Category Archives: Grand Union Canal

Terns Taking Turns. 22nd June

Grand Junction Inn to Little Tring Bridge, Wendover Arm, Grand Union Canal

Bye bye Tyseley, see you down the way

A load of washing was set going before we pushed off today. Still heading southwards we cruised through Bulbourne Bridge and pulled up at the water point. Here we filled the tank as the washing machine did it’s thing. Then we winded at the handy ‘Winding Area’ (as they are now known on new blue signs) and headed northwards.

All ready for redevelopment

The old Bulbourne BW yard is fenced off, along the canalside from the road and surrounding area. Here lock gates uses to be made until 2003 when modern mechanised methods and bad vehicle access meant that production moved to Stanley Ferry and Bradley. The yard and it’s surrounding buildings since then have been used by a metal worker, who’s creations used to add interest, large horses and benches filling the canal side of the yard. But now everywhere is boarded up, it looks like some developers are about to move in.

A C&RT document about the future of Bulbourne is here. I’m not sure when it was written but it details the site. H2O Urban has details of a development on the site here. Four buildings will be converted into 25 new homes, a new footbridge and a new yard for C&RT. Works were meant to start last month on site and a website for the development is being set up here.

Left please

We pootled back to the junction where we turned to the left just above the locks. Here the Wendover Arm heads off in a south westerly direction. Back in February 2015 we came down here on Lillian. The navigable section is only around a mile and a half long with a winding hole and 48hr mooring at the end. The going is slow, very slow, most probably slower than it was on Lillian.

Toot Toot
Perfect timing

Originally the arm was built as a feeder for the summit pound, this was then widened to make it navigable. This however leaked and was shut off with stop planks. A hundred years later Phase 1 of the restoration plan was finished giving us what is navigable today. Phase 2 is ongoing with the aim of linking Wendover to the main network.

About to dive

Along the slow mile we were followed closely by Terns. They took it in turns to hover behind us waited to catch a glimpse of a silvery fish in the water. Dropping from the sky to the water they hoped to catch a tasty morsal. Each turned their backs on us, so we couldn’t see if they had been successful of not. Quite a sight.

Going down

We pulled in just before the last bend where several fishermen had taken up residency, a day boat having just winded and was heading back waited for us to tie up. There was another boat before the bridge and one right at the end of navigation, but here it felt like we were on our own, all be it with a noisy mower going back and forth in the garden next door.

Which one?

The sun was out, our windows and hatches all open. Tilly spent seven hours exploring and wondering why we weren’t out playing. Well that’s because we’d come down here for some peace and quiet away from the main canal so that I could get some work done over the next couple of days.

Late afternoon Oleanna bumped the side, someone was coming. Ten minutes later a day boat filled with chaps zoomed past us, bumping us into the side, thankfully Tilly wasn’t peering in through the hatch at the time! Very soon afterwards they zoomed back , not quite as fast as before, they hadn’t had long enough since doing a hand break turn to get up to speed again!

0 locks, 1.85 miles, 1 wind, 1 left, 1 load washing dried and put away, 3 terns, 1 heron, 1 canal being topped up, 1 traction engine, 2 more boats, 5 fishermen, K2 or K6? 4 pieces of car, 7 hours, 1 friend rescued, 1 very sunny day, 1st cuff knitted.

Red Coats And Wings. 21st June

Grand Junction Arms

A couple of days ago we had a visitor to Oleanna. I could hear this tapping rustling noise and at first couldn’t work out what it was. Looking round I spotted what I thought was a butterfly on the floor. It was spinning round and seemed unable to fly. I got a glass and postcard and carefully picked it up.

Strange Butterfly

On closer inspection I thought it couldn’t be a butterfly. It’s wings were bright despite them being folded up, they also seemed to be crumpled, not smooth like a butterfly. I carefully popped it outside on the grass away from our feline second mate, who wouldn’t have stopped to admire it’s beauty, before chomping away at it.

Very colourful

Today I’ve finally got round to looking it up. It turns out to be a Scarlet Tiger Moth. I’ve never seen one before, maybe because they tend to live further south than where I’ve spent much of my life. They are so pretty, I’ll be keeping an eye open for them in future.

Leaving the final lock today

After our day climbing up Marsworth with the Mikron team we had to show willing and go to see the show tonight. We were moored backstage anyway. So we spruced ourselves up and headed over. The stage was set up with it’s back to the towpath a natural bank opposite for the audience. On the Mikron website you get information about each venue. Most are outside and these tend to suggest bringing a chair and blanket as the outdoor heating tends not to be so good!

The white just to the right of the telegraph pole is the set.

