Below Engine Lock 4 to Bridge 118, Trent and Mersey
Last night a cow had kept mooing. It moood a long time. Could we help it in any way at midnight? Hopefully what it had been complaining about disappeared not too long after we got to sleep. How would you find out which farmer the cow belonged to?
No shore leave much to Tillys disappointment this morning. We knew we were already following at least one boat towards the locks back down into Stoke, coats on as it was quite grey we pootled onwards. It’s a long pound to Planet Lock, terraced gardens come down to the canal. Someone had been out to trim the sprigs from their neatly sculpted bushes, we wondered how they reached over to trim the edge nearest the canal. An owl watch us go by, guarding the door at the bottom of it’s tree stump.
Just as we approached Bridge 16A Oleanna started to list, a long scraping noise came from below, Mick knocked Oleanna out of gear. We’re used to scraping the bottom in shallow bits, but this was different. I made note on What3words and got ready to report it to CRT. Twitter used to be handy for reporting such things, but I’ve erased it since it became X. On the CRT website there was a chat function where you can report things. I decided to give it a go.

Within a minute I got a reply asking if the canal was blocked, partially or fully. We got through, but someone else might not. Could they pass on the information and my details to the local team? Yes, I was kind of hoping you would. Very quick and easy to report and the answers that came didn’t feel like it was a bot replying.

It was first day at Stoke on Trent College for many, masses surrounded buildings with welcome flags flying, that will be Josh in a few weeks time. So many young people moving on with their lives into new directions.
We passed a couple of boats heading up the canal, thankfully not on big bends. The lift bridge I only caught one car and a pedestrian. We considered stopping for supplies at a handy Lidl, but that could wait for tomorrow, there were other things we needed to buy today.

Planet Lock was almost full thankfully as only one top paddle is working. Then Mick walked ahead to the staircase whilst I brought Oleanna along slowly behind. A lady filmed Oleanna going past out of the window of a restaurant, I waved and she laughed, nice to make someone’s day.

The staircase only needed a touch of topping up and was ready with the top gate open for me. The bottom chamber must leak as that was already empty, just how we’d found it on our way up. Downerty Down.

Was there any room by the Museum? No and not enough room for two boats. Extra space required today. We paused to dispose of yellow water. There were several CRT people busy with items they’d pulled out of the canal, shopping trolleys put onto vans. A lady in blue said hello to us, very jolly. She said a friend of hers had named her daughter Oleanna, an unusual name. This is only the second time someone has made comment on the name knowing of it previously, makes a change from ‘Are you Oli and her Anna?’

Mick told her about the object at bridge 16A. She was surprised at there being something so far along the canal, but they’d take a look. Now reported twice we knew something would happen.

A notice on the services door. Events for Heritage Open Days. Through September there are places that are not often open, that you can visit for free across the country. We’ve been to quite a few over the years. This year it looks like next weekend will be an interesting one at Etruria with all sorts of steaming things going on. Why oh why do we always miss things here?!!
With Oleanna pointed northwards we were now on the hunt for a mooring, one where hopefully there’d be space later on for a second boat. The towpath was empty from the services, but that’s quite busy, we hoped for a little further along. Outside the Toby Carvery was just about full, a couple of rings nearer the bridge, but we’d have been in the way. Just through the next bridge are rings, we’ve paused there for lunch before, no other boats, perfect.
Lunch, an email of our location sent, time to do some shopping. First Mick headed off with the Brompton, over the canal into the retail area near Bet365 for some engine oil. Then the two of us headed to Festival Park which is a bit of a walk away.

A few evenings ago our CO and smoke detector in the bedroom started to ‘bip’ at us. Mick spent some time with it, gave it a new battery, then tested it. It wasn’t happy, time for a new detector. Having had a couple of these before and they suggest they last for ten years we decided to go for a different brand. Mick came out of B&Q with a FireAngel detector.

Then we carried on up the hill, Morrisons for a loaf of bread, further uphill to Pets at Home. Time to restock on wood cat litter. We used to get it delivered with shopping, it only comes in 10 litre bags from supermarkets. Pets at home works out cheaper at 30 litre bags and the pellets are better for our needs. It’s used both by Tilly in her litter tray, and by us in our compost toilet. They also had pink food at a reduced price, Tilly stocked up for a while.

Back at the canal we’d been joined by a very green boat, NB Alchemy. We stowed our shopping then went over to say hello. Alchemy looks very smart after a recent repaint. Mike and Christine invited us onboard for a cuppa and a chat. We’ve only managed to chat in passing in the past, so it was nice to have a good catch up with them whilst not looking over our shoulders in case another boat was approaching.

Christine wanted to come and meet Tilly. This very nice She came and gave me an ear rub and then some Webbox! My favourite!!! She is allowed to visit again. Thank you.

As I got food ready, chicken and leek macaroni cheese, Mick set about fitting the new detector in the bedroom. It’s footprint on the ceiling slightly smaller, but we shouldn’t notice the screw holes. Yarn was selected for the next pair of socks and the first toe cast on in front of the TV.
3 locks, 5.6 miles, 1 lumpy section, 1 report, 1 empty wee tank, 1 right, 0 sign, 1 long mooring, 1 detector, 30 litres wood pellets, 2 blogging boats, 2 good hours catching up, WEBBOX!!! 0 shore leave.