lots of questions, all intelligent. Not once did they ask if it was cold, but they did wonder how we got our shopping.

Looking down

My favourite gongoozlers were a Grandfather and Granddaughter who stood and watched us for quite sometime. He looked like he was explaining how they worked, all the time with a five year olds glinting look of excitement in his eye . As the water levels equalised I could hear a quiet argument going on between them. He was so obviously chomping at the bit to open a gate and she was saying he couldn’t just do it. She was getting a touch irate with him, ‘You can’t just do it without asking!!!’ So I asked him if he’d like to help, that gate was opened immediately, just a shame that he didn’t stay to close it again!

Looking down the top staircase with water zooming into the side pound

We reached the bottom chamber of the top staircase before the one coming up had got into the top chamber of their staircase. So I had to wait for them before I could lift my paddle. At Foxton and Watford staircases you always lift the red paddle before the white one, this fills the bottom chamber to the same level as the side pound. When the white paddle is lifted this empties the top chamber into the side pound. When both chambers and the side pound are all level then the gates will open between the chambers. So when you reach the pound between the two staircases (where it is possible to pass another boat) the red paddle is situated at the top of the bottom staircase and the white one at the bottom of the top staircase. If you are doing the flight on your own you have to walk round to do one before walking back to do the other, but as a boat was coming up I just had to wait for them to start filling their lock before emptying mine.

Swapping in the middle pound

Once everything was level they came out from their lock and pulled into the side. Here they would sit whilst we went past followed by NB Isolnian, then they would be free to carry on up.

More going down

At the bottom lock a chap with a windlass in his hand said to leave the gates open as a boat was waiting to come up. I suspect he was with another boat, second in line and was just being helpful. However I insisted that we closed the gates as otherwise someone would have to do some reversing to let Isolnian out of the flight.

Down the last lock

At Bridge 61 many people were enjoying the sunshine as we turned left under Rainbow Bridge and towards Leicester.

Today we started our descent to Yorkshire. It’s almost downhill all the way, Keadby Lock being the exception as we’ll be going up there from the Tidal Trent onto the Stainforth and Keadby Canal. This level fluctuates with the tide, but from the top of Foxton we’ll have descended 125m to be at sea level. From Keadby the border into South Yorkshire is between Maud’s Swing Bridge and Medge Hall Swing Bridge which is just over 6 miles west, almost 128 miles away from the top of the staircase locks. At least today we managed to tick off 10 of the 65 locks of the journey.

All that blue and green

The countryside looked beautiful today, the greens so lush and the sky bright bright blue. The Riverknits boat was moored with a great view across rolling hills, but Becci wasn’t in to say hello to, just as well as I’d have been tempted to buy some of her yarn. We pootled on meandering our way around the SSSI. It’s the first time we’ve been this way in winter and the views that the hedges normally hide are wonderful.

Too early for the bats

Saddington Tunnel was clear all the way through a lot of cutting back has happened here, we only just managed to squeeze through when we headed south the year before last. Despite having worked up a sweat doing the locks in all my layers we were now getting cold, the thought of the warmth indoors was appealing so we pulled up and had a late lunch, letting Tilly enjoy the sunny afternoon outside for a couple of hours.

10 locks, 2 staircases of 5, 6.08 miles, 1 left, 1 topped up water tank, 1 cheeky robin, 1 bold crow, 3 volunteers, 1 eyed 1 legged lock keeper, 0 chilled medication available today, 1 tunnel, 0 bats, 123 miles 55 locks and 125m to Yorkshire.

Autumn Half Term. 6th October


It started to rain as Mick got out of bed to make tea. Was it worth getting dressed before our morning cuppa to get the cratch cover back on before everything in the well deck got wet? We knew it made sense and put top layers on with water proof coats. After wiping water off the cratch board the cover was back on before 8am. Damp things removed we got back into bed for tea.


Soon after breakfast the stove was lit, the temperature having dropped by around 10C since yesterday. We knew the forecast was for rain followed by more rain today, so hadn’t planned anything. It felt like an Autumn Half Term holiday where either you spent it in front of the TV or were forced to walk around the Lake District in the rain because it was character building! We decided to do the former after Mick had walked to the Co-op about a mile away for our Saturday newspaper.