On previous occasions we’ve not needed our chairs, last Sunday there were plenty to go round. Today we did, so it was a good job the boat was so close. A crowd had already gathered and eagerly awaited the show. Sunday we’d had tea and cake, this evening it was a large glass of wine.

Red Coats, by Nick Ahad is the story of Butlins. Aunty Lynn (a Red Coat) normally does a one woman show about the history of Butlins, but her last show after 50 years has been re-written and she will be joined by a vlogger, a techie and another Red Coat. She’s none too pleased at the prospect. We learnt how Butlins was first set up by Billy Butlin where anyone could have a weeks holiday for a weeks pay.

Theatre and a large glass of white.

This is a very different show to ‘All Hands On Deck’. A story within a story with very amusing scenes and songs. Quite silly in parts, we especially liked the swimming pool and the beauty contest scenes. Well worth seeing even if we were both wishing we’d taken more layers with us. the actors however didn’t get chance to get chilly as they were working very hard. No interval and a cuppa for them, they are on duty all the time.

The tour now takes them down the Grand Union through Berkhampsted, Hemel Hempstead, Greenford, then to the Thames, up the Oxford Canal, Grand Union to Lapworth, down Tardebigge to Worcester, Stourport, up the Shroppie, ending their boat tour at The Anchor in High Offley on the 1st September. They are then back in the van and touring the north of the country. Marianne did say that they’d love to have a second boat to be able to tour the northern canals by boat too. But for now the van will have to do.

To The Summit. 21st June

Lock 35 to Grand Junction Inn, Tring Summit

The lock ahead had remained empty overnight, the chink of light through the gates inviting us in. Someone else got there before us as we ate our breakfast. I had a few email bits and bobs to sort for panto, so whilst I worked through these Mick rolled back the covers in readiness. Another boat came past heading uphill followed by two coming down. It was now set in our favour.

Waiting for the lock

We were all ready, suncream applied by 11:30, all we needed now was a boat to share with. There was one on it’s way, all the way from The Globe at Linslade. They left at 8am so their ETA was midday, a message came through that they’d just come up lock 33, half an hour away, bang on schedule. We waited. At 11:50 we decided to pull up onto the lock landing, but as soon as the decision had been made a boat appeared above and started to fill the lock. Oh well.

Just before midday two crew members appeared along the towpath. Our locking partners were arriving. The lock took ages to fill and the single hander coming down took his time to enter the lock and to exit it. Mick waved our partner into the lock, the sound of her Russell Newbury DM2 engine getting closer. Marianne stepped off with their centre line to pull her into the side so that Mick could bring Oleanna in next to Tyseley.

Tyseley in first

Last night we’d realised we’d be covering some of the same locks as Tyseley today so I’d sent a message to ask if we could share with them up to the summit. ‘Always happy to share’ was Marianne’s answer. With five crew on Tyseley and the two of us the locking was easy.

Up we go

It just took a bit of time to get Tyseley into the locks. At 71ft 10″ she has a bit of room to spare in the locks, no bow thruster just hard work on the tiller, push push pushing to get her to turn. At the age of 84 she’s allowed to take her time as 2 year old Oleanna came gliding into locks next to her.

Oleanna happy with her new friends

The crew on Tyseley are the four actors, Josh, Chris, Liz, Rachel along with Marianne the Artistic Director of Mikron. 18 years ago Marianne toured as an actor with the company, she now runs it along with Pete Toon the Producer, also her husband. This is Chris’s second tour, the others have only been boating for a matter of weeks, since leaving Welford.

Waiting for the next lock

Marianne or Pete will stay with them as they move Tyseley until everyone is happy. We’d wondered why this period was so long, now we know. Leaving a narrowboat with new crew is one thing, leaving an historic narrowboat with her peculiarities is another. They are all capable at the helm, it’s just when there are problems.

The house the Margees built

We worked our way up the top two Seabrook Locks, Josh going ahead to swing the swing bridge. As we came round the bend after the railway bridge we were glad we’d not continued to there yesterday. No space opposite the Margees old house (Alison and Laura from NB Large Marge). The house next door is up for sale, from the canal you can hardly see it, but the estate agents blurb shows it to be a huge house.

Low pound

The next two locks have a short pound between them, this is nearly always low, today it was even lower. We were joined here by Steve a Mikron volunteer who’d moved the van this morning up to the next venue for them and then walked down the flight to lend a hand. I walked up to the second lock, closed the top gates and emptied it. When Tyseley came to exit the lock she grounded on the cill, more water required. Steve and I lifted paddles and waited to see her move. It took a few minutes but then there was progress. However she ground to a halt again just before the top lock.

Just enough water to get her into the lock

Another wash down of water got her afloat enough to get over the bottom cill, but the shallow water made her hard to steer and she just did what she felt like. it took a while for her to actually go forwards and clear the gates.

