Feline Approved. 26th May

Aristotle Bridge to St Barnabas, Jericho

Empty quiet mooring this morning

It may be Sunday, but there were things to do. We had a cuppa in bed and then rolled back the covers and pushed off before breakfast. Today our 2 days at Aristotle would be up so we decided to move on early. We were moored up opposite St Barnabas Church, the hoardings boasting about the redevelopment still, bacon butties just about consumed in time for the Geraghty zoom. Keeling over shrubs, planning permission, and no sign of that £26.4 million from last week, I think someone has spent it!


Before it got too late it was time to head out to do some shopping. Mick wheeled the Brompton his mission different to mine. Thank you Dave for warning us that the towpath along Sheepwash Channel is currently shut, and there being serious work going on at the train station. The rail bridge that crosses Botley Road is going to be expanded for more tracks. The road underneath is currently closed to traffic, buses turning at the station, but there is a footpath connecting both sides.

Rather serious works going on down there

At Osney Bridge, still single file traffic Mick and I parted ways. He was headed to Halfords for some engine oil and Currys to look to see if they had a rugid tablet, this had him heading straight on. I on the other hand crossed over the little bridge and walked down East Street towards Osney Lock.


The Thames here was on yellow stream decreasing boards, quite a bit of space to moor. One boat was familiar NB Mobius from St Pancras Cruising Club, it didn’t look like anyone was home and I needed to be somewhere before they closed. A cruiser pushed away from the moorings, winded and headed to the lock where two Lock Keepers worked them through, a pretty wooden boat waiting patiently for their turn below. The flow round to the weir was pretty strong, but we’ve seen it a LOT stronger here before, boats clinging on with their mooring lines straining to stay attached.

Yellow decreasing

I followed the footpath to Osney Mead, a Mum with her two kids walking at speed past me, ‘When we get to Meat Master you can cool down there Johnny’ if he stopped running and jumping all the time that might have also helped. My destination was the Fish Market, see what was on offer today. I had a little look around, some of the fillets being packed away already. 1 chose 2 giltheaded bream, these will either be barbequed of baked in the oven depending on weather in the next few days.


Then I headed to Meat Master to cool down myself. I didn’t need any of their humongous joints of meat or a ham, but had a good look round. Some gf sausages and smoked back bacon were purchased, far less than other people were piling up into their baskets.

Just a small amount of Prosciutto

Various things were needed to go with the fish so I called in at Waitrose, a slight detour, to get the necessary. A sign suggested a pedestrian and cycle route to Jericho was possible. I checked my map but couldn’t see where this route might cross the railway so played safe and continued back on the main route.

Back at Oleanna Mick had been successful with the oil, but not a new tablet. It’s looking like one will have to be ordered a delivery address to be thought about along with where to get our postal votes sent to.

Tasty smelling, very tasty!

Tilly checked out my purchases. Now that smells nice! Is that MY dingding? She approved and was disappointed that the brown paper package went straight into the freezer. Maybe She is saving it for a special occasion!?

The remainder of the afternoon was spent preparing things to bake, tidying up, answering messages on Whatsapp and Instagram, checking that Frank was still alive in Scarborough, sweeping through and washing the floors. Mick headed out to check on the parking situation locally, managing to avoid a serious downpour.

A roast chicken was enjoyed with all the usual accompaniments and pair 21 of my sockathon was cast off. I think it’s time to get out the red yarn next, I’m looking forward to seeing how this yarn knits up.

0 locks, 0.6 miles, 1 route through Oxford more blocked than it’s been blocked before, 2 bream, 10 litres oil, 16 sausages, 0.5kg bacon, 1 isthmus mooring, 1 roast chicken, 1 cleaner and tidier boat, 2 hour spaces found.


4 thoughts on “Feline Approved. 26th May

  1. Dave (Scouts)

    Glad to be of help.
    The towpath next to sheepwash channel is closed but you can still go via Roger Dudman way and along the thames towpath to fidler island then across port meadow to waltonwell bridge. The shorter route is Rewley road (between said business school and fire station) out onto the canal at isis lock

    1. Pip Post author

      A quicker route is to follow the footpath in front of the station and short stay car park onto Stable Close, then Rewley Road to Isis Lock.
      Will Oxford ever loose it’s traffic problems?

      1. Dave (Scouts)

        Thats a new one on me, last time i dropped Alex off on that side of the station (pre road closures) that footpath didn’t exist as that area was the old parcels yard.
        Oxford traffic – Nah – its going to get a lot worse with LTN, Bus Gates/Filters and ULEZ expansion before it will get better. Plan seems to be to stop all traffic coming inside the ring road and force everyone to go around but especially with the A34 and Council interferance it just doesn’t work.
        Fancy a nice unused Park & Ride? Cheap at £54 million and you can’t use is as no money for the road junction to connect it to the road network and being at Eynsham off A40 doubtful anyone will use it

        1. Pip Post author

          We’ve used that way to get to the station for a few years. That suggests the traffic chaos has been around for a very long time! Buses out to Chippy last year were held up for ages too. One day there will be a solution where no-one drives cars anymore so there won’t be any traffic problems any more

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