Chickpea flour, water and seasoning

A boy programme on trains was followed by a girl programme, GBBO. Then we decided to watch Mystery Road that is being shown on BBC4. Lunch was suitable soup with homemade chickpea flatbreads. The flour has been sat in a drawer for the last year and is just passing it’s use by date. They were an interesting experiment and I think next time I may add a touch of cumin. They also might be a good base for a flat bread pizza.

During the day my Panto snake puppet grew, it only needs a few more inches of body and then things like a tongue and some extra markings for it to be finished. Then there are another two to make!

Thrupp cottages

Late afternoon the rain dried up so we had a stroll around the village. It wasn’t a long one as the village is quite small. A row of Grade 2 listed cottages  sits alongside the canal. If you fancy one it would be a mere £425k in need of some modernisation. They do look cosy though. We studied the bus timetables to see if here would be a possible place for me to commute from, 2 buses and they run on Sundays, the advantage of being by Oxford Airport. Then we followed a path behind The Boat Inn which led us back to the canal at Shipton-on-Cherwell and the Holy Cross Church.

Holy Cross Church

Inside no lights were on and the small church was a touch gloomy in the fading light of the day. A flash was needed to be able to see just about anything, a small organ and two bells. We returned to Oleanna having decided to eat out at The Boat Inn tonight, hoping that their beer stocks had been replenished from earlier in the week.

John Thaw watching over us

We joined four other tables in The Morse Room. The Boat Inn was used as a location in an episode of Morse back in 1989 (The Last Enemy) and the walls have numerous photos from the episode. John Thaw looked over my shoulder as I tucked into a steak and chips. We’d heard the chap on the table next to us checking to see if their pies were just stew topped with a puff pastry lid or a proper pie with sides, the answer was yes they had sides. But what we forgot to ask ourselves was how our food would be served. They arrived on plates, but the chips came in a mini frying basket with a piece of paper under them. These were dispensed with very quickly, all the food on a plate where it should be.


The steaks were okay, still not had one to beat The Old Hall Inn, Chinley (The Red Lion in Crick comes second). They certainly weren’t triple cooked chips, more the variety that had once been mashed potato which had then been formed into chip shapes, then sprayed with a coating to hold them together. The only option I had for pudding was ice cream. A scoop each of vanilla, strawberry and chocolate in a glass with a blob of cream on top. You may notice that I call this ice cream as it had no medicinal qualities to it what –so-ever, just supermarket cheepo ice cream.  We decided to return to Oleanna to keep Tilly company for a second drink rather than spend more money on beer and wine in the pub.

0 locks, 0 miles, 0 bridges, 1 cratch cover back on before the rain really set in, 1 clean pooh box, 7 pencils, 2 pens, 1 handcuff key destined for the floor, 1 very bored cat, 3 episodes Mystery Road, 1ft of snake, 5 chickpea flatbreads, 0.5 of soup, 1 large glass wine, 1 pint, 2 steaks, 1 with 1 without onion rings, 1 stove lit all day, 1 very cosy boat.

