Fenny Stratford to Linford Manor 48hr Mooring
Time for knee exercises. This morning I decided to have a go on the bed before it was put away for the day as the majority of stretches are done lying down. Most worked, although I wonder whether a firmer surface would be better as they seemed a lot easier this morning than when I’d done them in front of the sofa. One however required using the bed diagonally as other wise my foot was trapped under the gunnel. They take time, the time I usually spend writing the blog! I’m currently chasing the blogs tail and am a few days behind. Just need to sort a new routine.

As I stretched away half an hour Mick got to work in the galley with breakfast. We’d not quite finished when the Geraghty zoom started. Subjects, 2024 Olympics, The Last Supper, Strawberry eating Squirrels for the third time, swarf, and Romanians falling off things.

As we were about to get ourselves sorted to move off NB Sola Gratia’s engine was started up, their pram hood lowered and they pushed off. Perfectly timed as a boat was just coming out of the lock. Next it was our turn, we pushed off and got ourselves ready to wave.

Back in 2014 the end house opposite the moorings had a very well kept garden and sat behind the French windows two people waved at us as we came past. Such an enthusiastic wave we obviously reciprocated. Ever since whenever we pass we wave with the hope of getting one back in return. The garden isn’t quite so immaculate as it was and who knows if the same people live there, I hope they do, a medical looking table/trolley sits by the French window obscuring our view. From a few feet into the darkness we could just see an enthusiastic wave back and maybe even a thumbs up! I so hope other people wave to them to help brighten up everyone’s day.

I got my knitting out to carry on whilst we cruised along on the flat. The trip to Scarborough and visitors for a day meant despite starting this pair of socks early, I would need to do a sprint to get them finished before the end of today.

Past familiar sights, the bridge that kept us south during winter 2015, lots of familiar boats, a friendly heron taking advantage of a good perch. Before one bridge there was a breasted up pair that had come past earlier, they were breasted up to another narrowboat. Turns out they were there to mend someone’s cratch cover, plenty of space to get past them. Red Lion Cruising club where we’d watched a Mikron show a few years ago. There was space at Campbell Park if we’d wanted it, but we were hoping of a much better mooring.
Under a couple of bridges, there on the offside was a space we’d been hoping for, Linford Manor. The first space has notices saying that it is reserved for Electra the community boat, but that is only on Tuesdays. The second space is still a 48 hour mooring we pulled in there, shame not to have the view across the park, but instead we had some shade. Tilly was given a few hours shore leave and we settled in.

With our shopping I got a chicken, too hot to roast it so it was jointed, the majority heading for the freezer. I diced up one breast ready for some kebabs, marinaded it for a couple of hours before threading it onto skewers. Veg and haloumi kebabs were also prepared. The kebab rest would be used to it’s full capacity today.

Another boat arrived and moored behind us. Tilly and one of their dogs had a slight altercation through the side hatch. But we all soon settled down to cook our food outside. What a lovely evening.
0 locks, 6.6 miles, 9 exercises, 1 diagonal, 1 smelly stretchy band, 1 stool, 1 Tilly getting in the way, Well she doesn’t know how to do cat yoga! 14 rows left, 48hour garden mooring, 2 chicken kebabs, 4 veg and haloumi kebabs, 2 sniffy woofers, 2 bowls of chilled medication, 2 hot for a stamp.

Nice looking breakfast nice looking BBQ