Back down to Goole today. The temporary battery was disconnected after a blast of the central heating, thankfully it was a warmish day as I wasn’t going to be lighting the stove.
More cableing was going on in the engine bay. The second battery was put into the original battery tray. Blocks of wood have been added so that the battery can’t move more than 10mm in the tray. We’ll need to do something to hold the battery that is in The Shed, blocks of wood or maybe angle brackets.

Mick busied himself hoping to get the instalation complete today, tidying up would be left for tomorrow, maybe even checking things worked as they should do.

The Danish Oil on the floor was still just a touch tacky. I could see where I’d either not been able to see properly in dim light or I’d been a touch slap dash. No shoes inside today, socks only, I managed to find some heat holder socks to attempt to keep my toes from freezing.

Inside I realised that along with the porthole in the bedroom there were the bedside tables and a couple of tops that should also get a varnish to protect them from muddy paws. A space was cleared on the bed so that I could reach the porthole. Everywhere had a sand then some Bar Keepers Friend applied to where there were stains. This was left to dry whilst we had some Spicy Butternut Squash soup for lunch.

Other tops were lightly sanded and then the stove top got some attention. Water has somehow got in during the really heavy rain this winter and had left rusty patches. When lighting the stove recently I’ve made sure the nearest CO alarm has been operational incase we have a dangerous leak. The top was sanded then wiped down with white spirit. Once dry I got the stove paint out and popped my mask on, this stuff stinks! In my younger days a little bit of a whiff was put up with, but now I really hate it as it seems to linger with you for hours!

The BKF was all cleaned off, the porthole required a second coat, most probably a third should have been applied, but I was running out of patience. Everything was cleaned down, followed by a coat of varnish and a second coat elsewhere.
As the day light started to fade so did our enthusiasm. The floor not having gone off fully after two days meant that it would be a bad idea to give it a second coat today, this should be the final thing to be done once everything else was finished tomorrow. Mick was cold from sitting on the engine so we called it a day and headed back over the Wolds to warm up infront of a fire with a cat on my knee, some knitting and pizzas for tea.
0 locks, 0 miles, 1 porthole, 2 bedside tables, 2 more tops, 2nd coats, 1 stove top, 1 stinky boat, 2nd battery and other things, 2 cold and dark, 0 power tonight on Oleanna.