
Things have been busy here in Scarborough getting ourselves ready for Christmas.

A tree was purchased from a pub car park, lights added and celebrated with this years new version of mince pies, Viennese topped, think I prefer frangipane topping. We celebrated our 22nd anniversary of being together with a Chinese, very nice too. Mick walked up the hill to help me collect ivy for wreaths and the outside of the house is now decorated.
Last Friday we headed out for drinks with friends and managed to catch the Snainton Illuminated tractor run along the Foreshore, a very noisy affair, but very festive. The Christmas biscuit factory got busy last Saturday, 60 gluten free Lebkuchen were baked and have now been distributed about town.

After four quotes for a new lean too we’ve decided on the company, but now just need a roofer to come and see if we need reroofing on the house, wise to work both things around each other. A new cooker hood was fitted by Mick and his friend Mark and at the end of last week, a new lid to the coal bunker and we’ve had a new back door fitted, the last bit of single glazing in the house now replaced.

My GP has referred me to the Self Referral Physio! I got to meet Meera last week who checked my knees over. My leg muscles are strong, all that lock beam pushing. So far she thinks that my leg muscles are too tight, so new exercises consist of stretches. She also spent time explaining the x-ray I had done in the summer and why it was deemed normal. No signs of arthritis but the cartilage behind my knee caps may not be helping things to glide as it should. I think I can tell the difference all ready, we’ll meet up again in early January.

The choice of birthday cake is still to be made, three contenders have been whittled down to two. So it’s between rice or oranges and plums.
We’ve now received 7 estimates/quotes to have Oleanna repainted. Only one company we contacted hasn’t replied, sadly that was Finesse in Sheffield, most probably busy getting the next batch of new boats in the water and out before Christmas.
One company were several thousand pounds more just for painting her and before adding in the alterations/additions we are wanting to do. But there does seem to be a going rate between several painters and yards. The quotes have been whittled down to four now. We’ve seen examples from two of them and heard good reports whilst out on the cut. The other two have advantages about them, but we’re not aware of having seen any of their work. So we’ve arranged to go and see them before Christmas.

This morning Mick picked up a hire car and we headed down to Goole. I had my knitting to keep me busy over the Wolds, finishing off pair 52 and continuing pair 53. There are some things that can’t be done in the passenger seat of a car so I’d got a more complicated bit done last night in preparation.

Plenty of ships in at the docks. We headed straight past Albert Street, the way to Viking Marina, and instead turned up alongside the Dutch River and headed to Goole Marina. It was lunchtime for us so we decided to try out the Coffee Dock which over looks the visitor moorings in Goole. A covered, zipped up outdoor area was negotiated and inside it was nice and cosy. Mick had a toasted panini and I enjoyed a generous jacket potato. Highly recommended and we’ll be back should we not have sandwiches with us when we visit Oleanna.
Then to the marina office to meet with David Brown who now runs Goole Marina, which was Goole Boathouse.
A friendly enough chap who wanted to show us a boat they’d painted and done some work on six months ago which was located at the far end of the marina, close to where we’d moored a few years ago. He talked through how they paint the boats.

All boats are shot blasted as standard, including the base plate. Then all fixtures and fittings are removed, apart from through skin fittings. Areas which were missed by shot blasting are cleaned back to metal ready for painting. This is when any steel work would be done, we’re wanting to add a couple more T studs at the bow. The hull is then fully painted in Jotun Jotamastic 90 two pack epoxy including the base plate, with an airless spray to a min of 200 microns, which allows for a 9 year guarantee.
Above the D-bar the boat is then painted in Jotun Megaprimer, also two-pack system (additional 150 microns). Then all areas are sanded and prepared for final coats, anti slip areas done where requested. 3 coats of Jotun Mega Gloss (UV resistant) which is a two pack polyurethane system.
From cabin sides to water line, is done in Jotun Hardtop HB, more two pack, giving a satin black on the gunnels, this also protects the two pack epoxy from UV stopping it from going a milky colour. They aim for a 500 microns of paint in total.
Signwriting and coach lines follow before all the windows, fixtures and fittings are put back on. They’d be able to replace the windows for us with thermal break double glazing, do some wood work jobs too.
Apart from the boat we were stood in front of we’d not seen any of his work, also when asking on various groups for recommendations he hadn’t been mentioned. I asked where he’d come from before taking over the marina. He used to build boats near Ferrybridge, then ran Selby Boat Centre. We were shown a few photos of other boats they’d painted and we can go to see them if we’d like.
DB Marine build boats, so are not solely painters as other places we’ve approached are. Their location would be ideal for us to have Oleanna repainted out of season and currently their next slot would be June 2025. The price quoted was a little bit higher than others, but does include all the extras we are after.
We thanked David for his time and then headed back round to the other side of the docks to Viking to say hello to Oleanna.

There she sat, front door sticking a little from cold and dampness. Mick wanted to run the engine for half an hour and I wanted to top up the damp traps that we have in various cupboards.
I also wanted to see what radius our windows were. From inside it was a little ambiguous, well if you are not dealing with boat windows regularly. From out side the outer frame suggested 4 in. One boat painter has suggested that we may not be able to replace the windows with double glazing of the same radius, right now I can’t remember which radius is done both single and double. However David today said that they are available in both 3 and 4 inch. I may need to phone Cauldwells to check for myself at some point.

We knew Alastair had been about yesterday to do an engine service and check the engine mounts etc. Mick lifted the engine board to check all was fine. Ah, the oil filler cap was off! Had Alastair finished? It didn’t look like it, unwise to run the engine not knowing how much oil there was. The engine board was replaced.
Not much more we could actually do today. We spotted Alastair before leaving so managed to have a chat. He’d got so far yesterday with Oleanna’s service and then been called out by RCR, he’s a trusted engineer for them. When he got back it was too dark to continue, he hoped he’d be able to return to her tomorrow. Nothing much to report other than the inline diesel filter which he’d like to replace the seals on, everything else looks good.

Back across the Wolds for us arriving just before evening Dingding time for Tilly. I think she’d only just woken up, her tummy rumbling.
Another painter to see before Christmas.
0 locks, 0 miles, 37 tractors, 1 works do, 1 improved bunker, 1 shiny extractor, 1 double glazed door, 1 blind cleaned, 60 lebkuchen, 5 miles delivery, 4 new exercises, 3ft tree, 2 wreaths, 1 batch mince pies, 1 very bored sleeping cat, 1st painter, 54th pair of socks in sight.
Love this post! For some reason your blog is not showing up in my Jetpack reader, though I get subscriber emails and you’re on WordPress.
Interesting, will take a look.
Thank you and a Happy Christmas
I doubt you’d be willling to go so far south, but just to let you know her new owners had Chuffed repainted last year at Rose Narrowboats on the N Oxford. They were not impressed, the paint started peeling and they are waiting for it to be redone – a nuisance for them as their shore base is north of Liverpool. Happy Christmas both xx
We know of someone we lse who wasn’t totally happy with a paint job there. They are not on our list.