Things are being ordered.
First things to arrive were some waterproof cases for our mobile phones. These won a Herbie Award, not these actual ones, but having waterproof cases to save having to replace a drowned phone. This is a common hazard living on a boat. I’ve lost two phones and Mick has dropped one phone and a tablet into the drink.
At Christmas Mick got me a new phone as my old one was looking a tad cracked after nearly becoming phone number three heading for the depths of Nether Lock last January. I’d like to try to keep hold of this one a touch longer if possible. So I’ve been looking round for cases.

Most of the cases I found are intended for swimming, keeping the water out is one thing. But being able to turn your phone on to take that photo of a Kingfisher is another, especially when your power switch is now fingerprint operated and on the side! One case I found has the outside area inflated, so it would act like water wings should your phone go for a swim. I suspect this would make it even harder to turn on.
I’ve tried taking photos through the case to see what effect it has. Reflections are one downside. I suspect our cheap waterproof cases will end up being used for the phone we run Waterway Routes on at the helm. The phone stays powered whilst we cruise so the power button won’t be a problem. Just need to try to find a case that will allow me to take photos and turn the phone on whilst keeping it dry. Yes Mick could have bought me a waterproof phone, but his bank account isn’t that buoyant!

Next a box came from 12 Volt Planet. This contained busbars and fuses to be used in our battery upgrade. I’ll let Mick write about the battery upgrade when he does it. The fuses are also because Oleanna seems to have been built without a main fuse! Well Mick hasn’t ever been able to find one, so he’s going to fit one when putting in the new batteries.

Another box came from Bimble Solar. A voltage sensitive relay for our Nebolink. This will save us having to turn the Nebolink on and off manually when we are cruising, it will do it automatically when the engine is turned on and off. Yes it is likely to turn on should we want to run the engine whilst stationary, but the trip will show 0 miles and may not be recorded by Nebo. It is a touch larger than Mick had thought it would be and have to say I’ll miss flicking the switch on as we push off each day.

Mick has also treated himself to some rechargeable motion sensitive strip lights. These have appeared on his Christmas list for the last three years. Twice they have been ordered and twice they have not arrived! So this year they were given up on as a bad thing. Of course he has now managed to get some straight away with no hassle! These are to go inside cupboards on Oleanna and will light up as the door is opened, saving getting a torch out to check for things at the back of cupboards etc.

Whilst Mick has been reveling in electrical things I managed to find some Pan Flour. Since working on Chippy Panto I’ve been wanting to have a go at making some Arepas, corn cakes. A little after Christmas I followed the instructions on the pack of flour and maybe was a touch impatient on leaving the flour to absorb the water. My first go were tasty filled with the last of the roast duck and red cabbage from Christmas, A little reminiscent of popcorn! I’ll follow an online recipe next time though.

The remainder mince pie pastry in the freezer and mince meat required using up, so I came up with the idea of a hybrid mince pie and Yorkshire Curd Tart. I made some curds then used the pastry and mince meat a touch like a bakewell tart, adding the curd custard on top. The outcome was nice, a little strange, but nice. At least the pastry has been used up.

I’ve also finished my painting. Which is now hung in the not quite smallest room in the house. It’s positioning may be a slight problem for two reasons. 1, when sat down it isn’t quite in eye line of the mirror. 2, those who stand to use the facilities may get distracted!

However I’m very pleased with it and am considering doing a series of paintings in the same style based on places we visit on the network. We’ve come up with a few locations we should be visiting this year. I may even get some prints or cards made from them.
Anyhow, there’s jobs need doing.
0 locks, 0 miles, 2 busbars, 2 gauges, 3 fuses, 2 cases, 4 lights, 1 switch, 4 arepas, 1 Yorkshire Mince Pie, or 1 Mince Yorkshire Tart, Lock 21.
0.75 Pairs knitted

51.25 Pairs to go
Though it goes well with the wall colour, I think your painting deserves a little bit of an upgrade, location-wise! It is lovely! The idea of a series is great, and prints and/or cards would be wonderful.
Thank you Karen. I bought the canvas last year, the size matches a mirror on the opposite wall. I’d intended to do a Georgia OKeeffe type painting in red of something like a lily, but changed my mind to a canal theme. If I do a series they may well end up being put together as one big picture in a living room and I’ll do them a size that is easily scanned for reproduction, this one i think would have to be sent away.
Sorry…previous comment from Karen Berger, Canada; thanks.
Thank you Karen, we may have fixed the problem, but best to say who you are incase WordPress mess with things again!
That painting is amazing! Xx
Barbara NB Jack (formerly Bessie Surtees)
Thank you Barbara. Hopefully see you about somewhere this year, nice paint job by the way x
Hi Pip and Mick,
happy new year! Make sure you blog about it if you find a satisfactory phone cover you can take pictures through – I have a new phone too! and I’d love to see how effective your cupboard lights will be too, particularly where you position them! Happy cruising in 2024,
Debby and Dave
Hi Debby and Dave. Will do. I think there may be a hole in the market for a suitable boaters phone case. Waterproof and inflatable if it hit water! I suppose half the problem we have is once it’s fallen into the canal they are very hard to see in the murky water, so if it’s in a waterproof case you could ring it and get the screen to illuminate. Knowing my luck it would land face down though!
Think I’m going to trawl the phone shops and see first hand what’s on offer