Neither Up Nor Down. 30th September

The Pig Place to Allen’s Lock
With all the pork we’d bought yesterday it would have been rude not to have had a cooked breakfast. So we took our time this morning, no rush. Once we’d mopped up the last bit of egg yolk from our plates a cheery voice came through the hatch, “Morning again, enjoy your blog”. Thank you to lady from NB Simply Messing, you helped to brighten up a bit of a grey morning.
Several boats had come past and we hoped we’d catch a lull as Mick decided that reversing to the winding hole would be better than heading back up to Twyford cruising about 2.5 miles and a lock to get there. We waited for a boat to come from the direction of the winding hole, they had winded and were looking for somewhere to moor. Where we were was about to become vacant but by the time we’d straightened up in the middle of the cut they were already hammering in spikes.
PiggiesReversing to Oxford
Todays reverse wouldn’t go as well as the one at Cropredy did for the simple reason that there were far too many people about. Up on the hill at The Pig Place there were two tables of people waiting for their bacon and eggs, a hire boat had just got themselves bacon butties, people were on their boats. Far too many eyes. The bow thruster came in handy as it’s not a straight route back to the winding hole and it includes going under a lift bridge where it gets very narrow. By the time Mick was ready to swing the bow across to turn there was a boat just about to leave Nell’s Lock and one behind us who both patiently waited for us to wind and then get out of the way.
Aynho Weir Lock
At last we were facing the right way and could progress southwards. Below Nell Bridge Lock the towpath changes sides and it’s just a short distance to Aynho Weir lock. Along this stretch the canal is joined by the River Cherwell, river level boards below Nell’s Lock showed it was below green. I remembered that the lock landing was before the weir which made it easier to hop off, although if I’d been stood in the bow I could have got off near the gate.
Lozenge shapedJust where do you put yourself?As this is a weir lock it is only very shallow, the drop being around a foot, but below here the next lock is Somerton Deep Lock, which as it’s name suggests is deep at 12 foot. Therefore Aynho Lock is a strange shape, so that enough water passes down the canal to be able to fill the next lock.
Not high enoughToo high now
Approaching Chisnell Lift Bridge we could see that it was neither up nor down. It wasn’t high enough for us to get through underneath and anyone walking would have had to pull it down to cross. The chain that hangs from the bridge was wrapped around an arm and then hooked to the base on the towpath side. Had a farmer come over it and left it like this to make it easier to get back? I lent on the arm and undid the hook, at which point the counter weight pulled the bridge to the full open position, the chain too high for me to reach. Oleanna in the mean time had managed to get herself blown over to the offside and it took a bit of doing to get her back in the middle to come through the bridge. Mick insisted on leaving the bridge how we’d found it so once through we tied Oleanna to a bollard and he went back to reattach the chain to the hook.
Somerton Deep LockThe view aheadSomerton Deep Lock was where all the day boats from Heyford seemed to be turning, needing to lock up to reach the winding hole above. We made use of a full lock to drop the 12 foot and hoped that the next dayboat would pull over to wait for us to exit rather than carry straight on into the entrance. It’s a bit hard to see from the side of the lock, but luckily they did pull over. For most of the day Oleanna had had rudder judder and now something had to be done about it. As soon as we got alongside the pasture and a suitable space showed itself we pulled in. Whilst Mick opened up the weed hatch I went below and put the kettle on. A large amount of plastic bags had been attracted to the prop and once released and in a bin the judder disappeared.
I'd been wondering where we were
Allen’s Lock came into view and space for us to moor above. Brilliant, we are hoping to meet with Finesse this week to sort a couple of things on Oleanna and here has somewhere to park close to the moorings. However we soon found out that there is very little internet coverage here. Our phones work and occasionally they get a sniff of internet. So once we know when they plan to visit we’ll return.
Better view from up here

Four woofers in five minutes! You must be joking!! So much friendly cover here as well. I had to spend quite a bit of time on the roof to avoid them all. then they were on both sides! Once the woofer traffic had died down I crept into the cover and through the other side. Big neighing things with swishy tails lived there, we soon got used to each other and got on with being busy in our own ways.
Daddy, mummy and baby socks
This afternoon I sewed in all the ends on the socks I’ve been knitting. They looked like a little family. I just need to find a post office now to be able to send them on to their new owners. Failing that, some internet to be able to buy postage online. My needles didn’t rest for long though I still have half an order to knit for Australia and three snakes for Panto. The snakes won out as the pattern needs to be worked out.
4 locks, 6.19 miles approx, 0.16 in reverse, 2 lufted bridges, 1 neither up nor down bridge, 1 grey day, 3 showers, 1ft deep to 12ft deep, 3 colours of plastic, 1 Kingfisher, 6 horses crossing, 3 pairs completed, 4 hours, 2 many woofers, 0.5 hours on the roof, 2 sausages, 1 rasher bacon, 1 roast chicken, that’s enough meat for one day!

Apples, Flowers And Bells. 15th September

Leamington Spa

Choo Choo!

The Heritage Open days are keeping us busy. Today we got the train over to Warwick as there were a few things there that appealed to us. Handy hint, if you want to do this journey without your boat go by train, not by bus. My train fare was £1.80 return compared to £5.50 on the bus, only downside is that the bus takes you closer to the town centre than the train, but not by miles.

We’d selected three places to visit, Hill Close Gardens, The Court House and St Mary’s Church. Starting off at the furthest we found our way to the Gardens. Just by the race course hidden away (there are brown signs to it) we came in through the visitors centre. We expected to only be there for an hour tops, but found ourselves weaving through the gardens for two.

