Thorne Lock
You may have noticed (unless the problem has been solved when you read this) that there is no blog roll on the right hand side.
This evening Mick came to the blog to have a catch up on fellow bloggers posts only to find the blog was missing, a ‘critical’ error had occured! Oh blimey, what had Tilly been upto whilst we were out earlier?

WordPress sent an email to our IT department (Mick) regarding the critical error.
Since WordPress 5.2 there is a built-in feature that detects when a plugin or theme causes a fatal error on your site, and notifies you with this automated email. In this case, WordPress caught an error with one of your plugins, RSS Feed Checker.
Critical had turned into Fatal in one email!
Not being able to access the ‘dashboard’ to look into the problem Mick was given the option of going into a special ‘recovery mode’. He did this and was able to remove the blog roll plugin. The blog is now visible again. More investigation is required tomorrow.

They sad it was a Sausage Day, but it turned into a bit of a Frankfurter! She said I had nine hours. Then it rained! Tom said I could still go out. Until he closed the back doors and said he and She were going out instead!
A loaf of bread was required along with a stretch of our legs. So we headed into town to Sainsburys.

Below Thorne Lock two C&RT boats are sitting waiting for next week, they have small diggers on them, the sort that are used for dredging only a bit cleaner! These will be joined at some point by a big crane boat which was being used at Newark Town Lock until recently.

With our shopping done we headed to Thorne Boat Services to see if they had any Marine 16, an additive Mick likes to put in the diesel tank to stop diesel bug. We looked round the chandlery, but they had none. Today their diesel was £1.45 a litre.

To cross over the canal we headed for the troublesome footbridge just as someone was opening it to get their boat through. Good job it wasn’t a windy day as when the chap had taken his boat through he stepped off without a rope. Pedestrians including ourselves were on hand to open the barriers, if we hadn’t been we suspect his boat would have drifted away just that bit too much to be able to jump back on. One of those instances where you just have to wait till it drifts back towards a bank.

We tried the Chandlery at Staniland Marina too, but the doors were firmly locked. Maybe we’ll try again tomorrow.
Mick called the chap who has our cratch cover, it is ready and he’ll bring it with him one day this week when he’s back in Thorne to do other work, he’s not sure when yet.

The afternoon was spent knitting, eighth pair finished and the yarn for the ninth pair wound into two balls ready.
0 locks, 0 miles, 0 winding, 0 bridges, 2 work boats, 3 lodgers, 1 loaf bread, 0 cratch cover, 8th pair finished, 1 Frankfurter day, 1 fatal error thankfully not that fatal!

Blogroll feed now working
We’ve had to go back to a previous PHP to get that going again. The author of the plugin is going to have a look at it.
Hope your pedal car weekend was a good one.