How many people have wanted to live here?

The lovely thatched cottage in Marsworth is also for sale. This is a much photographed cottage which is deceptively big. Details here.

The new buildings settling in

We carried on to the junction to get the bottom lock of the main flight ready whilst Tyseley paused at the services to empty cassettes. The lock was gradually emptying itself infront, a centre line was tied to a bollard, but no crew evident anywhere. We weren’t in a rush so I waited and waited, eventually a chap came out from below with a coffee in hand.

Still closed

Despite taking our time we still had quite a wait for Tyseley to arrive, luckily nobody had appeared wanting to come down. Composting toilets are so the way forward.

Painting this was going to take quite some time

Once we were joined crew were sent on ahead to prepare the next lock. Chris soon returned having not been able to get past a group of killer geese on the towpath, so we all walked up to the next lock the long way round.

Rounding the bend

We made good progress up the locks, crew going on ahead, any time lost at the low pound was more than made up for here. Two boats were coming down and one lock was having it’s beams painted, so caution was needed.

Last Lock to the summit

At 3pm we reached the summit pound on time. There was plenty of mooring space by the pub and as we pulled in behind Tyseley it felt like Oleanna was just sitting in the wings backstage. A good days boating with great company, even if Rachel and Liz are envious of how Oleanna handles.

Locking buddies

11 locks, 3.23 miles, 1 left, 1 Margees house, 2 houses for sale, 8 crew for two boats, 1 wet lock, 1 almost empty pound, 2 sets of new horrid gates, 1 summit reached, 2 boats waiting in the wings, 0 shore leave for Tilly, 1 mooring for Tilly 2 though.

But she lives on our boat with Tilly

Just Stretching My Legs. 20th June

Leighton Buzzard to Seabrook Lock 35

Whilst Mick had been faffing with his new coat, Tilly managed to take advantage of a door left ajar by me and headed for some unscheduled shore leave. I witnessed the event, but with hands full, it starting to rain and a distinct urge to avoid doing a rugby tackle head first into a large pile of dog pooh by the boat she managed to head off down the towpath! I followed not too hot on her heels but close enough to hopefully be able to lung for a grab. This however just means that she carries on down the towpath away from the boat!

A none too shy heron just behind our boat

A runner and cyclist helped in stopping her in her tracks, the need for safety back at the boat became more important until she met a woofer. She then took a detour into Jewsons to sit in a Buddleia bush. I tried being the most interesting mad cat woman to no avail. So I just gave up! Walked back to Oleanna only to be followed by our four legged friend, who insisted on getting back on board unaided. I’d just wanted to stretch my legs, that’s all! Don’t know what all the fuss was about.


With vouchers for £4 off a £20 shop at Waitrose we headed into town to see if we could spend £20 on things we needed before leaving Leighton Buzzard. At first it was hard but then we spotted a few bargains, like dishwasher tablets at almost half price and these ramped up our total. We not only had enough for a free newspaper, but also for the £4 discount. A bargain shop.

One of the best boat names we’ve seen in a long time

With everything stowed we pushed off and made our way towards Grove Lock. Here a group of chaps opened up the bottom gates for us so that we could join NB Yarak to go up (we’ve been playing leapfrog with them for a few days).

The Grove, on the border to The South

The Grove looked as inviting as ever, but we managed to resist the lure of a pint of Fullers early afternoon. We pulled over to empty the yellow water, had some lunch then tried to push off. In our experience it’s usually quite windy here. NB Yarak had filled with diesel across the way and was now wanting a mooring. One second of looking elsewhere and the wind caught their bow just as Mick was trying to do a reverse Andy to get the bow out against the wind. Yaraks button just gently swept our cabin side, removing some of the dust we’d proudly been collecting.

Shame the no fishing sign is on the other side of the post

Our next obstacle was a fisherman on the lock landing at Church Lock. We were pulling in to drop me off, he clocked us, but did nothing about his rod that was in the cut. We then got blamed for not giving him the heads up that we’d be coming in. I left Mick to explain about Lock Landings and walked up to the lock. This was very full and a boat was just pulling up above, so I helped him down before we made our way up.

Church Lock

The lock cottages along this stretch are all individual, some face away from the canal, some to it and some look down the length. Each boasts when it was built. The one at Slapton Lock is for sale at the moment, no wonder the grass is looking very neat at the lock! Details here.

Moody skies

We’d been aiming to moor near Pitstone Lock for the day, but decided on a mooring below Seabrook Lock instead, just that bit further away from the railway. This of course confused a single hander who’d just arrived at the lock which was just about in our favour as we reversed away from it.