RobinHill Close Gardens are rare survivors of Victorian gardens once used by townsfolk who lived above their businesses, to escape the busy town. Back yards were full of wash houses, workshops and privies, no room for flowers or grass. So these businessmen rented a plot of land on the outskirts of town. In 1845 Hill Close pasture land was divided up into plots that Warwick people could rent. In these Detached Gardens they planted apple trees, grew fruit and veg, kept pigs and chickens and built small summer houses from which to enjoy their gardens. At a later date people could buy their gardens and  by the early 20th Century parts were sold off for housing, but what remains today has been saved and restored by volunteers.

View from a summer houseParsley, sage, thyme, chives and moreBy the 1990’s most of the gardens had been sold off, but 16 remained, 2 still tended, the other 14 in very bad shape. By 1993 the council had bought much of the land and planning permission had been granted for 30 new houses to be built, the locals were stirred into action researching the site, one of only four left in the country. By 1994 local activists had managed to get four of the summer houses Grade 2 listed so the development was halted. The gardens themselves became Grade 2* listed shortly afterwards. By 2000 the council had helped to set up a trust to manage and restore the gardens for all to enjoy.

Wonderfully laid out

Heritage Lottery Funding in the mid 2000s enabled major restoration and by 2008 the gardens were opened up to the public frequently.

History of owners

Each garden has a short history about its owners and has been laid out how it once would have been.

Ruby redHumoungusMasses and massesWindfalls60 varieties of apples grow here, some ruby red, some huge, some abundant on their trees, all producing many windfalls.

Beans in every gardenFantastic vineGrape vines, figs, pears, beans (how are yours Frank?), courgettes, all sorts.

PurpleOrangeRedMore purpleWe were also taken aback by the amount of colour still in the flower beds, oranges, reds and purples shouting out at us.

Bra malfunctionPig styCosy summer houseSunny spotThe summer houses, small with their fireplaces, look out over lawned areas all hedged in for privacy from one another. These are very smart posh allotments lovingly cared for and so worth a visit.

We left by the town entrance hidden away behind a modern development and made our way into town. Hungry we decided that we’d have lunch before looking at The Court House. The Market Place Pantry had a free table so we enjoyed toasted cheese and ham sandwiches of full gluten and non gluten varieties followed by a slice of cake each, all very tasty.

The BallroomWhat was Ruth doing here?

By now we’d missed the start of the tour, but went to have a look at The Court House ourselves. The tour was just finishing and they must have been given access to other areas that we couldn’t get to see. The ballroom upstairs was open but that was pretty much it, we’d seen the display downstairs last time we were in Warwick. So we walked up the road to get in line for the tour of the Bell Ringing Chamber at St Mary’s.

Just a small amount of what's already there

The church is being filled with poppies at the moment. A huge community project to mark the end of WW1 is underway. Panels everywhere are already covered in knitted, crocheted, paper, felt and tissue paper poppies. The main columns have been covered in black fabric and poppies are starting to be applied to them too. By November the whole church will be a riot of red. Intermixed with all the poppies there is the occasional white and purple ones. The white are for conscientious objectors. The purple for animals. The other day I came across a poppy I’d made for my friends in Scarborough that must have got away from the others, so if we end up coming this way I’ll drop it off to be added to the thousands.

The chamber

Shortly before 4pm we were allowed up the circular stone staircase to the bell ringing chamber. St Mary’s bell chamber is built at the West end, added on, as the ground wasn’t thought to be stable enough to carry it over the main church. We were joined by about twenty others along with four of the bell ringers. There are ten bells, the oldest dating back to 1701, the current clock from 1901. The clock in recent years has been electrified saving a twice weekly job of winding it up, but this has meant that the quarter hour chimes are just slightly out at the moment due to this summers hot weather.

A model of how the bells work with their wheels was demonstrated to us and then a bell was rung. Large boards around the room celebrate the peals that have been rung for certain occasions and under a box (used to stand on) there is written a note to mark Queen Victoria’s death. Much history has been marked by the ringing of the bells.

