Opposite Goole Waterways Museum to Sykehouse Junction, New Junction Canal
The VHF radio was turned on this morning so we could listen in to the docks. Plenty of stuff was going on. Ships approaching Goole were having to ease their speed on their approach.
Then Little Shuva a Goole tug could be seen across the way from us. Moored up alongside the concrete plant (Goole is not the most idyllic spot on the network, but fascinating as a working port) is a large boat, not sure if it is powered or just used as a skip, but Little Shuva pushed up alongside so a chap could step off onto it. He looked down a hatch in the bow and then pulled over a large yellow rope onto the bow of Shuva. Before leaving he tightened both bow ropes and did a full circuit of the boat before stepping back onboard and returning down to the docks. The Harbour master chirping up on the radio checking that Shuva would be needed in the docks shortly.
Just when it was getting really interesting it was time to join the Geraghty’s on the weekly zoom, so sadly the big ships would be busy whilst we caught up with family. Today’s topics the Proms, Covid tests for 14 month old children, life after working in the states and Goal Keepers loosing their legs! Everyone was fine and we wished Sean good luck with work in Italy next week.
Mick cycled down for a newspaper. Our paper wasn’t available at the Co-op so he then headed to WH Smiths. This meant crossing the docks just as a ship was leaving, reversing through one of the swing bridges. I was really quite jealous at not being there.
Tilly had been allowed shore leave for a couple of hours, coming nose to nose with the German Shepherd early on. We know who’d have one should no human have interjected! Now we were all back on board it was time to fill up the tanks across the way.
The diesel point at Goole Boathouse seems to always be windy and the bollards are not in the right position for us to tie to Add to this a cruiser moored on the corner and the wonderful 1907 Phyllis at the other end it is quite hard to position a 58ft 6″ narrowboat in the right spot so that the hose reaches. The gap was big enough for us, we just had to overhang one boat or the other to be able to fill up. We’d considered getting a new gas bottle too, but with the bow a long way out that job can wait a while.
At 65p a litre Mick made sure he made the most of it. Then we moved over to the water point, a cruiser had moved out of the way for us, so we felt we had to. With all jobs done including disposing of yellow water and rubbish we were wanting some lunch. We moved up to the end of the visitor moorings and tied up where Sobriety used to live.
Here we were faced with numerous NO MOORING signs. There were also notes from the Liquidators for the Museum stating that no one can moor here. The moorings had been part of a long lease to the Sobriety Project and therefore are part of the liquidation process. The signs were quite curt suggesting we should move on immediately. We had our lunch and then did as we were told.
Clinging onto our hats once again we made our way back up the wide waterway. At times it is so wide we suspect even Exol Pride could wind. Boats were dotted here and there each with a good stretch of social distancing before the next moored boat.
Going past the marina at Rawcliffe the smell from Croda was really quite pongy, it didn’t feel like it would be doing anyone any good. Apparently they make lanolin by refining wool grease, well it certainly is pongy!
At Southfield Reservoir plenty of people were out making the most of the breeze. Windsurfers and dinghys were zooming back and forth at great speed, all fine when you can cling on and lean into the wind, but a pain once you’ve fallen in!
At the junction we turned left and joined two other boats on the moorings. I’d been wanting to tackle the starboard side windows, but the wind and our later than planned arrival meant I put the job on hold. Instead some buckwheat pasta was made for a lasagne along with a batch of rosemary and thyme sourdough crackers. The stove was lit and after several hours of being busy on the towpath Tilly made the most of it.
PS. Nantwich Veg Boxes/Clems Greengrocers, who looked after us so well during lockdown have received an award from the Nantwich Food Festival.
Business Positivity Award – This category celebrates the businesses that have shown exceptional initiative and customer satisfaction during the virus. The winner is: Clem’s Traditional Greengrocers – Clem’s showed great care for their community by working many hours to deliver fruit & vegetable boxes during the pandemic and the staff were always cheerful and careful to ensure safe delivery.
Congratulations to them, I miss their veg boxes.
0 locks, 6.85 miles, 1 wind, 1 very windy day, 1 newspaper, 1 busy port, 8 on the zoom, 10 seconds! 1 left, 1 tray of crackers, 1 toasty stove, 2 outsides, 1 busy cat.