Pretty sky

Tilly was now allowed out to explore for the evening.

Caution Trip Hazard

7 locks, 1 shared, 5.67 miles, £4 off, 1 rod, 1 moody but sunny day, 1 escapee, 1 moody cat, £650,000, 1 slightly quieter mooring, 3 bricks, 2 pockets.

What’s The Emergency? 18th June

Diary Bridge to Leighton Road Winding Hole

No work today, a boating day. Well that was until I got emails this morning which required me to scan some plans. Once that was done we could be on our way.

Just as we were about to untie and push off NB Penny Flight came past, we asked if we could join them at Stoke Hammond Lock, the answer was positive so we followed them.

Stoke Hammond

Stoke Hammond is one of my favourites along here, possibly because it’s the first proper lock for a while, but also because of the flowers and plants, the lock cottage and pumping house. The grass was a little bit long today and the flower bed around the sign is protected by chicken mesh. Maybe rabbits or just over keen Fountains grass cutters.

No end to the ends!

Along the next pound I took the opportunity to start weaving ends in on the pair of socks I’ve been knitting. If the yarn had been how I thought this wouldn’t have taken long at all, just two ends, one at the toe end and one at the top. But as I’ve had to alternate the yarn and mix it up quite a bit to get the required look the red sock had 32 ends the yellow sock 26! I could have worked them in as I went along but I find that tightens things up and you want socks to be stretchy.

Soulbury Three Locks

A boat came round the bend from the bottom of Soulbury Three Locks so I expected the lock to be just about empty. As I walked up I could see that there was a couple of feet of water already in the lock and that there was a paddle half way up. Was this intentional? I walked up to find a Lockie, one spotted me and he said they’d been refilling the lock for two boats coming down, but if the lock wasn’t that full then we could empty it and come up. He then managed to stop the two boats above from emptying their chamber, making them wait for us to start filling ours.

Passing up the locks

The next pound had to be negotiated, four boats two coming down two up. The descending boats moved to the outside and let Oleanna and Penny Flight through the middle. The locks were busy, the Lockies not having chance to drink their tea for hours, everyone was moving before the forecast rain set in.

A mile or so further on small drops of wetness started to hit the roof, my socks were tucked onto the Nicholson’s shelf to keep dry and we donned waterproofs. With spaces close to The Globe pub we decided to pull in for lunch, leaving Penny Flight to ascend the next lock alone.

Three for three locks

Now yesterday I moaned about speeding boats, well today I am very justified in complaining about the boat that shot past us as we ate our lunch. Blimey we only just got chance to clock it as it passed us, I’m not sure even spring lines would have stopped us from moving and biffing the bank with the speed he was going at! We decided to wait a while longer as we really didn’t want to share a lock with them.

What’s the emergency?

After a good pause we pushed off again. Pulling into the side, a dog walker said he hoped we weren’t in a rush as the previous boat had left all the gates open along with the paddles! Our speeding friends, there really must be an emergency! Not to worry, it’ll give us practice for when we get closer to London.

Freshly painted, apart from the fence

On past the Wyvern Hire fleet, quite a few in today, and then past the long line of permanent moorings. There was space for us outside Tescos, just behind the speeders!


A reasonably big shop, cat litter, wine, heavy things as you can take your trolley right to your boat here, so we made the most of it. Returning to the boat our neighbours had moved on, only to be found partially blocking the next bridge hole at the water point not filling up. We pootled onwards now in the rain. A space alongside Jewsons showed itself so we pulled in, we still want to be able to access town tomorrow. Tilly was allowed out for a couple of hours. She then regretted staying out after 7pm as the heavens opened! She returned absolutely soaked.

Wide beams would have to nudge past them

5 locks, 6.06 miles, 6mph! 2 gates, 1 paddle, 1 bottom leaking gate, 4 boxes wine, 10 litres wood cat litter to share, 4 boats in a pound, 58 ends, 2 socks completed, 1 missing vault, 1 invoice, 1 giant pack of Dreamies.

Speeding Through Milton Keynes. 17th June

Great Linford to Dairy Bridge 102

Shame we weren’t moored the other way round

Today is the last day on the flat for a while, so I wanted to try to get as much work done as I could whilst going through Milton Keynes. But things just kept happening!

We pushed off at the same time as our neighbours, leaving the wonderful moorings for some lucky person. As we pootled along to the water point I cleaned out Tillys pooh box and gave her a fresh lot of litter. Unusually she obliged by using it just before I cleaned it out, normally it’s christened just as the new litter goes in!

