Lockdown Mooring 4
This mornings catch up with the Geraghty family involved quite a few sock shots. Kath had received a belated birthday present from us, two sachets of yeast, still within their use by date too. Yeast and flour are like gold dust. It was a very nice jolly catch up with tomato plants and unicorn wings. Good to see everyone.

We then turned our minds to getting our Saturday newspaper, Mick headed off up the towpath on his bike to the garage shop sadly returning with a slow puncture. Some time was spent compiling our first Morrisons delivery for next week. We’d secured the delivery quite a while ago with a few items, now we had to think about what we needed. Not knowing what we’ll be getting in our veg box doesn’t help, but I suspect we’ll get the usual things so we shopped accordingly. Hopefully we’ve covered everything, lets just hope things are still available next week. It being our first ever order with them we don’t know if they do substitutes or not.

Today the towpath has been busy, the busiest we’ve seen it here. First the usual dog walkers, the Huskies, Dalmation, high vis man with his two, the chap who always takes a wide birth with his two dogs and Fudge. Then during the afternoon it turned into the M1, bicycles and walkers, almost a constant stream passing us. One chap stopping right outside our hatch to shout back to his friend, Mick closed the hatch to try to keep our distance, the chap was oblivious. If it was like that here would it be busier on the embankment in town, or are they all venturing further out now leaving the embankment peaceful at weekends.

In amongst our Click and Collect delivery at the beginning of the week I’d added a few treat items. There was a recipe I’ve not made for a very long time, I’d been reminded of it when a certain aroma filled the boat the other evening.
A modification to the recipe was made by swapping the pastry for a quinoa Parmesan crust to dispose of any gluten. This takes a little bit of making but I can highly recommend it, it’s very tasty. Baked blind I then left it in the cooling oven to hopefully dry off touch more before filling it.

Next the filling. Camembert and smoked salmon with a normal egg and cream custard over the top. The other quiche I’ve taken to making in the last couple of years only has eggs over the filling and it quite often isn’t fully cooked when you think it should be. But today reverting to eggs and single cream worked an absolute treat.

If this photo doesn’t flush Duncan Lewis out nothing will!

With homemade coleslaw to accompany a large slice each it was a very nice meal and there’s enough left over to do the same again in a couple of days, have to spread the cholesterol out in these days of lockdown.

Today would have been Fatso, my Dad’s 95th birthday. We spent some of the evening finding the photographic tribute my brother and I had compiled for his funeral eight years ago. Plenty of photos to add to letters and his diary from when he headed out to India at the end of WW2. Plenty more photos, some of which I’ll share with you in another post sometime.

0 locks, 0 miles, 1 bike ride, 1 more puncture, 1 newspaper quarantined for tomorrow, 1 leg still resting, 3 sketch books, 10 day menu (subject to change), 8 hours shore leave, 1 starter not reaching potential, 1 smoked salmon and camembert quiche, 2 many calories, 1 big treat, 1 tear cardigan back on the needles, 95 candles, Happy Birthday Daddy Fatso!