BellsThe towerAfter we’d had everything explained to us we then took our time to climb the next 40 or so steps to see the bells. I’m not too keen on heights and Mick normally does such things on his own, but I felt today the official photographer should be on hand. The floor a metal grid was a touch unnerving for me, but once the ringers started to explain about the bells  and point out the hammers etc I felt a lot better. Our visit here was timed so as not to coincide with any bells ringing! Then we all made our way up another 50 or so steps to the top of the tower.

The castleThe roof

From here we could see for miles. The race course, the castle stood out very easily. Leamington Town Hall and church too. We tried to spot the Hatton flight of locks, we knew where it should be but it was being shy amongst the many trees. We’ve only done the flight in spring or autumn and wondered if you still get a good view of the church at this time of year.

I still don’t understand how people can stand leaning against the bars looking over the edge of such buildings, I can not get closer than two foot away. But I did my best and took photos at arms length.

Dong dong

Back down the stairs, much easier to descend backwards, there was chance for people to ring the bells. Mick held back, but I could tell he really wanted a go and in the end he succumbed, not having to jump into the air as much as the younger members of our party.

A very good day had by all. Except me!

0 locks, 0 miles, 2 trains, 16 gardens, 60 varieties of apples, 2 hours around the gardens, 2 toasties, 2 pots of tea, 2 slices of cake, 1 tour missed, 10 bells, 1701, 1901, 150 steps, 1 big boy bell ringer, 4 fantastic views, 1 rat to watch all day!

Which One Says Snake Most?. 14th September

Leamington Spa

Unicorn filling up at the water point yesterday

With the cooler temperatures my Etsy shop seems to have caught peoples eyes. One pair of hand warmers went off in the post from Crick. I have a large order for a friend in Australia. Then a pair of socks.

This morning just as I was about to head up to Wool Warehouse another order popped into my inbox! Another pair of socks, good job I’d not left earlier to buy wool!

My main reason for visiting the warehouse was to audition yarns for a character in panto. Fazil is a snake, so obviously he will be a puppet, made from a very long sock. Yes I could go out and buy a sock, but I can make him more colourful if I knit him instead. So I’d made a short list of yarns I wanted to look at and Gemma had said that the lady in the shop would happily pull out yarns for me to see.

Wool Warehouse

A fifteen minute walk from the boat in the middle of an industrial estate is the warehouse. The shop is small and displays of single balls of yarn are laid out to tempt you. The biggest crochet hook (it must have been 2 inches) I’ve ever seen hung amongst all the hooks and pins on the wall. I was fortunate as I was the only customer and had to press the big red button for attention.

A lady arrived and took my list, noted stock numbers and went off to hut out all the balls I was wanting to look at. I was soon joined by another lady, also wanting to peruse a few colours for some gloves. My bucket of wool was brought for me to look at whilst the lady carried on serving. Someone else arrived and we all exchanged knitting and crochet ideas and thoughts about our favourite yarns, whether we were toe up or top down sock knitters and the joys of magic loop knitting. As one of the ladies said, knitting has changed a lot since we were kids, I suspect due to the generation below giving yarn and patterns a whole new life.

Which one says Panto Snake the most?

My shortlisted selection of yarns was quite good. Straight away I could discount most as they simply weren’t ‘panto’ enough. I was down to two and asked the opinion of the lady next to me, she agreed with my gut instinct. Here’s hoping it knits up how I think it will!

Weaving ends in

When I returned to the boat I decided that it would be wise to put a note on my Etsy shop. With the orders I have at the moment and 3 Fazils, my needles and hands are going to be full right up to when rehearsals start in Chipping Norton. So I am not taking any more orders until after the show is open, no point in being knitted out before I have to start painting Egypt!

This weekend is Heritage Weekend, when places not normally open to the public open their doors and you can have a nosy around. Last year we got to look around the Egyptian balconies of Preston Art Gallery. This year we have made a short list of things we want to see and do in Leamington Spa and Warwick. We’ve already done a few of them, even though it’s not the weekend yet. But I’ll tell you about them in another post.

0 locks, 0 miles, 1 walk south of the canal, 3 orders, 3 snakes, 1 audition, 6 to choose from, 1 successful ball, 600 grams of yarn, 1st pair complete for Australia, 1 so bored cat, 2 heritage tours done, 4 more to do, 1 obsession with that cat.