As we filled with water the first of todays many speeding boaters came past. This was a converted butty. We were only tied by our centre line in amongst other moored boats. The chap at the helm obviously clocked us, so cut his speed as he levelled with us, Oleanna rushing back and forth! As soon as he’d passed us his throttle was pushed forwards again as he passed other moored boats. I wonder if he would have bothered adjusting his speed if a, we weren’t outside or b, we’d been an older boat with piles of possessions on our roof!

Breasted up coal boats with Jules at the helm

A little while later Jules Fuels slowed at the bridge ahead of us, breasted up the butty and slowly came in in front of us. Stopping briefly to fill a couple of containers with water before they carried on towards Wolverton today. Their holds seemed to be predominantly gas bottles today. A shame we’d got coal at Rugby boats, but if the weather hadn’t warmed up in the last couple of days we’d have been needing some more.

Along the next stretch I concentrated on the Bank of England’s vault. Grey/gold/silver? A couple of miles along and Mick opened the hatch and beeped the horn twice. Was I needed? I popped up top.

Pulled pins

Ahead there was a short narrowboat right across the cut blocking our way. I’d be needed to hold Oleanna in the bridge hole if there was nobody on board. No signs of movement came. Mick went to see if he could pull the boat in and hammer it’s spikes. Both bow and stern lines had been pulled, the centre line somewhere on the middle of the boat. He stepped on the back, trying to make his way to get a rope, a dog started to bark, Mick tried to squeeze past drying washing, then retreated to the bank. I spotted someone inside, eventually the chap got dressed and appeared at the back door. Between them they managed to pull the boat to the bank, we left the chap to tie up again and slowly passed him.

New bridge ahead

As there was a space at Campbell Park we made use of it for a lunch break. Just as we were pushing off a chap came up to chat about our chimney, windows etc, both of us clinging onto the ropes. Eventually when the chap paused we pushed off and left him to it.


I stayed up top for a while to see the new marina and Y shaped bridge. Large buildings are going up opposite and the marina looks like it’s about half full already, considering we don’t remember it in the slightest two years ago that’s not bad going. The Y shaped bridge is pleasing to the eye and a nice contrast to most modern canal bridges that are concrete clad in brick. The rusty metal railings depict bullrushes if you look closely enough.

Maybe this is where Boris has been hiding

The amount of moored boats through Milton Keynes seems to have increased greatly. Mick slowed whilst passing them and at times had to reverse to let other boats come past. At one such moment he picked something up on the prop. The next opportunity, a couple of bollards, he pulled over to investigate. As he rummaged around in the mucky water boats sped past, very few slowing. The tool box was required the normal implements wouldn’t do the job today. Wire cutters and molegrips instead. A steel cable was the culpret and was eventually coaxed off the prop.

Todays catch

We both waved at the couple who sit in their living room at Fenny Stratford, but nobody waved back, the garden seemed not quite as neat and tidy. A single hander had just set the lock so we joined him and closed up after us both, swinging the bridge back over the lock when all was done.

Fenny Stratford Lock

Mick pootled us another couple of miles whilst I popped a loaf of bread in the oven and carried on with work. At a reasonable distance from the road we moored up and let Tilly out. I made a pizza, finished off knitting the pair of socks. At 10pm two local boats must have been doing a boat swap. They sped past us at a rate of knots first one then the other, we really hoped they didn’t meet each other at a bridge hole.

Baked and on the way to our tummies!

1 lock, 8.72 miles, 1 swing bridge, 1 Y shaped bridge, 166 grey dots, 1 heavy sleeper, 3m steel cable, 2 many moored boats, 2 many bored boaters, 2 many speeding boats, 1 vault painted, 0 riches, 1 step closer to London, 1 loaf, 1 giant GF sour dough pizza, 2 full tummies, 2 socks knitted.

All Hands On Deck. 16th June

Not quite Pole Position to Pole Position

On Saturdays we buy our newspaper, Sundays we read it in bed with a cuppa in hand. This morning however this was curtailed a touch.

First there was some yapping, then a bit of boat moving noise, no engine audible. I peeked through the front door blinds, the boat in front of us was being clung onto by a chap with the centre line. Time to get dressed, the opportunity to move up 60ft was not to be lost. All Hands On Deck!


We were out the doors and untying within minutes. Pulled along we now had THE view up the parkland towards the Nags Head, it was sunny too. We’d now have to stay another night. The bollards not quite spaced right for our length, so Mick tied a spring line then we could settle down for breakfast.

With eggs needing eating it would have been daft not to have a cooked breakfast.

Not bad, not bad

They moved the outside without the big noise. It’s a similar outside to yesterday, but now there are trees that way and this. There’s also a good wall with gaps that I can get my arms down to feel for any possible friends. She came out for a while and we had a game of stick on the big grassy bit. Then She wandered off to see if she could find Houdini’s daffodil.

