Viking Marina

The last ten days have been very VERY busy! Monday morning started off with four scaffolding chaps arriving, by early afternoon the front of the house was accessible, right up to the top of the gable end. Mick has been all the way to the top and we can now boast that you can see the sea in two directions.

The same day we had four joiners arrive to fit new sashes into our wooden windows. After four and a half days they had replaced all the single glazing in the house for double, rebuilt a dormer window and scarfed in new timber where the original 1883 timber had rotten away.

Wednesday the joiners were joined by a decorator to follow them round. The frames of the windows needing repainting along with the rest of the woodwork. He had a false start as rain arrived, but has cracked on on dry days. Today he’s finished painting the front and has moved round to the back.

So far we’ve only really had one day when we’ve been able to feel the benefit of the new windows as every other day Gavin the painter has had windows and doors open for painting. So far Tilly has managed to keep all four paws white!

Last week I spent much of my time tidying up the artwork for panto. It took forever erasing small hairs that would be blown up to a foot long and eradicating marks I’d made to help position leaves. Today Peter at Prompt Side has been on the phone with questions, so hopefully the giant printer will be printing away all things panto ready for the fit up next week.

A mysterious leak had developed in the kitchen ceiling whilst we had lodgers, we think we’ve now solved this. The other shower is currently on de-sealant mode as it was still leaking after all our efforts earlier in the year. I think I have sourced the problem and will be battling away with sealant tomorrow hoping that everything has dried out enough.

A one off veg box arrived last week and we’ve been gradually working our way through the contents. A new recipe to me Pumpkin, Lime and Ginger cake, tasty but may have required a bit longer in the oven. There was also far too much cream cheese icing for my two cakes and this was really quite thin. Plenty left for a couple of days Frank if you happen to be passing.

On Sunday we managed to head down to see the sea. What a beautiful day! Scarborough was stunning. We are so fortunate to be able to walk down and enjoy the coast. This was the furthest I’ve walked since breaking my toe five weeks ago. I’m hoping to transition from crocks into trainers before heading to Chippy.

Yesterday Tilly and I played the dinette game. Putting the dinette cushions together how they are on the boat, without the boat!

Thank you Adam for the lead on foam, I have an order sat waiting to go just measurements of the mattress on board needed as we’d like to replace that too.

Today Mick headed back to Oleanna by train. The fridge and freezer needed cleaning out and she needed winterising before the temperature drops any more. A full hoovering was done. Things on the roof got a good tidy and tie down. Batteries were removed from heat/smoke/CO alarms and the clock. The water system was winterised, taps left open, pump off, shower head in the shower tray, valve from the water tank turned off.

Andromeda, a cruiser which had sunk on the Trent a month or so ago had been out on the hard at the marina. She’s now back in the water. Her sinking a bit of a mystery. Her owner had become ill, managed to moor up on the pontoon in Gainsborough before heading to hospital where he sadly passed away. Andromeda somehow slipped her moorings. Possibly some youths untied her, possibly a group of men took her to Knaith where a photo was taken of her in gear. This is where she ended up sunk, anchor out and a large boulder on the deck.

We’d also thought we’d forgotten a few things. My scratch pole! But Tom bought me a new one a touch taller than the floating one. The hair clippers being one of them, but they were nowhere to be seen on the boat. Tidying our things away in the house from the lodgers side I found them tucked away with my yarn. Mick can have a trim before I go away.

0 locks, 0 miles, 14 new windows, 1 cosy house when the windows are closed! ’23 panto getting close, 1 Sunday walk, 1 clerk of works, 4 new cushions, 1 mattress, 1 shower! 1 Oleanna winterised, 1 veg box, 0.5 of a house painted, 1 cancelled train.