Mine, all mine

Apparently this outside is one of the places they chose to remember their previous second mate at, they planted some mini daffodils in amongst the trees. She was being silly, no way was she going to be able to see them, yellow time is long gone, even I know that!

See you later

As Tilly and I played the sound of a Russell Newbery engine got closer. The large windows gave it away as NB Tyseley came past, crew sat out the front enjoying the sunshine, still wrapped up in waterproofs. Not much further for them to go today, just around the next big bend is Lionhearts Cruising Club where their next show was this afternoon.

Lillian in Pole Position

At 2pm we picked up our folding chairs and walked up through the park. We paused near the gates for a photo. We’d moored in the same position in March 2015 for the solar eclipse and taken a photo then.

Oleanna in Pole Position

Today the trees are in full leaf and Oleanna’s blue doesn’t sing out in quite the same way as Lillian’s yellow, but it was a photo that had to be taken.

Am afternoon cuppa and a play

Lionhearts Cruising Club had not taken any chance with the weather today, two marquees had been erected, one with a bar and tea and cake, the other the auditorium for the show. We claimed some seats, no need to have brought our own, and then got ourselves a cuppa each. Mick had a scone with his and after a short delay I got a couple of slices of gluten free cake. Very nice it was too.

Our neighbours at the park

Marianne the Artistic Director of Mikron came over for a chat. After a week on board with the cast she was looking forward to a few days back at home near Marsden. The weather, falling trees and reduced opening hours of locks have all been a problem to them this year. The canal tour is planned to within a few hours, so any delays can leave the cast/crew stuck away from a venue. yesterday they had had a show at Bilsworth at 1pm, by the time they’d packed up from it and got through the tunnel they would be at least an hour late to get down the locks. She had had to make numerous phone calls to find the person who was able to give special permission for the locks to be opened for them. With 24 hours between shows, 15 miles, 8 locks, around 7 hours cruising they really had to get through the flight on Saturday. Luckily they were granted permission.

We sat back and enjoyed the show. All Hands On Deck. In true Mikron style with minimal set and props, numerous musical instruments even more costume changes the four actors worked their socks off. Lily and Ginger are two new WRNS, they go through training together and end up one in the engine bay the other deciphering morse code. It is a poignant tale of these two Wrens battling through all that was thrown at them. Songs and a few laughs, a very enjoyable afternoon. We hope to catch Red Coats their other show a bit further down the Grand Union.

Brick kilns just by the cruising club

The afternoon had stayed mostly dry so we walked back through the parks canal side back to Oleanna. Tilly had another hours exploration before a friend of hers caught my eye, so she was picked up and brought inside, her friend scurrying off into the wall.

My sour dough starter has been woken up over the last couple of days. A bowl of pizza dough is sitting overnight and a sponge is now doing it’s thing ready for a loaf tomorrow. Have to admit I put the sponge in the fridge as I was a touch worried that it might have taken over the boat by morning!

The view from Pole Position

This evening we have enjoyed a joint of pork, better crackling but still not quite perfect, a couple of glasses of wine and I am 15 rows away from finishing off my latest commissioned pair of socks. Then I’ll have all the bloomin ends to sew in.

0 locks, 62 ft, 1 pole position, 1 beautiful mooring, 6 hours of cat freedom, 1 friend at least, 1 rescue, 0 daffs visible, 5 on a boat, 2 marquees, 100 plus, 2 redundant chairs, 1 scone, 2 slices cake, 1 great show, 160 grams starter, 200 grams starter, 1 run away sponge, 1 joint pork, 15 rows to go, 1 lovely Sunday, 1 Mrs Tilly stamp of approval.

Replenishing Stocks Just Enough. 15th June

Haines Bridge to almost pole position at Great Linford

Last night we almost ran out of wine! Supplies on board of all sorts have been gradually running low. We’ve not had the chance to have a delivery for a while so we only stock up on items that are needed. Our evening meal last night was created from what I could find in the drawers and fridge, a nice chicken and mushroom risotto (thank you Christine for the dried mushrooms at Christmas), but today we would be down to emergency tuna pasta. We had to go shopping today.

Wide beam just winded

Mick pootled us along as I carried on trying to paint bits of model between being needed. Thrupp Wharf came into view, the bridge over the canal having several cars parked on it, boats here there and everywhere including a wide beam that without warning winded at the entrance to the marina in front of us. Permanent moorers weren’t impressed with the chap at the helm and wished Mick luck following him.

Solomon’s Bridge

I managed some red painting before we reached Solomon’s Bridge where I managed to take it’s photo from the hatch. The wide beam soon pulled in opposite the Barley Mow. Green paint followed before we pulled in at the services. The yellow water needed to be emptied along with disposing of the other contents from our waterless toilet. By the bins was an amount of wood, I helped myself to a length for kindling as we’d run out.

Cosgrove Lock

Cosgrove Lock was sat open waiting for us, either self opening, blown open or a lazy boater having not gone back to close the gate. The gates on the lock looked like they were new this year along with a stretch of high wooden fencing behind the wall. Some trees have gone since we were last here and the fencing means you can no longer watch the Lamas and other beasts behind the wall whilst the lock empties or fills. Maybe they have gone too.

The Ouse looking full below

The white paint came out from my paint box, mixed with some PVA to help solidify some thin bits of card I’d just started to apply it when I noticed flats outside, we’d arrived at Wolverton. There were only a couple of rings left at the end just past NB Carpe Diem. The wind buffeted off the tall buildings pushing Oleanna into the off side as the lady we’d met yesterday came out to say the same had happened to them. Mick did his best to ignore her as keeping Oleanna out of the undergrowth was a bit more important to concentrate on. A boat behind was just pulling out so we reversed to take their spot. The rings here didn’t really work for us, the wind still pushing Oleanna away from the bank. As soon as Carpe Diem moved off we could tie up better and helped another boat moor up.

Trains Planes

With a bike as sherpa we walked down to Tescos with quite a long shopping list. We returned with four heavy bags despite Leighton Buzzard only being a couple of days away (there are moorings right outside Tescos there). The steps down to the towpath necessitated de-bagging the bike but we managed.

After a late lunch we pootled on some more. Mick at the helm, me at work, Tilly asleep. We’d discussed how far we’d go today, Fenny Stratford, Campbell Park, there wouldn’t be any space at Great Linford, not on a Saturday afternoon. How wrong were we! There was space, not the prime position with the view right up to the pub, but there was space. So we pulled in deployed the tyre fenders due to the submerged ledge and let the cat out.

Great Linford, here’s hoping gravity doesn’t get too much for the trees here

1 lock, 6.92 miles, 1 aqueduct, 1 wee tank empty, 1 pooh bucket empty, 1 length of timber, 3 colours paint, 1 almost dry day, 2 boxes wine, 1 pork joint, 1 box of model bits getting more colourful, 3 hours, 1 favourite mooring almost, 5 yappy shitinyourshoe neighbours, 1 cool cat.

Is It Us? 14th June

Stoke Bruerne to Haines Bridge 62

A bee busy at work

This morning we noticed that NB Tyseley was unable to come through Blisworth Tunnel due to a tree blocking the navigation close to the north portal . A rather big tree too! We seem to be having this effect on trees, luckily for us they fall over behind us. That of course is no good if you are on a schedule, maybe we should let NB Tyseley get ahead of us!

With the knowledge of no boats about to appear from the tunnel we headed for the locks. It was nearly dry outside, but we didn’t trust it so put our waterproofs on. Two boats were coming up the top lock with the help of a Volunteer. They had been told to moor up and wait for news, there was concern that the moorings would soon fill up, would there be enough space for them. There was plenty and I’m sure even by the end of the day there would still have been plenty of room.

Stoke Bruerne Top Lock

One of the boats that had followed us yesterday had already headed down the locks, no locking partner would appear from behind so we started down on our own. The volunteer Lockie soon appeared and went ahead setting locks and by the fourth lock we’d caught NB Carpe Diem up.

Just about full to over flowing

They waited for us after a short pound, our locks worth of water adding to theirs and flooding the sides of the lock. By now the sun was trying to come out, waterproofs came off. We chatted as we descended, they are pootling about until they can get back onto the River Nene once the levels have lowered.

That cloud was catching up with us

As we walked down to the last lock a very dark cloud had caught us up, the boats took their time to deliver our coats, but luckily this was before the rain really got started.

The new collar on the bottom gate was only just noticeable, a new weld giving it away.

2 soggy Micks
A new weld on a slender collar

The level below the lock looked much higher than we remembered. The River Tove joins the navigation here before heading off eastwards, so the current rainfall was swelling the canal.

That looks a touch higher then normal

Pulling in at the services we were pleased to see a recycling bin and one for glass. We made good use of this and deposited our collection that had been taking over the cratch and galley for a while. Then a nudge up to the end where there’s a handy water point. The pressure wasn’t great but that suited us, we could run the washing machine and have lunch as the tank filled. It beat us to it though, but with no other boats arriving we stayed put and topped up the tank before leaving.

Shelving all dressed now

Mick moved us along to find a mooring as I retired below. Models take a lot of painting and I seem to have the same problem as last year, I keep changing my mind! Today some kitchen units were painted three different shades of pink before I liked them. Grrr, designers!!

The sun came out and we had blue skies for much of the remainder of the day.

7 locks, 4 shared, 4.66 miles, 1 downpour, 1 full water tank, 0 rubbish left (except bits of cardboard tucked behind the knife block), 1 load washing, 1 pooh bucket changed, 4 hours, 0 fire, 1st blue sky for ages.

Mending. 13th June

Nightingales Bridge to Stoke Bruerne Top Lock

Another very wet morning. We weren’t going to be going anywhere! Tilly however was encouraged to take a morning nap as the weather app suggested that it might dry up later on, then we could at least get to Blisworth where we might find a shop for a few bits.

As I sat down to breakfast and to catch up on the latest blogs I picked my computer glasses up. These are old prescription reading glasses that are just perfect to view the lap top with. They are quite old and a lense has a tendency to fall out. Today however it wasn’t the screw that had come loose, it was still there, just where it connected to the other side of the frame had snapped off! Darn and blast!


My bifocals are not good for the computer, I’d have to do something about this. Father Christmas had been a jolly good chap this year and bought me a tube of super glue. This alone would hold things together but some reinforcing would be wise. With some black button thread and Mick to help hold things in place, I tied the joint together then applied some glue, letting it soak into the cotton and hopefully the joint. After a minute I tied a few more knots around the joint sealing it all with more super glue. The end result is a fully operational pair of glasses once again. may now have to dig out the other old pair that have a loose lense and see if I can mend those also.

Our spritzer bottle for the composting toilet has recently lost it’s spritz. We use this with diluted vinegar in it to spray the urine separator on our toilet with the hope that the vinegar will help to keep the pipes clear. However the spray was starting to be a bit feeble. Mick took it apart. The spring that makes it spritz fell into four pieces. We’d been warned not to have a steel urine tank as gradually the vinegar would work it’s way through this, it looks like it had eroded the spring.

A spare spring was found in an empty hand wash container. Now our spritzer spritzes again. Not bad for £1 from the handyman shop in Ellesmere eighteen months ago.

Which way?

By 11:45 the rain was easing, we needed to find a shop, mostly for some cat food, a variety and flavour that Tilly would actually eat rather than be put in the bin after a day. The wine cellar is currently half full of rejected boxes of cat food and very little wine! Mick doned his waterproofs and pushed off, leaving me indoors adding detail to my Boozer model bits.

Gayton Junction

At Gayton Junction a boat had just pulled up and positioned itself right in the middle of the service moorings. Mick couldn’t be bothered to ask them to nudge up so we could off load our rubbish so he carried straight on, the mountains of rubbish having to wait a while longer.

Round the bend towards the tunnel

The moorings at Blisworth had space for us so he pulled in. A walk into the village proved fruitful for cat food, but little else. After lunch there wasn’t sufficient time for us to go through Blisworth Tunnel and to reach the top of Stoke Bruerne locks before the last boat in at 3:15, so we didn’t rush.

North Portal

The boat was put into full tunnel mode, I came up on deck having suggested an early afternoon nap to Tilly and we pushed off. Blisworth Tunnel is just short of 3km long and is the third longest navigable tunnel in the UK, ninth in the world. It is straight, very straight therefore you can see all the way through. The interior goes from arched brickwork to a long section of concrete hoops in the central section, back to brick again towards the southern portal. The tunnel suffered over the years altering shape, it became unnavigable. In the 1980s major works were done to rebuild it, the method used was a try out for the Channel Tunnel.

The other end
Nearly there

Just before halfway through we could see another boat had entered at the south portal. Was this the trip boat that sticks it’s bow into the tunnel then reverses out? Or were they coming towards us, if they were they were going very very slowly. The tunnel was wetter than usual, no surprise there and we gradually came to meet the on coming boat. The speed they were going at it would take them an hour to go through!

The South portal

We had risked arriving at Stoke Bruerne where there might not have been any moorings left, but it turned out there were no queues waiting for the locks in the morning. We had a choice of where to moor and later on we were joined by three more boats, one having reversed past us at 22:45.

Mikron van hiding at Blisworth, wonder if it has a name?

We could hang around for a couple of days and share the locks southwards with NB Tyseley the Mikron boat, but that wouldn’t get us a Saturday newspaper or our wine stocks replenished. Hopefully the weather will improve, Mikron are loosing donations due to the bad weather. They had to perform a ‘radio’ version of their show the other night at The Admiral Nelson due to lack of space indoors for the full show.

0 locks, 4.4 miles, 1 straight on, 1 spring sprung, 1 pair glasses mended, 1 boozer exterior finished, 10 hanging baskets, 2nd sock new and improved version started, 9 pouches of edible food again.